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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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16 hours ago, Bastet said:

The Spanish language uses Latino for men and Latina for women.  Some use Latinx as a replacement term for all Latin Americans, rather than differentiating based on gender (especially using a binary system that leaves some people out).  Here's a Time article from a couple of years ago.

Is this newer term preference something that has emerged from the Latin American communities themselves  in recent years or from others not actually in said communities insisting they be termed this regardless of their individual personal preferences? That would make a difference.

Edited by Blergh
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2 hours ago, Blergh said:

Shouldn't be spelt 'BIPoC' since the 'o' is the first letter comprising the word 'of' and 'of' itself is an article ? Articles are NOT supposed to be capitalized. Just wondering.

The word "of" is actually a preposition, not an article. But short prepositions are also usually lowercase in titles and acronyms.

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5 hours ago, Blergh said:

Is this newer term preference something that has emerged from the Latin American communities themselves  in recent years or from others not actually in said communities insisting they be termed this regardless of their individual personal preferences? That would make a difference.

Who tends to use it and why is covered in that Time article I linked, and this Pew study goes into detail:


However, for the population it is meant to describe, only 23% of U.S. adults who self-identify as Hispanic or Latino have heard of the term Latinx, and just 3% say they use it to describe themselves, according to a nationally representative, bilingual survey of U.S. Hispanic adults conducted in December 2019 by Pew Research Center.

The emergence of Latinx coincides with a global movement to introduce gender-neutral nouns and pronouns into many languages whose grammar has traditionally used male or female constructions. In the United States, the first uses of Latinx appeared more than a decade ago. It was added to a widely used English dictionary in 2018, reflecting its greater use.

Yet the use of Latinx is not common practice, and the term’s emergence has generated debate about its appropriateness in a gendered language like Spanish. Some critics point to its origins among U.S. English speakers, saying it ignores the Spanish language and its gendered form. Still, there are examples of the term’s use in Spanish in the U.S. and abroad. Meanwhile, others see Latinx as a gender- and LGBTQ-inclusive term, reflecting a broader movement within the U.S. around gender identity.



When asked in an open-ended question what Latinx means in their own words, 42% of those who have heard the term describe it as a gender-neutral one. As one 21-year-old woman said, “Latinx is a more inclusive term to use for those who do not choose to identify with a certain gender. The terms Latino and Latina are very limiting for certain people.”

Other responses from the open-ended question offer other descriptions of Latinx and reactions to it. For example, 12% of respondents who had heard of Latinx express disagreement or dislike of the term. Some described the term as an “anglicism” of the Spanish language, while others say the term is “not representative of the larger Latino community.”

Among other responses, 12% say Latinx is a term about being Hispanic or Latino, while 9% of those aware of Latinx say it is an LGBTQ community inclusive term. And 6% of respondents who have heard of Latinx say it is a new, alternative or replacement term for Latino.

I'd seen it a fair bit in writing, but had never heard it spoken until a few years ago, by a character on the One Day at a Time reboot.  Until then, I wasn't sure if it was pronounced Latin-ex or Lateen-ex.  The latter would make sense, given the words it's meant to offer an alternative to, and indeed that's it, but for some reason my mind had been reading it the other way.

Edited by Bastet
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5 hours ago, Blergh said:

Is this newer term preference something that has emerged from the Latin American communities themselves  in recent years or from others not actually in said communities insisting they be termed this regardless of their individual personal preferences? That would make a difference.

You’ll get a zillion different answers, depending on when they or their family members arrived and region they live in, I suppose.  

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20 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I took it in an entirely different direction.  If indeed past lives were a thing, that how one acts in a previous life, determines what the next life would be.  A horrible person in a previous life would have a horrible next life, that type of thing.

If that were true, I must have been a real asshole.  Uncontrollable anxiety attacks that come out of nowhere is something that I have never been able to get rid of, and since it is part of who I am, there isn't much I can do about it.  Nothing seems to work, and I have tried everything for decades.  They just come on like a wave out of nowhere. 

Peeve:  I don't like the hot weather, the Fall can't get here fast enough.

It is so hot and uncomfortable when clothes stick to the body.

I'm in Seattle. Nuff said.

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I love Seattle summers! I know it can get pretty hot, but it's so sunny and pretty. ❤️

My pet peeve is dating, especially going on dates with men you don't know well. I know they make it look like it can be fun on Sex & the City and movies. As an anxious person, there are so many things I worry about. 

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2 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Just don't make the mistake of encouraging Frasier to start ranting about the crappy weather in Seattle. He learned that lesson the hard way :p. 

That's just it though. It's literally never been this hot in Seattle in the history of ever.

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20 hours ago, Bastet said:

Yeah, I love how everyone who claims to have had a past life was something fabulous.  You never hear, "I was a leech collector in a previous life."

My aunt who believes in reincarnation went once under some sort of hypnosis to experience previous lives. I try not to judge, but I think people who offer these things are frauds. Anyway, she apparently had some boring experiences in past lives, no epic adventures, just various boring jobs.

2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Peeve:  I don't like the hot weather, the Fall can't get here fast enough.

It is so hot and uncomfortable when clothes stick to the body.

I hate summers. May to August is a hell for me and I am getting more and more scared of climate change, because I can feel that each years is hotter. I dream of one day moving to Scotland, or some Scandinavian country.

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36 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

That's just it though. It's literally never been this hot in Seattle in the history of ever.

And I'm guessing you have no AC? Please be sure to find a "cool center" if you need one!
I'm hoping the reason this URL:
gives me a "Sorry, no content matched your criteria." is because I'm in Rochester NY and not because there aren't any cooling centers for you, @peacheslatour😟

BTW, it's 92°F here right now, and even with the AC units running, it's 82°F in the house.

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8 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

And I'm guessing you have no AC? Please be sure to find a "cool center" if you need one!
I'm hoping the reason this URL:
gives me a "Sorry, no content matched your criteria." is because I'm in Rochester NY and not because there aren't any cooling centers for you, @peacheslatour😟

BTW, it's 92°F here right now, and even with the AC units running, it's 82°F in the house.

It was 110 here yesterday and again today. Hardly anyone here has A/C because..well, it never gets that hot here. I ordered one but it won't be here for a couple weeks. Right now, I'm just sitting in a dark room, in front of a fan with a bowl of ice water next to me, periodically dropping a washcloth in it and plastering it to the back of my neck or laying it across my thighs. I have several misters, which I've been alternating in the fridge. We wipe the cat down with a cool damp cloth about once an hour. He seems to enjoy it.

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Just now, peacheslatour said:

It was 110 here yesterday and again today. Hardly anyone here has A/C because..well, it never gets that hot here. I ordered one but it won't be here for a couple weeks. Right now, I'm just sitting in a dark room, in front of a fan with a bowl of ice water next to me, periodically dropping a washcloth in it and plastering it to the back of my neck or laying it across my thighs. I have several misters, which I've been alternating in the fridge. We wipe the cat down with a cool damp cloth about once an hour. He seems to enjoy it.

Cold showers maybe? 
Back in the 70s when I was living (illegally) in my art studio with just a window fan, I would get my hair wet to stay cool. Keeping the brain cool is essential, although I didn't know it at the time.

I'm doing okay right now next to the AC unit. I think it helps that I went for a swim in the 64°F lake this morning. 

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3 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

We wipe the cat down with a cool damp cloth about once an hour. He seems to enjoy it.

I had to do that to my cats before I put in AC.  One time it was so damn hot in the house (98 degrees in the middle of the night), I stuck them in the sink, turned on the faucet, and practically drenched them.  Then I got in the (cold) shower and did the same to myself.  No drying off, we just laid under the ceiling fan.  It felt so good they barely even groomed themselves, just enjoyed and let themselves air dry.

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Regarding the BIPOC acronym, I have seen it used, but I am a bit lost - what happened to POC? I mean, black and indigenous people count as people of color, right? So why not use just POC, as seemed to be the case before? Or am I missing something here? 

@Lady Whistleup - thanks for clarifying that it is an adjective. As someone with English as a  second language, I know I often mix nouns and adjectives, especially when it comes to acronyms or words that are derived from other words.

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3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I had to do that to my cats before I put in AC.  One time it was so damn hot in the house (98 degrees in the middle of the night), I stuck them in the sink, turned on the faucet, and practically drenched them.  Then I got in the (cold) shower and did the same to myself.  No drying off, we just laid under the ceiling fan.  It felt so good they barely even groomed themselves, just enjoyed and let themselves air dry.

He has gotten the hang of this. We have a box fan sitting on the floor of the living room and as soon as we wipe him down, he goes and lies in front of it.


Cold showers maybe? 

Good idea. I'm going to go do that right now.

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9 minutes ago, JustHereForFood said:

Regarding the BIPOC acronym, I have seen it used, but I am a bit lost - what happened to POC? I mean, black and indigenous people count as people of color, right? So why not use just POC, as seemed to be the case before? Or am I missing something here? 

In choosing whether to use POC or BIPOC, the short answer is it comes down to whether one finds it valuable or divisive to draw attention to the specific history (genocide, slavery) and ongoing injustices affecting Black and Indigenous people in addition to the shared injustices of all people of color.

From The BIPOC Project, linked earlier in the thread:



The BIPOC Project aims to build authentic and lasting solidarity among Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), in order to undo Native invisibility, anti-Blackness, dismantle white supremacy and advance racial justice.

We use the term BIPOC to highlight the unique relationship to whiteness that Indigenous and Black (African Americans) people have, which shapes the experiences of and relationship to white supremacy for all people of color within a U.S. context. We unapologetically focus on and center relationships among BIPOC folks.

This nation is firmly entrenched in maintaining white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism. This reality has been resisted in multiple ways, including organizing led by and among various communities of color for survival. However, many efforts still focus only on combating white supremacy, with limited attention to the way communities of color adopt and reinforce these harms amongst ourselves and against other marginalized groups in a “race towards the bottom” for naming our pain.  As a result, many multiracial BIPOC communities continue to be challenged to develop authentic and accountable inter-group relationships despite a shared struggle under white supremacy. These challenges often undermine anti-racist organizing among people of color because each community is differently shaped and situated depending on intersectional issues and identities.


Or, from an article about the two terms, advocating for the use of BIPOC in some situations:



In other words, the term aims to bring to center stage the specific violence, cultural erasure, and discrimination experienced by Black and Indigenous people.

It reinforces the fact that not all People of Color have the same experience, particularly when it comes to legislation and systemic oppression.



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A friend of mine in Vancouver has taken to putting her pillowcases in the freezer and then draping them across the back of her neck. She also said her neighbor made small pillows filled with dry rice and she rotates them in and out of the freezer to help her sleep a little cooler. I worry about all of y'all up there with no A/C during all of this. We had the opposite problem in Texas in February with a winter storm. Extreme weather can be so dangerous. 

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When I lived in a 2nd floor apartment with no AC, I would take a cold shower before bed and sleep in a damp t shirt. I don't know how I survived.

I'm so glad I bought and installed the 2 new units before this fucking heat wave hit, otherwise I'd be having an anxiety attack every time the old one made a new noise. The electric bill will be sky high but at least I'll be alive to pay it.

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On 6/14/2021 at 4:14 PM, shapeshifter said:

Not always. English language prepositions are tricky, and I have become very frustrated with tech support personnel who use prepositions that I suspect are incorrect, but, more importantly, change the meaning of the next step in resolving my printer (or other problem). 

It’s not necessarily that English language prepositions are especially tricky. Which specific preposition is used in a specific context varies across languages. I work with people from several different countries, with a large variety of first languages, and even among those who have a first language in common, they sometimes use different prepositions for similar phrases because they’re from different regions. Even in English, for example, some people wait “in line” while others wait “on line.” All that said, though, using the “wrong” prepositions consistently is a good indication that the speaker/writer is not a native speaker. 

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Just now, MargeGunderson said:

@peacheslatour and anyone else in the hot weather, try filling a basin with cold water and ice, put it in front of a fan (so the air blows across the water) and put your feet in the water. I learned this when I severely sprained my ankle during a heat wave. 

Ah, that sounds divine. I will definitely try it. Lol, I'm running out of bowls to put cold water in. Between my ice water for my cloth, the one for wiping down the cat and all the extra bowls of water we have scattered around for him.Time to break out the mixing bowls. Thanks! BTW, I love your avatar.

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14 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

@peacheslatour and anyone else in the hot weather, try filling a basin with cold water and ice, put it in front of a fan (so the air blows across the water) and put your feet in the water. I learned this when I severely sprained my ankle during a heat wave. 

I've done this too. It works.

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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

When I was a little kid I would to tell people I used to be a cow.

Well, Doja Cat stole that from you & launched a whole career with it. 😁


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8 hours ago, Bastet said:

Who tends to use it and why is covered in that Time article I linked, and this Pew study goes into detail:


I'd seen it a fair bit in writing, but had never heard it spoken until a few years ago, by a character on the One Day at a Time reboot.  Until then, I wasn't sure if it was pronounced Latin-ex or Lateen-ex.  The latter would make sense, given the words it's meant to offer an alternative to, and indeed that's it, but for some reason my mind had been reading it the other way.

OK, thanks for the explanations.

I don't think that there would be that many non LGBTQ folks descended from Spanish speakers who'd prefer Latinx  but  would still prefer to be considered Latinos, Latinas or Hispanics (which itself is a perfectly gender-neutral term). 

All-in-all, I think it would be for the best to ask individuals what term/s they'd prefer to be tagged (or even if they want to be tagged by anything) and honor their wishes. 


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1 hour ago, Blergh said:

All-in-all, I think it would be for the best to ask individuals what term/s they'd prefer to be tagged (or even if they want to be tagged by anything) and honor their wishes. 

Well, yes, that's generally (there will always be dogmatic outliers) the idea behind putting broader, alternative terms out there - to offer a more inclusive option for those who feel left out by traditional nomenclature, allow folks to choose what best describes them, require those choices be honored, encourage outside parties to use the most-inclusive term in the absence of knowing what the particular people being discussed prefer, and spark a societal reflection on how and why the terms used to refer to marginalized groups change over time and an examination of the overt limitations and/or subconscious biases (including internalized subconscious biases) of existing terms. 

Edited by Bastet
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A recurring pet peeve just raised its noisy head. Apparently somebody in my normally quiet neighborhood secured a hefty supply of 4th of July fireworks today. Yes, they're illegal in the city limits. Yes, some were set off tonight. Yes, I'm anticipating eight nights of this.

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6 minutes ago, HissyFit said:

A recurring pet peeve just raised its noisy head. Apparently somebody in my normally quiet neighborhood secured a hefty supply of 4th of July fireworks today. Yes, they're illegal in the city limits. Yes, some were set off tonight. Yes, I'm anticipating eight nights of this.

Oh, god, yes. In my area, we've had people firing them off on occasion since at least before Memorial Day. Alongside the legality issues you mention, there's also the fact that it's been bone dry in a lot of areas of the country of late (again, including where I live), so, y'know, maybe now's not the time to be setting off fireworks as a result? For cripes' sake, we've had people accidentally starting wildfires because their gender reveals went awry, and yet we're supposed to trust your average person to handle fireworks? 

Add in the fact that there are people with PTSD who do not respond well to the sound of fireworks, and yeah, it makes the fact that we've got random yahoos out there shooting them off willy nilly (and in some cases, flaunting the laws to do so) all the more frustrating and annoying. We have people who are professionally trained to handle them, and who wait to set them off until the actual holiday in question rolls around. Let them take care of it

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25 minutes ago, HissyFit said:

A recurring pet peeve just raised its noisy head. Apparently somebody in my normally quiet neighborhood secured a hefty supply of 4th of July fireworks today. Yes, they're illegal in the city limits. Yes, some were set off tonight. Yes, I'm anticipating eight nights of this.

This really irks me as well.  I am not personally bothered by fireworks, nor is my cat.  But by this the year 2021, it is well known that many people (particularly those with PTSD) and pets are terribly affected.  So if people kept fireworks - and I'm even fine with illegal backyard/street shenanigans in addition to sanctioned municipal events so long as not done in a way that poses a fire hazard (which, of course, rules out a chunk of people engaging in such displays) - to several hours per night on Independence Day and New Year's Eve, those who need to account for those significant reactions could prepare and deal accordingly.

But when it's done for days before and after those holidays, plus for a night here and there to celebrate random shit like the hometown team just won a big game, they can't.  They can't predict every time it's going to happen, and even for the known holidays it's way too long a period for them to have to figure out how to make it through someone else's idea of fun.  That's not fair; in fact, that's a complete lack of compassion and consideration.  Because it's entirely possible to balance the fireworks tradition with the understanding limitations on it are important to the health and safety of neighbors.  And how the hell do you not value the latter over the former when determining that balance?

Edited by Bastet
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36 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

there's also the fact that it's been bone dry in a lot of areas of the country of late (again, including where I live), so, y'know, maybe now's not the time to be setting off fireworks as a result? For cripes' sake, we've had people accidentally starting wildfires because their gender reveals went awry, and yet we're supposed to trust your average person to handle fireworks

The place where my kids grew up is burning now. This fire may not have been caused by fireworks, but others near there have.

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1 minute ago, shapeshifter said:

The place where my kids grew up is burning now. This fire may not have been caused by fireworks, but others near there have.

Ugh. I'm sorry. I hope they're able to contain the fire and everyone will be okay. 

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One of my dogs is terrified of fireworks (and different lights and shadows - he's around 70lbs, and becomes a lap dog, or hides in the bathroom :( ). If he hears a boom, or thunder, he wants to come home.. We also recently found out that he's afraid of fireflies. He was on a quilt, on the floor, and a firefly was crawling over it, and blinking its light. He crawled away from it. He doesn't like the torch light on my phone., either. 

I like fireworks, at the right time, and in a different place. Our neighbours love fireworks, but my dad recently told them about our dog, so I'm hoping they won't go crazy with them this year.

Edited by Anela
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There seems to be 2 different uses for the word "Latinx" one has something to with gender, & one (the one I was originally talking about) refers to music. 

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12 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

It was 110 here yesterday and again today. Hardly anyone here has A/C because..well, it never gets that hot here. I ordered one but it won't be here for a couple weeks. Right now, I'm just sitting in a dark room, in front of a fan with a bowl of ice water next to me, periodically dropping a washcloth in it and plastering it to the back of my neck or laying it across my thighs. I have several misters, which I've been alternating in the fridge. We wipe the cat down with a cool damp cloth about once an hour. He seems to enjoy it.

A trick we all used to do in the East Village in the 80's was putting your top sheet and your underwear into the freezer before you went to bed.  Also as many have suggested take many short cool/cold showers.

Window fans are cheaper than air conditioners and cool off a room a LOT.

Edited to add: yes, you're supposed to take the sheet and the underwear out of the freezer right when you go to bed.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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2 hours ago, GaT said:

There seems to be 2 different uses for the word "Latinx" one has something to with gender, & one (the one I was originally talking about) refers to music. 

I know I used to hear the word “Latinx” on the radio program “Latino USA” (latinousa.org/about) when I still listened to radio before moving in January. 
I think the that the title of the mostly female-hosted program being the masculine form of the word hints at the need for a gender neutral term.

 I also heard “Latinx” mentioned on some music programs broadcast by the same NPR station (WBEZ).

Often the music station would have reason to talk about culture, and the more cultural program would speak about music.

I would also hear mentions of Latinx fiction or authors. 

Edited by shapeshifter
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Speaking of diversity:  I absolutely hate it when diversity and inclusion facilitators try to make everyone feel like they’re victims when they have never felt that they were.  It can cause stress to those who are more sensitive (like me) - I’ve participated in several groups because I wanted to offer my perspective, which is different often from the “expected narrative” only to be dismissed.  And even yelled at.  Well, “yelled” since it’s mostly been online.  I often feel like I’m being brainwashed to feel like I’ve been victimized by society.  This is NOT good mental health-wise and NOT GOOD for diversity and inclusion. 

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7 hours ago, HissyFit said:

A recurring pet peeve just raised its noisy head. Apparently somebody in my normally quiet neighborhood secured a hefty supply of 4th of July fireworks today. Yes, they're illegal in the city limits. Yes, some were set off tonight. Yes, I'm anticipating eight nights of this.

I know! There were fireworks that started last Saturday. First, I thought it was thunder, but then I heard the "pop-pop" sound, looked out, and yep, fireworks. I couldn't make out who was responsible, as there were no scheduled events. 

I'm thinking because last year we were in lockdown, because I swear, I don't think I heard or saw any--I saw a little bit of it last weekend over the tops of the trees. 

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14 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

The way to best help victims is by building their self-esteem up without tearing others down.   For some, tearing others down may feel good, and they may think they are helping those who are truly victims, but they aren't helping those victims.  Those victims will always be victims in their own minds until they find a way to take control of their own lives rise above their victimhood.  Growing a thick skin helps.

It may sound corny, but it really is true, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again."

This sounds exactly like what my dad has been saying.  He didn’t get to where he is now without confidence.  He didn’t grow up in a wealthy home, yet still managed to go to not only go to university, but a graduate degree in science as well an MBA.  Both of his latter degrees were done here in Canada.  He worked in finance and was often the only Asian and often the only person who didn’t speak English as a primary/default language.  He never let either get in the way and never really even thought about it.  He still doesn’t understand why people use that as an identity so much.  

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Nothing says happy birthday America like getting drunk and blowing stuff up. Never mind the impact it has on veterans with PTSD, neighbors, pets, wildlife or the environment. People are selfish and that is an ongoing peeve.


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Speaking of acronyms, I've seen the use of "LGBTNBGNC2SQQIPAA" -- lesbian gay bi transgender, non-binary, non-gender conforming, two spirit, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, asexual, and agender. I have a hard time remembering this one.

Back to a pet peeve -- I hate monthly visitor Aunt Flo during the hot summers. Ugh. 

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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14 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Nothing says happy birthday America like getting drunk and blowing stuff up. Never mind the impact it has on veterans with PTSD, neighbors, pets, wildlife or the environment. People are selfish and that is an ongoing peeve.


Agreed. I was never a big fan of fireworks growing up but I loathe them now. My poor 14 year old dog will be a mess for the next week.

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14 hours ago, Blergh said:

OK, thanks for the explanations.

I don't think that there would be that many non LGBTQ folks descended from Spanish speakers who'd prefer Latinx  but  would still prefer to be considered Latinos, Latinas or Hispanics (which itself is a perfectly gender-neutral term). 

All-in-all, I think it would be for the best to ask individuals what term/s they'd prefer to be tagged (or even if they want to be tagged by anything) and honor their wishes. 


My husband is part Native American (as is my son, obviously) and I asked them once if being called an "Indian" bothered them. They both answered in the negative. All you have to do is ask.


Speaking of acronyms, I've seen the use of "LGBTNBGNC2SQQIPAA" -- lesbian gay bi transgender, non-binary, non-gender conforming, two spirit, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, asexual, and agender. I have a hard time remembering this one.

I have also seen LGBTQWTFBBQ. Just some levity

Edited by peacheslatour
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19 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

Agreed. I was never a big fan of fireworks growing up but I loathe them now. My poor 14 year old dog will be a mess for the next week.

One of the only good things about this pandemic was little to no fireworks last July 1 or on either of the Victoria Day's we celebrated.  I am not optimistic that people are going to be as restrained this year.  At least if the piles of fireworks for sale in our local stores are anything to go by.

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3 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

One of the only good things about this pandemic was little to no fireworks last July 1 or on either of the Victoria Day's we celebrated.  I am not optimistic that people are going to be as restrained this year.  At least if the piles of fireworks for sale in our local stores are anything to go by.

We heard them last night. Hey, it's 106 degrees out and hasn't rained in weeks, lets set the whole fucking county on fire, what could go wrong? Idiots.

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14 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

One of the only good things about this pandemic was little to no fireworks last July 1

Really? They were worse than ever here last year; I figured people were blowing stuff up more than ever because they were so stir crazy at that point. Random fireworks have been going off in my neighborhood since Memorial Day, it's incredibly annoying. At first my dog thought it was thunder and would wake me up at all hours of the night (people seem to love setting them off after midnight). Now she's figured out it's not and she's calmed down. Luckily, she's only afraid of thunder and can distinguish between the two. I just don't get it--when I was a kid, our parents would get us sparklers but nothing loud and ongoing like what I hear. It just wasn't something that was done, I don't get why it's so popular now.

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14 minutes ago, emma675 said:

(people seem to love setting them off after midnight)

Same. 1, 2 am, boom, time to light off some fireworks. Who cares if anyone's trying to sleep at that time or anything, right? 

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16 minutes ago, emma675 said:

I just don't get it--when I was a kid, our parents would get us sparklers but nothing loud and ongoing like what I hear. It just wasn't something that was done, I don't get why it's so popular now.

I grew up, for the most part anyway, in Montreal where you couldn't buy fireworks (I'm sure dedicated fireworks fans found a way) but at least in theory people were not allowed to set them off privately (that may have changed).  Anyway it was a major shock when we moved to Ottawa and you could not only set off fireworks in your own backyard but could trot down to the local convenience store and buy whatever you wanted.  


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