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Small Talk: Only 2 Ounces Of Commenting Allowed

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I'm no fool.  But resort to name calling because your argument has no weight(pardon the pun).

Look at the show:  we are five seasons in.  Every single person who put their mind to it and did what DrNow said(eat less, exercise) lost weight before the surgery.  Some of them hundreds of pounds.  If it was so common that some people just simply cannot lose weight...why hasn't it happened to anyone on the show?  Why have all the participants been able to lose weight? 

Edited by Calicocats
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On 4/15/2017 at 6:38 PM, DC Gal in VA said:

Now that I'm in the right place for all this feederism stuff, which is a whole nother weird world I had never heard of before joining this forum, here goes.

I brought over the following from the All You Can Eat Buffet topic. Thanks to that totally evil TicketToHellPaid and the link she posted to the Dimensions website, which IMHO has taken fat acceptance to a completely weird level, we have this from one of their posters:


"I am an FA. I love being fat and gaining, myself. I would love to see a woman gain for me. I would not advise anyone to go higher than my own level of obesity. I'm 51 years old, weigh 415 at 5'8" tall, and I'm at my body's limit. I'm diabetic and on oxygen. I manage my conditions properly and enjoy great health for a person in my condition. I have limitations, but I'm OK with them. I no longer desire to gain a lot of weight.

By using the infamous BMI formulas, I have determined that a
woman 5'3" tall at 330lbs or a woman 5'6" tall at about 390lbs would be as obese as me. I don't desire a woman to gain beyond those limits for me and I'm attracted to women who aren't quite that heavy, as well. I'd be comfortable with a heavier woman, only if she was comfortable being that heavy.

I am still mobile, but very much feel the effect of my weight when
I'm on my feet. I now know what supersize fells like from the inside and can appreciate the really big girls go through. I use bathing and hygeine aids.

I'm happy where I am and I'd never want a woman to get any
nearer to immobility than I am. Enough is enough.



As I said on the other thread, this guy's screen name is "imfree" and his post is from 2007. He said he was 51 which means he's 61 now, if he's still alive. How a person with diabetes, on oxygen, uses bathing and hygiene aids, indicates he has problems when he's on his feet, AND admits to being near immobility can say he enjoys great health is completely delusional, and kind of explains the level of delusion we see on M600PL.

Oh TicketToHellPaid, what have you gotten me into! :-)

It's a fattie dating site, I wish they put a list of all the acronyms as thankfully I don't know them.

Alot of the woman have fan clubs and huge followings. The whole thing is crazy to me but it solves a big riddle, 

how do these women get men? And multiple men?  Well now we know and now we know how everyone has met online on this show.


Damn D.C., you really talked imfree up, I'm gonna check if he is still single.  

And you're welcome, lol??


On another note, I'm sitting here with Halo peanut butter cup ice cream.  Definately an ice milk.  It's ok, not great but of course I am still eating it so I can move on to the Haagen Daz peanut butter amd chocolate ice cream I also have.

I couldn't buy the noosa yogurt. I'm not overweight but damn, 13 grams of fat in that little container is too much.

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2 hours ago, TicketToHellPaid said:

It's a fattie dating site, I wish they put a list of all the acronyms as thankfully I don't know them.

Alot of the woman have fan clubs and huge followings. The whole thing is crazy to me but it solves a big riddle, 

how do these women get men? And multiple men?  Well now we know and now we know how everyone has met online on this show.


Damn D.C., you really talked imfree up, I'm gonna check if he is still single.  

And you're welcome, lol??


On another note, I'm sitting here with Halo peanut butter cup ice cream.  Definately an ice milk.  It's ok, not great but of course I am still eating it so I can move on to the Haagen Daz peanut butter amd chocolate ice cream I also have.

I couldn't buy the noosa yogurt. I'm not overweight but damn, 13 grams of fat in that little container is too much.

Hey, wait a minute, I SAW HIM FIRST, LOL!!! Seriously girlfriend, he's all yours, if he's still with us, if you know what I mean.

I didn't know it was considered a dating site. From the little bits that I read it seemed to be more of a weird, wonky fat acceptance site along the lines of the Whitney Thore/MBFFL philosophy of life: I can hardly get into my own car, can't shave my legs or put on shoes, can't make it through a lengthy or even moderate work out without almost passing out although I am a "professional" dance instructor, or do any of the fun things I used to enjoy, but I'm FABULOUS!

Funny that you mentioned Halo ice cream. I've been wanting to try it to see what all the fuss is about but at $4.64 in my area for that small container and you saying it tastes like ice milk, which I like fine but..... I think I'll pass. If you like chocolate and peanut butter please try the Reese's Klondike bars. OMG, amazing!

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3 hours ago, Calicocats said:

I'm no fool.  But resort to name calling because your argument has no weight(pardon the pun).

Look at the show:  we are five seasons in.  Every single person who put their mind to it and did what DrNow said(eat less, exercise) lost weight before the surgery.  Some of them hundreds of pounds.  If it was so common that some people just simply cannot lose weight...why hasn't it happened to anyone on the show?  Why have all the participants been able to lose weight? 

Looking back on our conversation, I will concede that I may have misunderstood you. For that reason, I will try to explain my thoughts one last time. If I can't get my opinion across by now or if you cannot understand my opinion (meaning either of us), then it will be time to then concede that it just won't happen at this time for any number of reasons (no blame either way).

To answer the basic question of why some people claim they cannot lose weight...

  1. The person may indeed be making an excuse. It is known that there is a direct relationship between calories eaten, calories burned, and weight. It's like a bank account, plain and simple. People who say otherwise are either deluding themselves, in denial, or making excuses as you have suggested.
  2. The person may indeed have a medical problem that affects that basic equation. I don't know all the conditions that affect weight control, and I don't know of any condition that completely makes it impossible for a person to lose weight (although there might be an argument for Prader-Willi syndrome). However, there are medical conditions that affect the rate in which a person is able to gain or lose weight compared to others.
  3. The person making a comment like that may be making a hyperbolic statement. They know it's not true, but they are exaggerating their point to make their point. "I swear, I see you eat it, and I'm the one who gains weight!" If asked, the person will tell you they don't actually mean what they're saying.
  4. The person is merely expression a feeling. Again, they know it's not true, but they are exaggerating their point to express how it feels to them. "It feels as if I can gain weight just by looking at food!" They may not all say "feel" when verbalizing their sentiment, but expect it to be a basic understanding. This ties closely into #3, but is different enough that I wanted to list it separately.
  5. They lack the education to comprehend how calories eaten, calories burned, and weight correlate. Therefore, they may believe what they are saying, but it's due to ignorance, not because it's actually true.

This is what I could think of off the top of my head. I believe there are many reasons why a person might make that comment.

The point I've trying to make is that not everyone loses weight at the same rate. What may be easy for one person may not be equally as easy for another person for a whole host of reasons. The spectrum is very wide with individuals at all levels from those who can go without food and/or exercise to the point of having Anorexia to those with Prader-Silli syndrome who have an extremely difficult time not eating. If those two extremes exist in the world, then even if we do not know all the forces behind a person's weight, we at least know certain forces do indeed exist. Most people fall in the middle between those extremes, but exactly where, I cannot say.

What I think I was reacting to in your messages is what I interpreted (notice I'm saying it's my interpretation, not necessarily your intention) to be a sense of superiority of "well, it's easy for me so anyone who doesn't do what I do must be lazy and making excuses." I will admit to feeling a bit jealous that you have not had to fight your weight your whole life. It's something completely foreign to you. Good for you! But it feels like people who are overweight are being told they're not as good as you, and that's just not fair.

If by now I have not made my thoughts clear, then I will simply stop trying. I've done all I can to be clear. I do not expect you to agree (I never expect agreement), but I do hope you can at least consider that it's not the same for everyone.

Edited by Complexity
Add #5 on the list.
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It's not "easy" to put in 14-25 hours a week at the gym.  That's how I maintain my weight.  There is effort involved.  I enjoy training, but it certainly isn't a fair statement to say it is easy for someone like me to maintain my weight.  I was at the gym on Easter.  I've sacrificed a lot of things in order to train the way I do.  If I have more muscle mass, or my body burns calories more efficiently than someone else's, this is the reason.  It's not like I just woke up one day like this.  

I see some of the people on this show and they say things like, I've never been on a diet or I've never exercised.  Well, you can't expect results if you've never tried!  Those are the same types of people that will turn around and say something about how their body isn't designed to be small or they can't lose weight.  Well, how do you know if you haven't even tried?!  That's frustrating.

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1 hour ago, Calicocats said:

It's not "easy" to put in 14-25 hours a week at the gym.  That's how I maintain my weight.  There is effort involved.  I enjoy training, but it certainly isn't a fair statement to say it is easy for someone like me to maintain my weight.  I was at the gym on Easter.  I've sacrificed a lot of things in order to train the way I do.  If I have more muscle mass, or my body burns calories more efficiently than someone else's, this is the reason.  It's not like I just woke up one day like this.  

I see some of the people on this show and they say things like, I've never been on a diet or I've never exercised.  Well, you can't expect results if you've never tried!  Those are the same types of people that will turn around and say something about how their body isn't designed to be small or they can't lose weight.  Well, how do you know if you haven't even tried?!  That's frustrating.

All of this--but for normal people. I totally get it, I do a similar thing--up at 0430 to go running before going to work at 0730. I prep all my lunches for work, too. It takes time and planning. However, the people on this show not only have no baseline nutritional/fitness information to work with, they've all got food addictions and their ideas of what's normal are so skewed I can only imagine how difficult they'd be to work with. 

I do agree that for some reason, these people think their journey will somehow be easy. Really? They think it's gonna be easy? It's not easy. It takes longterm commitment and patience. Over and over we hear, "I didn't think it would be this hard." Gawd.

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I was also gobsmacked by the post in Kirsten's thread that said you can't lose weight by exercising. Just goes to show, you shouldn't take weight loss advice from random people on the interwebs. 

Also, this study that came out in the last week confirms that running is fantastic exercise; in fact, no other form of exercise matches its benefits. 


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1 hour ago, dahling said:

Also, this study that came out in the last week confirms that running is fantastic exercise; in fact, no other form of exercise matches its benefits. 


It is important to read the actual study which is linked in the first paragraph of the NYTimes article. The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in August 2014.

The study did not compare running to "other form of exercise." It compared running to not running. That is all. I think most people can already figure out that on average, running is better than not running (which includes being sedentary).

It is also important to understand that this study is a correlational study, not an actual experiment. While no study or experiment can confirm or prove anything, one can support a hypothesis. This is not a fine line. It is an important distinction.

The study did control for certain confounding variables, such as smoking and drinking. However, it clearly states it did not control for diet (diet in the sense of a person's eating habits). In the conclusion of the study, the authors state: "Another potential limitation is the lack of adequate dietary information." Which group would most likely have a better diet, the runners or non-runners? So were the benefits due to the running behavior or the diet behavior? That study did not even investigate that question.

Why is this important? Consider this true correlation: The number of murders increase when the amount of ice cream sales increase. Does that suggest eating ice cream causes a person to commit murder? Or do murderers enjoy eating ice cream after committing their crimes? Or could there be another variable at play? It is impossible to know for sure without conducting a true experiment (which is clearly unethical), but some researchers have suggested that temperature is the variable affecting both, ice cream sales and murders.

This is why it is important to read the full study to determine what variables they did and did not control. They did not control for diet. And they did not compare health benefits of running to walking. In fact, they did not compare health benefits of running to any other exercise. They merely compared running to not running.

Further, they did not even address the issue of joint damage.

I would love to see peer reviewed studies comparing running to other aerobic exercise, especially walking, with diet and joint damage as variables.

ETA: This is the actual study in which the NYTimes wrote about: http://www.onlinejacc.org/content/64/5/472

Edited by Complexity
fix weird strikethroughs
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A reminder: the Be Civil guidelines also apply in Small Talk. Avoid being lecture-y and scolding.Text is a difficult medium to express tone but the tone here lately has been bordering on snotty and rude. It's a dinner party, don't be that guest. Let's move back to a more respectful and kind to one another remembering that this is not a debate club. There is no argument to win.

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On 4/17/2017 at 7:43 PM, DC Gal in VA said:

Hey, wait a minute, I SAW HIM FIRST, LOL!!! Seriously girlfriend, he's all yours, if he's still with us, if you know what I mean.

I didn't know it was considered a dating site. From the little bits that I read it seemed to be more of a weird, wonky fat acceptance site along the lines of the Whitney Thore/MBFFL philosophy of life: I can hardly get into my own car, can't shave my legs or put on shoes, can't make it through a lengthy or even moderate work out without almost passing out although I am a "professional" dance instructor, or do any of the fun things I used to enjoy, but I'm FABULOUS!

Funny that you mentioned Halo ice cream. I've been wanting to try it to see what all the fuss is about but at $4.64 in my area for that small container and you saying it tastes like ice milk, which I like fine but..... I think I'll pass. If you like chocolate and peanut butter please try the Reese's Klondike bars. OMG, amazing!

I'll see if he has a brother for you..ya..I'm always thinking of others?


My impression was it's a sex/dating/whack off at home site.

just my impression, please...dive in and let me know ????


Well I saw the Halo? At the store and was going to pass until I saw chocolate peanut butter cup. It's ice milk. I did eat it all then opened up the Haagen Daz version which can't be beat but I'll definately try the Klondike bars.

Halo would be great if you want a substitute and don't buy the real stuff as well but it isn't for me.

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8 minutes ago, Arynm said:

Halo top is amazing! I like the sea salt caramel and Mocha chocolate chip. Arctic Zero however, tastes like shit.


8 minutes ago, Arynm said:

Halo top is amazing! I like the sea salt caramel and Mocha chocolate chip. Arctic Zero however, tastes like shit.

I saw the sea salt caramel but I'm not a salt and caramel fan. Mocha choc chip is a great flavor combo.

what flavor is Acric Zero?

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1 hour ago, TicketToHellPaid said:


I saw the sea salt caramel but I'm not a salt and caramel fan. Mocha choc chip is a great flavor combo.

what flavor is Acric Zero?

They have lots of different ones, I tried Vanilla and Pomegranate. They don't have that mouth feel that good ice cream has, and Halo top does a pretty good job at replicating. It isn't alot of salted caramel flavor for me, I think of it more like a rich vanilla with a hint of caramel. Gotta save those calories

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2 hours ago, Arynm said:

Arctic Zero however, tastes like shit.

Yes I agree! I have, I think it's Fudge flavor sitting in my freezer, been there for months. It tastes like one of those things you'd get from the ice cream truck when you were a kid, I can't remember what it's called but it was like weak chocolate flavor and sugar (little to no milk) and frozen solid.

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"How y'all doin'?" I haven't been around cause, like, wedding & honeymoon & happily ever after! (roll your eyes, gag, cringe or whatever if you need to! We'll understand lol) Seriously, though, I've been trying to catch up a little bit. I haven't watched a whole episode since I noped out of Nicole's at the halfway mark. And honestly, even if I wasn't busy newlywed-ing it up, I just can't even with this new season. It's no longer patients that you can root for, more or less, now it's like, "Bring on the freak show!!".  What I can't believe is how, as a medical professional, Dr. Now would want to continue to participate in this hot mess. I love the scenes when he gives somebody a good verbal smackdown. But, I don't want to see a whole freaking episode of it! It makes it seem scripted and the patient/enablers bad behavior is  played up to the hilt. Actually, not really scripted as in they're acting or doing recreations of real events. I believe the reactions are real. I mean that the producers manipulate situations and set it up to get the most drama out of it they possibly can. Then all they have to do is sit back and wait for all hell to break loose.

It's irking me to death how if the patient finally gets approved for surgery it's in the last 10min. I even miss those damn voiceovers!! IDK, I think I'll skip the rest of this season unless there's something being discussed I just have to see for myself. I do like the follow-ups so far. TLC DID a great job exposing Gilbert for the abusive, lying, cheating, disgusting sloppy drunk, marital rapist POS he is. That's another thread though. Poor Lupe.

Edited by Marilee
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What I don't get is this - invariably the husband/wife/mother/SO of the 600lb Patient Of The Week is considerably overweight too. Why in the hell don't these people follow the diet too? It would be a lot easier all around. Grocery shopping would be simplified if everyone's eating pretty much the same thing. Emotionally, the family member(s) would empathize more since they're now doing it too, plus it would provide the emotional support the POTW so sorely needs. It's a lot easier to keep to a diet together. Together being the key word. The whole point is to embrace healthy eating which is a complete change of lifestyle for the 600lb person. Why not make it as easy as possible by doing it together as a family? 

Seeing these morbidly obese people struggle to lose weight every week while the people around them stuff themselves annoys me no end! 

Disclaimer: of course I'm not suggesting this apply to children in the household.  But parents should be monitoring their intake of junk food anyway and try to encourage them to make healthy choices so they don't go down that slippery slope. 

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20 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

What I don't get is this - invariably the husband/wife/mother/SO of the 600lb Patient Of The Week is considerably overweight too. Why in the hell don't these people follow the diet too?

They're not mentally/emotionally ready. It's a personal issue that requires personal commitment. Just because they're living with someone who's made that commitment, it doesn't mean they're ready to make that commitment too.

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53 minutes ago, Complexity said:

They're not mentally/emotionally ready. It's a personal issue that requires personal commitment. Just because they're living with someone who's made that commitment, it doesn't mean they're ready to make that commitment too.

There could also be denial. They see it as the other person's problem, but even though overweight themselves, they feel like they've got it under control just because they don't need to be bathed, yet. It's worth them considering that every one of Dr. Now's patients, including their own loved one, might have felt that same way at some point.

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I guess it's easy to pass it off at that point?  If you drink two beers a day and live with a raging alcoholic, it's like- I don't have to quit!  I'm not HIM!  

Next to someone like Sean, someone pretty seriously overweight can seem rather small.

Truth is, whatever underlying issues are propelling the person to overeat are probably also present in the family member, so it's probably not easy for them to stop, either.  Especially since they are dealing with all the drama of the "stopping" food addict.  Doesn't seem like a good time to quit something comforting, when a Pauline type is bitching at you every day.

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For the GoFundMe discussion for at least one person, here's some "how to spot, and how to stop" fraud.


 "2. Always perform a reverse image search with Google. If you’re using Chrome, just right click the main photo on the GoFundMe page and select “Search Google for image.” If you see a ton of results, scammers probably stole that photo to use for their fake campaign."

Edited by auntjess
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Regarding no shoes no shirt laws:  my friend is a manager in a restaurant that serves the trail and riverfront community.  It has a large outdoor eating area.  The health department (people who inspect the kitchen) are the ones who tell them they can't have shoeless or shirtless people on the deck eating.  Which, as you can imagine, does not make the boaters too happy...

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On 4/17/2017 at 7:35 PM, ChristmasJones said:

This is an older program, one I hadn't seen before, but its got some good stuff in it - different perspectives on what causes obesity, plus Richard Simmons!!

Jesus Christ on a jumped up sidecar...I know I should be compassionate, but HOLY GOD...

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16 minutes ago, Calicocats said:

Serious question, no disrespect: how do people gain 30 lbs but not notice?  Is it because they wear stretchy type clothing?  I notice if I gain 5 lbs.

That's a good question. I decided to do the math to check out the difference.

  • 30 lbs on a 600 lbs person is just 5% of added body weight.
  • 5 lbs on a 150 lbs person is just under 3.5% of added body weight.

So a 600 lbs person gaining 30 lbs is pretty close to being the same as a 150 lbs person gaining 5 lbs.

Then add in the stretchy clothing as you mentioned (when they actually wear clothing!) and their lack of mobility, it's probably not easy for them to tell they've gained the weight. Plus, morbidly obese people are probably not as aware of their body's changes as a person with a healthy weight.

Edited by Complexity
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I didn't think she believed she hadn't gained and had lost. The 20 lbs was her goal, right? That doesn't mean she believed she had reached it. I think she knew she had eaten the wrong foods. She knew those foods had affected her, but not how much.

ETA: I also think it might be harder to judge weight gain when a person has lots of extra loose skin compared to someone who doesn't. So even though she was only 350 lbs (only?!), she has the skin mass—and the accompanying layer of fat—of someone much heavier. So the fat distribution is still greater than someone without that loose skin.

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55 minutes ago, Complexity said:

I didn't think she believed she hadn't gained and had lost. The 20 lbs was her goal, right? That doesn't mean she believed she had reached it. I think she knew she had eaten the wrong foods. She knew those foods had affected her, but not how much.

Too, being on vacation, she might have hoped that extra activity would cover some of the extra calories.

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22 hours ago, Calicocats said:

Serious question, no disrespect: how do people gain 30 lbs but not notice?  Is it because they wear stretchy type clothing?  I notice if I gain 5 lbs.

I wore the same size clothes at 380 that I did at 350. The larger you get the more weight it takes to drop a clothing size. In fact from 390 to 345, I wore a size 28/5xl.

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1 hour ago, TicketToHellPaid said:

So Arctic zero is an ice cream brand?


on a different thread I saw posts about Dr. now treating his wife badly. 

Does anyone have a link where I can read this?


I couldn't find stuff I had read before, but here's the ruling of the court.  It's quite readable and of course terribly detailed (and that's what we want!).  Dr. Now did not act honorably IMO:


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22 hours ago, AdorkableWitch said:

I wore the same size clothes at 380 that I did at 350. The larger you get the more weight it takes to drop a clothing size. In fact from 390 to 345, I wore a size 28/5xl.

This is an opposite perspective --Melissa Morris' husband said to Dr. Now regarding his wife after she had dropped 300+ pounds that she still had a morbidly obese mindset.  She turned sideways to go through a doorway and her gait was still that of an almost 700# woman.  IIRC, it wasn't until she could fit into a pair of jeans that she changed.  I loved her BTW.  

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I saw people talking about eating cottage cheese for breakfast.  What kind of calorie limit do you set yourself at for that?  I loooooove cottage cheese and obviously love the 4% more as it tastes better.  But would I just be doing myself a disservice by having the full fat one for breakfast? 

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On 4/25/2017 at 6:16 PM, Otter said:

here's the ruling of the court.  It's quite readable and of course terribly detailed (and that's what we want!).  Dr. Now did not act honorably IMO:


His wife "provided care for Younan's mother, who lived with the family for 21 of the couple's 27 years together". For that alone Dr. Now should have been more generous to his wife.

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8 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

His wife "provided care for Younan's mother, who lived with the family for 21 of the couple's 27 years together". For that alone Dr. Now should have been more generous to his wife.


Men approach divorce in one way. Money. I stand by this.

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I'm just curious as to how many double-dippers we have here, people who watch both 600-Lb and My Big Fat...
Whitney Thore really should be on this show, and I'd love to see Dr. Now talk to her.

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1 hour ago, auntjess said:

I'm just curious as to how many double-dippers we have here, people who watch both 600-Lb and My Big Fat...
Whitney Thore really should be on this show, and I'd love to see Dr. Now talk to her.

Hey @auntjess Whitney is about to be a double dipper herself. You could see her butt wings forming by the way she was sitting on the reunion couch.

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11 hours ago, Otter said:

I'm really missing something ... who is that?  

Condolences to his family and friends.

He was called, I think, the half-ton man.  There is a video upthread, showing his journey to weightloss.

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Did it! Just made a quick stop to see Dr Now's office. No joke, he is just across the parking lot from a Chinese buffet. Now we know where James got his friiiiiiied riiiiiiice. Pictures to follow when I can synchronize electronic devices.

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