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"The View": Week of 12/08/14


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Loved the surprise appearance of James Monroe Iglehart and Adam Jacobs from the Aladdin Broadway show. I'm glad that the show is doing well, a huge fan of Alan Menken. It still kills me that The Little Mermaid flopped on Broadway since it's my favorite of Disney's musicals, but the show was pretty bad (why should a young, skinny woman be playing the witch anyway...).


No need to comment on everything else, since I think everyone else has done it better than I can. Besides, Whoopi seems in a corner on the Cosby topic at this point, which is a relief. I laughed at the beginning when Rosie O mocked her over there not being any ornaments for boys at Disney world. Pulling out the small violin for all of the privileged men who are being "victimized" in Whoopi's eyes.

  • Love 6

Haven't figured out how to quote yet, but YES on what Cementhead posted. I'm a brown woman from India. Since the Valley Girl song was sung by a white teen about what I presumed was white teens in the San Fernando Valley -- it DOES read somewhat racist to me when Ms. We Don't Know, We Weren't There uses it to mock a topic or person.

Although, given how stupid Whoopie generally is, the accent could be her way of talking about something SHE thinks is dumb. IIRC, she did it when discussing the Kardashians in past seasons.

Lord, I want the Whoopie Hour to end! RO and Cackles and this board my only reasons for watching.

  • Love 12

I know translating Whoopi Speak is a skill, but I think her point about releasing the report now was that she fears retaliation by terrorist groups, which would ruin the holidays.


But if Whoopi followed any news reports or current events in order to have a clue what was going on before she bloviated about things, she would know that Diane Feinstein has been fighting for years to release the report but has been blocked and obstructed by the Republicans who don't want the truth about Bush and Cheney to come out and the CIA who are trying to cover their asses.


I am so sick of Nicolle being given the floor to talk about anything political and being allowed to go on and on with the Republican lies and spin without being challenged by anybody.

  • Love 11

I know translating Whoopi Speak is a skill, but I think her point about releasing the report now was that she fears retaliation by terrorist groups, which would ruin the holidays.

There have been a lot of "holiday seasons" that have not been ruined after torture was being used in the name of all Americans.... there were many many Holiday seasons that were not ruined while we were at war.... If there are any attacks that are blamed on this report by pundits on our corporate media..... I would like them to present that the attacks were because of the report.... not just their speculation or opinion.

Transparency should not ruin anyone's holiday

  • Love 8

Perhaps THIS IS the time of year to release the results of the investigation. as a secondary reason behind Finstein had to do it now.

So Whoopi wants all the info on BC....but obviously, IMO, not listening to any.

Again with a lecture. This time telling us we're women, we can have this discussion, it's what we do.....just relax!

I can't stand her.

  • Love 9

I loved how Rosie O slipped in the Bill Cosby tweeting his thanks to his supporters in her comments.  I know that was such a slam against Whoopi, even though Whoopi acknowledged he tweeted her; but I bet that made Whoopi furious b/c nobody had mentioned it at all previously.  I love Rosie O so much, she has figured out how to counteract Whoopi and her ignorance about topics.  

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 23

. I laughed at the beginning when Rosie O mocked her over there not being any ornaments for boys at Disney world. Pulling out the small violin for all of the privileged men who are being "victimized" in Whoopi's eyes.

Having been to WDW, I am certain that there are "ornaments for boys".  DIsney does focus on whatever movie is new this year, especially if it made a ton of money.  So, there was a year where Lion King was all over disney with merchandise, and a year when Toy Story's Buzz and Woody were all you could find.  Aladdin, Cars, etc.    This year it's Frozen.  So what?  I'm sure Mickey and Pluto are still everywhere - even on Christmas ornaments.  


I'm liking that Whoopi is showing her true colors on the Bill Cosby issue.  she has a lifetime of kissing up to powerful people, and defending them when they screw up.    The question I want her to answer is -  if someone had that many women saying he drugged and raped them over the years, and the accused person was NOT rich and famous, would she feel differently about it?    Does she have to have ALL the information before she believes ANYONE is guilty of anything?  


I think that deep down, she has the belief that the rich and famous live by a different set of rules, and cannot be judged by us "regular'  folks. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 12

I loved how Rosie O slipped in the Bill Cosby tweeting his thanks to his supporters in her comments.  I know that was such a slam agains Whoopi, even though Whoopi acknowledged that, but I bet that made Whoopi furious b/c nobody had mentioned it at all previously.  I love Rosie O so much, she has figured out how to counteract Whoopi and her ignorance about topics.  

Passive Aggressive comments are a strong tool if used correctly... and Rosie O uses it correctly..... keep it up Rosie  :)

  • Love 15

I am so sick of Nicolle being given the floor to talk about anything political and being allowed to go on and on with the Republican lies and spin without being challenged by anybody.


This, she doesn't bug me as much as others, but I don't understand why RO doesn't push back a little harder with her.  No need for Bitsy levels, just a counter now and again with facts vs. talking points, when Nicolle goes to ground with them.  It wasn't three, it wasn't 20, sounds like it was 119 detainees - 26 of them who were wrongly held - that were tortured.  I wonder if the topic will come up again post release of the report, tomorrow.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 10

Well, the BC discussion was quite civil.  EXCEPT that Whoopi has to lecture US not to get nervous about it. THEY are the adults who can talk rationally about it.

That condescending crap is even worse than Babs needing to explain everything to the viewers.  I cannot imagine the showrunners of The View thinking this regular behavior of admonishing the audience is going to attract viewers, especially the coveted under 40 group. 


Rosie O made me tear up today. Right after that Whoopi opened her mouth and I wanted to punch a wall out of frustration.

I understand.  And what makes it worse in my opinion is that she always gives herself the last word when she spews her ignorance then moves on so that the other co-hosts are rendered silent and we are left with her comments as the final word  - always. 

  • Love 18

Gosh, where to start?  The whole Cosby thing is just ridiculous and Whoopi should be ashamed.  But she is high and is always right so....  I find Whoopi more absurd then Nicole.


By the way, the ornaments available at Disney.  If you are at the parks here is the ornament list. So shut the heck up Whoopi.


Well I might as well finish my rant - Whoopi you think you are so special and such a celebrity.  I would like to remind you of the statement by Marin Niemoller following the Nazis rise to power:


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


The Royals - can no one do a bit a research?  They can not just skip Charles and Charles can not just be king for five minutes and hand it over to William.  What a bunch of idiots.  I am not a rabid royalist but I am a huge history nut........My dead mother is screaming in my ear that Americans do not bow to royalty.......At least I know William and Kate are Duke and Duchess

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 10


Well torture is getting in the way of Whoopi's xmas shopping, so cut her some slack, she's on edge.

Between this and those protestors clogging up the damn streets & bridges on her, she's had a rough couple of weeks.  So many damn inconveniences.  People all getting up in her grill.

Edited by Cementhead
  • Love 10

I have a feeling Whoopi bitching about not being able to find non-Frozen Christmas Ornaments is just crap and gives her reason to throw shade at Frozen and at Rosie O.  I mean can you see any reasonable situation where Whoopi would not be throwing a fit in Disneyland/Disneyworld about where the hell are the non-Frozen ornaments to some cast member.  I could even see her saying that she is a personal guest of Disney and works for them as well as being an EGOT winner therefore she shouldn't have to pay for some ornaments.  I could see her being one of those celebrities that would make you roll your eyes as soon as she leaves if you ever had to wait on her.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 8

Whoopi wishes with everything she's got in her that Cosby isn't guilty. I am sick of her defending celebrities for their illegal behavior. She has no moral compass. I am sorry I ever liked her, the wise old, tolerant sage, who must lecture us every effing day. Just stop, Whoopi, and pay attention to reality. And STFU.

  • Love 11

I'm suspicious of the Mark Walhberg story as well.  He seems to me to be exactly the kind of guy we don't want to be police officers, remember when he said he could have prevented 9/11 if he was on a hijacked plane?  I think he is cocky, a tough guy, and thinks he is smarter than other people when he is clearly not (never met him, just complete speculation). I thought maybe Rosie knew him in real life and could shed some light, but she only mentioned an interview she read about him.

  • Love 7

Marky Mark's motivations aren't anything but financial.  Too bad The Spew couldn't bother to take a look at The Daily Beast to do an ounce of research.  He's having troubles (due to his felony record) gaining concessionaire licensing in CA to expand his restaurant chain and fears it might be in an issue in other states. Police reservist, my back side.


My disappointment in Bill Wolff expands almost every day.  Stop taking on Topics if you don't know all the facts please, and for goodness sake, please stop teasing topics that never get covered due to Whoopi's inability to moderate properly.



Frustrated on the Internet

  • Love 17

Nicholle rambled on defending torture.... she gave that Right wing narritive that only 3 people were waterboarded.... and the rest were silent about it..... Rosie O tried to chime in a couple of times and was shut down with "let me finish".... Rosie P cut her off... and still she rambled on.... as an expert.

She really should be asked.... as well as anyone defending torture..... if they think these "enhanced interrogation techniques" work.... should we change our policy and allow police to use these techniques on people in their custody..... to see if there is any "actionable intelligence" of other crimes??

I doubt they would support it

Whoopi over the top fart joke..... I guess this is why she is considered a comedian.

  • Love 7

WTF just happened?  Did Whoopi just FART?  And then get up and start waving it around?  Just as their guest host was in mid-sentence?  What in the HELL is happening here?!  Who is allowing this to go on??


** didn't see the above post as I was typing mine.  So that is what happened?  Good Gravy!

Edited by Cementhead
  • Love 2

WTF just happened?  Did Whoopi just FART?  And then get up and start waving it around?  Just as their guest host was in mid-sentence?  What in the HELL is happening here?!  Who is allowing this to go on??


** didn't see the above post as I was typing mine.  So that is what happened?  Good Gravy!

Something fell and made a noise.... so Whoopi made it all about her..... pretended to fart

  • Love 2

I thought Rosie O and Rosie Perez did a good job of shutting down Nicolle without going overboard and really calling her out.  To me, Nicolle came off like a huge jerk and out of touch with reality.  Issues like this get personal with me, so I could have taken it to the next level and called Nicolle a bad person and morally bankrupt.  It's always hard for me to wrap my head around a person like Nicolle saying these things and then being someone I would want to run errands with or chit chat about TV with, is she just mean and nasty in other areas of her life all the time too?  I just wonder.

  • Love 9

I understand the joke that Whoopi was going for w/the sound in the studio, but how classless.  This ladies and gentlemen is an EGOT winner.


I love Rosie O, but every-time she brings up the war in Iraq after 9/11 and all of that I have flashbacks to her first stint on the View and it just makes me uneasy and nervous and makes me sweat.  I know, it's strange.


Ugh that conversation about torture was just torture to me to have to listen to it and all the cross-talk and arguing.  It really was the panel vs Nicole Wallace, but of course you have to defend when you hitch your horse to what could be seen as the wrong party.


I love Martha Stewart, she and Rosie O have such a good rapport.  I will always remember that when Martha was going through her legal troubles in court, Rosie O would show up every day and sit behind Martha w/a bag of peanut m&m's and offer them to Martha.  That, is how you show support to someone you truly admire.

  • Love 9

The Martha Stewart segment was completely wasted.  Should have just been Martha & Rosie.  And an extra 5 minutes at least.  My fondest memories of Rosie's original talk show from back in the day; which IMO -- was the best talk show that ever was; are of these two together doing their craft segments together.  Ahh, good times & good memories.   Doesn't surprise me in the least that the View producers who put that horribly shitty segment together for today completely squandered a great opportunity.



I understand the joke that Whoopi was going for w/the sound in the studio, but how classless.  This ladies and gentlemen is an EGOT winner.

I was literally sitting just a few feet away from the tv listening but not watching and did not know what the hell happened.  I never heard the noise from the studio from where I was so I really thought that she did fart.  It wouldn't have been the first time.  And as far as this being comedy to her, I haven't found fart jokes funny since I was 10.

Edited by Cementhead
  • Love 12

I loved RO not letting NW get away with the Elisabeth move.

Nicole - "haha I don't think Obama tortures haha" repeats it.

RO- "I didn't say that, you did."

The conversation was well done. RO and RP did a great job.

When WG said she didn't know how she felt about torture I said Really? Just like RO.

Torture really? You don't know how you feel about it?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 13

Wow, that Martha Stewart segment was a trainwreck. Especially at the end when Nicolle and Rosie P had messed up the ingredients and then Whoopi and everyone else were talking over her. I think it was great they had alcohol ready, because Martha looked like she needed a drink after that.

I haven't watched the whole show yet. But I have this weird love for Martha I can't wait to see her in the train wreck segment, lol.

I love Martha Stewart, she and Rosie O have such a good rapport.  I will always remember that when Martha was going through her legal troubles in court, Rosie O would show up every day and sit behind Martha w/a bag of peanut m&m's and offer them to Martha.  That, is how you show support to someone you truly admire.


Oh wow, are you serious? I had not heard that before.

That is so cool. You just made me like Rosie O even more.

 And as far as this being comedy to her, I haven't found fart jokes funny since I was 10.

Same here.

  • Love 5

Didn't Nicolle say last week that she doesn't read about herself online?  If so, why was she Googling The View?  I got the feeling that she'd read something unflattering about herself and that she was really angry.  I don't record the show so I can't watch it back, but didn't she say something like, "Do the rest of you know anybody in the CIA?" in a condescending manner, and then turn around and say, "I'm not in the CIA."  when Rosie and Rosie were asking her questions?   Either she's up close and personal with the CIA or she isn't.  I kept expecting her to say that she hadn't studied for the pop quiz.

  • Love 5

Nicholle said she Googled The View and got 500+ results (she gave an exact number)..... I just Googled The View and got "About 396,000 results (0.28 seconds)"


Either she doesnt understand Google... or she is full of shit.... but then she thinks torture is okey dokey as long as America does it

Edited by RogerFromOhio
  • Love 5

Didn't Nicolle say last week that she doesn't read about herself online?  If so, why was she Googling The View?  I got the feeling that she'd read something unflattering about herself and that she was really angry.  I don't record the show so I can't watch it back, but didn't she say something like, "Do the rest of you know anybody in the CIA?" in a condescending manner, and then turn around and say, "I'm not in the CIA."  when Rosie and Rosie were asking her questions?   Either she's up close and personal with the CIA or she isn't.  I kept expecting her to say that she hadn't studied for the pop quiz.


To be fair Nicolle said she shut down her Twitter because it distracted her, sitting amongst her son and husband and reading random compliments about her hair.


I thought she said 532 returns on Google, but I don't have a clue what her search was.


She's indefensible on the topic of torture, between a rock and hard place having been communications director for Bush, and then representing McCain who gave a very moving speech yesterday on the floor of the Senate supporting the release of the report and slamming the use of torture, ever.


It seemed like RO was confusing Abu Gharib (when she referenced Iraqis) with the CIA torture plan for high level detainees; easy enough to do since it seems like the CIA plan somehow trickled down to a few low level soldiers/guards through some contractors... wonder how that happened?

  • Love 2

Nicholle said she Googled The View and got 500+ results (she gave an exact number)..... I just Googled The View and got "About 396,000 results (0.28 seconds)"


Either she doesnt understand Google... or she is full of shit.... but then she thinks torture is okey dokey as long as America does it

Maybe she keyed in "The View since Nicholle Wallace was on it"

  • Love 2

WG does not know what we should do about torture....how about the right thing? And not the old two wrongs makes it right crap.

NW - no need to shake your finger at RO. as she knows Bush was not informed for 3 years...which means she wasn't. Then he lied about the torture to the country/world.

That is a problem. We need accountability and transparency, IMO. Plus I think she is misled on how congressional committees were aware - but not the POTUS.

  • Love 4

Rosie P was the most cohesive and came across as the most intelligent she's ever been since this cast started.  Kudos to her - and to Rosie O, who remained cool and collected even when NW and Whoopi were talking $hit.  I really believe these panelists are the most intelligent on tv today.  In some ways, it's a bit frightening, in that NW is much more intelligent, cool, and calculating than Bitsy could even dream of being.  I do think Whoopi comes across as out of her element, as she is too busy trying to be the comic relief, and keeping things moving at the ridiculously fast pace.  

  • Love 3

WG does not know what we should do about torture....how about the right thing? And not the old two wrongs makes it right crap.

NW - no need to shake your finger at RO. as she knows Bush was not informed for 3 years...which means she wasn't. Then he lied about the torture to the country/world.

That is a problem. We need accountability and transparency, IMO. Plus I think she is misled on how congressional committees were aware - but not the POTUS.

From what I heard... the CIA reported to the National Security Council who in turn briefed the President.... the CIA did not directly report to the President... which means Bush knew what was going on

Edited by RogerFromOhio
  • Love 2

In Chicago, the local station cut into The View for a gubernatorial press conference, and then right as they returned, RO was saying something about "I want to share my journey, so other people can try to get there too."  She had said something about health risks and almost dying just before that.  Can anyone clue me in?  I'll go back and watch it online if it's something I would find valuable.


(For the record, I began my own healthier journey after RO was a guest last year and talked about the five warning signs of female heart attacks.  I'm around her age and thought, Wow, this could really happen to me.  I've lost 40something pounds since then and while I still have a lot to go, my doctor says my heart is in good condition and my blood pressure and glucose levels are down, and nearly normal.  So for that, I am eternally grateful to Rosie O.  If you're interested, she said the five warning signs go by her own acronym, HEPPP -- Hot(ter than you've ever been in your life), Exhausted (more than you've ever been in your life), Pale complexion, Pain (like a mo'fo') and Puking.)

  • Love 12

I love Martha Stewart, she and Rosie O have such a good rapport.  I will always remember that when Martha was going through her legal troubles in court, Rosie O would show up every day and sit behind Martha w/a bag of peanut m&m's and offer them to Martha.  That, is how you show support to someone you truly admire.


Oh wow, are you serious? I had not heard that before.

That is so cool. You just made me like Rosie O even more.


RO also visited Martha when she was in prison.

  • Love 2

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