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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Are these fireworks or fire crackers? Fireworks are the big displays for the public, with rockets bursting in air and all that, and fire crackers are smaller explosives for individual use. Or that's how I see it. Fire crackers are what I've been hearing every fucking night since April.

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12 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

But it DOES take away from the graduate whose name comes next - their family never hears their name called, as the person announcing would just reinforce them if they waited until the applause died down for each graduate

Exactly why I hate it as well. It's bad enough sitting through the boring speeches, the chorus singing whatever "miss you" song is popular, all the award announcements, etc. When it finally comes time for my kid or my neice/nephews to walk across the stage I WANT TO HEAR THEIR NAME, and I don't want the ceremony dragged out any longer than it already has. There is a time for celebration after the ceremony, why do you  have to be so selfish as to take up 400+ other families time? 

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I hear fireworks almost nightly around here.  And people have to drive to another state to buy them -- you can't buy things that fly and/or make a loud bang here.  The ones I've heard lately do both.

I used to have two dogs.  One was frightened of fireworks but not thunder, and the other was frightened of thunder but not fireworks.

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1 hour ago, ABay said:

Are these fireworks or fire crackers? Fireworks are the big displays for the public, with rockets bursting in air and all that, and fire crackers are smaller explosives for individual use. Or that's how I see it. Fire crackers are what I've been hearing every fucking night since April.

Yes, that's what we're hearing here.  The colorful rockets bursting in air stuff will happen on the 4th; there are always people in various neighborhoods who put on shows in the middle of their street.  I wonder if there will be more of those this year since all the official shows are canceled.

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13 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

It is illegal to possess or set them off in my state but that doesn’t seem to deter anyone.

They were also illegal in our state unless you signed a paper that said you were using them to scare away birds from your property (winky, winky).  But our governor, who obviously has nothing better to think about during these troubled times, has decreed that they are now legal on New Years Day, July 4th and New Year's Eve.  All the local "real" fireworks have been called off.

Edited by Angeltoes
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2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

What do you mean by "stretching out"??

The posts are stretched out in width, and look more rectangular. I didn't know if it was just on my end or if it was some kind of site issue. 

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Some people just love to argue, and have no ability to stop arguing.

My family (well, mostly my dad's side of the family) has always loved to argue. They were never mad about it, though. They just liked to argue about things. I believe in that family it was considered "discussing." It was entertainment. Nobody ever stormed off, and certainly no one ever got physical about anything. If there was a disagreement, everybody still liked everybody else as much as they did before. Also, nobody got personal and called anybody names.

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6 hours ago, ABay said:

Are these fireworks or fire crackers? Fireworks are the big displays for the public, with rockets bursting in air and all that, and fire crackers are smaller explosives for individual use. Or that's how I see it. Fire crackers are what I've been hearing every fucking night since April.

Both. Firecrackers all the damn time. But quite a few people around here have the big display fireworks. They shoot off a few here and there, then some days more and more, and then a LOT the weekend of the 4th.

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18 hours ago, Annber03 said:

The posts are stretched out in width, and look more rectangular. I didn't know if it was just on my end or if it was some kind of site issue. 

I like it because my right side used to filled with ads. I see many less than before. 

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Unsolicited advice.

People who gossip.   Chances are, that if they gossip about others around you, they most likely are gossiping about you when you're not around.

Nosey (nosy) people who pry into the issues of others.

People who repeat themselves.  People who repeat themselves.


People who talk on and on.  At first, I really enjoyed Zoom. But there's one group I'm in that has a few overly talkative women and they just dominate the entire time. A few of us quieter types hardly get a word in.  And these are nice women, not mean or uncaring. It's gotten so that I'm trying to think up excuses for not being on this particular Zoom any more.  Normally, this groups meets for lunch once a week and it's fun. So, I guess it's easier to get a word in amongst friends when you're physically together but impossible online.  And then (outside of Zoom) there are people who just talk about their lives, their experiences, their families, etc., without stopping to ask, "and how are you and your folks doing?"  

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Unsolicited advice.


This...but for me it's also a pet peeve when someone asks me for advice (or even asks for help at work) and then ignores it or decides it's not what they wanted to hear, so they do what they wanted to do in the first place. 

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5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Unsolicited advice.

People who gossip.   Chances are, that if they gossip about others around you, they most likely are gossiping about you when you're not around.

Nosey (nosy) people who pry into the issues of others.

People who repeat themselves.  People who repeat themselves.


I repeat myself to my husband just to piss him off LOL

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53 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

When I am on the phone talking to someone, and I am waiting for them to end the conversation and hang up the phone, and they never do.  It gets to the point where I am just listening to that person breath.📞



But maybe they're thinking the same thing!

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I have a really good credit rating. I don't use my credit cards a lot, & I also pay on time, more than the minimum. So what happens? I paid off one credit card, & they dropped my available credit limit to half of what it was. Then, a couple of months ago I paid off the other one & what happens? They also drop my credit limit to half of what it was. Why? Because I am not using my credit cards enough. Well, if you drop my credit card limit, I don't really have the chance to use them a lot. This also screws with my credit rating because when I use them, the percentage of use is higher compared to my available credit. So, taking away available credit, lowers my credit ratings, which makes me not want to use my credit cards because I don't want to hurt my credit rating. How does doing this make sense to the credit card companies? Why would they take away available credit just because I'm not using it? The whole thing is so aggravating & makes no sense to me.

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I have trouble ending phone conversations. That's one reason I hate talking on the phone. I also sometimes have trouble ending conversations in person, too, unless I have somewhere I have to go right away.

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Now that you mention it, I do know some similar people! Not so much with silence or breathing, but like 12 different versions of "OK, talk to you soon" before finally committing to a hangup! They're probably also the people who take an hour to make it out the door of a party.

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9 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

They're probably also the people who take an hour to make it out the door of a party.

Argh, I hate that.  I remember one time I went to a family reunion with my bf at the time.  It was lunch at a restaurant.  After we went to his cousin's house and his sister and her family also went.  When it was time to leave, we stood up and said goodbye in the backyard for 15 minutes and then went to the driveway and said goodbye for another fifteen minutes.  When I was in the car with my bf alone I said "that was so annoying."  "We haven't seen each other in a while."  "So just wait a half hour to leave then."

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Since we are on the topic of the "ending a phone call" pet peeve, I have one relating to that. The people who do the "I love you/ I love you more" at the end of a phone call. I used to sit next to a coworker who did that and would also do kissing sounds before hanging up with her boyfriend. Ugh just thinking about it again is annoying me! 

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

When it was time to leave, we stood up and said goodbye in the backyard for 15 minutes and then went to the driveway and said goodbye for another fifteen minutes

This is why I prefer the "Irish Goodbye" method that my boss taught me. Just leave quietly, hopefully without being noticed, and apologize later with "I didn't want to interrupt/bother you!"  lol! 

Edited by BexKeps
didn't explain well
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18 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

This is why I prefer the "Irish Goodbye" method that my boss taught me. Just leave quietly, hopefully without being noticed, and apologize later with "I didn't want to interrupt/bother you!"  lol! 

Depending on the situation that's how I tend to leave. If I am at a bar (pre-apocalypse) I'd either fine a girl friend to tell them I was leaving and I'd text when I got home or I'd leave but text to let them know I left and I made it home*. Safety first!

*The one time I didn't do that I was in Vegas with a huge group of friends and I left go make out with my crush. The next morning my phone had a metric fuckton of missed calls from my friends now husband who was supposed to be keeping an eye on my drunk ass until my girl friends got to the bar. He didn't care I left. He was upset I didn't tell him I was leaving.

Edited by theredhead77
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24 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

This is why I prefer the "Irish Goodbye" method that my boss taught me. Just leave quietly, hopefully without being noticed, and apologize later with "I didn't want to interrupt/bother you!"  lol! 

Works well when people are drunk anyway, haha! I do this at family functions (I also park in the street as opposed to the driveway, so I can't get blocked in). I do say goodbye to Grandma though, because to be in my late-40s and still have one is nice!

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

When I was in the car with my bf alone I said "that was so annoying."  "We haven't seen each other in a while."  "So just wait a half hour to leave then."

But that's not how it works. I'm from a big Italian family, and it would always take a while to leave.

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A dear friend of mine taught me a most useful phrase to end a phone call:

"Let me let you go now." and then a firm goodbye and you hang up. That makes the other person think you don't want to keep them on the phone any longer to *their* benefit even if they are the ones stringing things out. I used this a lot professionally as I was on the phone all day long for 40 years where I initiated the call (for the most part) but also needed to accomplish the purpose of the call and then get on to the next one. As a woman in a very technical arena, I wound up talking to mostly men, many of whom apparently had rarely received a call from a woman previously and wanted to stretch the conversation on as long as possible 🙂

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3 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

The people who do the "I love you/ I love you more" at the end of a phone call. 

Every time I see this on tv or in a movie, the only thing I can think is a response of "Yes, you do" or "I love you less" would put a stop to that nonsense.

Which probably explains why it has never happened to me personally.  😀

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13 hours ago, GaT said:

I paid off one credit card, & they dropped my available credit limit to half of what it was.

That makes no sense to me. Can they change it without asking? I would change credit card companies.

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8 minutes ago, supposebly said:

That makes no sense to me. Can they change it without asking? I would change credit card companies.

Since 2 different companies have done it to me, I guess they can. I don't want to cancel either card, because then I lose the credit I have from them, which will not help anything, so I'm going to try to get another credit card.

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4 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

Since we are on the topic of the "ending a phone call" pet peeve, I have one relating to that. The people who do the "I love you/ I love you more" at the end of a phone call. I used to sit next to a coworker who did that and would also do kissing sounds before hanging up with her boyfriend. Ugh just thinking about it again is annoying me! 

"I love you" is so overused in the US it no longer has any true meaning.

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Office manager to young tradesman working in the office : "Have a good day"

Young guy "Love you too"

If you're just saying it automatically (presumably to his spouse, parent, kid), does it mean anything? I'd rather you thought before saying it.

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6 minutes ago, Quof said:

Office manager to young tradesman working in the office : "Have a good day"

Young guy "Love you too"

If you're just saying it automatically (presumably to his spouse, parent, kid), does it mean anything? I'd rather you thought before saying it.

I'd also say the "too" was presumptuous.  Does office manager love the young tradesman?

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I assume he wasn't paying attention, heard a female voice as he was going out the door and assumed it was his wife/girlfriend/mother with her usual goodbye wishes, so responded by rote.

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25 minutes ago, Quof said:

They keep raising my credit limit, without me asking.  

In my case, they send me a long letter, but I have to confirm if I want the raised credit limit. If I don't reply, nothing happens. I don't know if they could lower it without asking.

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5 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

The people who do the "I love you/ I love you more" at the end of a phone call. I used to sit next to a coworker who did that and would also do kissing sounds before hanging up with her boyfriend.


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1 hour ago, tiftgirl said:

Every time I see this on tv or in a movie, the only thing I can think is a response of "Yes, you do" or "I love you less" would put a stop to that nonsense.

Which probably explains why it has never happened to me personally.  😀

There used to be a tv show called Keen Eddie with Mark Valley where he played an American cop who was working in London. There was some mix up and he ended up sharing an apartment with an English girl. They couldn't stand each other so every morning when he left for work he'd go "Hate you!" and she's respond "Hate you more!" in that sing songy voice people use when they say Love you!

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On 7/1/2020 at 9:56 AM, icemiser69 said:

Unsolicited advice.

People who gossip.   Chances are, that if they gossip about others around you, they most likely are gossiping about you when you're not around.

Nosey (nosy) people who pry into the issues of others.

People who repeat themselves.  People who repeat themselves.

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45 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

There used to be a tv show called Keen Eddie with Mark Valley where he played an American cop who was working in London. There was some mix up and he ended up sharing an apartment with an English girl. They couldn't stand each other so every morning when he left for work he'd go "Hate you!" and she's respond "Hate you more!" in that sing songy voice people use when they say Love you!

But, being a TV show, I'm sure they fell madly in love.

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3 hours ago, Quof said:

Huh?   I pay off my credit cards in full each month. They keep raising my credit limit, without me asking.  

Me too! I feel like telling them to cut the shit -- don't tempt me while I am very bored at home and prone to online shopping!

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18 hours ago, GaT said:

I have a really good credit rating. I don't use my credit cards a lot, & I also pay on time, more than the minimum. So what happens? I paid off one credit card, & they dropped my available credit limit to half of what it was. Then, a couple of months ago I paid off the other one & what happens? They also drop my credit limit to half of what it was. Why? Because I am not using my credit cards enough. Well, if you drop my credit card limit, I don't really have the chance to use them a lot. This also screws with my credit rating because when I use them, the percentage of use is higher compared to my available credit. So, taking away available credit, lowers my credit ratings, which makes me not want to use my credit cards because I don't want to hurt my credit rating. How does doing this make sense to the credit card companies? Why would they take away available credit just because I'm not using it? The whole thing is so aggravating & makes no sense to me.

I don't know how the timing lines up for you, but I've heard that covid scared the crap out of credit card companies and they have been lowering credit limits out of fear that those out of work due to shutdowns will run up their credit card debt and then ultimately have to declare bankruptcy.

None of my limits have been reduced but one of my card holders made me verify my salary and employment status a couple of weeks into the covid shutdown.


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2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I don't know, the fucking CW cancelled it before it went anywhere. It was a funny show.

It wasn't the CW.  It was those bastards at FOX that cancelled everything that wasn't an immediate hit because they had two hours of TV a night and 90% of it filled with American Idol.

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11 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

The people who do the "I love you/ I love you more" at the end of a phone call. I used to sit next to a coworker who did that and would also do kissing sounds before hanging up with her boyfriend.

GF and I do that, but since we're both working from home these days, it's rarely on the phone, and never around others. Usually we agree to wrestle to see who is right. 😁

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15 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

It wasn't the CW.  It was those bastards at FOX that cancelled everything that wasn't an immediate hit because they had two hours of TV a night and 90% of it filled with American Idol.

Figures. Bastards is right.

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19 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I was trying to add that Eleanor Roosevelt once said something to the effect that “Smart people talk about things (or ideas). Average people talk about people.” 

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."  One of my favorites!

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21 minutes ago, HissyFit said:

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."  One of my favorites!

Thank you for putting the correct quote here. 

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25 minutes ago, HissyFit said:

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."  One of my favorites!

Not to get too philisophical, but is it possible to discuss ideas without discussing events or people?

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