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S05.E08: Coda

Tara Ariano

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I didn't have much use for Beth, but came to quite like her this season, so I was shocked and hurt when she died. And the group's reaction was gut wrenching. Poor Maggie - I really felt that she didn't speak of Beth because she was in denial. Daryl last SAW her alive, but we know in this world, that means NOTHING. I think she'd steeled herself to believe Beth had died. She just closed off/compartmentalized that. And then to be given all of that hope, that Beth was alive and they were rescuing her right now...and then to see her dead in Daryl's arms. I was gutted.

Edited by MichaelaRae
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Well, that was really unsatisfying to me.  I had a long list of people I would have rather seen die.  Another MSF, another Greene dead.  Bleh.  If they were going to kill her, it should have been after she was established with the group.  I didn't get the point besides giving Daryl something to cry about.


The whole thing with Maggie was really confusing.  Was she convinced off screen that Beth had died?  Because I thought she just didn't give a shit.

Edited by Brooke0707
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I am absolutely ashamed of the cheer I let out when Beth got shot in the head. Forgive me, but she just served no purpose in my viewing.

And I'm getting real tired of these Morgan teases. Come on with the Come on!

Not gonna lie, I jumped up and cheered when Beth died. I feel like the writers tried their darndest to make this character interesting. Last week they came close, but really I'm was happy to see her go. I also like that dying this way could be good script wise as opposed to her just getting bit by a walker. We can have angry, grieving Maggie & Darryl.

Next season we NEED Morgan to finally catch up with the group now that he knows Rick is alive and had a map.


Also what the hell was up with Carol? That whole pull the plug and then she's walking out of the hospital.

Happy to see Morgan at the end, that was more exciting then anything else in the episode

I'm assuming that whatever Beth injected in her IV last week worked.


I just need more than these random Morgan sightings.

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The crazier Rick gets the hotter Rick gets

This.  *fans self*


Well I will sit here by myself and be sort of interested in Gabriel.  He ran because his sanctuary was destroyed, by that I mean not just physically, but having the world brought right inside with the death of the Termites.  He came back because he was scared, sure, and the other compromised their own safety to save him, which caused him to almost sacrifice himself.  I am curious to see what happens next with him.


The tense moments were done well & I guess we can't have "blow em up" every finale.  I have to watch again when I'm not commenting in the live thread to get a better gist.

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I loved when Rick called for anyone who wanted to join them to step forward. It was like Woodbury all over again. He may be a neck-biting asshole, but he still has a heart. 


I loved this also. No matter what happens, Rick remains a good man wants to help others. He will do anything to protect and rescue his people. He would never tolerate raping or deliberate cruelty and no one with him can be that way.


I LOVED the reunion between Michonne and Maggie.


I loved Michonne and Maggie's reunion also. Also the arm grasp between Michonne and Glenn. These people have been through the wars and love each other.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 10

Wow, for a mid-season finale, that was boring as hell.  It was just about 55 minutes of talking and nothing, only for a big "death" to come in at the last second.  I'm sure TPTB think the death alone will make people talk about the episode, and I'm sure they aren't wrong, but I ain't biting.


So, this is it for Beth?  Hmm... not going to miss Emily Kinney's one-note performance, but I was underwhelmed.  I guess it was suppose to be not only saving Noah, but a combination of killing the two cops (even though they deserved it) and seeing what a monster Dawn, just made her go "Fuck this", and throw her life away?  Lame.  I don't care.  This whole plot with her and the hospital was a waste.  I was glad that they offed the Termenus group early, but if this was the best they had, I almost wished they kept Gareth around for a few more episodes.  God, I hated this entire thing.


And, as far as I'm concerned, they bungled the Beth/Maggie relationship horribly.  Lauren Cohan did her best, but it wasn't enough. Even if I can buy that she never brought Beth up do to denial or not wanting to get her hopes up, they could have done better. They could have at least had Glenn or someone try to bring her up, but have Maggie keep shutting him down.  So, her reaction lacked any impact on me.  Nice going, show.


Sorry Seth Gillam, but Father Gabriel is the worst.  I was actually rooting for Michonne to decapitate him.  Useless character.  Just useless.  I'd put more faith in Eugene; even with the concussion he no doubt has.


Seriously, the hospital must have some kickass drugs.  Either that, or Carol as healing powers that rival Wolverine.


Hey, Morgan!  Catch up, please!


Won't lie: favorite part was Rick killing Bob 2.0.  I just loved his "Christ, I am so over this!" attitude to the entire thing.  Again, Early Seasons Rick is clearly dead and buried.  He is so over this.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 13

So yeah, that happened!


Oh Beth, you were almost out the door of Rape Cross Regional Hospital. 


The time for revenge, would've been to shove Dawn down the shaft behind Rapey Cop. 


 With that said, RIP Beth Greene. Never among my faves, but still part of the CDB family nonetheless. 

So yeah, that happened!


Oh Beth, you were almost out the door of Rape Cross Regional Hospital. 


The time for revenge, would've been to shove Dawn down the shaft behind Rapey Cop. 


 With that said, RIP Beth Greene. Never among my faves, but still part of the CDB family nonetheless. 

The show needs to learn that actions speak a thousand words.  They were trying really hard to make some kind of deep commentary on existing in the ZA with all of Dawn and Beth's talking but it didn't quite come across; meanwhile, Rick's few actions and words created a lot more depth to his character.


Its show not tell.

Edited by ParadoxLost

I feel pretty neutral about Beth's death, emotionally, but found it surprising because I just didn't expect them to get rid of her.


But I did sort of chortle when Maggie broke down. She finally remembered she had a sister, just in time to see her dead. If they'd had her express something about Beth in the last few weeks, I think it would have been so much better.

Edited by Tippi Blevins
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But what got me about it was Daryl's face and Rick's face. God, they just watched sweet little Beth, who they were so happy to have just gotten back, get shot in the head. Just like that. Right in front of them.  Brutal.  Rick's face killed me.


Rick's face killed me as well. With Daryl you expect it. Outside of Maggie and Judith, he's had the most interaction with Beth. But that sweet little head kiss Rick gave her when they got Beth back. followed by the sheer terror on his face when she was killed - it just showed how much a part of their family Beth was. This will be a hard loss for them.

  • Love 9
Anyways the show gave the worst sort of viewer a pleasure.  I know that is not the intent but sadly that odd twisted hatred of young female characters is rewarded.


My dislike of the character has NOTHING to do with hating, young female characters. It has EVERYTHING to do with a)not liking a character I found useless and boring, and b)played by and actress I found unbelievable. Perhaps if the character was played by a more convincing actress I might feel otherwise.


Next on the list is the preacher. I like Seth Gilliam the actor, but the preacher is looking a little too stupid to live for my taste, and I don't trust him. 

  • Love 21

Rick's face killed me as well. With Daryl you expect it. Outside of Maggie and Judith, he's had the most interaction with Beth. But that sweet little head kiss Rick gave her when they got Beth back. followed by the sheer terror on his face when she was killed - it just showed how much a part of their family Beth was. This will be a hard loss for them.


I think they knew they were going to do this when they did that flashback to Rick talking with Hershel at the prison with Carl and Beth holding Judith last season.

Edited by ParadoxLost

What I learned from tonight's mid-season finale:


If you are a truly good character, and you're hit by a fast-moving police vehicle, you might sleep for a while, but you'll be OK. If you're rotten and misleading, then bring on the spine fracture.


Always create a trap door if you're an Episcopal priest with guilt issues.


Keep your ugly cry face at the ready. In a ZA, you'll need it on occasion.


You won't hear a big-ass fire truck coming through until it is right up on your ass.

  • Love 11

Can someone explain how Beth died? I mean I know she was shot in the head, but it was so sudden, I didn't quite get it. What triggered it?


Dawn had her gun in front of her drawn and pointing ahead. When Beth stabbed her, I think Dawn's hand reflexed in response and pulled the trigger. That's why she mouth's "I didn't mean it...."



What, I can't believe that NO ONE had mentioned that when Father Stupid was exploring the school and specifically the BBQ pit area, that it was Bob's FOOT and LEG charred on the BBQ? Sasha's Bob...his leg.....on...the...barbeque....

  • Love 6

Mkay, wasn't as mad at this episode as some of y'all. I thought making us wait for the major death until the last second was effective. It lulled me into a false sense of security that Beth and Carol were in the clear so that completely surprised me. And I'm going to miss Beth. She was starting to get interesting.

Also Gabriel? Don't care one way or the other what happens to him. Am I the only one more pissed at useless Tyrese? I'm frankly wayyy over hearing about his stupid little feelings.

  • Love 8

I'm apparently in a minority that just doesn't get the Morgan excitement/love. Maybe everyone loves the actor from a previous role or something. Morgan was in the pilot ep, he helped Rick. He did a nutso turn in "Clear." I don't find his acting any more or less exceptional than most of the other main characters. What does everyone expect to happen when Morgan finally catches up with our group? Is he going to show them how to change the base metals into gold, or convert their urine into diesel fuel or something?


And since everyone has been predicting Beth's death since the end of Season 4, I agree that "Coda" was a bit anticlimactic.

  • Love 19

Interesting to read the antipathy toward the hospital storyline in general and Beth's character in particular. I can't exactly disagree (this season in its entirety post-premiere has been sleep-inducing) but I thought Dawn and Beth alike achieved some compelling moral conflict in their final episode. Neither Christine Woods nor Emily Kinney are wholly unproblematic as actors, but I did appreciate that the execution here was much defter and subtler than the scenery-chewing, woe-is-me "what has become of our humanity?" soliloquizing that has heretofore defined the dramatic crises of male characters like Rick and Tyrese.


I appreciate that there was both ambiguity and poignant momentum/inevitability vis-a-vis the personality characteristics that created the circumstances which precipitated the two women's deaths. I never found Dawn definitively evil, but I thought her interrelated desperation and ruthlessness were established well enough that demanding Noah's return was something she would do. Likewise, Beth spent enough time moping into space that suicide by cop was retrospectively unsurprising.


I'm actually kind of interested what will happen to the hospital now that the honorable woman cop returned in the hostage exchange appears to have ascended to leadership.


I'm probably transposing what could have been onto what the series actually delivered because the writing overall is just abysmally sloppy this year. It could not have been that difficult to devise some sort of reunion between Beth and Maggie, or actually have Maggie present at the exchange, in order to invest her grief with a little more gravitas.


Seeing Maggie's marginalization and Carol sidelined as an effective damsel in distress are not what I want to watch.

  • Love 5

Can someone explain how Beth died? I mean I know she was shot in the head, but it was so sudden, I didn't quite get it. What triggered it?


From what I gathered, Beth stabbed Dawn in the shoulder and Dawn fired and hit Beth. To me, it did seem like an accident.


I'm apparently in a minority that just doesn't get the Morgan excitement/love. Maybe everyone loves the actor from a previous role or something. Morgan was in the pilot ep, he helped Rick. He did a nutso turn in "Clear." I don't find his acting any more or less exceptional than most of the other main characters. What does everyone expect to happen when Morgan finally catches up with our group? Is he going to show them how to change the base metals into gold, or convert their urine into diesel fuel or something?



I think Morgan is a nice callback to the beginning of the show, kind of like the return of Merle. Plus, someone could make a 5 season long show of Lennie James reading the phone book and doing his laundry and I would watch.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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Carol and miracle healing.  I know I should have been more concerned about Beth dying but Carol is bugging me.  She some how got out of a coma, got a wheel chair for the hand off, got out of the wheel chair and restrained Daryl, then walked out of the hospital like she wasn't hit by a car a few days earlier...


Haven't you heard? Carol's a fucking saint. Literally.

  • Love 3

I'm deeply relieved that the hospital plot is over.  I'm still not sure what Dawn thought she was doing there and her sudden trust in Beth was odd.  I will give the whole storyline credit for introducing Noah, and for bringing a seriously hot, badass layer to Rick Grimes.  The storyline also worked for Beth.  She got Noah out of the hospital and died trying to keep him out.  If she had to go, that was a good end for her.  I've never had a problem with the character so I'll miss her and I'm glad she went down fighting.  I wish Officer Sheppard had elected to go with Rick's group.  I liked her so I'm not thrilled she's going to be the new Dawn.


Father Gabriel, I felt, got a big dose of character development in this episode.  He ran until he saw something he couldn't unsee, couldn't rationalize and the world came into focus for him.  He's changed.  He chose to go back, which I didn't love, but he stepped it up once he got back inside.  He tried to fight, he wanted to live but was prepared to sacrifice himself that the kids would have a chance.  I'm okay with him sticking around.


I'm really glad the surviving characters are all back together and I loved that Morgan found the map.  He knows now that Rick is still alive and, apparently, heading for DC.  I hope he continues to be a part of the show.  I want him back in the band too.  

  • Love 7

Well, damn. Wtf. Noah escaped once, why didn't Beth think he could just do it again? Plus, I thought they were trying to redeem Dawn throughout the episode. Lol, I was so off.

I think they were, Dawn reacted more then acted, it was almost reflex and she even seemed shocked at what happened.

Haven't you heard? Carol's a fucking saint. Literally.

I get you hate Carol but come on this wasn't about Saint Carol. Many of us all BS on the whole respirator thing from last week, it was clear she wasn't in a coma, wasn't on a ventilator or in surgery etc. It was simply bad storytelling trying to make the audience look in Carol,'s direction so they'd be shocked about Beth. Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 13

Well, damn. Wtf. Noah escaped once, why didn't Beth think he could just do it again? Plus, I thought they were trying to redeem Dawn throughout the episode. Lol, I was so off.


I think that scene in Carol's room was supposed to be telling us that she manipulated DVD cop's death because she wanted him gone.  So no redemption, just more of the same with trying to move the pawns again.

Maggie's reaction would have felt more authentic to me if at some point in the past 8 episodes, someone had brought up Beth and Maggie say she couldn't talk about her or have hope that she was alive. It didn't have to be more than 20 seconds and could have made all the difference. 

They could have thrown in one line from Maggie about how she didn't want to talk about Beth being missing because if she didn't she could pretend she was OK. Or whatever. One line to make it make sense.

  • Love 10

I am so heartbroken for Daryl more than anyone else. Beth was the one person he believed to represent goodness in this wdorld; she gave him faith to believe in the good in people. The fall out will not be good. And the in memoriam the Talking Dead gave for her left me sobbing.

Edited by English Teacher
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