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S05.E02: Episode Two

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At my age the "scrumptious dinner" could be foreplay but for Mary I doubt she eats much for dinner! Tony should have taken the bull by the horns...action speaks louder than words and shown Mary what his plans were for her...rather then spilling the beans so to speak. After the first course...if room service was available, she may have worked up an appetite, lol.


The was the least passionate seduction ever!  Even Cora and Robert have more heat between them, in their own way. 


Mary wasn't helping much either, though.  Call me crazy, but if you're passionate about each other, you'd rush to kiss once you saw your man through the connecting door, right?  Imagine Rose in Mary's place - she'd be all over her secret lover.  I know Mary has never had the level of passion for anything that Rose had for the wireless, but she played 20 questions with Tony before getting anywhere near him, and then she sounded less enthused about making love than when she announced she was going upstairs to take off her hat.

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I know Mary has never had the level of passion for anything that Rose had for the wireless, but she played 20 questions with Tony before getting anywhere near him, and then she sounded less enthused about making love than when she announced she was going upstairs to take off her hat.


See, I'd be curious to see if this developed to Mary realizing that perhaps despite her whole "I WANT ANOTHER HUSBAND" that maybe she's really not ready for it.


Plus, that she sees the need to "test drive Tony's stick" while she totally never expressed that desire about her actual husband and fracking waited years to ride that gay carousal pony that was Matthew, says a great deal about her lack of interest in poor pretty Tony. 

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The hotel scene was hilarious. "Alone at last! My dear, we are going to get so busy...later. I mean, I want to eat right now, but...rain check?" "Oh yes, we'll totes make out later. But right now I'll just give you a tight-lipped peck, mmmkay?" They reminded me of the Friends when Phoebe and Chandler are acting like they're trying to seduce each other. "I'm really glad we're going to be having all the sex."

I'm afraid the storyline will be that someone finds out, a scandal ensues, and Bates thinks Anna is trying to avoid getting pregnant.  Then he kills the pharmacist.


I also guess that the truth about Marigold comes out when the wife accuses her husband of having an affair with Edith, scandal ensues, and Bates kills the Pig Man.

This made me laugh so hard.

Just for fun, I've started hard-core shipping Carson and Mrs. Hughes. Each time they have a quiet scene together, I expect it to cut away to them in a vigorous, passionate embrace. But perhaps I should have kept that to myself?

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Someone earlier asked if Rose made reference to Jack Ross performing on the wireless.  I'm pretty sure she said Jack Hylton, who was a real-life bandleader in the 1920s.  But there was continuity with the Marie Stopes book that Anna brought to the pharmacist.  That was the same author for the book that Mrs Hughes found in Edna's possession, proving that Edna knew that she wasn't pregnant with Tom's baby.


I'm not sure why JF chose to use Jack Hylton as the bandleader when his name is similar to Jack Ross.  Speaking of which, has JF ever explained why he has one character named Tom and one character named Thomas?  

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You would have loved "The Tudors."  There were about a million characters named "Tom" or "Thomas" although to be fair, most of them were Lord Something or other so they didn't have their names used too often.


Getting back to Bates, although Thomas is technically above him in rank, he doesn't work for him.  Bates only works for Robert.  I think the only time the valet would need to work in any other capacity is if there is a big party and he would need to be an extra footman.  That was one of the reasons there was so much skepticism over Bates being hired as a valet: he could do the normal job of a valet fine, but he couldn't do the other tasks like being an extra footman.


Rob James-Collier always says that what Thomas resents is that he sees the Bateses all snug and cozy in their little cottage and everyone so happy for them and he knows he will never have that.


On the other hand, I think sometimes Thomas is his own worst enemy.  It's like he lashes out at people before they lash out at him and he really doesn't give anyone a chance.

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Julian Fellows actually talked about naming Tom in an interview. He said that when Sybil said yes to "Branson", he said to someone (a producer?) "Now we have find a christian name for him" and the producer said. "But you already have one, his name is Tom". It must have been from an earlier series or scene where they gave his name away before they decided to keep him as Sybil's love intererst?


If that's true, the scene or reference to his name was cut, because I seriously can't remember someone mention his name or seeing his name on a letter or something.


But that was the explanation Julian Fellows gave.

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On the other hand, I think sometimes Thomas is his own worst enemy.  It's like he lashes out at people before they lash out at him and he really doesn't give anyone a chance.


I honestly think Thomas is just the product of lazy writing.  He's a complex character that the show has literally no idea what to do with.  Instead, you just get plotline after plotline of Thomas scheming against various characters.  I mean, think about it.  By the timeline of the show, Thomas has been scheming against Bates for what, twelve years?



Plus, that she sees the need to "test drive Tony's stick" while she totally never expressed that desire about her actual husband and fracking waited years to ride that gay carousal pony that was Matthew, says a great deal about her lack of interest in poor pretty Tony.


I would disagree, and say it shows Mary being much more practical and mature about this (or as mature as Mary can be).  She's been married, and now realizes how important intimacy was to the relationship.  So I do understand her desire to want to do a test drive.  

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The was the least passionate seduction ever! Even Cora and Robert have more heat between them, in their own way.

Mary wasn't helping much either, though. Call me crazy, but if you're passionate about each other, you'd rush to kiss once you saw your man through the connecting door, right? Imagine Rose in Mary's place - she'd be all over her secret lover. I know Mary has never had the level of passion for anything that Rose had for the wireless, but she played 20 questions with Tony before getting anywhere near him, and then she sounded less enthused about making love than when she announced she was going upstairs to take off her hat.

A wet cigar has more passion than we were shown in the illicit tryst between Mary and Tony. What a let down, but then again...what do we expect from a woman traumatized by a guy dying on top of her during the act?!?

Mary's explanation to Anna about why she's "test driving" Tony gave me a chuckle. When she makes the choice to marry she wants the marriage to last "forever." Hahaha talk about naive...since when does premarital sex guarantee a long marriage. Maybe she just wants to see if Tony can survive knocking boots with her, lol.

Edited by RealityTVSmack
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For an episode so invested in the theme of memorials and honoring the dead, I found it mildly appalling that no one mentioned Matthew even once, not even Mary.   Matthew was such a central figure in that household it seems peculiar that no one speaks of him.   Maybe it's a British thing.   I don't know.  It just seems like a glaring omission.

The hotel scene was hilarious. "Alone at last! My dear, we are going to get so busy...later. I mean, I want to eat right now, but...rain check?" "Oh yes, we'll totes make out later. But right now I'll just give you a tight-lipped peck, mmmkay?" They reminded me of the Friends when Phoebe and Chandler are acting like they're trying to seduce each other. "I'm really glad we're going to be having all the sex."


I'm guessing Mary is not very bendy.

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I have never bought into Mary being a great beauty, or sexy, because I don't find the actress to be either one. Add to that the character's stiff proper demeanor, and the notion of two guys competing for her favors is a complete fail for me.


I liked seeing Moseley as something other than a clueless buffoon. He had a real moment with Baxter.


And I'd like for Thomas' character to be developed beyond his endless scheming. It's hard to believe he'd still be around after so much ridiculous behavior.


When we saw the Greene murder heat up again, I just heaved a disgusted sigh. I'm sick to death of it.


Us oldtimers remember when everyone felt they had the right to judge women's behavior, such as shop clerks. There were a lot of nosy Nellies like the pharmacy clerk who gave Anna a bit of attitude. Also, aren't diaphragms supposed to be fitted individually?


"Stop flirting with Isis"- love it! Best line of the series thus far.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Each time they have a quiet scene together, I expect it to cut away to them in a vigorous, passionate embrace. But perhaps I should have kept that to myself?


Ewww....that's like imagining your parents doing it!

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For an episode so invested in the theme of memorials and honoring the dead, I found it mildly appalling that no one mentioned Matthew even once, not even Mary.   Matthew was such a central figure in that household it seems peculiar that no one speaks of him.   Maybe it's a British thing.   I don't know.  It just seems like a glaring omission.


I wouldn't say appalled, but I would say I'm a little surprised that, given all the talk about the WWI memorial, none of the characters have mentioned William Mason, the former footman, who was wounded in action and shortly thereafter died from his wounds and wondered what he might think about the memorial.


Nor apparently does Thomas -- as far as I know, the only other Downton veteran of the war who's still alive and still around -- have any thoughts on the matter, nor has anyone thought to ask him.

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Speaking of which, has JF ever explained why he has one character named Tom and one character named Thomas?


There is a whole discussion on the "Past Seasons" thread about the duplicate names.  JF is quite lazy that way.

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I have never bought into Mary being a great beauty, or sexy, because I don't find the actress to be either one. Add to that the character's stiff proper demeanor, and the notion of two guys competing for her favors is a complete fail for me.



Marry Mary and you get Matthew's inheritance and interest in Downton, isn't that how it goes?

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II know Mary has never had the level of passion for anything that Rose had for the wireless, but ..


This was brilliant!


Separately, because I feel bad posting just to say that, I think - for me - Baxter/Molesley's slow-burn romance has actually been the best written and acted romance on the entire show.  I totally believe in it and root for them in a way that I haven't for any of the other romances on the show.

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Nor apparently does Thomas -- as far as I know, the only other Downton veteran of the war who's still alive and still around -- have any thoughts on the matter, nor has anyone thought to ask him.


In fairness, Thomas is kind of awful, so I can believe no one really wants to seek him out for his thoughts on the memorial.  Given the way his plotline is working, he probably would refuse to even speak to anyone about the memorial unless they could give him dirt on Bates.   

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Baxter/Molesley's slow-burn romance has actually been the best written and acted romance on the entire show.  I totally believe in it and root for them in a way that I haven't for any of the other romances on the show.

ITA!  It also helps that both Mosley & Baxter are such likeable, flawed but so exceptionally likeable people, that you can't help but root for them.  The scenes last week with Mosley dying his hair was just so sweet and funny.  What a touching gesture!  I am really pulling for them as well. 


The only other couple that comes close to this is Carson & Mrs. Hughes.  If that is in fact a romantic relationship we are seeing. 


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For an episode so invested in the theme of memorials and honoring the dead, I found it mildly appalling that no one mentioned Matthew even once, not even Mary.   Matthew was such a central figure in that household it seems peculiar that no one speaks of him.   Maybe it's a British thing.   I don't know.  It just seems like a glaring omission


Psst Julian Fellowes is still pissed Dan Stevens left so even though it makes no sense that Matthew is rarely mentioned despite being much adored by all the family, Matthew will get less mention by name than Edith's illicit lover.


I get *why* Fellowes is bitter, don't get me wrong, but I think he's letting his irritation interfere with telling a better, more emotional story.


I also agree its hard to believe no one at Downton at all, servants or rich people, mention William the footman. I mean, ok, Daisy is an autistic/possibly dyslexic but didn't she marry the guy before he died for Queen and country?

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I also agree its hard to believe no one at Downton at all, servants or rich people, mention William the footman. I mean, ok, Daisy is an autistic/possibly dyslexic but didn't she marry the guy before he died for Queen and country?


(Bolding mine.)  Daisy is autistic?  I never thought that about her before.

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Marry Mary and you get Matthew's inheritance and interest in Downton, isn't that how it goes?


A coworker and I were discussing Mary & Tony and he thinks Tony is up to no good.  He thinks Tony is near broke and just wants Mary's money.   Which I tend to agree with.  I think Blake's comments were a mild warning that she better be sure of what's going on. 


Also, she could kill him with her Vagina of Death so it may be that Tony won't be around that long anyway. 

Edited by teddysmom
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A coworker and I were discussing Mary & Tony and he thinks Tony is up to no good.  He thinks Tony is near broke and just wants Mary's money.   Which I tend to agree with.  I think Blake's comments were a mild warning that she better be sure of what's going on.


Also, she could kill him with her Vagina of Death so it may be that Tony won't be around that long anyway.

Something's up.  Don't think for a moment that there will not be some grave consequence for this (looks like not too much fun) romp in the hay.

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Question:  Is Anna solely Mary's maid or does she also tend to Edith and Rose?  The only lady's maids we see are Anna and Baxter, but certainly Edith and Rose don't dress themselves (horrors!), do they?

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Question:  Is Anna solely Mary's maid or does she also tend to Edith and Rose?  The only lady's maids we see are Anna and Baxter, but certainly Edith and Rose don't dress themselves (horrors!), do they?


Single women don't have dedicated lady's maids.  They're also expected to get out of bed and come down to breakfast, rather than being served in their bedrooms.

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Question:  Is Anna solely Mary's maid or does she also tend to Edith and Rose?  The only lady's maids we see are Anna and Baxter, but certainly Edith and Rose don't dress themselves (horrors!), do they?

I think they share one.  I would guess that Cora has her own maid in Baxter since she is the lady of the house and Mary, Edith, and Rose simply share Anna.  I remember when Sybil was alive and living at the house Anna tended to her as well.  And when Edith was dumped at the alter Anna was there tending to her.  Not sure why Anna isn't shown helping Edith or Rose more often--could be because Mary & Anna's relationship is closer (??). 

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Don't think for a moment that there will not be some grave consequence for this (looks like not too much fun) romp in the hay.


Plus, the way they're discussing it you'd think they were making an appointment to go see the accountant.  


How about just going out to dinner and seeing where the night and any passion takes you, instead of filling out the Daytimer.  


7-9 pm   Dinner

9-9:30    Walk back to hotel

9:30-9:45  Mary takes off her hat

9:45-10:15  Tony tries to fill in for Anna to assist Mary undress, fails miserably

10:15-10:30  Disgusted, Mary retires to her room to change (If a man can't even remove a necklace properly, how do you expect him to tickle your fancy?)


Oh Matthew, why did you have to go for a drive?  

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Rose and Edith don't have a real Lady's maid, they share "Madge" who is the head housemaid. Like Anna before her, Madge is learning to be a real Lady's maid by tending to the unmarried Ladies in the house. That's how they learned the job.

If one of them marries, she will have a Lady's maid.

Madge is seldom showed and never speaks. She - like the hallboys - is a non-speaking part.

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What did Richard E Grant say to Cora ?  Was it some sort of art he saw in Alexandria that he referred to as "beautiful" while gazing at Cora?  And then she replied "Beautiful and ancient"   ....   to which he then replied "I don't think so."    <- I thought that was all very romantic and sweetly flirtatious.   I was all "Awwww."


Also, I loved Molesly this episode too.  I am rooting for the Baxter/Molesly hookup!



Ewww....that's like imagining your parents doing it!


Not if you're the same age as Carson/Hughes !  LOL !    But I do see your point, Kohola3  ; )


I mentioned in the thread for episode 1 that Marigold was a god awful name.   Poor dear, she's a stinky flower. 


I will always love Lord Grantham because he favors Isis over both Mary and Edith.  (RIP Syb)

Edited by jnymph
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Who was it who said something like, "It takes a certain kind of man to raise another man's son"?


 How does Tony feel about George?


It was either Anna or Bates, I can't remember which now. It led to them talking about how if Anna had already had children when Bates had met her, that he'd love them like his own. And then Bates said that he would prefer to have his own. Cue look of "please God let's change the subject" from Anna. We've never seen Tony with George, I don't think. Blake held him once last season and appeared to be good with him.


A couple things I noticed upon rewatch:


Anna to Mary: "You better hope I never write my memoirs." Shit, ain't that the truth.


There was one scene where Cora was wearing a blue dress and it was almost the exact shade of Elizabeth McGovern's eyes, she looked stunning. She and Clifford...er, Simon...definitely sparkle. More please! I also liked the line she had in the middle of Donk's tirade about Tom and Sarah and him possibly running off with her to raise Sybbie "in some American gutter" or whatever he said. She responded something like, "When the time comes, we will talk to him. And I suggest we be a little more calm about it." Yep, an affair with Simon is definitely looking likely.


I found Mary's speech to Anna about why she was going on Sex Week very interesting. It was clear that Anna in no way approved of her behavior (and even after the explanation probably still didn't) but I think it revealed a lot about the two characters. Mary deeply cares what Anna thinks of her and doesn't want Anna judging her. Part of it is kind of sad, that Mary cares so much what her lady's maid thinks of her, but it just really reinforced that if they lived in a time/place where the class divides weren't so strict, they'd probably officially be best friends. And I don't think that Anna has any sort of moral objection to Mary using birth control. Anna isn't exactly forward thinking or progressive, but she's not as conservative as Carson or Robert. She moves along with the social mores of the time, and seems to care more about propriety and societal expectations than what she actually thinks about certain issues. Even when she was defending her purchase of the birth control, she used an example of being a working women with eight children who didn't want anymore, instead of saying that she should have the right to be intimate with her husband without the possibility of getting pregnant. I'm sure if it was suddenly declared the next day that premarital sex was socially acceptable, she'd go with it. I think this trait can be seen in how she deals with Thomas as well. She doesn't care that he's gay, and even seems to feel bad that he'll most likely never find any lasting romantic happiness. But she's not insisting that Thomas and others like him be awarded equal rights, because that's just how it is. Idk, I just thought it was interesting and I hadn't noticed that about her before.


Following from that, her little trip to the pharmacy is definitely going to come back to bite her. They included that scene of her lying to Bates about where Mary was going for a reason. Can't my girl ever catch a break?


Edith may be annoying me lately, but her headscarf game is still on point. She also had a very nice dress on during the scene where they were listening to the king over the wireless.


And, because it bears repeating: "There is nothing so ill-bred as trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog!"

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I'm sure it's been said that Thomas would have so much more fun if he set himself up as a gentleman's gentleman like Jeeves. He could be fully in charge and be able to build up an urban social life (meet a man or six) and maybe get to travel.

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Anna to Mary: "You better hope I never write my memoirs." Shit, ain't that the truth.



I know Mary and Anna are close but I wonder how realistic this bit of dialogue is.


it just really reinforced that if they lived in a time/place where the class divides weren't so strict, they'd probably officially be best friends.

Agreed. They've each shown a kind of loyalty to the other that I find to be very touching.

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We've seen Mary on numerous occasions carry on conversations that aren't focused on herself.


The best example I've seen of inadvertently damning with faint praise.


To be fair I was specifically responding to a claim from ZulaMay that Mary can only carry on a conversation when it comes to herself or Downton. It wasn't like I was trying to praise Mary for being capable of having a conversation that has nothing to do with her. I think that many, many scenes from the show contradict the claim that was made upthread that Mary only talks about herself or the estate.

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Sex Week - LMAO

The Vagina of Death claims another victim!


Mary deeply cares what Anna thinks of her and doesn't want Anna judging her. Part of it is kind of sad, that Mary cares so much what her lady's maid thinks of her, but it just really reinforced that if they lived in a time/place where the class divides weren't so strict, they'd probably officially be best friends


 I think that special last week "The Manners of Downton Abbey" (it aired on my PBS station after the episode) mentioned that ladies and their ladies' maids could become very close, as they spent so much time together in somewhat intimate situations, and this is the one story line I really like. How much these two have been there for each other.    Anna moved a dead body for Mary, and Mary destroyed what could have been incriminating evidence re: Bates being in London when Mr. Green was killed.  You can't ask for much more than that from a friend. 

Edited by teddysmom
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I think they share one.  I would guess that Cora has her own maid in Baxter since she is the lady of the house and Mary, Edith, and Rose simply share Anna.  I remember when Sybil was alive and living at the house Anna tended to her as well.  And when Edith was dumped at the alter Anna was there tending to her.  Not sure why Anna isn't shown helping Edith or Rose more often--could be because Mary & Anna's relationship is closer (??). 

Anna isn't shown helping Edith or Rose because she has been Mary's personal lady's maid since Mary's marriage - before that she was just a senior housemaid who doubled up with lady's maid duties for the daughters of the house. Since Anna's promotion, the unmarried women now have an unseen housemaid called Madge looking after them.

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Helenamonster - "Sex Week" - I love it.


Off topic, but can someone remind me of why Isobel is a widow. And whoever says "Because her husband has died" will die himself or herself. No, I mean, do we know what happened to him? It wasn't the war obviously, because she was alone except for Matthew when they came to Downton.


Thanks for help. 

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I am actively enjoying Donk, but probably because the show seems to be admitting that he really is an asshole. "They can't tear up my cricket pitch for a war memorial that I didn't even get to head! That Bunting woman should be shot and thrown in the river! She's literally dragging a kicking and screaming Sybbie form this house as we speak! Clifford from Spiceworld better back the fuck up and leave Isis alone!" It's delightful.


I know right! Personally I find Robert's arrogance and infallible sense of entitlement quite charming. He is an asshole and he owns that shit! Just like Mary and her bitchiness --- you go girl! never change! It's their attitude that they are better than everyone and therefore "more special" --- that keeps me coming back to this glorious show.


Plus the cloths! my god I love the dresses! I love all the attention to detail.


Some of the characters ---like people in real life---are less than charming. I tend to like the characters other people hate. Take Cora for instance -- someone on this site suggested she is high on Laudanum (A drink of laudanum was made of 10% opium and 90% alcohol, and flavoured with cinnamon or saffron.) and I was like ---yes! That explains a lot! She sucks that shit down all the day along and just drifts through her days! Plus it helps her deal with that jewel of a husband of hers.


I also seem to favor Thomas---that sneaky, snide, odious little man that he is. I have always loved the mustache twirling characters. Stay evil my friend. Don't listen to the haters.


Rose, on the other hand, seems worthless. Why is she still at Downton? Where is her family? What purpose does she serve except to be Sybil lite?


And Edith. Stupid whinny Edith. I do not find her mess interesting in the least.


I did enjoy the sub-plot of Anna buying birth control for Mary. That is going to come back to bite her in the ass big time. Bates is sure to find out and cue dark clouds and trouble on the horizon! I laughed at the idea that the final scene of the final episode will be Bates murdering everyone at Downton and then turning the gun on himself. Good times ahead.


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Rose, on the other hand, seems worthless. Why is she still at Downton? Where is her family? What purpose does she serve except to be Sybil lite?


I wouldn't insult Sybil by comparing them.  Rose is a vacuous airhead (is that redundant?) and I can't stand her.  I thought her coming out was supposed to get her married off but it's been, what, 18 months, and nobody has snatched her up?  Maybe she's holding out for someone who will offer her a wireless.  


Let's get her parents home from India so she can get the hell out of Downton.

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Off topic, but can someone remind me of why Isobel is a widow. And whoever says "Because her husband has died" will die himself or herself. No, I mean, do we know what happened to him?

Spontaneously combusted while playing the snare drum for the Thamesmen, a local volunteer marching band.

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I also seem to favor Thomas---that sneaky, snide, odious little man that he is. I have always loved the mustache twirling characters. Stay evil my friend. Don't listen to the haters.



I wonder if a lot of Thomas' issues are because of him being gay and having to keep it way on the down low.  He seems to always want to be one up on anyone he deems a threat.  But this week he was letting his guard down a little with Anna.  And he seemed to be having fun with Jimmy and his escapades with Lady Bones-the-help. 


My coworker mentioned that Baxter should tell him "you either stop threatening me or I'll tell the Crawleys YOUR little secret.  


I would  think he and Baxter would keep each other's secrets.  Mrs. Pattemore knows he's gay, doesn't most everyone downstairs? 

Edited by teddysmom
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Off topic, but can someone remind me of why Isobel is a widow. And whoever says "Because her husband has died" will die himself or herself. No, I mean, do we know what happened to him?


We don't know what happened to Dr. Reginald Crawley. We do know he's absolutely dead because he's referred to as being isobel's late husband, and there's a cut scene where Matthew goes on about the last image of his father being the man dead in a coffin but how, why, and when Dr. Crawley died was never revealed.

My coworker mentioned that Baxter should tell him "you either stop threatening me or I'll tell the Crawleys YOUR little secret.


That'd be totally fun but pointless since Robert at least is well aware that Thomas is gay.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
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Helenamonster - "Sex Week" - I love it.


Off topic, but can someone remind me of why Isobel is a widow. And whoever says "Because her husband has died" will die himself or herself. No, I mean, do we know what happened to him? It wasn't the war obviously, because she was alone except for Matthew when they came to Downton.


Thanks for help. 


Can't take credit for Sex Week, I'm afraid. A bunch of other posters here were using it and I just picked it up and capitalized it to make it more official.


And as other posters said, I don't think we ever found out what happened to the late Dr. Crawley. My guess is probably natural causes, nothing too traumatic. Perhaps a heart attack or stroke.

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