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S29.E14: This Is My Time / Live Reunion

Tara Ariano

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Bleh. Don't like the new theme.  "Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty" is not what made that season great.  Dividing the races up into 4 tribes was not what made Yul's season great.  And the Haves vs. Have-Nots and Young vs. Old were terrible ideas.  Let's skip the big social statements from now on.  Especiallly if you don't have the guts to say at the end, "Well we found out that Asians are the best race, it's better to be young than old, and Brawn really is better than Brains!"


ETA: Really surprised they didn't go back to the All-Stars well for the big #30!

Edited by Lingo
  • Love 13

What in the blue hell was Julie wearing? I mean there is no need to perpetuate the opinions people already have from those giant fake knockers on her chest. 


Another useless reunion. Not one comment from Nadiya, the one who left first but her sister went on to win the whole thing. No comment to Jeremy after talking to Rocker about his thoughts after watching the show and seeing that John did try to save Val. As others noted, nothing about Missy's foot and though I was no huge fan of hers, considering how far Baylor made it, I definitely thought she should have had a chance to speak, especially her feelings on Natalie's blindsiding her. No question about whether Julie's quitting, and especially when she did, possibly affecting the game as it seemed like Jon and Jaclyn had been planning to side with Reed and Josh then and vote out Jeremy that night.


I get that it's only an hour show but I do think Jeff can work in more game related stuff if he'd eliminate things that weren't relevant to the season. Like I like Josh and Reed just fine but we didn't need a whole segment on their great love and even commentary about it from random audience member. I do applaud Reed's sticking by his comments to Missy - he said it, he meant it at the time and he owned it. I'm interested to see Baylor and Keith's Ponderosa videos tomorrow. 


On the other hand, I don't really mind if Jeff doesn't talk to every single member of the cast, since most of them are only going to get to say one sentence each. I could do without the audience participation, though.



This. Can't say I was that interested in what Dale, Kelly or hell even Val had to say. And the only attention I wanted Drew to have was for Jeff to point out his arrogance and stupidity got him voted out after he threw a challenge to get someone else out and then move on. I want that fool getting NO more screentime. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 14

I am in on the collar season for two reasons:


1. No blood/water B.S.

2. I will be able to identify who is on each tribe early in the game.


As for the Reunion show, once again they could have used another 30-60 minutes. Even if they were only going to get posted online, I would have watched and enjoyed questions of the actual show participants.

  • Love 7

What in the blue hell was Julie wearing? I mean there is no need to perpetuate the opinions people already have from those giant fake knockers on her chest. 


Another useless reunion. Not one comment from Nadiya, the one who left first but her sister went on to win the whole thing. No comment to Jeremy after talking to Rocker about his thoughts after watching the show and seeing that John did try to save Val. As others noted, nothing about Missy's foot and though I was no huge fan of hers, considering how far Baylor made it, I definitely thought she should have had a chance to speak, especially her feelings on Natalie's blindsiding her. No question about whether Julie's quitting, and especially when she did, possibly affecting the game as it seemed like Jon and Jaclyn had been planning to side with Reed and Josh then and vote out Jeremy that night.


I get that it's only an hour show but I do think Jeff can work in more game related stuff if he'd eliminate things that weren't relevant to the season. Like I like Josh and Reed just fine but we didn't need a whole segment on their great love and even commentary about it from random audience member. I do applaud Reed's sticking by his comments to Missy - he said it, he meant it at the time and he owned it. I'm interested to see Baylor and Keith's Ponderosa videos tomorrow. 



This. Can't say I was that interested in what Dale, Kelly or hell even Val had to say. And the only attention I wanted Drew to have was for Jeff to point out his arrogance and stupidity got him voted out after he threw a challenge to get someone else out and then move on. I want that fool getting NO more screentime. 


well actually about 45 minutes.

  • Love 1

I'm not surprised he ignored Julie. He hates quitters.


If you told me at the beginning of the season that Natalie was going to win, I would have been pissed. I hated her and Nadia on both seasons of TAR. But I grew to love her and her gameplay. So happy she won. If Keith had been there instead of her, I would have been okay with that as well.


Survivor: Class Wars? Oh joy. Please get rid of the HII or at least make them harder to find. And only one or two. Once they are played, they are done. No redemption island, no exile island, Go back to your roots. (Although RI did give us the delight of Russell Hantz crying as he was defeated and had to leave. Best moment ever.)

  • Love 9

You know, when Jeff was going on and on about the evolution of Survivor and how the next season it would evolve further, I expected him to reveal some new game mechanic twist like Redemption Island.  But in the end it was just a new cast.  Huh?  (I mean, I won't be surprised if there does turn out to be a new game mechanic, but that was not part of the pitch.)

  • Love 1

Wow... Reed was an ass.  He talked alot about Missy, but the speech spoke volumes more about his character than hers IMO.  Everyone else's speeches were pretty relaxed which was nice to see.  So glad that, for the most part, it was a non-bitter jury.  So happy with the outcome!  Natalie deserved every bit of that win.  She made several big, gutsy moves and she was pretty much on her own.


White collar vs. blue collar vs. no collar sounds like one of the dumbest gimmicks Survivor has ever attempted.

Edited by me5671
  • Love 16

You know, when Jeff was going on and on about the evolution of Survivor and how the next season it would evolve further, I expected him to reveal some new game mechanic twist like Redemption Island.  But in the end it was just a new cast.  Huh?  (I mean, I won't be surprised if there does turn out to be a new game mechanic, but that was not part of the pitch.)


I actually thought he was going to say that for the first time they were going to film the season on some remote location in the U.S. My rationale for that is because he started the pitch talking about all the amazing places they've been throughout the seasons and various cultures they've studied (btw, really? I mean sure once a season or so they throw in some Reward that lets the contestants go to some part of the country or interact with a few locals but really it's no Amazing Race). So I thought he was going to say that for the first time they would bring it home. The twist would be if players would be less affected or more still being so close to home while still cut off from family and loved ones.

  • Love 8

Of course, Jeff said next season will be great. He always says that. As usual, I'll watch. I never stop watching. I meant to say earlier that Jeff went a little to heavy on the dye and makeup. He looks great for 53 but his his hair was wayyyyyyy too dark. I think it would have been interesting to hear from Nadyia. First off and her twin wins. That's a huge story.

  • Love 12

Count me as one of those who rolled their eyes at the casting of the Twinnies - not them again!  Then, surprise, surprise, I really came to like Natalie and her game play.  Being separated from Nadiya was probably the best thing that ever happened to her, in the end.  I was very happy for her win.

  • Love 22

Yeah, if Missy was going to mention not once but twice that she "broke her foot" in her FTC speech/answers, I would have liked an update in the reunion on whether it was broken or just badly sprained.  As far as I know, she got no further confirmation of it status after they immobilized it.

Is this a record on number of players totally ignored?

At least Nadiya got to run down and hug the parents along with Natalie--that's more fun than answering Probst's dumb questions anyway, probably.

  • Love 5

Wow, I thought Missy was worthless at strategy/challenges, but that was pretty harsh.  Baylor's annoying for crying though.


I didn't blame Baylor for crying in that situation.  I don't know many grown women who can sit calmly while their mother's being humiliated.  The co-dependent relationship between these two has driven me crazy all season, but I think Baylor is a bit more self-aware than Missy.  To give Baylor a little credit, she seemed mad when her mother tried to offer words of comfort, because it drew more attention to her crying.

That was as much about Reed wanting to be a performer and make a big splash as it was about missy. Thought it reflected worse on him.


I saw it as pure show boating and being overly enamored with his own voice.  I loved the montage of Reed snarking at Natalie's "obvious manipulation" by giving her reward away, followed by him giving away his reward to Missy while playing kissy face and crooning "hope you have a good time".


It's not even about what she thought though, Jeff and "Survivor" should have said "you need to go." If she has to sit out in all the challenges that everyone else has to fight and compete for. Why is she allowed to stay and someone who was playing in those challenges have to go? She should have been removed. Not sit like a bump on a log for the next 3+ immunity challenges. 


I had no problem with Missy staying until I saw the hard cast.  I find it hard to believe that a doctor did that right on the beach.  If she was removed for the cast, that should qualify as leaving the game.  I did wonder if producers were just unwilling to restructure what was left of the game if Missy left.

  • Love 12

"I should be sole survivor because I did stuff, I broke my foot and I played with integrity and loyalty, except that time where I kind of didn't"

"I should be sole survivor because I did stuff, and it was really hard, much like my life is hard because I can't have children" (sorry, this sounds really harsh typed out, but it's sort of what she said).

"I should be sole survivor because I Outwitted, Outplayed and Outlasted, and here's some examples"

Yep. Congrats Natalie!

While I did pretty much agree with all of Reed's points, the smarmy, sanctimonious package he wrapped his message in made me want Baylor to just straight up tackle and beat his ass. That's what I would do if anyone ever spoke to my mom that way, no matter what her faults might be. One of the many reasons I would suck at this game.

The reunions continue to get more worthless each and every year. Pretty impressive, when you think about it. Hate next season's premise, and hated them bringing out the ringers in the audience to promote it.

  • Love 23

I was steadily mumbling "nonononononono" when Natalie was giving her "yes, sure, I can win" speech at Final Tribal Council. I thought "girl, that's a finalist speech, not one where they can still vote you out!" Apparently I was needlessly worried.

I'm really glad they didn't do the ridiculous memory walk, I guess with DVRs now standard, they have evidence that many (like me) simply fast forwarded through them.

I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that so many were ignored completely at the reunion.

  • Love 13

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