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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Pet Peeve: Airport security. Yes, it's a hassle. But for the love of God, people, move it along! Start getting ready to take your shoes off before you reach the conveyor belt.

WHY would anyone wear strappy sandals that take FOREVER to remove, same goes for pseudo punk guys in knee high Doc Martens. 

Also, have your passport and boarding pass in hand. 

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1 hour ago, Stenbeck said:

Pet Peeve: Airport security. Yes, it's a hassle. But for the love of God, people, move it along! Start getting ready to take your shoes off before you reach the conveyor belt.

WHY would anyone wear strappy sandals that take FOREVER to remove, same goes for pseudo punk guys in knee high Doc Martens. 

Also, have your passport and boarding pass in hand. 

One thing I've learned to do over the years - I bring a zip-lock bag, and before I get on the security line, empty everything from my pockets, keys, change, phone, pen, watch, etc. into the bag, then slip the bag into my carry-on that's going through the x-ray machine.  That way, I don't have to take the time to dump all my stuff into that little tray, and I don't have to worry about any of it going astray.

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1 hour ago, Stenbeck said:

Pet Peeve: Airport security. Yes, it's a hassle. But for the love of God, people, move it along! Start getting ready to take your shoes off before you reach the conveyor belt.

WHY would anyone wear strappy sandals that take FOREVER to remove, same goes for pseudo punk guys in knee high Doc Martens. 

Also, have your passport and boarding pass in hand. 

Also, considering how filthy those floors can be, I don't care how hot it is, I think everyone ought to wear socks or hose until they get the chance to put their footwear back on once they've cleared security. 

Edited by Blergh
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8 hours ago, Stenbeck said:

Pet Peeve: Airport security. Yes, it's a hassle. But for the love of God, people, move it along! Start getting ready to take your shoes off before you reach the conveyor belt.

WHY would anyone wear strappy sandals that take FOREVER to remove, same goes for pseudo punk guys in knee high Doc Martens. 

Also, have your passport and boarding pass in hand. 

It's not like there aren't TSA agents reminding people of what they need to do to get to the front, or anything. Oh wait, there are! At least undo your laces / straps. 

7 hours ago, Moose135 said:

One thing I've learned to do over the years - I bring a zip-lock bag, and before I get on the security line, empty everything from my pockets, keys, change, phone, pen, watch, etc. into the bag, then slip the bag into my carry-on that's going through the x-ray machine.  That way, I don't have to take the time to dump all my stuff into that little tray, and I don't have to worry about any of it going astray.

That's a great idea!

I have the coolest carry-on that has a small pocket in front, a perfect fit for my 3-1-1 bag and all my other crap that I remove. 

I finally forked over for Global Entry (it was only $15 more than TSA pre) and it's so worth it! I still take off my jacket, belt and shoes but that is *my* decision due to something always setting off the metal detector /  sensor in the body scanner.

My other TSA peeve is people being assholes to the agents. Yes, we all know this is bogus security theater but if you want to travel by plane this is what you do. Sure, there are rude agents and over-zealous agents but for the most part, they're people doing a job. And as of now, they aren't getting paid. So be extra nice. It doesn't cost you anything.

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45 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

That's a great idea!

I have the coolest carry-on that has a small pocket in front, a perfect fit for my 3-1-1 bag and all my other crap that I remove. 

I finally forked over for Global Entry (it was only $15 more than TSA pre) and it's so worth it! I still take off my jacket, belt and shoes but that is *my* decision due to something always setting off the metal detector /  sensor in the body scanner.

My other TSA peeve is people being assholes to the agents. Yes, we all know this is bogus security theater but if you want to travel by plane this is what you do. Sure, there are rude agents and over-zealous agents but for the most part, they're people doing a job. And as of now, they aren't getting paid. So be extra nice. It doesn't cost you anything.

Unless I have a very long trip to get from A to B, I put all my liquids in my checked bag.  Worst case scenario, I'll have to buy anti-perspirant, toothpast, etc when I get there if I lose my luggage.  And, then I just stick my keys and anything else I would have in my pocket in the front pouch of my backpack, and the only electronic I bring with me is my cell phone which can stay in my bag.  I wear sneakers and lace them up loosely, so it's a quick kick off.

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I like food trends and "hipster food". Some of it is a little over the top (stop "destructing" things and serving things on garden tools!!) but the concept and new food ideas make me happy.

So my peeve, you may ask? The Sriracha / chili oil on everything. STOP IT! I like spicy tuna but doesn't need to be neon red spicy! This dish that had no mention of spicy anything? It really doesn't need Sriracha! Just stop!

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Diets:  Guess what?  Don't force certain diets on me.  It might work brilliantly on you, but it might not for me.  You love Keto or Paleo?  Perfect!  For you.  Maybe a mix of Mediterranean and Okinawan is better for me.  Thanks! 

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20 hours ago, PRgal said:

Diets:  Guess what?  Don't force certain diets on me.  It might work brilliantly on you, but it might not for me.  You love Keto or Paleo?  Perfect!  For you.  Maybe a mix of Mediterranean and Okinawan is better for me.  Thanks! 

I agree so much. An adult should not comment on another adult's food or weight or send an adult multiple diets "for motivation."

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3 hours ago, ari333 said:

I agree so much. An adult should not comment on another adult's food or weight or send an adult multiple diets "for motivation."

As a picky eater, I think I speak for all picky eaters when I say, don't tell me what to eat, don't comment on how much I didn't eat or bug me about "oh, you'll change your mind when you've had my (insert disgusting side dish here) it's got more (names horrific condiment) you'll love it!":

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16 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

As a picky eater, I think I speak for all picky eaters when I say, don't tell me what to eat, don't comment on how much I didn't eat or bug me about "oh, you'll change your mind when you've had my (insert disgusting side dish here) it's got more (names horrific condiment) you'll love it!":

Yep picky eater here.  I hate it when coworkers give me food expecting me to like it and then I'm forced to either pretend to eat it and throw it away or be rude.   And people don't even pay attention to what you like or make assumptions about what you like.  For example, a former coworker knew that I eat pizza, so she bought a pizza to split with me for my birthday and I only eat plain cheese pizza, but she bought a margarita pizza which is absolutely disgusting but because she bought it for my birthday I had to pretend to eat it.   She also knows that I eat potato chips(a habit I'm trying to break), so she once gave me a thing of Pringles pizza flavored potato chips, which there's no way I'd ever eat, but I also couldn't give it away to anyone else in my office since I couldn't risk her finding out I didn't eat it.  

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2 minutes ago, partofme said:

Yep picky eater here.  I hate it when coworkers give me food expecting me to like it and then I'm forced to either pretend to eat it and throw it away or be rude.   And people don't even pay attention to what you like or make assumptions about what you like.  For example, a former coworker knew that I eat pizza, so she bought a pizza to split with me for my birthday and I only eat plain cheese pizza, but she bought a margarita pizza which is absolutely disgusting but because she bought it for my birthday I had to pretend to eat it.   She also knows that I eat potato chips(a habit I'm trying to break), so she once gave me a thing of Pringles pizza flavored potato chips, which there's no way I'd ever eat, but I also couldn't give it away to anyone else in my office since I couldn't risk her finding out I didn't eat it.  

I was once invited to a dinner party and the host asked if there was anything I didn't like. I told him mayonnaise. So we sit down to eat and I take one bite of the fish and I could tell it was cooked with that awful white condiment. I kind of picked at it and he said "pretty good, right?' and so of course I said"oh, yes very nice" and practically jumps out of his chair "aha! I knew it! there is mayonnaise in it, ha ha ha!" Like, just wow dude, way to be a dick.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

As a picky eater, I think I speak for all picky eaters when I say, don't tell me what to eat, don't comment on how much I didn't eat or bug me about "oh, you'll change your mind when you've had my (insert disgusting side dish here) it's got more (names horrific condiment) you'll love it!":

I'm not a picky eater, but I hate when someone wants me to try something I don't like, and they say "It's an acquired taste."  I'm sorry, have you looked at me? Do you think I need to acquire a taste for more food?

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On 1/7/2019 at 11:05 AM, ALenore said:

 I priced the software for Windows 10, and it wound up being cheaper to buy a whole new (refurbished) desktop, which came with Windows 10 pre-installed, so that's what I did.  

I just bought a new laptop. Why are they so expensive?! Technology is supposed to get cheaper!

Someone hold me.

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3 hours ago, partofme said:

I couldn't risk her finding out I didn't eat it.  

I need a life rewind on a neighbor who kindly brings me food that I never asked for. I made the mistake of lying that her noodle casserole was delicious and now that's all she brings. All that cream of mushroom soup and canned tuna, right down the disposal. 

I have repeatedly told her it's not necessary and please don't bother, but she's a sweet person who enjoys her mitzvah for the week.

The peeve being: People who don't listen.

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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

As a picky eater, I think I speak for all picky eaters when I say, don't tell me what to eat, don't comment on how much I didn't eat or bug me about "oh, you'll change your mind when you've had my (insert disgusting side dish here) it's got more (names horrific condiment) you'll love it!":

I am not a picky eater. But there is one vegetable I won't eat, it makes me gag. I was forced to eat it as a child, and I cannot stand it. And I don't have to!

My parents, after I became an adult, thought it was hilarious.  Theyd tease, "oh we made your favorite!" When I hosted parties, they offer to bring the one food I hate. They would laugh about it in front of others, like it was so weird to hate a food. A running joke. It went on for decades.  Asking my husband and  kids if I ever made Lima beans for them. One day, I very calmly told my parents that Lima beans might very well be delicious.  But, since I was forced to choke them down so many times as a child, I developed a lifelong aversion. They were responsible for the aversion, and now made it even worse by constantly making jokes and trying to humiliate me about it. And I said that when they offer to make me the one food i hate, it showed how little they thought of me.  They did stop.

It took me a while to realize that what bothered me was that for each of their kids, they chose one thing to make fun of. And it was so mean spirited, to prefer to tease me about something so stupid, than to want to know what was actually going on in my life.

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I would just like to state that I am OK with lima beans. I don't love them, but I have no problem with eating them if they are there. But I am so repulsed by lamb that I have a problem if someone is eating it near me, so I understand your revulsion. 

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18 hours ago, partofme said:

Yep picky eater here.  I hate it when coworkers give me food expecting me to like it and then I'm forced to either pretend to eat it and throw it away or be rude.   And people don't even pay attention to what you like or make assumptions about what you like.  For example, a former coworker knew that I eat pizza, so she bought a pizza to split with me for my birthday and I only eat plain cheese pizza, but she bought a margarita pizza which is absolutely disgusting but because she bought it for my birthday I had to pretend to eat it.   She also knows that I eat potato chips(a habit I'm trying to break), so she once gave me a thing of Pringles pizza flavored potato chips, which there's no way I'd ever eat, but I also couldn't give it away to anyone else in my office since I couldn't risk her finding out I didn't eat it.  

I wonder if she assumed a Margherita was "plain cheese," not acknowledging that basil isn't, well, cheese.  

I also hate it when older people from some cultures use food to show that they like you and that when you ask what's in something (due to sensitivity or triggers, for example) they'll just say "good stuff," as if they think you're an ignorant "foreign" fool.  This goes for older adults from your ancestral culture as well.  

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Today I have two pet peeves regarding cable/internet providers. One is the difficulty of canceling service. As I imagine the case is for many people, it’s often problematic to chat with a customer service rep during business hours, whether by phone or the online chat function, because that's when many customers are also working. I was quite annoyed last evening to go to my current provider’s website, get a pop-up that live chat is available, only to get a message when trying to do so, that reps who handle cancellation are available only during regular business hours. So, at 10:00 pm I can add new service but not cancel existing service. The skill set to handle canceling service is most likely pretty much the same as the skill set to add service.  From my perspective, then, the sole reason you can cancel service only during regular business hours is so the rep can try to transfer you to another rep who specializes in customer retention and will dangle perks to convince you to stay. I’d like there to be an option either online or phone, to skip straight to “I want to cancel my service and nothing you can say is going to change my mind. “  In my case, I’m canceling roughly 6 weeks after getting a technician to come out and troubleshoot. I telecommute full-time; internet service that regularly quits working 5 or 6 times a day is just not acceptable. 

The other peeve is when customer service reps take your order for new service, walk through exactly what you want, but somehow omit some of the items you have requested when they write up the work order. During my chat with the rep for the new provider, I specified at least three times that I need two different landlines. Rep assured me he noted that. So today I called new provider to ask a couple questions before the installation that is scheduled for this afternoon. During that call, the landlines came up, only to discover that the work order specified only one, rather than the two lines I confirmed with the original rep multiple times. FFS, when a new customer tells you several times that ABC is needed, put ABC into the damn work order. 

Edited by BookWoman56
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Yes I hate trying to cancel services, especially with cable or TV service companies. 

Took me an hour with Directv to cancel HBO.  I tend to order and cancel based on when Game of Thrones is on..  I could easily do it online if they'd allow, but they won't

Now I am thinking for the last season I will just sign up for HBO on Hulu, much easier to change it than with Directv. 

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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On 1/10/2019 at 5:35 PM, palmaire said:

I need a life rewind on a neighbor who kindly brings me food that I never asked for. I made the mistake of lying that her noodle casserole was delicious and now that's all she brings. All that cream of mushroom soup and canned tuna, right down the disposal.

My future MIL makes banana bread every month. My fiance will eat a couple slices and then it sits on the counter until I throw it out. I asked him why he doesn't tell her we don't eat banana bread that often, he says it gives her something to do and it makes her happy so he doesn't want to ruin it for her. 

We had a very limited menu growing up, pork chops were a staple, but my mom did not know how to season food so they were just blah to me. I would choke them down with a big glass of milk. I just assumed that's how ALL pork chops tasted. In my 20's I was stationed in California with the USMC and one of my friends made pork chops on the grill and used some sort of seasoning, oh my freakin' heavens, it was like I was tasting for the first time. Good seasoning does wonders.  


6 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

the only reason you can cancel service only during regular business hours is so the rep can try to transfer you to another rep who specializes in customer retention and will dangle perks to convince you to stay

And why do we have to ready to cancel before any of these perks are offered??? If I've been a long term customer who pays her bill on time every month why aren't you sweetening the deal on a regular basis to keep me? My ex-husband regularly cancels and restarts services just to get perks, you'd think it would be cheaper for the cable/credit card/insurance companies to maintain an account rather than keep stopping and starting it. 

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19 hours ago, palmaire said:

I need a life rewind on a neighbor who kindly brings me food that I never asked for. I made the mistake of lying that her noodle casserole was delicious and now that's all she brings. All that cream of mushroom soup and canned tuna, right down the disposal. 

I have repeatedly told her it's not necessary and please don't bother, but she's a sweet person who enjoys her mitzvah for the week.

The peeve being: People who don't listen.

Do you work outside your home?  Someone there might actually like/appreciate the goop.

Or, you could tell your neighbour you've been diagnosed with celiac disease/you've developed a lactose intolerance.

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1 hour ago, GoodieGirl said:

And why do we have to ready to cancel before any of these perks are offered??? If I've been a long term customer who pays her bill on time every month why aren't you sweetening the deal on a regular basis to keep me? My ex-husband regularly cancels and restarts services just to get perks, you'd think it would be cheaper for the cable/credit card/insurance companies to maintain an account rather than keep stopping and starting it. 

I was just coming here to post about the same thing!

Cancelling our newspaper, the person gives us a lower rate because we're  "long time customers."  Say no, and an even LOWER rate is offered. Half the rate we've been paying!  Well, no, we are cutting expenses and don't need the paper. (We both read the online version, but you can't have access to that unless you get an actual paper delivered) . We cancelled, feeling pissed that we have apparently  been paying twice as much as we had to for some time now.

The, trying to cancel our landline, which is bundled with our internet.  We pay $50 per month. But, to get internet only, would be $60. So its CHEAPER to keep the landline we never use?  I'm thinking of disconnecting all the phones, since nobody calls on that line who we want to talk to anyway.  How does this make sense that phone and internet is cheaper than just internet?

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11 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

The, trying to cancel our landline, which is bundled with our internet.  We pay $50 per month. But, to get internet only, would be $60. So its CHEAPER to keep the landline we never use?  I'm thinking of disconnecting all the phones, since nobody calls on that line who we want to talk to anyway.  How does this make sense that phone and internet is cheaper than just internet?

YES! I called to cancel my cable & landline, I was paying close to $300 and it wasn't worth it. I was keeping the internet service though and the service person kept  telling me "well if you bundle you could save x amount of dollars!" WTH?? Why couldn't you just give me a fair price for the internet instead of forcing me to keep things I don't want or need in order to "save" money? These days how many people have landlines anyway??

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4 hours ago, Brookside said:

Do you work outside your home? Someone there might actually like/appreciate the goop.

Or, you could tell your neighbour you've been diagnosed with celiac disease/you've developed a lactose intolerance.

I'm retired but like the celiac idea. On the other hand, she knows I'm diabetic and still brings by themed sweets on every holiday (she makes them for the entire street). 

How hard is it to stop bringing me food? That's the best answer.

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On 1/10/2019 at 5:35 PM, palmaire said:

I need a life rewind on a neighbor who kindly brings me food that I never asked for. I made the mistake of lying that her noodle casserole was delicious and now that's all she brings. All that cream of mushroom soup and canned tuna, right down the disposal. 

I have repeatedly told her it's not necessary and please don't bother, but she's a sweet person who enjoys her mitzvah for the week.

The peeve being: People who don't listen.

Can you tell her you've been advised by your Dr. to stop eating canned tuna? Of course hearing that might make her use some other type of canned meat.

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5 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

We had a very limited menu growing up, pork chops were a staple, but my mom did not know how to season food so they were just blah to me. I would choke them down with a big glass of milk. I just assumed that's how ALL pork chops tasted. In my 20's I was stationed in California with the USMC and one of my friends made pork chops on the grill and used some sort of seasoning, oh my freakin' heavens, it was like I was tasting for the first time. Good seasoning does wonders.  

My mom used to make pork chops and they were always practically burnt. They were very thin (I assume they were cheap because we were fairly poor) and she fried them in a skillet with nothing but maybe a little Crisco. No seasoning and no sauce, so I'd slather them in A-1 so I could get them down. They were like shoe leather and I had to saw and saw at them with a butter knife to cut them into bite-size pieces. I guess I wasn't allowed to use steak knives at that age.

She made a good meatloaf from cheap ground hamburger, so I don't know what the deal was with the pork chops.

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Those bundle offers are the worst. Jeez.

Today I lost the war with my new primary care doctor after trying to take charge of my own health decisions. I explained my history and why I didn't want to take a certain medication he was pushing, and he said he'd have to discharge me as a patient.

I absolutely understand his viewpoint but it's disheartening. My previous PCP didn't love it but was at least understanding and willing to work with me (I left her practice because of chronic 45+ minute waits and incompetent staff).

Doubling up for peeve #2: My health insurance told the new doctor that they couldn't approve me because I wasn't a member. After 23 minutes on the phone and being transferred three times, the doctor's receptionist finally got someone at United Healthcare to admit that yes, I actually was a member. That person couldn't understand what the problem was; my account was clearly there.


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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I don't know what the deal was with the pork chops.

Overcooked pork is particularly terrible (I hate all overcooked meat, but pork and shrimp are just egregious), because it doesn't have much moisture to spare, and those thin chops are very easy to over cook.  Plus, the recommended temperature for pork back when you were a kid was hideously high, so even if your mom cooked them "right," they were overdone.  I love the thin-cut chops, but I brine them because even cooked only to the minimum temperature they can be a little dryer than I'd like.

And, yay, this has helped me make my dinner decision; I didn't know whether I wanted to roast pork or lamb, and now it's pork. 

Edited by Bastet
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Hey guys!

I just do not understand people.  My daughter has a friend who recently turned 30 and has 5 sons.  She's always whining about not having the money to take care of the kids.  She was on Facebook last month asking people if they knew of a place to adopt her family for xmas.  This girl is on unemployment. My daughter left her hotel job a few months ago after her last job gave her a great offer to return.  My daughter offered this girl a full-time job starting at $16 an hour.  She refused the job. What the hell is wrong with people?!  That isn't great money but it's 16 dollars an hour more than nothing.  My daughter isn't a shit stirrer but she's seriously thinking of turning her in to unemployment. 

Oh!! And she just found out she's pregnant again.  Sounds like the perfect solution when you can't take care of the 5 kids you already have doesn't it? 

@bilgistic, I sure wish you lived closer, my daughter would give you a good job. 

Another peeve is unwanted friggin emails.   I get at least 10-15 emails a day that I didn't sign up for and do not want. The ones that piss me off most are the ones who won't unsubscribe you until you give them a reason.  I had to make my main email a throw away email and make a new one for personal use. It's not a huge issue but it sure is annoying as hell. 

I hope everyone is doing well. 

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 Cosign you re unwanted emails. I bought ONE thing from a catalog for a Christmas present because I didn't want to have to deal with going to the mall, fighting for nonexistent parking spots, picking out something THEN boxing it, going to the post office then  shipping to my out-of-town relative. OK, right? Well, this catalog has pestered me with self-promo emails EVERY single day ever since! ARGH! I've already BOUGHT what I wanted and I won't be buying anything else from you all so leave me alone! 

    Here's another pet peeve: DJ's who cut off the last parts of classic songs to intro themselves and tell a tacky joke! Come on, if you must self-promo at least keep the end of the song intact (and  that joke would have gotten eye rolls back in the day when I was in junior high and I've still got  more years in the 20th than this century)!

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On 1/10/2019 at 9:20 PM, partofme said:

Yep picky eater here.  I hate it when coworkers give me food expecting me to like it and then I'm forced to either pretend to eat it and throw it away or be rude.   And people don't even pay attention to what you like or make assumptions about what you like.  For example, a former coworker knew that I eat pizza, so she bought a pizza to split with me for my birthday and I only eat plain cheese pizza, but she bought a margarita pizza which is absolutely disgusting but because she bought it for my birthday I had to pretend to eat it.   She also knows that I eat potato chips(a habit I'm trying to break), so she once gave me a thing of Pringles pizza flavored potato chips, which there's no way I'd ever eat, but I also couldn't give it away to anyone else in my office since I couldn't risk her finding out I didn't eat it.  

It seems she comes from a good but clumsy place, knowing what you like but not the fine prints. I hope you explained to her your likes and not, for the future.

As for people having issues with suscriptions, I relat ! I did, many times, complain about the service, and  got a rebate. But most infuriating is that not having problems/complain means you get to on paying full price while new users have it much cheaper. This goes for a range of services, including credit card companies.   

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Aww...so sad to see the unlove for lima beans.  I disliked them as a kid in NY, but while living in Raleigh, I asked a real southerner how to make them taste like the ones at the public cafeterias. After she told me what to do, I've been making them that way ever since (a little butter, flour, some good seasonings + some cooking water, then pour back into the pot, & let them cook until they're no longer hard as a rock!) This probably won't tempt the anti-lima bean folks, though and I completely understand.  Gosh--some of you have well meaning friends, co-workers and/or neighbors who keep bringing you food you loathe.  I keep trying to think of something you could say to stop the misery but I've come to the conclusion that only the truth shall set you free (but who wants to hurt a good person's feelings???)  I hope the person who was given fish that was cooked with the hated mayo on it told the jerk host that she was just being polite. What a horrid thing to do to a guest.

Edited by annzeepark914
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27 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

Aww...so sad to see the unlove for lima beans.  I disliked them as a kid in NY, but while living in Raleigh, I asked a real southerner how to make them taste like the ones at the public cafeterias. After she told me what to do, I've been making them that way ever since (a little butter, flour, good seasonings + some cooking water, then pour back into the pot, & let them cook until they're no longer hard as a rock!) This probably won't tempt the anti-lima bean folks, though and I completely understand.  Gosh--some of you have well meaning friends, co-workers and/or neighbors who keep bringing you food you loathe.  I keep trying to think of something you could say to stop the misery but I've come to the conclusion that only the truth shall set you free (but who wants to hurt a good person's feelings???)  I hope the person who was given fish that was cooked with the hated mayo on it told the jerk host that she was just being polite. What a horrid thing to do to a guest.

I love al beans, lima included, but it's all about how to cook and season them, and not about forcing them on someone who is adverse to them.

(only quoting you because of the topic and not because I disagree with you)  

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Picky eaters can be frustrating, but unless it's your child, people have no business trying to convince them to eat something.  A friend of mine roomed with me for about a year and a half when she graduated college, and her diet was pathetic (extremely limited, and straight off the kids menu at any given strip mall chain restaurant).  I did think it was unfortunate she disliked (or, usually, didn't want to try) the majority of ingredients in the world, but I would never have made a second plate of whatever I was fixing for dinner and said, "Here, eat this." 

She was kind of a pain to travel with, though, because of the food thing.  We were once in New Orleans (one of the greatest cities in the country to eat your way through) with two other friends, and we kept having to make time for her to stop at Burger King before or after we went to all these great restaurants at which she wouldn't eat.  But it was still a wonderful trip, and she never once suggested the rest of us limit our dining experiences to places that had fries and chicken fingers on the menu; she just drank (and maybe had an appetizer) and talked while we ate.

I am not a picky eater, as I like exponentially more food than I dislike, but like most people I have a number of things in the big wide world of food I strongly dislike and thus won't eat -- every single type of bean I have ever tried, mustard, egg yolks, potatoes, yogurt, green beans, peas, blue cheese, and a few types of fish.  I don't really care for stews regardless of ingredients because the vegetables have been cooked too long for me (in terms of both texture and taste).  There are quite a few cuts of beef/beef dishes I will eat to be polite but would never make or order (add pot roast and meatloaf to the "wouldn't eat with someone else's mouth" list, though).  I'm not a big fan of cooked tomatoes or tomato-based sauces.  I won't eat sour cream unless it's mixed with a whole lot of flavorful things to cover it up.  Same with tofu.  Raw carrots do nothing for me, and cooked carrots I straight-up dislike.  But pretty much everything else I've tried I like, and there's a lot of food I truly love.

My peeve is, "Oh, you don't like [insert food here, often potatoes]?  You're missing out."  This is a completely illogical statement.  I have tried it and find it distasteful.  Therefore, I am not missing out on anything other than an unpleasant experience by not eating it, and rational people avoid unpleasant experiences when feasible.

I understand that when you really like something, and find out another person doesn't, there can be a "Wow, really?  I can't imagine not liking X" reaction.  Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite vegetables, but I know a lot of people dislike them (making them for my own mother I have to doctor them up with other things in order for her to eat them, like she's my toddler); I don't bat an eye when someone dislikes them.  Same with the various bitter greens I like.  Or all the spicy foods I love.  But I frakkin' love pretty much every kind of cheese other than blue cheese, and am surprised when someone doesn't like cheese of any kind.  Or chocolate of any kind.  Cheese?  Chocolate (the darker the better)?  These are two of life's greatest things for me.  Yet I still don't stand there aghast, declare they're missing out, or insist they'd like it if they had it X way.

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Amazon just reminded me of this when they sent me an update email. I absolutely hate it when authors who have series I read put out a bunch of short stories/novellas in between full length novels. I stopped reading them a long time ago because they annoy me so much. If you can write a novella & a short story for the series, why can't you combine them into a novel? I feel like they're just doing a price grab by making you pay for little stories that are only a couple hundred pages long. And in a related pet peeve, I hate it when authors also write graphic novels & RPGs for the same series they write novels for. The novels come out years apart (yeah, I'm looking at you Jim Butcher) because they're so busy writing all the other stuff, (which I don't read/play) either.

Edited by GaT
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Cooked carrots are just about the grossest thing I've ever eaten. I don't like many beans except for refried pinto beans (sans lard) in Mexican food, black beans and lentils. I've only recently discovered that I like lentils and wondered why I'd never been exposed to them before now. I use them in a salad mix and a tabbouleh mix. I only like green beans in green bean casserole at Thanksgiving. I think they are kind of bitter and gross otherwise.

We didn't eat with any sense of adventure when I was growing up. I guess it was a combination of not having money, us being picky kids and Mom working a lot, so I had to be able to make easy meals. That meant we ate a lot of tacos, spaghetti (jarred sauce with meat added), fish sticks and french fries, boxed macaroni and cheese, frozen or boxed-mix pizza, and Chef Boyardee.

I went out to eat Mexican food every week or so with my boyfriend in high school, but I wasn't exposed to any other kind of food until I was well into my 20s. The first time I had Thai food on a lunch outing with work folks, I was like, "OH I HAVE BEEN MISSING A WHOLE WORLD OF FLAVORS!! THIS IS AMAZING!" I picked up takeout from that same restaurant (some ~20 years later!) regularly on my way home from work at my last job. Just so, so good!

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16 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

boxed-mix pizza,

We ate that every once in awhile (the Chef Boyardee pizza kit)  and it was such a big treat!  I tried it as an adult and thought "Yikes!  What were we thinking?".  I still kind of like the sauce though...

I just didn't have a taste for a lot of foods growing up so was what everyone else called a picky eater.  Mom understood though and didn't give me a hard time.  At some point around 24 I started to develop a taste for a broader range of foods.

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Well, here's a super-specific peeve: when the carpet restretcher is late (and destined to be later still judging by where he said he was when he called...30 minutes after he was supposed to be here) and here we are with all of our possessions on one side of the (small) condo! And also that it's a different guy than the one who came here before to let us know how and where to move it all. Is it too early for a gin & tonic?! At least I got some cleaning done in areas that haven't seen the light of day for five years.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, GaT said:

I absolutely hate it when authors who have series I read put out a bunch of short stories/novellas in between full length novels.

In an author-related peeve, I've been reading a lot of self-published mystery series and they're so much alike I almost think it's one person writing under 15 different pen names. They're around 200 pages and a new one comes out every 2-3 months. If the stories don't exactly end on a cliffhanger, it's close enough that the next one in the series picks up at the same place.

I don't claim to understand the economics, but the silly things only sell for around $3.99. I get them free with Kindle Unlimited. After publishing expenses, the authors must take home maybe $1.50 for each sale? I just looked up one of the more popular authors, and her latest release is #405,173 in book sales and #882 in Kindle. Nobody's making bank on those numbers.

It's throwaway entertainment for me but I still wish the authors would take time to plot out a complete story arc that ends with a danged crime being solved. Charge the standard $8.99 or whatever. It's not that a short story or novella can't be fun to read, but at least call it what it is.

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12 minutes ago, Isle Of Why said:

I don't claim to understand the economics, but the silly things only sell for around $3.99. I get them free with Kindle Unlimited. After publishing expenses, the authors must take home maybe $1.50 for each sale? I just looked up one of the more popular authors, and her latest release is #405,173 in book sales and #882 in Kindle. Nobody's making bank on those numbers.

I like real books, I used to read the short stories on my phone, but it annoyed me so I stopped. I still feel like they're ripping me off.

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58 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

We ate that every once in awhile (the Chef Boyardee pizza kit)  and it was such a big treat!  I tried it as an adult and thought "Yikes!  What were we thinking?".  I still kind of like the sauce though...

I just didn't have a taste for a lot of foods growing up so was what everyone else called a picky eater.  Mom understood though and didn't give me a hard time.  At some point around 24 I started to develop a taste for a broader range of foods.

That sauce was delicious! The dough was so complicated, though! You had to mix and knead it and let it rest/rise and then stretch it (without tearing!) to fit the pan. Like, I'm not a pastry chef; I'm trying to make pizza for $1.29!

We bought mozzarella cheese and pepperoni to top it. "Homemade" pizza night was exciting in our house. A single pizza delivery was like $25 back then!

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 hope the person who was given fish that was cooked with the hated mayo on it told the jerk host that she was just being polite. What a horrid thing to do to a guest

That was me. I worked with the guy's partner so I just quietly pushed around my plate and ate the side dishes.


We ate that every once in awhile (the Chef Boyardee pizza kit)  and it was such a big treat!  I tried it as an adult and thought "Yikes!  What were we thinking?".  I still kind of like the sauce though...

We used to get a boxed pizza kit made by Appian Way. I really miss that sauce, it was not too sweet. Unlike everything today. That's another peeve! Why is everything so fucking sweet? Pizza sauce, tortillas, bread, etc. Just everything. I hates it, precious.

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