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RHoBH in the Media

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It could have been before or after they were being filmed. There have been numerous reports of Housewives filming "a scene" at a restaurant and then having their "real meal" afterward once the cameras were off. Speculation and conjecture can go both ways.

This is the same tabloid that claimed Kyle was "fired and Kathy hired" just a week or so ago! LOL IMO, they or their "un named source", coughBrandicough, are lying through their teeth! LOL

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It could have been before or after they were being filmed. There have been numerous reports of Housewives filming "a scene" at a restaurant and then having their "real meal" afterward once the cameras were off. Speculation and conjecture can go both ways.

If it were any other source but Radar Online, I would agree. But, Radar has proven time and again that they are not a trusted source. It seems the only time they get a story right is when the are scooping a more reputable source or by accident.

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Radar Online isn't all that reliable so it makes sense that we would doubt their credibility about Kyle's statement.   The sad part of this is that after seeing (and hearing) Kyle call homeless people "bums" on film while hoping it would be picked up as a TV show, I don't doubt that it's possible she made such an inappropriate remark.

Edited by AnnA
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Radar Online isn't all that reliable so it makes sense that we would doubt their credibility about Kyle's statement.   The sad part of this is that after seeing (and hearing) Kyle call homeless people "bums" on film while hoping it would be picked up as a TV show, I don't doubt that it's possible she made such an inappropriate remark.

For me, it isn't about whether or not Kyle would make jokes about Caitlyn Jenner. Even though she has been a friend of the family for decades, I wouldn't put it past her to make inappropriate jokes about Caitlyn and the entire situation to one of the Jenners in PRIVATE. But, Kyle would NEVER make those types of jokes in public. More than any other housewife (with the possible exception of Jill Zarin), Kyle knows that anything she says that is caught on a microphone is fair game. And she knows that she would have no power to stop BRAVO from airing it.  No way, she said that in a restaurant, to Lisa V. while being filmed even in the downtime of filming. 


As for Lisa V. She would never risk her standing with the LGBT community by going along with making jokes at Caitlyn Jenner's expense in public. I don't know these women, but I know how important their public standing is to both of them. And both of these women have had to deal with their words being scrutinized by the public.Kyle spent years trying to undo the backlash she got from outing Kim as an alcoholic. In a lot of circles she is still trying to undo it, in that she is still being accused of exploiting Kim. 


Lisa may still be a fan favorite, but she still has tons of detractors who are simultaneously fans of Brandi, while also blaming Lisa for Brandi's bad behavior towards Joyce. I can't imagine a single instance in which she would allow herself to be caught by ANYONE trashing or even appearing to trash Caitlyn Jenner. Her reputation as a supporter of the LGBT community means way too much for her to ever risk it. 


So yeah, Kyle is dumb enough that she may make an inappropriate remark about Caitlyn, TO Caitlyn. But, I just can't in any way fathom her making one in public, during filming ABOUT Caitlyn. And add Lisa V. who is so protective of her reputation, plus it's from Radar. Yeah, this is a total bullshit story. 


Final thought on this: Radar is STILL the only source of this story. If it were a verifiable story, some other source would have picked it up. But, the only ones running with it are quoting Radar. 

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Oddly enough it didn't occur to me that Bethany's issues with Kristin could have anything to do with Kyle and Brandi. 


Zoeysmom, what makes you think that we won't get a White Party this year? The White party is the main event that I look forward to on RHBH outside of the trips and whatever big event Lisa throws. 


Maybe it'll just be held a bit later in the year than its usual time?  


Oddly enough it didn't occur to me that Bethany's issues with Kristin could have anything to do with Kyle and Brandi. 


Zoeysmom, what makes you think that we won't get a White Party this year? The White party is the main eventarrow-10x10.png that I look forward to on RHBH outside of the trips and whatever big eventarrow-10x10.png Lisa throws. 


Maybe it'll just be held a bit later in the year than its usual time?  

Interesting Lisar was in the mix.



I gathered from what Kyle said last year it has become a pretty big todo so with her being overseas it seemed like end of June is out.   I hope they have it and most of all no Brandi!!!!!  Maybe JR will hook uparrow-10x10.png with a new lady in the bathroom.




Maybe they will do an early Europe trip this year.

Edited by zoeysmom

Interesting Lisar was in the mix.

I gathered from what Kyle said last year it has become a pretty big todo so with her being overseas it seemed like end of June is out. I hope they have it and most of all no Brandi!!!!! Maybe JR will hook uparrow-10x10.png with a new lady in the bathroom.

Maybe they will do an early Europe trip this year.

I am just hoping they are filming Kyle and family in Europe, at least a little bit. Edited by motorcitymom65
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I am just hoping they are filming Kyle and family in Europe, at least a little bit.

Your wish is there command. . . Kyle tweeted to Lisa V. . . hurry up and get over here so I think there will be filming in Europe.  Kyle is in the south of France and Monaco, Lisa and Ken's son lives in St. Tropez.  Let's see if Bravo will pop for the other ladies to join LIsa and Kyle.

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Actually...kyle was vacationing last summer...and it was filmed with just her and yolanda...while Lisa V and Lisa rinna went to palm Springs together for vacation.....so I could see Lisa V and kyle vacationing with their spouses and families especially at the start of filming.

I notice that early filming is more of their lives and they don't always interact until a little bit into filming.

Remember season 5 and little interact till episode 6 after white party ?

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Is that a young Giggy?

Yes, that is Giggy, he was just a pup. Lisa got him on her birthday in 2009. That was taken not long before his hair fell out.


Giggy with hair.   I would have to ask Wire Wrap because she really is up on Giggy and when he was born.  She has a soft spot for the RH critters.

Awww, I do have a soft spot for all the HW furbabies! LOL He was born in 2009, in W. Virginia and he started loosing his hair when he was a few months old. Our Maltese lost his fur/hair when we rescued him, low blood sugar, but his grew back. Of course, I try to keep him shaved/clipped all the time now as he is prone to matting easily. I keep our Newf shaved/clipped as well to save our vacuum and my sanity! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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Hmmm, I wonder how true that OK Magazine item is. Just based on how PC Denise has been about Charlie, I have my doubts as to whether she'd actually do the show for fear of pissing him off. She's been so discreet about their marriage, and I always get the impression that she knows he'd cause trouble if she were more forthcoming about his lunacy and/or if she did/said anything to wake the sleeping beast.


It's always made me a little sad/impressed at how she's managed to keep things amicable since their split. There's always this undercurrent of fear, IMO.

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I think the reason Denise is very guarded when it comes to Charlie is because of his kids. Didn't she take in his kids after one of his more public meltdowns? I think she understands that anything negative she puts out there about him has a direct affect on his children and so out of deference to them, she keeps quiet about Charlie and what is going on with him. Which kind of makes her the anti-Brandi.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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Denise has already starred in her own reality show so I don't think Charlie would care if she was on this show.

IIRC, he went apeshit crazy about it too, and I think he forbade his daughters to be filmed. Nah, I don't see him going along with this at all unless she keeps the kids off camera, then what's he gonna do? She's a whole lot better at parenting than himself or ex-wife Brooke.

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The judge allowed Sam and Lola to be on her show overruling Charlie.

Guess the Judge didn't see Charlie as the last word pn parenting. I agree she has kept silent because as nuts as he is, hes their dad.Unlike Brandi trashing Eddie every chance she gets even though he is a whole lot saner than Charlie. Faint praise but Eddie's biggest mental issue appears to be his taste in women.
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Guess the Judge didn't see Charlie as the last word pn parenting. I agree she has kept silent because as nuts as he is, hes their dad.Unlike Brandi trashing Eddie every chance she gets even though he is a whole lot saner than Charlie. Faint praise but Eddie's biggest mental issue appears to be his taste in women.

Denise slammed Charlie and probably deservedly so until the ink was dry on their divorce papers. I've always suspected there was an exchange of funds for her silence because her lips now seem sealed about all things Charlie. I don't want to see her on the show because her story is known and stale before she begins.

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The judge allowed Sam and Lola to be on her show overruling Charlie.

Wasn't the deal that Charlie signed the papers okaying them appearing and then tried to withdraw his consent and the judge told him he could not?  I know Tamra Barney tried to get the Court to overrule Simon not allowing the children to be filmed based on his prior permission.   


I am kind of on board that we know Denise's story.  It was a cute show and she is not terribly interesting.


http://www.allabouttrh.com/is-taylor-armstrong-returning-to-rhobh/  Taylor is back fulltime?  Doesn't she live in Colorado? 


http://www.allabouttrh.com/denise-richards-is-not-joining-the-cast-of-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/  Denise not joining.  Although I question the author-Denise and Charlie have two children together and not three/  It is all in the details.

Edited by zoeysmom

Brandi flies to close to the sun. . . RHONYC weigh in on who they would like from BH cast-well accept Bethenny she wants to be on Atlanta.  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/08/14/rhony-reunion-preview-kristen-taekman-says-brandi-glanville-misrepresented-rhobh-last-season/


Kristen claims Brandi had to stir it up because nothing was happening.

Brandi flies to close to the sun. . . RHONYC weigh in on who they would like from BH cast-well accept Bethenny she wants to be on Atlanta. http://www.realitytea.com/2015/08/14/rhony-reunion-preview-kristen-taekman-says-brandi-glanville-misrepresented-rhobh-last-season/

Kristen claims Brandi had to stir it up because nothing was happening.

When you have nothing else to do just make up a story about the RHOBH net worth.  http://www.bustle.com/articles/124196-the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-cast-ranked-by-their-outrageous-net-worths  U think there are a lot of irregularities in this story.

Bethenny talks about her experience and drama on RHOBH filming in the Hamptons.  Talks and talks.  http://www.eonline.com/news/711377/bethenny-frankel-cops-to-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-drama-but-don-t-worry-they-had-fun-too

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It was fun reading about the net worth of the HWs.  I didn't realize that Brandi had that much, and I was really stunned to see who was ranked #1.  Of course, the other article about the HW's husband in trouble may explain why that figure was so high.  Of course, that fine will hardly put the witchy one into the poor house.  I wonder whether they still live in the House of Crosses.

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When you have nothing else to do just make up a story about the RHOBH net worth.  http://www.bustle.com/articles/124196-the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-cast-ranked-by-their-outrageous-net-worths  U think there are a lot of irregularities in this story.

Bethenny talks about her experience and drama on RHOBH filming in the Hamptons.  Talks and talks.  http://www.eonline.com/news/711377/bethenny-frankel-cops-to-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-drama-but-don-t-worry-they-had-fun-too

Hm...cough, cough....on that net worth story.  Made up story is right.  Yeah, Brandi has a net worth of a million dollars....


Wow, no mention of Skinnygirl in the Beth article.  I wonder how much Skinnygirl product placement there was for her appearance on BH.  She hosts a party and we all know why. 

It was fun reading about the net worth of the HWs.  I didn't realize that Brandi had that much, and I was really stunned to see who was ranked #1.  Of course, the other article about the HW's husband in trouble may explain why that figure was so high.  Of course, that fine will hardly put the witchy one into the poor house.  I wonder whether they still live in the House of Crosses.

My guess is the one who came out on top was probably the author or source for the story. 

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