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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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I've always believed the reason for rearranging stores was so customers would have to look for things, and while they are looking, they might see other things they want.

Our Walmart changed things a month or so ago and now is changing things again, perhaps this time for wine sales. If not, then it is going to change things again when it adds wine.

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46 minutes ago, auntlada said:

I've always believed the reason for rearranging stores was so customers would have to look for things, and while they are looking, they might see other things they want.

Which doesn't work on me, because I hardly buy anything in the aisles anyway (mostly meat, produce, and deli, all of which are on the sides and in the back), and when I'm annoyed because the few things I want from there aren't where they used to be, I become hyper-focused looking for them and really don't even register the other stuff I'm looking at/past as I stop at the end of each aisle to look at the overhead signs and scan down the aisle.  (All while making sure I'm not preventing someone from entering/exiting the aisle, because I hate when people get lost in thought with their damn cart in the way.)  But I'm sure for those who shop by going up and down most of the aisles, it can be an effective strategy.  Seems like a lot of work for whatever reward it yields, though.

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3 hours ago, auntlada said:

I've always believed the reason for rearranging stores was so customers would have to look for things, and while they are looking, they might see other things they want.

I don't think this is intended to confuse you into buying more stuff.  Its because a corporate consultant earned millions of dollars explaining to the chain that they'd earn so much more money if they organized the store in a way that staples are spread out in a way that requires the shopper to cover more square footage in the store and take longer to get out.  And their new layout is a infinitesimal fraction better than the old one at that.

When I was a teenager, I worked at a store that did a redesign.  We were all locked in overnight to accomplish it.  I read the plan wrong and backwards for my aisle.  We decided to leave it that way.  They are out of business now.  Probably because the crayons were at the front of the aisle instead of the back.

In corporate America this is akin to rebranding.  Consultants convince them everything would be better if we have a different color scheme and use a standard powerpoint template.  Then you spend too much of your time messing with how to make a slide without bullet point not look like a run on sentence.  Then crud, the text boxes resized themselves to different sizes on the same page.  This header is half way down the page and unmovable.  This chart has three colors and I can't see the variations of green to figure which line or bar that is. 

Then you get browbeaten to adopting the colors but they aren't in excel.  No instructions in the half dozen brand communication slide decks.  Call the best person at excel you know.  They don't know.  Google,  Nope. Call IT,  They don't know how to do it.    (but you had to sit in a brand launch meeting so they must be prepared).  Finally you are paying money to call the outside to the 'you don't know how to use Microsoft' service.  Then you become the trainer of every other person who has to figure this out.  That is how your time is best spent.  So we can internally communicate in shades of green.

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On ‎9‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 2:22 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

My peeve is not only with habitual later comers, but, those who condone and enable them.  Why do you think that is? If someone is late, why not text or call them to say, you're late, I'm not waiting.  See ya, later, but, some people seem to feel that it's not appropriate to call them on it. So, the people on time, suffer and endure, while the late comers get special treatment.  I just don't get it.  As you may know, I call out later comers, after a reasonable amount of time to see if there's something legit, but, it hardly ever is.  

Yeah, I have a family like that.   IF someone is late, dinner is held up.  Unless it's at my house. If I say dinner is at 6, it will be served by 6:15.  If you arrive at 7,  you can scrounge for leftovers.  or you can have dessert and coffee with us.  But don't expect me to serve you dinner.  

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My kids variable banana consumption pattern.  Sometimes I buy bananas (normally 4-5, just barely out of the green stage) and my kids hoover them up in no time flat.  Other times I buy bananas, and they go totally untouched.  None of us like bananas once they start to get brown spots and I loathe the stench of ripe bananas I take them to my brothers (he eats them that way) or they get composted.

If I were shopping for just myself, I can't think of a reason why I would ever buy a banana.

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We have that problem also, @DeLurker. If they reach a certain level of brownness, my husband will make banana pancakes/waffles or banana bread. Sometimes he buys them so they will go bad and he can do this. That part isn't a peeve for me, though, except for the peeve with myself about how I can't not eat the banana bread even if I'm trying to cut back so I can lose weight. His banana bread has lots and lots of butter in it, along with pecans and chocolate chips.

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My Mom keeps telling me to do that - she swears frozen bananas tastes just like ice cream.  I would never eat banana ice cream, so that is not a winner for me and I never bake with bananas.  I have no interest in any product made with banana with the very rare exception of a banana split.

Besides, if I put all the bananas that were past their good by point for us in the freezer, I would have no room for anything else.

First world problems to be sure.

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Maybe I'm an odd one but I prefer bananas still yellow with a tiny bit of green remaining so I usually buy them one at a time to not chance them getting mushy. Oh, and while I like very fresh bananas of that description, I dislike anything banana flavored including banana splits and bananas Foster.

My pet peeve here is hearing folks  over three refer to them as 'nannies'! They're fruits NOT goats!

Edited by Blergh
point after goats
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26 minutes ago, Blergh said:

Maybe I'm an odd one but I prefer bananas still yellow with a tiny bit of green remaining so I usually buy them one at a time to not chance them getting mushy. Oh, and while I like very fresh bananas of that description, I dislike anything banana flavored including banana splits and bananas Foster.

Are you me?? This is me, to a tee. I also hate most fake fruit flavors.

I will peel and freeze brown bananas for banana bread, which is the only non intact banana banana food I'lll eat

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I want no part of bananas until they start speckling. I buy the next bunch when I have about three left. Any green = not ripe. I get annoyed when the cafeteria at work has only green ones available for a couple days. 

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2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Are you me?? This is me, to a tee. I also hate most fake fruit flavors.

I will peel and freeze brown bananas for banana bread, which is the only non intact banana banana food I'lll eat

Party of four, including me and my stepdad. He won't eat brown bananas either. We both like them just turning past the green stage. There might be a tinge of green on the stem. There's about a 20-minute window.

You can try to keep them from ripening so fast by wrapping plastic wrap tightly and thoroughly around the cut end/stems of the bananas. If you get them with the sticky plastic wrap from the store, it works the best. It stretches and can form around the areas where you remove a banana.

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I'm not sure if this is a local or regional thing, but, it annoys me.  It's happened for years with this major phone company.   Whenever you call this certain phone company, they ask that you insert your account number or phone number associated with that account. So, you do, THEN they ask you, is this a business account or home.  Well, why wouldn't they know that, since you just put the account number and/or phone number into their system.  Seems backwards to me.  Then, they may transfer you to a rep and when they answer, they start over asking what is your account number....well...I just entered it and told you that it was a business account, so, here we go again.  Does this make any sense? Why have the automated inquiry, if the rep is just going to ask it all over?   Sometimes, the person says they don't see my account....REALLY? I've only had the same account no, same phone no., and same everything else with your company for the past 20 YEARS!  Ok....done venting.  

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My pet peeve of the moment is this...people who can't seem to grasp the concept of an RSVP.

My daughter's girl scout is having their bridging this afternoon and I set up the event in *April*.  From that point, I was asking people to let me know if they were coming.  I get that they want to wait and see what their schedule is like and I certainly don't have a problem with someone RSVPing last week instead of 4 months ago.  However, this week I sent a message out saying basically that I needed all RSVPs by 8 am Tuesday morning because I was going out to buy supplies for the event and, if they wanted their daughter to get all the goodies (there is a fair amount of swag), they needed to let me know before then.  At this point, all but 2 parents had RSVP'd.  One of them is chronically late for everything, and I was very clear on this point for her sake.  And, guess who decided to RSVP after the deadline and, more importantly, after I had purchased everything for the girls and now can't understand why this is a problem.  Ugh!

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45 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

My pet peeve of the moment is this...people who can't seem to grasp the concept of an RSVP.

My daughter's girl scout is having their bridging this afternoon and I set up the event in *April*.  From that point, I was asking people to let me know if they were coming.  I get that they want to wait and see what their schedule is like and I certainly don't have a problem with someone RSVPing last week instead of 4 months ago.  However, this week I sent a message out saying basically that I needed all RSVPs by 8 am Tuesday morning because I was going out to buy supplies for the event and, if they wanted their daughter to get all the goodies (there is a fair amount of swag), they needed to let me know before then.  At this point, all but 2 parents had RSVP'd.  One of them is chronically late for everything, and I was very clear on this point for her sake.  And, guess who decided to RSVP after the deadline and, more importantly, after I had purchased everything for the girls and now can't understand why this is a problem.  Ugh!

You've been more than patient and understanding.

Since this is a bridging ceremony for the girls, I probably would have said on the last RSVP request "A non-response will be assumed as no.  If this is incorrect, the parent may email me to obtain a list of the swag items the RSVPd scouts will be receiving, and where you can purchase them,  so your child is not left out at the event."

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

If this is incorrect, the parent may email me to obtain a list of the swag items the RSVPd scouts will be receiving, and where you can purchase them,  so your child is not left out at the event.

This is absolutely brilliant, why did I never thought of it?!

Otherwise, my pet peeve is me; I left clothes drying way too long. Because the first day, when they were only slightly damp, heavy rain started, and I was all Sweet!!! then 3 minutes (seriously, that's  all it took) later I remembered the wash and run (it was truly soaked by then). It then rained all day. The next day, I rushed to a meeting nearby, so I walked, and just as I was midway, it started raining heavily. There goes the wash and there goes my hair, which is very fine but reaches incredible volumes when rained on.

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On ‎9‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 2:32 PM, forumfish said:

Unless you are at my neighborhood Walmart. The clerk will scan items faster than I can check the screen for accurate prices and then hit "total" before I can say, "wait, that price was wrong," or "you rang that up twice." Once "total" has been pressed, it's too late for corrections, and I am told to go stand in line at the customer service desk. At least if I have a problem at self-check, I can wait until it's resolved before totaling/ending the transaction.

I wouldn't pay an incorrect amount just to go stand in the customer service line. She can call over a manager and fix it.  If she doesn't want to do that, I'll just walk out without the stuff  That is ridiculous.

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8 hours ago, Quof said:

Once the bananas start to go bad, throw them in the freezer. They'll keep forever until you are ready to bake with them. 

Bananas in the freezer are great for blending with milk or yogurt  to make smoothies. 

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I had no ideas bananas could be frozen for any use, so this has been enlightening. Can they be frozen in the perfect state to eat too? (Because I don't bake)

Edited by NutMeg
spelling :(
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I think it's hilarious that people have convinced themselves that a smoothy is a healthy breakfast.  You start with a full serving of juice, milk and/or yogurt, then add about 4 servings of fruit. By the time you're done, you have the same number of calories and grams of sugar as a bowl of Fruit Loops.  

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9 minutes ago, Quof said:

I think it's hilarious that people have convinced themselves that a smoothy is a healthy breakfast.  You start with a full serving of juice, milk and/or yogurt, then add about 4 servings of fruit. By the time you're done, you have the same number of calories and grams of sugar as a bowl of Fruit Loops.  

Yep. This was a good weight watchers lesson. The old “wow, so that’s half of my daily intake for in one mildly satisfying beverage.” 

(Says the man who just ate 5 chicken wings and is sipping an IPA.)

Edited by JTMacc99
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4 minutes ago, NutMeg said:

I had no ideas bananas could be frozen for any use, so this have been enlightening. Can they be frozen in the perfect stated to eat too? (Because I don't bake)

Freezing breaks down the cell walls & the completely thawed banana is mush.  The frozen banana can be partially thawed just enough to slice or bite, but the pieces are pretty icey (& they'll finish thawing into mush fast).

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7 minutes ago, Quof said:

I think it's hilarious that people have convinced themselves that a smoothy is a healthy breakfast.  You start with a full serving of juice, milk and/or yogurt, then add about 4 servings of fruit. By the time you're done, you have the same number of calories and grams of sugar as a bowl of Fruit Loops.  

Not all smoothies are like that.

Yogurt, a banana a couple of strawberries and some protein powder is his preworkout drink.

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Can we talk about the Costco gas line for a minute? It's not a tandem enter / exit. It's pull around to the front if the front car leaves first and if you are in the back and done first pull around and get out of the way! And on that note, don't pull up to the pump and block half the move through lane like a jerk or stand there, oblivious with your door open blocking the move through lane.

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5 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Can we talk about the Costco gas line for a minute? It's not a tandem enter / exit. It's pull around to the front if the front car leaves first and if you are in the back and done first pull around and get out of the way! And on that note, don't pull up to the pump and block half the move through lane like a jerk or stand there, oblivious with your door open blocking the move through lane.

I experienced that today. We are probably having a hurricane this week and before we even got to the pumps it was a 20 minute wait. I agree that it’s a peeve. 

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3 hours ago, DeLurker said:

You've been more than patient and understanding.

Since this is a bridging ceremony for the girls, I probably would have said on the last RSVP request "A non-response will be assumed as no.  If this is incorrect, the parent may email me to obtain a list of the swag items the RSVPd scouts will be receiving, and where you can purchase them,  so your child is not left out at the event."

This is brilliant...since this is the second year I've had to deal with this (with the same parent), I'm not expecting a change next year...and I may just use this!

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2 hours ago, Quof said:

By the time you're done, you have the same number of calories and grams of sugar as a bowl of Fruit Loops.

That's why I go straight for the Fruit Loops.  Hey, it has "fruit" in the name, it has to be healthy, right?


1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I experienced that today. We are probably having a hurricane this week and before we even got to the pumps it was a 20 minute wait. I agree that it’s a peeve. 

Girlfriend, Denali, and I are supposed to head to the OBX on Saturday - her brother rented a house on the beach in Duck, and we're all supposed to get together.  I'm keeping a close eye on the forecasts...

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I experienced that today. We are probably having a hurricane this week and before we even got to the pumps it was a 20 minute wait. I agree that it’s a peeve. 

I usually manage to time the Costco gas line correctly and have no wait (super early or randomly at 4:30pm on any weeknight but Friday) but in my little car I'm only saving a dollar or two over a traditional gas station. Those few bucks do add up but I refuse to wait longer than a few cars at Costco. It also helps that the Costco is a stones throw from my place and there is a decent gas station next to the grocery store I frequent.

Stay safe and enjoy your French Toast (that's what you eat during a hurricane, right?)

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Speaking of produce, can we please stop sticking those thin plastic labels on each individual piece? I don't read them and am not brand loyal towards tomatoes and plums!

They also don't grind well and I've had to manually root around and remove them from the disposal if they accidentally get washed down with some peels.

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7 hours ago, 2727 said:

Speaking of produce, can we please stop sticking those thin plastic labels on each individual piece?

See, I buy an assortment of fruit at any given time - maybe 4 different types of apples, for example. They are all different prices, and I think it's really stupid and wasteful to put one or two pieces of fruit in a plastic bag, so I make sure every piece I buy has a sticker to help the cashier.  Otherwise they ring them all in at the highest price.   I once was made to throw away an apple while crossing the Cdn/US border because I had removed the sticker and the US border agent couldn't tell the country of origin. 

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32 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I bought something like this from MightFix.

I figure by the time produce gets to my kitchen, it has been touched by god knows who, and come in contact with god knows what, so I'm giving it a good wash anyway.  And the product you linked to shows bananas in a bag; why in the name of all that is holy does one put a bunch of bananas in a produce bag?????

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Just now, Quof said:

I figure by the time produce gets to my kitchen, it has been touched by god knows who, and come in contact with god knows what, so I'm giving it a good wash anyway.  And the product you linked to shows bananas in a bag; why in the name of all that is holy does one put a bunch of bananas in a produce bag?????

I dig reusable produce bags. In addition to apples they are good for loose produce like green beans, brussel sprouts or bundling single cost items like lettuce, a raddish bundle, a bundle of cilantro, etc...

Here is a link to a product that doesn't show bananas into a bag. 

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@Moose135 Good luck with your trip to Duck. It’s such a lovely beach area. With all of the high surf that we are expecting (hurricane hit or not) there should be some really good shells out there. Fingers crossed for you. 

@stewedsquash At least you are inland! I am aware that when you get copious rain that flooding can be an issue as there’s no where for it to drain. 

11 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Stay safe and enjoy your French Toast (that's what you eat during a hurricane, right?)

Lol...it depends on whether or not we have power. I get some peanut butter and honey because it is not fridge dependent. When losing power you try not to open the refrigerator to try and preserve your food as long as possible. We fill a cooler up with ice for drinks and some foods for sandwich making. Once the winds die down we grill. I’ve been through some Category 3’s and never lost power or cable. I’ve also been through a tropical storm and lost it all. You just never know. I always get my medicine refilled and have a medical kit (former nurse) for the in case ofs. An ax or hatchet is good to have in the attic in the event of flooding along with an orange towel (hammer and nails) to let the helicopters spot us. Also water and a few power bars because nobody will do search and rescue until the worst has passed. There’s a lot to think about and hurricanes are a peeve. 

Hoping that none of us are effected. 

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12 hours ago, 2727 said:

Speaking of produce, can we please stop sticking those thin plastic labels on each individual piece? I don't read them and am not brand loyal towards tomatoes and plums!

It matters to me.  If I can find a mango from Ecuador I am so going to buy that over one grown in Mexico.  In my experience, they are tastier and less stringy.

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18 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I experienced that today. We are probably having a hurricane this week and before we even got to the pumps it was a 20 minute wait. I agree that it’s a peeve. 

I know everyone here probably is aware of this, but if you are in the predicted path of a hurricane (both landfall and afterward) 4-5 days from now, go ahead and fill up your gas tank(s) now, and pick up a few nonperishable items, plus flashlights, etc., in case power goes out. Take stock of any prescription meds and get refills for any that are very low (assuming you can, because sometimes insurance will not allow refills before a certain date). Routinely, about 24-48 hours before landfall is supposed to happen, people go into full panic mode and raid the stores for bread, chips, peanut butter, etc. When Harvey hit Houston last year, a lot of gas stations here in San Antonio ran out of gas and were out for several days, and I went to two grocery stores where overpriced slider buns were the only bread product I could find. Obviously, SA is not close enough to the coast to get a direct hit, but the weather folks were predicting flooding/serious wind for a while, and so people went nuts. Also, because Houston was hit so hard, it was several days before normal delivery of certain things resumed here. I've been through a Cat 5 before (albeit 70 miles inland), and being without power for a few days while it is hot as hell outside seriously sucks. Being without power for a couple of hours is not a big deal; that happens here sometimes just from thunderstorms. But an entire day or more without power is different; remember to stick a flashlight or whatever in bathrooms, because it is incredibly easy, when there is no interior or exterior light, to stumble and fall. Bottom line, just because your area isn't going to take a direct hit, don't assume there will be no effects.

I guess my pet peeve is people waiting until the last damn minute to prepare for something like this and then going into overkill the day before. It's not rocket science to figure out that it will be a lot easier if people make preparations in an organized way.

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29 minutes ago, BookWoman56 said:

an entire day or more without power is different; remember to stick a flashlight or whatever in bathrooms, because it is incredibly easy, when there is no interior or exterior light, to stumble and fall. Bottom line, just because your area isn't going to take a direct hit, don't assume there will be no effects.

Yup, that's what happened with us and Irma last year. Tropical storm force winds and we were still out of power for almost 2 weeks. Trying to sleep in 80 degree heat is no fun. Hoping Flo takes a surprise turn northward and heads back out to sea. I hope all of you its path stay safe and are minimally impacted.

Peeve: When you are feeling low and call a friend to talk about it, only to have them blather on about what's going on in their life without letting you get a word in edgewise, and then rush to get off the phone when they run out of things to say.  I texted with my friend before hand to see if it was ok to vent to her so it's not like I interrupted anything.

So over the narcissism I'm seeing in most everyone I interact with anymore. 

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58 minutes ago, BookWoman56 said:

remember to stick a flashlight or whatever in bathrooms, because it is incredibly easy, when there is no interior or exterior light, to stumble and fall.

I picked up some stick up lights similar to these last year. I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond (when you move across country and your new area is in the line of the hurricane you can't be picky). I stuck one in my living room, one in my bathroom and they've come in handy as temporary permanent lighting instead of carrying a flashlight around (or candles). I also picked up a small lantern on Amazon that resides under my bathroom sink. It has a blinking beacon and would be annoying in the bedroom.

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6 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

@Mindthinkr Yeah only about 75 miles inland which seems to always have a target over it for hurricanes in NC coming in at the lower outer banks. I am about halfway between Wilmington and Raleigh in a triangle way, closer to the eastern part of NC. Last time was Matthew, with floods for three weeks here. Major floods, historical ones. I have never been so frightened in my life because I live with dudes and they had to cross a flooded bridge daily to get to our farm (their side job for them, they also had to go in for their regular jobs). We were on a large, high rollback truck. I went one time across it with them and just wanted to live at the farm until the waters receded instead of having to venture back across. 


Hey, I'm in Raleigh.  I was here for Fran.....OMG.  I was really tired and slept through the night when it made landfall, but, the aftermath was horrific  PEEVE:. I was in the city and I still didn't get my power back for TEN DAYS! It was soooo hot. I did have water, so, I sat in a cold tub of water several times a day. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Hey, I'm in Raleigh.  I was here for Fran.....OMG.  I was really tired and slept through the night when it made landfall, but, the aftermath was horrific  PEEVE:. I was in the city and I still didn't get my power back for TEN DAYS! It was soooo hot. I did have water, so, I sat in a cold tub of water several times a day. 


I used to live east of Raleigh in a small town called Rocky Mount. I was in high school when Floyd hit and destroyed our town! We were lucky in that we only lost power for a few days but the rest of the town was completely under water. I remember volunteering to help recover items from flooded homes. It was awful! Florence looks to be taking a similar path as Floyd did so I hope she makes a turn. 

I'm in the mountains now and we've been dealing with localized flooding all summer. Since we grew up down east we are used to dealing with flooding issues and our personal business shop is located by the river. We keep a kayak there and it recently came in handy when it was so flooded we had to kayak everything out of there. We are keeping our eyes on the weather for the potential rainfall Florence might bring our way. 

Back in 2009 we had a major snow storm that brought 16 inches of snow. We were without power for a week and had a newborn baby at home at the time. I remember fondly heating up bottles on top of the wood stove for him and us all sleeping in the living room where the heat was. 

We've since bought a generator and ironically have never had to use it but I told my husband to get it cranked up this week just in case. 

To make this a peeve: I hate when there is a run on gas. If people would just fill up like they normally do there wouldn't be gas shortages or lines out the wazoo! Same goes for snow threats and people stocking up on milk and eggs. Even without a generator I am generally equipped to handle being without power for 5 or so days. I have wood, I have a camp stove and grill and I keep a well stocked kitchen anyway (we are a family of five- I always have food in the house). That being said- for the love of god please bring on some cooler weather!!! 

Edited by Mountainair
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On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 8:02 PM, backformore said:

Not all smoothies are like that.

Yogurt, a banana a couple of strawberries and some protein powder is his preworkout drink.

Fruit and dairy do not belong in the same glass or bowl.

So my smoothie is 1 serving fruit and 2-3 of vegetables.

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1 minute ago, forumfish said:

Is this a religious thing, dietary thing, or just your personal preference? I'm sincerely curious, not being a smart aleck.

None of the above?  Its not religious or dietary.  Closer to a personal preference although I admit I probably haven't given it a fair shake to say I have a preference.

Its probably more like people that don't like their food to touch on their plate (although I'm not like that-apparently I'm more like certain food groups shouldn't be on the same plate:).

I just have an instinct that dairy and fruit would not go well together.  It sounds revolting.  Dairy goes with protein and grains.  Not fruits or vegetables.  Cheese is the exception.  Cheese and fruit plates are acceptable. 

Fruit combined with dessert also ruins both fruit and dessert.

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6 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Peeve: When you are feeling low and call a friend to talk about it, only to have them blather on about what's going on in their life without letting you get a word in edgewise, and then rush to get off the phone when they run out of things to say.  I texted with my friend before hand to see if it was ok to vent to her so it's not like I interrupted anything.

You've been talking to my sister? 

I call to talk about something, I ask "how are you?"  She spends 20 minutes telling me how she is, what she's doing, what she's thinking, what she did yesterday, and then she says, "I have to go, good talking to you!"  

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17 minutes ago, backformore said:

You've been talking to my sister? 

I call to talk about something, I ask "how are you?"  She spends 20 minutes telling me how she is, what she's doing, what she's thinking, what she did yesterday, and then she says, "I have to go, good talking to you!

Yup, that is exactly what happened to me as well. And then my other friend, who is known to do this, called out of the blue and I had to ignore her call because I'm in no mood to hear two life stories in one day.

Edited by AgentRXS
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8 hours ago, backformore said:

You've been talking to my sister? 

I call to talk about something, I ask "how are you?"  She spends 20 minutes telling me how she is, what she's doing, what she's thinking, what she did yesterday, and then she says, "I have to go, good talking to you!"  

Wow, y’all must know my mom as well. Just once I’d love to for her to ask, “So what’s new? How are you lately??” But no, it’s typically an excuse for her to talk about some of her social bullshit, the TV shows she’s watching, her trip to the grocery that day, her latest ailment...and then, “Well I’ve got to get going, I’ve got another call/got to poop/got to get off the phone to drive in this traffic/etc....”

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15 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Peeve: When you are feeling low and call a friend to talk about it, only to have them blather on about what's going on in their life without letting you get a word in edgewise, and then rush to get off the phone when they run out of things to say.  I texted with my friend before hand to see if it was ok to vent to her so it's not like I interrupted anything.

So over the narcissism I'm seeing in most everyone I interact with anymore. 

By reading here I’m assuming that we all have a person or two like this in our lives. I’m with AgentRXS. Just don’t pick up the phone. I’m all about listening or having a chat but when it’s all about them, you can’t get a word in edgewise, the minimum the call lasts for is a hour, and it’s emotionally draining...y’all know. Think. Years ago we couldn’t see a number and weren’t able to screen calls. Another peeve is when they keep calling and calling or send text after text. 

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