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RHoBH in the Media

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I disagree. Adrienne apologized when the word Slander was mentioned, not before. I also noticed that a lot of the stories that were leaked where leaked by Adrienne's Chef, Bernie. Makes you wonder who was really behind the story, him or his boss.

Oh, I think Adrienne was absolutely behind some of that stuff. She was no innocent. I just think that she truly believed Lisa was doing it too.

Someone mentioned the pics of Adrienne and Brandi looking friendly in an eariler post. Here are the pictures of them hugging it out. In some of the pictures it looks like they were filming.

Love to hear that Lisa R will be joining. I hope Brandi hates her. I understand that Lisa R and Kyle are friends, so this should prove interesting.


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Hmm.  Lisa Rinna. 


I only know her from her second stint on Days of Our Lives back in the, um, day, so it'll be weird seeing her essentially on the same level as someone like Brandi.  I think I make a distinction between an actress and a reality show participant- I never saw Kim/Kyle as actresses and "met" them in this format- so my brain will have to make that adjustment, I think.

Adrienne never said it like it was a huge nasty allegation; she just stated it in a sentence like it was no big thing.  I think that the fact that Lisa became so offended and urgent in her denial hit Adrienne hard and I don't think she expected it. I think she was embarrassed and realized that perhaps she had it all slightly wrong and that she looked like a fool. She apologized immediately, which you rarely ever see any of the HW's do on these shows.  


Oh, I saw it completely differently. I thought Adrienne was very obviously trying to get a major dig in against Lisa. In fact, I remember Lisa asking her, "Why would I ever sell stories to the press?" or something like that and Adrienne replied (quite haughtily), "I wouldn't know - don't sell stories!" Adrienne was pissed at Lisa that season and I felt she was clearly using the allegations to malign Lisa's character. 

  • Love 3

Oh, I saw it completely differently. I thought Adrienne was very obviously trying to get a major dig in against Lisa. In fact, I remember Lisa asking her, "Why would I ever sell stories to the press?" or something like that and Adrienne replied (quite haughtily), "I wouldn't know - don't sell stories!" Adrienne was pissed at Lisa that season and I felt she was clearly using the allegations to malign Lisa's character. 

You are correct in that I think that Adrienne was trying to get a dig in to an extent, and she was certainly pissed at Lisa about the shoe comment and Pandora's party in Vegas.  My main point is that I think that Adrienne actually believed it. The original comment was in response to someone saying that Adrienne knew it was a lie when she said it. I I don't think she did; I think she believed it to her core. I think she poked at Lisa until Lisa became so passionate, and then she realized that she might have it wrong. She looked a bit stunned to me by Lisa's passion, which is when she apologized. I think she knew that she was in the wrong and looked bad in her accusation. 


The clip is attached below. Note that they bleeped out the name of the reporter who was making the claim (Camille had heard this rumor as well, and of course Taylor made the original accusation during the season). Radar On Line issue a statement later where they defended Lisa, but also Adrienne to an extent. They basically said that Lisa had never sold a story, but that Adrienne had been given such information, which was false. 



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I remember when Lisa Rinna was on Dancing With the Stars.  They were at her home for some reason, a very nice home and she went into her bathroom for some reason (I'm blanking out) but I was totally shocked at how normal her vanity was-- just FULL of normal looking products, I could swear I saw a bottle of Prell shampoo among the mess of bottles and jars!  I loved how unaware she was we'd be thinking ''Oh wow, a Hollywood star and look how messy!"  She just acted like we were a friend coming in and this was how she lived, no big deal.  I have to compare with some of the other housewives and the perfection of their vanities.  (mine is always a mess...)  I hope Lisa comes on the show and stays natural and tells it like it is!  I wish she'd REPLACED Brandi.....

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I didn't have an opinion on her one way or another until I saw her on Sing Your Face Off earlier this summer. It was just silly summer fluff with no actual prize, but she threw herself into it completely, was game for anything, and had a huge amount of fun. I was prepared to write this season off, what with the return of Brandi and the loss of Joyce, since I really liked her and Mr. Joyce, but this might pull me back. That and Camille's wardrobe.

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I honestly think I'd be more excited about the Lisa Rinna news if she weren't a friend of Kyle's. I don't like Kyle. Lisa has always looked like a lot of fun when I've seen her on entertainment shows or WWHL, so I fear her friendship with Kyle on this show will taint her for me. 


I was also a huge Harry Hamlin fan back in the day, so I'm  not looking forward to seeing him on the sow, especially if he takes a big role in it like Ken and Mauricio, and turns out be a jerk.

  • Love 2

I honestly think I'd be more excited about the Lisa Rinna news if she weren't a friend of Kyle's. I don't like Kyle. Lisa has always looked like a lot of fun when I've seen her on entertainment shows or WWHL, so I fear her friendship with Kyle on this show will taint her for me. 


I was also a huge Harry Hamlin fan back in the day, so I'm  not looking forward to seeing him on the sow, especially if he takes a big role in it like Ken and Mauricio, and turns out be a jerk.

I have always thought the Kyle and Lisa were both at their best when they were friends. Lisa is very different with Kyle. I can see why they were friends for so many years before the show started. I think they have great chemistry. I haven't been big on Lisa the last two years since she got the Brandi stink all over her, but I am looking forward to her and Kyle being friends again. I think Lisa R will be a great addition and I hope that she and Lisa V hit it off as well. 

eta slade I agree with your point about Faye. But don't you think it is a different senario with LisaR? My thought is, Faye was actively auditioning for the show ON THE SHOW and had to do SOMETHING to make herself get noticed, whereas LisaR was cast for the show without having to audtion ON THE SHOW. LisaR's real life stuff was her in to be a RH. Does that make sense?



I agree with this. When I was watching some old episodes, I was surprised to see how often Faye was in the background at various events in S1 and S2. One of them was one of Lisa's Charity deals (the one where Camille sent a text to Kyle effectively firing Mauricio). Since it was Lisa's event, it looks like she had invited Faye. I think she was around a lot but we never heard boo from her until she was auditioning for the show (except of course at Camille's dinner party).


I don't like Faye for reasons that have nothing to do with the show. On the show, I had no issues with her because I agreed with every single word out of her mouth, and I think she has proven to be correct on most things.  Her delivery and timing sucked, but the timing of drama always sucks on this show - do it at dinner or on vacation - that is the contrived formula. It seems like she is a long time, good friend of Kyle's, and Kyle stuck by her even when folks were brutal towards her. I remember even Lisa V and Brandi saying that Faye was getting death threats. Kyle didn't drop her despite the fact that everyone in the US and abroad basically hated her. I think she judged Faye by how she treated her. I cannot see any difference between their friendship and the one that developed between Brandi and Lisa V. Brandi was always a horrible person, but as long as she was a good, loyal friend to Lisa V, she was fine with her. She stood behind her during the whole awful Adrienne deal. She was fine with her until she went after her.  I would imagine Kyle would drop Faye similarly if she stabbed her in the back in such a manner. 

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I think Kyle is at her worst when someone like Brandi is going after her.

And when her friend Faye is going after Brandi and Kyle just sits there. That's guilt by association and I hate seeing Faye insert herself into things that don't concern her a lot of the time. When I see Kyle and Faye together, Kyle looks worse in my eyes. The company you keep and all that jazz.

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And when her friend Faye is going after Brandi and Kyle just sits there. That's guilt by association and I hate seeing Faye insert herself into things that don't concern her a lot of the time. When I see Kyle and Faye together, Kyle looks worse in my eyes. The company you keep and all that jazz.

That absolutely was not Kyle's best moment. But the reality is, she probably agreed with the very true words that Faye was saying about Brandi. Adrienne and Faye are good friends as well (Faye dated one of Adrienne's brothers, cousins or something years ago). She felt like she had every right to have an opinion about something terrible that Brandi had just done to Adrienne. Kyle should have shut that down, but the fact is Brandi was in the wrong. We have seen before and since that it seems to be hard for these gals to shut this shit down. For example, Lisa sitting mute (or laughing) while Brandi went after Joyce, when Joyce, unlike Brandi in a similar situation, had done nothing wrong at all. 

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Brandi sucked for bringing up Adrienne's surrogacy, but it just wasn't Faye's business. I don't care if Faye was close to Adrienne or not - it was not her battle to fight. And as much as I fault Brandi for her behavior, I absolutely believe that Adrienne did the things that Brandi said she did (namely, calling her up, trying to intimidate her into retracting her statements, then trying to get her fired from the show). The last one, in particular, would be really gross - for this super-rich woman to be cutting a single mother off from potential income. Two wrongs don't make a right, but I seriously doubt Adrienne was innocent in all of this, and that is why Faye should have saved her finger-pointing for some situation that actually had a direct effect on her. Also, didn't Faye try to blame Brandi for Paul and Adrienne's divorce? Nonsense.

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We just need Harry Hamlin to put on those horn-rimmed glasses he wore in Mad Men and fire off a couple of zingers at Brandi. She'd be a sniveling, weepy mess in less than a minute. LOL


I don't want to see this.  I don't want to see her playing the victim after someone sets her silly ass straight.  It would have been nice if the PTB got rid of Brandi and kept Mr. and Mrs. Joyce.


I like Lisa Rinna too so I am glad that she is joining the show.  Girl is always on the hustle.

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I remember when Lisa Rinna was on Dancing With the Stars.  They were at her home for some reason, a very nice home and she went into her bathroom for some reason (I'm blanking out) but I was totally shocked at how normal her vanity was-- just FULL of normal looking products, I could swear I saw a bottle of Prell shampoo among the mess of bottles and jars!  I loved how unaware she was we'd be thinking ''Oh wow, a Hollywood star and look how messy!"  She just acted like we were a friend coming in and this was how she lived, no big deal.  I have to compare with some of the other housewives and the perfection of their vanities.  (mine is always a mess...)  I hope Lisa comes on the show and stays natural and tells it like it is!  I wish she'd REPLACED Brandi.....


I agree with this.


I never watched DOOL so my viewing experience with Lisa Rinna has been on her reality show with Harry, and her appearances on Celebrity Apprentice and stuff like that.


I went into Lisa Loves Harry set for total snark but damn...I couldn't really find anything.  They both seemed like really down-to-earth people leading a very average life despite their celebrity status and money, and I found them both very likable people.  The kind of people who are totally approachable and who would just be fun to hang out with.  I don't think that's a statement I could make about many (if any) other reality show participants.


And I love the way they (especially Lisa) have that self-deprecating sense of humor and snark on themselves.


And, just my personal opinion, but I've always thought Lisa Rinna has THE best hair in the industry.  Even though it's been the same basic cut for years, she has it tweaked just enough where it doesn't look dated and mixes up her base and highlights just enough where it never looks boring.  It always looks fabulous and appropriate, but easy to maintain.


If she's as personable on RHOBH as she's been on other shows, I think she'll be a nice addition.  Plus, I think she and Harry are always doing interesting things and it might get us back to that lovely season 1 look into the real lives of these Beverly Hills housewives instead of just the constant producer-manipulated drama.


I'm officially ready to get RHONYC over with (what a zzzzzzzz season) and start looking forward to season 5 of RHOBH.  

  • Love 6

I'm not sure how I feel about Lisa Rinna. I like her on wwhl and she seems like fun and I love Harry on Mad Men.

I'm just not sure if I want to see them on RHoBH.

I should say I know I don't want to see Harry on there. I will be honest I hope HH never appears on the show.

Idk much about them and I'm ok with that. I'm not getting my hopes up that Lisa R will say much against Brandi. Kyle and Brandi get along so I'm sure Lisa will get along with her too.

IMO, even the women I like on these shows don't always shine.

Edited by imjagain
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Glad Carlton is gone, and don't care one way or the other about Joyce.  


The only thing I've ever seen Lisa Rinna in was Celebrity Apprentice, and for some reason (I don't know why), I was prepared not to like her.  But she did well, had a very pleasant personality, good sense of humor, very "un-diva" like.


Think she will be a good addition.


Am I the only one that remembers Harry Hamlin from LA Law? : )

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It is, perhaps, my love for Veronica Mars that has me so excited about the Lisa Rinna/Harry Hamlin casting. For those who didn't watch they played husband and wife and parents of Logan Echols who was the bad boy on the show. HH and LR were delightful in every episode and were playing OTT versions of themselves sort of. HH was an action movie star and LR was his tragic drunk housewife. I know it's not real, and I know that they're nothing like this in real life but it gives me squees to see them together anyway. I realize that makes me a bit crazy ;) but I'm excited nonetheless. 

I've known of LR since Days of Our LIves the first go around.  She is just zany and fun enough to keep the show from getting toxic.  Though it is often said one bad egg (brandi) makes all the other eggs go bad.


Shouldn't there be a rule that one can not be a full time housewife if they are not allowed to have all aspects of their life filmed?  If one was established then Brandi would be barred from being a housewife :)

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IMO there shouldn't be a rule like that.  Adrienne kept her kids off screen and had their faces blurred out if they did appear.  Frankly I wish most of the parents would keep their kids off these shows.  Brandi's are lucky that Eddie said no, and now he is bound to it on his own show too.  The women by agreement often keep secrets that only come out months later or at the reunions - thinking of Luann here and her count living separate lives.

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We just need Harry Hamlin to put on those horn-rimmed glasses he wore in Mad Men and fire off a couple of zingers at Brandi. She'd be a sniveling, weepy mess in less than a minute. LOL

Dare I say I LOVE the way Harry Hamlin looks in Mad Men?  Obviously they have him mocked up to look much older but he looks like a silver fox in some of those episodes.

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IMO there shouldn't be a rule like that.  Adrienne kept her kids off screen and had their faces blurred out if they did appear.  Frankly I wish most of the parents would keep their kids off these shows.  Brandi's are lucky that Eddie said no, and now he is bound to it on his own show too.  The women by agreement often keep secrets that only come out months later or at the reunions - thinking of Luann here and her count living separate lives.

Agreed. I have no issues with the gals not having their kids on the show, although I think that Adrienne is the only HW I know of who had this rule in place by her own desires.  The others (Camille, Brandi, Tamra) all want their kids on but messy divorces won't allow for it.  For me that was the reason that what Brandi did to Adrienne was so much more heinous. Adrienne had said from the very beginning she didn't want her kids to be part of the show.


I love kids, but am more than happy to not have them play any real role in the shows. 

  • Love 1

Agreed. I have no issues with the gals not having their kids on the show, although I think that Adrienne is the only HW I know of who had this rule in place by her own desires.  The others (Camille, Brandi, Tamra) all want their kids on but messy divorces won't allow for it.  For me that was the reason that what Brandi did to Adrienne was so much more heinous. Adrienne had said from the very beginning she didn't want her kids to be part of the show.


I love kids, but am more than happy to not have them play any real role in the shows. 


See, I thought they had shown Adrienne's sons in season 1, with the outdoor BBQ that the chef was preparing, playing with Paul, in the kitchen, just little snippets like that.  Did they just never show their faces up close?  Or am I remembering season 1 wrong (admittedly the Great Limousine Showdown has superceded most of that first season in my mind).  I remember thinking it was pretty bold to show the kids, as I would have assumed with Maloof money those kids would be prime kidnap-for-ransom targets (but then I'm definitely not rich and get these thoughts primarily from bad movies I've seen).  


I was wondering if maybe they were briefly shown in the first season but then Adrienne and Paul reconsidered that, if maybe there had been some weirdo "fan" contacting them on social media or something where they felt removing any sight of the kids might be wise.  

Edited by Persnickety1

See, I thought they had shown Adrienne's sons in season 1, with the outdoor BBQ that the chef was preparing, playing with Paul, in the kitchen, just little snippets like that.  Did they just never show their faces up close?  Or am I remembering season 1 wrong (admittedly the Great Limousine Showdown has superceded most of that first season in my mind).  I remember thinking it was pretty bold to show the kids, as I would have assumed with Maloof money those kids would be prime kidnap-for-ransom targets (but then I'm definitely not rich and get these thoughts primarily from bad movies I've seen).  


I was wondering if maybe they were briefly shown in the first season but then Adrienne and Paul reconsidered that, if maybe there had been some weirdo "fan" contacting them on social media or something where they felt removing any sight of the kids might be wise.

When Adrienne first got on the show, she did an interview where she said we wouldn't really see much of her kids because she didn't want them to grow up with cameras in their face because she thought it was an invasion. You are correct in that we did get glimpses of them - the barbecue, swimming once, playing in the backyard, running from the fire across the street - and she brought them to events like Kennedy's b-day party, etc. I don't remember their faces being obscured, just that they didn't speak or take part in the action. They were there sometimes, but clearly not mic'd or part of the story. We didn't see any birthday parties for her kids, or any other events where they would have taken center stage. I always thought that was cool of her.

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MSN is reporting that Lisa Rinna has been added to the cast.  Has Bravo ever confirmed these reports?


I don't think Bravo ever confirms reports until it's blatantly public knowledge, the sneaky bastards.  Even the new participants don't seem to ever confirm until filming is well underway.  


I think the only way we really find out is when the women start putting out pictures on their social media and we can see the new women for ourselves.


I don't know why they handle it this way.  I guess they like to keep us second-guessing?  Or to keep the new participants in line during filming so they know they could be cut out of the cast at a moment's notice?  Hard to say with Andy.  

To my knowledge Bravo confirms nothing about hiring or firing until they absolutely have to. We heard about Carlton and Joyce last year, but not from Bravo. We heard about it from other news outlets.  Same thing with Carlton and Joyce not coming back. If Bravo has confirmed it, I am not aware of it. 


I think they do this because a gal can still end up on the editing room floor. The media reported for months that this Danielle gal was a new HW on the OC show, but when it aired, she was not even a "friend of". She was apparently supposed to be a full time gal, but they edited her out.  


I have had a longtime battle with myself over liking/disliking Kyle, and for quite some time now, I've disliked her.  I point to Game Night and to dinner at Kyle's house with Faye as two examples of why I think Kyle is a mean girl.  I'm 50% in favor of Lisa R. joining the cast, BUT ... someone upthread mentioned that Lisa and Kyle are friends.  In my mind, I saw a red, flashing warning light.  I immediately had questions about whether or not Lisa R. would be another Faye.  If we're about to go back to the Kyle and Faye days, I'm bowing out.  To me, that wasn't entertainment; it was torture.  Why sit through yet another series of Kyle having others do her dirty work?  I'm hard pressed to see how two people who are friends in real life can possibly not be friends on a reality show.  While I would be thrilled if Lisa R could get Brandi where it hurts, I question whether she can be objective on the show.


What about Lisa V?  I haven't read that she's signed anything yet.  Is she still holding out?  Either the media has stopped caring, or I've missed the announcement.

Edited by Lura

I have had a longtime battle with myself over liking/disliking Kyle, and for quite some time now, I've disliked her.  I point to Game Night and to dinner at Kyle's house with Faye as two examples of why I think Kyle is a mean girl.  I'm 50% in favor of Lisa R. joining the cast, BUT ... someone upthread mentioned that Lisa and Kyle are friends.  In my mind, I saw a red, flashing warning light.  I immediately had questions about whether or not Lisa R. would be another Faye.  If we're about to go back to the Kyle and Faye days, I'm bowing out.  To me, that wasn't entertainment; it was torture.  Why sit through yet another series of Kyle having others do her dirty work?  I'm hard pressed to see how two people who are friends in real life can possibly not be friends on a reality show.  While I would be thrilled if Lisa R could get Brandi where it hurts, I question whether she can be objective on the show.


What about Lisa V?  I haven't read that she's signed anything yet.  Is she still holding out?  Either the media has stopped caring, or I've missed the announcement.

Lisa V signed a long time ago. 


Regarding Lisa R and her friendship with Kyle: she is also friends with Lisa V. It means nothing to me either way. Kyle had Faye and Lisa V. had Brandi. They all look to find others to do their dirty work. At least Faye was 100% correct in everything that she said, even if she is a horrible person in general. 

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Lura, I am guessing you don't know much about Rinna. Apples and oranges, Lura, I think you'll be fine with her.

I actually like Kyle, for the most part, with the exception that she has a hard time letting things go and tends to replay her grievances over and over again -- so damn annoying. Anyhoo, that said, with regard to Rinna, she's nothing like Faye. Rinna is extremely likable, funny, and although she can hold her own, she comes across in a completely different way. She is friends with Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle in real life and is friendly with Kim.

Eileen Davidson is an interesting choice, if true. I guess Bravo wants soap opera actresses now to prevent the viewers from boredom. The thing that bugs me about this is there will be less reality and more manufactured drama -- ick.

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Agreed. And then when she gets an apology, it may not be to her liking. She needs to talk less and listen more, imo. She sets herself up for disappointment because no one can meet her expectations. People like Kyle often have to learn the hard way and that is through loss and suffering, it's the only way for some people to make the connection to stop majoring in the minors and you just have to let things go and focus on what is really important in life. Kyle has a thick head to be sure.

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