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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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8 hours ago, Katy M said:

You can cut your own hair if it's long enough. You can't if it's short.

You can if you have the mirrors set up right! I've cut my own pixie for decades. I've never been able to style my hair with curls or waves because to start with I don't have much hair, and I also live in hats. Knit hats in winter, sun hats and baseball caps in nice weather months. 

Edited by Nordly Beaumont
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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Also a peeve -- hair stylists who don't know how to cut curly hair properly.

Gods, yes.  I learned early on to only go to those who have naturally curly hair themselves.  Come on! 

3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

And then there was the hair stylist who thinned my hair.  That was a disaster of Roseanne Roseannadanna proportions.  Not to mention freaking me out with the thinning tool.  Layers in my hair are also a no-go.

I once, as a teen annoyed with how thick my hair was, used the thinning tool myself.  I stopped when it started to make me nervous how much hair I'd removed, but looking at my head you couldn't even tell I'd done anything! 

I used to alternate between layers and not, because I like both looks, and then I went years without doing layers.  Now it has been a couple of years with layers, so I might grow them out to change it up again.

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I am hair stupid.  I'm over 60 and have long hair about to my waist (as long as it gets - I'll never be Crystal Gayle) parted in the middle.  Total wash and wear hair.  The last time I was in a salon - other than a wash when I can carpel tunnel surgery and couldn't wash it myself - was in 1979 when I had a Barbra Steisand poodle perm.  Never again. I don't want to ever have to think about my hair after I brush it in the morning. 

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There is a long string of those packing bubbles loose in my garage.  The ones that are about 6 x 6 inch squares of plastic full of air.

I drove over it the other day and scared the crap out of myself that I hit something when it popped.  And then again that evening.  Then again the next morning.  Then again the next evening.  That thing keeps re positioning itself under my car.  I think its intelligent and a masochist and infinitely long.  At some point I'm going to have to go pop all of them.

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20 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

There is a long string of those packing bubbles loose in my garage.  The ones that are about 6 x 6 inch squares of plastic full of air.

I drove over it the other day and scared the crap out of myself that I hit something when it popped.  And then again that evening.  Then again the next morning.  Then again the next evening.  That thing keeps re positioning itself under my car.  I think its intelligent and a masochist and infinitely long.  At some point I'm going to have to go pop all of them.

One of my favorite memories of my grandma is when I came in to pick my four year old son up at her house, I walked in to find the two of them jumping up and down on a large sheet of bubble wrap. Laughing and giggling uncontrollably. She was a blast.

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Ugh, you know what really more-than-peeves me sometimes? People who try to discourage other people from making some kind of positive impact in whatever issue it is--usually by way of the "your meager contribution isn't making one bit of difference" variety (and/or "you care about X but not Y?!" in order to...make someone feel like a hypocrite, I guess?). I've seen this regarding vegan eating, declining plastic straws, making charitable donations, and even once or twice for volunteering at an animal shelter (like...what?!). Why do so many people seem to feel that you must do everything in order to be doing anything? And what the hell do they care what someone else is doing? 

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Another peeve: Oh my goodness, we have a smell in the refrigerator and it is driving me bonkers! I have inspected everything in it and cannot find the perpetrator! So I guess I shall have a fun Saturday afternoon with my gloves and vinegar and elbow grease, haha! 

Somewhat related, why do I often feel like I have nothing I want to eat, even right after I've done the food shopping?!

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15 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Somewhat related, why do I often feel like I have nothing I want to eat, even right after I've done the food shopping?!

I have the same problem!  A houseful of food and nothing I want to eat.

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On 1/17/2020 at 9:51 AM, TattleTeeny said:

Ugh, you know what really more-than-peeves me sometimes? People who try to discourage other people from making some kind of positive impact in whatever issue it is--usually by way of the "your meager contribution isn't making one bit of difference" variety (and/or "you care about X but not Y?!" in order to...make someone feel like a hypocrite, I guess?). I've seen this regarding vegan eating, declining plastic straws, making charitable donations, and even once or twice for volunteering at an animal shelter (like...what?!). Why do so many people seem to feel that you must do everything in order to be doing anything? And what the hell do they care what someone else is doing? 

Ohh that's a really good one! There are meat eaters who say unless you're the strictest of vegans, why bother. Really? I am actually pretty good about not just my diet but also lifestyle. However, I'm not perfect. If I'm traveling or somewhere I can't find anything vegan, I will eat eggs and dairy. The all or nothing attitude will really turn away a lot of people who struggle enough not consuming meat.

I'm not super wealthy, but each time I get a promotion or am given a lot of money by my grandparents, I'll donate a small amount to charity. I totally agree that everyone just do what they can to help out, and that goes for animals, the homeless, the environment, anything. A little something is better than nothing, and if each person would do a little more, there's definitely a big impact. Things like meatless Mondays and the occasional volunteering are wonderful. My opinion is that people secretly feel bad about themselves when they see others trying to make a difference while they do nothing, so they minimize other people's efforts. 

That said, I won't lie that as an animal loving vegetarian (mostly vegan), one of my pet peeves is people who hold dogs in much higher regard than other animals. The kind of folks who cherish their dogs as human children but feel nothing about the pain and torture of other animals and judge people of other cultures.  It's the high and mighty attitude that rubs me the wrong way. If you do what you can without pretending to be so much superior to people in China, that's different. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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Pet peeve right now is people who steal stuff while working in your home. My mother had been on hospice care for a few months prior to her recent death. With the various nurses, nurse aides, social workers, and so forth in and out of my house, I was comfortable having my mother’s meds, along with my daughter’s and some OTC meds, in a designated corner of the kitchen counter, for easy access by the adults. (They were out of reach by my 1st-grade grandson, but I watched him closely when he was at my house to make sure he didn’t get any ideas, even given that everything was in childproof bottles.) After my mother died, the hospice people sent someone to pick up the medical equipment they had provided. No problem. But about 10 days later, another hospice delivery person showed up, stating that their system showed there was still an oxygen unit checked out to my mother. He confirmed it wasn’t in my house and figured out what had caused the discrepancy (they had sent one to the facility where my mother had gone for respite care a few weeks earlier and apparently never picked it up from the facility). He gave me some paperwork to review and sign, and asked permission to wash his hands at the kitchen sink. Because I was so accustomed to having hospice employees in and out, including the nurse checking my mother’s meds regularly to see if refills were needed, I thought nothing of it and went through the paperwork while he was in the kitchen. 

Bad decision on my part. Roughly an hour later, my daughter went into the kitchen to take her daily dose of Adderall, but the bottle was empty. When she had taken her last dose the day before, she still had 10 days’ worth left. In the time since she had taken her dose the previous day, the only people in my house were me, my daughter, and the hospice equipment delivery guy. In addition, a few weeks earlier another bottle of her pills had disappeared, but at the time I assumed my brother-in-law had taken them; this also coincided with an equipment delivery from the hospice people. I don’t know if it was the same driver, but it wouldn’t surprise me. 

The most frustrating aspect of this is that because of the Adderall being a controlled substance, it wasn’t possible to just get another refill. My daughter has had to go without this medication for over a week; she can’t get a new refill until Monday. 

I feel a bit conflicted about it, but I am going to notify the hospice people about the missing meds. I know I can’t outright accuse the guy because it’s not like I have video of him stealing it. At the same time, I can inform them of the facts I am aware of and let them draw their own conclusions. It’s just annoying, especially because the other hospice staff were very helpful and trustworthy. 

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54 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Somewhat related, why do I often feel like I have nothing I want to eat, even right after I've done the food shopping?!

I used to drive my mom crazy doing that - standing in front of the full refrigerator and complaining, "There's nothing to eat." 

Every once in a while, I'm not in the mood for anything I have in the fridge, but it's rare.  Now, not being in the mood to actually make something out of what I have, and wishing there were leftovers sitting there just waiting to be reheated - that's common.

33 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

My opinion is that people secretly feel bad about themselves when they see others trying to make a difference while they do nothing, so they minimize other people's efforts.

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little" is one of the handful of times I agree with Edmund Burke.

I'm quite peeved that my cramps were too strong for me to march this morning - and that I couldn't get back to sleep after my alarm went off, so I was up early on a Saturday for what is now no reason, let alone a good one, and have to get up tomorrow, too, as my dad is coming over at 10:30 to help me with a repair project.

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@BookWoman56, reporting it is probably the best plan, even if you don't outright accuse (and what good person wouldn't have at least a bit of hesitance in doing so?) because maybe this has happened before to someone else but the hospice doesn't have enough information yet to make a move about it. That's a really sucky thing to have happened; I'm sorry.


My opinion is that people secretly feel bad about themselves when they see others trying to make a difference while they do nothing, so they minimize other people's efforts. 

That's probably it because, strangely enough, a lot of these comments do come from people who openly have their own causes, which makes it very confusing as to why they're aggro over someone else's. But the "you do this but not that?" thing really peeves me up. One, how do you know I don't do "that" also? And two, I don't expect YOU to do all or nothing; in fact, it's good that people take on different issues--that way we know something's happening with all kinds of causes all at once.

Something I've witnessed this week along these lines is social media comments regarding a crime documentary called Don't F--- With Cats. MANY people are interested in the story but are afraid to watch it, myself included, because of some of the animal-related footage (which, from what I understand, is as subtle and sensitive as it can be while still supplying details). Anyway, there are so many commenters accusing people of not giving a shit about the human victims in this case simply because they've admitted that the animal aspect is what is preventing them from watching the doc. But it's not one or the other and it's not people's fault that one bad thing inexplicably triggers (sorry; I am getting so tired of that word) them more viscerally than another--no more than it is disliking one food or song more than another. It's all awful.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

ANY people are interested in the story but are afraid to watch it, myself included, because of some of the animal-related footage (which, from what I understand, is as subtle and sensitive as it can be while still supplying details). Anyway, there are so many commenters accusing people of not giving a shit about the human victims in this case simply because they've admitted that the animal aspect is what is preventing them from watching the doc. But it's not one or the other and it's not people's fault that one bad thing inexplicably triggers (sorry; I am getting so tired of that word) them more viscerally than another--no more than it is disliking one food or song more than another. It's all awful.

This is exactly why I took a pass on this show, I was afraid of watching anything horrible happen to cats.

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People who don't move their cars when they are supposed to should be shot.  OK, a bit extreme, but I'm annoyed.  I move my car before it even starts snowing if it's supposed to snow more than 3 inches because I don't want to have to deal with shoveling out behind my car at all.

Our landlord sent us a reminder before the first storm and has sent at least one since.  The plow will come at some point in time before 9 (if it snowed overnight) and you are to move your car immediately as the plow will come back at any point in time 15 minutes to 2 hours later.  So, this morning the plow came back at 10:40.  The person parked next to me is now preparing to move her car at 11:15.  Fat lot of good that does me. I'm now going to have to shovel out my entire space instead of just behind my car, unless I can convince the landlord to send the plow back.  AARGH!!!!

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On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2020 at 3:45 PM, ABay said:

Pet peeve of the day: Making a will. What a pain in the ass! It's not so much the content of the will, health directive, and power of attorney in case of incapacity, but who to foist all this on and how to wrangle up witnesses here. I know exactly one person here I could get to witness it without it being a completely bizarre request, and for at least one of the documents, I need 2 and they have to witness me sign it in front of a notary. Which I guess means at a bank because they usually have notaries. I think.

That reminds me: I also have to check with the credit union and the retirement fund thingie at work to make sure everything has beneficiaries.

All I care about is making sure someone is here to care for the cat until the friend I've left her to can get here from another state.

When I get back to work, I have to print everything up and go over all of the documents because it's easy to lose track of what I'm doing without paper.

Death is so inconvenient.

Our lawyer provided witnesses

But  making a will is a pain in the ass.  I finished one last year.  It made me glad I would be dead and not have to deal with it myself whenever it has to be executed

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And for Bookwoman, someone stealing meds from your home is more than a pet peeve!!!  That is awful.  And you definitely need to tell the hospice about it if you think a worker for them is doing that.  No need to feel bad.  That is a serious issue and the hospice I would think will want to know as well.  Maybe its just a misunderstanding, but I wouldn't take the chance.  They could be liable as well if this is a common occurrence. 

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My neighborhood has new postal carriers and now none of us are getting our mail regularly. I currently have a package that was out for delivery all day yesterday, never showed up, and is now showing as "available for pick up " on the USPS site. I'm also getting all of my magazines days later than I used to and some of my neighbors aren't getting mail at all on some days. It's so frustrating. 

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2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Is it just me or is anybody else getting sick of seeing/hearing about Meghan & Harry? I believe he has emotional issues and is being taken advantage of...but I'm tired of seeing pictures & articles about them every daggone day. 

It’s well documented that Harry was deeply traumatized by his mom’s death. 

Edited by PRgal
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14 hours ago, PRgal said:

It’s well documented that Harry was deeply traumatized by his mom’s death. 

He believes the tabloids contributed to Diana's death and now he's seeing Meghan going through the same stuff. Plus who wants to be around Creepy Uncle Andrew?

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On occasion on social media, I mock/express my dislike of Certain Famous Person, usually in a light and somewhat humorous manner. Then, my like-minded friends will chime in with equally silly (though rooted in truth and actual ill feelings) nonsense. And we make each other laugh...until one of Certain Famous Person's minions bounces in all serious, seemingly hurt, and all charged up to fight. That's the main peeve--just stay away then if you don't think the back-and-forth is fun.

The subpeeve is this: why do these people always seem to want me to make a list of my perceived infractions of Certain Famous Person? What's with them and lists? And call me loony, but do they not have the same internet access as I do? Get your own list together!

OH--editing to add that here's another peeve, also somewhat social-media related! Group photos (typically a bunch of girls on the beach or a night out, but sometimes a group of employees at work or something) in which the people in the front are doing this weird bent-knee crouch thing with their hands on their thighs! Haha, I hate it! I also hate photos featuring people's hands making heart shapes. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I also hate photos featuring people's hands making heart shapes. 

Since I don't use social media, I didn't know that was a thing until that commercial came out with the obnoxious "sunset heart hands" woman.  So, since she's who I associate with such photos, and she's unbearably annoying, I hate them, too, even though I don't think I've ever actually seen one.

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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

OH--editing to add that here's another peeve, also somewhat social-media related! Group photos (typically a bunch of girls on the beach or a night out, but sometimes a group of employees at work or something) in which the people in the front are doing this weird bent-knee crouch thing with their hands on their thighs! Haha, I hate it! I also hate photos featuring people's hands making heart shapes. 


I've had to do that weird crouch thing (though without my hands on my thighs) in a group photo so the people in back could be seen, and I hated it. I looked even fatter than I am. But the person taking the photo (with my camera) was not a very capable photographer who could work to make sure everyone was visible -- or who would tell people to move in particular ways so they were visible.

I also hate having to give my camera to someone else to take a photo. (In this case, I had to because it was a work thing, and I was required to be in the photo.)

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Big sweaty old dude at the gym. 

This guy has it all:

  • Sweaty/stinky
  • Uses like five stations at once, so you can’t just stay at one do your sets and move on without having to deal with him
  • Kind of rude
  • Puts the weights back Willy-nilly. (25s on the 5/10 rack, 10s and 45s on the same rack)

I can’t wait until he goes home. 


  • Hangs sweaty towel on machine he’s not actively using, like he’s the only person here. 
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That's why I exercise at home (okay, that and profound laziness, because if I had to actually go somewhere to work out, it wouldn't happen) -- too many people are totally inconsiderate at the gym, and too few gym employees do anything about it.

There used to be a Curves half a mile away from me, and in such a small environment with almost all the women being middle age or older, that was an easy and pleasant way to exercise - walk (uphill) to the gym, do the half-hour circuit, enjoy a nice cool-down walk back home.  But my peeve was how their hours catered to morning people; it opened at some unholy hour, but was only open until 7:00 at night.  So I had to go in the middle of the day, which meant I could only go when I was working out of my home office, and back then that wasn't anywhere near as frequent as it is now.  And then once I negotiated working from home as the default, the Curves closed!

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I have a similar peeve about local yoga classes--the timing. Too many around here are not at set times; they're on, say, a Tuesday at 7 a.m. and then again on Friday at 2:00 p.m. or something like that. I leave the house at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays and get home at 7:00 p.m. I feel like a nice, basic class like that would be good for me (physically and mentally!), but not if I have to jump through hoops to fit it into my life! In fact, that would probably be the complete opposite of relaxing. If I thought that wouldn't be the case, I'd look for one close to my job, but then I'm getting home at about 9. Bah.

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On 1/25/2020 at 8:29 AM, JTMacc99 said:

Big sweaty old dude at the gym. 

This guy has it all:

  • Sweaty/stinky
  • Uses like five stations at once, so you can’t just stay at one do your sets and move on without having to deal with him
  • Kind of rude
  • Puts the weights back Willy-nilly. (25s on the 5/10 rack, 10s and 45s on the same rack)

I can’t wait until he goes home. 


  • Hangs sweaty towel on machine he’s not actively using, like he’s the only person here. 

How does one use five stations at a time?

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39 minutes ago, PRgal said:

How does one use five stations at a time?

Hangs the weights he's using on machine #1, does like 10-12 reps on it, leaves the weights on it as he moves on to machine #2. Hangs weight on that one, and does 10-12 reps on it, leaves the weights on it and moves to machine #3.  Changes the height and type of bar or rope on the pulley, does 10-12 reps on it, leaves it and moves on to machine #4... When he's done with machine #5, he goes back to machine #1 and starts his way through all five again.

So if you want to work in to do your three or four sets of 10-12 reps on any one of the machines, you have to take his weights off, put yours on, and then when he circles back, take a break while he puts his weights back on, adjusts the seat, does his 10-12, and then put it all back to your settings and finish your stuff.

I hope I made it sound as annoying as it is.

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Can you complain to the gym manager about him? That's incredibly rude and most gyms have policies to prevent assholes from doing that exact sort of thing.

People like that, and a disgusting sign at my old gym, are reasons why I work out at home now.

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I was in a very bad wreck today on my way to work. I hit the van in front of me, which hit the sedan in front of it. I don't remember much besides all of the sudden there being a van stopped immediately in front of me and I had no time to stop and avoid hitting it.

I'm in a lot of pain, but the medics didn't think anything was broken. I basically refused to go to the hospital because I can't afford it. I have basic insurance through the marketplace, but I can't pay for an ambulance ride and ER workup. I think I might have broken my nose (it was bleeding when I crashed and is swelling up now), my knees are scraped/banged and my right ribs under my breast are extremely sore, but I'm at home, trying to relax. Car is towed to the yard and I've filed the claim w/insurance. I'm at fault because I rear-ended the van in front. I have only liability insurance because of my car's age and my financial situation.

I'm devastated about my car (15.5 years old, just over 90K miles) and have no idea how I'm going to figure this all out while not making enough money to even survive on. And I had to take today off and possibly tomorrow because I doubt I'll be able to walk, much less stand for eight hours.

Fuck my life.


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19 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I was in a very bad wreck today on my way to work. I hit the van in front of me, which hit the sedan in front of it. I don't remember much besides all of the sudden there being a van stopped immediately in front of me and I had no time to stop and avoid hitting it.

I'm in a lot of pain, but the medics didn't think anything was broken. I basically refused to go to the hospital because I can't afford it. I have basic insurance through the marketplace, but I can't pay for an ambulance ride and ER workup. I think I might have broken my nose (it was bleeding when I crashed and is swelling up now), my knees are scraped/banged and my right ribs under my breast are extremely sore, but I'm at home, trying to relax. Car is towed to the yard and I've filed the claim w/insurance. I'm at fault because I rear-ended the van in front. I have only liability insurance because of my car's age and my financial situation.

I'm devastated about my car (15.5 years old, just over 90K miles) and have no idea how I'm going to figure this all out while not making enough money to even survive on. And I had to take today off and possibly tomorrow because I doubt I'll be able to walk, much less stand for eight hours.

Fuck my life.


Uggh!  Maybe check with your car insurance provider to see if medical expenses related to an accident are included...?  But that may make your rates go up, so...

I have heard of scammers who intentionally let themselves be rear-ended (insurance fraud, etc.)  I don't suppose that's the case but maybe worth a check with the police who was on the scene.

For what it's worth, good luck...


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Yikes, that looks like it was bad. There's not much you can do for a broken nose and ribs, but I would consider sleeping upright for a while, if you have a recliner. It will help with the swelling. 

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@bilgistic I am so sorry. A similar thing happened to my dad a few years back. A van completely stopped in front of him for no reason on I95 and he didn't have time to slow down or change lanes and he was held at fault. Hoping it wasn't a scammer who did it intentionally.

I hope you at least feel better soon.

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I have only liability car insurance because I can't afford to have more coverage. The other drivers (yes, drivers--the van hit the car in front, too) will be covered and that's most important. The police said they were stopped for a bus. I really don't remember anything between one second I was driving on open road and the next second there was a wall of van in front of me. Then: CRASH! My airbags deployed and puffs of smoke billowed out..and pain...so much pain. And the sensation of blood running down from my nose.

I'm just gutted about my car. I am going to have to get an Uber or whatever to work tomorrow. I don't have cash on me and apparently the buses don't take anything but exact fare (or a pass), which seems horrifically backwards for 2020. I can't miss another day of work or I won't be able to make my rent next week.

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I stayed out of work yesterday, but I'm going to go in today despite the pain. A neighbor is going to take me to work, which is so nice. She came over yesterday and asked if I was OK because she saw the police bring me home after the accident.

I'm planning to get a rental car tomorrow, because I've got to get to the tow yard and I guess just give them my car to pay for the towing and storage expenses. I have checked several places online, and the most I'll get for my car is $190. I'm so heartbroken over my car.

I have several other things I need to get done tomorrow. Charlotte just doesn't have adequate public transportation. You basically have to have a car here. I live 15 minutes south of downtown off one of the main and oldest arteries and the nearest bus stop is almost a half-mile walk away.

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@JTMacc99, I'll see your sweaty gym guy, and raise you two annoying treadmill talkers! I go to the gym at 5:00am to get in a 30 minute run before work (can't run outside right now, too cold), and since the first of the year these two women have been there when I arrive. The first day I made the mistake of getting on a treadmill 2 away from them, and proceeded to listen to their high pitched, screaming infused discussions. I can't hear actual words since I'm wearing earbuds but can still hear the screeching noises. Since then I have chosen a treadmill several away from them but can still hear them in between songs. It's 5:00am, who has that much to talk about at 5:00am every day?????????

Edited by BexKeps
missed a "w"
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Folks, what a day this has been. I said goodbye to my dear girl Scarlett (my late car's name) at the tow yard earlier. I then went to urgent care because my pain is still mighty intense. I worked yesterday and couldn't pick up anything heavier than a half-gallon container, and that was tough. Urgent care has sent me to the ER, where I currently wait. The urgent care PA was concerned I may have internal bleeding (liver laceration) and wants me to get a CT scan.

We're just pretending money isn't a thing anymore, I guess.

I guess, also, that I should've gone to the hospital after the accident.

What a week I'm having!!!

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19 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Folks, what a day this has been. I said goodbye to my dear girl Scarlett (my late car's name) at the tow yard earlier. I then went to urgent care because my pain is still mighty intense. I worked yesterday and couldn't pick up anything heavier than a half-gallon container, and that was tough. Urgent care has sent me to the ER, where I currently wait. The urgent care PA was concerned I may have internal bleeding (liver laceration) and wants me to get a CT scan.

We're just pretending money isn't a thing anymore, I guess.

I guess, also, that I should've gone to the hospital after the accident.

What a week I'm having!!!

Please keep updating us. I've been thinking about you. ❤️

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I spent over six hours at the ER yesterday. Nothing bad was found on the CT scan--just swelling/inflammation. They gave me four whole days' worth of pain pills and three days of muscle relaxants.😐 (Yeah, I know why, but still...) The ER doc wants me to stay home from work Monday (I was off yesterday and am off today and tomorrow), and I was like, yeah, OK... Are you going to pay my rent?

It was pretty foolish for me to work Thursday. I think I probably aggravated everything because I was really hurting yesterday and was as convinced as the urgent care PA that something internal (organ(s)) was wrong. I am actually considering taking Monday off...but we'll see.

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1 minute ago, bilgistic said:

I spent over six hours at the ER yesterday. Nothing bad was found on the CT scan--just swelling/inflammation. They gave me four whole days' worth of pain pills and three days of muscle relaxants.😐 (Yeah, I know why, but still...) The ER doc wants me to stay home from work Monday (I was off yesterday and am off today and tomorrow), and I was like, yeah, OK... Are you going to pay my rent?

It was pretty foolish for me to work Thursday. I think I probably aggravated everything because I was really hurting yesterday and was as convinced as the urgent care PA that something internal (organ(s)) was wrong. I am actually considering taking Monday off...but we'll see.

At least you should be able to get a lot of sleep over the weekend, that will help you heal. I hope you are able to take Monday off as well. Is there someone you work with who can advocate for you?

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It's not so much needing an advocate as it is just needing to work. As a cashier, I make only $10.50 an hour and my hours were cut in October down to 30 a week from 37.5 for several months prior. That's part of a whole other thing that I won't get into here (that's for the work forum), but I was already struggling financially with "full-time" hours. After they cut my hours, forget it. I wasn't making enough for my basic bills. So...missing any work was/is out of the question.

Hence me going in on Thursday like a masochist.

P.S. I do feel like an asshole for complaining about this when @Sandman87 survived the tragedy he did. I know that I could've had it much, much worse. I know I am "lucky" that I was able to walk away from the accident with relatively minor injuries.

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5 hours ago, bilgistic said:

P.S. I do feel like an asshole for complaining about this when @Sandman87 survived the tragedy he did. I know that I could've had it much, much worse. I know I am "lucky" that I was able to walk away from the accident with relatively minor injuries.

Don't worry. It's more fun when everyone complains about things. Otherwise we'd have nothing to talk about here.

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@bilgistic, something has GOT to be on the horizon for you soon. I think so and I hope so. Just from here on these nonsense forums, I see an intelligent, hardworking, capable person willing to do what needs to be done and who doesn't seem to expect the world in return. These are qualities that the universe should eventually favor. And I hope "eventually" means soon.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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9 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

@bilgistic, something has GOT to be on the horizon for you soon. I think so and I hope so. Just from here on these nonsense forums, I see an intelligent, hardworking, capable person willing to do what needs to be done and who doesn't seem to expect the world in return. These are qualities that the universe should eventually favor. And I hope "eventually" means soon.

Truly, any employer would be lucky to have you Bilgy!

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