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S25.E12: All Or Nothing

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Not sure where to put this.  It could probably go in Spoilers but I haven't been in that thread yet and don't want to look.


I found this article on the interwebs about one of the Final Four teams.  I'll put it in spoiler bars since the website could indicate which team the article is about.  


In this article, one of the contestants is asked about favourite places they visited on the race, and

  Reveal spoiler

says one was

  Reveal spoiler

.  Unless I fell asleep sometime during the season, they haven't been there.  Either they stop there on the way from Manila to Los Angeles, or this team is eliminated fourth and put in sequester there.

Neither of those scenarios make sense because the team that is eliminated has to be at the finish line so they wouldn't be sequestered and that location is not on the way from Manila to LA and not someplace one gets a layover on the way to anywhere because of its remote location.

ETA: Believe it's just confusion on behalf of the reporter.

  Reveal spoiler

in her CBS bio.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 1

Wow, what a final task.  I'm not sure I like the tasks on this final leg.  With the first RB and the search and rescue, there didn't seem to be much opportunity to pass another team.  And this last task feels a bit too random. I understand the rationale behind having two RBs in the final leg, but I wish both teammates were involved in the last task.

  • Love 3

Everyone asking for directions reminded me so much of the Californians on SNL. "Take the 405 to the 110 to the 10..."


Also shut up Brooke.  I am thankful I will never have to hear from you again.   


Cograts to Amy and Maya!  They survived despite Amy's bad leg and Maya's caffeinated enthusiam. (But hey, Maya jumped on Phil so she's my girl.)  They weren't the best winners in terms of skills but they powered through when it counted most (and ok they got saved twice but what can you do.)


Bring on TAR26! (not due to the theme itself but...)

Edited by mtlchick
  • Love 13

I like Amy and Maya, but BULLLLLLLLLLSHIT.  At least they got their lead by self-navigating and Robbie and Brooke were eliminated for failure to do the same, but an arbitrary elimination mid-leg after back to back no eliminations the previous two sucks.  And then they win, because the final task was partially a needle and haystack task.  Awesome.  This was a really good season until the last three episodes when the leg design went to the shitter.


That said, they could have salvaged things if Phil had done the stunt and then eliminated the wrestlers.  That would have been awesome.

  • Love 11

YAAAAAY.   The Scientist pull it out.   Go Mighty Women.


But holy crap is Brooke the most unself-aware person the planet.   She was bitching at Robbie for his attitude.   Never mind she has whined and complained around the world.   Then she complained that the Scientists should have been eliminated but were saved last leg.   Kinda like the Wrestlers were on leg 10 with the NEL.   THey should have been out then and not been racing for the final 3.   Heck she even complained when a nonracer didn't give her perfect directions to get her where she wanted to go.


Jim was not happy to come in 2nd.   But hey, I would still be wandering around the containers.   I have discalculia.   I have trouble putting numbers in order.


Then I saw the previews.   Oh goodie, a "theme" Race.   I might skip that one.   Just give us regular people running the Race.   Not stunt casts.   Not cutesy themes.   Just folks running around the world trying to accomplish weird tasks.

Edited by merylinkid
  • Love 21

Wow, Brooke totally psyched herself out when she saw the scientists.  You'd think she knows something about psyching out the competition.


Doing the elimination at the movie task was odd - why bother?  Should have just had a final three, not because I have any love for B/R, it just seemed random.


I like the final task being a memory challenge, it was great that the 3 of them were there at the same time to add tension, but wow it was dull to watch.


When Misti got the combo, Jim stops to give her a long hug rather than dragging her to the taxi.  I wonder how close they were to the scientists at that point?  I would have been dragging my partner if I thought we were close.


Great leg run by Maya & Amy so congrats to them.  I really enjoyed this season, hope the next one stacks up!

  • Love 4

I do business and drive all over L.A. once a month. My sister texted me "If you and I were there, we'd have been long gone already. You'd have talked your way into first class on Delta and you know the freeways with your eyes closed." LOL, it's mostly true, I was laughing at the dentists and wrestlers when I knew they were going the wrong way....but they didn't know it yet.

That last task was hard. Very hard. I'd have to sing a song to remember the numbers also. Didn't Jim say they'd been there 4 hours? OMG... in the heat....

Congrats to the girls, way to go!! Very fun race, looking forward to the couples and the blind dates. What a twist that will be!

  • Love 5

Woohoo! I had no idea how much I wanted the scientists to win until they got in that taxi.  Great win.  I even loved Maya jumping into Phil's arms (has anyone ever done that before?).  Great season. Loved the wrestlers getting eliminated although I did think they were going to get to do the stunt jump.  I knew that was goin Lg to be the elimination point because I only saw three Coast Guard boats.  Can't wait til next season.

  • Love 15

OMG!!!! I had to contain myself to no scream on how happy I am with the upcoming... At first I thought it would be unfair the girls having a shot at the finale, but looking at how the finale went they totally made the finale a real competition, the wrestlers bombing so hard it would not be such a exciting finale with the teams alternating the positions and at the end competing at the most important task.. Yep, the Dentists could complain that without the Scientist making it they would have won (Surfers and Wrestlers can´t really complain cause they would have lost anyway), but what is one ´´save`` for the Sciencist compared to the save the Dentist got most of the season. Also, at this last leg the Scientists just run a better leg overall, dealing the best with the two most challenging things on the leg: navigation and the last task.

Great finale, overall a great season, hope we see at least two of the teams from this seasons at a All Stars Season (Cyclists in particular). ANd yep, not looking forward for next season loaded with those fake/annoying couples.

Edited by Guiaoshi
  • Love 11

Brooke was just UGLY to the scientists in the airport, wasn't she? That was just unnecessary and unkind. Glad Karma bit them in the ass quickly for that. For the whole race, really.


Especially after Brooke/Robbie were saved by the NEL just one leg beforehand, but the Sweet Scientists didn't deserve to be there.  Bitter much, Brooke.



I laughed out loud with unrestrained glee when Brooke and Robbie were eliminated.  Hey, assholes, even if the scientists hadn't been part of the final four, you still would have been in last because you got yourselves lost.  So suck it!


Robbie: We have won some many titles in wrestling and wrestlers never quit -- unless it says to quit in the wrestling script (then quitting is ok).  </snark>


I can't believe they were at that final task for 4 or 5 hours (when Jim asked about the time).



W T F??? Anyone watching previews for next season?? All dating couples with some meeting on the race??? Do.not.like.  Amazing Race, what have you done??


After watching the preview for next season, all I could think was some sort of corporate crossbranding synergy gone awry -- The Amazing Race: Tinder Edition.  



I'm thinking the blind dates are people who've met online but not in person. Otherwise, murder may come into play.....


The Amazing Race: Catfish Edition

  • Love 10

As much as the Scientists deserve love . . .  come on, there are so many asterisks you can slap on them. Getting saved by the most unexpected non-elimination leg since Flo & Zach got bailed out in TAR3, the high placement average (rivaling the Beekman Boys), the needle in a haystack Roadblock that kicked Bethany and Misti's asses . . . there's a bit of a taint. On the other hand, the whole race may as well have been set up just to fuck with Brooke & Robbie. Or just Brooke. I think she would've taken a no-foolin' steel chair to the back of her head than lose to Amy & Maya.


Seriously, Phil, couldn't you have made Brooke & Robbie do the last two Roadblocks? Nothing like seeing a meathead do a memory-intensive task. Phil would've brought the party there because there was no way Brooke or Robbie would've completed that in a timely manner. And yeah, Phil should've jumped through the window. That would have been awesome.


I'm a little butthurt about the Surfers coming in third, but their asses are made of Teflon. Nothing can get to Adam & Bethany. It's the mellow that will be the main reason we'll never see them on TAR again. You can make cases for the Dentists, the Cyclists and even the Wrestlers, but I think the Surfers are done as far as TAR is concerned. BTW, that was a cute moment with Bethany and the fireman.


Damn, cannot believe Amy & Maya won. My mother insisted they had a chance, and I am never going to hear the end of it now.


ETA: Jim did get intense there for a little bit. I bet he would've jumped through actual glass onto rusty nails if the situation called for it. May we not see anybody that intense for a long, long time.

  • Love 2
  On 12/20/2014 at 2:11 AM, Lantern7 said:
I'm a little butthurt about the Surfers coming in third, but their asses are made of Teflon. Nothing can get to Adam & Bethany. It's the mellow that will be the main reason we'll ever see them on TAR again. You can make cases for the Dentists, the Cyclists and even the Wrestlers, but I think the Surfers are done as far as TAR is concerned. BTW, that was a cute moment with Bethany and the fireman.

They're basically TK and Rachel in terms of their attitude.

  • Love 2

Even though I have been rooting for the surfers all season, i was curiously satisfied with this win by the Scientists! They had such enthusiasm and good attitudes. Bethany is amazing at physical tasks, but as soon as she said that Adam was the memory person in their team, i knew they were doomed. which is a shame because Bethany could totally have done the stunt.


 And the Dentists were denied first place, which also made me happy. I had grown to kind of like the dentists, but I still didn't want them to win.  


The wrestlers' elimination mid leg was also a good thing. They had nobody to blame  but their own poor navigation. 


Next season..dating couples? Blind dates? Oy!

  • Love 19

IMO, this was the best win, ever.  I had tears in my eyes!  Great job, candy scientists!!!


I live in Wisconsin so I've been cheering for the scientists all along- it just didn't seem that they could win!  The surprise ending was so fun.


One reason that this season was especially enjoyable and worth watching is that all three final couples were made up of decent, interesting people.

Edited by Jewelz
  • Love 22
  On 12/20/2014 at 1:59 AM, raven said:

Wow, Brooke totally psyched herself out when she saw the scientists.  You'd think she knows something about psyching out the competition.


Doing the elimination at the movie task was odd - why bother?  Should have just had a final three, not because I have any love for B/R, it just seemed random.


I like the final task being a memory challenge, it was great that the 3 of them were there at the same time to add tension, but wow it was dull to watch.


When Misti got the combo, Jim stops to give her a long hug rather than dragging her to the taxi.  I wonder how close they were to the scientists at that point?  I would have been dragging my partner if I thought we were close.


Great leg run by Maya & Amy so congrats to them.  I really enjoyed this season, hope the next one stacks up!

Jim and Misti had to wait for the container with their clue, so he might as well hug her.


Congratulations, scientists! I wanted Adam and Bethany to win, but am very happy for the scientists! I was hoping anyone but the wrestlers. Brooke was nasty to the end. Telling Robbie he had a crazy attitude when he was calm and speaking reasonably? But I did see at the end that she was clapping for the scientists, while Robbie was could barely bring his two hands together.


When I saw the final task was a complex memory task, I figured that Amy would be the first one done. If it had been a physical task, probably Bethany.


This win makes me appreciate the good guys vs. bad guys storyline developing over the past few episodes with Brooke belittling and despising the scientists. Now we know why we were shown all that! Oh, the irony! The persevering heroes triumph while the villains slink off, muttering and gnashing their teeth.

Edited by Lamb18
  • Love 10

Solid finale.  I liked that they actually got to do a bit of self-driving for the first time ever in a final leg (obviously not right up to the finish line for good reason, but still cool that self-navigation did in the wrestlers, and let the scientists and surfers get ahead early).


The movie stunt and Coast Guard tasks were a bit mundane.  Very little opportunity to shuffle order during them.  And I am of the opinion that the final task should be a group effort and not an RB.  But overall it was a solid finale, and its hard to be disappointed with the winners from a personality perspective (from a racing skill perspective, I could understand).

  • Love 4

I've only been watching since the last Wisconsin couple won ( can't remember their names...she kicked a$$, he was a jerk) but I think we're 2 for 2 ... ON WISCONSIN !!!!

Both my kids graduated from University of Wisconsin and my son is a dentist married to a dentist, but their teeth are not that white!!

Edited by Packerbrewerbadger
  • Love 4

By the end I liked all the teams except the wrestlers, but I had to root for Amy and Maya because I'm also a female scientist who went to grad school at Wisconsin (in the building next door to where Amy and Maya probably work), and one of the other girls in my program and I always talked about trying to go on the Amazing Race together. I feel like they lived out my unrealized dream for me!


Next season looks awful. :(

  • Love 17

When I heard the spoiler that the scientists won I was a bit disappointed, but, shoot, as the episode progressed I found myself rooting for them. Maya is just too adorable not to want to see win. I'm sure they could use the money more than the other finalists. Good for them for running a great leg.

I told my husband that if I had to run around memorizing the numbers on the containers I would have sat down and cried. That was brutal.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 12

Woo, Amy and Maya were early favorites of mine but I never thought they had a chance.  Did they win even one leg? I always like it when brains beat brawn: however random the number search was, Amy was the only one to get it right the first time, sealing the win. As for next year's TAR: Dating Game--ugh!



When Misti got the combo, Jim stops to give her a long hug rather than dragging her to the taxi.  I wonder how close they were to the scientists at that point?  I would have been dragging my partner if I thought we were close.


After the numbers were correct, the container marked with those numbers had to be brought down for the team to get the pit stop clue. So there was time for hugging.

  • Love 7
  On 12/20/2014 at 2:21 AM, Skeeter22 said:

I didn't mind the final roadblock, because isn't wasn't really a needle in a haystack. They all seemed to have no real problem finding the numbers, it was a matter of memorizing them and remembering the correct order. Amy and Maya weren't the best racers, but both the dentists and the wrestlers were saved by non-eliminations. The scientists held their own all leg and didn't fall behind, and Amy rocked the roadblock. Good for them.


Exactly, that was a really good task and what made the most difference was how  they memorize the numbers ant put them in the right order while dealing with the stress and heat. Even struggling to walk, Amy just figure it out the task earlier, proof that she was the only one that gave the right answer right at the first try.

Edited by Guiaoshi
  • Love 7

As much as the Scientists deserve love . . . come on, there are so many asterisks you can slap on them. Getting saved by the most unexpected non-elimination leg since Flo & Zach got bailed out in TAR3, the high placement average (rivaling the Beekman Boys), the needle in a haystack Roadblock that kicked Bethany and Misti's asses . . . there's a bit of a taint. On the other hand, the whole race may as well have been set up just to fuck with Brooke & Robbie. Or just Brooke. I think she would've taken a no-foolin' steel chair to the back of her head than lose to Amy & Maya.>>>>

I didn't do the quote thing right but I disagree about asterisks. As the racers always say you really only have to win the last leg. The design of the leg was different but I loved the outcome. The ones I really felt for were the cyclists. They seem like they would have done well on this leg.

Oh and Brooke, I hope to never see you again.

  • Love 18
  On 12/20/2014 at 2:21 AM, Skeeter22 said:

I didn't mind the final roadblock, because it wasn't really a needle in a haystack. They all seemed to have no real problem finding the numbers, it was a matter of memorizing them 

Exactly. If it was needle-in-a-haystack, it doesn't matter, because all three did equally well at it and seemed to finish in about the same amount of time. Amy just got it right the first time while the others didn't, and that's entirely to her credit. I don't see their win as "tainted" (whatever that might mean) in the slightest -- NELs are a part of the race, expected or not, and so are the ups and downs of certain teams being better suited to certain tasks. 


This was not only one of the wins that's made me happiest, I think it's one of the fairest. (A word I'm a bit reluctant to use in this context... but I confess to being bothered when someone forfeits first place due to a confused cabdriver, and such accidents.) Hurray for Madison!

  • Love 16

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