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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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16 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sorry to change the subject but what would you do if you were in a high end ($$$$) resort and after three days (multiple asks for items...unheard) and you can’t get fresh towels or more toiletries? They said that they are down a person but I’ve never been in a 4 Star place with no service before. Mind you they want a tip if you make eye contact. Had I known I would have brought shampoo and lotion. Didn’t have enough room in my suitcase to bring washcloths and towels. 

My complaints are unnoticed. 

Contact corporate / blast them on social media to get a response. Are you out of the country?

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sorry to change the subject but what would you do if you were in a high end ($$$$) resort and after three days (multiple asks for items...unheard) and you can’t get fresh towels or more toiletries? They said that they are down a person but I’ve never been in a 4 Star place with no service before. Mind you they want a tip if you make eye contact. Had I known I would have brought shampoo and lotion. Didn’t have enough room in my suitcase to bring washcloths and towels. 

My complaints are unnoticed. 

I'm sorry this is spoiling your vacation. 

For one thing, if it's a high end (or any kind of hotel) why would anyone ever have to think they should have to bring towels or shampoo with them? 

Have you spoken to a manager in person?

What might help is "befriending" one of the members of staff who clean your room, and specifically asking them for extra towels etc.

(Have you checked out the company online?  They may be in financial trouble, which doesn't excuse this, but may explain it.)

Edited by Brookside
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32 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sorry to change the subject but what would you do if you were in a high end ($$$$) resort and after three days (multiple asks for items...unheard) and you can’t get fresh towels or more toiletries? They said that they are down a person but I’ve never been in a 4 Star place with no service before. Mind you they want a tip if you make eye contact. Had I known I would have brought shampoo and lotion. Didn’t have enough room in my suitcase to bring washcloths and towels. 

My complaints are unnoticed. 

I generally find that the higher end the hotel, the worse the service.  I would not actually be shocked if they aren't leaving towels and toiletries unless the guest leaves a tip every morning.

I'd probably save corporate and social media for when I got home.

While there, I'd try to get it done in a way that I could stop it from interfering with my vacation.

First , no phone calls.  Go down to the front desk.

Explain calmly that its been three days with no fresh towels or toiletries and previous requests haven't resulted in getting any of the items.  You would instead like for them to have someone retrieve a couple days worth now and you'll take them up to your room in case the problem isn't resolved again. 

If this has been tried before, then at least find a convenience store and get the essentials you need.

I would probably switch my normal complaining to vacation complaining at that point, ie complaining in a way that amuses me to avoid being stressed and maybe get some attention if the "normal" way isn't working.

Like daily humorous notes for the manager dropped at the front desk. Or maybe tape it to the door for the maid service.

"Any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with." Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy


The more it dries the wetter it gets. What is it?  Where is it?



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3 hours ago, Katy M said:

My pet peeve is people who don't make sure they can clear an intersection before entering it. 

What I hate is stopping before the intersection even though I have the green because the far side is full of traffic and I can't clear the intersection, and the A-hole on the cross street takes that as his invitation to make a right on red in front of me.  No, dipshit, I didn't leave the intersection open for you to turn in front of me like that.  No wonder people block the intersection.

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sorry to change the subject but what would you do if you were in a high end ($$$$) resort and after three days (multiple asks for items...unheard) and you can’t get fresh towels or more toiletries? They said that they are down a person but I’ve never been in a 4 Star place with no service before. Mind you they want a tip if you make eye contact. Had I known I would have brought shampoo and lotion. Didn’t have enough room in my suitcase to bring washcloths and towels. 

My complaints are unnoticed. 

What would I do? 

If you're still at the resort, go to the front desk, and tell them (loudly, so others can overhear)  that you've asked multiple times for towels and toiletries, and have not received them, so you want them to give you these items at the desk.  Don't take no for an answer.  Say things like, "how can you still be checking in new guests when you can't provide TOWELS?"   Get the manager's name, write it down - say you want to make sure you get it right in your letter and your review.  Stay at the front desk, until the issue is resolved.  be the squeaky wheel. take out your phone, get video of the interaction.  ANYTHING that makes them afraid you will put up a bad review on yelp, trip advisor, wherever. 

  Call and/or email the company that owns the hotel, (lowes, Hilton, etc)   let them know how much you paid for the room, and that you were unhappy with the lack of service.  Tell them how not having towels, not having shampoo, affected your vacation. 

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9 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Are you out of the country?

Yes I am. 


7 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I'd probably save corporate and social media for when I got home.


I will. I will also be having a friendly discussion with my travel agent (neighbor) who booked this place. I won’t take it out on him,  but I want him aware of what he is sending people to, so that he can spare others this experience. 

Last  night about 10 pm (I was in my pajamas) they showed up with a bag of stuff. Toilet paper, Kleenex, soaps etc. I have always left a tip in the am with a note thanking them for service. I also had two trips to the front desk (which resulted in last nights delivery). Today I’m going to forget all about it and work on finishing my book, getting some color and breathing the salt air. Thank all of you for your responses. 

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@Mindthinkr - the reason I was asking if you were out of the country is because my suggestions / WWID would be different.


1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I will. I will also be having a friendly discussion with my travel agent (neighbor) who booked this place. I won’t take it out on him,  but I want him aware of what he is sending people to, so that he can spare others this experience. 

Great idea


7 hours ago, backformore said:

Call and/or email the company that owns the hotel, (lowes, Hilton, etc)   let them know how much you paid for the room, and that you were unhappy with the lack of service.  Tell them how not having towels, not having shampoo, affected your vacation. 

This, when you get home.

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On 8/13/2018 at 9:27 AM, backformore said:

New pet peeve.

My grocery store, Albertsons/Jewel has started something which just might push me to go elsewhere.  When stores have some item "2 for $5", normally you can buy ONE and pay $2.50.  NOT any more. So now all our favorite items, you have to buy in multiples of 2, 3,4, even 5, to get the sale price.  Sorry, my husband and I can't drink 3 large bottles of orange juice before the expiration date.  And we don't want 3 cases of sparkling water in the pantry , etc.  And it's not just a few items, everything that's on sale, practically, has a sale price that only applies when you buy multiples.


On 8/13/2018 at 11:40 AM, theredhead77 said:

I always thought with 2/$5 sales one item is supposed to be $2.50 but BOGO doesn't have to offer one for half price based upon local consumer laws. I notice more and more stores are moving away from the 2/$5 to the 3/$10 or buy x and save $x model.

I haven't shopped at Albertsons in nearly 20 years. I prefer Ralph's / Kroger and Sprouts. I used to shop at Publix but their shenninigans in Florida  really put me off.

I was at the store (Publix) this afternoon and picked up a few things that were marked BOGO. I asked if I had to buy two or would one be half off and the single one is half off. The 3/$10 type sales are must buy three. That's also how it works at Kroger. It looks like it does vary by state though. I am in GA by way of CA and this is how it worked in CA too. In FL BOGO means you have to buy two, or pay full price for a single item.

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Just found out that my favorite lotion is being retired from Bath and Body Works.  Because God forbid anyone would want to  smell like anything other than some pumpkin spice vanilla sugar cube.

Edited by AgentRXS
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4 minutes ago, forumfish said:

have you checked online? They have a "retired" page and you can sometimes order stuff at a reduced price before it's completely gone.

Yep, I just spent $200 worth on the scent I like.  I just hate their varied pumpkin spice/vanilla scents. I like the smells but don't want to smell like a pumpkin spice latte myself.

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On 8/16/2018 at 11:41 PM, Moose135 said:

My pet peeve is people who don't make sure they can clear an intersection

Mine too.

I’m especially peeved about it because my new car I’d bought barely a month ago just got totaled thanks to a company truck that decided to barrel through two lanes of traffic from his two way stop, resulting in me crashing into him when he suddenly drove right into my lane, and both of us colliding into another car on the opposite stop. I’m lucky to be mostly okay and alive because my car’s entire front was smashed in like an accordion.

Yet I’m still so baffled and annoyed at the dumbass driver found it PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to just cruise on through a two way highway like that!! He claimed a pedestrian across the street waved him on through and he thought my lane was clear...who does that? Who just blindly drives across a busy city street without stopping at the first clear lane and checking to make sure the other lane is completely clear before driving to the other side?

So I’m taking this dumbass and his company to court for his stupidity. My right hand is hurting because its knuckles were burnt from my airbag, my neck/arm is achey, and my beautiful new Lexus I’d saved up to buy is now scrap metal in a junkyard. 5k and several car payments now down the drain. 

Distracted/stupid drivers will always annoy me the most because they have the ability to kill people thanks to their stupidity. Or seriously hurt other people and their cars.

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@Sun-Bun I am so sorry about your car but glad that you are ok. Sue those fuckers for all its worth.

Related to that, I think I am going to start filming Comcast drivers and send a collage on social media showing how every last one of them are on their phones while driving. Not just on their phones, but staring directly into it and not paying attention to the road. I had 3 of them either drive slow/break-check me or drift in and out of lanes within the past week.

Calling customer service does nothing. Man, if that was the company in question, I'd love to know. Anytime I can light in to Comcast is a great day in my book.

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5 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Just found out that my favorite lotion is being retired from Bath and Body Works.  Because God forbid anyone would want to  smell like anything other than some pumpkin spice vanilla sugar cube.

I'm curious - what is your favorite?  

I've had a number of faves over the years, and one by one, they all end up being retired.  Or, I get sick of them.  

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3 minutes ago, backformore said:


5 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Just found out that my favorite lotion is being retired from Bath and Body Works.  Because God forbid anyone would want to  smell like anything other than some pumpkin spice vanilla sugar cube.


So feeling your pain! I’d give anything to get back my beloved high school-era fragrance long since retired from Victoria’s Secret: Tranquil Breezes! It was like a lightly floral/cucumber-melon mixture...25 years later and I still desperately miss that sweet yet clean fragrance. 

Bath & Bodyworks has a similar lotion but the VS version just had a crisper, less syrupy overall scent. Of course their scents have to evolve, but why get rid of the more popular ones?

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2 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Mine too.

I’m especially peeved about it because my new car I’d bought barely a month ago just got totaled thanks to a company truck that decided to barrel through two lanes of traffic from his two way stop, resulting in me crashing into him when he suddenly drove right into my lane, and both of us colliding into another car on the opposite stop. I’m lucky to be mostly okay and alive because my car’s entire front was smashed in like an accordion.

Yet I’m still so baffled and annoyed at the dumbass driver found it PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to just cruise on through a two way highway like that!! He claimed a pedestrian across the street waved him on through and he thought my lane was clear...who does that? Who just blindly drives across a busy city street without stopping at the first clear lane and checking to make sure the other lane is completely clear before driving to the other side?

So I’m taking this dumbass and his company to court for his stupidity. My right hand is hurting because its knuckles were burnt from my airbag, my neck/arm is achey, and my beautiful new Lexus I’d saved up to buy is now scrap metal in a junkyard. 5k and several car payments now down the drain. 

Distracted/stupid drivers will always annoy me the most because they have the ability to kill people thanks to their stupidity. Or seriously hurt other people and their cars.

Oh my god! I'm glad you're okay! What did the police do/say at the accident?

The time a young woman hit me in traffic over 15 years ago, I called the police because it was her fault and I wasn't going to let her go, though both our cars were driveable. She immediately started denying she was at fault even though she'd hit me in the left front quarter panel. She'd turned into me as I was going through an intersection. I saw her starting to turn without enough time and I slammed on my brakes, but she didn't stop.

I called our insurance companies when I got home. She hadn't reported the accident to her insurance. My rep told me that whichever driver the police list first on the accident report is who they consider at fault. I don't know if that's still accurate, but I've never forgotten it.

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18 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Because God forbid anyone would want to  smell like anything other than some pumpkin spice vanilla sugar cube.

I use unscented lotion because I wear perfume, and I don't want the two scents mingling, but this made me laugh in sympathy.  Plus, apple sounds like a good smell for a lotion.

@Sun-Bun, I'm glad you walked away with only minor injuries, but sorry you now have to go through the hassle of a lawsuit and getting a new car because someone was an idiot.  Some accidents are caused by a nearly-unavoidable chain of events, or by mistakes any one of us could have made on a given day, and that's a frustrating, but understandable part of life.  When it's caused by recklessness or even just "Really?" level of negligence, you get angry.

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19 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Just found out that my favorite lotion is being retired from Bath and Body Works.  Because God forbid anyone would want to  smell like anything other than some pumpkin spice vanilla sugar cube.

I rarely use scented lotion, but I am still pissed that a body soap I used years ago was discontinued. I no longer remember the brand or the name of the scent, but it was something that would wake you up (in a good way) when you used it in the shower in the morning. (I use some sort of calming scent for evening showers.) The only thing I remember about it now is that it had nettles in it, and I think the color was green. I've never found anything like it for making me feel simultaneously squeaky clean and wide awake, without leaving an overly strong lingering scent.

If I'd known at the time it was going to be discontinued, I'd have bought a few cases of the stuff. It wasn't expensive and was exactly what I liked.

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I half-woke early this morning to the happy couple downstairs screaming at each other. I woke again later to the incessant wailing of one of the dogs along with the sound of irregular banging/hard bumping, so I guess no one was home and the dog was locked in the bathroom.

I did hear them talking outside the other day saying they are looking at a rental house! I guess they finally decided they need more space for the 27 people and 18 dogs that live together. Let's all lift them up in prayer that they get a house and GTFO of here.

At the rate my neighbors keep going from bad to worse, my next neighbor will probably be an actual axe murderer, but as long as they are quiet, I might just look the other way.

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@Sun-Bun - glad you are mostly OK.  Car accidents are scary.  I also totaled a new car, although not a brand new one, it was still shiny and had new car smell.  It was not a fun experience.  At least the accident wasn't your fault.  Still a pain in the ass to deal with insurance and everything.  People need to pay attention when they're driving.  I wish people had to take and pass a physics course before getting a license.  Maybe if they understood the forces involved at highway speeds they would pay better attention. 

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19 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

He claimed a pedestrian across the street waved him on through and he thought my lane was clear...who does that? Who just blindly drives across a busy city street without stopping at the first clear lane and checking to make sure the other lane is completely clear before driving to the other side?

I did, many years ago.  I was trying to turn left out of a shopping center driveway, onto a four-lane street.  The car in the closest lane to me stopped short and waved at me to go ahead.  So I waved back and pulled out, and someone came barreling up in the next lane over and t-boned me.  Of course, the guy who'd waved me through was long gone before the dust even settled.  I told the cop someone had told me to go, and he said it didn't matter.

So that's a peeve--what are we supposed to do when our "space" in line is in front of a driveway?  If I occupy that space, I get a person staring right at the right side of my head, thinking I'm an asshole.  But if I stop short, I'm inviting him to come out and will feel guilty if he comes across and gets hit, even if I don't wave him through.  Actually, I've seen close calls any number of times in that situation. 

And conversely, if I'm coming out of the driveway and somebody stops short, I won't go out even if they wave at me, unless I can see before pulling out that the other lane is clear, and 99% of the time I can't because everybody's driving huge SUVs and blocking my view.  So the person who stops short thinks I'm an ingrate.

Actually, I'm all for being polite, but if everybody would just mind their own damn business when driving, things would go a lot smoother.  Like don't be in a line of moving cars and stop to let someone pull out of a driveway in front of you.  There's every chance (and I've seen it happen countless times) that if the traffic had kept moving, it would have thinned out enough for the person to get out on his own, without making everybody slow down. 

And if I'm on a bike and stop at a stop sign, if you were there first, don't wave me through in front of you.  For one, it's not my turn, and I'm already stopped so I'm not going to get any advantage at all by going before you do.  For another, it takes a lot longer for a bike to go from stopped through an intersection than a car, so just GO if it's your turn.  For another, I can't necessarily see what exactly you're motioning behind the windshield, so I don't want to go out in front of you if I can help it.  So just GO if it's your turn. 

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18 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I did, many years ago.  I was trying to turn left out of a shopping center driveway, onto a four-lane street.  The car in the closest lane to me stopped short and waved at me to go ahead.  So I waved back and pulled out, and someone came barreling up in the next lane over and t-boned me.  Of course, the guy who'd waved me through was long gone before the dust even settled.  I told the cop someone had told me to go, and he said it didn't matter.

So that's a peeve--what are we supposed to do when our "space" in line is in front of a driveway?  If I occupy that space, I get a person staring right at the right side of my head, thinking I'm an asshole.  But if I stop short, I'm inviting him to come out and will feel guilty if he comes across and gets hit, even if I don't wave him through.  Actually, I've seen close calls any number of times in that situation. 

And conversely, if I'm coming out of the driveway and somebody stops short, I won't go out even if they wave at me, unless I can see before pulling out that the other lane is clear, and 99% of the time I can't because everybody's driving huge SUVs and blocking my view.  So the person who stops short thinks I'm an ingrate.

Actually, I'm all for being polite, but if everybody would just mind their own damn business when driving, things would go a lot smoother.  Like don't be in a line of moving cars and stop to let someone pull out of a driveway in front of you.  There's every chance (and I've seen it happen countless times) that if the traffic had kept moving, it would have thinned out enough for the person to get out on his own, without making everybody slow down. 

And if I'm on a bike and stop at a stop sign, if you were there first, don't wave me through in front of you.  For one, it's not my turn, and I'm already stopped so I'm not going to get any advantage at all by going before you do.  For another, it takes a lot longer for a bike to go from stopped through an intersection than a car, so just GO if it's your turn.  For another, I can't necessarily see what exactly you're motioning behind the windshield, so I don't want to go out in front of you if I can help it.  So just GO if it's your turn. 

I think if traffic is stopped (like for a light or something), you're not supposed to block a driveway (residential). But the person backing out should back out only in the outside lane if it is a multiple lane road. I don't know if there are laws or ordinances about that, though. It's just what makes sense to me. If traffic is moving, you shouldn't stop.

If you are at a side road and there is a lot of traffic in both directions, don't turn left. Turn right and go around the block (or something) as soon as you can. Of course, that's easy to do in my small town. I realize it's not easy everywhere.

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5 minutes ago, auntlada said:

I think if traffic is stopped (like for a light or something), you're not supposed to block a driveway (residential). But the person backing out should back out only in the outside lane if it is a multiple lane road.

Oh, sorry--I wasn't clear.  I meant the same situation that I had a wreck in--a shopping center driveway where people are pulling out, not backing out. 

I did have an incident the other day where I was turning left out of a business parking lot onto a four-lane street, and when there was no traffic in either direction I pulled out and crossed the two closest lanes and just as I was getting to the travel lane going the way I wanted, someone on the opposite side of the street backed out of a parking space, but was wanting to go the opposite way so he backed across both of his lanes, one of which had me in it.  Only by swerving madly did I avoid him hitting me.  He was driving an old big van, which has to have NO visibility, never mind for backing across multiple lanes of traffic. 

I can see how he might not have seen me, since I wasn't yet in the street when he decided to make his maneuver, but still...maybe don't back across four lanes of traffic because there's no situation where that's going to be the safest move.



If you are at a side road and there is a lot of traffic in both directions, don't turn left. Turn right and go around the block (or something) as soon as you can. Of course, that's easy to do in my small town. I realize it's not easy everywhere.

As I watch people block traffic and cause problems because they want to turn left, I often wonder, "Am I the ONLY person on the planet who has ever just turned right and gone around the block?"

So do y'all know about the "Michigan left"?  On divided highways, people from side streets can turn right only.  Then in a little bit there's a left-turn lane, where they can make a u-turn.  The first few times I saw it, I thought, "Really?  It's safer for people to have to get up to speed from making a u-turn?"  But now I think it is.

At least it's safer than the "Pittsburgh left," where the convention is that when the light turns green, cars going straight yield to allow ONE left-turning car to go before them.  But it's one of those things you just have to know, which seems kind of crazy.  At least in Michigan, you have no choice other than to make the Michigan left, so everybody's on the same page.

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Every morning I drive past a restaurant on my way to work, with a sign advertising their lunch special.   "Lasanga" .

It's been that way for a week.  If it's still there this morning, I just might have to pull in.

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10 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Calling customer service does nothing. Man, if that was the company in question, I'd love to know. Anytime I can light in to Comcast is a great day in my book.

Boy, do I have a guy for you. He hates them with the passion of all the seeds in a dump truck full of watermelons. He’s in NY and fights with them on a weekly basis. Mind you it’s because they are kak and seem to get their jollies messing with his phone, cable or internet. I hope that you are winning the battle with them. That kind of disregard for driving while actually paying attention is dangerous/deadly. 

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Trigger warning: neighbor discussion.

Folks, a miracle is occurring. My downstairs neighbors are moving!!!!!!! ?✨???

They were loading up a U-Haul truck earlier. This was after one of the dogs whined/howled/barked ALL NIGHT LONG--some time in the evening to 5am-ish when I finally got to sleep again. I slept from 9pm to 12am and left them a note on their door after I woke at 12, asking them to please find a solution because the dog had been wailing for hours. I could hear the poor thing throwing itself against the walls/door of the bathroom.

They weren't home all night (hence the dog wailing), so I assume they were staying at their new place. I'm not sure why they couldn't take the dog with them. Well, I know the answer to that, but that's a topic for another discussion.

Edited by bilgistic
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20 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Trigger warning: neighbor discussion.

Folks, a miracle is occurring. My downstairs neighbors are moving!!!!!!! ?✨???

They were loading up a U-Haul truck earlier. This was after one of the dogs whined/howled/barked ALL NIGHT LONG--some time in the evening to 5am-ish when I finally got to sleep again. I slept from 9pm to 12am and left them a note on their door after I woke at 12, asking them to please find a solution because the dog had been wailing for hours. I could hear the poor thing throwing itself against the walls/door of the bathroom.

They weren't home all night (hence the dog wailing), so I assume they were staying at their new place. I'm not sure why they couldn't take the dog with them. Well, I know the answer to that, but that's a topic for another discussion.

Congratulations. Peace ahead.

I plead with the heavens that you don’t get loud fighters, barking dogs, smokers (especially of the weed variety) or otherwise anyone with a habit that interferes with your ability to sleep and enjoy your life. 

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28 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Trigger warning: neighbor discussion.

Folks, a miracle is occurring. My downstairs neighbors are moving!!!!!!! ?✨???


And, yay!  I hope you get that nice, quiet axe murderer you've been hoping for.  (Hell, as long as he doesn't, um, work from home, one axe murderer would have to be quieter than the clown car of people and dogs currently going on.)

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On ‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 9:07 PM, ParadoxLost said:

These are acceptable ways to get TV characters to do good deeds.

Texting is not.  If I see hear, hearing is the problem, that promo for that God Friended Me one more time...and its on now...I may have to quit CBS.

These things are not allowed on television

iPhones vibrating

the text message ding


@ CBS Promo Monkey are you lurking around here?  Thanks for removing all the dings and muting the only one you left in. 

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Speaking of phones on TV... I'm fairly sure I've complained about this before, but the TV gods haven't heard me. I really wish shows would stop putting plot points on characters' phones with which they are using to text each other! I have to pause the show and put my face two feet from the screen to read it, and I'm already wearing my glasses!

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:


And, yay!  I hope you get that nice, quiet axe murderer you've been hoping for.  (Hell, as long as he doesn't, um, work from home, one axe murderer would have to be quieter than the clown car of people and dogs currently going on.)

You know, the neighbors of a lot of serial killers say “he was quiet and kept to himself,” so fingers crossed.

My peeve is being sick in the summer. I have flu-like symptoms - fever, very sore/swollen throat, headache, body chills and aches, and fatigue. All I want to do is cuddle up under a bunch of blankets but it’s hot and stuffy and too sunny. Also, there is a very chipper bird outside my window that is refusing to leave no matter how many times I knock on the window and startle it. I want it to be dark, cold and silent so I can lay here in peace, moaning slightly every so often, just for effect.

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1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

My peeve is being sick in the summer. I have flu-like symptoms - fever, very sore/swollen throat, headache, body chills and aches, and fatigue.

I hear ya.  I was sick for over a week earlier this summer.  Same symptoms.  And I would go further than fatigue and just say I was all out exhausted.  Go away and come back in the winter, already.  And, even though it was a month ago, I'm still coughing.

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On 8/20/2018 at 7:08 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I did, many years ago.  I was trying to turn left out of a shopping center driveway, onto a four-lane street.  The car in the closest lane to me stopped short and waved at me to go ahead.  So I waved back and pulled out, and someone came barreling up in the next lane over and t-boned me.  Of course, the guy who'd waved me through was long gone before the dust even settled.  I told the cop someone had told me to go, and he said it didn't matter.

I had almost the exact same thing, except mine was a 2 lane road, with the lane I was trying to cross branches into a left turn lane at the exact place i was pulling out.  So many times, cars zoom around those stopped/backed up in the driving lane to get into the left turn lane, even going into the opposite driving lane and moving into the left turn lane.  that's exactly what this car did.  By the time I had started to cross the street (because a large SUV had stopped to wave me through), the other car had moved into the left turn lane.  I didn't see it because of the SUV.  the cop (and my insurance company) said I was at fault because technically the car I collided with was "in" the left turn lane at the time of the collision.  Bullshit, imo.  but I have Liberty Mutual insurance, so my rate didn't go up, as I had no other accidents in over 10 years.  I just better be sure not to get into another one for another 3 years.

I was driving my husband's car at the time, which is pretty low to the ground.  I usually drive a minivan, which sits me up much higher, giving me a better view of traffic.  I resolved never to turn left out of that shopping center again unless traffic was completly free and I was driving the mini van.  So most of the time, I just turn right and go all around the block.

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I know I just posted positives over in the work thread, but...


As I was leaving work yesterday, my foot slipped and I wasn’t able to catch myself and fell down HARD on my knees, scraping a layer or two on my left knee. How do I know? It was burning and stinging until I got home. And when I pulled up my slacks, there was one inch circle of red. At least it wasn’t dripping. But it hurt like a MOTHERFUCKER! And continued to burn until a couple hours ago.

And to top it off, my car decided to give itself a flat tire when I got home last night, so I couldn’t walk to the train this morning. GEICO will come around 7 to replace it with the spare and I’ll get me a new one this weekend. BAH!

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1 hour ago, Hanahope said:

By the time I had started to cross the street (because a large SUV had stopped to wave me through), the other car had moved into the left turn lane.  I didn't see it because of the SUV.

If I'm in the right lane, and I've stopped to let someone out of a driveway/cross street, and they are looking to continue across additional lanes, I'm watching traffic coming up in that lane, and will wave you to stop if someone is coming. I won't just sit there and let you have an accident.  I know you may not be able to see around me (even when I had a smaller car) and it's my responsibility as a conscientious driver to try to keep you safe too.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I know I just posted positives over in the work thread, but...


As I was leaving work yesterday, my foot slipped and I wasn’t able to catch myself and fell down HARD on my knees, scraping a layer or two on my left knee. How do I know? It was burning and stinging until I got home. And when I pulled up my slacks, there was one inch circle of red. At least it wasn’t dripping. But it hurt like a MOTHERFUCKER! And continued to burn until a couple hours ago.

And to top it off, my car decided to give itself a flat tire when I got home last night, so I couldn’t walk to the train this morning. GEICO will come around 7 to replace it with the spare and I’ll get me a new one this weekend. BAH!

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Why am I seeing the term "gaslight" everywhere these days?  It seems to have become a synonym for "lie" and it's driving me crazy.

There are a lot of words that have completely lost their meaning:


Literally apparently means figuratively, which is especially bad since they're basically antonyms.

Relevant apparently means that you find some agreeable.

Ironic now apparently means coincidental.  And, just a word of advice, don't try asking people how something is ironic.  You'll get a ridiculous answer.  Examples:

"Gas was the same price in Mexico as it was in Florida."  "Wow, that's really ironic."  "How?"  "I don't know"  OK, that's actually a good answer.

"It's really ironic that the Three's Company episode of 8 Simple Rules was the best one."  "How is that ironic."  "Because John Ritter was on Three's Company." 

"What happened to Hattie on Parenthood?"  "The actress wanted to go to college so they wrote Hattie out as going to college."  "Wow, that's really ironic." "How is it ironic?" "Because I think it is."

I think we need an entire class in high school devoted to correct and incorrect uses of the word ironic.  Yes, I know, I'm way too annoyed by the subject.

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29 minutes ago, Katy M said:

There are a lot of words that have completely lost their meaning:


Literally apparently means figuratively, which is especially bad since they're basically antonyms.

Relevant apparently means that you find some agreeable.

Ironic now apparently means coincidental.  And, just a word of advice, don't try asking people how something is ironic.  You'll get a ridiculous answer.  Examples:

"Gas was the same price in Mexico as it was in Florida."  "Wow, that's really ironic."  "How?"  "I don't know"  OK, that's actually a good answer.

"It's really ironic that the Three's Company episode of 8 Simple Rules was the best one."  "How is that ironic."  "Because John Ritter was on Three's Company." 

"What happened to Hattie on Parenthood?"  "The actress wanted to go to college so they wrote Hattie out as going to college."  "Wow, that's really ironic." "How is it ironic?" "Because I think it is."

I think we need an entire class in high school devoted to correct and incorrect uses of the word ironic.  Yes, I know, I'm way too annoyed by the subject.

"It's like raaiiin on your wedding day..."

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32 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Like @peacheslatour, I blame Alanis.

I think a death row pardon two minutes to late might be ironic. Also being afraid to fly and dying on your first flight, but that might be more in the realm of coincidence.  That one's a tough call. 

A black fly in your Chardonnay, though, definitely not. 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.  That's just an opportunity to work on your shiv-making skills.

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But what about the good advice you just didn't take?


To be topical ear worms are a huge peeve and now I've got a mix of Ironic and You Oughta Know in my head. Good thing I can stream Jagged Little Pill since I no longer have a CD player in my car (but somehow still have my giant Case Logic CD binders and the lyrical booklets to go with.

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13 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

To be topical ear worms are a huge peeve

Oh dear, then you probably shouldn't listen to the playlist I've been compiling. It's called "Known Associates of Mambo #5", and it's fantastic.  

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16 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Oh dear, then you probably shouldn't listen to the playlist I've been compiling. It's called "Known Associates of Mambo #5", and it's fantastic.  

I once judged a local children's talent show (during a downtown festival thing, so "talent" may not be the right word), and a girl who was probably 4 did a dance to Mambo No. 5. Despite my scores, she won because the other judges thought it was so cute. I thought it was horribly inappropriate, especially considering her outfit and makeup. I don't remember if the downtown group did this contest a second year because I did not judge anything like it ever again (and was never asked, so it may have been on their end, but I did not want to). I'm just not fond of dressing little girls up in what would be sexy outfits on a grown women and full makeup (well, overly full to me because it was way more than I've ever worn) and having them dance in ways that would be suggestive past puberty, but calling it cute because it's a 4- or 5-year-old. ("Not fond" might be putting it a little too politely.)

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