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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

Good article, but it's about today's kids. The obnoxious, entitled jerks who refuse to wear masks are the mystery here. How did they end up believing the world revolves around them? That they can do as they please, forget the laws or rules. Their age range is mostly 30's to 50's, I think (I'm sorta guessing here). 

I remember at some point when I was in my 20s, so probably mid-90s, on 20/20, John Stossel did a report showing how kids were having self-esteem classes and how one teacher even said it wasn't important if they knew how to spell, it was more important that they had high self-esteem.  Those kids would be in their 30s now, so I'm going with that.

They even had him interview this little girl and he asked her what she learned in the class and she said she learned that she was special because everybody's hands are different and even your right and left hands are different from each other. And that makes you special.  What????

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I don't know. I'm a kid from the '70s and I grew up in a rough neighborhood and was bullied and even got beat up.

BUT. The teachers at the school? They cared. One teacher saw what was happening and stopped it from getting worse. 

When my mom saw what happened? She took me to the girl's place and showed her mom what her daughter had done, and I was so scared the mom would rip into my mother. But no. Bully's mom yelled for her daughter to get downstairs and ripped her daughter a new one.

Bully never bothered me again, and neither did any of the girls who hung out with her.

So I don't know that I can agree that this lack of empathy/not doing the right thing has been going on as far back as when I was a kid.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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1 minute ago, icemiser69 said:

here is nothing wrong with having a high level of self-esteem.   I think all people should be considered special and unique,  However, that does not mean that they should feel a sense of entitlement, that does not mean that they should think they are better than others.

I don't disagree.  But, I think that self-esteem that comes from working hard at something, or being kind to others, or pretty much anything specific to you is better than some fake generic self-esteem from someone telling you that your hands are different.

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15 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Pet Peeve, television programming that is too dark to see.

I don't think it is my vision, I was trying to watch old Perry Mason episodes on FETV, and the night scenes were so dark I couldn't see what was going on. 

Not just you. It drives me batty as well. So I just gave up trying to see what's what and where and what Perry, Paul are doing, or what Perry and Della are doing, etc.

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35 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I don't disagree.  But, I think that self-esteem that comes from working hard at something, or being kind to others, or pretty much anything specific to you is better than some fake generic self-esteem from someone telling you that your hands are different.

I think the fact that your hands are different being used to show how special you are is pretty much is proof of how ordinary you are.

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Just now, GaT said:

I think the fact that your hands are different being used to show how special you are is pretty much is proof of how ordinary you are.

Now, if both your hands were the same, you'd definitely be special.  Imagine trying to find winter gloves!

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Anecdotally, my sister is sort of a helicopter mom, and imo, it is in response to and a result of the way we were raised, which was basically by unsympathetic, unsentimental people who were ill equipped to raise kids.  They went through the motions, took care of the nuts & bolts, but that was it.  My sis was determined to be super mom, which is hard to fault, but results in perhaps equally maladjusted people, just for different reasons.  Not sure my neice ever heard the word "no" from either of her parents.  Now, we would have to believe that there are a piss load of children of f*cked up parents out there, procreating, for this theory to hold water.  With every passing day, this would seem a reasonable hunch.  

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Anecdotally, my sister is sort of a helicopter mom, and imo, it is in response to and a result of the way we were raised, which was basically by unsympathetic, unsentimental people who were ill equipped to raise kids.  They went through the motions, took care of the nuts & bolts, but that was it.  My sis was determined to be super mom, which is hard to fault, but results in perhaps equally maladjusted people, just for different reasons.  Not sure my neice ever heard the word "no" from either of her parents.  Now, we would have to believe that there are a piss load of children of f*cked up parents out there, procreating, for this theory to hold water.  With every passing day, this would seem a reasonable hunch.  

We used to be great friends with another couple; lots of shared meals, trips away, etc.  Then we had kids around the same time, and their parenting skills were so lacking we stopped hanging out as families.

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7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I understand the logic in replacing shrubs that are close to a house when they get so big and can no longer be trimmed/shaped that they make the house look like it belongs in Smurf village.

I don't understand why the people that own that house I mentioned in a previous post, cut down all of those trees when they were being pretty much used as a privacy hedge, and now it looks like they replaced some of them with smaller evergreens.  Those trees that were cut down weren't out of control, they weren't interfering with anything, they were perfectly healthy, and yet they cut them all down.  Those birds aren't going to be able to fly around long enough for those small trees to get tall enough for them to live in.  It will be interesting to see if they replace the rest of the cut down trees with smaller ones.🌲

I wonder if your neighbor’s deforestation spree was triggered by a particular form of Pandemic Stay-At-Home-itis (™shapeshifter) that is probably fueling the economy (and lining the pockets of some corporate executives)? Based upon a bit of discussion on the COVID-19 thread, some FaceBook postings, my neighbors’ doings, a couple of NY Times articles, and then a chat with the ABT salesperson about delays in appliance deliveries due to an uptick in sales since the Pandemic shutdowns, it seems that homeowners who can afford to do so —and some who really cannot 😕— are finding themselves irresistibly splurging on home renovations.
My landlord asked my advice about cutting down a large, ancient tree. It was via text message, and her first language does not share roots with English, so I’m not sure why. There are a lot of power wires snaking through it, but they don’t go to my duplex. She said it “cost a lot of money,” so I don’t know why she was considering it. I (mostly) selfishly gave her a bullet list of why not to cut it down now, which I think(?) she agreed with. 
I will likely move in the next year and didn’t want a week’s worth of deafening noise and men a few yards from my window. Plus, it gives shade in the summer. But I have to admit that there are so many overgrown trees in this part of town that it wouldn’t be missed by the birds and squirrels. 

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I have a ten year old son and I was nearly forty when I had him so I feel like I come from a couple generations removed from his. In my generation (or at least in my family and this has been the same for most of the people I have met from my generation) parents didn't play with their children. We were told to go outside and we went. We played with other kids, or for kids like me who lived in very isolated places, perhaps we played with rocks, or dogs, or sticks, or cows. Whatever we did, we didn't play with our parents, nobody did. Because things have changed in the last forty years and now you have to actually supervise your children, my son ended up playing a lot with me in his early years. This was fine and it was fun. We also had dogs and goats and chickens and it was fun. My son loved school and I also arranged a lot of play dates to make sure my super social son had a lot of time to play with other kids. I already felt that kids these days, well my kid at least, and most kids I know, have no unsupervised parent-free play. Then came Covid and no school and no play dates. I quit my job and stayed home and for the last 5-6 months it has been just me and my son all day every day (until my husband gets home from work). Poor kid. Recess? With mom. Math? With mom. Lunch? With mom. Phys Ed? With mom. Summer vacation? With mom. Good grief. I wonder what is going to happen in September.

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@icemiser69 Regarding cutting down the trees. When I moved here (MT) in 2004, my home had lovely cottonwoods all across the back of the property. They gave great shade in the summer and were lovely to look at. Over the years they grew huge. Sadly in 2015 we had a huge wind storm in July and one of the trees broke and crashed into my house. Fortunately I was at the other end of the house and was not hurt, but scared to death anyway. That fall I had all the trees cut down leaving just 3, trimmed down, at far corners that could not hit the house. There may be a reason that that homeowner cut down the trees.

Edited by Gramto6
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14 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Regarding cutting down the trees. When I moved here (MT) in 2004, my home had lovely cottonwoods all across the back of the property. They gave great shade in the summer and were lovely to look at. Over the years they grew huge. Sadly in 2015 we had a huge wind storm in July and one of the trees broke and crashed into my house. Fortunately I was at the other end of the house and was not hurt, but scared to death anyway. That fall I had all the trees cut down leaving just 3, trimmed down, at far corners that could not hit the house. There may be a reason that that homeowner cut down the trees.

Yeah, I thought of that too, but it's a brick house and the tree is at the far edge of the property, so it would only hit the roof with the top branches, and there are so many trees around here plus a bluff that the winds don't damage this neighborhood even when others nearby have some damage.

But I should ask why they wanted to cut it down, and who wanted it cut down.

Edited by shapeshifter
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On 7/26/2020 at 5:00 PM, GaT said:

parents telling their kids that they are special all the time when in fact, they're just ordinary people.

When parents on House Hunters say the have “3 amazing children”, I always tell them that their kids are average, at best.  Sure, they can’t hear me, but I feel better.

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8 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

When parents on House Hunters say the have “3 amazing children”, I always tell them that their kids are average, at best.  Sure, they can’t hear me, but I feel better.

I always say "three amazing children, and one who's something of an asshole..."

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On 7/26/2020 at 5:34 PM, peacheslatour said:

I remember back in the 70s when all the little kids like myself sat in the back of the station wagon with nothing to protect us if something went horribly wrong, accident wise.

Or, worse, in the beds of pick up trucks.

This reminds me a peeve I have that has to do with -- surprise! -- social media. People who post memes implying that everyone today is some kind of big pussy -- like "Man up and calm down! I grew up with no helmets, no seatbelts, no whatever..." Like learning from mistakes how to be better is some kind of bad thing. Like once something is a certain way, it must stay that way forever. Like information over the years can't change and thus necessitate different approaches.

I see this regarding so many things, not just the supposed "pussification" of today's kids or whatever, but also for environmental issues, food allergies, science, health, equality, etc. It's fucking maddening. It's basically saying it is somehow wrong to learn and change. And by that rationale, should we not all still be acting exactly like we did when we were were BORN?! Or to be less ridiculous, let's say when we turned 18.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I have another driving pet peeve.  People who get in the right hand only lane and then decide that they really want to turn left.  I understand that people change their minds.  But, drive around.  This morning there was a group of about 5 motorcycles.  They were in the right hand only lane.  They had their left blinkers on.  One of them got the first car in the left lane's attention and said they were going left, and it's basically like they cut in line.  So, I guess my pet peeve is really cutting in line.  That's not a long green light at this place.  I did make it because I was the second car back, but you can only usually squeeze 3 cars in, 4 if you're lucky and there were 2 cars behind me.

So, then I was reminded of this one time I was at the longest security line I have ever been in at the airport. I had been standing in it for about 45 minutes and was about 10 people back from the ticket/ID checkpoint.   This couple runs past everyone else (I don't think the line was any shorter than when I got in) asked the first people in line if they could cut, got an affirmative and proceeded to do so.  The TSA guy told them they had to go to the back of the line. They said they asked permission. He asked if they had asked everyone in line.  Of course they hadn't. He was checking IDs as he was arguing with them and pointed out that every minute they spent arguing with him the line was getting longer.  They ended up at the back of the line and most likely missing their flight because they thought they were too special to get to the airport two hours early.

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27 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I understand that people change their minds.  But, drive around.

Exactly! There is an expressway exit I used to get to my old house, 3 lanes: 2 lanes turn right only, one lane is straight or turn left only. I was always turning left but so many times I'd have someone waving frantically from the car on my right trying to get my attention to see if they could turn left because they got in the wrong lane. Wth?? Turn right and you can turn into the Target parking lot right up the road, turn around and go the direction you need, why do I, and the cars behind me, have to accommodate your mistake????


31 minutes ago, Katy M said:

This couple runs past everyone else (I don't think the line was any shorter than when I got in) asked the first people in line if they could cut, got an affirmative and proceeded to do so.

My pet peeve are the folks in line who have had time to listen to the shouted instructions 20+ times, read all the signage telling you what you have to do but fail to do so and when their turn comes and they freak out when they realize they have their belt on, change in their pocket, shoes that don't untie easily, etc. I don't fly often but I know to wear shoes that I can get on and off quickly, I make sure to empty my purse of any contraband before I leave for the airport and I listen to what to do when I reach the bins. Ugh! 

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11 hours ago, Mittengirl said:
On 7/26/2020 at 4:00 PM, GaT said:

parents telling their kids that they are special all the time when in fact, they're just ordinary people.

When parents on House Hunters say the have “3 amazing children”, I always tell them that their kids are average, at best.  Sure, they can’t hear me, but I feel better.

Hah! And true. 
Back in the 80s-90s I always said something like, "I have 3 kids and they're all so different from each other!"
If pressed, although I'd brag about intelligence, beauty, etc., I'd also invariably explain their differences as Little Miss Bossy, Moody Moose, and The Difficult Child (all literary references). 

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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

This reminds me a peeve I have that has to do with -- surprise! -- social media. People who post memes implying that everyone today is some kind of big pussy -- like "Man up and calm down! I grew up with no helmets, no seatbelts, no whatever..." Like learning from mistakes how to be better is some kind of bad thing. Like once something is a certain way, it must stay that way forever. Like information over the years can't change and thus necessitate different approaches.

I'm going to remember this response the next time I see that obnoxious remark about manning up, the glories of growing up w/o seatbelts, etc. Back in the day, I used to walk to school and midway, when crossing Main St., I'd see some of the car wrecks parked at a corner service station. A lot of times there'd be a hole in the windshield. We never investigated to see if there were any bloodstains cause we really didn't want to know! Those were the "good ol' days of no seatbelts".  I'm also glad that we had the freedom to play outside in our neighborhood, go skating on a pond in the woods,etc. But I thank God that back then there were no pedophiles in our area (or, there were no pedophiles actually causing harm).

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3 hours ago, Katy M said:

This couple runs past everyone else (I don't think the line was any shorter than when I got in) asked the first people in line if they could cut, got an affirmative and proceeded to do so.  The TSA guy told them they had to go to the back of the line. They said they asked permission. He asked if they had asked everyone in line.  Of course they hadn't.

One time when I was running really late for a flight, I did ask everyone, and the TSA agent still tried to claim I couldn't do that.  Everyone immediately behind me who could overhear it joined me in telling him how ridiculous that was, and how he, not me, was the one holding things up now, and another agent came along, ascertained the scenario, and said, "So what's the problem?  Let her go on."  She's the only reason I didn't miss my flight, because I got to the gate at pretty much the last second.  (It's the closest I ever came to missing a flight without actually missing it, and I've only missed one - I'm usually ridiculously early because I leave so much "just in case" time, but sometimes shit happens.)

Yep, 15 years later, that TSA dude in the Orlando airport is still a peeve.

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On 7/29/2020 at 10:32 AM, TattleTeeny said:

I grew up with no helmets, no seatbelts, no whatever..." Like learning from mistakes how to be better is some kind of bad thing. Like once something is a certain way, it must stay that way forever. Like information over the years can't change and thus necessitate different approaches.

Whenever I read these memes, I feel like pointing out that the death rate from traffic accidents has dropped by quite a lot since the institution of seat belts, air bags, and other safety features.  From the 1940s through the 70s, the death rate per 100,000 people was in the 20s, now it's 11.  Also, anecdotal evidence that "I survived" isn't valid. People who died because they didn't wear a seat belt aren't posting. (and of course, the majority of people didn't die anyway.)  I saw one post about how wonderful it was to ride  in the back of a pickup truck. My uncle (who I never met, he died well before I was born) died falling out of the back of a pickup truck when he was 8 years old. 

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Sweet fanny moses, I just had an appointment with a new doctor and the intake process gave me flashbacks to final exams. First, about 350 questions on a tablet, then many of the same questions on paper, and that's not counting the Covid questions. It took almost 30 minutes. The tablet part is so frustrating and gives no indication of how far along you are (100 questions left, or merely 98?) and I was ready to throw it at the woman behind the desk. Every other doctor I've gone to has had a human take the info and it didn't take nearly as long.

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I got one of those stupid junk calls on my cell  at work- and immediately said 'GOODBYE!' then hung up as soon as they started their pitch. Then ONE MINUTE LATER, they called BACK saying that they hadn't finished their conversation! ARGGH!!  Yes, you DID finish that convo! I had zero interest in talking to you so  THAT is why I finished said convo for both our sakes. The second time , I screamed at them not to EVER call my phone number again and HUNG UP! Thankfully, that seemed to work. 

If I didn't have to worry about Mama at home while I'm working, I wouldn't HAVE that cell. Do those junk callers actually have SOME folks who get guilted by them saying they didn't finish their convos and that's why they bother trying after more being cut off?

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2 hours ago, Blergh said:

I got one of those stupid junk calls on my cell  at work- and immediately said 'GOODBYE!' then hung up as soon as they started their pitch. Then ONE MINUTE LATER, they called BACK saying that they hadn't finished their conversation! ARGGH!!  Yes, you DID finish that convo! I had zero interest in talking to you so  THAT is why I finished said convo for both our sakes. The second time , I screamed at them not to EVER call my phone number again and HUNG UP! Thankfully, that seemed to work. 

If I didn't have to worry about Mama at home while I'm working, I wouldn't HAVE that cell. Do those junk callers actually have SOME folks who get guilted by them saying they didn't finish their convos and that's why they bother trying after more being cut off?

If I don't recognize the number calling me on my cell, I don't answer it. When I get the missed call flag, I go to recent calls and open that listing, block that caller then delete the entry. No recalls from that number ever! I hate election times as there are so many robo calls going on.  I have spam calls blocked but somehow these robo calls get through anyway.

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31 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

If I don't recognize the number calling me on my cell, I don't answer it. When I get the missed call flag, I go to recent calls and open that listing, block that caller then delete the entry. No recalls from that number ever! I hate election times as there are so many robo calls going on.  I have spam calls blocked but somehow these robo calls get through anyway.

You are correct! However, what was maddening here is that the junk caller's number was similar to the emergency number  for Mama's medical alert that I was willing to answer it- just in case. 

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19 hours ago, ABay said:

Sweet fanny moses, I just had an appointment with a new doctor and the intake process gave me flashbacks to final exams. First, about 350 questions on a tablet, then many of the same questions on paper, and that's not counting the Covid questions. It took almost 30 minutes. The tablet part is so frustrating and gives no indication of how far along you are (100 questions left, or merely 98?) and I was ready to throw it at the woman behind the desk. Every other doctor I've gone to has had a human take the info and it didn't take nearly as long.

What irrationally annoys me is when I set an appointment and they say "be here 15 minutes beforehand so you can fill out the reams of paperwork". SO WHY DON'T YOU SET THE APPOINTMENT 15 MINUTES EARLIER.

Edited by bilgistic
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4 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

What irrationally annoys me is when I set an appointment and they say "be here 15 minutes beforehand so you can fill out the reams of paperwork". SO WHY DON'T YOU SET THE APPOINTMENT 15 MINUTES EARLIER.

And let's not forget that so many clinics/hospitals have either limited and/or tough to find parking spaces. So, between the forms AND having to find a space, I make sure I'm there at least forty-five minutes early!

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13 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

What irrationally annoys me is when I set an appointment and they say "be here 15 minutes beforehand so you can fill out the reams of paperwork". SO WHY DON'T YOU SET THE APPOINTMENT 15 MINUTES EARLIER.


7 minutes ago, Blergh said:

And let's not forget that so many clinics/hospitals have either limited and/or tough to find parking spaces. So, between the forms AND having to find a space, I make sure I'm there at least forty-five minutes early!

And I get extra irritated when I have to be there early and have to pay for parking for that extra time.

I get why they do it, I find the doctors that have "check in" 15 minutes early tend to run more on time than those that don't but, still. Meh.

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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

What irrationally annoys me is when I set an appointment and they say "be here 15 minutes beforehand so you can fill out the reams of paperwork". SO WHY DON'T YOU SET THE APPOINTMENT 15 MINUTES EARLIER.

I just love having to be there 15 minutes before my appointment only to still be sitting in the waiting room 30-45 minutes AFTER my scheduled appointment time because they over book appointment times. Booking them in 1/2 hour allotments is just ridiculous because there are bound to be patients that need extra time and care. I wish they would just book them in hour allotments. Yes, there would be less availability, but it would also mean less time wasting for those in the waiting room, especially in these times where sitting in a room with a group of strangers who may or may not be wearing their masks correctly is nerve-wracking.

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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

I just love having to be there 15 minutes before my appointment only to still be sitting in the waiting room 30-45 minutes AFTER my scheduled appointment time because they over book appointment times. Booking them in 1/2 hour allotments is just ridiculous because there are bound to be patients that need extra time and care. I wish they would just book them in hour allotments. Yes, their would be less availability, but it would also mean less time wasting for those in the waiting room, especially in these times where sitting in a room with a group of strangers who may or may not be wearing their masks correctly is nerve-wracking.

YES. I think most if not all of my doctors have scheduled appointments every 15 minutes, which is ludicrous, but that is what insurance has done to "modern" healthcare in the U.S.

I've been able to avoid having to go to my G.P. and psychiatrist in the midst of this pandemic. Thankfully, they've been willing to send in refills of my prescriptions. I really need to get an eye exam and new glasses, but I don't have vision insurance. I don't feel safe (because of possible exposure to coronavirus) getting my eyes checked at Walmart's or Target's vision center, and going to a private practice is cost prohibitive without insurance. I've basically been trying to avoid any doctors' offices (and any place else, for that matter) unless my need is urgent.

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It aggravates me to make an appointment, get there early, wait an hour with no update. Then, if I need to leave, I still get charged for no service. Whereas, if I were 15 minutes late, they’d cancel my appointment, and charge me. Those places suck. 

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4 hours ago, bilgistic said:

What irrationally annoys me is when I set an appointment and they say "be here 15 minutes beforehand so you can fill out the reams of paperwork". SO WHY DON'T YOU SET THE APPOINTMENT 15 MINUTES EARLIER.

Or, why aren't all the forms online so that you can fill them out beforehand when it's convenient for you?

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If the speed limit is 70, you are allowed to go 70.  You do not have to slow down to 65 or 60 when you see a state trooper.  I believe it took me longer to get home today because of idiots slowing down well below the speed limit at the merest hint of a trooper.  

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18 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

If the speed limit is 70, you are allowed to go 70.  You do not have to slow down to 65 or 60 when you see a state trooper.  I believe it took me longer to get home today because of idiots slowing down well below the speed limit at the merest hint of a trooper.  

Yes!  They’ll stop you if you’re violating the speed limit of course but if you’re going with the flow of traffic they’re not going to stop you even if it’s going slightly above the speed limit, at least from what I’ve observed.  They also stop people who impede the traffic flow by going too slow.  

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58 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

They also stop people who impede the traffic flow by going too slow.  

I wish this were true of FL state troopers. So tired of people slowing down the left lane traffic to have a texting conversation on their phone. Texting and driving is illegal here, but not currently being enforced due to COVID,.

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43 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

I wish this were true of FL state troopers. So tired of people slowing down the left lane traffic to have a texting conversation on their phone. Texting and driving is illegal here, but not currently being enforced due to COVID,.

I haven’t seen it happen enough to my liking either but I’ve heard stories once in a while, or the ones where other drivers road rage the offender.  Texting while driving is illegal in NJ too but lately when I’ve been driving on the highways the road signs are COVID related, not about putting down the phone and drive.  

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17 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

I haven’t seen it happen enough to my liking either but I’ve heard stories once in a while, or the ones where other drivers road rage the offender.  Texting while driving is illegal in NJ too but lately when I’ve been driving on the highways the road signs are COVID related, not about putting down the phone and drive.  

Where is a cop when you need one, Chapter 1,1191: I saw a guy in a Hummer come barreling out of a parking lot, on his phone, big cigar in his mouth and he didn't even look, just plowed straight into traffic causing everyone to slam on their brakes. Asshole.

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I was driving on a two-lane highway today, and a little sportscar going probably 10 mph above the speed limit (which was already 65) zoomed past me. I was going the speed limit. I'm not sure where he came from because he wasn't the car right behind me, so he passed at least two cars at once and possibly more. About 20 miles down the road at a four-way stop where another highway crosses the one I was on, I saw him pulled over. First time I've ever seen that actually happen, I think. And he really didn't even bother me when he passed because he hadn't been riding my bumper, and he passed very quickly when there was plenty of space. But it was nice to see him stopped anyway. (I say "he," but I really don't know if it was a man or woman.)

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2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I wish they would!

As long as they're going below the limit.  It's not right to give a ticket to someone refusing to break the law just to not slow people down.

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3 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

They also stop people who impede the traffic flow by going too slow.  


3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I wish they would!


22 minutes ago, Katy M said:

As long as they're going below the limit.  It's not right to give a ticket to someone refusing to break the law just to not slow people down.

Impeeding traffic is a major hazzard and is ticketable in most, if not all states (check your state for applicable laws). Slower traffic to the right, if someone is driving so slow they have to have their hazzards on, it is safest for everyone for that driver to exit the freeway.

One thing this shithole state gets right is the "minimum speed" signs on the freeway. They're like 40, but if someone can't even go 40 they need to get off the freeway.

I used to carpool with someone who would get in the far left lane and turn on cruise control at 65. Not OK. I eventually started driving all the time and ultimately stopped carpooling with her.

Edited by theredhead77
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On 7/31/2020 at 7:33 PM, Blergh said:

You are correct! However, what was maddening here is that the junk caller's number was similar to the emergency number  for Mama's medical alert that I was willing to answer it- just in case. 

I completely understand in that circumstance. I wonder if somehow they generate #'s that are close to ones we call? That is a scary thought.

Edited by Gramto6
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41 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

I completely understand in that circumstance. I wonder if somehow they generate #'s that are close to ones we call? That is a scary thought.

They can and do. It's called "neighbor spoofing" (I think). 

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6 hours ago, auntlada said:

I was driving on a two-lane highway today, and a little sportscar going probably 10 mph above the speed limit (which was already 65) zoomed past me. I was going the speed limit. I'm not sure where he came from because he wasn't the car right behind me, so he passed at least two cars at once and possibly more. About 20 miles down the road at a four-way stop where another highway crosses the one I was on, I saw him pulled over. First time I've ever seen that actually happen, I think. And he really didn't even bother me when he passed because he hadn't been riding my bumper, and he passed very quickly when there was plenty of space. But it was nice to see him stopped anyway. (I say "he," but I really don't know if it was a man or woman.)

Several years ago, I was on an interstate in FL and a car passed me that must have been going at least 90 when the posted speed limit was around 70. For as long as I could see it, the car was switching lanes back and forth to get around other drivers who were going the speed limit, even driving on the shoulder at times. A few minutes later all the cars in front of me began slowing down and then stopped for a while. When I finally got to the spot that was causing the slowdown, sure enough, that same car had crashed and was in the median, with the car flipped over. I don't remember seeing another car damaged there, so at least his recklessness didn't injure anyone else. The driver was the sole occupant of the crashed car. 

My pet driving peeve is people who realize too late their exit is coming up and try to veer across multiple lanes to reach the exit ramp. FFS, just get in position to take the next exit and then adjust your route as necessary. Better yet, figure out ahead of time when you're going to need to exit and get into position to take the exit normally. 

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