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Season 1 Discussion

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I realize the show is produced and shot in Canada, but was under the impression that it's supposed to be taking place in a U.S. small town. (The portrayal of the Roses seems to be lampooning American values, the mansion they lived in seemed like Beverly Hills, the money manager we heard about sounded like Bernie Madoff, etc.)


So I was surprised that Jocelyn brought over a plate of Nanaimo bars. How many people in any U.S. town have even heard of Nanaimo, let alone Nanaimo bars?

Edited by Milburn Stone
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"That frigid whore!"


That line is funnier in context, but it's not really required. It stands on its own.


Since this is a new show on a network I didn't know existed, I sometimes forget to set the DVR, but when I do remember, I end up laughing my ass off. This was the best episode yet. So great to see SCTV alums O'Hara and Levy back in action. They're still hilarious. So glad this has been renewed. 

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I'll miss this show. As for the season finale, I like the parts with the kids, I really didn't like the stuff with the buyer. It was just so completely and utterly predictable, and really not that funny.


I enjoyed both David and Alexis's storylines. I did think the reaction by Stevie, that she had feelings for him, seemed to come a bit out of nowhere. I thought they liked one another, but never got the 'secretly or unconsciously in love' vibe. Seemed a bit over the top.


I like both siblings a lot, but David is a bit more interesting to me. I didn't realize he was quite as alone or isolated in his life as suggested by this episode, I can see they hinted at it in earlier episodes though.


I also liked when proposing the vet knew the sister's first and middle names, but her parents didn't. And were way off I think.

  • Love 7

Adored this episode. Amoung my favorites:

The "Ted" name tag at dinner

Johnny supporting Moira at lunch

Moira's wig, Maureen (who names their wigs?)

"Pan sexual. Is that that cookware fetish?"

David and Stevie's discussion of the night before in the lobby - they are so alike in many ways

The wine explanation, which was absolutely brilliant, even down to David's "I see where you're going with this"' which is not the expected way someone catches on to a coded conversation in TV

Edited by k1ptog2
  • Love 6

Despite my ongoing, blazing hatred of Chris Elliot, I absolutely adored this show. *ADORED* I say that despite never understanding why Moira, and more specifcally, Johnny, didn't bother to get jobs for themselves.


I thought they liked one another, but never got the 'secretly or unconsciously in love' vibe. Seemed a bit over the top.

I thought it was pretty clear Stevie harbored feelings for David - especially in the episode prior when she showed up at Moira's party and seemed absolutely smitten with David.


I admit to intitally not warming up to Dan Levy -- but by the time the credits rolled last night, I was dreading a Wednesday night without him on my TV.


I only hope they don't wait a full year before airing season 2.

This show grew on me, and I'm glad I stuck with it.

I've liked Eugene and Catherine since SCTV, and it's too bad John Candy isn't still with us - he could have played the hell out of the obnoxious buyer part, and we'd have had a mini-reunion.

The similarities between SC and Gilligan's Island occurred to me during this ep. Of course they'll never leave, because if they did there would be no show. Meanwhile, quirky characters and wacky antics ensue.

I'm sorry to see this season end and I'm looking forward to the next one.

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My cable company doesn't carry POP so I wasn't able to watch this earlier.  I just discovered it on Amazon and binge watched this week. Loved it!  I didn't expect it to be as good as it is.  Dan Levy is great.  It took me a few episodes before I realized that Tim Rozen, who plays Mutt, used to be Tommy Q on Instant Star.  Eugene Levby and Catherine O'Hara are funny without their usual excessive mugging.  Earlier this year it was announced that POP will be on U-verse in 2016.  Hope that it happens before the new season begins in March.  I'm really looking forward to more episodes. 

Yes! I was astonished to learn that David is 34. I thought he had to be 22 at most.


Do we know how old Alexis is? I'm not even sure if she's supposed to be older or younger than David.

I think Alexis is supposed to,be in her late 20s.

I just found this show and am liking it. Of course my service provider only has the first 6 episodes of Season 1 available for viewing.

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On 3/6/2016 at 7:49 PM, Happytobehere said:

I think Alexis is supposed to,be in her late 20s.


That makes sense. She made a reference to being 17 ten years ago.

I just started watching this a few days ago on Netflix, and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's not on the same level as Christopher Guest's comedies, but it's clearly inspired by them, and I enjoy that type of humor a lot, even if it's not done perfectly.

I have to agree with all of the negative comments about Chris Elliott and his character. The best sitcoms can make a truly vile character enjoyable to watch via great writing and acting (like Lucille on Arrested Development, or Patsy on Absolutely Fabulous), but Roland just sucks the joy out of the show.

It's a shame they felt the need to include his character, because otherwise the show is very sweet, and lovingly depicts the characters as the flawed people they are without being mean about it. Throwing a character with a sadistic streak into the mix is an unfortunate choice, IMO.

  • Love 14

Because of a couple of posts in the show recommendation thread, I started watching this show. I watched the whole first season yesterday and I really like it. Mom and Dad are both great and the sister is fine but I'm really in love with David. He manages to be snooty without it coming out as mean or condescending. I love seeing him try to hide his laughter when the sister gets off a zinger about the parents. I also love the friendship with Stevie and I hope they work that out. He seems like it really matters to him to have a real friend. I think I could connect with the sister better if they showed her making some friends instead of her story just being about guys.

I don't want any spoilers but I do hope we find out why Mutt is named uh, Mutt. I live in the south so I'm no stranger to odd nicknames but that one's weird even for me. 

I'm getting used to Roland's presence but I still don't like him. 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, festivus said:

I'm really in love with David. He manages to be snooty without it coming out as mean or condescending. I love seeing him try to hide his laughter when the sister gets off a zinger about the parents.

He's just so adorable! I can (and do) watch this show over and over! And I love his "hiding laughter" face too! 

Originally, the show had always been about David for me. But through the seasons, I've grown to love them all pretty much the same (maybe David just a little more because Daniel Levy is just SO cute!). (Oh, and I don't love Roland, not even a little. I've never been able to stand Chris Elliott, the fact that I can ignore him and still enjoy the show 100% just tells me how much I love this show!)

  • Love 10
12 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

He's just so adorable! I can (and do) watch this show over and over! And I love his "hiding laughter" face too! 

Originally, the show had always been about David for me. But through the seasons, I've grown to love them all pretty much the same (maybe David just a little more because Daniel Levy is just SO cute!). (Oh, and I don't love Roland, not even a little. I've never been able to stand Chris Elliott, the fact that I can ignore him and still enjoy the show 100% just tells me how much I love this show!)

I'm telling ya. I have a hardcore crush now.

Yeah, I've never liked Chris Elliott either and I still can't stand Roland so I know exactly what you mean. I've just gotten used to him being there and it doesn't interfere with my loving the show. I'm already about to start season four!

  • Love 7
On 1/22/2015 at 9:50 PM, cleo said:

The one awful thing for me is I can't stand Chris Elliott, I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I just hate the characters he plays and find it unpleasant to watch him. He just seems like an odd choice too for a CBC show, doesn't seem like a natural fit.

OK, I feel terrible, especially after reading how consistently posters felt the same way, but I have disliked Chris Elliot as long as I can remember, from some sitcom in the late 80s/early 90s.  But it makes me feel badly, because I literally know NOTHING about him as a human being, just the characters he plays.  But I definitely consider him a huge drawback to the show.  I know the mayor is an unlikable character, but usually I can enjoy not liking a character, and with the poor Chris Elliot, I just want to fast forward through his scenes.  He probably runs into burning buildings to puppies and kittens, quietly works in soup kitchens, fights for equality, donates to social causes, tips a minimum of 20% every time, always gives the Hand Wave of Gratitude when people let him merge in traffic, helps little old ladies cross the road, lets people with fewer items in their cart go in front of him, is two days away from curing COVID in his basement, and smiles sympathetically at tired parents with crying children on airplanes. And I'm just an asshole who hates the characters he plays, probably to get money to take care of his ailing mother who raised him alone and now he just wants to help her in her time of need.

  • LOL 8
  • Love 8
20 hours ago, cleo said:

Heh are you just on season 1? He did end up growing on me in this show. I would say it is the role where I most tolerated him.

I'm almost done with season two.  Hopefully he'll continue to annoy me less and less, because it makes me feel like a jerk not liking someone simply because they play annoying characters on my tv.  I can't just be spreading hate and outrage all willy nilly these days- gotta conserve.

  • Love 6

Just started binge watching and slid into season 2. One of my favorite moments in season one was the gay kid stand off with David. It was a hilarious after school special on its ear. 

also, I realize this is a lonely room but I love Chris Elliott. I’ve seen most of his work since the 80’s and I think he’s terrific. I had no idea he was in this so a bright spot for me. I’ll show myself out. 

  • Love 8
20 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Yeah, I started binging this the day after the Emmys, and everything I've ever heard about this show is true. And I agree that the scene with David and the gay kid was hilarious, especially since the gay kid clearly thought David was the pathetic one!

I'm binge watching for the first time very recently. I've got only 4 episodes left in season 6. I don't want it to end!

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On 9/25/2020 at 6:07 PM, luvthepros said:

I'm binge watching for the first time very recently. I've got only 4 episodes left in season 6. I don't want it to end!

I just started Season 6 after having binged on the first five seasons. It's true that Season 4 is when the show really started hitting its stride. But that's a discussion for another thread!

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

I just started Season 6 after having binged on the first five seasons. It's true that Season 4 is when the show really started hitting its stride. But that's a discussion for another thread!

Now I'm only watching one show at a time and coming here to read what has been discussed about the episode.

So glad to see some of my DWTS friends here!

I just finished Season 6 last night. I binged the whole season in less than 24 hours after discovering over the weekend that it was available via In Demand. So sad that it's over. 

I did the same thing after each episode.....came here to read what others had said. Holding out hope for a movie or spinoff of some kind. I already miss the show!

On 9/23/2020 at 9:53 PM, Quickbeam said:


also, I realize this is a lonely room but I love Chris Elliott. I’ve seen most of his work since the 80’s and I think he’s terrific. I had no idea he was in this so a bright spot for me. I’ll show myself out. 

You’re not alone!  I am here with you! 

I love Chris Elliot!  He cracks me up.

  • Love 2

Binged this weekend and I'm headed for Season 3. The show was never on my radar but I kept thinking "Catherine O'Hara's in it!" and finally I caved. Sober Moira getting drunk and only then being able to deliver the commercial's dialogue like a pro was hilarious.

When I first spotted Jocelyn I thought of a dingbat Tammy from "Friday Night Lights." Or a character from "Fargo."

I had to FF through Chris Elliott's scenes. His character looks like he doesn't bathe or brush his teeth.

Some of the broad humor wasn't funny to me, but the snappy patter saves it.


  • Love 1
On 11/1/2020 at 12:26 PM, pasdetrois said:

When I first spotted Jocelyn I thought of a dingbat Tammy from "Friday Night Lights." Or a character from "Fargo."

Jocelyn is one of the few characters whom I liked from the beginning. She is completely different from what I expected her character to be, which is the insufferably holier-than-thou Bible-thumping stereotype that usually populates small towns like Schitt's Creek.  She knows when her husband crosses the line with his passive-aggressive attitude, and she's not afraid to call him out on it. She's also extremely tolerant of the Roses and goes out of her way to try to understand them and to get them to understand the townspeople. Is she perfect?  No. But she is someone whom I certainly wouldn't mind having as a neighbor.

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Jocelyn is one of the few characters whom I liked from the beginning. She is completely different from what I expected her character to be, which is the insufferably holier-than-thou Bible-thumping stereotype that usually populates small towns like Schitt's Creek.  She knows when her husband crosses the line with his passive-aggressive attitude, and she's not afraid to call him out on it. She's also extremely tolerant of the Roses and goes out of her way to try to understand them and to get them to understand the townspeople. Is she perfect?  No. But she is someone whom I certainly wouldn't mind having as a neighbor.


Not only is she tolerant of the Roses, she knows how to manipulate them. Especially Moira. She handles her extremely well.

  • Love 3

Even with the presence of Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy, this show never looked funny to me when I saw promos while watching ER re-runs on Pop several years ago, but I recently decided to give it a try on Netflix.  I absolutely hated the first episode, but I remembered reading quite a few posts around this site about how the show had to grown on people, so I stuck with it.  I'm glad I did, as it definitely improved as this first season progressed and I came to find it outright hilarious. 

The major downside is Chris Elliott, whom I find utterly insufferable on screen.  (Reading this thread, I see I am in good company.)  So Roland is not a character I love to hate, just someone I cannot fucking stand.

But the cast is otherwise quite good, and I adore every scene with David.  He is so funny in his interactions with everyone.  I've never seen the actor in anything else, but he's perfect in this role.

On to season two tonight, but I figured I'd stop in here and see what folks were saying about it during its original run.

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