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Small Talk: The Regency Bar

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2 hours ago, Reality police said:

Just wanted to chime in about medications. For starters, I am red headed. It does make a difference. We are different in the way drugs effect us. I was in the ER with a blood clot in my lungs, they gave me a shot of dilaudid. No effect. 20 minutes later another. Nothing. Finally showed up with morphine. Yeah morphine! Finally relief. The Doctor came in to see if I was unconscious. Nope, wide awake and talking. 

I take Vicodin for a chronic arthritis. You can't see a difference in me. I have a friend that can take a half of one and be climbing the walls. We all react differently. I sympathize for all those who have to take long term pain meds. Not fun. I also take prednisone, another one that will destroy you. But I have to take it to move. Oh well, enough whining.

Thanks for listening. Love you all.

Sorry to ask, but as I can relate, can you develop or provide a link ? Because it could explains A HUGE questions I've always asked myself !

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1 hour ago, Diane Mars said:

Sorry to ask, but as I can relate, can you develop or provide a link ? Because it could explains A HUGE questions I've always asked myself !

I will try, I am challenged in this area. 


This is one article. Hope it will open. If not, just Google redheads and medicine.

On 8/10/2018 at 11:39 PM, Brock1976 said:

hi all, I've been watching this show for a few years, along with the other watch baits on Bravo like below deck and southern charm lol, my first time finding this forum, always wanted to chat about the show with other fans.

Welcome! It's a lot of fun here. Happy posting.

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It's true about red heads feeling pain more intensely than others AND needing more pain meds and anesthesia than the average person.  I'm that way too, but, I'm not a redhead.  My pain seems to laugh in the face of medication. It's like I'm immune to it.  I finally learned to let it go.  It's sort of a waste of time.  If I ever have to have anything done serious, I'll have to stay in the hospital and have IV. Pills just don't cut it for me. Muscle relaxers either....like an aspirin. 

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So far, my dental pain has been okay.  I've actually been told by several dentists that I have a high pain tolerance. lol  When I do get shots in the mouth, they work. It's just the pills that seem to have little affect on me. 

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5 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

My dentist always have to do extra shots and it took me decades to be told they were adding adrenaline to it, to intensify the feeling. I just thought that I was having really bad anxiety attacks.


10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It's true about red heads feeling pain more intensely than others AND needing more pain meds and anesthesia than the average person.  I'm that way too, but, I'm not a redhead.  My pain seems to laugh in the face of medication. It's like I'm immune to it.  I finally learned to let it go.  It's sort of a waste of time.  If I ever have to have anything done serious, I'll have to stay in the hospital and have IV. Pills just don't cut it for me. Muscle relaxers either....like an aspirin. 

I have to be knocked out to have my teeth cleaned. No pain tolerance. 

You can drill my kids teeth with no anesthetic as she has an unbelievably high pain tolerance. Go figure. 

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Yep.  Nitrous is the best.  I always had it for anything dental in NJ.  Very relaxing, not scary, and it was great at cleaning my sinuses.  And I have a very high tolerance for pain.

Where I am now a doctor has to administer it - the hygienist can't and it's not free.  What a bummer.

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On 8/14/2018 at 7:33 AM, jalady said:

Laughing gas is the best!  I had that for all my fillings as a child.  Unfortunately, I don't think many dentists use it anymore ☹️

Oh laughing gas.  LOL. My dentist gave it to me when I was around 20 to get two of my wisdom teeth pulled.  She asked me to let her know when I felt the tingling. I told her and then I remember NOTHING after that.  It was one of the best naps I’ve ever had. I have 2 small kids now and I wish I had a tank of it in my closet.  LOL. For me!  Not the kids.  Well, maybe the kids.  LOL. 

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Sasha, cougar at almost 51, checking in about potential love interest at almost 38 who watched RHONY with me in cyber space!  I'm loving all the love I got from that post.  It's nice to have this new heavy flirtation in my life because my first love post widowhood, my high school crush and I are no longer dating, sadly.    Just wasn't fun anymore.  So young cutie pie is putting a lift in my step.

So here's the deal:  

I decided to play hockey, joined a novice co-ed league.  This sweet teddy bear of a guy is on my team.   Dark hair, beard, umm...well, much fluffier than I usually date, but handsome face.  Divorced, two kids.  Sent me a friend request early on in the season.  I noticed that none of the other teammates were friend requested...hmmmm.   Very quiet in the locker room, top scorer in the league (on my line).   Everyone in the league gets a kick out of my "pregaming."  I have wine at the local bar before every game to loosen me up.  On the bench during one of our playoff games, he asked:  "Pregame?"  I said yes and that I was tempted to send him a note and invite him alone and but said wasn't sure how that would effect your game.  He said, "After a game!"  He had his kids with him at the game, so no post-game.  Championship game, i score the first goal.  He comes over and gives me the biggest hug...like we didn't let go as fast as most on ice celebration.  Me: melt.    He then scores the 2nd and 3rd goals.  We were the only ones that scored!  So we make sure that we get a pic of us together with our Stanley Cup-looking trophy!  We are all drinking in the parking lot celebrating our win.  He was there for a little bit but had the kids.  Hugs me goodbye, said, "Madrones" (local bar).  Later that night, I send him FB note:  "Definitely celebratory drinks!"

Next day, we're emailing each other.  Being super silly (which I love).  For as quiet a guy as he was in the locker room and on the ice, he has a great sense of humor.  We are both playing in the fall hockey league and have joked that there will be a conspiracy to separate the Championship goal scorers.  He comments, "Meet me at the courthouse.  They can't separate married couples."  AWWWWWWWW.  Although this was a nod to the married couples that indeed aren't separated when they play.  I responded, "Well, I do refer to you as my hockey husband."    Next day, more fun emails back  and forth which ended with him emailing me, "Somehow Real Housewives of NY is on..." Me:  Don't think worse of me but I do watch all Real Housewives shows...in fact, I'm on a rewatch of this episode."  HIm:  Ramona is nuts.  then later..."Are you watching Andy?"  Me:  "No, I'm watching a documentary on the Syrian civil war...of course, I'm watching Andy!"  Then after Andy, "Those Real Housewives of Dallas are CRA."

Definitely flirtation in the emails.  So far no solid date to get together though.  Last night I went to pick up food at a restaurant for my daughter and posted a photo of the wine glass with my lipstick all over it captioned "I think it's time to cut back a little...on the lipstick."  His response "Where are you?"  I took that to mean maybe he was interested in possibly coming by, but I was just picking up food for the kid and on my way home, so I mentioned that.

I know this sounds superficial, but the only thing that bothers me a little is that he needs to drop some pounds.  I'm thinking comfort eating from his divorce.   He has pics where he was thinner on FB and wow.  I'm no skinny minny, and when my husband was in a 4 year cancer battle I picked up a lot of weight comfort eating.  But ended up dropping it.  Maybe if he's got a cougar interested in him, he'll get healthier!  And the only other thing is I am a little nervous about shitting where I live.  I would hate to get together with him, decide it wasn't for me, and then it is uncomfortably playing hockey with him.  I do have the ultimate exit strategy though:


I'm sure he has similar concerns about starting something with someone who plays hockey with him and who is much older than him (although no one would ever think there was an age gap since I'm always told I look like I'm in my late 30s!).

Will keep you wonderful people updated on the progress!  I'm not lacking male attention these days which surprises me at my age, so you may be hearing a lot about my love life!  

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Sasha, cougar at almost 51, checking in about potential love interest at almost 38 who watched RHONY with me in cyber space!  I'm loving all the love I got from that post.  It's nice to have this new heavy flirtation in my life because my first love post widowhood, my high school crush and I are no longer dating, sadly.    Just wasn't fun anymore.  So young cutie pie is putting a lift in my step.

So here's the deal:  

I decided to play hockey, joined a novice co-ed league.  This sweet teddy bear of a guy is on my team.   Dark hair, beard, umm...well, much fluffier than I usually date, but handsome face.  Divorced, two kids.  Sent me a friend request early on in the season.  I noticed that none of the other teammates were friend requested...hmmmm.   Very quiet in the locker room, top scorer in the league (on my line).   Everyone in the league gets a kick out of my "pregaming."  I have wine at the local bar before every game to loosen me up.  On the bench during one of our playoff games, he asked:  "Pregame?"  I said yes and that I was tempted to send him a note and invite him alone and but said wasn't sure how that would effect your game.  He said, "After a game!"  He had his kids with him at the game, so no post-game.  Championship game, i score the first goal.  He comes over and gives me the biggest hug...like we didn't let go as fast as most on ice celebration.  Me: melt.    He then scores the 2nd and 3rd goals.  We were the only ones that scored!  So we make sure that we get a pic of us together with our Stanley Cup-looking trophy!  We are all drinking in the parking lot celebrating our win.  He was there for a little bit but had the kids.  Hugs me goodbye, said, "Madrones" (local bar).  Later that night, I send him FB note:  "Definitely celebratory drinks!"

Next day, we're emailing each other.  Being super silly (which I love).  For as quiet a guy as he was in the locker room and on the ice, he has a great sense of humor.  We are both playing in the fall hockey league and have joked that there will be a conspiracy to separate the Championship goal scorers.  He comments, "Meet me at the courthouse.  They can't separate married couples."  AWWWWWWWW.  Although this was a nod to the married couples that indeed aren't separated when they play.  I responded, "Well, I do refer to you as my hockey husband."    Next day, more fun emails back  and forth which ended with him emailing me, "Somehow Real Housewives of NY is on..." Me:  Don't think worse of me but I do watch all Real Housewives shows...in fact, I'm on a rewatch of this episode."  HIm:  Ramona is nuts.  then later..."Are you watching Andy?"  Me:  "No, I'm watching a documentary on the Syrian civil war...of course, I'm watching Andy!"  Then after Andy, "Those Real Housewives of Dallas are CRA."

Definitely flirtation in the emails.  So far no solid date to get together though.  Last night I went to pick up food at a restaurant for my daughter and posted a photo of the wine glass with my lipstick all over it captioned "I think it's time to cut back a little...on the lipstick."  His response "Where are you?"  I took that to mean maybe he was interested in possibly coming by, but I was just picking up food for the kid and on my way home, so I mentioned that.

I know this sounds superficial, but the only thing that bothers me a little is that he needs to drop some pounds.  I'm thinking comfort eating from his divorce.   He has pics where he was thinner on FB and wow.  I'm no skinny minny, and when my husband was in a 4 year cancer battle I picked up a lot of weight comfort eating.  But ended up dropping it.  Maybe if he's got a cougar interested in him, he'll get healthier!  And the only other thing is I am a little nervous about shitting where I live.  I would hate to get together with him, decide it wasn't for me, and then it is uncomfortably playing hockey with him.  I do have the ultimate exit strategy though:


I'm sure he has similar concerns about starting something with someone who plays hockey with him and who is much older than him (although no one would ever think there was an age gap since I'm always told I look like I'm in my late 30s!).

Will keep you wonderful people updated on the progress!  I'm not lacking male attention these days which surprises me at my age, so you may be hearing a lot about my love life!  

This is so awesome, sasha! I was squeeing the entire time I read your post. 

As far as the male attention goes, I've found that as I've gotten older (and perhaps more confident, though I do have my insecurities...I guess I've just gotten better at masking them), male attention has increased. What these men may be responding to in you is your confident demeanor and your easy-going nature. Enjoy it!

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Sasha, cougar at almost 51, checking in about potential love interest at almost 38 who watched RHONY with me in cyber space!  I'm loving all the love I got from that post.  It's nice to have this new heavy flirtation in my life because my first love post widowhood, my high school crush and I are no longer dating, sadly.    Just wasn't fun anymore.  So young cutie pie is putting a lift in my step.

So here's the deal:  

I decided to play hockey, joined a novice co-ed league.  This sweet teddy bear of a guy is on my team.   Dark hair, beard, umm...well, much fluffier than I usually date, but handsome face.  Divorced, two kids.  Sent me a friend request early on in the season.  I noticed that none of the other teammates were friend requested...hmmmm.   Very quiet in the locker room, top scorer in the league (on my line).   Everyone in the league gets a kick out of my "pregaming."  I have wine at the local bar before every game to loosen me up.  On the bench during one of our playoff games, he asked:  "Pregame?"  I said yes and that I was tempted to send him a note and invite him alone and but said wasn't sure how that would effect your game.  He said, "After a game!"  He had his kids with him at the game, so no post-game.  Championship game, i score the first goal.  He comes over and gives me the biggest hug...like we didn't let go as fast as most on ice celebration.  Me: melt.    He then scores the 2nd and 3rd goals.  We were the only ones that scored!  So we make sure that we get a pic of us together with our Stanley Cup-looking trophy!  We are all drinking in the parking lot celebrating our win.  He was there for a little bit but had the kids.  Hugs me goodbye, said, "Madrones" (local bar).  Later that night, I send him FB note:  "Definitely celebratory drinks!"

Next day, we're emailing each other.  Being super silly (which I love).  For as quiet a guy as he was in the locker room and on the ice, he has a great sense of humor.  We are both playing in the fall hockey league and have joked that there will be a conspiracy to separate the Championship goal scorers.  He comments, "Meet me at the courthouse.  They can't separate married couples."  AWWWWWWWW.  Although this was a nod to the married couples that indeed aren't separated when they play.  I responded, "Well, I do refer to you as my hockey husband."    Next day, more fun emails back  and forth which ended with him emailing me, "Somehow Real Housewives of NY is on..." Me:  Don't think worse of me but I do watch all Real Housewives shows...in fact, I'm on a rewatch of this episode."  HIm:  Ramona is nuts.  then later..."Are you watching Andy?"  Me:  "No, I'm watching a documentary on the Syrian civil war...of course, I'm watching Andy!"  Then after Andy, "Those Real Housewives of Dallas are CRA."

Definitely flirtation in the emails.  So far no solid date to get together though.  Last night I went to pick up food at a restaurant for my daughter and posted a photo of the wine glass with my lipstick all over it captioned "I think it's time to cut back a little...on the lipstick."  His response "Where are you?"  I took that to mean maybe he was interested in possibly coming by, but I was just picking up food for the kid and on my way home, so I mentioned that.

I know this sounds superficial, but the only thing that bothers me a little is that he needs to drop some pounds.  I'm thinking comfort eating from his divorce.   He has pics where he was thinner on FB and wow.  I'm no skinny minny, and when my husband was in a 4 year cancer battle I picked up a lot of weight comfort eating.  But ended up dropping it.  Maybe if he's got a cougar interested in him, he'll get healthier!  And the only other thing is I am a little nervous about shitting where I live.  I would hate to get together with him, decide it wasn't for me, and then it is uncomfortably playing hockey with him.  I do have the ultimate exit strategy though:


I'm sure he has similar concerns about starting something with someone who plays hockey with him and who is much older than him (although no one would ever think there was an age gap since I'm always told I look like I'm in my late 30s!).

Will keep you wonderful people updated on the progress!  I'm not lacking male attention these days which surprises me at my age, so you may be hearing a lot about my love life!  

Go you!  Just remember that you are amazing, smart, kind, funny, and you deserve everything and more!

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So y'all share a locker room?!

As far as his fluffiness, good on you for looking beyond that. So many people don't, only to pass on some really lovely humans. Attraction is attraction. Sounds like you are attracted and the feeling is mutual!

Whatever it is or isn't, just enjoy it. Sounds like so much fun.

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Age, no biggie.  My divorced son met a woman 14 years younger than he.  He lost about 20 lbs while dating her.  It’s been a year, and they are having a blast every weekend since they met.  He’s in love again, thank God.   If he’s giving you positive signals, go for it.

Edited by Gem 10
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45 minutes ago, ryebread said:


So y'all share a locker room?!

As far as his fluffiness, good on you for looking beyond that. So many people don't, only to pass on some really lovely humans. Attraction is attraction. Sounds like you are attracted and the feeling is mutual!

Whatever it is or isn't, just enjoy it. Sounds like so much fun.

Yes!  Co-ed teams share a locker room but no nudity!  Yes, most definitely attracted to him.  He's really so handsome too!   Best of all, he's quiet but has a great sense of humor. PIcking up where we left off -- a bunch of silly emails back and forth this morning.

Oddly enough, during the season we didn't really talk much -- smiles, a little bit of talking on the bench, always glad we were on the same line.   I kind of suspected there might be an attraction on his part as well.  But after the Championship, getting to know each other through our silly emails.  

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2 hours ago, sasha206 said:


Back in my perimenopausal days, I went out for drinks with a cute door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman (I KNOW, right!?! But how could I refuse after he demo'd thoroughly vacuumed 3 rooms in my house?).  At some point, he asked me how old I was.  When I told him, he was shocked, and said: "That's the same age as my MOM!".  Way to cockblock yourself, sonny boy.  

I say "Go for it", @sasha206.  Life is sometimes short and always uncertain, so grab all the joy you can, while you can.  Besides, that whole "Use it or lose it" stuff turns out to be true (don't ask me how I know this, suffice to say, TMI).  :-)

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10 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Back in my perimenopausal days, I went out for drinks with a cute door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman (I KNOW, right!?! But how could I refuse after he demo'd thoroughly vacuumed 3 rooms in my house?).  At some point, he asked me how old I was.  When I told him, he was shocked, and said: "That's the same age as my MOM!".  Way to cockblock yourself, sonny boy.  

I say "Go for it", @sasha206.  Life is sometimes short and always uncertain, so grab all the joy you can, while you can.  Besides, that whole "Use it or lose it" stuff turns out to be true (don't ask me how I know this, suffice to say, TMI).  :-)

OMG, I love that story!  Clearly, you must look pretty damn good if youthful salesman was shocked!  

Here's hoping 38 year old is as good in bed as my high school crush was!  I should've kept that going just for the sex!  

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3 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

OMG, I love that story!  Clearly, you must look pretty damn good if youthful salesman was shocked!  

That was during my perimenopausal days, long, long ago, when my body was making a last ditch effort to make me horny & get me pregnant (fat chance!).  Once premature menopause took hold, my formerly washboard stomach and hot bod turned into a Buddha Belly and I thickened.  Although I suffered mightily (and still sometimes do) from the longest menopause EVER, I kinda liked the belly, and still do.  It gives my Babalu kittly something to rest on while he's squishing against my saggy boobs.

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30 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

That was during my perimenopausal days, long, long ago, when my body was making a last ditch effort to make me horny & get me pregnant (fat chance!).  Once premature menopause took hold, my formerly washboard stomach and hot bod turned into a Buddha Belly and I thickened.  Although I suffered mightily (and still sometimes do) from the longest menopause EVER, I kinda liked the belly, and still do.  It gives my Babalu kittly something to rest on while he's squishing against my saggy boobs.

I've never had washboard abs.  And ironically I have the nerve to comment on the fluffiness of Hockey Crush!

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Sample grab of emails between me and my Hockey Crush.


Me:  How long were you married? When was the divorce? What other intensely personal questions can I ask?

Hockey Crush:  Married in 08, divorced in 2013.  You can ask anything I am an open book.

Me:  How was the sex? Just kidding

Hockey Crush:  I have pictures if you want to see.  Kidding.


I think I love him.  

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3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Sample grab of emails between me and my Hockey Crush.

Me:  How long were you married? When was the divorce? What other intensely personal questions can I ask?

Hockey Crush:  Married in 08, divorced in 2013.  You can ask anything I am an open book.

Me:  How was the sex? Just kidding

Hockey Crush:  I have pictures if you want to see.  Kidding.


He sounds wonderful, Sasha (and {applause} for your caption of the lipstick-on-the-wineglass photo -- so funny :)

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1 minute ago, film noire said:

He sounds wonderful, Sasha (and {applause} for your caption of the lipstick-on-the-wineglass photo -- so funny :)

Hee hee, thanks for the appreciation of my lipstick joke!  

I'm getting such a kick out of his sense of humor. If nothing else, by the time fall hockey rolls around (mid Sept) we're probably going to giggle every time we lock eyes because now we have so many silly comments back and forth to each other.  Nothing better than someone matching your own silliness!

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Sasha - my last ex was  younger, "fluffy" and made me laugh every damned day for almost 10 years.  Trust me - you'll appreciate the humor even more after the hot monkey sex phase.

*and if you live in a place with WINTER, you'll learn to love that fluffy bundle of warmth, too!  ;-)

Edited by walnutqueen
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4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Sample grab of emails between me and my Hockey Crush.


Me:  How long were you married? When was the divorce? What other intensely personal questions can I ask?

Hockey Crush:  Married in 08, divorced in 2013.  You can ask anything I am an open book.

Me:  How was the sex? Just kidding

Hockey Crush:  I have pictures if you want to see.  Kidding.


I think I love him.  

I love that! A shared sense of humor is about 75% of it, imo.

Plus, a major goal scorer? That clinches it.  (Fluffy, shmuffy ;)

(I've been married to a center with a sense of humor for many years. Can recommend)

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7 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Sample grab of emails between me and my Hockey Crush.


Me:  How long were you married? When was the divorce? What other intensely personal questions can I ask?

Hockey Crush:  Married in 08, divorced in 2013.  You can ask anything I am an open book.

Me:  How was the sex? Just kidding

Hockey Crush:  I have pictures if you want to see.  Kidding.


I think I love him.  

Reading about this is better than a good book.  Hope it continues and continues.

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9 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

@film noire - To illustrate how underedumacated I am, I thought it was a duck, and I use it when I feel the need to, you know, duck.  ~sigh~


So now I guess I'll have to use it when I need to be goosed?  I'm so disappointed.

I love this picture!   ❤️

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12 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Yes!  Co-ed teams share a locker room but no nudity!  Yes, most definitely attracted to him.  He's really so handsome too!   Best of all, he's quiet but has a great sense of humor. PIcking up where we left off -- a bunch of silly emails back and forth this morning.

Oddly enough, during the season we didn't really talk much -- smiles, a little bit of talking on the bench, always glad we were on the same line.   I kind of suspected there might be an attraction on his part as well.  But after the Championship, getting to know each other through our silly emails.  

Well that just takes all the fun out of it!  LOL!

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3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

@film noire - To illustrate how underedumacated I am, I thought it was a duck, and I use it when I feel the need to, you know, duck.  ~sigh~


Cracks me up, every! Damn! Time!


So now I guess I'll have to use it when I need to be goosed?  

Or to goose all of us ; )

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4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

@film noire - To illustrate how underedumacated I am, I thought it was a duck, and I use it when I feel the need to, you know, duck.  ~sigh~


So now I guess I'll have to use it when I need to be goosed?  I'm so disappointed.


Well, Geese sometimes need to duck too.... 

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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Are there any former airline attendants around here? Anyone in your family?  My niece is considering applying. There's a major hub nearby and I'm just curious. I've done a little online research.  She has some college, but, hasn't graduated yet. She works part-time in sales, but, just hasn't found her niche yet.  We're thinking this is a great way to see the world and get some benefits.  She's single, naturally thin and rather easy going. 

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10 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Haha, glad you asked first because I thought if I did, everyone would think I was The Church Lady, Isn't That Special?  I can barely get undressed when my husband of 33 years is in the room, haha Come to think of it, I was the one who hid behind a towel in the hs showers. I don't get undressed in front of anyone. I am getting a bit hive-y just writing this and thinking about it...

Haha, me too.  I’m married longer than you.  My husband probably thinks I look the same as when we first married. Hahahahahaha.  Probably thinks I still weigh 120 lbs. hahahahahaha.

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More fun between hockey crush and I.  Last night between 5 and 8, a lull in communications.  

Hockey Crush:  Ah just left gymnastics class

Me:  Oh that'll come in handy for us.

Me:  Oh, you probably meant your daughter's class.

Hockey Crush:  Ha ha, you freak -- I like it!

This morning, I'm telling him some of the more salacious stories about our league.  

Hockey Crush: I love all these story lines around our league. We should contact Andy and see if Bravo will film it 

Edited by sasha206
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1 hour ago, stewedsquash said:

Haha, glad you asked first because I thought if I did, everyone would think I was The Church Lady, Isn't That Special?  I can barely get undressed when my husband of 33 years is in the room, haha Come to think of it, I was the one who hid behind a towel in the hs showers. I don't get undressed in front of anyone. I am getting a bit hive-y just writing this and thinking about it...

I too am painfully modest.  

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Just now, stewedsquash said:


From the other thread, shrug emoji

My silly introduction to that emoji happened on this site. Someone posted it, I of course tried to type it out to see how it was done. I could get it all except the side smile. Sooooo what does this lame-o do? Of course I head over to the Site Business Questions forum here and ask our beloved king in charge Dave. He was very kind in his answer, haha. Unless it has been purged from the updates, it is still there, a lame-o question from me for infinity. 

First of all, there are no lame-o people or questions here!  Secondly, I've never actually typed it out manually.  Copy & paste is much more time efficient, lol.  I still use it, plus the old school smileys and winkys, so I guess I'm the lame-o here.  (-;

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On 8/17/2018 at 6:34 PM, Jel said:

I love that! A shared sense of humor is about 75% of it, imo.

Plus, a major goal scorer? That clinches it.  (Fluffy, shmuffy ;)

(I've been married to a center with a sense of humor for many years. Can recommend)

Awwww, your hubby plays hockey?  LOVE it!

Yes, sense of humor to me is huge.  And I was attracted to him when I just thought he was this sweet, quiet guy.  So the sense of humor and the fact he has a great wrist shot is killing me!  :)

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37 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Awwww, your hubby plays hockey?  LOVE it!

Yes, sense of humor to me is huge.  And I was attracted to him when I just thought he was this sweet, quiet guy.  So the sense of humor and the fact he has a great wrist shot is killing me!  :)

Yes, he does, but he's Canadian, so it's required by law. ;)

Is it too early to start the Sasha and Hockey Crush engagement pool? ;) And can Hockey Crush pulleeez be his ptv handle?

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12 hours ago, sasha206 said:

More fun between hockey crush and I.  Last night between 5 and 8, a lull in communications.  

Hockey Crush:  Ah just left gymnastics class

Me:  Oh that'll come in handy for us.

Me:  Oh, you probably meant your daughter's class.

Hockey Crush:  Ha ha, you freak -- I like it!

Sasha! You little vixen!

What position is it that you play on your hockey team?

Was it.....Forward????  LOL.  ?

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5 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Sasha! You little vixen!

What position is it that you play on your hockey team?

Was it.....Forward????  LOL.  ?

Forward!  GIggles! What's funny is today I went to watch my nephew play hockey and we did the usual 4th period in the parking lot.  I had told Hockey Crush that he might get some drunk messages.  My drunk messages were cleaner than my sober ones.  The risque it got was :Puts on my Jim Carey dumb and dumber hat; I like you a lot."

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1 minute ago, sasha206 said:

Forward!  GIggles! What's funny is today I went to watch my nephew play hockey and we did the usual 4th period in the parking lot.  I had told Hockey Crush that he might get some drunk messages.  My drunk messages were cleaner than my sober ones.  The risque it got was :Puts on my Jim Carey dumb and dumber hat; I like you a lot."

I think we are all looking forward to the playoffs.

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10 hours ago, ryebread said:

He shoots...he SCORES!

Sasha is anxious to take a spin on the Zamboni.

I'm thinking we have to get to our games early and have some quality locker room time.  Hee hee.  

Yesterday, I suited up as a backup goalie for my  28 year-old nephew's team (played a whole 4 minutes!) and sent him a selfie in goalie gear.   He loved that.   I think he gets a kick out of my willingness to go for it even though I'm a total newbie.

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So, Hockey Crush and I were the only goal scorers in our Championship game 2 weeks ago.  So we address each other this way me:  "CHAMPIONSHIP PACE SETTING FIRST GOAL SCORER" (or derivations of) and him "CHAMPIONSHIP TWO GOAL SCORER."   And we talk about how selfishly happy we are that we were the only goal scorers for our team.  Anyway, we also have a birthday on the same day (25th).  I wake up to this cute message:

HC:  "Good morning and Happy Birthday week to the CHAMPIONSHIP GAME SCORING GOAL PACE SETTER."

Me:  "Good morning! It is our birthday week! We must bring it up at every opportunity what a special week this is. Sure our moms must have hated us during hot humid summer and the end of pregnancy. But that is all their fault anyway."

HC:  Yes and without that they wouldn’t have raised the only 2 CHAMPIONSHIP WINNING TEAM GAME SCORERS

What a cutie.

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On 8/19/2018 at 8:20 AM, sasha206 said:

I'm thinking we have to get to our games early and have some quality locker room time.  Hee hee.  

Yesterday, I suited up as a backup goalie for my  28 year-old nephew's team (played a whole 4 minutes!) and sent him a selfie in goalie gear.   He loved that.   I think he gets a kick out of my willingness to go for it even though I'm a total newbie.

You go, girl!

I haven't dated a man my own age in many years.

Guys my age I find are usually too sedate for me, and I have zero in common with them, whether it's movies, music, concerts, energy level, etc.

Mr. Persnickety was 15 years younger than I am.  

The guy before Mr. Persnickety was also 15 years younger than I was (and he reinitiated contact after he saw Mr. Persnickety's death on the news). 

The guy before that guy was 12 years my junior.  

I appreciated having someone who could keep up with me mentally and physically, and they appreciated having someone who knew what she wanted and didn't play head games.

I say go for it with all you've got and HAVE FUN...We really do only live once, so grab that bitch known as life with gusto and enjoy every second of it!!!

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