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I was kind of confused why Aimee Mann was on Thursday's show.  She seemed to be enjoying herself and I'm a big fan of hers from the Til Tuesday era in the 80s, but she's definitely not a comedian (she admitted she wasn't surprised at being eliminated).  I thought it was odd that she didn't give a lot of responses during the show (as it seemed to bounce back and forth between Nick Offerman and Dana Gould) so I checked the extended version online and she didn't give a lot of responses their either.

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Aimee is actually really into the LA comedy scene, she is friends with a ton of comedians, been in a bunch of videos and has comedians on her shows at Largo which she was promoting on the show, so that was much less surprising to me than Neko Case. 

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This past week has reinforced my appreciation of comics who have the talent and originality to avoid the vulgar. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, I curse all the time, I snicker at maps that seem to emphasize Florida's flaccidity...but, to paraphrase the immortal Madeline "Lily von Schtupp" Kahn: I'm tired. Tired of jokes inspired. It's just so damned lazy and predictable. Whatever the set-up, you know at least 2 of the 3 comedians are going to go for the obvious ball or dick joke and I'm ridiculously pleased when they throw a screw-ball, so to speak, and come up with something totally unexpected.


I'd like more Aimee Mann and Neko Case types, naturally funny, witty people who do something else for a living but can bring the fun.


Also, last night's audience was having a great time.

Edited by ABay
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He's like something created by Jim Henson - well, not the humor but the appeal, the name and that laugh.

I wouldn't want to share but a shared Funches is better then my current Funches Level (a deficit).

This is awesome.   Funches the Muppet!


I want my Stuffed Funches toy to be dressed in his Paddington Bear outfit, please.

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Aimee is actually really into the LA comedy scene, she is friends with a ton of comedians, been in a bunch of videos and has comedians on her shows at Largo which she was promoting on the show, so that was much less surprising to me than Neko Case.


She's been on the Comedy Bang! Bang! podcast a few times and did a good job there. She's definitely at least comedy-adjacent.


I did not know either of those tidbits about Aimee Mann -- thanks @monty and @biakbiak

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I was kind of confused why Aimee Mann was on Thursday's show.  She seemed to be enjoying herself and I'm a big fan of hers from the Til Tuesday era in the 80s, but she's definitely not a comedian (she admitted she wasn't surprised at being eliminated).  I thought it was odd that she didn't give a lot of responses during the show (as it seemed to bounce back and forth between Nick Offerman and Dana Gould) so I checked the extended version online and she didn't give a lot of responses their either.


I checked the point totals carefully, and Aimee was responding (and getting points), but they weren't showing her answers. She got up to 400 points, I think, before they showed a response from her. And that was on the extended version -- I thought it was going to be "uncut," but I guess they still edit it, just not as much (I think it was about 33 minutes long, compared with 21-22 for the televised version).


I have seen Aimee live in concert many times, most recently on The Both tour with Ted Leo, and she is hilarious onstage, but her sense of humor is very dry and understated. I agree that @M is not the best setting for her talents. I highly recommend seeing her live if you get the chance.

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Well what I did hear from Aimee has me thinking @Midnight is a perfect venue for her talents.  I found her hysterical and it seemed everyone else did as well.  I think a problem, blasphemy I know, is that Ron's meme of adorability it outpacing the reality.  For me some of the responses to his bits this and the last time he was on seemed over the top.  Like a live studio audience's response to a joke pretty much seen as soon as it leaves the gate.  I wonder if they know what kind of viewing audience response he seems to have and pander to it.


I would have no problem for a Ron-centric show if he was on with D'Elia or the Sklars.  But. rare duck that I am, I sometimes want a more equitable episode as Ron is not always the funniest or only funny person on the panel.

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I think a problem, blasphemy I know, is that Ron's meme of adorability it outpacing the reality.  For me some of the responses to his bits this and the last time he was on seemed over the top.  <snip>

I would have no problem for a Ron-centric show if he was on with D'Elia or the Sklars.  But. rare duck that I am, I sometimes want a more equitable episode as Ron is not always the funniest or only funny person on the panel.

I do understand what you're saying here.  However, Funches -- to me -- is still entirely fun in bunches!


What Ithink would be good - during repeat periods (like this week) - would be for the show to run "best of [fill in the comedian's name]" episodes.  One could be all the very funniest (subjective, I know) Funches bits, or Nikki Glaser, or whomever.

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I want a "best of" week.  They sort of did that with the 100th episode, but I would love an entire week of fan favorites mixed with the highest winners.


What's crazy to me is that I just looked up the "most wins" for contestants, and Kyle Kinnane is tied for first with Ron Funches (6 wins a piece) - apparently, he's won the game in all but one of his appearances.  I find Kyle Kinnane hysterical, but I did not remember him winning that much.

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I'm not keen on the new set, either. The lighting also seems weird to me. However, if the new set keeps male contestants from developing huge underarm sweat stains, I'm all for it. There was one week that was really bad before the break. Ew.

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The main reason I was happy to see the new set is because if Comedy Central was willing to spend a bunch of money fancying it up, they're obviously committed to the show for the long haul.


I believe "With Chris Hardwick" has also been added to the logo. I don't recall seeing his name featured so prominently before.

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To me that look like stylized black buddhas. What they heck are they???


Can't help you on the stylized buddhas, but what I want to know is what the heck is that animal eating John Hodgman's face?  Have the little caterpillars that were nesting above and below his lips morphed into some sort of wombat or something?

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The new set has short black sculpture looking things all around the stage behind Chris, the Panel, and the Monitor.  To me that look like stylized black buddhas. What they heck are they???

I think they're lights of some sort.

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Benson seemed even higher than usual last night, if that's possible. I wonder what was cut from the show -- it seemed like Benson kept racking up hundreds of points during games or rounds that weren't shown. I was disappointed that Hari didn't do better as he's one of my favorite comedians.

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I wouldn't have minded the rant if it had been funny, but I dislike it whenever Chris* takes over the show for his own aggrandizement. This isn't your stand-up stage, Chris.


Seeing the kid who submitted the audition tape and the way Chris always looks to the audience and explains any allusions made to events that occurred in the 80s makes me think I just may not be the target audience here.





*Or any of the panelists.

Edited by lordonia
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I wouldn't have minded the rant if it had been funny, but I dislike it whenever Chris* takes over the show for his own aggrandizement. This isn't your stand-up stage, Chris.



I really hate this.  I think Chris gets a bit envious of the fun and he can't help himself.  But for me it hijacks the show and can bring the flow to a screeching halt when he takes over in midst stream.  I loathe the fact the show seems to think there needs to be some kind of opening "bit".  But I will take the rant over the filmed bit I think they tried at least twice.


The new set is really odd.  And the lighting is not flattering to Chris.  It makes him look like he has had bad work done or an unfortunate run in with botox and hair plugs gone a bit awry.

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I feel like the break did not do this show good. I found it to be terribly unfunny the last two weeks. Guests were flat, making unfunny jokes or really obvious jokes. I didn't mind the one Wednesday night (other than the rant because I too thought it went on too long and I find the ~free the nipple~ campaign on instagram to be stupid) but otherwise, just painful. 


Also, regarding his rant, the part that bugged me the most is that he spent the better part of the time saying how unsexual nipples are only to finish with "girls want to show their boobs, and we're stopping them?!" So, nipples aren't sexual, but you want the censorship ban to be lifted so you can oogle them? Ugh, Chris. I usually enjoy you.

Edited by weightyghost
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I like Chris, but I think he's starting to believe his own press again.


I'm getting there as well with him. Has anyone seen his stand-up? Is it funny? He's certainly very articulate, has a quick mind and expansive knowledge of pop culture/tech stuff. I'd be curious to see one of his sets in person.


Not sure if it's a difference in the podium set-up, but it's so much more obvious now that the panelists are constantly looking down at their monitors to see what their next joke is.

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I'm getting there as well with him. Has anyone seen his stand-up? Is it funny? He's certainly very articulate, has a quick mind and expansive knowledge of pop culture/tech stuff. I'd be curious to see one of his sets in person.


Not sure if it's a difference in the podium set-up, but it's so much more obvious now that the panelists are constantly looking down at their monitors to see what their next joke is.

I've seen him twice - a couple of years ago before a live Nerdist podcast taping, and then this past summer at the Oddball comedy fest.  I could tell at Oddball that he was testing out material, but both times, I found him to be quite funny.


I rolled by eyes a bit at the rant, but part of me wondered if in rehearsal (I'm assuming they do rehearsals at least; or at least read-thrus of the jokes), it was apparent that a lot of the jokes would fall flat or not go well, so he put the rant in the beginning to either eat up time, or distract from the rest of the show.  

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Chris' mom comes on for a dull, unfunny scripted rant about football? Seriously? It's lovely that he's nice to his mom, but I don't expect to wait a full four minutes of what's supposed to be a roughly 20-minute comedy show to elapse before I come close to a laugh. CH is taking what seems to be more and more time away from the games and contestants, which is the heart of what the show used to be. I fear he's gotten too big for his own moderately humorous britches. For criminy's sake, I almost missed an episode a few weeks ago when my DVR didn't pick up the new title: it's now "@midnight with Chris Hardwick." Well, excu-uuuu-use me!

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CH is taking what seems to be more and more time away from the games and contestants, which is the heart of what the show used to be. I fear he's gotten too big for his own moderately humorous britches.


Then he wasted more time on a blathering follow-up about the reception for his original nipple rant. Jeez. We're talking about your boogers now, Chris?

Edited by lordonia
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I like Chris Hardwick, and I actually was enjoying his joking monologue about taxing the rich, but it came to a screeching halt when he awkwardly dropped in "And I'm dating a Hearst!"  I knew he was, since I follow him on Instagram and he's been posting pictures of them together, but damn Chris - I get it, growing up you were a nerd and that's what your empire is built on, but at this point, it is no longer surprising to me that you're dating a rich model.  You don't have to let me know at all times.

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damn Chris - I get it, growing up you were a nerd and that's what your empire is built on, but at this point, it is no longer surprising to me that you're dating a rich model.  You don't have to let me know at all times.


Oh jeez, you made me look it up. I did notice that he referred to "my girlfriend" at least once recently but didn't know who it was. She's the daughter of Patty fucking Hearst!

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I'm still enjoying it a lot. It helps that almost every panel includes at least one person I'm a fan of.

For me the point of the show is often to ignore Chris and simply pay attention to the comedians (unless it's the Sklars, who I'm as sick of as Chris).


I mean tossing the show because of Chris alone is kind of a tossing out the baby with the bathwater thing.

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Chris' mom comes on for a dull, unfunny scripted rant about football? Seriously? It's lovely that he's nice to his mom, but I don't expect to wait a full four minutes of what's supposed to be a roughly 20-minute comedy show to elapse before I come close to a laugh. CH is taking what seems to be more and more time away from the games and contestants, which is the heart of what the show used to be. I fear he's gotten too big for his own moderately humorous britches. For criminy's sake, I almost missed an episode a few weeks ago when my DVR didn't pick up the new title: it's now "@midnight with Chris Hardwick." Well, excu-uuuu-use me!

Can't blame him on that one as it's likely CC trying to create synergy with their late night block now that Colbert is gone and all three shows can have "with NAME"

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Chris' mom comes on for a dull, unfunny scripted rant about football? Seriously? It's lovely that he's nice to his mom, but I don't expect to wait a full four minutes of what's supposed to be a roughly 20-minute comedy show to elapse before I come close to a laugh.

I don't think that was actually even his mom.  There was a moment where he said something like "sorry Mom" to the camera, then turned BACK to the woman on stage and repeated it to her with one of those HardSmirks.  It gave me the sense she was just somebody hired to come on camera for a bit involving a fictional HardMom.

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I think that was his actual Mom - this article from when his father passed away has a picture of his family on the cover of a bowling magazine, and while it's an old magazine, you can see the face is the same:


I will say, his family had good genes. Neither he or his mom look their actual age.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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