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S29.E14: This Is My Time / Live Reunion

Tara Ariano

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The most intriguing question... How many bugs flew into Alec's mouth during FTC?


With regards to Alec at final TC, to paraphrase the great Rodney Dangerfield, "The last time I saw something like that, it had a hook in it."


Jaclyn looks so much like Kate Hudson all cleaned up I can't get over it.


I thought Jaclyn was smoking hot in the last few days before final TC, but definitely a Kate Hudson stunt-double at the reunion.


Survivor: Class Wars? Oh joy. Please get rid of the HII or at least make them harder to find. And only one or two. Once they are played, they are done. No redemption island, no exile island, Go back to your roots. (Although RI did give us the delight of Russell Hantz crying as he was defeated and had to leave. Best moment ever.)


Did they say where Collar Edition is being filmed ?

  • Love 7

Even if everything Reed said at FTC was based in fact (and I'm not sure we saw substantiation for all of it, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt), I still think he came across as an over-dramatic asshole.  I despise the approach of insulting someone and then hiding behind the "I'm just calling it like I see it/keeping it real" defense.


don't think that, at the time, he was distinguishing between "game Missy" and "real-life Missy".  I think his whole point was that they are the same person.  


I think that whole performance was meant primarily to make a name for himself for a "memorable" FTC jury "question."  And I kind of hate Probst for indulging him in it.


And as far as next season, I just have to roll my eyes when Burnett & Co. take a stab at defining social strata.  We had the racial angle. We had the brains/brawn/beauty angle.  Now this collar nonsense.  Ugh.

  • Love 20

Will say that Reed was right on the money with his assessment of Missy. It started going down south for her when she ate more than her portion of rice to keep it going for the rest of the tribe. What Reed said to Missy wasn't a lie and the truth hurts.


Good job for them voting for Natalie to get the win. Missy and Jaclyn were bringing their personal lives into their opening which is not the way to go and will never win you votes. You gotta say how you played the game which Jaclyn and Missy had none if at all.


Boy Alec forever with his mouth wide open during the final TC, is he trying to catch flies?


Baylor proves her idiocy saying Missy had the best game play. WTF?? When did Missy ever have good game play?? Whatever Baylor, Missy made no big moves at all and neither did Jaclyn. I barely remember her in the let's get Josh out, I seen that to be Jeremy's plotting more than anything.

  • Love 17

In the Speculation thread, I had the over/under for ignored contestants at 4 1/2. Final tally: 8.


Segment One: Natalie, Jaclyn, Keith, Jeremy, John

Segment Two: Josh & Reed, Jon & Jaclyn

Segment Three: Missy, Baylor,Reed

Segment Four: Survivor: Worlds Apart hype

Segment Five: Natalie


Left Out: Kelley, Dale, Wes, Julie, Drew, Alec (and his open mouth), Val and Nadiya. Seriously, how come Nadiya didn't get any time? I hate to think that she would be ignored. Then again, I would have a laugh if she and Natalie swapped piercing positions, and Nadiya was the one that got the love.


The finale was a good cap to a somewhat lousy and forgettable season. Natalie's play to oust Baylor was a thing of beauty, and it negated Keith's advantage-fueled win. How many people would've wanted the women to continue until a runner-up was decided? And Jaclyn's win was nice because she had to come from behind, fueled by Probst's nagging.


The one thing that would make this complete: a show of congratulations from Phil Keoghan. Maybe during Friday night's TAR finale?

  • Love 1

"Another Survivor season getting ready to be birthed into the world?" Eww.


Congratulations, Natalie. I loved that she ended up with her all-female alliance and triumphed in the end. With her win, I believe it's now been proven that Amazing Race players can win Survivor, but Survivor players cannot win Amazing Race (sorry, Rob and Amber).

  • Love 9

I'm really glad they didn't do the ridiculous memory walk, I guess with DVRs now standard, they have evidence that many (like me) simply fast forwarded through them.

They still do them.  I think they just didn't show it this time because of all they had to pack in -- a Reward Challenge, two Immunity Challenges, and three Tribal Councils.  I bet if they hadn't had the Reward Challenge, they'd have included it.

  • Love 2


Baylor proves her idiocy saying Missy had the best game play. WTF?? When did Missy ever have good game play?? Whatever Baylor, Missy made no big moves at all and neither did Jaclyn. I barely remember her in the let's get Josh out, I seen that to be Jeremy's plotting more than anything.


Missy played a pretty decent strategic game but an absolutely atrocious social game and that is what the edit focused on to show why she came in 3rd place. As far as Jaclyn goes she and Jon were the swing votes in the Josh vote so if she was the one who convinced Jon that that they should go with Jeremy's alliance than she by all means can take credit for that.

  • Love 4

Very, very satisfied with the outcome.  Natalie is the whole package - physical threat, strategic, very strong social game. Notice I didn't comment on how many divorces she's had or how complete her reproductive organs are. When will people understand that - nobody cares about that background noise.


I don't know if editing has decided to show Missy in a much more favourable light than she deserves but I really don't understand the "evil stepmother" rant.  What did she do that was so vile?  And Baylor once again cries on cue and swats away someone's (Keith's?) comforting hand and sniffles "Leave me alone" like a child. Baylor: If you want to be treated like an adult, act like one.


Jaclyn I thought had a fighting chance but failed miserably at FTC. Her one move was voting out Josh? You mean the first jury member at the beginning of merge? Yawn. Also, when Josh pressed her for "What did YOU do by yourself?" she turns up the bitch and says "I voted YOU out." Hope that felt good Jaclyn, that was 1/8 votes for 1 million dollars. Everyone knows the way to answer those questions is to admit fault while lauding the juror - "I vote you out because I knew you were such a strong threat, blah blah fishcakes".


Congratulations again Natalie!

  • Love 11


I'm really glad they didn't do the ridiculous memory walk


Apparently they did and didn't show it.  This afternoon, someone on another site posted a link to a photo attached to the official survivor twitter that showed all the torches of survivors other than Jackie, Missy and Natalie.  The tweet was then taken down by the official twitter.  I didn't see it, but it sounds like it was from the memory walk.


I thought about putting this info in the spoiler thread earlier, but since the spoiler thread had really become just the speculation thread late this season, I really didn't want to spoil it if folks only otherwise were talking speculation. 

Wes looked even more like a Neanderthal at the final TC than he did while playing the game.

It's all because of Jaclyn that Natalie and Missy were final three?  Ha.  And of course, throw in the sickness card

Was Alec stoned?

Go, Reed! And Baylor, just stfu.


Don't care who won, I didn't want any of them to win.

A feather could have knocked me over when neither Baylor nor Missy threw a fit about Baylor's eviction.  Really, I was expecting a major scene, and instead got "it's a game", shrug, from both of them. 


I was so worried for Natalie at F4.  I thought for sure Jaclyn and Missy were going to turn on her and take Keith to the finale.  I couldn't figure out whether Missy or Jaclyn thought they had an actual chance to win; they shouldn't have, right?  But they're both a little delusional, so maybe.  Kudos to the editors for this episode, because it was never obvious what was going to happen. 


I also got nervous for the final vote, because Keith seemed so mad at Nat.  But then I thought maybe he just needed to vent a little bit, and would still vote Nat over Missy or Jaclyn. But then I worried that maybe he really was mad and would vote for Jaclyn or Missy out of spite, and take Wes and Alec with him (because, obviously).  I was on pins and needles for a few minutes.  


Reed's final tribal speech was a thing of beauty.  Loved it.


Terrible finale.  I liked Jeff with the kids, but the staged white/blue/no collar interviews were absolutely awful.  And I think it's a shitty idea for a season.  And Natalie, the winner, got very little time to speak, which always annoys me.  Terrible.​


He did it to give Jaclyn's second place over Missy I believe.



Awesome point!  I was so confused about why he would vote for Jaclyn instead of Nat, but wanting to give her second place makes sense.  Gosh, they all really did not like Missy, did they?

  • Love 6

I wonder if it was Keith who had been divorced 3 times if they would have constantly focused on it. The latent sexism on this show makes me fucking sick. But credit to Jeff for what he said on the reunion show about it.


For those that don't read the spoiler thread, the promo pictures for the finale spoiled Keith in the F4. It's hilarious that they make the contestants sign confidentially agreements and monitor what they say on Twitter yet they spoil things with previews and promo pictures. Good job, CBS.

  • Love 8
Did they say where Collar Edition is being filmed ?


No, but they always film these seasons back to back in the same location, so Nicaragua again for sure.


Ugh, I hated Reed's speech.  He is now my least favorite.  Nasty, spiteful, mean, completely unnecessary.  He must have been able to tell that the jury wasn't going to vote for her anyway, so there was no need.  Dare I say it? It was un-Christian.


(And it would have been nice to have seen any of her alleged bad behavior towards the "outcasts" that Reed was talking about.  I didn't see any of that at all.  Good god, has any middle-aged woman who's made it to FTC been treated kindly since Tina?? They always seem to get the worst of the jury's bile.)

  • Love 13
A feather could have knocked me over when neither Baylor nor Missy threw a fit about Baylor's eviction.  Really, I was expecting a major scene, and instead got "it's a game", shrug, from both of them.



I have to say I was a bit surprised to realize that Missy was apparently ready to vote Baylor off, having realized that it's better for just one of them to be in the FTC than for both of them to be there.  I don't think the "both members of a couple gives them a 2/3 chance of winning" actually applies.


(And it would have been nice to have seen any of her alleged bad behavior towards the "outcasts" that Reed was talking about.  I didn't see any of that at all.



And if it did happen, it would be far from the first time that an majority alliance with numbers lords it over the player's they're planning on Pagonging.  


Otherwise, the one redeeming thing about this season for me is that none of the F3 seemed to have been carried there as obvious FTC goats (ala Kass).  I don't think Missy or Jaclyn played a good enough game to win.  But I don't think either of them were "goats".  I thought that was refreshing.

  • Love 5

Man, I really did not know what to think of Natalie's plan to take out Baylor.  Was it really necessary?  I mean, Baylor always seemed like the smallest threat to win.  I guess Natalie felt like she had to make a big showy move for the jury.  It worked out for her but it was a huge risk.  SHE GAVE UP HER IDOL!  I mean, if she had done that, and then they had voted her out, then we'd be sitting here calling her the biggest dumb-ass in Survivor history.  And all Jaclyn had to do was vote for Natalie instead of Baylor.  Apparently Natalie just told Jacyln, "Just vote for Baylor and trust me, we don't even need Keith".  Jaclyn should have been able to figure out what Natalie was doing.  Then if she flipped her vote, it would have been one vote for Baylor and one for Nat, and they could have voted Nat out on the revote.  And then they could have gotten Keith out at F4, and then Jaclyn would have had a shot at winning!


That took BALLS, Natalie.  Big brassy balls. I admire it, that's just how you played on TAR: go big or go home.  But I do wonder if it was necessary.  Just like voting out Alec instead of Keith, which very nearly backfired because Keith didn't beat Jon as they hoped but almost won the last two immunities.  And voting out Alec forced you to lie to your alliance to keep their trust.  Very risky.


Anyway, I'm glad it worked out!

  • Love 6

I was steadily mumbling "nonononononono" when Natalie was giving her "yes, sure, I can win" speech at Final Tribal Council. I thought "girl, that's a finalist speech, not one where they can still vote you out!" Apparently I was needlessly worried.

I'm really glad they didn't do the ridiculous memory walk, I guess with DVRs now standard, they have evidence that many (like me) simply fast forwarded through them.

I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that so many were ignored completely at the reunion.

The non-jury contestants are lucky they even got to sit on stage.  I don't miss their stupid comments.  I always hated the memory walk, too.  

Even if everything Reed said at FTC was based in fact (and I'm not sure we saw substantiation for all of it, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt), I still think he came across as an over-dramatic asshole.  I despise the approach of insulting someone and then hiding behind the "I'm just calling it like I see it/keeping it real" defense.


don't think that, at the time, he was distinguishing between "game Missy" and "real-life Missy".  I think his whole point was that they are the same person.  


I think that whole performance was meant primarily to make a name for himself for a "memorable" FTC jury "question."  And I kind of hate Probst for indulging him in it.


And as far as next season, I just have to roll my eyes when Burnett & Co. take a stab at defining social strata.  We had the racial angle. We had the brains/brawn/beauty angle.  Now this collar nonsense.  Ugh.

I feel like Probst kind of called Reed out on his mactor speech.  He saw right through it.  Reed was too stupid to realize he looked like a petty, bitter, asshole and apologize.  


If he had Missy pegged as wicked stepmother, how come all those others out there seemed to have no problem with her?  Keith did for a while early on but by the end, the only Missy hater seemed to be Reed.  


I wonder if it was Keith who had been divorced 3 times if they would have constantly focused on it. The latent sexism on this show makes me fucking sick. But credit to Jeff for what he said on the reunion show about it.


For those that don't read the spoiler thread, the promo pictures for the finale spoiled Keith in the F4. It's hilarious that they make the contestants sign confidentially agreements and monitor what they say on Twitter yet they spoil things with previews and promo pictures. Good job, CBS.

I too thought it was rude of them to define Missy by "three times divorced".  Why didn't we ever hear that she actually has a career- a cheerleading gym?  Or that Baylor sings?  I think Reed/Josh picked their 'edit':  gay Christians.  Why didn't Missy and Baylor get to pick theirs?  


I'm glad to see the 'fan favorite' prize gone because all it ever was was 'editor's favorite'.  

Man, I really did not know what to think of Natalie's plan to take out Baylor.  Was it really necessary?



I think Natalie's move was more about increasing her chances of surviving the F4 FTC.  If the F4 was Missy/Baylor/Natalie/Jaclyn, and Jaclyn won the F4 Immunity Challenge, Natalie might've been afraid that neither Missy nor Baylor would vote for each other, and that they'd stick together and vote her out.


Splitting up Missy and Baylor, and keeping Jaclyn and Keith in for F4 at least gave Natalie the chance to argue that either Jaclyn or Keith (whomever didn't win F4 Immunity) was a bigger threat than she was.

  • Love 16

Congrats to Natalie, she really deserved the win. It was a no brainer to me, she made the most moves and really controlled the game.

Reed truly came off like a petty spoiled loser.

The camera people truly hate Alec. How many times did they focus on him with his mouth gaping open?

Best part of the live reunion - Jeff completely ignores Alec, Drew, Dale, Kelly and Boobs McGee.

Edited by blackwing
  • Love 3

Man, I really did not know what to think of Natalie's plan to take out Baylor.  Was it really necessary?  I mean, Baylor always seemed like the smallest threat to win.  I guess Natalie felt like she had to make a big showy move for the jury.  It worked out for her but it was a huge risk.  SHE GAVE UP HER IDOL!  I mean, if she had done that, and then they had voted her out, then we'd be sitting here calling her the biggest dumb-ass in Survivor history.  And all Jaclyn had to do was vote for Natalie instead of Baylor.  Apparently Natalie just told Jacyln, "Just vote for Baylor and trust me, we don't even need Keith".  Jaclyn should have been able to figure out what Natalie was doing.  Then if she flipped her vote, it would have been one vote for Baylor and one for Nat, and they could have voted Nat out on the revote.  And then they could have gotten Keith out at F4, and then Jaclyn would have had a shot at winning!


I don't think it was necessary but it sure was fun. Basically had Keith won the final immunity Natalie was going home regardless. So it didn't much matter in the grand scheme of things. She probably wins unanimously vs Missy and Baylor. 

  • Love 4

I barely remember her in the let's get Josh out, I seen that to be Jeremy's plotting more than anything.

To Jaclyn's credit, as I remember the editing from that episode, she and Jon did seem solid on going with Josh and Reed and that group and voting out Jeremy. Then Jon went to exile and the combination of Alec, Wes and Keith but mostly Alec and Wes pissed her off and she said no way was she voting with them. And then she told Jon as much when he got back from Exile and then she added the pitch to him that they had a better chance against the Jeremy alliance which was stacked with women, versus Josh and company which were all strong, young men. So in her defense, I do think she could make a solid claim for getting rid of Josh being her move and decision.

Jaclyn I thought had a fighting chance but failed miserably at FTC. Her one move was voting out Josh? You mean the first jury member at the beginning of merge? Yawn. Also, when Josh pressed her for "What did YOU do by yourself?" she turns up the bitch and says "I voted YOU out." Hope that felt good Jaclyn, that was 1/8 votes for 1 million dollars. Everyone knows the way to answer those questions is to admit fault while lauding the juror - "I vote you out because I knew you were such a strong threat, blah blah fishcakes".

I actually didn't think there was anything wrong in her response and I didn't get the sense that Josh was looking for any "I took you out because you were such a threat" almost apology response. I think Josh clearly saw Jaclyn as a goat in terms of she didn't do anything and was trying to point it out by putting her on the spot to state clearly one big move she made. I do think there was an undertone in his comment of "Jon was more the brains of the operation between you two" which she clearly picked up on and definitely got annoyed by. So I will agree that she was a little snide when stating she voted him out but at least she was able to give him a clear and concrete example of when she did make a move. Sure she didn't get his vote but she was not going to anyway.

I feel like Probst kind of called Reed out on his mactor speech. He saw right through it. Reed was too stupid to realize he looked like a petty, bitter, asshole and apologize.

Jeff always calls out people who are pretty harsh to any of the Final 2/3 during the final tribal council, whether he agrees with them or not. And let's face it, considering how dull this final tribal council was, there was no way he wasn't going to mention Reed's tongue thrashing of Missy. I remember he called out Julie for really going at Natalie in Redemption Island. Also YMMV but I actually respected Reed even more that he didn't apologize. I liked, and seems like the audience did too, that he owned what he said and said he meant it when he said and that's how he felt. I have far more respect for people who own their behavior than trying to backtrack when it seems they may be judged for it.

Reed truly came off like a petty spoiled loser.

I really don't see how Reed came off as petty and spoiled. If Reed's anger had been about his losing the game and Missy having something to do with it and basically being pissed at being outplayed by her, then I'd totally be annoyed with that because nothing I hate more than petty jury members angry that they got outplayed. But again, considering he had no problem giving Natalie props for her gameplay, being sweet to Jaclyn the person who along with Jon went against their promise to him and Josh and got rid of Josh, I really don't think his issue with Missy had to do with his losing the game.

I really think this is just how he felt about Missy. Maybe others didn't see it that way or felt that way, fair enough but if that's how he saw her and felt about her after living with her for how many days then that's his right. Yeah maybe the speech was a bit melodramatic but again, the jury gets the chance to ask questions and address the Final 3 on their feelings about the whole game and that's what he thought about Missy during his experience playing the game with her.

Personally after watching this show for many seasons, I really don't even think that speech was THAT bad. Spencer all but compared Woo to a lap dog following Tony around last season; multiple people during Redemption Island final tribal council called Natalie borderline creepy and obsessed with Rob to the point that Rob had to say to her during the tribal "don't worry, they'll all be smiles later" because girl was getting beaten up hard; let's not even mention the crazy ass All-Stars jury where my absolute "favorite" was Big Tom all but comparing Amber to a farm animal who in his words Rob "ran the whole game"; Russell got plenty of tongue lashings everytime he was in the Final 3; people have been called lazy, selfish, bitches, etc. Penner's speech to the Final 3 during that season Denise won was pretty hateful, especially his comments to Skupin and Lisa. So really in my opinion, Reed's comments to Missy are barely a blimp to me and Baylor's blubbering was annoying. I mean sure, I would be bothered if someone came at my mom but I'd just cuss them the hell out and I would have told Reed where to shove it but sitting there crying and boo-hooing like a five year old - spare me.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 15

We almost never get to see any of it but I would have loved to see Nat coaching Jac and Missy on their FTC speeches, and giving them bad advice, which may well have happened.  "Jaclyn, play up your illness and how you NEED the money to live happily ever after!"  "Missy, go on about your honor and your hurt foot!"  


I loved that Nat ended her own speech with pointing out that their last goof was keeping her and not Keith.  


Speaking of... I'm not so sure Keith would've pulled out a win in her place.  He would've bombed FTC.  He admitted he had no brain left and could barely complete a confessional.  His argument for the win would've been what... "I just kept not getting voted out and here I sit"?  I'm not sure he knew enough about the game to even point out his challenge wins as resume points.

I think Natalie's move was more about increasing her chances of surviving the F4 FTC.  If the F4 was Missy/Baylor/Natalie/Jaclyn, and Jaclyn won the F4 Immunity Challenge, Natalie might've been afraid that neither Missy nor Baylor would vote for each other, and that they'd stick together and vote her out.


Keith won F5 immunity though. The F4 couldn't have been Missy/Baylor/Jaclyn/Natalie.


What's crazy looking back is Keith winning that immunity challenge actually helped Natalie. Had Keith not won, he goes at F5 instead of Baylor and we are left with the scenario you outlined. Jaclyn wins the final immunity challenge and Natalie is absolutely a goner. And we get the worst F3 in history with Jaclyn/Missy/Baylor. Dodged that bullet.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 12

That would have been an amazing final 3 quite honestly, so random and unpredictable. And it would have been interesting to see how the winner from that hypothetical final 3 would have been edited this season as it would have been quite different I am sure than what we were shown.

Edited by LanceM
  • Love 4

Reed shouldn't have to apologize for his opinion and how he felt about Missy. There are things that we don't see on camera that are left on the editing room floor. I like that he didn't backtrack in what he said because he was talking about Missy from what he seen of her game play. He wasn't speaking about her character outside the game because he doesn't know her. He just said what he witnessed when he seen Missy. We seen some of it too as well, he just called her out on her behavior. Even Missy said that it hurt but that maybe Reed wouldn't have said it if he knew that she was a step-mother before. We seen Missy enable Baylor's behavior and how she treated some people during the game. So don't blame Reed at all for calling her out on it.

  • Love 16

Congrats to Natalie!!!!!!  First time ever on Survivor a person I rooted for from day one won.  Well Nadiya too.  But hey that makes them the alpha and omega of Survivor.  And Natalie is my favorite winner ever along with Sandra. 


I don;t like the teams of two that get split up format.  But then Natalie wouldn't have been cast otherwise so it worked out well.  So I enjoyed this season from the beginning to the end and didn't find it sub-par or boring.  But then I had a rooting interest in the Twins from day one then liked Jeremy a lot too early on.  Helps when you have a hook into the season from the beginning.



Ugh, I hated Reed's speech.  He is now my least favorite.  Nasty, spiteful, mean, completely unnecessary.  He must have been able to tell that the jury wasn't going to vote for her anyway, so there was no need.  Dare I say it? It was un-Christian.




Yeah that was one ugly, bitter, sour grapes, drama queen, over the top little temper tantrum.  And doing it right in front of the woman's daughter too.  That was low even by Survivor "standards."  One of the worst behaviors I've ever seen on the show period.  I still like Josh but don't see what he sees in Reed. 


The next season seems to be three major stereotypes of Survivors masquerading as class warfare.  If I look at it that way -- segregating the three major "types" under the illusion of "class" -- then I'm okay with it.


White Collars = The so called tribal leaders and "alpha" types who think they run the game and everyone else is suppose to jump through hoops for them.  What happens when there are no hoop jumpers for them to look down on?


No Collars = One of the oldest stereotypes on Survivor ever.  The 20-somethings who think they are there to sunbath and literally screw around.  What happens when no one builds them a shelter of cooks for them?


Blue Collars = The Survivor worker bees who will finally find themselves on a tribe with no lazy leeches and "masters of the universe" making camp unbearable.  They should be able to slice and dice the other two teams early on.


Of course this will never happen.  We would not be so lucky as to enjoy one tribe literally starve to death because they won't lift a finger and the other implode from alpha ego bombs going off left and right.  But my fantasy version of this format I like.  Maybe I'll live in my fantasy version instead next season.  Cause the real version will all go down hill rapidly no doubt.


But we will always have Survivor: The TAR Edition where Natalie rocked it!

Edited by green
  • Love 7

Reed's speech was right on the money.   I didn't recognize Missy as the wicked stepmother until Reed put it all together like that and I thought "Yes!"    I think he undermined himself somewhat by his delivery.   I suspect some people dismissed him as just another bitchy drama queen.


My biggest WTF moment was when Reed wrote Jaclyn's name down.   He stood there and congratulated Natalie on her dazzling game play ... then voted for John's shadow.   I wondered if he did it out of fondness for John.   Reed seemed very chummy with John in John's Ponderosa video.


Speaking of John, his question to Jaclyn was pathetic.   It was as if he thought Jaclyn didn't do a good job with her speech to the jury, so he took it upon himself to rehabilitate her with a leading question.   I wouldn't have been surprised if he moved on to Natalie next and asked, "Nat, what would you say was Jaclyn's most game-changing move?"   The fact that he didn't pose questions to Natalie or Missy seemed disrespectful to me.   Like, "you two don't count."   Baylor did the same thing.   No class.


I liked Jaclyn for the first time in this episode.   It was great to see her out from under John's wing.  And may I say, what a figure on that woman.  Wow.   Kudos to her waistband too.  


Keith spoiled his good ole boy "sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you" demeanor with that whiny-ass question to Natalie.   Did he suddenly forget where he was?


I concur with those who say Missy should have been removed from the game when it became clear she could no longer compete.  Going forward, why should anyone compete in immunity challenges if they feel confident that they won't be voted out?  Obviously it's not a requirement to compete. 


My other objection is to the nature of the "advantage" reward.   They ought to rename it the "unfair advantage."    This wasn't just some head start or skip a move. 

Edited by millennium
  • Love 3


Speaking of John, his question to Jaclyn was pathetic.   It was as if he thought Jaclyn didn't do a good job with her speech to the jury, so he took it upon himself to rehabilitate her with a leading question.   I wouldn't have been surprised if he moved on to Natalie next and asked, "Nat, what would you say was Jaclyn's most game-changing move?"   The fact that he didn't pose questions to Natalie or Missy seemed disrespectful to me.   Like, "you two don't count."   Baylor did the same thing.   No class.



Just because we didn't see them asking them any questions it doesn't mean they never did. Remember we are only seeing about 10-15 minutes of a final tribal council that usually last upwards of two hours. 

  • Love 5

So, back to the episode -- it looked like they had re-hidden the HII, and Jackie decided not to hunt for it, because "this is the same clue everyone got"?  I thought it was going to be a huge strategic error to send Jackie there instead of Natalie.  Fortunately, it all worked out.  But I thought Natalie was a goner in that final tribal council.  That grin, on her face, when Keith was voted out, told us that she knew she had just won a million dollars.  I think she held that smile for the next full day and jury tribal council. 


I think Missy should be able to get Husband #4 from this reunion -- she looks great, and very young. 

  • Love 3

My reactions to the finale:


* The best player won, something that doesn't always happen;


* Jacklyn made a mistake keeping Natalie at the end;


* Nat almost blew it at F4, telling everyone she thought she could win.  That's an FTC speech, not a way to convince skitterish voters to keep you;


* Nat's best point at FTC was that M & J shouldn't have kept her;


* Jacklyn handled herself well at FTC;


* Other than Reed, FTC was pretty free of drama;


* I was afraid Jeremy might have blown it for Natalie, with his FTC speech.


Not a good season overall, but a good winner and some interesting moments in the home stretch. 

  • Love 4


Reed's speech was right on the money.   I didn't recognize Missy as the wicked stepmother until Reed put it all together like that and I thought "Yes!"    I think he undermined himself somewhat by his delivery.   I suspect some people dismissed him as just another bitchy drama queen.

My main problem was that there's a time and a place for that. I have never understood any juror who chooses to use the FTC to just walk up and insult one of the finalists. If there's no way you're voting for them, and you're confident that they already stand no chance of winning, then you're just standing there insulting a person who really isn't in a position to say anything back.


It's not even shooting fish in a barrel. It's walking up to a barrel of fish and yelling "you're a stupid, ugly fish!" There's just no point and it makes you look dumb, in my opinion.

  • Love 18

Yes, Reed you're a model christian.  So full of judgment of others, while refusing to look at yourself.  I am certain that Reed voted for Jaclyn simply because he wanted to be sure Missy came in last.  And then to show no caring at all for Missy's feelings at the reunion by refusing to at least say he didn't mean to hurt her.  That's how petty he is.  Pretty model christian, there.

  • Love 19

Count me as one of those who rolled their eyes at the casting of the Twinnies - not them again!  Then, surprise, surprise, I really came to like Natalie and her game play.  Being separated from Nadiya was probably the best thing that ever happened to her, in the end.  I was very happy for her win.

I totally agree. I thought Natalie and Nadiya were super annoying on TAR. I wasn't looking forward to seeing them on Survivor. But Natalie played a great game, both physically and strategically, and she really grew on me. She really deserved the win and I'm glad the jury saw it that way too.


Missy looked fantastic tonight. 


I thought Reed's FTC speech had shades of Susan Hawk's Snakes vs. Rats FTC speech in season 1. (Susan did it better!)

Edited by Sister Havana
  • Love 4

Have to say, Reed's speech really makes me wish even more that we saw more of the bratty Missy and Baylor that so many players have mentioned in the game in post game interviews.  I can't see the bratty in Baylor, but I'm guessing it's true that it was there since even nice guy Keith got into an argument over it.  With Missy, I can sort of see it since there are so many scenes where she's being coddled by her team members.  They bent over backwards to send her on reward challenges, for example.  She must have been doing something for her team members to give up these things to her.  She came out as fairly fake and delusional in the FTC.  It's not hard to think that maybe she made the 'outsiders' feel very little.  The problem, though, is that the producers had plenty of time to create Missy's narrative to fit with what these other players were saying.  Would have added some much needed drama to the season.  Baylor made enough comments about Missy choosing men over her children or how Jon is the son she always wanted.  Seriously, it seems like the producers had a gold mine on their hands with presenting Missy as this thrice divorced woman who runs men away because she's an evil manipulator.  It's not like Survivor to shy away from portraying women as evil cackling witches.  


I thought this season sucked so much simply due to the cast lacking the right mix of chemistry.  But it looks a lot more like the powers that be dropped the ball in creating the narrative.  

  • Love 3

Once it went to three I had no doubt Natalie would win, but for a second I thought she screwed up when she went into her FTC speech before they voted Keith off.

Reed's speech kind of pissed me off. I felt like he was going for his big Sue Hawk moment. For two guys that said they were connoisseurs of the game, how did they both end up voting for Jacqueline? Nat far and away was the best player left.

Wow!!  Why did she do that?  Was she thinking that Missy/Baylor had a great argument for getting to the end together?  But they would split the vote, probably.  Was Nat thinking that the jury respects big moves?  Obviously they do, but now each member of the F4 has a jury member/loved one to vote for them, while Nat does not.


If they get Jaclyn out next,I feel sure that Nat has John's vote.I'm sure she picked up on that at TC.


Looking forward to reading all of your trenchant comment, as always.

I think she did it because she was afraid of keith winning the final 4 immunity. If he wins she's going home.  And yeah Jacklyn had a no win situation really, but after Nat saved her, I think she was returning the favour and honestly if she votes nat out she know Missy gets Nat's vote. 

  • Love 3

I have to say - good job editors for the last 1/2 of the season because usually, you have some kind of an idea, but I didn't see Baylor coming out at all (i thought it was Missy). Missy said it, I was like, "Yeup! See yah Missy!" and then whamo. Baylor is gone. I was nervous for Natalie because Jaclyn was being all shadypants, and everything, and you just didn't ... know. it was very scary. But it was a good win, and more important, a very good final tribal speech, and this is what irks about the Blood vs. Water thing. No one called Jaclyn out on basically what she said? "I can't have babies, so please vote for me?" or Missy's "well, I didn't quit on day 33, so please vote me?" in other seasons that would have totally been "and so?"

(Or it should). 
The fact that Natalie stressed how she outwitted/outplayed/outlasted, made me happy.


What pissed me off is this freaking "this is why you should vote for _____" Deal. Thank you David on Redemption Island for starting this trend. (I don't even give this credit to Sue, who technically did it first). but to actually just stand there and make the speech for the castaway? Ugh. just... shut up and sit down. Or say "I don't have anything to say. I honestly think one of these days that is actually going to cost someone a vote. (I won't even lie, it would influence me in the negative if someone in the jury had to convince me to vote for person X). 


Re: Reed. as I've stated all season - I don't get how Baylor is bratty. I don't see it. I see a young girl who is an emotional person who has some growing up to do , but bratty? no. She didn't seem entitled to me or anything. I'm not going to discount other people's feelings but i just don't get it or see it.  Someone above commented on Keith trying to comfort her, but she brushed his hand away. I'm like that when I'm upset but i don't want it to overtake the situation, just don't touch, let me breathe and compose myself (because if i was actually touched, i'd probably lose it more).

But Reeds speech? Basically Sue Hawk's minus the Wisconsin  accent and a bit more "and... scene!". . and I think that's the problem with everyone trying to get the "Sue Hawk" Sue's was special because while I think it was 'planned'  if you watch the whole thing unfold, -she wasn't really mad. She wasn't being over the top dramatic, and while she was letting her anger out, she was pointing out facts. She wasn't voting for Kelly, she wanted her vote to be the vote to cost her the million and she hoped Kelly lost. If not, fine, whatever but she basically hated her. (and considering that they were BFFs for the entire season it really resonated). 


All Reed was missing was a top hat, a cane and some jazz hands. I mean don't get me wrong, it was good - but it was just very drah-mah).


I am not liking the live-studio cuts. (the make a wish boy very easily could have been in the reunion show). And when Jeff did the whole, "Okay, you move here, and you were voted out and now if YOU and YOU were in the finals..." doesn't he realise you can't ever play that game and get  the result you're looking for? (obviously not). I don't care about not hearing about the people voted off before merge unless they were like playing an amazing game and got screwed (which didn't happen for the most part)


And Survivor: Class Warfare? isn't that the entire point of the Show? that everyone from every walk of life bond together and make a society? . 

  • Love 2

When Jeremy finished his little speech about how Keith didn't know how to play the game, I wish Keith would have turned around and asked him, "How far did you get again, Mr. I Know Everything About Survivor? I was in fourth place. About the only time I saw you was when you sitting in that jury box while I was still playing." And then spit on his shoes.

  • Love 17

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