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S07.E08: Tea With A Side Of Squashed Beef

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MJ's words (which have been heighten for TV drama) are her own - to the extent that she knows BRAVO is paying her to play a character. 

Even so, she has freely made the choice to be a twat for her tv persona, which directly reflects on her real character.

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Except she was invited. If Nene and Cynthia didn't want Kenya's two cents, then they shouldn't have invited her to the powwow with their palms open.

She was invited to resolve her problems with Porsha, not give her unsolicited opinions on Nene and Cynthia's friendship or Porsha and Cynthia's problems.

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She was invited to resolve her problems with Porsha, not give her unsolicited opinions on Nene and Cynthia's friendship or Porsha and Cynthia's problems.

I will admit I laughed every time Kenya interjected because it made Nene crazy. The bewildered look on Nene's face and her increased irritation that Kenya didn't sing when she was told to by the Queen Bee, highly amused me.


I did not notice Cynthia's weight gain until the throwback video from 2010. Menopause is no joke, y'all. She is still stunningly beautiful, but she's looking a little puffier. I agree with those who think that straw-coloured blonde weave is not doing Ms. Bailey any favours.

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Well, like so many others of you upthread, I've about had it up to HERE with the whole Kandi/Joyce/Old Lady Gang/chicken eating marathons.  I think some of it is really how Kandi's relationship with her Mom is. Period.  It's just a shame that Kandi's gonna end up all alone, with a bunch of chicken bones left to show for it.

I think the reason "A Mother's Love" isn't doing gangbusters on the road is because NOBODY wants to see the shit.  We've seen the shit and we don't wanna see it any more.  I would rather go see a production of "South Pacific"  at the local nursing home, than see "A Mother's Love".


The whole Kenya apology tour continues to roll.  If she could only keep her yap closed for a second, maybe it would appear more believable.

Edited by goofygirl
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I do believe many of the situations on this show and others are contrived, but I think Kandi's mama drama is real. She and her mom aren't that good of actresses that all that boo-hooing and floods of tears Kandi has on WWHL and reunions are manufactured.


I totally agree.  Joyce's nastiness was there before the show and will be there after the show.  I think that is the only thing real on the show at this point.  I am so disappointed in Kandi but I guess if she grew up with that nastiness called Joyce then she doesn't know anything else......except well of course she is a grown adult now and should be able to see the BS when its being dished out.

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So only Nene, Cynthia, and Porsha can offer unsolicited opinions? Because it ain't like they ever refrain from speaking out on shit that doesn't concern them.

Except that Kenya was butting in and speaking for and over Cynthia and what-not. She was butting into the conversation when actual progress and thoughts were being made and expressed. Cynthia, herself, said as much -- something to the effect of being a glad for Kenya's support, but she didn't need her speaking for her.

Big difference.

Edited by msblossom
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MJ's words (which have been heighten for TV drama) are her own - to the extent that she knows BRAVO is paying her to play a character.



I thought one of the biggest gripes MJ had with Bravo was that she DIDN'T get paid anything to be on the show. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that on one of the interviews she did on a show with Kandi (not Andy). It might have been Ellen.


This article remembers it the way I do:



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So only Nene, Cynthia, and Porsha can offer unsolicited opinions? Because it ain't like they ever refrain from speaking out on shit that doesn't concern them.

If they are constructive, yes, kenya can interject but Nene and Cynthia's situation is very personal between them.  Kenya wasn't letting them talk before overtalking both of them; offering nothing.  Even Cynthia was getting irritated with Kenya butting in.  As for Porsha and Cynthia, Porsha don't like Kenya anyway and Kenya putting her two bits into that convo was only going to go very wrong.  The problem is Kenya needs to alway have the spotlight on her and unfortunately for her, the convos between Nene/Cynthia, Porsha/Cynthia did not have anything to do with her.


As for the Kenya apology tour, it appears that all of her "apologies" are more like "I'm sorry I had to do this because you did that" which isn't an apology at all.  Most were condesending, especially the awkwared hugout between her and Porsha which was her way of shutting down Porsha who did act a bit immature but rightfully untrusting of Kenya's "olive branch" 


I am glad they decided to just end the fued .... for now.

Edited by Aging Goth
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MJ's words (which have been heighten for TV drama) are her own - to the extent that she knows BRAVO is paying her to play a character.

In tonight's performance, the role of Mamma Joyce will be played by Mamma Joyce.

She's playing herself.

And she's not getting paid. So much for her "job."

Joyce's nastiness was there before the show and will be there after the show. I think that is the only thing real on the show at this point. I am so disappointed in Kandi but I guess if she grew up with that nastiness called Joyce then she doesn't know anything else.

Exactly. All you have to do to know if MJ's behavior is real is look at Kandi. She's a living byproduct of growing up under MJ's tutelage.

Edited by LotusFlower
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NeNe couldn't apologize if her life depended on it. Just nod her head and say "Um hmm" over and over. She initiated the meeting. You'd think the person extending the invitation would be the one most willing to make amends. And Porsha can't apologize either. She can only allow Kenya to accept responsibility. 



In their minds, they come away looking like "bosses." When in reality they look small and stupid and petty.


I was distracted by Porsha's backside whenever she was on screen. She looks like she had implants put in. Even seated there was this weird jutting out that I've never noticed before.


She was verging on heifer when she walked in the door, but that ass needing a chair all for itself was just not good. Yes, I accept Atlantans are proud of having asses all kinds of out of proportion but I continue to think it looks like a full diaper load. That was not looking hot or sexy to me. IMHO.


Nene reaches out to Cynthia to meet up and discuss their issues. Cynthia apologizes, Nene blows her off and acts as if she's holier than thou and will need a couple years before they can get together for lunch or someshit. Bitch, bye.




Quick, two times!


 Why is Kenya being called a bitch for trying to get Cynthia's attention but NeNe wasn't for trying to get Porsha's? Same thing was happening at that table, it seems. And I'm done with Porsha. Marlo should be in her seat


For real. They were BOTH calling their people, but somehow only Kenya got tagged with the "rude bitch yelling" assault. But what am I saying, there was no way Porsha would have said "boo" to Nene. For all the punk being thrown Cynthia's way, Porsha is only Billy Badass to those she think she can get away with it to. Where's Cordell when you need him? All that talk about "I'll accept it if the energy is right," yet she was there "turnt up from jump" just waiting for an opportunity to be nasty. I swear I'm madder at the people who blew this bitches head up than I am at Madam Joyce.


I'm am over Phaedra. Her and her mother are worse, to me. Do they really both believe their crap that falls from their lips? Or did they both just get trained that well to pretend? Apollo aside, why is Phaedra still on this show? She's just a liar. I used think she lied in a playful way but now? I think she just lies and believes it. Her mother, too.




Well, it's not like we can't say we weren't warned about Phaedra/Fakedra. She walked on the scene lying, and hasn't stopped since. It's just stopped being cute (if it ever was) and harmless.

Nene can also miss me with her quest to resolve everything when 1) she didn't have the nerve to invite Kenya herself, 2) she didn't tell the people who she did invite who else would be there, and 3) she made no attempts at apologizing for her role in anything.  Then she has the nerve to get upset when Kenya tries to interject to be helpful to both sides.  Bitch please.

Also, Porsha, shut your dumb ass up.  "I acknowledge I did some things."  Bitch, the whole world acknowledges it because it was filmed and we saw you do it!  That wasn't the dispute or the question; it was whether you were sorry about it, which from your non-answer I guess is no.  Kenya is a better person than me accepting that bullshit, especially after Porsha was cussing at her at the table for something both Kenya and Nene were doing.


Neither Cynthia nor Nene appreciated Kenya's comments, but for different reasons. Still, you don't want others' input, meet by yourselves. At least Kenya was trying to be helpful and moving things along. I believe Kenya made her apologies and asked to move on because she's really over that bullshit and is taking her aunt's advice to heart. Not trying to be best friends, just accepting her part, apologizing for it and putting it to bed.  Whereas that spoiled bitch-brat Porsha is still living off the props and accolades dumbasses give her for "going in" on Kenya and has no intention of saying she's sorry, because she isn't. She wasn't provoked any more than she was provoking, but she's getting lauded for physically assaulting another woman on television. That shit just boggles my mind, still. Moving on (I need to trademark that shit, the Ho'Wives franchise would make me rich) ...


I disagree with this interpretation of the Nene's actions. Nene doesn't have to be best friends with Cynthia anymore, but at the point where she says she's ready to move forward, she doesn't need to find backhanded ways of telling Cynthia that she still doesn't like/trust her. You don't trust her? Fine. Don't call her up, don't pursue lunch with her, and keep things cool and cordial. Cynthia will take the hint. But Nene can't stand not being able to get her digs in (it's related to her inability to apologize), so she coudln't pass up an opportunity to let Cynthia know that she still hasn't forgiven her, and doesn't plan to anytime soon. If Cynthia hadn't let that line of conversation drop, where would things have gone? It seemed to me as if Nene was just waiting for the opportunity to tell Cynthia, once again, why she was angry with her.


In my mind, when you say that something is squashed, it's squashed, and even if you still feel raw over what happened, you cede the right to continually harp on it. Otherwise, what would be the purpose of the sitdown in the first place? Nobody's telling Nene that she has to be friends with Cynthia, but Nene's decision to keep telling Cynthia that she can't be her friend is nasty and rude.



All of this. But especially that.


    So wait...Nene called Cynthia to invite her to lunchanged to tell her she wouldn't be having lunch with her for at least two years??

    See this is why I miss Marlo. I can't take it when women arent quick with an comeback and that's what Nene needs. Someone who is sassy enough to call her in her shit right there in her face and not later at a safe distance in a TH. Marlo would have never let that shit slide.


This trick calls you out of your house in the name of a truce, let's you do all of the apologizing, and then she continues to shade your dumb ass. Nene needed to be called on that bullshit right there. Cynthia should have told her to go screw and sipped on another vodka tonic.



Where is Marlo?? She NEEDS to show up and read a bitch!


I need some medicine :::shaky voice::: This show is fixin' to give me an amerism.

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She was invited to resolve her problems with Porsha, not give her unsolicited opinions on Nene and Cynthia's friendship or Porsha and Cynthia's problems.


Except Kenya WASN'T invited to resolve her problems with Porsha.  Nene extended the invite to CYNTHIA and said "Bring your girl Kenya."   Nene said nothing about Porsha also being there. Kenya (correctly) figured that if Nene was inviting Cynthia to bring someone, Nene would also be bringing someone.


The most blindsided one was Porsha, who did not know Kenya was going to be there (and wouldn't have shown up had she known). Porsha probably figured she and Nene were going to roll over Cynthia.  Kenya had time to prepare for Porsha; Porsha had no time to prepare for Kenya.


Kenya should not have been butting in; however, Nene knows how Kenya is and if she wanted to have a session to work it out with Cynthia or a sit down with her, Porsha and Cynthia, then she shouldn't have told Cynthia to invite Kenya.



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NeNe doesn't know how to send out invites. First of all, I remember a time when she was emailing people and being all confused when either no one showed up or no one RSVP'd. Wait.....I don't think she knows what that means, having been on the reverse end.

Anyway, NeNe did invite JUST Cynthia, but told her to bring Kenya. Nothing said about Porsha. Ambush, anyone?

I continue to think it looks like a full diaper load.

I was trying to think of a nice way to put that into words, but I think you covered it. :)

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I think Nene's intentions for the lunch were misinterpreted.  She didn't want to have the lunch to go back to the way things were with either Cynthia or Kenya or to be friends with them again.  She wanted to do it - and she said it very clearly - so they could talk to each other civilly when at the same functions or in the same room.  That is why she told Cynthia they wouldn't be having lunch any time soon.  She doesn't want to spend time with Cynthia and to be honest, I don't blame her.  If I'm being completely honest, Cynthia is the one I take issue with on this.  If she's got so many problems with Nene and thinks she's such a terrible friend (Which she has verbalized more than once in her TH's) then why is she so quick to forgive and get back to the way things were?  Seemingly the way things were didn't work for her and apparently they are also the reason she and Peter weren't having sex.  So WTF?

If I'm Nene, I see that as fake and shady and THAT is why Nene told her she wouldn't be having lunch with her any time soon.  Nene's not stupid.  She knows very well that she didn't apologize for shit that happened....yet Cynthia is still kissing her on the cheek and wanting to understand why it is Nene won't have lunch with her any time soon.  That's suspect from where I sit.  Nene doesn't trust her and I wouldn't either.  

You have to be cautious of a person who felt they were so wronged that they spent a good amount of time slamming you in TH's and to mutual friends and then when you're around suddenly they're kissing your ass.  Cynthia likes to portray herself as this trustworthy person who knows how to be a friend.  Uh no.  Sorry, Sweets.  Hardly.  She's the worst kind of friend.  She's the type of person who collects information and then when she feels she's been slighted she runs and tells anyone who'll listen every unflattering thing about you she can come up with.  


I'm not absolving Nene of her transgressions.  She is just as much to blame for what went on with her and Cynthia....the difference is that she's not going to be fake about it.  She and Cynthia were truly friends.  It wasn't just for the cameras, like her relationship with Kenya.  


I don't think Cynthia is being fake, but I think she is delusional about Nene being the type of friend she wants Nene to be.  I think Cynthia wants to go back to the fun side of the friendship, but leave the problems behind.  That is unrealistic because Nene is not going to change.  Nene is fun, quick witted, and full of excitement.  She is the life of the party and people naturally gravitate towards her.  OTOH, she is pompous, arrogant, and condescending towards people who she perceives as not on her level.


Cynthia has to accept Nene warts and all or don't be her friend.  Attempting to explain her side of things will never change Nene.  It is what it is.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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The way Aunt Baby Dinosaur was ripping away that chicken flesh with those long pink talons like some vulture on decaying road kill, grossed me all the way out. Then I saw they were all doing it. Omg just pick the damned bird up and eat it. It reminded me of this obnoxious fool I used to work with who would eat little chicken drummettes with a knife and fork. If only he were George Costanza.

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Now, I would go see a musical called "A Mother's Greed".      MJ could belt out the shows stand out song, My Checkbook Rises Above.

          For the inspiring and uplifting finale, dancing KFC buckets would be high kicking their drum-sticks off.

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They should have called the episode Ketchup and Champagne Flutes!


Say what you will about Kenya – she was completely aware of how that scene was playing, and how nongracious Porsha would look.  That’s why I can’t totally despise Kenya, because she does not forget the audience, so she could offer a completely insincere apology and hug, counting on the fact that Porsha would handle it poorly. It’s a weird kind of game she plays, where she says and does the right thing in such a way you know she doesn’t mean a word of it, and yet the doofuses she’s dealing with return her phony civility with such blatant incivility it’s amusing to watch. 

I was distracted by Porsha's backside whenever she was on screen. She looks like she had implants put in. Even seated there was this weird jutting out that I've never noticed before.



I’m dating myself, but the older folks among us might remember Carol Burnett as Mrs. Wiggins.

Edited by kassa
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"So how much do you make to go on national TV and “be yourself” or a bitchy, funnier, angrier version of yourself? A lesser-known, reality TV “star” can expect to earn about $5,000 a month".  http://finance.youngmoney.com/careers/how-much-does-reality-tv-pay/


A lot of side characters on the Housewives have said they don't get paid; even the husbands.  But it doesn't even matter.  They might script scenerios, but they don't hand you an actual script.  Joyce acts like a vile human being because she is a vile human being.

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Mama Joyce was sly. She told Kandi that Todd would be laying about on her money and lo and behold, Kandi is now blaming Todd for lackluster ticket sales!! Todd should have been a man and kept his job. Even if it meant being away from Kandi for periods of time. They are grown ups, they have enough money to travel to visit each other. Todd played right into Mama Joyce's hand by becoming a fixture around the house. Kandi will start accusing him of mooching off her soon. The more he busts her about what she does for her mother, the more defensive of her Kandi will become and eventually she'll toss the same remarks right back at him. Sadly the seed has been planted thru all of their behaviors, divorce will be inevitable.

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Todd didn't quit his day job. He's very much employed.

I don't think Kandi was blaming him for the mess that is A Mother's "Love". The blame for lack of ticket sales and poor PR is solely on the company SHE hired. She was probably hoping Todd had some ideas to fix her mistakes. Knowing Kandi she probably hired a promoter with no experience because they cost less. You get what you pay for.

This season feels like the editors are building a nice case for Todd to pull the emergency escape tab from this marriage.

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That’s why I can’t totally despise Kenya, because she does not forget the audience

That's why I enjoy watching her run circles around NeNe and everyone else. She's not someone I'd probably be friends with in real life, but she knows the score. Even if most of the viewing audience and all the playes don't.

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I don't think Kandi was blaming him for the mess that is A Mother's "Love". The blame for lack of ticket sales and poor PR is solely on the company SHE hired.


Or maybe tickets didn't sell because no one wanted to see it.  They could have promoted it with huge billboards and ads in my city, with a 50% off price cut, and I still wouldn't go.  And I like Kandi's music.  But it just feels weird to see a show based on such a lie.  I hate watching MJ treat everyone the way she does, and then Kandi turn around and treat everyone the way she does....  It's hard enough to watch on free tv, let alone buy a ticket to a show.

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I think Kenya is a very bright woman. I enjoy watching her. OK! I'm leaving, Quit throwing things at me!


She's as fake and thirsty as the rest of them, but I agree she's smart.  And quick withe the one-liners.  (Which is why I think she'll be a hit on Celebrity Apprentice.  Unlike Brandi, who can only think to say: STFU!)

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A lot of side characters on the Housewives have said they don't get paid; even the husbands.  But it doesn't even matter.  They might script scenerios, but they don't hand you an actual script.  Joyce acts like a vile human being because she is a vile human being.

No one said anything about an actual script.  Scripted means that the scenarios are set up - and they are set up to entice drama. They all know the cameras are rolling - and likely have "rehearsed" what to say, how to react before hand.  And they choose what they want viewers to see.  


And viewers are clearly obsessed with MJ.  And in this type of show, you want people talk about you.  Otherwise, her storyline would not be relevant and she'll be cut.

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Cynthia -- who has never, ever, ever shown she can dress like a sighted human being


No shade, but is this the first season for the recapper? Because up until this year, Cynthia has been THE most on point fashion and looks-wise across the franchise. In fact, until this year I didn't think it was possible for her to make a misstep, she has been pitch-perfect in every scene on every occasion. Even in South Africa bitch was slaying with retro dashiki-chic and braids. No ma'am, I cannot agree with this assessment of her clothing sense at'all.

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No one said anything about an actual script.  Scripted means that the scenarios are set up - and they are set up to entice drama. They all know the cameras are rolling - and likely have "rehearsed" what to say, how to react before hand.  And they choose what they want viewers to see. 



Why are we getting primers on the makings of a reality tv show?  I think we all know how the sausage is made.  Joyce might "play it up" while the cameras are rolling (doubt it), but she's still who she is.  And Kandi is who she is, and Nene is who she is, and Phaedra is who...oh, wait.



And viewers are clearly obsessed with MJ.  And in this type of show, you want people talk about you.  Otherwise, her storyline would not be relevant and she'll be cut.



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No one said anything about an actual script. Scripted means that the scenarios are set up - and they are set up to entice drama. They all know the cameras are rolling - and likely have "rehearsed" what to say, how to react before hand. And they choose what they want viewers to see.

And viewers are clearly obsessed with MJ. And in this type of show, you want people talk about you. Otherwise, her storyline would not be relevant and she'll be cut.

Everytime I read these descriptions of the Housewives' process, I recall Jill Zarin, who wrote her own scenario and was "relevanted" to the curb, even though she was compelling to watch.

The only reason I watch a villain is to see them get it and they never do. That's what "reality" consists of: villains who are unaware that that is what they are and impossible to enlighten.

If the show is totally phony, then Nene is a gracious talented person in on the joke of her hair and make-up, Peter is an earner and Porsha intelligent, well-spoken and thoughtful. They all have indoor speaking voices and perfect grammar. Because, you see, it's all invented.

Impossible for me to suss out the "true" from the "scripted," so I comment on the text as shown. The creators of the show are moving towards something and I'd like to honor their commitment to their art by taking it at face value. But YMMV.

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Oh Kandi, please stop making me hate you.  I realized last night when they were talking about not spending the holidays together, and Todd would not give an inch to compromise on Kandi's stupid suggestion that they spend Thanksgiving with one mom and  Christmas with the other that he is really at the end of his rope with this marriage. She just doesn't get that Todd is through spending any time with MJ at all until she gets her shit together. Of course none of this matters now that Todds mom is gone. It is really so sad. 


Who at BRAVO thought it would be a good idea to have Kandi's aunts on the show? They are not funny or smart. I don't want to see them ever again. This franchise has lost it's way. It is boring, contrived and relentlessly hypocritical. 

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For all of Nene's bluster, she's an extremely insecure and jealous person. 


Hence her issues with damn near every cast member.


Even Kim Z, it must piss her off to no end that Wig seems to be happily married.


Plus she got her own spinoff, aside from the wedding special. 

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Twilightzone, I must admit that I thought the Joyce, Kandi, Todd storyline was scripted, but I am not so sure anymore.  Joyce is not a master thespian so I almost ready to concede....



If the show is totally phony, then Nene is a gracious talented person in on the joke of her hair and make-up, Peter is an earner and Porsha intelligent, well-spoken and thoughtful. They all have indoor speaking voices and perfect grammar. Because, you see, it's all invented.


This is my conundrum/fascination with this show.  I know that its scripted/phony, but at some point the real person comes out and overlaps the phony circumstances. 

Edited by ToukieSmith
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Twilightzone, I must admit that I thought the Joyce, Kandi, Todd storyline was scripted, but I am not so sure anymore.  Joyce is not a master thespian so I almost ready to concede....


        Todd's facial expressions speak volumes.


        Plus the "Mutherfuckers buying houses" comment he muttered under his breath a few eppys back.



        Kandi's marriage is in trouble.

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Wow.  I am just over Kandi at this point.  She knows her mom is a bitch so why did she tell her about the lunch she had with Todd's mom in the tone that she did?  There is a right way and a wrong way of relaying information to someone you KNOW is going to take it bad no matter what so why not soften it at least a little bit.  I think Kandi likes her mom acting out.  She must, because she only added fuel to a fire that is already out of control without batting an eye.  I use to really like Kandi but these past two seasons have really soured me on her big time. 


And Nene is full of herself but she got a lot more accomplished with her little sit down than Kandi did in hers.  Nene started out like she really was there to make amends with Cynthia and I don't know if it was the editing or something happened not caught on tape but by the 2nd segment of their meeting Nene had a totally different attitude.  Or maybe the more Cynthia apologized the more Nene felt the power who knows.  And when Nene asked Cynthia to move so Porsha could sit back next to Nene and Cynthia said no Nene did not look amused. All of Cynthia's clowning around from the point on looked like it was totally irritating Nene.


And I have to give props to Kenya for letting it go with Porsha.  I believe she was sincere of being over it all and wanting to move on.  Maybe the hug thing was a little over the top but I think she got her point across.  Porsha could learn a few things from that.

After this last episode...I am now convinced that Kandi is simply not smart. From what we have been shown, its not like she comes from a stock of intellectuals. Theyre all simple: her Mom, her Aunts, her Daughter. Nothing wrong with it....but you cant expect critical thinking from that caliber of people.

As far as her success in songwriting...well... she can read. So that facilitated that success?

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No shade, but is this the first season for the recapper? Because up until this year, Cynthia has been THE most on point fashion and looks-wise across the franchise. In fact, until this year I didn't think it was possible for her to make a misstep, she has been pitch-perfect in every scene on every occasion. Even in South Africa bitch was slaying with retro dashiki-chic and braids.

Agreed - and I loved that she wasn't label-obsessed like the rest of them. But lately her game has been off. Ever since that red clown wig with blue eye shadow, it's been a mess. I hate the straw-blonde - hate. It does nothing for her beautiful skin tone. If she likes to change up hair, fine, but PLEASE let that blonde go. She looks great with short hair - would love to see her give the wigs and weaves a rest.

Todd has been married for four or five months at the time of filming - a newlywed. To my mind, a first holiday season in a marriage would be one where you try to set your own traditions, making it special - particularly for the blended family that Todd and Kandi have. It would be nice to set up their own family tradition. But Todd is (rightfully) like "nope!" This shit is doomed.

Also, my brother and divorced parents and I have keys to each other's places. I can be like "Hey, going on vacation, can somebody water my plants and check on things?" Joyce was being ridiculous. Hell, if Kandi bought the house, Kandi should have a key because she said so.

Edited by Empress1
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Oh Kandi, please stop making me hate you.  I realized last night when they were talking about not spending the holidays together, and Todd would not give an inch to compromise on Kandi's stupid suggestion that they spend Thanksgiving with one mom and  Christmas with the other that he is really at the end of his rope with this marriage.



I agree they're doomed, but I don't think her suggestion was stupid.  Pretty much every couple I know alternate holidays with sides of the family.  I was actually shocked that Kandi was willing to go that far, since it would require her to tell Joyce that it would be her sisters and KFC for Thanksgiving.  


 It will be interesting to find out how they spent Christmas, because if Todd couldn't bear the thought of spending a holiday with Joyce while his mother was alive, I really can't imagine him tolerating a holiday with Joyce after she died.  And Kandi has revealed herself to be thoughtless enough that she'd believe that the holiday issue was dead and buried with Sharon.  And God forbid they have Christmas eve with Joyce and Christmas day at home alone with their kids, because Joyce would have an amarism for sure.

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I agree they're doomed, but I don't think her suggestion was stupid. Pretty much every couple I know alternate holidays with sides of the family. I was actually shocked that Kandi was willing to go that far, since it would require her to tell Joyce that it would be her sisters and KFC for Thanksgiving.

It will be interesting to find out how they spent Christmas, because if Todd couldn't bear the thought of spending a holiday with Joyce while his mother was alive, I really can't imagine him tolerating a holiday with Joyce after she died. And Kandi has revealed herself to be thoughtless enough that she'd believe that the holiday issue was dead and buried with Sharon. And God forbid they have Christmas eve with Joyce and Christmas day at home alone with their kids, because Joyce would have an amarism for sure.


Even if Sharon was still alive, why would Todd agree to spend any holiday with Joyce? Who in their right mind would choose to spend what's supposed to be a festive occasion with that troll? Why would anyone agree to spend their holidays being insulted? And is his daughter with him? Is she supposed to enjoy sitting around listening to her grandmother and father being trashed by this crew of hags?

Why yes Kandi! Let's spend Christmas with your mother so she can tell the story of the birth of Christ and also she can tell my daughter how she is a descendant of a long line of bottom hoes. Happy Holidays!

Edited by Brooklynista
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I wonder if Cynthia's terrible fashion choices and hair have to do with the weight she's put on. She's by no means heavy, but she may be trying to distract from what she considers to be too much weight. For someone who has spent her life being able to effortlessly wear whatever she wanted and look good, it might be hard for her to figure out her new body.

I in no way think she looks too heavy, but she may think she does.

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After thinking about it, Kenya is really shrewd.  She goes and makes the over the top apology to Porsha.  What that does, in effect, is erase any storyline Porsha had except to be Nene's lapdog.  If Porsha pursues her feud with Kenya, she's the petty one.  I'm sure that's beyond her little pea brain to comprehend.  Kenya was so ready to do this at her first opportunity, basically turn the tables on Porsha.  I'm sure she cannot stand Porsha, but it was in Kenya's best interest strategically.  Porsha was only hanging by a thread to be on this show, I am thinking primarily due to the conflict from last year's reunion.  Kenya took that away by basically saying she was no longer playing that game.  All is forgiven, wink, wink.  Porsha's role was what was really squashed, not any real beef or feud.  Kill them with kindness indeed.


Porsha sure looked peeved that Nene and Kenya were laughing it up and getting along.  It was the look of a child who was ready to say, no you can't play with her - she's MY BFF now.  

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I wonder if Phaedra and her momma think being a divorced mom of two with a convict for a daddy is a better look than being the single mom of one she could have been if she had moved on after originally getting knocked up by Apollo.

All that work to create a gentile appearance with fake due dates and a "clean" husband for naught.



The answer to that would be no.  It doesn't matter one bit if Phaedra's mother thinks it's better to be divorced with two kids and a convict dad because she is old school and that is how she was raised.  My parents were the same way.  Back in the 60's and even the early 70's a woman who had a child out of wedlock was looked down on.  It doesn't matter that things have changed and it's more acceptable today, because Phaedra's mom is and always will be old school and that is just that.  Plus, she is a minister which even emphasizes the stigma even more that having her grandchildren born in wedlock is way better.  She's not alone.  Most people born in her era, especially in the south, feel that way.


In my mind, when you say that something is squashed, it's squashed, and even if you still feel raw over what happened, you cede the right to continually harp on it.



This is the issue Nene had with Cynthia in the first place.  Cynthia told Nene that the "Peter is a bitch" thing was squashed, they did lunches, dinners and went on with the friendship and then Cynthia went in on Nene at the reunion.  Both of them are in the wrong!  They both need to learn the meaning of the term "moving forward".


And I have to give props to Kenya for letting it go with Porsha.  I believe she was sincere of being over it all and wanting to move on.  Maybe the hug thing was a little over the top but I think she got her point across.  Porsha could learn a few things from that.



I won't give props to Kenya unless she's dropped the charges she filed against Porsha.  Apologizing and fake hugging mean nothing if you're still pursuing legal action against her.  If I was Porsha, that's what I would have said.

Edited by swankie
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I won't give props to Kenya unless she's dropped the charges she filed against Porsha.  Apologizing and fake hugging mean nothing if you're still pursuing legal action against her.  If I was Porsha, that's what I would have said.


I believe that in most cases once an act of violence is reported to the police, its out of the "victim's" hands. The state moves forward in prosecuting the case regardless of how the victim feels. This has been my experience in the past. Apologies if this situation is different. I'm not trying to be contrary I'm just offering my viewpoint based on my experiences!


Claudia was giving me life in this episode. For some reason, the more I see Claudia the prettier she becomes. In episode 1 I laughed when she said she was a model (I'm an asshole). By this episode I would swear that she's one of the most beautiful women I've seen in my life! Cynthia took Claudia for a makeover? Please. Claudia does not "need to step her game up". Claudia looks great for any city IMO. She looked the best I've seen her look before she arrived for the "makeover". I'm relieved that the "makeover" was actually just an excuse for NeNe to text Cynthia on camera. Claudia does not need style tips from Cynthia this season.


Dinner was...interesting. Porsha should praise God every night that she's beautiful. She appears to be a nasty, unintelligent, uneducated, and rude woman. She's lucky she's got those looks and that body because without them she'd have nothing going for her.

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I believe that in most cases once an act of violence is reported to the police, its out of the "victim's" hands. The state moves forward in prosecuting the case regardless of how the victim feels.



I'm not speaking of any criminal action, that's a done deal.  I'm talking about any civil action she may have taken in which she would be seeking a monetary reward.  I could see Kenya playing that battery up for all it was worth, and it's her right.  But if you're going to suggest we hug it out and let bygones be bygones, there had better not be any lawsuit pending.

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I've said it before: Kandi and Todd's marriage is DOOMED!

Porsha is a foul-mouthed moron.

Claudia's grandmother reminds me of "outragious" Auntie-Mamma.

Does this meeting of the mionds mean you won't hear their bash (re)hash any more?

I love you for the Auntie Mama reference. Even though Auntie mama was actually uncle auntie mama.

She's outrageous!

I agree about Kandi's marriage. I don't know any man who would put up with that bullshit. Why the hell won't Kandi stand up to that mother of hers? I just don't get it.

Kandi is going to end up a bitter old woman doing the same shit to her daughter that her wretched mother does to her.

Edited by Maharincess
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That's why I enjoy watching her run circles around NeNe and everyone else. She's not someone I'd probably be friends with in real life, but she knows the score. Even if most of the viewing audience and all the playes don't.


Agreed. As a person, I think she's pretty awful and would never be friends with her - as a reality "star", she's very entertaining and enjoyable to watch. As another poster said - it was SO obvious that her OTT apology to Porsha was insincere, but Porsha didn't know what to do with it and it's just hilarious how Kenya knows how to play these girls. Her tagline for this season is dead on. 


It will be interesting to find out how they spent Christmas, because if Todd couldn't bear the thought of spending a holiday with Joyce while his mother was alive, I really can't imagine him tolerating a holiday with Joyce after she died.


Todd already made a remark about not even wanting to spend ANY holiday with Joyce, even if it was just him and he didn't have to worry about the two mamas going at it. He just is beyond over her at this point. 


And God forbid they have Christmas eve with Joyce and Christmas day at home alone with their kids, because Joyce would have an amarism for sure.


One can only hope.

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