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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

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I really hate an "everybody is in the same boat" type of response when trying to tell somebody about something that is upsetting or worrying me. Like, fuck off, please; do not ask me to elaborate about what is bothering me if you're going to insinuate that it's invalid simply because other people may feel the same way -- especially if I am supposed to be more important to you than these nonspecific, hypothetical others out there somewhere.

Sorry; I am just very pissed off at the moment.

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Now and for all time I fucking hate fucking summer. It's too hot and humid to leave the house except to get in an air conditioned car to go to an air conditioned office. The yard looks like 1313 Mockingbird Lane because I can't stand even the few minutes it takes to deadhead and tidy up. Hate it hate it hate it. Bring on October, please.

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We might actually get rain next week and get below 100 for the first time in over 2 months next week. I probably just jinxed it.

Add me to the chorus of people who hate summer. My parents are older, so I'm staying in Texas until they're gone, but after that I'm out. Probably to the northeast somewhere. 

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

We might actually get rain next week and get below 100 for the first time in over 2 months next week. I probably just jinxed it.

Add me to the chorus of people who hate summer. My parents are older, so I'm staying in Texas until they're gone, but after that I'm out. Probably to the northeast somewhere. 

It’s only 91 (RealFeel 97) here in the northeast and I’m loving it. I know I will be frozen to death with snow and ice far too soon, that alone makes me appreciate every bit of heat I can get.  

I do feel sorry for those of you living in extreme heat though, it’s got to be miserable.

Edited by Caoimhe
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1 hour ago, Caoimhe said:

It’s only 91 (RealFeel 97) here in the northeast and I’m loving it. I know I will be frozen to death with snow and ice far too soon, that alone makes me appreciate every bit of heat I can get.  

I do feel sorry for those of you living in extreme heat though, it’s got to be miserable.

We bought our first AC unit last year when temps were up to 107f. In Seattle that was unheard of. 

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I'm joining the chorus of I Hate Summer.  The heat literally makes me sick.  It saps my energy and makes me depressed.  I recently read that there is now an official determination that summer heat can depress people.  I could have told the experts that decades ago.

I don't enjoy extreme cold and certainly don't enjoy some of winter difficulties, like driving in snow and ice, but I function fine.  I can bundle up and get warm and all is well.

The prospect of the remaining weeks of summer heat is so dispiriting...

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Today shopping at a gift shop a middle aged man and woman were there. She picked up a few things, put on counter then went for more. He was loud and obnoxious saying to sales girl "don't encourage her, that's enough, she already spent too much" ... On and on. Woman never said a word. When they finally left I rolled my eyes at young salesgirl. She smiled. I felt like saying do not marry a moron like that.

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39 minutes ago, Suzn said:

I'm joining the chorus of I Hate Summer.  The heat literally makes me sick.  It saps my energy and makes me depressed.  I recently read that there is now an official determination that summer heat can depress people.  I could have told the experts that decades ago.

I don't enjoy extreme cold and certainly don't enjoy some of winter difficulties, like driving in snow and ice, but I function fine.  I can bundle up and get warm and all is well.

The prospect of the remaining weeks of summer heat is so dispiriting...

Last week, when it was in the upper nineties, I could barely move and both cats did throw up. It was awful.

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1 hour ago, Suzn said:

I'm joining the chorus of I Hate Summer.  The heat literally makes me sick.  It saps my energy and makes me depressed.  I recently read that there is now an official determination that summer heat can depress people.  I could have told the experts that decades ago.

I don't enjoy extreme cold and certainly don't enjoy some of winter difficulties, like driving in snow and ice, but I function fine.  I can bundle up and get warm and all is well.

The prospect of the remaining weeks of summer heat is so dispiriting...

I’m with you. I love the idea of sitting on my couch on a wintry snowy day and being lazy. I don’t enjoy the cleanup but I love that I can just chill indoors and not have the pressure to go anywhere or do anything. Summer feels so much more chaotic in a way with all the vacations and outdoor parties and everyone wanting to enjoy the “nice” weather. 

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I'm in the northeast and we're under a heat advisory until Monday night. This is following the heat advisory that just ended this past week. Temps are in the 90s and the humidity is in the 70s. I am not happy.

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1 hour ago, ABay said:

I'm in the northeast and we're under a heat advisory until Monday night. This is following the heat advisory that just ended this past week. Temps are in the 90s and the humidity is in the 70s. I am not happy.

I grew up in the mid-Hudson NY area and am shocked to hear about such high heat lasting so long there now. Back in the 60's & 70's, we'd get a heat wave that lasted maybe 4 days. Then a thunder storm would drop the temps to the 70's and low 80's. We didn't even have AC in our cars. I didn't get AC in a car until I moved to NC. Yikes! That place was humid and hot as hell. Now, that's what it's like in the DC suburbs all summer long. Just learned from a cousin summering in Maine that their wells are going dry 🥺.

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I'm joining in with dislike of summer.  Ranking seasons for me:  #1 by a mile is autumn, #2 is winter, #3 is spring, and #4 is summer.  We never had AC when I was a kid in the 60's and 70's.  Even 30 years ago, living in my first home with central air, I usually  had it on for a few days, maybe a total of 10 days all summer long.  Now it seems I have it on the majority of days from June 1 (sometimes in May) to September 15.  The worst was the five years I was having hot flashes and was miserable all the time, but the summer was especially hellish.  

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This is the depression I wrote about:

"You've probably heard about seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, which affects about 4% to 6% of the U.S. population. SAD typically causes depression as the days get shorter and colder. But about 10% of people with SAD get it in the reverse -- the onset of summer triggers their depression symptoms.Aug 18, 2021"

I always thought I was the only one made depressed by summer.

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20 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I’m in the northeast as well. Doesn’t look like we’ll have any relief until Wednesday or so. 

Me too.  I love the four seasons, especially autumn when the leaves are falling.  Once we moved to Florida, but came back after eighteen months.  I was stuck in the house with the air conditioner as it was always so hot.  The only decent month was January.  I love to be cozy in the house on my sofa watching tv in winter with my candles all lit and my electric throw on.  I’m easy.

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I could never enjoy a snow day because I’m too anxious / stressed / angry. Whenever I see the meteorologists with their happy smiles saying how nice it is that we’re getting a foot and a half of snow I want to scream. We have a house that isn’t easy to clean up (long steep driveway, lots of stairs to the front door, vents and a generator in back that needs to be shoveled out too). My husband handles the heavy snowblower and does the driveway. I shovel the rest but I’m neither young nor physically fit any more.

A forecast for days of sub-freezing temps doesn’t upset me like snow because there’s no cleanup and the roads remain driveable. I wear multiple thermal layers and have three heavy quilts on top of me all winter while I dream of summer heat.  

Spring and autumn are okay, spring is better because days are getting longer, things are growing, and summer is on its way.  Autumn is just the descent into the hell of darkness and winter. Plus there’s a lot of raking and gathering leaves but I’ll take that over snow.

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Heh...until I moved south, I always would get depressed at the end of July, and August would be such a downer for me. Hated September & had a hard time appreciating the gorgeous NYS foliage. All because dreaded, dark, cold, winter was on its way. Then I moved to NC. Good God almighty!! It was hot as hell & so humid. I suddenly started wishing September would hurry up. Then we moved to the DC area. Still hot. I now love fall and winter 💙☃️❄️ I want to move to NH but MrP914 says he doesn't want to deal with so much snow. Just heard that this Friday is going to be in the low 80's 🎉😸.

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25 minutes ago, Caoimhe said:

I could never enjoy a snow day because I’m too anxious / stressed / angry. Whenever I see the meteorologists with their happy smiles saying how nice it is that we’re getting a foot and a half of snow I want to scream. We have a house that isn’t easy to clean up (long steep driveway, lots of stairs to the front door, vents and a generator in back that needs to be shoveled out too). My husband handles the heavy snowblower and does the driveway. I shovel the rest but I’m neither young nor physically fit any more.

A forecast for days of sub-freezing temps doesn’t upset me like snow because there’s no cleanup and the roads remain driveable. I wear multiple thermal layers and have three heavy quilts on top of me all winter while I dream of summer heat.  

Spring and autumn are okay, spring is better because days are getting longer, things are growing, and summer is on its way.  Autumn is just the descent into the hell of darkness and winter. Plus there’s a lot of raking and gathering leaves but I’ll take that over snow.

After having houses and cutting grass and shoveling snow, we bought a condo and pay dues each month.  They cut grass, shovel snow, anything on the outside.  What a pleasure.  Worth the money as we can’t do that anymore.

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NEaster here too. Summer used to be my favorite, but its been bumped down to #2 because I don't tolerate the heat so well anymore. But I love the long days and having access to water and A/C eases the discomfort. I do love winter, but really only for about a week, or maybe a month. Spring and fall are #1 and #3 for me.

Looking forward to this wet blanket of heat turning dry next week.

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I find the different reactions to the seasons interesting.  It's hard for me to imagine that people enjoy the heat when I feel so sick with it.  I think getting seriously over-heated in my teens has made my system unable to adjust to it.  When I was about 15, my folks left me home on a 100+ degree day (of course no a/c in our farm house) and when they got home they found me shivering and wrapped up in a blanket.  My mother quickly gave me salt water to drink and I snapped out of it. (I have no idea how she knew to do that or why it worked.)

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

Ugh, yes - I hate when it gets dark early. 

It’s weird—it’s not that I don’t like the dark in general. In fact, I love when it gets crazy dark because of a sudden thunderstorm and I love spooky October dusky evenings! I just hate it when it’s paired with cold, especially when I’m working at home by myself.

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Now that we're making Daylight Savings permanent next year in the US, will it get as dark so early in the fall/winter anymore? I don't mind it getting dark early myself, I absolutely hate that it stays light until after 9pm during most of the summer. 

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Is the permanent daylight savings thing a done deal?   I thought it had to be passed by the House after it ran through the Senate with no opposition (because some people weren't there or weren't paying attention).   Personally I hate the idea.   If they want to get rid of the time change I think it should be standard all year.

Growing up and in fact most of my life I would have said that summer was my favorite time of year, and the point about getting dark early is a good one, I just hate it when it's dark at 4 pm or so.  But to add to the other comments above, these recent heat waves in the Northeast (I'm in NYC) are just horrible and it's far from over.   I had thought I was going to have to replace my "portable" AC (the kind with the hose that goes to the window) because it was barely cooling at all but when I went to replace the filters I found that the hose had come loose.  Fixed that, and now I'm fine in the apartment more or less but hate the idea of going out in this cement city.

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

NEaster here too. Summer used to be my favorite, but its been bumped down to #2 because I don't tolerate the heat so well anymore. But I love the long days and having access to water and A/C eases the discomfort. I do love winter, but really only for about a week, or maybe a month. Spring and fall are #1 and #3 for me.

Looking forward to this wet blanket of heat turning dry next week.

Same here on all counts.  I started out a cold person and Summer was my favorite season.  I would wear a light sweater when it was in the '70s out and the '90s didn't bother me so much.  Since menopause I've become a hotter person.  The hot flashes are long since gone but I still feel a little hotter than I used to.  Now I start to swelter in the mid 80s and forget the humidity - ugh.  On top of that the Summers are getting hotter so it's a bad combination.  

I love the 4 seasons but Winter is still my least favorite.  I have a long driveway and live on a small mountain.  (It just qualifies as a mountain).  So the snow removal is expensive and the driving can be treacherous.  I wish we could fast forward after the holidays to the end of March.  It takes a long time to warm up here in CT and then we go straight from 50 degrees to 80.  I hate living in a place where we're always on the border between rain, ice and snow.  We never know which one it's going to be in the Winter.  I grew up in NYC near the shore where the temps. are more moderate.  Inland there are higher highs and lower lows. 

7 minutes ago, roseha said:

Is the permanent daylight savings thing a done deal?   I thought it had to be passed by the House after it ran through the Senate with no opposition (because some people weren't there or weren't paying attention).   Personally I hate the idea.   If they want to get rid of the time change I think it should be standard all year.

It still has to pass in the House.  I don't remember why they haven't voted on it yet.  Probably because it's not high on the list right now.  I'm personally for the idea of permanent Daylight Savings because it would mean that we would keep that extra hour of daylight at the end of a day.  As an older person with night vision that isn't bad but isn't what it used to be either, I like the idea of being able to stay out a little later without worrying about seeing.  And worrying about getting mugged or robbed, too.  These days we have more reasons to worry about that.

I also suffer from SADS and I know that extra hour of daylight when I'm awake would really help me.  I find it really depressing when it gets dark at 4:00 p.m.  It never bothered me that much when I was young, but things change when you get older.  Most of my friends in my age bracket tend to feel the same way.  We are more affected by the lack of light now than when we were younger and would give anything to have that extra hour in the evening in the Winter, when we need it the most.  

The problem with keeping Standard Time all year long is that where I live it would start getting light out at around 3:30 in the morning in the late Spring and early Summer.  I'm one of those people that needs complete darkness or it disturbs my sleep.  And even wearing blackout eye shades there is always a little sliver of light getting through - ugh.  And I don't have blackout shades in my bedroom.  Not looking to have to get them either.  

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I need complete silence and darkness while I sleep too. No TV, no lights. I just can’t wait for the day I don’t have apartment neighbors who aren’t prone to staying up late and making noise I can hear through my floor or ceiling.

Of course I’ll have to buy a house first. But that’s another topic. 

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8 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I need complete silence and darkness while I sleep too. No TV, no lights. I just can’t wait for the day I don’t have apartment neighbors who aren’t prone to staying up late and making noise I can hear through my floor or ceiling.

I'm the same, except even in a private house you can still have noisy neighbors.  Fortunately my windows are sound deadening enough and my bedroom is on the opposite side of the house or I'd hear the neighbors' rooster crowing all freaking day long, LOL.  I can laugh about it because as a city kid it still cracks me up that I actually live next door to a chicken coop, and the rooster is pretty harmless and funny and we get free eggs, so there is that. 🐓

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The heat advisory that was supposed to expire tonight has been extended to tomorrow night. The temps will dip all the way down to the mid to high 80s later this week.  Just kill me now.

Edited by ABay
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9 hours ago, Yeah No said:

The problem with keeping Standard Time all year long is that where I live it would start getting light out at around 3:30 in the morning in the late Spring and early Summer.

Yeah... The crack of dawn would be WAY too early, especially up north.

I was perfectly fine with changing time twice a year.

I prefer sunrise/sunset on December 21st to be standard time of 7:18 AM and 4:32 PM as opposed to 8:18 AM / 5:32 PM.  I'm not a fan of sitting at my office at work watching the sun come up.  

I'm also not a fan of the idea of keeping standard time and having the sun come up on June 21st at 4:22 AM.

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2 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

Yeah... The crack of dawn would be WAY too early, especially up north.

I was perfectly fine with changing time twice a year.

I prefer sunrise/sunset on December 21st to be standard time of 7:18 AM and 4:32 PM as opposed to 8:18 AM / 5:32 PM.  I'm not a fan of sitting at my office at work watching the sun come up.  

I'm also not a fan of the idea of keeping standard time and having the sun come up on June 21st at 4:22 AM.

I still think that if they don't want to change time, we should change time once more, but only a half an hour and split the difference.

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

The heat advisory that was supposed to expire tonight has been extended to tomorrow night. The temps will dip all the way down to the mid to high 80s later this week.  Just kill me now.

They are projecting a high of 97 tomorrow in New York City.  Seriously,  I think this will be about the fifth day in a row of this.

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15 hours ago, ABay said:

The heat advisory that was supposed to expire tonight has been extended to tomorrow night. The temps will dip all the way down to the mid to high 80s later this week.  Just kill me now.

That made me think of what I saw on the local weather last weekend--I think you'd approve of the descriptor for the purple level.


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19 hours ago, roseha said:

They are projecting a high of 97 tomorrow in New York City.  Seriously,  I think this will be about the fifth day in a row of this.

Yup. Just went out walking my dog. We could hardly drag ourselves down the block.  Pupper was pooped. 

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10 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

That made me think of what I saw on the local weather last weekend--I think you'd approve of the descriptor for the purple level.

Hah, that reminds me of a local channel's "frizz factor" meter.  I think today would definitely qualify as "ponytail".


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25 minutes ago, theatremouse said:

Why are yogurt lids razorblades? 

This cut is so bad I can't fingerprint open my phone.

Because they're too cheap to put real lids on them anymore.  And while we're at it, they're too cheap to give you enough yogurt anymore either.  The small size started at 8 ounces, went to 6 and is now at 5.3.  And prices didn't go down to match the downsizing.  Why even bother anymore?  Customers complain on social media but the companies don't care.  The reasons they give for the change are total BS.  Yoplait original and LaYogurt still come in 6 oz. sizes so I tend to buy them for my smoothies, in the light versions.

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12 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Yoplait original and LaYogurt still come in 6 oz. sizes so I tend to buy them for my smoothies, in the light versions.

Noosa makes an 8 oz yogurt that's outrageously decadent. Their strawberry rhubarb is the best. I think it comes in at around 270 calories, so it's definitely not low fat. I just ate a 6 oz LaYogurt probiotic strawberry yogurt for lunch. It's 140 calories; I just can't abide the taste of the low-cal yogurts. As a special treat, I will have a Noosa yogurt every once in a while.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

was the one that said "supposebly" do you have Chandler as your avatar?

It's Chandler saying it right before worrying that he might have found the ONE already but he dumped her because she pronounces it supposebly.

Chandler freaking out.

Apparently, I'm spelling it wrong and it should be supposably😄.

Edited by supposebly
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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Because they're too cheap to put real lids on them anymore.  And while we're at it, they're too cheap to give you enough yogurt anymore either.  The small size started at 8 ounces, went to 6 and is now at 5.3.  

Not knocking your peeve, but the weapon in my case was a 32oz yogurt.

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I quit eating most yogurt after looking at the sugar count. I don't do fake sugars so "light" or "reduced sugar" versions aren't an option. I'm no health nut but if I'm going to eat something with 20+ grams of sugar it's not going to be something pretending to be healthy.

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32 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I quit eating most yogurt after looking at the sugar count. I don't do fake sugars so "light" or "reduced sugar" versions aren't an option. I'm no health nut but if I'm going to eat something with 20+ grams of sugar it's not going to be something pretending to be healthy.

What about plain?  That's my go-to and I typically eat it with berries or other fruit.  

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