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S07.E10: Puerto Read-Co!

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I don't get it.  It's fine if Claudia makes fun of someone but bad if Nene does it? 


Claudia didn't say anything at all until Nene starting blasting Cynthia, who was not addressing Nene.  Nene was salty that the Claudia / Kenya / Cynthia faction was having a good old time with Demetria.


It was at that point that Claudia jumped in.  Claudia strikes me as always ready to bring down a bully, having been bullied herself.  Are we supposed to believe that Nene's tender sensibilities were hurt more by Claudia saying Nene's edges were on a milk carton than by Nene saying that Claudia was a half breed and a whore who filed for bankruptcy?


I mean, hey, Claudia was just "keepin it real" like Nene and Phaedra claim to do.  So why is Claudia "keepin' it real" wrong, but Nene and Phaedra "keepin' it real" right?  As Phaedra said in her TH, if she's a real woman who is secure in herself, why be threatened with/by honesty? (paraphrase)



 Wasn't Claudia Jordan one of those "models" on Deal or no Deal, or was it Price is Right?


She was on both.



With the other HWs we know about them, their families and their real/private lives, the same can not be said of Kenya and Claudia.


Phaedra's been on the show for 4 years and we still don't know that much about her that's not part of a criminal investigation.  Cynthia is not from Georgia either. 



 I am even suspect of Claudia's job on Dish Nation Radio show at this point, who lives without furniture?



Claudia's on the Rickey Smiley show every morning.  She was on with Marlo this morning.

Edited by drivethroo
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Neither really live full time in the Atlanta area or even in the state of Georgia, there is no real connection to the area other than Bravo. I am even suspect of Claudia's job on Dish Nation Radio show at this point, who lives without furniture? LOL How real is the "friendship" between her and Kenya, how "real" was it before she joined the show? Both newbies have acting backgrounds, Kenya had an acting background as well, that alone makes their "team" suspect IMO.

Claudia isn't on Dish Nation.  She's on the actual Rickey Smiley Morning Show.  She was hired for the show sometime last summer, I believe, and moved to Atlanta for the job.  I've heard her on the show, as recently as last week (I don't listen often, because I can't stand Rickey Smiley).  That is most likely real.  I can't speak for her friendship with Kenya.  Nothing about Kenya is real, besides her hair and her awesome aunt.

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Claudia isn't on Dish Nation.  She's on the actual Rickey Smiley Morning Show.  She was hired for the show sometime last summer, I believe, and moved to Atlanta for the job.  I've heard her on the show, as recently as last week (I don't listen often, because I can't stand Rickey Smiley).  That is most likely real.  I can't speak for her friendship with Kenya.  Nothing about Kenya is real, besides her hair and her awesome aunt.

I though his show was part of Dish Nation or is it that he is on both? I know her story is that she moved to be part of "his" show but was she hired for that show first or the HW show? I think that answer would be very telling IMO.  LOL

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Claudia strikes me as always ready to bring down a bully, having been bullied herself.  


Yes.  And the way to do that is to bully in return.  *thumbs up Claudia*


Look, I don't like Nene any more than I like anyone on this show but it seems she gets tagged for doing things that the other women get cheered for and that's ridiculous to me.  Fine, Claudia got her digs in but let's not make it seem like she's any better than Nene is.  She said some pretty shitty things just like Nene did.  And I don't play the "She said it first" game.  Claudia, who made quite a big deal about pointing out who's immature last night, was just as immature as anyone else at that table when she started with her comments about Nene's hair.  If she wants me to take her side and think that she's above it all, then she really should have been above it all and sat back and let Nene have her say so that the only one who looked like an ass at the table would've been Nene.  Instead she joined in and ended up getting in the slop pile with her.


They all acted like morons.  Even those who stayed quiet and said nothing.  I don't come to dinner to listen to two women fight.  Sit down, shutup, order your food and learn how to conduct yourself in a public setting.

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I'll admit, Sunday is my wash and condition night, so I may have missed it, but I've only heard Claudia mention being biracial maybe twice. When she was first introduced and when her mother and grandmother visited, which made sense to me. Other than that, I've seen it mentioned in this forum many more times than I've actually heard her talk about it.


Agree. And I think it has mostly been mentioned in her THs, which I'm guessing is because production asks her about it. 

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Ya'll?  So we're just not gonna talk about the irony of Kandi feeling like she owed Deme an apology for Goche's outburst?  Like ya'll ain't finna say na'an one word about her handing out apologies on a bish's behalf?   Okay, I'll free my spirit from that then.


Claudia's reads seemed better in commercials. She won more than anyone else because she wasn't cowed, but she wasn't actually clever.


I'm not even sure if clever occurred to me but she was quick and unflappable, which in this crowd, is probably just as, if not more, valuable.


"College? Spell bridesmaid. The 's' isn't silent." AHAHAHAHAHAHA




I think what got Nene going in even harder at Claudia, is that Claudia didn't get upset, smiled, and did not back down.  First zinger about oh the one (show) that was cancelled, had me laughing, then the one about spell Bridesmaids had me laughing harder.  Of course, then Nene goes in to call Claudia a half breed and a whore.  Since Nene went so low, I think a couple of Claudia's lines hit a sore spot.  It's about time, honestly.  Nene has said whatever she wanted and no one really challenged her one bit.  She's gone from someone who I thought was fun and rooted for, to someone I cannot stand to watch any longer.


Worth the entire price of admission.  Yassss Miss Claufoot you have been stutting your (and our) notes industriously hunty.  Not just perfect delivery, not only sharp and low, but responsive.  Oh but I how I love a heffa who can think while wearing battle armor.  She could not have cut nene's ass up with "spell bridesmaids" without the moose volunteering that she went to college.   (she said went, I'm waiting for someone to ask about having graduated) but I digress.  It was indeed a thing of beauty.  Claudia had packed up her knives and was already rolling down the street before Nene ever knew she'd been cut.  The beautiful thing was watching her struggle against articulation with some ole mess about body parts.   I'm telling ya'll the way she looks these days is no accident, that ugliness comes from the inside.


Porsha, Nene and Phaedra tried way too hard to haze the newest ladies.  I found Porsha's entitled diva act way too much-who is she to give Nene a run for her money?  I am really suppose to believe Porsha is carrying around a $80,000.00 purse?  Is there such a thing?


There is indeed.  Since I don't have an extra 100 Gs to throw around I only know of one brand and it's Hermes' Birkin (could've spelled that incorrectly) anyway, I don't know what Porsha was carrying but I pray it's not real, that fool can't even remember how many suitcases she's supposed to leave the airport with so.... 


DID Claudia take her weave out?  I didn't tune in until 15 minutes in so I might have missed something.  From what I saw, I thought she was just sporting one of those styles where people "tuck" their luck hair under so it looks like a bob. 


Yeah it was weird, because at the table it did look folded under some kind of weird way, but she did take it out.  She was on WWHL last night, her own hair is shorter (just kissing shoulderlength) and more lovely, weaveless.


Claudia wasn't wearing weave when she called out ole Ramen Noodles. And Claudia's barbs had more to do with Nene's edges being in the Witness Protection program, than her terrible choices in wigs anyway.


I hate your ass!  I had to hold my stomach.


So I guess my next question is this....


If Nene is so terrible for saying Claudia is a half breed then why isn't Claudia just as bad for the slavery comments against Gregg?

I think both comments were ignorant and disgusting if I'm being honest.


The following attempt at an explanation sounded so jumbled in my head that if you wanna karate chop me when it's done, I understand.   Claudia referring to Gregg as a slave doesn't (necessarily) have a basis in race.   If you interpret that as "your husband acts like he serves you"  that's not a racial slur, that's an emasculation dig.  The weird part is that half breed is a slur to Claudia because that's how Nene intended it, as though there's actually something wrong with being half white/half black.  Later on WWHL Claudia mentioned how deplorable she found that and made the point I'm trying to by winding up saying but I AM a half breed which I took to mean depending on the person, context and delivery she can choose to be offended or she can choose to claim it as truth and not be.   Calling someone who acts like a servant when that's not their paid role, is not a racial slur, it's just insulting and unkind.    It had a racial tinge when she said it to Sweetie, because Sweetie was the black woman working in domestic servitude, however casual, for her white woman employer and no matter how hard you try, there is no getting away from the historically racial parallel in that scenario.  Once more, we were privy to Nene's delivery, she said it all side mouth and nasty toned, she meant it the way it sounded.  


I'm already bracing girl, just get me anywhere but the face lol.

eta:  I almost forgot.  Claudia telling the Podiatrist to wash his hands - seriously, I heart this girl.

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Are grown ass women really talking about who's hair is long/thick? GTFOH Are we gonna talk about "good" hair next?



I'm a nobody and even I've been to Puerto Rico. NeNe said she'd never been there. Hell, she'd have never left the confines of Atlanta if it weren't for this show sending them on trips, and her getting a couple of bit parts in two TV shows.

Mr. ThomasAAndersen has 3 degrees and has barely been out of California so while I think travel is a great enhancer to sophistication and knowledge it's not a benchmark of anything.


Claudia's line to Nene was EVERYTHING, but let's be clear Kenya, Claudia and Cynthia couldn't carry this show with a crane. If we shouldn't slut shame Claudia, then she shouldn't slut shame Porsha. Why the fuck is it HER business who Porsha is sleeping with? She's been coming for Porsha since joining the show and I'm not here for it. She better watch the tape and ease back before she gets dragged across the damn floor as well. I can't stand bitches that can't mind their business.


Phaedra, darling, go home and take care of your babies;your nasty remarks are unbecoming of a southern belle.


Porsha's styling is amazing...good God if she puts her outfits together herself SHE needs to offer her styling expertise to all these chicks. 


Kandi has an adult toy business so therefore works dildos and such into the conversation as much as possible. It's called product placement. Her being on this show is to promote her products and projects which makes her a BOSS in my mind. I'm not mad at her for being a savvy business woman. I just wish she'd get her mama in check.


While I don't always like NeNe, I know this show is boring without her. Nene's relationship with the ladies is weird this season but in the past when she's been excessively mean or OTT she has worked to get back in the audience's good graces, so I'll wait to see that. NeNe is not very articulate so it's unfortunate she cannot say what she means in a smarter, more succinct way. Because while Ms. Leakes styling and edges need A LOT of work; she came off the pole, hustled her way onto television and endeared herself to very powerful Hollywood players. Kenya and Claudia may be prettier, but they DO NOT have the hustle of NeNe Leakes. Kenya's been around Hollywood how long? Claudia was on Apprentice how many times? Between the two of them their biggest claims to fame thus far are THIS SHOW and 20 year old beauty queen crowns...girl bye. Anderson Cooper and Ryan Murphy ain't checking for them and never will be. BLOOP!

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
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Yes.  And the way to do that is to bully in return.  *thumbs up Claudia*



I'm sorry but I don't see Claudia as being a bully or Nene as being bullied.


Being a bully is:


  • Shouting through a megaphone that somebody is a dumb ho after waving a stick in their face
  • Telling a woman she's a whore who'll never get a huzzbiin and will only have a Dixie cup in her future while everyone cheers/snickers
  • Standing over somebody on a bus shouting at them menacingly
  • Trying to throw a shoe at somebody in a bridal shop while your gang cheers on
  • Treating your child, your child's partner & friends & family like crap & daring them to retaliate
  • Holding down a man while another man pummels the life out of somebody



And pertaining to this episode:


  • Asking somebody if they do crack because of the role they played on TV while their buddy snickers and laughs
  • Telling somebody their work generally sucks (stylist guy) while their buddy snickers & laughs
  • Complaining about the size of the free room in known earshot of the hostess/trip organizer while their buddy snickers & laughs
  • Implying somebody really needs singing rehearsal in front of a group of people
  • Getting their ki'ki on about somebody's relationship status in front of a group of people (when their situation is WORSE)
  • Dismissing that same person in front of a group of people
  • Telling somebody they are weak and ridiculous in front of their friends (when they weren't even talking to you)


I'm not down with it's ok for Nene to get up in people's face and bully them, but if they bully her they're wrong, they're bad.  Nope.  If Nene can dish it out, Nene can take it.  Sometimes the only way to shut down a bully is to give them a taste of their own medicine.


And Phaedra would not have gotten all up in Demetria's grill like that if it had been just her and Kandi.  Phaedra ate her Nene Flakes and got brand new. 


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Even though I agree with everything Phaedra said to Demetria, I don't think she should have said it because she doesn't know Demetria. That was my only issue with that. At least she said it to her face & not behind her back like Kenya did & then tries to pretend they care about her. All Kenya & Cynthia wanted was a # on their side.

Claudia said she's never seen women behave so immature...did she miss the part in the van where Cynthia & Kenya talked about holding NeNe's head under the water? 


Kenya & Cynthia talk to poorly of NeNe & how they are better without her but they both cannot stop talking about her & making her the topic of their conversation. It's sad. She doesn't want to be your friend, move on. It's that they don't have a story so they need to fight with NeNe to stay relevant. Reminds me of Brandi & Kyle on Bev Hills & how they make Lisa the topic of everything & practically beg for her friendship.

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I truly appreciate Claudia and how she handled the dinner fall-out. She is definitely a woman I'd want on my team. A friend. I think that while some people might argue that she is just as bad by throwing put downs as the others, that what she was doing was standing up for people who really couldn't fight back. They couldn't fight Nene and the mean crew. She stood up for them. It had nothing to do with her, but unlike the other girls who just sat there - riding a fence and scared - she jumped in and was like, "HEY, they can't verbally and emotionally handle fighting you, but I can. So fight me if you're so bad." I think that was the right thing to do. The others just sat there watching it escalate, some even helping, when the whole thing was wrong and inappropriate.


First, I'll be damn if my guests will make me miserable on my time, my dime/my man's dime, and when I am there for something important to me. They should have been escorted out. Phaedra, I'm so disappointed in her right now, and Nene came in with the stank face from the beginning. Yeah, they would have been back on JetBlue or whatever. Paddle back for all I care.


And, let's get real. Claudia is successful. She was a model and on two big game shows. I'd love to cash one of those checks. I am sure she did well. Bankruptcy is not a reflection of your earning power. No sir. She made that qwap! How do you spell that? You know what I mean!

In addition, she is a welcomed addition to that cast. She seems happy with her circumstance and herself and, therefore, doesn't have to be mean to people. UNLIKE many of the cast at this moment. She is also funny, self-deprecating, seems easy to get along with (like she makes a serious effort to not bother anyone), and she is gorgeous! Her WWHL ensemble and makeup and hair were on point.

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Even though I agree with everything Phaedra said to Demetria, I don't think she should have said it because she doesn't know Demetria. That was my only issue with that. At least she said it to her face & not behind her back like Kenya did & then tries to pretend they care about her. All Kenya & Cynthia wanted was a # on their side.

Claudia said she's never seen women behave so immature...did she miss the part in the van where Cynthia & Kenya talked about holding NeNe's head under the water?

Kenya & Cynthia talk to poorly of NeNe & how they are better without her but they both cannot stop talking about her & making her the topic of their conversation. It's sad. She doesn't want to be your friend, move on. It's that they don't have a story so they need to fight with NeNe to stay relevant. Reminds me of Brandi & Kyle on Bev Hills & how they make Lisa the topic of everything & practically beg for her friendship.

It's always interesting to read different opinions. I didn't think they said Nene's name specifically just said the mean girls. The only ones I see that need Nene are Phadrea and Porsha. I think Kenya and Claudia would do well on the show without all of Nene's ugliness.Cynthia just needs to deal with the fact that Nene was never her true friend and move on! Edited by howivesforever
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The following attempt at an explanation sounded so jumbled in my head that if you wanna karate chop me when it's done, I understand.   Claudia referring to Gregg as a slave doesn't (necessarily) have a basis in race.   If you interpret that as "your husband acts like he serves you"  that's not a racial slur, that's an emasculation dig.  The weird part is that half breed is a slur to Claudia because that's how Nene intended it, as though there's actually something wrong with being half white/half black.  Later on WWHL Claudia mentioned how deplorable she found that and made the point I'm trying to by winding up saying but I AM a half breed which I took to mean depending on the person, context and delivery she can choose to be offended or she can choose to claim it as truth and not be.   Calling someone who acts like a servant when that's not their paid role, is not a racial slur, it's just insulting and unkind.    It had a racial tinge when she said it to Sweetie, because Sweetie was the black woman working in domestic servitude, however casual, for her white woman employer and no matter how hard you try, there is no getting away from the historically racial parallel in that scenario.  Once more, we were privy to Nene's delivery, she said it all side mouth and nasty toned, she meant it the way it sounded.  


While I agree and accept that explanation to a point, Claudia also meant it as a racial dig, because she mentioned....more than once....that slavery was over and did anyone tell him.

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In addition, she is a welcomed addition to that cast. She seems happy with her circumstance and herself and, therefore, doesn't have to be mean to people. UNLIKE many of the cast at this moment. She is also funny, self-deprecating, seems easy to get along with (like she makes a serious effort to not bother anyone), and she is gorgeous! Her WWHL ensemble and makeup and hair were on point.

This.  Claudia just seems like a pleasant, normal, happy person that I would like to know.  I hope being on this show doesn't destroy her.

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I bet NeNe loses her mind every time she see's her TH with that dutch boy wig and the shadows all over her face. She must want to kill somebody! lol


Porsha and the expensive purse comments between her and NeNe.... does she or does she not have a sugar daddy? What's really going on with her


I think Claudia is gorgeous. Which I'm sure eats at NeNe.


Demetria needs to go away. She is pretty and has a killer body but damn is she boring. Not funny or clever in any way.  


If NeNe is such a successful rich bitch, why hasn't she given up this show? Never liked her, never will. She is mean, resentful and miserable through and through and no matter what she says, I don't think she is happy with the way ok her "movie star" career is going. Temporary parts on Broadway and D list shows in Vegas are not what Miss Nene has in mind for herself. She wants to be the big lead star and is going to grow tired of these tidbit jobs her agent is getting for her.  I guess I just answered my own question. This is why she is still hanging on to that peach.

Omg yes to the Dutch boy wig. I bet she is pisssssssed off. It clearly is the worst look of any housewife across all the franchises. It makes Kim Richards bow blouse look down right adorable. I can't imagine what she was thinking.

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Claudia read the FUCK out of Nene. You could tell that the Moose was heated. That's when she started tossing around hearsay and rumors while Claudia was hitting her with stone cold facts. And laughing the entire time. It was a thing of beauty. I can only hope Porsha is next.




"College? Spell bridesmaid. The 's' isn't silent." AHAHAHAHAHAHA



I. was. SCREAMING with that one! I was not prepared; somebody has been watching episodes and reading boards, whoo! She came for Nene's edges

and left with them in her fist.


Claudia, Claudia. I knew the chick that got Omarosa AND her mama fired up would show up. Get those bitches ALL the way together; looking forward

to you laying Porsha's business out there next week. That's what you call a REAL read, Phaedra, not that by-the-book studied mess you trotted out.


Kandi annoys but I did enjoy her laughing at the antics, not the target of any of it.


Claudia, until you can sport your own natural hair without extensions, have a seat and stfu.  You lose points when it's just an ugly weave insulting an ugly wig.  Come with some realness next time.


If that was the stylist responsible for that atrocious outfit Demetria wore to that music video release party (without the video...how dreadful!) then he needed to be read.  Just because you call yourself a stylist does not mean you automatically have good taste.  Just sayin.


Except ... she wasn't wearing a weave. So it was real insulting ugly weave. I'll allow it.


Even if the stylist got it wrong, it's not Phaedra's place to read anybody - especially after that raggedy faux-50's outfit she wore last week, trying to make her chosen phrase of the season happen. Wide white pleats and tee with gold plastic lettering? Girl, bye.


Glad even the stylist gave Phaedra some. She just can never shut the fuck up ... well, except as it relates to Nene. Because she and Porsha both continue to

not want none from Nene. And she has the nerve to talk about everyone else while pulling their (and Gregg) strings.

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First of all Demetria and Cynthia shouldn't talk about how anybody looks with that nasty power blue eye shadow, I thought went out in the 1970's.  Also, Cynthia looks terrible with that stupid flat iron style, it looks like something died on her head and if Kenya was a real friend she'd tell Cynthia how foolish she looks.  BTW, isn't Cynthia close to 50?  


Kenya and Claudia need to stop that agest shit, but of them are closer to 50 than 30 and Claudia was born in 1973 so Nene's not 20 years younger than she.  Also Kenya and Claudia will be sixty someday unless they don't intend on living past 59.


Phaedra was just nasty to Demetria, but Phaedra was right about her relationship, eight years and still no ring?  Roger Bobb is just stringing her along.  Or maybe Demetria doesn't want to get married; at any rate, Phaedra was very nasty to her for some unknown reason.  


Now to Nene.  Though I can't stand Claudia because I think she throws her "biracial-ness" around too damn much, maybe she thinks she has an advantage rather than being "just black" Maybe she thinks she'll get more roles in Hollywood if she lets them know she's biracial. (http://www.clutchmagonline.com/2014/06/biracial-women-erasing-black-women-hollywood/#comments) However, I really dislike what Nene said to her, it really burned me up; I hate what Nene said about Claudia being a whore, or sleeping around or whatever.  


A few months ago, I read an article on the website "Racialicious" about sexuality and black women.  They quoted an article about Pink where she said that when she was younger she did sleep around a bit, now she's married and has a child.  The article when on to say that it's acceptable in this society for a white woman to explore her sexuality, but when a black woman does the same, she's shamed for it; I mean take Kim Kardashian, she might have slept with hundreds of men, but still Kanye West married her.  When a black woman explores her sexuality, she's called a "whore" a "trick" a "THOT" and worse, Kim Kardashian is a millionaire while Karrine Steffans is called "Superhead."  

I'm old, so Kardashian is a whore in my book. Race is not a factor. For me, gender is not a factor, the behavior is. The fact that a hound like Kanye went sniffing up behind her as soon as she was available, says more about him. I hope she's happy with her life. I have a feeling that any woman that gets Kanye's attention that bad pays dearly.


Anyway I really enjoyed Nene getting read. Head so big she even referred to herself as queen during the argument.

Edited by Iguessnot
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While I agree and accept that explanation to a point, Claudia also meant it as a racial dig, because she mentioned....more than once....that slavery was over and did anyone tell him.

See now I didn't hear this. CanNOT defend a heffa making reference to pre Civil War times. I so badly want to steal Kitty's *I'll allow it* lol, but I can't - legit dirty.

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It's always interesting to read different opinions. I didn't think they said Nene's name specifically just said the mean girls. The only ones I see that need Nene are Phadrea and Porsha. I think Kenya and Claudia would do well on the show without all of Nene's ugliness.Cynthia just needs to deal with the fact that Nene was never her true friend and move on!

What story does Kenya or Claudia have other than their issue with NeNe now? Kenya is far from nice & she gives just as many if not more digs than anyone else. 

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I'm pretty sure that whatever she said, Claudia meant slave in an emasculating, unpaid worker way as it seems like he exists only to do NeNe's bidding, which is not a good look. Everyone's entitled to his or her opinion, but it seems like over reach into overly political correctness to think that Claudia, who identifies as an African-American woman, and isn't stupid, would make a racial slur. I could be wrong, but that's how I saw it.


In the meantime, NayNay is getting on my nerves. All of the half breed and slut shaming stuff was horrible. Both she and Phaedra were really rude.

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What story does Kenya or Claudia have other than their issue with NeNe now? Kenya is far from nice & she gives just as many if not more digs than anyone else.

Nene has the issues with them not the other way around and what exactly is Nene's storyline besides being so nasty and so rude? Kenya is a little crazy but I'd take her over Nene anyday. Kenya seems fun to be around and Nene has an issue with Kenya and Claudia for no apparent reason.

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The following attempt at an explanation sounded so jumbled in my head that if you wanna karate chop me when it's done, I understand.   Claudia referring to Gregg as a slave doesn't (necessarily) have a basis in race.   If you interpret that as "your husband acts like he serves you"



Plus, Greg does know slavery has ended because he probably remembers driving the Underground Railroad with Harriet Tubman (history according to Porsha).


Note to Phaedra...a fake relationship with Roger Bob is still a step up from a real relationship with Apollo and I don't even like Roger Bob.


That was one of the best reads I have ever witnessed.  I think Claudia was shading Nene's looks not her age.  Truthfully, I would have never guessed that they are near the same age, as Claudia looks so young and fresh (even with those jacked up feet).  Nene could probably pass for Claudia's mother and no one would blink an eye.

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I want to see an extended version of The Read without any cuts to TH's.  I want to applaud Claudia (as a "half-breed" I kinda have to), but I'm not sure how much of her cleverness was in the moment and how much was commenting on things after-the-fact.  She seemed pretty good, though.


I'm also curious what Kenya fully said about Phaedra and her nastiness.  It seemed a bit edited.  


I don't get why Phaedra chose to do the show again.  She hasn't had a story outside of Kenya for quite some time, and while I've been amused by her character before now she's just...nasty.  And over the top (as are Porsha and Cynthia, imho).  She should take a break, hang out with her kids and work her other 15 jobs.


I'm not even sure what to think about Nene calling Claudia a slut.  I guess it's hard for me to imagine that Claudia could be any more of a slut than Nene, a woman who's sold herself on television for years, demolishing and rebuilding relationships as necessary while helping reinforce stereotypes through her portrayal of a sassy Black woman who's just "being real."  Though I guess I'm not working with Nene's more traditional definition of the word.


Nene was much better at the beginning of the season on her own in Vegas.  I don't think she has the energy/ability to be on a show where she has costars with equal billing.  Maybe she should have her agent look for a show where she can just interact with employee/friends and toss one-liners.

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I guess it's hard for me to imagine that Claudia could be any more of a slut than Nene, a woman who's sold herself on television for years, demolishing and rebuilding relationships as necessary while helping reinforce stereotypes through her portrayal of a sassy Black woman who's just "being real."  Though I guess I'm not working with Nene's more traditional definition of the word.

So Niecy Nash is a "slut"?


Not even Claudia really thinks Kenya is fun to hang out with...

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Because while Ms. Leakes styling and edges need A LOT of work; she came off the pole, hustled her way onto television and endeared herself to very powerful Hollywood players. Kenya and Claudia may be prettier, but they DO NOT have the hustle of NeNe Leakes. Kenya's been around Hollywood how long? Claudia was on Apprentice how many times? Between the two of them their biggest claims to fame thus far are THIS SHOW and 20 year old beauty queen crowns...girl bye. Anderson Cooper and Ryan Murphy ain't checking for them and never will be. BLOOP!


Nene has worked her angle and I respect that.  I would say the other women have done the same.  How many other game show models have actually made a name for themselves in the entertainment industry and how many other pageant winners are still well known and working in the entertainment industry?  I respect work ethic and I don't see anything lazy about any of these women including Phaedra, Kandi, and Porsha.


With that said, I think the show is lazy for poorly developing good storylines and jumping too quickly into drama.  I did not mind the shade among the smaller groups of women because it seemed lighthearted to me on both sides.  The conversation at dinner was heavy and foreboding.  The zingers that Demetria and Claudia were good, but I really could not enjoy it because I am tired of all of that negativity and mean spiritedness.  What was the point of Nene having them meet for drinks and get to a place of understanding with Cynthia and Kenya?  I know they have to do these gatherings for the show, but why not make the best of it.  Interesting conversations could have been about how Kandi is adjusting to married life, how Phaedra is adjusting to Apollo leaving, Cynthia's new business venture (don't laugh), Demetria's show and why she is positioning herself to be a pop star (she may have a good reason for this choice).


I don't know.  I attend work related functions all the time where I might encounter people that I don't necessarily care for, but I laugh and talk with them.  None of us are best friends or anything, but we keep it cordial and respectful.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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Nene has the issues with them not the other way around and what exactly is Nene's storyline besides being so nasty and so rude? Kenya is a little crazy but I'd take her over Nene anyday. Kenya seems fun to be around and Nene has an issue with Kenya and Claudia for no apparent reason.

At this point/stage, Nene is central to Kenya, Cynthia and now Claudia's storylines.....very much so. They in turn are central to Nene's storyline as well. They all play off each other with the same old tired sound bites.

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Nene has worked her angle and I respect that.  I would say the other women have done the same.  How many other game show models have actually made a name for themselves in the entertainment industry and how many other pageant winners are still well known and working in the entertainment industry?  I respect work ethic and I don't see anything lazy about any of these women including Phaedra, Kandi, and Porsha.


With that said, I think the show is lazy for poorly developing good storylines and jumping too quickly into drama.  I did not mind the shade among the smaller groups of women because it seemed lighthearted to me on both sides.  The conversation at dinner was heavy and foreboding.  The zingers that Demetria and Claudia were good, but I really could not enjoy it because I am tired of all of that negativity and mean spiritedness.  What was the point of Nene having them meet for drinks and get to a place of understanding with Cynthia and Kenya?  I know they have to do these gatherings for the show, but why not make the best of it.  Interesting conversations could have been about how Kandi is adjusting to married life, how Phaedra is adjusting to Apollo leaving, Cynthia's new business venture (don't laugh), Demetria's show and why she is positioning herself to be a pop star (she may have a good reason for this choice).


I don't know.  I attend work related functions all the time where I might encounter people that I don't necessarily care for, but I laugh and talk with them.  None of us are best friends or anything, but we keep it cordial and respectful.

This show jumped the shark back when they brought in an outsider....Kenya and now Claudia. The others at least had ties to the local community and personal relationships and personal history throughout that community, not Kenya. The producers decided that drama came first and foremost to the viewers of this show and personal relationships between the women did not matter. There is not even a trace of the greater community left within this show. They brought in professional actors to play HWs living in Atlanta and forgot about the ties to family/community that made the show a hit to begin with IMO.

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At this point/stage, Nene is central to Kenya, Cynthia and now Claudia's storylines.....very much so. They in turn are central to Nene's storyline as )well. They all play off each other with the same old tired sound bites.

I don't believe that at all. Kenya and Claudia don't need Nene for anything,but clearly Nene needs them to hurl insults at so she can feel like she's still the queen. Nene is no longer vital to this show infact she'd probably do herself a huge favor and exit stage left! She's just looking a fool literally a fool!

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I don't believe that at all. Kenya and Claudia don't need Nene for anything,but clearly Nene needs them to hurl insults at so she can feel like she's still the queen. Nene is no longer vital to this show infact she'd probably do herself a huge favor and exit stage left! She's just looking a fool literally a fool!

What do Kenya and Claudia have going for them on the show? Other than a very fake friendship they talk about Nene more often than not! LOL Nene does the same thing back to them, she is not friends with any of the other HWs at this point though, real or fake.

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Let's be honest, these women are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars (And Nene grosses a million) to ratchet up the drama by getting into these petty fights. The drama may be ratcheted up -- but I have no doubt the feelings behind, and as a result of, the drama are real.

Cynthia: I hope you remain true to yourself and conduct yourself like the class-act and kind woman that you are. Resolve for yourself that your friendship with Nene is truly finished and continue to speak up for yourself and don't let your allegiance to anyone cause you to "go along to get along" ever again.

Phaedra: You are ashamed, angry and hurting. No need to shame and hurt others. You need some humility and the more you try to make yourself look good by making others look bad -- you end up looking like the bigger asshole that you really are.

Claudia: You made some slam dunks and as someone upthread posted "quick and unflappable". Props to you.

Nene: You're expiration date has been up for at least 4 seasons. You're no longer fresh and fun, just foul and distasteful. If we have to hear any more about your success or bank account -- I think I'll throw up. Get off your high horse and get off my TV. You've made it clear you're too good for this show, so in your own words: "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Bye."

Edited by msblossom
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What do Kenya and Claudia have going for them on the show? Other than a very fake friendship they talk about Nene more often than not! LOL Nene does the same thing back to them, she is not friends with any of the other HWs at this point though, real or fake.

We just have different opinions. Claudia and Kenya are at least having fun (fake friendship or not) can't say the same for Nene!

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We just have different opinions. Claudia and Kenya are at least having fun (fake friendship or not) can't say the same for Nene!

They do appear to have fun unlike Nene or Phaedra but I don't find it real at all. I wonder if Nene and Phaedra left the show how long before Kenya and Claudia turned on each other......not long IMO. LOL

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So Niecy Nash is a "slut"?


If she crawled her way to fame and fortune selling her personal life on a reality show, I guess I'd say yes...but I wouldn't really say anything until she tried to win an argument by claiming some kind of moral superiority, as Nene was trying to do.


I dont see Kenya and Claudia's "fun" as anything real.

It's some of the most put upon, obnoxious braying disguised as joy and laughter I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing.


I think it's fun because it's such a contrast to the other stuff, with random women being brought on to organize the trip and start the drama.  I wonder how long it'll take to crack.  Kenya can probably keep it up for awhile, but I'm not sure Claudia will be able to.

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For what it's worth, Kenya had very full, beautiful hair when she won Miss USA. I know they don't allow any of the entrants to wear hair pieces of any type. It has to be all their own natural hair. (A friend was runner-up one year after Kenya won, so that's who told me.)

Kenya may wear weave, but Kenya doesn't need weave. When she went on WWHL and Andry ran his fingers through her hair, it was all hers.

I like Kenya's hair. I'm jealous.

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Nene: You're expiration date has been up for at least 4 seasons. You're no longer fresh and fun, just foul and distasteful. If we have to hear any more about your success or bank account -- I think I'll throw up. Get off your high horse and get off my TV.

"The audience has spoken, and the sixth person voted off of RHoA is NeNe.  Please burn your wig and leave."


Or, to make it even punnier: "...please burn your wig and weave."

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Whoever is responsible for Nene's talking head look with the Dutch boy wig and beard -- I love you and thank you. It is the biggest gift given to the viewers and never gets old. You bestowed that look on the most deserving recipient. Bravo.

Edited by msblossom
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My take on this episode:  HOLY FAKERY, BATMAN!!!


Just everything was contrived this episode.  For one, after being totally embarrassed at Kandi’s swaree’, why would Demetria then invite and pay for all the women to go to Puerto Rico to see her perform?


I can see mama Nene wanting to clue Demetria in on her relationship but why would Phaedra come up with her off the cuff questions?


AND if they are all going down to Puerto Rico, why in sectioned cliques?  They would all be going at the same time if this was a “real” outing orchestrated by Demetria.

The whole exchange just REAKED of production manipulation, even the arguments at the dinner table where it was like they needed to show the worth of bringing on Demetria and Claudia by having the originals come for them.  The entire exchange appeared contrived.


There was no reason for Phaedra to attack Demetria and there was no reason for Nene to go after Claudia.  The fact that the other women did not intervene or even pipe in just proved to me that this was producer driven.


The show have completely jumped the shark as the whole mess has absolutely NOTHING to do with housewives or their lives, heck, there aren’t that many housewives left on this show about HOUSEWIVES.  


It should now be called BITCHY WOMEN OF ATLANTA and be done with it

Edited by Aging Goth
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My take on this episode:  HOLY FAKERY, BATMAN!!!


Bravo needs to try a little harder too. During one scene, they had Nene providing commentary. When they switched back and forth, Nene was wearing a different outfit and a different (still hideous) wig, which means there is no way she provided that commentary for that single scene all in one sitting. And no Nene, that hotel room is not small. Your ass is just too huge to fit into it.


Since the beginning of the season, Nene seems threatened by Claudia. I noticed that she avoids Kandi often as well. I think she can't handle being around women who are currently as or more sucessful than she is. Claudia has a job and prospects, so Nene is jealous. Cynthia was okay because she's just a has-been, and Porsha is a useless sugar-baby who kisses Nene's ass.


Phaedra needs to avoid picking on anyone while she's sitting there waiting for her husband to get sent up the river. Marrying a felon is not a step-up from spending 8 years with a guy who won't marry you.

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Claudia and Kenya are at least having fun (fake friendship or not) can't say the same for Nene!

I see no real fun with these two at all.  For one, Kenya knows absolutely NOTHING about Claudia, her "friend"  She always appear quite surprised by any of Claudia's revelations about herself and with stuff a real friends should already know.  It was quite evident when Claudia announced she had been married and Kenya looked very shocked (and a little angry) when that was revealed.  As for fun, Kenya pretty much forces a laugh or tries too hard to appear to be having fun but Claudia always look a little embarrassed and rather bemused by Kenya's idea of fun.


As for Nene, She already stated that the negativity is not fun to her.  She longs for the old group where if you were being bitchy, it was subtle and they were mostly able to go on trips together without complete nastiness erupting.  Now I am certain no one really wants to go one these excursions because they know there is going to be pure nastiness awaiting them.  Nene already knows they are coming for her so she now goes into offensive mode almost immediately. 


Phaedra is going through crap right now so she is one hop and a jump towards anyone stomping on her last nerve.  Add to that, production urging her to start a feud with one of the newbies and what you get is what happened this episode where it was her just phoning it in. 


Kenya was the only one who appeared committed to the whole feuding drama with Claudia vying for that peach after being spoonfed every detail of the past seasons of Nene's life.  It was like she was going down the twitter incident list of Nene's alleged transgressions which for me was old news and didn't need to be brought up.  The only clever remark Claudia made was a total repeat of the remarks Kenya said to Porsha at the reunion.  "Spell ----"  It was like Claudia was coached by Kenya on what to say.  Probably Demetria was coached as well since she threw in the 8 year comparison


It was all childish to me. and so not worth the cost of free admission

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Since the beginning of the season, Nene seems threatened by Claudia.

I don't believe Nene is threatened by Claudia or really anyone on the show.  I believe she is just fed up with the show at this point.  It brings in money and that appears to be the only reason she is still there. 


Kandi is someone you don't really or can't really get close to because she is so busy being neutral that she kind of pushes people away. 

Phaedra is approachable but she will say anything that comes to her mind without filter.  That was pretty much what Kandy and Porsha was trying to relay to Demetria.  The lawyer in Phaedra always want to know what the answer is to a perplexing question.  such as what is her gendra of music, why is she hanging on to an 8 year relationship going nowhere. '


Demetria is very defensive of her craft and her relationship which I suspect she knows isn't going very well.  She just don't want anyone to remind her that her relationship is going nowhere nor that she may not make the big time with her music.


Claudia is only here for the check. She has tried several angles to be relevant for the show but none are taking off.  It would be better if she went the Kandi route and stayed neutral rather than align herself with Kenya.  However, I believe she was brought on and kept to be a "friend" to Kenya so there's that...


Cynthia has just faded right into the wallpaper this season.  After doing her thing with Nene and being cut loose by Nene, she has no real purpose.  She is just a tag along, yes girl to Kenya, repeating any and everyting Kenya says about Nene while going on the I don't need Nene as a friend tour.


Porsha also doesn't have a storyline right now as she refuses to deal with Kenya and is keeping her relationships under wraps.  I believe Claudia was supposed to bring up Porsha's alleged African Prince to give Porsha a storyline but Porsha herself wasn't biting.  Hence her demotion.


So here we have one Housewife with a long term marriage, One Housewife with a questionable marriage, One housewife about to divorce her husband, one newlywed non-housewife who is the breadwinner of her house, One divorcee and three desperate single women, two of which are man hungry.


When this show began, all were housewives of some sort and the drama was just the cherry on top of looking at their lives and families and such, but now it is only the drama.

Edited by Aging Goth
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