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S07.E12: Red Rose

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Ooh, so, 


Robert Patrick is supposedly guest starring on tonight's episode, if we're to believe a tweet from Annabeth Gish that states "Only one Xfiler per episode.
If memory serves, he's the President of the San Bernadino chapter, so he's possibly presiding over the President's council for the Mayhem vote?
I think that if he didn't get the Scorpion series this season, he would've had the Jury story line.

Edited by Febgirl
  • Love 2

What a horrible horrible episode.  What a disgusting person Jax is.  Let's go fuck after I just shot my mother in the head and killed a man for no reason.  He is disgusting and I hope Nero finds out.  There is nothing worth 'saving' there.  And he just leaves the bodies laying there?  I guess Nero is the only one that really knows other than the club, and they would never rat out their precious psycho "Jackie Boy".  


I honestly really don't care what happens now, except I would enjoy seeing Jax die.  How he can ever be thought of as a sympathetic character after what he just did, I don't really know.

Edited by Joan van Snark
  • Love 14

I am fairly certain Jax pieced together the events leading up to why Gemma flew into the rage that resulted in her murdering Tara. It was Wayne who set that into motion. I could care less about Unser or Gemma finally meeting their makers, for Gemma it was finally deserved. Unser...he played the game and he lost. For Jax, I think the bigger impact will be how killing his mom will impact him. He won't be able to live with what he's done, he knows Mayhem is coming. He also is fine with that outcome. 

Edited by lacEdoll
  • Love 7

I loved this episode, just because both Unser and Gemma FINALLY died. Good riddance. Don't care what happens next week, that's what's kept me watching this season. Poor Juice, maybe he's found some peace finally - he's been so lost.

For Jax, I think the bigger impact will be how killing his mom will impact him. He won't be able to live with what he's done, he knows Mayhem is coming. He also is fine with that outcome.

This. He spent the episode tying up loose ends, he's ready to die.

Edited by ToniG
  • Love 9

Adios, Juan Carlos. At least he got some pie first

Ding-dong, the bitch is dead! Deuces, Gemma!

The scene with Gemma and her dad was heartbreaking...Hal Holbrook knocked that out of the park.

I think I was supposed to be sad or something during Gemma's final scene...I was mostly just annoyed that it was taking so long.

My favorite part of the episode was the reference to "The Adventures of Milo & Otis" I expected something more interesting from Michael Chiklis' cameo though

Edited because I forgot Unser died too lmao...I guess he's not the undead after all *shrug*

Edited by spaceytraci1208
  • Love 8

I found this episode very satisfying.  Juice dead.  Unser dead.  Gemma dead.  Charlie Hunnam's ass.  Good episode in my books.


I wasn't too bothered by Jax and Wendy fucking immediately afterwards.  Jax seems to fuck his emotions out so it made sense to me that he would do that.


Would love to see Jax die next week.  Let Wendy and Nero take the boys, they'll be better off.  Jax has nothing left and I think he knows it.

  • Love 17

Look at the Flowers Gemma, Look at the Flowers!


I see what you did there. I've rarely watched this show, but I wanted to see if Gemma would die, so here I am. I am firmly still convinced I don't like any of these people. I felt a teensy bit sorry for Gemma's dad, but that's about it.


Honestly, I didn't find this very exciting. That's probably because I didn't have anybody to root for.

  • Love 2

Wow, I actually got a little teary at Gemma's death scene. But you can still rot in that garden, biyotch.

Wasn't expecting Unser to be a casualty...kind of sad, but he was being stubborn and/or suicidal.

RIP, Juice...loyal to the club til the end. You were a bad guy, though; you get all your goodwill because you are played by the awesome Theo Rossi.

I'm actually not surprised Jax did Wendy after all that; he deals with pain that way and I think he knows how the mayhem vote is going to go. BUT...let's hope he didn't bareback another future club member into her!

So next week, I'm guessing we get President Chibs? Will Althea quit the force and become his old lady? Will she become the new Unser? Will Nero and Wendy raise the kids at the farm? Will Tig shack up with Venus? Will Brook tell Rat she is pregnant and they need to get married? Will Barofsky die? Will Marks? Will Tyler (don't kill Tyler, man)?Will the DA arrest everyone? What WAS the unwritten rule Jax wanted abolished? So many questions!

  • Love 6

My husband said, "I'm glad Gemma finally died, I just wish Jax hadn't been the one to do it."

To which I replied, "Yeah, but he's the most appropriate person to do it. Gemma has systematically destroyed everything good in his life, everything and everyone he's ever loved. Even his son is all messed up in his five-year-old head because of Gemma."

Besides which, Jax isn't really worried so much about being destroyed by killing his mother or facing consequences for killing Unser--he knows which way the Mayhem vote is going, so at this point he's just like, fuck it.


I get that Kurt Sutter wanted his wife to have a grand exit befitting such an important character, but Gemma just kept talking and telling Jax it was okay so much that it just looked like Katey was hamming it up. After a while I thought 1) people with actual Alzheimer's die faster than this, but mostly 2) why did they write it so that Gemma gets to dictate the terms of her own death? THAT felt particularly dissatisfying. Gemma did NOT deserve to be at peace with any of this.

  • Love 19

I'm bummed that Abel didn't kill Gemma, just because the shock of knowing what she had wrought and raised would be that much more impactful. Jax doing it was more like having him do his homework. I guess Jax needed to check post-matricidal coitus off his bucket list, and that's why he couldn't be bothered to claen up after his mess. Or maybe that too was some rebellion? "I'm not taking out the trash...or burying the bodies MOM!"

  I hope the pie was good.

  • Love 7

So next week, I'm guessing we get President Chibs? Will Althea quit the force and become his old lady? Will she become the new Unser? Will Nero and Wendy raise the kids at the farm? Will Tig shack up with Venus? Will Brook tell Rat she is pregnant and they need to get married? Will Barofsky die? Will Marks? Will Tyler (don't kill Tyler, man)?Will the DA arrest everyone? What WAS the unwritten rule Jax wanted abolished? So many questions!


I figured the unwritten rule was "No black folks allowed in the club." The show has been hinting at changing this for a long time, but it's been hard to really see it with the recurring "van full of dead black dudes" joke that the writers keep shoehorning in.

  • Love 5

Wow.  Juice, Unser and Gemma. all in one episode.  Oh and a bunch of random Chinese dudes because "cleaning up" the mess Gemma created with Lin includes using Samcro as a hit squad.  Sheesh.  No one, and I mean NO ONE in this show is "clean" with the possible exception of Thomas.  But give him time.


The scene with Gemma in the garden went on too long. I was screaming at the TV "Oh for fuck's sake just DO IT."  I rather doubt that's what the director was going for but seriously at this point I'm just so over this prolonged torture.  Take the Mayhem vote.  Kill Jax.  Send the kids off with Wendy and Nero to live on a farm for the rest of their lives.  Make Chibs president.  Have him kill Barofsky as a rat.  Then patch over the black club that's been helping the Sons.  What the heck, as long as we're being progressive make Venus an official old lady.  Let's get this MoFo done.

Edited by WatchrTina
  • Love 13

I figured the unwritten rule was "No black folks allowed in the club." The show has been hinting at changing this for a long time, but it's been hard to really see it with the recurring "van full of dead black dudes" joke that the writers keep shoehorning in.

That's what I thought it was, too. But I wanted to see if anyone else had other ideas!

I was thinking, if they patch in the Grim Bastards (even though they are in Lodi - I don't know if that's very close to Stockton), would that help the Niners?

  • Love 3

My nerves were bad for the whole show. My poor Juice. Finally he can be free. I kind of wish he would have just killed himself.


Poor Unser. Not really all that sad though. He dedicated his whole freaking life to pleasing/saving Gemma, and his life ended that way. For him, I wish that he would have just snapped out it when he found out about her killing Tara.


Charlie did such a good job this episode, I think. Every scene he was in just made me emotional. He was totally getting his affairs in order and preparing for his own death and I felt it. I teared up at the end, but not because Gemma died. I teared up because I felt bad for Jax having to do it.

Look at the Flowers Gemma, Look at the Flowers!

I said the same thing during that scene! :)

  • Love 4

Unanswered questions:

1. Why did Jax suddenly develop a limp in that first scene (I'm betting Charlie tweaked his knee in that scene and they just went with it.)

2. What did Chuckie "take care" of?  (Was it just telling Unser to go make a faux pick-up so Jax could meet with him?)

3. Is that really Charlie's ass or does he use a body double?  The actor's head was in shadow (again) so I'm thinking it's a double in the most graphic shots.  (Drea clearly has a no nudity clause.)

  • Love 3

Well wow. That was quite an episode. 


I loved that both Juice and Gemma were SAMCRO to the end. It was so fitting, Juice didn't let the Chinese dictate any orders even if it would have meant him possibly living longer. Even at that point of where Juice was, he was still about the club. He went to Marilyn Manson and point blank told him what the chinese were up to, that he knew Jax wants him to kill him and just let him eat his pie then do it. Juice went down loyal to the club (aka Jax's) wishes. 


Gemma going through her past, showing Jax pictures, all while Unser's laying dead bleeding next to them. Both of them not reacting to Unser being dead on the floor at all. Jax letting her go to the garden and then Gemma giving him a pep talk that he had to do it, that it was who they are. It was just so fitting that even with a gun aimed at her back by her son, she's still telling Jax how to be President and encouraging the "club" way of life. 


Jax lowering the gun for a second before Gemma gave him the talk with the tears in his eyes and not being able to do it until she gave him peace to do it was wonderfully done. I felt so much for Jax, all the death and turmoil of this season and it comes down to this moment, he's distraught and crying. The complete opposite of the cold brutal way he killed Lin's guy who he thought killed Tara. 


Wasn't expecting Unser to go out like that. That shocked me, but also kind of made me laugh. It made me wonder that when earlier in the episode when Jax said to Unser that Gemma found out about what Tara was doing somehow that Jax knew Unser was that "somehow." He deserved it since he himself gave Gemma the ammunition to go after Tara in the first place.


After all the cancer and Unser surviving for so long, Jax just casually takes him out because he wants to arrest Gemma. Arresting Gemma was a dumb idea he and Nero had anyways, because it's not like Jax has no reach in jail to get her taken out. 


From Jax's conversation with Nero, telling him to take the kids and Wendy to the farm I thought Jax was setting up his own affairs knowing that he wouldn't be around himself. Then after the other charters vote, it made it seem even more Jax was putting his affairs in order. He didn't care about killing Unser at all, and he was able to kill Gemma because he knows he won't have to live with it long. 


I wondered if the "unwritten rule" was that his own club had to give the Mayhem to Jax, which they'd all refuse to do because it would devastate them. But that could be a real rule. 


The second I saw what Wendy was wearing, I knew where that was going. LOL Nice full circle to Wendy pointing out it was her house first, that she OD'd on the floor and almost killed Abel. She's come so far since season 1, back in the same home, sober, with Abel as her son, knowing Abel's her and now even sleeping back with the man she loved. Fitting in a full circle and even goodbye way for her character.


Jax's limping made me wonder if Jax got hurt the episode before and I couldn't remember? 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 8

I knew Unser was a goner when Jax was asking him to keep his mouth shut about the Gemma info because his goal was to protect the club.  I knew Unser wouldn't be able to do that.  However, I still jumped and yelled "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" at my tv when it happened.  All about the club.  


Gemma's death felt really unsatisfying.  It took too long (i said "look at the flowers Gemma" way too many times during that scene) and it was all about Gemma.  Which I guess is so very Gemma.  But still, I wanted to feel some sort of satisfaction and it's lacking.  I also sort of hoped Jax killed himself right after, mostly because I thought it would be a gutsy choice for the lead character to miss the finale due to self-inflicted bullet to brain.  But alas, probably gonna go out like his old man on that dumb motorcycle he was fixing up.  I doubt he's even going to let his club give a mayhem vote.  


Assuming the bylaw has to do with blacks being banned from joining?  Would be great to see the Bastards patched in after Jax is dead and gone.  California Gangs: Change We Can Believe In.  


What did Tully tell Juice before he stabbed his throat?  It was such a touching death (it doesn't even feel weird to describe a murder like this), but several rewinds later and I still don't know what Tully said.  

  • Love 3

I hated this episode. It is just the same recycled stuff over and over, and the shock value in terms of who will be killed is almost zero at this point. Jax has killed almost 40 people. And how many have died violently in jail? It is just tedious redundancy.


The show really needs a suspension of disbelief regarding Jax not being on death row at this point. 


Sutter tonight called the show "mythology." Maybe the homeless woman will surface in the finale and it will all be a dream inside Vic Mackey's head. 


eta: this episode proves why SOA is not nominated for Emmys. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 8

It was clear Jax was passing custody of his kids and Wendy over to Nero and I was afraid Nero was going to be the one to go after Gemma and get himself killed in the process, after all his plans to get out.  Loved that Wendy was so clueless to the drama going on. "Oh, where's Gemma? I guess she went to work early." "Oh Jax, the Home called, Gemma's up visiting her Dad. What do you want for dinner? Will you be home on time? OK , bye." "Glad you're home Jax. How was your day? I'd ask about the blood on your snow white sneakers, but instead XXXOOO."


It sucks that Gemma got to die a quick death by gunshot to the brain, out among her father's roses.  She should have spent the rest of her life in jail reflecting on her choices and actions.  That said, glad she's done.  That she and Jax sat there while (ever-loyal-to-the-club) Unser's dead body was just sprawled out on the floor was surreal and coldhearted, but then, that's what this bunch of characters are. I also had a desire to see Jax put the gun into his mouth and off himself, which would have been a bold choice by Sutter, to leave the last episode for the remaining club members to sort out the horrendous mess Jax, Gemma and every other secret and half-truth conversation has left behind. I'm not looking for redemption for any of them, the ones who are still standing next week deserve their miserable lives.


Juice went out loyal to the club until the end.  I wonder if these guys not just killing themselves instead of waiting for others to do it is some kind of club code thing.  Like, you're weak if you do it yourself, you have to be murdered for cred.


With Sutter bringing in all these special guests, I really hope the last scene next week is Stephen King, the "Cleaner." silently working down in the basement, dissolving all the bodies down the drain.

Edited by Glaze Crazy
  • Love 4

Death came far too easily for Gemma, Unser, and Juice.  They each deserved a torturous, painful, and extended demise.


I just can't buy Juice's newfound savvy.  I totally buy that he wanted to go out as the best possible/most faithful SAMCRO member he could be, though.



What did Tully tell Juice before he stabbed his throat?

 Captioning, and my ears, indicated Tully said, "You went out good, sweetheart."  Thus affirming Juice's fondest remaining wish.  YMMV.


It was absolutely classic that Unser, once he figured out what was going down, or about to happen, failed to act when he had the chance.  The man's lack of courage resulted in a huge percentage of the problems we all witnessed.  He needed to just kill Jax the first moment he had the chance in that last moment.  His hesitation cost the one thing he still loved, her life.  


I normally loathe Sutter's customary attempts to redeem characters, yet I actually very much liked a peek into the Gemma who could have been.  She was a smart gal who had an easy way of making others feel better, when she wanted to.  The concept of redemption for even her, is extremely powerful to me.  I sincerely hope she was on that road in her moment of death.  She needed to pay for her deeds with her life.  No question in my mind.  However, of far more importance to me is that she may have found a path to eternal peace.   Good on Sutter this one time.  He allowed the consequence of actions.  Now, redemption is possible.  


I also have a very hard time buying that Conor, having seen what happens to disloyal patriots, would have gone rogue.  He was never shown to be particularly strong.  Nor was he seen to be near the schemer required to do what Roarke outlined.  At least not to my eyes.


So, now we have Walt, er Jax, living out his final day.  Here's betting his solutions will not be nearly as elegant and satisfying as Walt's were.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 4

I thought it was a nice, understated moment when Gemma looked in her vanity mirror, and the angle allowed you to only see her eyes and hair. For a second I thought I was looking at Tara's reflection, which would have been a helluva thing for Gemma to see in her mirror and an interesting reason for her decision to dump the car and hitch a ride instead.

  • Love 1

...and somewhere, cancer is sitting with its head in its hands, sobbing.


Well. Lots of checks on the list tonight: Juice, done, Unser, done, Gemma, done, tons of random guys, done. The club at this point is a bunch of serial killers who, with the exception of Happy, are too dumb to know it. All the loyalty oaths and hugging come across as obscene gestures.


Jax's expression as he set up Wendy and the boys going to the ranch was priceless. He was literally telling himself that they're going to a farm where they'll be happier. Sweet as it was, I couldn't buy the whole "Nero wants Unser to get Gemma out of Jax's line of fire" to save Jax, though. When you think about it, Nero hardly knows Jax, and every single association he has with him has been disastrous and blood-soaked. If I were him I'd be grabbing Wendy and the kids and low-rider-tailing it the fuck outta Charming, yelling PEACE OUT as I sped by the garage.


Charisma Carpenter giving Gem a hard time at the check in! I could see "I saved the world once...well, better finish those forms" in her eyes.


Hal Holbrook knocked it out of the park as the God who couldn't forgive Gemma, because he couldn't recognize her. All he had were the memories of before it all went bad. This old man has outlived his entire family--the longest, quietest tragedy on this show.


When Jax walked in on Unser I was expecting the old guy to say "Welp, I tried! Good luck or--ya know!" and just walk out the door. But I guess he was tired of waiting on his slacker cancer to finally get motivated and go to community college or kill him, or whatever. 


Death came far too easily for Gemma, Unser, and Juice.  Theys each deserved a torturous, painful, and extended demise.



I dunno, Juice seemed to be suffering plenty in that infirmary. He'd had enough.


Poor Juice. I honestly thought he'd kill Tully and then himself but he had to go out a good soldier. The club had not earned that misplaced, horrible loyalty.


I'm actually not surprised Jax did Wendy after all that; he deals with pain that way and I think he knows how the mayhem vote is going to go. BUT...let's hope he didn't bareback another future club member into her!





GAHHHH, PLEASE NO.  "C'mon, babe! Third time lucky! You and Nero can teach it to round up all the farm animals into a gang!"

Edited by Snookums
  • Love 7

Jax's unexplained limp makes me think they might introduce some previously undiagnosed foot cancer or something to kill him off, rather than Mr Mayhem paying him a visit.


The episode made my eyes rain, a lot. Poor Juice. Was a sad ending to his life. Gemma got what she deserved, but it was still tragic to se her ordering her son to kill her because 'it's who we are'. And Hal Holbrook was fantastic.


Chibs seemed to deliberatly leave the chinese waitress alive. Will that come back to bite the club on the ass?

  • Love 3

Even though it seemed inevitable at that point, Unser's death was still shocking.  I laughed out loud when Gemma and Jax went on talking as if nothing had happened.  Wonder if Unser's ghostly heart broke when he saw that Gemma didn't make anything of his death at all.


For a couple of seconds in the garden scene when Jax took aim but started to cry, I thought he couldn't do it, and maybe he wouldn't have if Gemma didn't start giving him that pep talk.  "It's time."  "It's who we are."  It's hard to believe that supremely selfish Gemma would encourage him to shoot.  Nevertheless, I'm glad he did.


While I've never had any sympathy for Juice since he killed Miles, I give him credit for not trying to take out Tully and not interfering with the club's deal with Tully.  I think Theo Rossi has done a great job this season.  His confession to Jax was an excellent scene, and the scene with Marilyn Manson tonight was very well done on both their parts.


It feels odd that there's still another episode.  It feels like it should end without an ending, with a lot of stuff still going on, deals in the air, Jax on the line with the other presidents, and us never knowing for sure what will happen.  I don't know if I want it to get wrapped up with a bow on it.  It doesn't seem to suit this show.

  • Love 4

I am fairly certain Jax pieced together the events leading up to why Gemma flew into the rage that resulted in her murdering Tara. It was Wayne who set that into motion. I could care less about Unser or Gemma finally meeting their makers, for Gemma it was finally deserved. Unser...he played the game and he lost. For Jax, I think the bigger impact will be how killing his mom will impact him. He won't be able to live with what he's done, he knows Mayhem is coming. He also is fine with that outcome. 


Jax killing Unser had two meanings for me.  First, Jax was removing the person who was preventing from killing Mommy Dearest, of course.  But the way Unser said that this was all he had left, it felt like Jax was putting down an old sick dog who was suffering.


Reading the recap, I don't think the author realizes what a Mayhem Vote is.  That is whether the person in question lives or dies.  Jax promised the other presidents that he'd get his guys to vote unanimously to kill him in order to get some concession, a rule change, that we haven't heard yet.  It's going to take a lot to get Tig and Chibs to vote to kill him.  That may be the meat of the finale episode.


I agree with the comment that Gemma got off too easily and I disliked the parallels between her and Juice's deaths.  They both chose the place and time, then gave their killers permission to go ahead.  Their deaths should have been different from one another.  Juice has been thinking about and trying to die for a couple of seasons now.  His life is a living hell.  I thought his death was actually rather appropriate.  He got control back finally, but only in choosing how he died.   That was a good closing of a bad arc for that character.  Gemma, on the other hand, has been a horror for seasons now.  I was surprised that Jax wasn't more visibly angry with her.  Not only did she kill Tara, her lie led him to kill a lot of semi-innocent people and disrupt the balance among the gangs, destroyed SAMCRO all or in part, and it's going to lead directly to his death via the mayhem vote.  Damn, shouldn't he have been angrier?  Even just a little bit?  Tell her what she did?  Instead, he let the evil diva dictate the time and place and go out quickly in the garden she loved.  Feh.  She deserved worse than that.


A bunch of us called that Nero and Wendy take the kids to the farm.  I hope they finally stop talking about it and finally go.   Nero has the vibe that Jax may be giving him the kids, I think.  Wendy is clueless, still.  I didn't understand them schtupping at first.  I think it's about Jax wanting to make love one more time (which is why it seemed unusually sensitive for a SOA sex scene) before he dies and on some level about taking back or trusting Wendy completely.  Wendy, on the other hand, is still in love with him and a bit of an idiot where he's concerned.

  • Love 3

Jax's unexplained limp makes me think they might introduce some previously undiagnosed foot cancer or something to kill him off, rather than Mr Mayhem paying him a visit.


The limp was curious.  I was split between thinking that the actor had actually hurt his foot and they were just working it in and thinking that something would be coming of that limp next week.


He sure wasn't limping at his Grandfather's house or his own house.  That's sort of why I'm thinking the actor might have twisted his ankle after most of the episode was filmed.  Dunno.

  • Love 1


I hope before Jax dies he gets the paper work in order so his boys are legally given to Wendy.

Ah.... now I get it. That last scene was symbolism for "Wendy, you are really fucked now." She gets to take responsibility for both kids AND Gemma's father.


I couldn't get through the After Show. Sutter's head is so far up his own ass. For contrast, listen to Vince Gilligan on any Breaking Bad Insider podcast episode. While he does go overboard praising everyone including craft services, you never get this "I created a masterpiece!!" feeling from him. And while he was solidly the showrunner, you can tell that he was able to step back and listen to other people's views on what he should do. Seems Sutter was given so much rope he strangled all of us with it.

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