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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Peeve: Unnecessary waste. 

My office supplies plastic cups for water. Instead of reusing the cup throughout the day (or better yet, bringing a cup or bottle from home) people take a new cup each time going through 4-5 cups a day, for no reason. I have been campaigning to provide everyone a plastic tumbler (that we can buy through our swag website) and discontinuing the use of plastic cups (and straws).

Same thing with plastic cutlery. Instead of having a box of plastic cutlery for people to use, each item is wrapped in plastic! So much waste! I picked up a bag of heavy duty yet disposable plastic cutlery from IKEA for about $2. They are made to be washed and reused but if I toss it by mistake it's no big deal.

2018 has approximately 261 'working days'. If you bring your lunch 4 out of 5 days you're going through several hundred plastic forks and cups a year, per person.

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I have to wear earplugs to the movies lest I walk out with a headache from the noise.

Yes, and I even have a slight hearing loss! Typical foam or polyurethane noise plugs block around 25-30dB, and I can still hear the movie just fine. I've always thought the audio at some theaters must be above the acceptable OSHA workplace standards of an average of 90dBa.

Edited by 2727
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5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Pet Peeve: Everything being so loud.

I hear ya.  I have earplugs stashed everywhere.   In the mornings at work many of us are usually waiting in our cars for a supervisor to unlock the building.  One of the "kids"  (about age 25) sits in the parking lot with his music going boom! boom! boom!  This is my quiet time to play games on my phone and shouldn't be made to feel I should crawl under my car because we're being attacked.  I'm trying to find a polite way to say,"Knock it off and have some respect for others or I'll kick your ass" but nothing comes to mind.  

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On 11/18/2018 at 3:29 PM, peacheslatour said:

Between my husband's obsession with Hallmark Christmas movies and all the premature advertising, I'm sick of Christmas already.

My enthusiasm for Christmas generally waxes and wanes with how busy I am at work.  This year the earliness of it isn't bothering me that much.

However, someone in another thread linked to an article that made me do a full body shudder.  Apparently there are seventy nine never before seen brand new Christmas movies.  That is too many.

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It's not seasonable but it's getting so evergreen in my city, it's driving me batty: t rented miniscooters or rather the folks who use them. Hello, sidewalks are meant for WALKING- not having everyone else run out of the way of these folks who try to zoom past those of us still on our own two legs. Also, if one is going to into the streets with those things; WEAR HELMETS! I don't care if it's only a block or two, being balanced on those things won't cause one's heads or limbs to be immune to the possibility of being SMASHED like eggshells and match sticks by four-wheeled vehicles. Do your mommies know you're taking such risks with these things?! Sakes! 

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Women's pajama bottoms always shrink!  If I wanted mid-thigh lengthed pjs, I would have bought them.

Most of the time I wear men's pajama bottoms because of that and that works out better generally except for flannel.  That is most disappointing when flannel shrinks.

I have very little storage space in my kitchen.  There is this an odd little closet under the stairs that is sorta kitchen adjacent, but the ceiling starts to slope at about 60 inches.  I've been looking for some heavy duty shelving or a baker's rack to fit in there so I can move my collection of heavy pots and pans (a fair amount of cast iron and stoneware pots) from prime kitchen real estate.  The width of the closet under the stairs is just a smidge under 36 inches and most of the suitable racks I've found are 36 inches.  There are units with shorter widths, but then there will be wasted space at the ends.

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29 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Women's pajama bottoms always shrink!  If I wanted mid-thigh lengthed pjs, I would have bought them.

Most of the time I wear men's pajama bottoms because of that and that works out better generally except for flannel.  That is most disappointing when flannel shrinks.

I gave up on Old Navy years ago but their PJ bottoms are still decent and I don't notice much shrinkage.

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4 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I gave up on Old Navy years ago but their PJ bottoms are still decent and I don't notice much shrinkage.

I bought some men's tall pj bottoms from them earlier this year.  They have stripes and the stripes line up nicely at the seams which makes me happy and they've shrunk a touch, but since they were longer than I needed to begin with it is still fine.  I was just looking at their flannel ones earlier today and I was very disappointed that the attention to detail did not hold true on those.

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On 11/14/2018 at 11:02 AM, Katy M said:

Trivia: Thanksgiving used to always be the last Thursday, but they moved it forward to the 4th Thursday in 1941, so that stores could start promoting Christmas.  Because it was considered "ungentlemanly" to begin Christmas sales before Thanksgiving.  Can we go back to those good old days?  Please

I don't see the point.  Only 2 out of 7 years will there be a fifth Thursday.  and certainly these days, stores start decorating for christmas the day after halloween.


On 11/15/2018 at 8:42 AM, JTMacc99 said:

h, and I kind of like the 10 and 15 setup. I've seen a 6 or 8 lane and then a 15 lane as well in some stores. By having the 15 lane, it pushes most of the people who have 12-20 items out of the 10 lane, speeding it up for the people who really only have two or three things.

At my grocer's, they have a sign on every cashier that can limit it to 15 items.  It only takes effect if the sign is lit up.  What is confusing is that on the two lanes that are most often 15 item lanes, there is also a larger sign that says "carousel bagging, perfect for 25 items or less."  So people routinely get into a line with the lit 15 item sign, but with more than 15 items because they see the 25 item sign. 

And then, the cashiers in those lanes don't actually use the carousel bagging.  For carousel bagging, the idea is the cashier scans the item, puts it in a bag and when the bag is full, spin the carousel to a new bag, so the customer can then grab the full bag off the carousel while the cashier is filling a new one.  but these cashiers were bagging items, then when the bag was full, pulling the bag off the carousel, sometimes double bag, and then lifting the bag up to hand to the customer over the counter.  So taking extra time, which adds up when you do it 2-3 times per customer and there's a long line.

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I have 400 photos on my iphone that apparently take up 623 mb.  I delete 45 photos (i.e. over 10%), including deleting the 'recently deleted' folder.  Still takes up 623 mb.  All of these photos are supposedly 'in the cloud' in that it seems I have to "redownload' them if I want to forward them to someone or post on facebook or instagram.  But they still take up over 600 mb on my phone.  largest amount of space after music and podcasts.

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I'm hoping that things break in the proverbial three and I've reached my limit.

Yesterday, my dryer belt broke (I assume). I didn't realize what had happened until I went to check on the clothes after the dryer ran a full cycle. The clothes weren't dry, just as they usually aren't after one "permanent press" dry cycle, so I reset the dial and hit the "on" button. The dryer sounded...different...and it hit me that the unusual loud noise I heard earlier that I attributed to the cats or neighbors was the dryer belt breaking. The dryer drum wasn't turning.

Of course this happened 2.5 days before a holiday, and I had to work today and tomorrow and am going to my sister's in Georgia after work tomorrow. I return Friday and have to work Saturday. So the earliest I can get the dryer fixed is Monday, if I'm off, which I won't know until Saturday because my department manager won't put up a "pending store manager approval/subject to change" schedule. He waits until the store managers approve the schedule before he will post it. So I don't know until Saturday if I have to work the next day. Meaning...if I knew now that I was off Monday, I could schedule a tech call for the dryer.

So I'm going to be taking my work clothes with me to my sister's to wash and dry. I won't have time to wash and air-dry my clothes at home between tomorrow afternoon and Saturday.

This morning, one of my bedroom lamps broke. It's just a little black ceramic lamp that I've had forever. It won't turn off when I push the switch. I guess I could rewire it.

The third break was this afternoon at work. I sat down to eat lunch and I felt something cold on my upper thigh (underneath). It was the bench I felt because I had a huge rip in my pants! It started about three inches down from the crotch at the leg seam and went horizontal across the back of my thigh past the midpoint. I don't know how or when I did it. I worked the rest of my shift with it; as long as I didn't bend over, no cheek or fleshy inner thigh meat was exposed. I stayed off the floor and worked back in the bakery.

Nothing else can break, rend, or fail now, universe!

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

Wow!  That sucks - the cats want to know if you should stay home instead of traveling just to be safe.  I’m sure they have no ulterior motives...

I've already paid the catsitter and will get back only half the handsome sum if I cancel now. My anxiety would like me to stay home, but I do miss my family. Of course, I will terribly miss my kitties while I'm gone!

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On 11/12/2018 at 9:23 AM, PRgal said:

UberEats does that to me sometimes.  I'll order something, wait like 20 minutes to get a confirmation, but instead of a confirmation, I get an order cancelled.  WTF??!!  I'm starving and you're telling me that my order was CANCELLED??!!!  

Who cancelled it?! (Or, put another way, how did it get cancelled?!)

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3 hours ago, bmasters9 said:

Who cancelled it?! (Or, put another way, how did it get cancelled?!)

The restaurant.  It was never officially confirmed.   

Edited by PRgal
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On 10/16/2018 at 9:19 AM, Mindthinkr said:

Offensive. Members of my family have served (some still do) in our armed forces. I take our National Anthem seriously. I stand, am quiet, and put my hand over my heart. Even if at home watching a NASCAR race for instance.

I've done it even when watching DVDs of vintage broadcasts in which the anthem was sung; one example being the 1985 World Series on ABC (A&E released that), in which Reba McEntire (a much younger Reba then; 30 years old at that time) sung the anthem on the broadcast of the first game, Saturday, Oct. 19, 1985.


Edited by bmasters9
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Peeve:  Head colds.  I started getting a scratchy throat yesterday and a little cough, but I hoped it was because I had been working in the yard the day before and might have breathed in some dust or pollen.  But, no, it is now a full-fledged cough (but not so bad that I have coughing fits, thank heavens) and a little 'wheeze' in my chest.  At least it's not a 'whole head stuffed up' cold.  I can't take 'good' cold medicine any more (the kind that opens you up and lets you sleep for a few hours), so I can deal with a cough.  I also have a slight fever, but it will probably be gone by morning.  

I'm just glad that the only holiday activities I have tomorrow is to go out to my dad's (not too far away), see that the turkey breast I bought gets cooked properly and bake up a tube of crescent rolls.  (I'm also supposed to peel potatoes for mashed, but I can do that while lounging on the couch.)  

I did manage to stave off colds for a long time.  I think this is the first one I've had in over a year (I think my resistance might have been low because I haven't been eating right).  Now to have some of the vegetable soup I made the other day and maybe watch TV (or I might just go on to bed). 

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Pet peeves:

People who spoil library books by getting food stains on the pages, including thumbprints.

Also people who "edit" a library book, particularly when their edits are wrong.  I'm an editor and, believe me, I'm often infuriated by incorrect grammar, spelling errors, etc.  I am currently reading a book where someone felt the need to underline two consecutive sentences that are completely correct and wrote "what?!" in black ink in the margin.  This person has also "corrected" several other things that are completely fine.

Finally, people who were obviously smoking while reading a library book.

Edited by Brookside
Typos in my post! Ah, the irony.
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20 hours ago, Brookside said:

Pet peeves:

People who spoil library books by getting food stains on the pages, including thumbprints.

Also people who "edit" a library book, particularly when their edits are wrong.  I'm an editor and, believe me, I'm often infuriated be incorrect grammar, spelling errors etc.  I am currently reading a book where someone felt the need to underline two consecutive sentence that are completely correct and wrote "what?!" in black ink in the margin.  This person has also "corrected" several other things that are completely fine,

Finally, people who were obviously smoking while reading a library book.

There is no excuse for damaging a library book like that. I will admit to an occasional food stain on a few of my own books, which is one reason I now mostly read kindle books, but a library book or a book belonging to someone else is going to be treated with much more care. Writing in a book, supposedly to correct something, just makes me cringe.  Grammar and spelling mistakes bother me because I write for a living, but if I want to make snarky comments about grammar and spelling mistakes I noticed in a book, I will make those comments in an online review. What kind of person thinks it’s okay to deface a library book? 

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On 11/20/2018 at 9:12 PM, Hanahope said:

Mb.  I only have 16 gb on my phone, so the photos take up a decent amount of my available space.

Probably a stupid question but did you also delete them from the "deleted" folder under photos after you deleted them from your phone?

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I had seen my favorite Thanksgiving movie, Home for the Holidays, was a available on On Demand.  I was thrilled, but didn’t watch it cause it was too soon.

Today it is no longer available for free to me.  Now it is on a premium channel I don’t get.


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5 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I had seen my favorite Thanksgiving movie, Home for the Holidays, was a available on On Demand.  I was thrilled, but didn’t watch it cause it was too soon.

Today it is no longer available for free to me.  Now it is on a premium channel I don’t get.


What channel is it on that is inaccessible to you?

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7 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I had seen my favorite Thanksgiving movie, Home for the Holidays, was a available on On Demand.  I was thrilled, but didn’t watch it cause it was too soon.

Today it is no longer available for free to me.  Now it is on a premium channel I don’t get.



2 hours ago, bmasters9 said:

What channel is it on that is inaccessible to you?

It was on one of the Starz channels when I recorded it.

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On 11/22/2018 at 10:25 PM, BookWoman56 said:

What kind of person thinks it’s okay to deface a library book? 

Ramona Quimby did in her first major book, Beezus and Ramona from 1955 (Ramona was 4 years old in that first book). The name of the book was Big Steve; Ramona liked it so much that she wanted to keep it, so she defaced it. Her mother discovered what happened, and scolded her. Her mother then had Beezus, Ramona's big sister, to go to the library to find out how much to pay for the damage. The bill for the damage came to $2.50 (a whole lot different sum then than it is now); the book was then stamped "Discarded," but it did not become Ramona's; it became Beezus', as the book was checked out on Beezus' card (Ramona didn't have a card). Beezus then said that she would not mind reading it every once in a while, just not all the time; Ramona was amenable to that.

That's just how I recall it going from that first Ramona book; I may be incorrect.

Edited by bmasters9
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My current pet peeve: I am so fucking sick of the so called justice warriors that decide to start a Twitter riot because of little things like Sarah Michelle Geller posting a pic of herself so that she won't overreat on Thanksgiving or debating whether A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving was racist or some guy quoting Winston Churchill and so on and so on and so forth...

Even if their reactions are justified in some way, does everything really require a damn Internet tantrum?!

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The SMG thing was really a reach. Its not fat shaming if a woman chooses to watch her weight and posts a skinny photo of herself as inspiration,IMO. She is focused on herself, not bashing a group. I am also tired of stupid things causing a social media meltdown. People get annoyed when celebrities dare to have a private life with minimal social media interaction, but then expect a celeb who is an active on social media to walk a tightrope. Yeah, they are public figures, but they are also human and are going to say and do stuff that people don't agree with.  

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Speaking of library books, for some reason it drives me bats when people turn down page corners to save their page.  It feels like they've wounded the book.  Bookmarks, people!  Our library always has a stack at the checkout counter.  Or use any scrap of paper that's handy.  Or the return date card from the front of the book.

Edited by Angeltoes
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On 11/21/2018 at 5:09 AM, bmasters9 said:

UberEats does that to me sometimes.  I'll order something, wait like 20 minutes to get a confirmation, but instead of a confirmation, I get an order cancelled.  WTF??!!  I'm starving and you're telling me that my order was CANCELLED??!!!  

I feel your pain, @bmasters9! I got a similar Postmates issue recently that truly disgusted me. I’d hungrily ordered a pizza for my husband and me; over an hour later, still no pizza, despite my delivery person having shown on the app that she had picked up the pizza and was on her way. So I called the Postemate delivery person, and her phone was turned off. Then I called the pizza place, and they confirmed that a woman from Postmates did indeed come in and pick up my pizza. Her phone remained turned off, yet my app claimed that she was “on her way.” It remained that way for the rest of the night and we never got our pizza—-so that bitch ate our goddamned pizza!!

How ratchet is that?! I got refunded from Postmates, but I was so annoyed that I couldn’t give that food-stealing delivery person a bad rating on the app. Makes me wonder how many of those delivery people regularly get away with stealing food orders.

On the flip side, another time I ordered some Chinese takeout and the driver delivered it to the wrong condo in our building. Instead of the delivery person going back and picking up the food from where he left it(later claimed that he couldn’t remember which unit it was), the restaurant sent another order our way. And I wasn’t as annoyed by the dumbass delivery person who didn’t speak English and couldn’t answer his phone, but was far more annoyed by the trashyassed person in my condo building who gladly claimed and ate my food order. That’s just tacky AF.

I dunno, maybe karma is somehow telling me that I’m doomed to a lifetime of stolen food orders.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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This might be more of a thing that baffles me than a peeve but it's GlassesUSA, which I recently used to buy a second pair of glasses and Rx sunglasses. While I am very happy with the service, I am inundated with daily e-mail promotions! Just how often does their clientele buy more glasses?!

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To those who bitched out Sarah Michelle Gellar on social media: She's an actress on the wrong side of 40 who no doubt wants to keep working... putting on weight is not option for her. Now, if Jack Black, Paul Giamatti, or Kevin James want to eat themselves stupid, they absolutely can, 'cause they're dudes. The ladies?  Not so much.

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1 hour ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

To those who bitched out Sarah Michelle Gellar on social media: She's an actress on the wrong side of 40 who no doubt wants to keep working... putting on weight is not option for her. Now, if Jack Black, Paul Giamatti, or Kevin James want to eat themselves stupid, they absolutely can, 'cause they're dudes. The ladies?  Not so much.

I have no problem with what SMG did, but let's not forget Melissa McCarthy, Roseanne, or Chrissy Metz.

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I'm annoyed when money I receive from the bank teller, the atm or from a cashier is not all facing the same way.  In every job I worked handling money, we needed to put the bills all facing the same way and with the heads aligned.

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Drivers who don't turn their lights on in fog, even though it's down to the ground and you can't see the traffic lights until you're practically in the intersection, so a car's lights are the only way you're going to see it until you're practically up its trunk.  (Perhaps they got confused by the "don't turn your high-beams on in fog" and translated that to "don't turn your lights on in fog," but, no, I think they're just dumb, because they were also whizzing along a good 15-20 mph faster than was safe for the conditions.)

Edited by Bastet
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4 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I'm annoyed when money I receive from the bank teller, the atm or from a cashier is not all facing the same way.  In every job I worked handling money, we needed to put the bills all facing the same way and with the heads aligned.

I was just thinking this Friday when I got money out of the ATM and it was all willy-nilly! It's a little thing but I can't stand it! 

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11 hours ago, Katy M said:

I have no problem with what SMG did, but let's not forget Melissa McCarthy, Roseanne, or Chrissy Metz.

Yes, but they came on the scene already overweight and were accepted as such. SMG absolutely would be fat-shamed if she gained 50, hell even 20 pounds. There would be endless corny jokes about how the only thing Buffy would be slaying is the food table or whatever. That's my peeve with society. People think it is okay to judge someone else's weight, but would hate for the tables to be turned on them.

Edited by AgentRXS
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3 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Yes, but they came on the scene already overweight and were accepted as such. SMG absolutely would be fat-shamed if she gained 50, hell even 20 pounds. There would be endless corny jokes about how the only thing Buffy would be slaying is the food table or whatever. That's my peeve with society. People think it is okay to judge someone else's weight, but would hate for the tables to turned on them.

I agree with that, but I don't know that it's a completely sexist thing.  Yes, men can definitely get away with being slightly overweight, more than women.  But, if Brad PItt, or George Clooeny, or somebody younger that I can't think of because I'm old and don't feel like it, were to gain 60 or 80 pounds, they would be equally lambasted, IMO.

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Nathan Fillion plumped up quite a bit during Castle  and I never saw anyone comment on it. If Stana Katic had put on a few pounds, I think she would've been treated differently. 

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

But, if Brad PItt, or George Clooeny, or somebody younger that I can't think of because I'm old and don't feel like it, were to gain 60 or 80 pounds, they would be equally lambasted, IMO.

There's no way it would be equal.  There's very little that affects men equally to women, and the degree to which their looks in general, and especially their weight, is scrutinized and criticized is not on the list of exceptions (which can probably be inscribed on the head of a pin).

Edited by Bastet
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Husband and I were grocery shopping, and the bagger, proclaimed, loudly,  "stocking up, huh?  are you getting ready to hibernate?"  

We had 5 bags of groceries, (a week's worth)  spent about $120 and there were no items in large quantities - no milk or bread, only one carton of eggs, and maybe 10 cans at most - beans, soup, tomatoes.  It was such an odd comment, and so inaccurate, I was too stunned to reply.   It's not the first time something like this happened, and it really unnerves me.  Your job is to  put the stuff in the damn bags, not comment on whether I'm buying too much or too little! 

Though I think the real reason it bugged me so much is that a snow storm was predicted, and his comment made people turn around to look.   I think they were expecting a cart full of gallons of milk, loaves of bread, etc., and here we were buying our usual amount of food. 

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

I was too stunned to reply. It's not the first time something like this happened, and it really unnerves me.

Me, too! I don't know why it bothers me so much. I can't remember if it used to, or if maybe the whole food nanny culture now has increased my sensitivity/defensiveness?

It's not like the cashiers are explicitly chiding me. One recent comment from a 60+ year old bagger was "That's sure a lot of rabbit food" because I had three bags of salad mixes. Honestly, if they lasted longer I'd buy 5-6 at a time. Another woman idly said, "Looks like Mexican food tonight" which, on any level, is harmless chit chat. But I still get annoyed.

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8 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Your job is to  put the stuff in the damn bags, not comment on whether I'm buying too much or too little! 

I was at a neighborhood liquor store, the lady ahead of me bought a twelve pack of beer. As soon as the lady left, the cashier loudly said "I hope she has company - she bought the same thing just last night!" Seriously? They lost my business that night. Take the money, be glad for the business, and keep your commentary to yourself.


6 hours ago, 2727 said:

"That's sure a lot of rabbit food" because I had three bags of salad mixes. Honestly, if they lasted longer I'd buy 5-6 at a time. Another woman idly said, "Looks like Mexican food tonight" which, on any level, is harmless chit chat. But I still get annoyed.

There's a teenager at the small store I sometimes use. Usually this annoys me too, but this kid clearly thinks this is part of good customer service. It's kind of cute because it feels like it's hard for him to talk to people and he's forcing himself to do it to be "friendly" - so both annoying and adorable at the same time!

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10 hours ago, ABay said:

Nathan Fillion plumped up quite a bit during Castle  and I never saw anyone comment on it. If Stana Katic had put on a few pounds, I think she would've been treated differently. 

Actually, I did see people commenting on that.  But, probably not as much as they would have had it been Stana Katic.

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I once had a cashier tell me she wouldn't pay that price for a fish product. Where was the manager to hear her say that! The bagger just looked at her as if she were stupid. I said I bought it before and it was very good. 

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21 minutes ago, rcc said:

I once had a cashier tell me she wouldn't pay that price for a fish product. Where was the manager to hear her say that!  

I once was buying a pre-cut packaged vegetables and onion mix that was on BOGO. At check-out, the cashier felt obliged to say they were only on sale because they were going bad.


Except all Publix stores in the area have the same weekly BOGO items, putting them on sale meant the produce section needed to stock up beforehand, and the store prints the circular several days ahead of time.

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1 hour ago, rcc said:

I once had a cashier tell me she wouldn't pay that price for a fish product. Where was the manager to hear her say that! The bagger just looked at her as if she were stupid. I said I bought it before and it was very good. 

That's stupid.  Sometimes when my boss is setting prices, I'll tell him in private, I think it's too much.  But, when someone is purchasing it, I just think to myself "what do you know? someone did pay that much."  And I'm glad because that means we're still in business another day.

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