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"The View": Week of 12/15/14


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What was up with Nicolle asking Bill di Blasio questions and then interrupting him when he tried to answer?   Her interviewing skills are really lacking. She also interrupted Idina Menzel.  I thought I was going to like her and hate Rosie P when this season started but now I'm leaning the other way.


I wish the segment with the folks from The Chew had been longer.



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Whoopi can't bother to pronounce anybody's name right  Today it was Chirlane McCray's.  She is just so sloppy with it all.  And please don't remind me that she is dyslexic as this isn't a dyslexic-issue, IMO, it's a she-doesn't-give-a-flying-fuck issue so what does she care?  I missed the intro to the guest host.  But who the hell was she?  Was she supposed to be funny?   Because she sounded like an idiot the few times I heard her say anything.

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Whoopi continues to surprise me.  She has been jivin' to the walk-out music for several days--smiling, engaged.  When did that start...when Rosie O started doing it?  Previously she'd just walk out paying attention to nobody and nuthin'.

Yes, I mentioned this a few days ago. It was really surprising. And yes, I think it has to do with RO. If you notice like the last word she must have, she also must be the last singing dancing and then sits after every one has.

OMG,  I have put way to much thought into this, lol..  WG has really gotten in my head. I might need to get some help ;)


I love The Chew but, yeah it went by so fast.

Edited by imjagain
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Whoopi can't bother to pronounce anybody's name right  Today it was Chirlane McCray's.  She is just so sloppy with it all.  And please don't remind me that she is dyslexic as this isn't a dyslexic-issue, IMO, it's a she-doesn't-give-a-flying-fuck issue so what does she care?  I missed the intro to the guest host.  But who the hell was she?  Was she supposed to be funny?   Because she sounded like an idiot the few times I heard her say anything.

Oh, she mispronounced the guest host's name as well. I don't think you missed the intro, there wasn't much of one.  First thing out of Whoopi's mouth was clarifying that her Challah! sweater was in no way supposed to represent "hands up, don't shoot" just a rabbi with his hands up.  She also let us know that today is the first day of Hannukah.  THEN, she introduced the guest host, who corrected her name.  She is a comedian who is getting her own show on Comedy Central.    That's as far as I got and then I had to leave.


After reading so much about yesterday's show I finally watched it last night.  I expected Whoopi to try and cross examine Beverly Johnson but I was glad to see how awkwardly and poorly she did it.  She looked like an ass and BJ looked like the classy, credible woman that shared her experience. 


What I didn't expect is how blatantly rude Whoopi' rant on racism was - "THAT'S NOT RACISM, I'LL tell you what racism is".  I actually found her beyond insulting.  To RO, to the viewers, and to anyone withing earshot. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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but I was glad to see how awkwardly and poorly she did it.  She looked like an ass and BJ looked like the classy, credible woman that shared her experience.



Whoopi didn't do any favors for her buddy Bill Cosby with that less than stellar performance.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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The only good thing about watching today (for me) was Idina Menzel's performance. I know she's not to everyone's taste, but I've always liked her and I already own her holiday album. Besides that, just one bland hot topics and then watching a politician blathering on about "what's going to be done" when we know nothing ever gets done about anything.

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Pretty good show not much to complain about....well WG still talked way to much. her long speeches really are tiresome.

Cute baby. I was worried that having Samantha Ponder on that some one might ask her about Adrian Peterson.  I'm glad they didn't. That would have put her in a bad spot.

Edited by imjagain
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Nicolle needs to work on her interviewing skills. She always seems to bring things back to herself. When interviewing Ruth Wilson, she had to refer to her obsession for Homeland (for the upteenth time), instead of asking a simple question. She's way too strident and shrill on this show. I'm so tired of hearing about her three year old too. She should write about him on a mommy blog instead of talking about him on every show.

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While I thought Whoopi's sweater was funny, I thought it was inappropriate for the show. Of course, Whoopi is often inappropriate, so...

Now she is lecturing the Taliban. I'm sure they're all ears. And she thinks most Americans agreed with the hacking of Sony. Rosie P and RO both had their mouths open at that, as did I. Having said all that, the show was okay. Everybody seemed to be in a good mood.

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Rosie has a good heart, but she's out of reality and naive at times. She really thinks the people of Pakiaran can be galvinIzed to change things, like in this country. Does she not get the fact that as bad as our country's faults are, it is nothing like living in a country like Pakistan where the people have no say in much of anything.

I work with kids from Pakistan . They tell me stories that are just sickening. They have no bill of right or constitution. Rosie would never be able to even speak the way she does, and no way would she be able to speak out as a woman, or a lesbian. She really has no clue how lucky she is to live here. When I work with refuges whose government shot their fathers in front of them for being of the wrong religion, or killed their sister for being raised, I realise that people like Rosie have no concept of what is really going in in the world.

But, I still can't help but like Rosie, even is she's way too idealistic.

Whoopi on the other hand is just obnoxious and unlike Rosie, her ego is in the way. She thinks that Sandy Hook Was the same as the Taliban terrorist arrack, and had to contradict Rosie when Rosie said it was not a terrorist attack. Whoopi doesn't know the difference between a lone mentally il gunman, and a terrorist organization. The results are the same, but she just couldn't let Risie finish get thought without contradicting her!

Edited by orangekit
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Whoopi & Rosie must've gotten a stern talking to. They sure played together more nicely today. I get antsy too with the tension between them, but I'm usually glad that Rosie stands up to Whoopi and calls her on her shit. Somebody needs to.


Don't know if Rosie got a talking to and don't know why she would but I'm sure Whoopi did after Monday's disaster with Beverley Johnson and her yelling and ranting about racism and especially telling Rosie she knew nothing about racism or discrimination. Whoopi went out of her way to be pleasant to Rosie when they started out on Tuesday morning and she's hasn't gone on any rants for a couple of days now.


I imagine Whoopi got a lot of grief from TPTB for her outrageous performance on Monday. An awful lot of groups and many many many many people were outraged and took to the intertoobs to let her and The View know. IMO she deserved every bit of the backlash she got and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she got fired if she goes off on a tirade about something again.

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Is Whoopi TRYING to make people angry? She is getting some criticism for her stand on Bill Cosby. So today she wears a sweater where Santa is peeing "merry Christmas" in the snow. Connection?

The guest host today was an idiot. Teens driving cars is MORE dangerous than playing football? I'd like to see the research on that one. Percent of teens who drive and get serious injuries, vs. Percent of high school football players with injuries. More kids drive than are on the football team, you need to compare percentages, not incidents.

Teens drive to get somewhere. They don't get in a car and think about knocking someone down every time they drive. She missed a huge part of the issue - that kids as young as 7 are competing in tackle football leagues. Whoopi says kids will play whether parents like it or not? Yeah, in the park. But not in leagues, not on school sports teams. Not without written permission from parents.

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I  watched the Monday show and have just posted (in the Media thread) the DM's gossip fed from someone in the View camp.  After seeing Whoopie grill Beverly, I hope the woman realizes that Whoopie is no friend.  If it was true that she only wanted Whoopie to interview her then she should be grateful that Rosie demanded that they all be included.  I am finding it hard to believe that this panel will go the distance, especially with the backstabbing that is appearing in the media.

Edited by Dizzy9
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I will admit this show has been boring after the great show we had on Monday.  Something must have happened behind the scenes b/c both Whoopi and Rosie are keeping it calm and pleasant somewhat.  I thought it was funny that Rosie said they could bring up any topic whatsoever and she wouldn't argue b/c she had the baby in her arms...to which Whoopi had to throw shade to the comment and disagree that a baby would prevent Rosie from not arguing.  Whoopi really is a bitch.

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Whoopi doesn't just wag her finger and lecture at US. Today the finger-waving and talking-down-to was reserved for the north korean government AND for Americans that seek to join Isis. Ain't nobody above a whoopi tongue-lashing!

Yeah. My auto-correct keeps changing her name to WHOOPING. I'm thinking of just leaving that spelling in my posts. It just seems to fit her, especially this week.

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While I thought Whoopi's sweater was funny, I thought it was inappropriate for the show. Of course, Whoopi is often inappropriate, so...

Now she is lecturing the Taliban. I'm sure they're all ears. And she thinks most Americans agreed with the hacking of Sony. Rosie P and RO both had their mouths open at that, as did I. Having said all that, the show was okay. Everybody seemed to be in a good mood.

That was such an odd moment.  She said, we were with you (sputtering and finger wagging) but now that you are threatening people, well, you messed up, cause now we are not with you.


I was stunned to hear that she thought that Americans, Canadians, anyone, was supporting hackers who revealed the personal information of something like 50,000 employees, SSN, etc.  This is not a small crime, this is I am guessing a life time sentence if you get caught.  And Whoopi was with them?  Seriously?  This is a major crime and has been for decades.  She is so ridiculous.


And I am so so sick of her tirades, and lectures and bullshit yelling at America, the audience, the fellow panelists.  She is out of control and quite frankly has ruined her fucking EGOT cache (as if there ever was one).

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The first half hour of the Whoopie Goldberg View, she is ranting and raving only her view is right. Both Rosie's don't know the difference apparently between WG's view of racism and ridiculousness.  Now Rosie O will get hammered in the media because she finally said something.  She has been mute for so long I thought she was avoiding a confrontation with the Queen and she finally spoke up, perhaps to reinforce Rosie Perez's argument. 

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I spoke too soon.... Whoopi has basically said.... you are only racist if you use the N word.... anything else like a black person being followed around a store is just stupidity. .... She just said she has been a black person for 60 years so she is an expert.... Rosie just called her on it and said... you dont have to be black to understand racism.... Whoopi said YES YOU DO....


Nicholle Wallace chimed in.... asked if America is a racist nation.... she was told yes... and came back with the reply Obama was elected so America is not racist because everyone isnt racist.... typical Republican response

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Delurking with more contempt for Whoopi. Her defending Woody Allen and Roman Polanski is bad enough, but her attitude towards Beverly Johnson on Monday's show for telling her truth about what she says Bill Cosby did to her was beneath contempt. Apparently it has never occurred to Whoopi that the reason why most of Cosby's accusers haven't come forward sooner is because of assholes like her and all their victim-blaming, slut-shaming bullshit. If the number of accusers were 1, 2 or even 3 women, Whoopi's skepticism might be justified, but 20 women and counting is no laughing matter (no pun intended). As someone who, like millions of others, has grown up watching and admiring Cosby,in this case I say "Where there's smoke, there's fire."


  Just because Beverly Johnson didn't remember every tiny detail about what happened to her, that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I don't believe that Cosby's accusers came forward to gain wealth and fame because there are much better and much easier ways of getting both than publically accusing someone of Cosby's stature of rape. Beverly Johnson was already rich and famous before she met Cosby so she didn't need any help from him on that score. I believe Johnson just like I believe Janice Dickinson, another supermodel/Cosby accuser, before her. Whoopi's defense of Cosby reminds me of the quote from Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode IV: "Who's the bigger fool- the fool or the fool who follows?"


ETA: Whoopi and Nicole Wallace's comments on racism remind me of another quote: "It's far better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt."

Edited by DollEyes
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