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Trainwreck gave off the vibe that it's almost like a parody of romantic comedies. I'd love for it to have a sardonic vibe to it.


Amy Schumer did a comedy stand-up at my school, like way back in 2008/2009, when she had just finished up her stint on Last Comic Standing. I was one of the crowd members she messed with. It's cool to see how far she's gone.

Edited by methodwriter85

Yeah, that kind of makes Can't Buy Me Love look like a masterpiece.  You're right about Robbie, too--as cute as he is, he doesn't look young enough for the part. 

He is adorable, but way too old. And Mae Whitman is not ugly or fat. That Bella Thorne girl makes me cringe too, she is 16 going on 35.

He is adorable, but way too old. And Mae Whitman is not ugly or fat. That Bella Thorne girl makes me cringe too, she is 16 going on 35.


I have this irrational hatred for Bella Thorne. I think it's the creepy way they've been putting pounds of make-up on her since she was 12, like desperately trying to make her into a sex symbol. It's the same reason I couldn't stand Hilary Duff back in my day.


And apparently the book wasn't like that at all- the Bella Thorne character didn't exist, and this wasn't desperately trying to be another Mean Girls.


She spent fifteen million dollars to have her own talk show? Someone should have told her about YouTube. 


Watch out Liam Neeson! Sean Penn is moving in on your monopoly of "old guys with shady pasts that have a relative kidnapped giving them a reason to kill a lot of people" roles.


Edited by xaxat

I was into it, and then Ryan Reynolds showed up. Way to ruin a movie.


Yep. He seems like a nice person, but he has ruined so many movies for me. Not a good actor, not good looking IMO and seems to be the kiss of death for a film's box office prospects. I wish he'd stick to lighter comedies, because the drama and action films haven't gone too well. The rest of the cast is great though, Sir Ben Kingsley is obviously wonderful but I also love Matthew Goode.

Edited by SallyAlbright

Neither Tomorrowland or Inside Out have the best trailers I've ever seen, but they're still my two most anticipated big summer releases. Brad Bird + original sci-fi pretty much ensures my ticket is already bought for the former, while the (again) original story and presence of Pete Docter (Monster's Inc., Up) gives me hope that the latter could be a return to greatness for Pixar.

Just watched the trailer for Far From The Madding Crowd, and all I can think is 'meh'.  Everyone except Michael Sheen comes across as too modern and too Hollywood perfect for their roles.  (Yeah, I know, it's a British film starring British actors but you get what I mean.)  Give me the 1998 tv version with Nathaniel Parker and Nigel Terry any day, even if Paloma Baeza wasn't quite right as Bathsheba Everdene.

Just watched the trailer for Far From The Madding Crowd, and all I can think is 'meh'.  Everyone except Michael Sheen comes across as too modern and too Hollywood perfect for their roles.  (Yeah, I know, it's a British film starring British actors but you get what I mean.)  Give me the 1998 tv version with Nathaniel Parker and Nigel Terry any day, even if Paloma Baeza wasn't quite right as Bathsheba Everdene.

I love the 1998 Far From the Madding Crowd.   I didn't like the Julie Christie version.  I haven't seen the new one yet.  How was Carey Mulligan as Bathsheba?

I love the 1998 Far From the Madding Crowd.   I didn't like the Julie Christie version.  I haven't seen the new one yet.  How was Carey Mulligan as Bathsheba?

Well, in the trailer she seems a bit too modern woman for the story, but we'll see.  I usually like her, so I'm hoping for better.  The actor playing Gabriel Oak isn't a patch on Nathaniel Parker, though.

Edited by proserpina65

The actor playing Gabriel is Matthias Schoenaerts. I actually think he's a good choice for Gabriel. He was good in Rust and Bone and Bullhead. I haven't seen either adaptation of Far From The Madding Crowd but I've read the book and liked it. This version looks like it could be entertaining. 

Edited by Oreo2234

The actor playing Gabriel is Matthias Schoenaerts. I actually think he's a good choice for Gabriel. He was good in Rust and Bone and Bullhead. I haven't seen either adaptation of Far From The Madding Crowd but I've read the book and liked it. This version looks like it could be entertaining. 

I'll confess that I saw the tv miniseries first, then read the book, so I was already picturing Nathaniel Parker.  For whom I've had the serious hots since I first saw him in A Piece of Cake on Masterpiece Theatre.  So I might be a little biased.  ;-)

Spy with Melissa McCarthy, Rose Byrne, Jason Statham, Jude Law and Bobby Cannavale is getting great reviews out of SXSW. I'm really looking forward to it.





Edited by SallyAlbright
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For a nano-second I thought the brunette was Katie Holmes and was like "Whaaaa????!!!"  But no.


Also, for all his crazy I just can't fully hate Tom Cruise.  I just watched Edge of Tomorrow (variably known as Live Die Repeat) and it's just super fun.  And, again despite his crazy, he does have a long-standing reputation of being super nice to errrrybody.


Incidentally, it's been 19 years since the first Mission: Impossible and I just find that.... unbelievable.  Where has the time gone?!?


Anyhoodle -- with MI:5, Spy, and Man from U.N.C.L.E. this is going to be an espionage-filled summer and I am actually quite looking forward to it.

Edited by dusang
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Really can't wait to see Southpaw. I'm so glad Rachel McAdams is in so many things this year.

Blake Lively in a period film should be interesting. I wonder if she can get past her usual mushmouth and get herself to sound as articulate as 1930's/1940's actresses.

I'm not too hopeful based on the trailer. Her enunciation is truly terrible, I'm amazed no one has forced her to get acting/diction lessons.

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