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S05.E03: Pay Attention To Me!

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I agree. It really bothered me that no on spoke up, in defense of Brooke. I love my sisters dearly, but if any of them spoke that way to my daughter while she was trying on wedding dresses, she would have been shut the hell down. Not only was she rude to the bride-to-be, but the owner of the shop as well. I guess maybe Kathy is so awful, her sisters knew that saying anything would just make it worse? 

Agreed.  It actually angered me a bit that no one spoke up and said, "I think you look beautiful" or something along those lines.  They just stood behind that bitch and allowed her to take over. I think Kim mumbled something like, "Let's see another dress..." but other than that--nothing. 


On another note--nice hat, Brandi.  What's with knit hats in the middle of the summer? Was she channeling her inner FI Tom with that thing?

  • Love 10

I liked seeing Portia trying on the little girl clothes that looked like little girl's clothes.  So often in retail large markets, the little girl clothes  in size 6-14 are totally inappropriate for children.  They appear more like something a street walker or adult at the nightclub might be wearing instead of a child.  Classic children's wear is not common in my area of NC.  


I also love Lisa R. right now.  I hope she doesn't change.  She and Lisa P. are the only to I can stand on the show anymore.  And I've resorted to fast forwarding through Brandi completely. 

  • Love 7

And, seriously, Lisa V. and Gramps prolly spend several multiples of the amount spent on Portia each and every every week just to keep that itchy little dog in purple velvet tuxedos, cashmere onesies and bedazzled bathrobes.

That reminded me of something. 


In an epi a couple weeks ago, Lisa suggested to Rocio that Giggy, for the PUMP grand opening, be dressed in his white suit.  "The one with the diamonds on it.", she said. 


When trying on wedding dresses last season, Pandora indicated that she liked the dress she was trying on but it needed more roses and "more diamonds".  Do these idjits confuse crystal beading and sequins for diamonds?

  • Love 5

That reminded me of something. 


In an epi a couple weeks ago, Lisa suggested to Rocio that Giggy, for the PUMP grand opening, be dressed in his white suit.  "The one with the diamonds on it.", she said. 


When trying on wedding dresses last season, Pandora indicated that she liked the dress she was trying on but it needed more roses and "more diamonds".  Do these idjits confuse crystal beading and sequins for diamonds?

The diamond/crystal thing reminds me of the Gypsy girls always referring to the bling on the awful dresses as diamonds, they have got to know they are not really diamonds, right?

  • Love 3

That reminded me of something. 


In an epi a couple weeks ago, Lisa suggested to Rocio that Giggy, for the PUMP grand opening, be dressed in his white suit.  "The one with the diamonds on it.", she said. 


When trying on wedding dresses last season, Pandora indicated that she liked the dress she was trying on but it needed more roses and "more diamonds".  Do these idjits confuse crystal beading and sequins for diamonds?

Maybe they are real diamonds....wouldn't be surprised at any such display of ostentation, ha,ha. with Lisa

  • Love 4

Agreed.  It actually angered me a bit that no one spoke up and said, "I think you look beautiful" or something along those lines.  They just stood behind that bitch and allowed her to take over. I think Kim mumbled something like, "Let's see another dress..." but other than that--nothing

Seriously. Why do they all cower like beaten dogs every time Kathy opens her mouth? She's a freaking plastic-faced witch who married into money, she's not God. I don't know why they feel the need to treat her opinion as the end-all, be-all. Given her personality it's no wonder the Hilton kids are such trainwrecks.

  • Love 12

Seriously. Why do they all cower like beaten dogs every time Kathy opens her mouth? She's a freaking plastic-faced witch who married into money, she's not God. I don't know why they feel the need to treat her opinion as the end-all, be-all. Given her personality it's no wonder the Hilton kids are such trainwrecks.

I think in the Richards family it all comes down to money/status. Kathy has the most. She has real money from an old money family. She will continue to be a rich socialite long after TRHBH is over. I also think the girls are hyper competitive over their husbands. It always sounded like Big Kathy was one step away from selling the girls to eligible men and I think the girls have a tendency to define themselves through men. Kim is divorced, Kyle's husband is a realtor who has to work, Kathy's husband is a Hilton. Kathy wins.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 7

Seriously. Why do they all cower like beaten dogs every time Kathy opens her mouth? She's a freaking plastic-faced witch who married into money, she's not God. I don't know why they feel the need to treat her opinion as the end-all, be-all. Given her personality it's no wonder the Hilton kids are such trainwrecks.

For a couple of decades, Kathy was the one with the big money. Even now, as Kyle's family income has risen, the Hilton billions will always top the Beverly Hills' sisters finances. I think that, plus the natural dynamic of big sister, has put Kathy in the role of Queen Bitch.

  • Love 3

Just to clarify, the Hilton 'billions' have gone to charity.  Conrad Hilton donated the bulk of his fortune.  His son, Barron, also donated 97% of his estate to the Conrad Hilton Foundation.  Richard, Kathy's husband, is one of eight of Barron's children plus numerous grandchildren, shared $69 million. 




Richard has done well on his own with a supposed net worth of $300 million (which I take with a grain of salt).  He's not a billionaire.

  • Love 4

So,if Brandi (blech) says her ex is an "unemployed actor" who's money is she living off? If she gets spousal support it would be coming from the singer ole Eddie ran off with (Having seen Brandi for several years Eddie didn't run fast or far enough to get away from her) SO she's "living" off the $ her ex husbands WIFE makes? Inquiring minds want to know. Lisa R. and Eileen D. have so much more class then Brandi it's obvious who doesn't fit in and needs to be let go. Bye Brandi! See ya in a bar in 10 years when you're downing rum and cokes at 10 am and telling the bartender how your hubby left you and you used to be a "reality" star. Couldn't happen to a nicer person (GAG>GAG)

  • Love 8

Ken, Mickey Rooney called - he wants his pink suit back.


I think when the show started Portia was very much still a lap child, so keeping her out of it would have been a lot more disruptive to Portia’s life than doing the occasional scene with Kim or another HW with Portia in her lap or playing nearby.  Now that she’s verbal and a lot more aware of what’s going on, we will see how they handle it.  So far I’m not alarmed.  I also think Kyle was in the public eye from around that age, and may not consider it as awful a fate as many of us do.  And add in the rivalry with Kathy and I bet there’s also an element of “my kids are better than your kids” and Portia is her chance to show that she can raise a good kid even in the public spotlight, while Kathy couldn’t. I mean, heck -- even KIM managed to raise better kids than Kathy did.


What bugs me is that clothes like the two shirts Kyle thought were amazing (My yacht or Yours?  I left my LOUIS in the jet), the string bikini, midriff baring tops....imo send a message to girls that it's all about the stuff.  It's about how you look and what you wear and the things you (or your wealthy parents) can buy. Personally I think it's a shit message to send to a 6 year old. 




I agree totally about that Louis shirt.  That was just more evidence of Kyle’s lack of sophistication.  On the other hand, there was nothing I recall Portia modeling that I wasn’t wearing at her age in 1969.  Though mine would have been bought at Marshalls, or handed down to me from my cousin.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 5

Its sad that Taylor fit in.better then.Brandi did.

What I liked most about this episode was delving more into.their personal lives. I feel.we got.to.know Kim, Yolanda and Lisa R much better in this episode. I also.notated that Eileen seems.intelligent so far if a bit aloof.

I also liked that Lisa R's birthday dinner only had Lisa V and Kyle R there...which makes sense since both of.them.have.been good friends with Lisa R for years.

I also liked Lisa R breaking the 4th wall without being obvious during her lunch with Eileen.

Already the one flaw of season 4 has been taken care of...which was the lack of ime spent getting to know Joyce and Carleton last season. Already that has.been remieded!

  • Love 2

Regardless of the money issue, Kyle and Kim are much more assured than they used to be with their place in their family.   In the early days, it was as if they were the lower classmen of the family, and Kathy and Paris were up there.....Kyle constantly tried to get Kathy and Paris on the show for special events as if it was somehow help her look more important. But NOW, it's reversed.  Kyle and Kim are more famous and relevant than Paris is now and Kathy is just the mother of a has been celebrity.  Kathy showing up now is such a embarrassment for her.  Why does she and Candi Spelling remind me of each other?  lol

  • Love 3
What were they being phony about there? My impression from what they said was that they just rented (or whatever the term would be) a private plane for the trip, and that this was something that was previously out of their price range.



If it was mentioned that Kyle & Mauricio were renting the plane, I missed it.  And btw, I didn't miss it -- cuz it was never mentioned by those 2 phony-baloneys, who endlessly tried to imply this was their jet they owned outright.  I get it, M&K.  Mauricio is doin' well now & ya now wanna live better.  Hey, God bless ya both & live better.  


But Mo is still a real-a-tor -- a poor working shnook/slob like the rest of us.  He didn't turn into a billionaire.  You 2 were just flyin' by a time share, which any of us poor slobs could do if we save enough of our pennies, nickels & dimes.  Sorry, not especially impressive to me.  But the way Yo was flyin' to Euro?  Goodness, dat's a vision (to me) of how the supremely rich live.  And M&K's on camera boasting seemed silly in comparison.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3

I have a sister like Kathy. She is the oldest of 6, and everyone bows and scrapes at her feet. She's petty, mean, judgmental, dismissive, and manipulative. If you eat a potato chip, she looks at you cross-eyed and says she just can't eat like that. (Yeah, she's a skinny bitch.)  I used to call her once a week from across the country, and it would take me about two days to get over it, by talking it out with my son and with my significant other. Haven't seen or talked to her in two-plus years. What a relief!


I have the feeling that Kim and Kyle wouldn't miss old Kath much, either. She really sucked the air out of that bridal shop. Dumb witch!

  • Love 3

Remember Kathy has yet to get a kid through college (her girls never even made it through high school) or have a proper wedding.  So I can see where her seething anger comes from-kids who don't give her anything to celebrate.

Whaddya mean that Kathy's kids don't give her anything to celebrate? 


This is the morning that Paris got sprung from the pokey and skipped to her mom and dad in their waiting car.  If those aren't celebratory parental faces, I don't know what is.  Who needs college graduations?  Weddings?  Prison release is really where it's at.




Topic?  I can't imagine that any of Moe and Kyle's kids will ever be jailbirds.

  • Love 17
It always sounded like Big Kathy was one step away from selling the girls to eligible men...


What was that Kyle said when telling how she and Mauricio got together? She was engaged to a man 24 years older than her? And she would have been much younger then. And the older girl's dad - wasn't there something about how they barely spoke because of a language barrier? I know little about the family background, but I always got a skeevy vibe about them when hearing these stories. 


If it was mentioned that Kyle & Mauricio were renting the plane, I missed it.  And btw, I didn't miss it -- cuz it was never mentioned by those 2 phony-baloneys, who endlessly tried to imply this was their jet they owned outright.


I'd have to rewatch, but it was very clear to me when I was watching that Kyle and Mauricio did not own that jet. I immediately understood that they were renting it, or whatever. To me, it's still flying "private" because you're the only ones on it and you don't have to deal with all the crowds in the airport. 

  • Love 4

Guess I'm the only one who thought that lunch with Rinna & ED had such a weird phony fake vibe.  These 2 don't know each other at all, do they?  Maybe they might have met for a brief moment or 2, but they clearly don't know each other.  Rinna seemed completely terrified of her.  And ED was lookin' her nose down at Rinna as if she were thinkin, "Must I really be tawkin' to this no-talent nobody."  


Um, sure, they are both actresses, so yeah, on the very very very tippy-top of the surface, it seemed all happy happy, but I wasn't gettin' that vibe in the least -- of what was really goin' on between those 2 at that lunch.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3

One thing that doesn't make sense to me is Kyle saying her other daughters didn't grow up wealthy. It's probably true for Mauricio's two, but didn't Kyle once say that Farrah's dad has his own island? Farrah probably had access to a lot of material things growing up and she seems like a lovely person. We don't see her much, but she graduated college and is working for Mauricio and, according to Kyle, doing well. She could have easily been getting into trouble with her cousins or using her mothers moderate fame for her benefit, but she's not.

What the hell is she afraid of with Portia? She's raised a rich kid before and she turned out fine.


I'd have to rewatch, but it was very clear to me when I was watching that Kyle and Mauricio did not own that jet. I immediately understood that they were renting it, or whatever. To me, it's still flying "private" because you're the only ones on it and you don't have to deal with all the crowds in the airport.


They never said they were leasing the plane, but I think most people watching know there is no way they actually owned a private jet. But, for someone watching who has no idea how much it costs to own and maintain a private jet, they may have believed that the Urmanskis owned it.


I also have my doubts about Yolanda and her "King" owning that luxurious private jet.  I'd bet it is owned by one of the studios he works for, and he's allowed to use it for travelling.


Guess I'm the only one who thought that lunch with Rinna & ED had such a weird phony fake vibe.  These 2 don't know each other at all, do they?  Maybe they might have met for a brief moment or 2, but they clearly don't know each other.  Rinna seemed completely terrified of her.  And ED was lookin' her nose down at Rinna as if she were thinkin, "Must I really be tawkin' to this no-talent nobody."


I had the same vibe.  It was really uncomfortable to watch.  Lisa R. seemed to be trying too hard and ED seemed like she really didn't want to be there.

  • Love 2
I immediately understood that they were renting it, or whatever. To me, it's still flying "private" because you're the only ones on it and you don't have to deal with all the crowds in the airport.



Ah, there's a great deal of difference.  And M&K repeatedly -- 50 million times by my estimate -- spoke of "their" jet.  This was a clear attempt by them to imply they were flying on a jet they owned.  Maybe you understood it wasn't the case.  But that only means Kyle would have been disappointed she & Mauricio failed in their attempt to fool you into thinking they are now rich enough to own a jet -- and they are now able to compete in wealth & possessions to nasty Kathy.  Er, file that under -- never will happen.


The words "rented" or "time share" or "lease" was NEVER mentioned by the phony-baloneys.  Sorry, those words never passed thru their phony-baloney lips.  And yes, there's a world of difference between flying in an actual privately owned jet as Yo did & going by a time share as the phony-baloneys did.  For one thing, most leased ones are run-of-the-mill small planes many of us poor slobs have been on -- at least once.  Yawn.  Privately owned jets are usually custom jobs like Yo was on.  Those can be WOWZA -- as we saw.  And staff & service are vastly different as well.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Whaddya mean that Kathy's kids don't give her anything to celebrate? 


This is the morning that Paris got sprung from the pokey and skipped to her mom and dad in their waiting car.  If those aren't celebratory parental faces, I don't know what is.  Who needs college graduations?  Weddings?  Prison release is really where it's at.




Topic?  I can't imagine that any of Moe and Kyle's kids will ever be jailbirds.

That is beautiful.  Brings a tear to my eye.

  • Love 7

A couple small things:

Was Brandi driving a Range Rover? If she can afford it fine, but then quit constantly whining about money.

Didn't Brandi say or suggest, just a few episodes ago, that moving every year was no big deal to her and her boys? Now she suddenly seems realize they need some stability as far as their home situation goes. Then try not to blow it for them this time Brandi.

I didn't think of it when watching the episode, but I think that whoever said up thread that Yolanda and Bella filmed their scene after the DUI arrest was really observant and totally accurate. That scene makes so much more sense that way.

Finally, I thought Kimberly looked very pretty at the bridal shop. She was mostly in the background, but to me she is more striking looking than Yolanda's girls.

I seem to remember Brandi bragging about how she and the boys were gypsies who enjoyed living in new places.  Now it's a different tune.

  • Love 1
What the hell is she afraid of with Portia? She's raised a rich kid before and she turned out fine.



She ain't afraid of it in da least.  It's her storyline du jour this season that either she or Satan Andy cooked up -- dat she's Super Mommy, coming to the rescue to save Portia from becoming the worst spoiled brat in BH.  Yawners.  Guess it makes Kyle happy happy cuz it gives her op for more camera time.  Bores the fuck outta me.  I'm just gazing at Kyle's hair & Mauricio's man jewelry during this boring crap.

  • Love 2
Ah, there's a great deal of difference.  And M&K repeatedly -- 50 million times by my estimate -- spoke of "their" jet.  This was a clear attempt by them to imply they were flying on a jet they owned.  Maybe you understood it wasn't the case.  But that only means Kyle would have been disappointed she & Mauricio failed in their attempt to fool you into thinking they are now rich enough to own a jet -- and they are now able to compete in wealth & possessions to nasty Kathy.  Er, file that under -- never will happen.



According to the last thread they referred to "flying private" and "getting a jet," which to me sounds like "hiring a plane" which is "theirs" the same way your rented car would be yours for the duration of your trip. It's certainly possible that she is vague about it in the hopes that somebody might think they actually owned the plane, but if Kyle actually knows people like Yolanda I can't imagine who she'd honestly think she'd be fooling. Somebody rich enough to own a jet would know from what she said and the shots on the plane that it was a relatively downscale plane hired for the trip and not a custom plane that they owned, and for somebody who doesn't fly this way at all the difference between "owning" and "renting" would be kind of beside the point. Being on a plane with just your family would already be impressive--that's what I remember feeling like Kyle was stressing, that they weren't going on a commercial airplane. It seems like when Kyle gets something impressive she flat-out says it (like the expensive car her daughter got, or flying on a private plane). Her husband's still the real estate broker, his business is just doing well.


Not that I don't think Kyle can't ever be phony, but just in the context of the show she really doesn't seem to be pretending to be richer than she is. It's more like she's trying to say she's average mom who just got an influx of cash and isn't always sure what to do with it yet--as opposed to, say, Yolanda who's more the lady of the manor and has a big plane with a bed in it. And that's also part of the stuff with Portia, that this is a new thing to navigate rather than Portia being on her way to being a big brat already.

  • Love 7

OK, so scroll down here to see the old noses on both phony-baloneys-




It's amazing to me how much Kyle, with her old nose, looks like Kim.  And maybe Kath looked similar too, before all her thousands of surgeries.  


Btw, anyone especially care who Kyle was engaged to before Mauricio?  Wow, Mauricio is sooo unrecognizable with his old schnoz.  What a diff.  Wonder if phony baloney Kyle made him get it or Kath made him get it in order to work for Rick or if he wanted to get it cuz he thought it would help him sell more houses.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
I can't imagine who she'd honestly think she'd be fooling.



Guess we're watching 2 different Kyles.  The one you see is some nice suburban lady.  Wonder if only you see that one -- or anyone else does too.  The one I see is an always-striving-to-impress fame-ho.  Albeit with very nice hair & an attractive hubby, whose looks she clearly cleaned up with an aggressive nose job, as evidenced from the link above.


Still think this Portia stuff is just her grab for cam time.  It is what is.  If she weren't a fame-ho she wouldn't be on the show.  She's trying to impress us (constantly & non-stop).  This time share shit would certainly impress nobody in BH.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

If she could muster as much passion for David as she does for her eldest I might be convinced of her deathless love for piano man.  I find myself wondering lately if Yolanda has ever seen the movie Gigi -- She's definitely grooming both daughters in the art of being beautiful, subservient to powerful men, and cashing in big time.  Quite the irony.



In other words, Ho Yo is a present day Big Kathy--mother to Kathy Hilton and the Richards sisters.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 1

If it was mentioned that Kyle & Mauricio were renting the plane, I missed it.  And btw, I didn't miss it -- cuz it was never mentioned by those 2 phony-baloneys, who endlessly tried to imply this was their jet they owned outright.  I get it, M&K.  Mauricio is doin' well now & ya now wanna live better.  Hey, God bless ya both & live better.  


But Mo is still a real-a-tor -- a poor working shnook/slob like the rest of us.  He didn't turn into a billionaire.  You 2 were just flyin' by a time share, which any of us poor slobs could do if we save enough of our pennies, nickels & dimes.  Sorry, not especially impressive to me.  But the way Yo was flyin' to Euro?  Goodness, dat's a vision (to me) of how the supremely rich live.  And M&K's on camera boasting seemed silly in comparison.

Flying private means owning, chartering, fractional ownership or membership.  They flashed the name of the company on the screen, here is the link  http://wheelsup.com/   it is a membership based charter company, Mauricio told Kyle that airplane was the right airplane for a Tahoe landing, if Kyle and Mauricio were trying to pawn it off as owning it -wouldn't Kyle at least know about the her own airplane?   Tahoe is a nightmare airport to land-right between two large mountains and very high up. The same as the yacht next week I will not be assuming that the Umanskys are trying to sell they own the yacht.  Yolanda also uses the term charter or private-she has been seen in a variety of planes-the latest I believe was a G-550 with the bed.  Yolanda even did a video about wanting to buy David a plane.  The thing is these people can afford to pay the fees that enable them to fly private.


There are relators and then there are people who sell 700 million in real estate and are the CEO of a fast growing agency.  I think after last year the audience and departing audience wanted to see more rich people stuff and this year they are giving it to us.  I so appreciate private planes, yachts. jet with beds  over Giudices BK, prison, Brandi making up stories and bitching about child support and Taylor having to surrender her wedding rings.  Even if they have to wear Depends on the red carpet to support the lifestyle.

Whaddya mean that Kathy's kids don't give her anything to celebrate? 


This is the morning that Paris got sprung from the pokey and skipped to her mom and dad in their waiting car.  If those aren't celebratory parental faces, I don't know what is.  Who needs college graduations?  Weddings?  Prison release is really where it's at.




Topic?  I can't imagine that any of Moe and Kyle's kids will ever be jailbirds.

Priceless-maybe Kathy Hilton can coordinate Teresa Giudice's release.

  • Love 6
Guess we're watching 2 different Kyles.  The one you see is some nice suburban lady.  Wonder if only you see that one -- or anyone else does too.  The one I see is an always striving to impress fame-ho.  Albeit with very nice hair & an attractive hubby, whose looks she clearly cleaned up with an aggressive nose job, as evidenced from the link above.



She's on a reality show. Of course she's a striving to impress fame-ho. They're all trying to put themselves across as "the good one" or "the best one" on the show. I just don't see Kyle doing it exactly the way you're describing her doing it. Or being so much more of a "phony baloney" than everybody else doing the same thing. I don't see her as a nice suburban lady, I see "nice suburban lady but with a Hollywood/Beverly Hills twist" as the character she's trying to go for here, in contrast to the women who own their own private planes and fly on them all the time. So her not being clear enough about not owning this plane she's never mentioned having and isn't saying she bought either (like she said they bought the fancy car for her daughter, for instance) doesn't read like a real effort on her part to pretend to be Yolanda. She's not going for that role. 


Pretending she's the savior of superbrat Portia is at least more in the ballpark, but even there that's not what I saw her actually saying or doing on the show.

  • Love 3

What was that Kyle said when telling how she and Mauricio got together? She was engaged to a man 24 years older than her? And she would have been much younger then. And the older girl's dad - wasn't there something about how they barely spoke because of a language barrier? I know little about the family background, but I always got a skeevy vibe about them when hearing these stories. 





I'd have to rewatch, but it was very clear to me when I was watching that Kyle and Mauricio did not own that jet. I immediately understood that they were renting it, or whatever. To me, it's still flying "private" because you're the only ones on it and you don't have to deal with all the crowds in the airport. 

According to this article she was engaged to Michael Tuck 


The article http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2860929/Kyle-Richards-reveals-engaged-older-newscaster-Michael-Tuck-met-husband-Mauricio-Umansky.html


Kyle's first husband moved back to his homeland Indonesia and has his own island around Bali.  Farrah is the one who claims they e-mail more than speak because of a language barrier.  It would be nice to have a dad with his own island.

Edited by zoeysmom
The same as the yacht next week I will not be assuming that the Umanskys are trying to sell they own the yacht.



It'll be interesting to see if they try to pull that one off & say the yacht is theirs.  Seems different this time 'round.  Looks like Kyle is throwing it in our faces they're taking some sort of luxury vacay & they're chartering the yacht.  Last ep, she & Mauricio seemed to me to wanna desperately try to give the impression they were just casually taking their private jet out.  Ho-hum -- just another day in their lives -- and what they do all the time now.  Ah, the same way any other poor slobs would take their jalopy out to 7-Eleven to get a quart of milk.  Yeah, sure, phony-baloneys, sure.  Keep flingin' dat bullshit at us.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
There are relators and then there are people who sell 700 million in real estate and are the CEO of a fast growing agency.



Eh, a few percent of 700 mil ain't gonna elevate ya to super-duper wealthy status.  Chill the fuck out, M&K.  Let Mo impress us with what he's got.  You 2 are suburban Mommy & Daddy.  Seen it before.  Ho-hum.

It'll be interesting to see if they try to pull that one off & say the yacht is theirs.  Seems different this time 'round.  Looks like Kyle is throwing it in our faces they're taking some sort of luxury vacay & they're chartering the yacht.  Last ep, she & Mauricio seemed to me to wanna desperately try to give the impression they were just casually taking their private jet out.  Ho-hum -- just another day in their lives -- and what they do all the time now.  Ah, the same way any other poor slobs would take their jalopy out to 7-Eleven to get a quart of milk.  Yeah, sure, phony-baloneys, sure.  Keep flingin' dat bullshit at us.

Kyle said they were renting a yacht.

  • Love 7

So what would you say to someone who says to you -- "You're really not wearing that, are you?"  Bad enough for your mother to say dat shit to ya -- but a sister or aunt?  Um, no.  Anyhoo, come back little Kathy, come back.  You'll be oodles of fun to snark on.


Btw, does Brandi have an endless number of idiot, useless "friends" who help her move, put up pictures and do her hair & makeup?  Oh excuse me I forgot -- the hair & makeup "friends" are her accessory gays, who always seem to escort her to parties.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Just to clarify, the Hilton 'billions' have gone to charity.  Conrad Hilton donated the bulk of his fortune.  His son, Barron, also donated 97% of his estate to the Conrad Hilton Foundation.  Richard, Kathy's husband, is one of eight of Barron's children plus numerous grandchildren, shared $69 million. 




Richard has done well on his own with a supposed net worth of $300 million (which I take with a grain of salt).  He's not a billionaire.

Richard Hilton has nothing to do with the hotel chain, nothing! That is 1 of the reasons he started up his own high end RE Brokerage company with a partner. According to the book, HH, those involved with running the Hotel chain, dislike Kathy and their kids.....a lot! The book goes as far to even say the rest of the Hilton family, including Rich's siblings, dislike Kathy big time.


It'll be interesting to see if they try to pull that one off & say the yacht is theirs.  Seems different this time 'round.  Looks like Kyle is throwing it in our faces they're taking some sort of luxury vacay & they're chartering the yacht.  Last ep, she & Mauricio seemed to me to wanna desperately try to give the impression they were just casually taking their private jet out.  Ho-hum -- just another day in their lives -- and what they do all the time now.  Ah, the same way any other poor slobs would take their jalopy out to 7-Eleven to get a quart of milk.  Yeah, sure, phony-baloneys, sure.  Keep flingin' dat bullshit at us.

Kyle did say that they rent the yacht when she was talking about the trip. I may be remembering it incorrectly but I thought she said it along the lines of "unlike the plane, we rented the yacht", so I do think she was trying to it sound like they owned it or were co-owners of the plane. She was also talking about how Mauricio's company has grown and that he has to travel more now because of it, (he is now selling RE in Mexico now as well) almost like it is the company's plane.

  • Love 2

What struck me in that Rinna/ED lunch was Rinna trying sooooo hard to butt-smooch Eileen.  And it certainly didn't go the other way 'round.  ED was barely acknowledging Rinna's existence.  She asked her nothing bout her life, her career or her husband.  It was like she had no idea who Rinna was & absolutely couldn't care less bout her.  Lisa was all up Eileen's ass, throwing the flattery at her non-stop, while Eileen treated her like she was some nobody Y&R fan who just asked for an autograph.  Really fuckin' weird.  Hope this will change cuz this dynamic is strange as hell.

  • Love 3

Re: The Daily Mail article about Michael Tuck and Kyle and Mauricio's purported nose-job: I don't think Mauricio had a nose-job, and I know nose-jobs quite well as a Jewish-American from North Jersey/New York (terrible thing to say, but true.) In the upper photo at age 40ish, he's facing straight on. In the younger photo at age 20ish, he's facing down. It's the same nose in two different positions. Mauricio still looked like a teenager when he met Kyle; his face hadn't filled out yet and put his nose into proportion. With stubble, grayed hair, and a more prominent bone structure, he's significantly better looking. He's one of many men who get better looking with age. If you google "young Mauricio Umansky", you'll find other pictures of him from his twenties, and there's been no rhinoplasty. If anything, he's gotten his ears pinned back. The nose is the same.


Kyle has definitely had a nose-job, which she's admitted to. Yes, Kyle ca. 1994, pre-nose-job. did look a lot like a healthier, younger Kim ca. 2009 (pre-nose-job, at the start of filming). But she didn't look much like Kim did in the '90s. Kim had a lot of rounder face up until her '40s, whereas Kyle has always had a longer face. But their mouth and the contours of their cheeks and upper face are the same. Like many relatives, one looks like the other (at some point in their life) at some point in their life, but those moments don't necessarily coincide. I wouldn't say Kyle had an extreme nose-job. It's definitely been slimmed and she had the bumps taken off, but it's not as if she got an upturned ski nose or had a really long hook nose. Now, Adrienne had a severe nose-job. So did Camille - I think a combination of a prior nose-job and over-aggressive Botox give her that reptile look where there's no recession between the bridge of her nose and her brow. It's sad how the Mediterranean gals (Camille is Italian and Adrienne Lebanese) feel the need to get their stately noses chopped off.


I have more theories about the Richards Sisters (and Kyle/Mauricio's relation to Kathy, in particular), but I'll save those for earlier in the day.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 3

What struck me in that Rinna/ED lunch was Rinna trying sooooo hard to butt-smooch Eileen.  And it certainly didn't go the other way 'round.  ED was barely acknowledging Rinna's existence.  She asked her nothing bout her life, her career or her husband.  It was like she had no idea who Rinna was & absolutely couldn't care less bout her.  Lisa was all up Eileen's ass, throwing the flattery at her non-stop, while Eileen treated her like she was some nobody Y&R fan who just asked for an autograph.  Really fuckin' weird.  Hope this will change cuz this dynamic is strange as hell.


It came across to me like Rinna was being overly friendly with someone she didn't know very well.  Eileen seemed like she was expecting a more low-key introduction while Rinna seemed too effusive.  


Wasn't Rinna on a talk show, or had a talk show?  Could she have been putting on her talk show persona where she's acting really interested in her "guest"?

  • Love 2

Eh, Rinna's always been OK in my mind.  At least she's upbeat & positive.  Let's see if that changes with this group.  Does she seem a bit forced & phony?  Maybe somewhat.  But she seems to have a long-term happy marriage & her daughters seem nice & well-adjusted, so that says a lot positive bout her right there.


I had no prob with Rinna in that lunch.  It was Eileen who bothered me.  She just sat back & let Rinna kiss her ass.  She coulda made the teeny tiniest bit of effort to get to know Rinna.   Eileen looked like she couldn't be bothered.  OK then.  Is this who Eileen is?  Er, not a good sign.


I don't think Mauricio had a nose-job



Um, from the looks of dat pic, it looks to me like he had half his nose taken off.  You know, one thing I'll give Kyle,  She did cop to getting a nose job.  Most in Hollywood won't even admit to that.  When Mauricio's mother was getting a redo a few years back from Paul, I thought Mauricio talked bout his nose job & shrugged it off like it was no big deal.  Anyone remember?


Looks like Portia didn't inherit the gorgeous Kyle hair.  All the other girls did.  Poor poor Portia   Man, they should spoil her just cuz of that alone.  Or not.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
And I've resorted to fast forwarding through Brandi completely.


Same here. I only watched the hike scene because Kyle was in it. That's the only way I'll watch Brandi--if she's with one of the other women I'm OK watching...except for Yolanda (which is probably why I missed this great jet scene).


Agreed.  It actually angered me a bit that no one spoke up and said, "I think you look beautiful" or something along those lines.  They just stood behind that bitch and allowed her to take over. I think Kim mumbled something like, "Let's see another dress..." but other than that--nothing.


I'm beginning to wonder if statements weren't cut out. After Kathy completely shat on the first dress that Brooke came out in, there were all these cuts to "reactions" that I have a hard time believing that neither Kim nor Brooke said anything in response? I'm not defending Kathy--hell naw, I would ever do that--but that scene just seemed spliced together more so than other scenes in HW's history.


It'll be interesting to see if they try to pull that one off & say the yacht is theirs.  Seems different this time 'round.  Looks like Kyle is throwing it in our faces they're taking some sort of luxury vacay & they're chartering the yacht.  Last ep, she & Mauricio seemed to me to wanna desperately try to give the impression they were just casually taking their private jet out.  Ho-hum -- just another day in their lives -- and what they do all the time now.  Ah, the same way any other poor slobs would take their jalopy out to 7-Eleven to get a quart of milk.  Yeah, sure, phony-baloneys, sure.  Keep flingin' dat bullshit at us.


I don't get this. The jet company's name was flashed on the screen, which is the definitive marker that there's something promotional going on there. How is there confusion that Kyle made it seem like it was their personal jet? When Kyle mentioned the yacht this episode, she said that they were renting it as well.

  • Love 9

I don't get this. The jet company's name was flashed on the screen, which is the definitive marker that there's something promotional going on there. How is there confusion that Kyle made it seem like it was their personal jet? When Kyle mentioned the yacht this episode, she said that they were renting it as well.

Not only was the logo of the company flashed multiple times, they were greeted by a guy and it flashed on the screen that he was an executive with the company, it did not say he was the pilot or the flight attendant, but an executive with the company. Like someone else mentioned, a couple seasons ago there was a discussion about flying private between Lisa and Yolanda, it was very clear then from the discussion that when the Fosters and Todds flew private but they did not own their planes. I don't know if the show or cast members should have been expected to provide massive exposition on this matter and the fact that it was not shows some kind of shadiness, they've been showing people being driven around in limousines on this show since the first season, and there does not seem to be the incorrect assumption that everyone in the cast from Adrienne and Camille down to Kim and Brandi all own stretch limousine and employ chauffeurs to drive them around.
  • Love 6

Not only was the logo of the company flashed multiple times, they were greeted by a guy and it flashed on the screen that he was an executive with the company, it did not say he was the pilot or the flight attendant, but an executive with the company. Like someone else mentioned, a couple seasons ago there was a discussion about flying private between Lisa and Yolanda, it was very clear then from the discussion that when the Fosters and Todds flew private but they did not own their planes. I don't know if the show or cast members should have been expected to provide massive exposition on this matter and the fact that it was not shows some kind of shadiness, they've been showing people being driven around in limousines on this show since the first season, and there does not seem to be the incorrect assumption that everyone in the cast from Adrienne and Camille down to Kim and Brandi all own stretch limousine and employ chauffeurs to drive them around.

I think the limos are provided by Bravo/producers to protect the HWs and the public from DUIs. They use limos across the entire HW franchise now.

  • Love 3

I thought it was art imitating life or visa versa when they showed the clip of Lisa and Eileen from the soap then cut back to the lunch, they seemed like strangers in the clip and in real life, sort of like a cold reading. 


I finally saw the airplane scene with Yo and her king, yowsa, now that is flying private!  I feel like such a peasant.

  • Love 1

I think the limos are provided by Bravo/producers to protect the HWs and the public from DUIs. They use limos across the entire HW franchise now.

Of course! Maybe I was not clear, but the point I am making is that we have been seeing these women being driven around in limousines for years and there is not a lot of chatter along the lines, "wow Camille, Adrienne, Kim and Brandi own chauffeured driven limousines," and therefore I don't know why the PTB and Kyle would assume that they would be deemed shady for not providing additional commentary beyond showing the logo of the plane and being greeted by a guy and flashing that he is an executive with a company that has the same name as the logo on the plane.

Another random thought about private planes, like limousines they are scalable, so a limo can range from being a Town Car to a stretch hummer with multiple bars and a home theater system. Likewise a leased private plane can range from well-appointed puddle jumper to a jet decked out with an office and bedroom.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 4

Part of Kyle and Mauricio's piece of the show has always been that they are not on the same level financially as some of the original gals - certainly in the first season when Adrienne, Camille and Lisa were all on.  Her tag line in S1 or S2 was "I'm not the richest girl in BH, but I am the luckiest". We saw the variances in the party that she held for Portia's birthday on the same episode when Taylor had that ridiculous party for Kennedy. She made a point to talk about how over-the-top parties for children had become and that she wanted no part of that. She said the same thing last year when they were planning Sophia's Bat Mitzvah. Heck, even their house is fairly low key (I love it). Someone had posted that they paid $2-$3 million for it, and even 3 years ago when they bought it I am sure they could have afforded to spend much more on a home. The point is that their economic status has always been in part a portion of their overall story. Because of that I think it is interesting to see them be open about the change in their fortunes.  They do have a lot more money than they did in the beginning, although as someone else pointed out earlier, it is all relative. They would have always been at the top of the food chain over here in Detroit; in BH, not so much. It seems to me that this is what is actually going on in their lives and I appreciate them being open and honest about it. We have seen so many fakes in this department over all the franchises (Teresa G, Jacqueline, Alexis, Taylor), that it is nice to see what appears to be an actual reality being communicated to us. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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