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Eileen Davidson: Queen Eileen, Bold and Beautiful

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I don't see a topic for the new HWs so I will post this here. I have never watched DooL or ever heard of Eileen Davidson but I did watch a Dog Whisperer episode (the only one I have ever seen) and she and her family were on it. They had a very hyper Wheaten terrier who constantly ran around, jumped, scratched and knocked over their five year old son. Cesar observed the family/dog interaction and when they all sat down to talk about the dog, he said, in essence, "No the problem is you." He said that the son and the mom and dad mimicked the dog's behavior. And they did - when the dog was in the room, they all started running and jumping (playing) too. Cesar told the parents that they had to act like parents and set the tone for the child and the dog. He got the parents in line, the little boy in line and then the dog was much calmer.

Those of you who are familiar with her, does this show any insight into her character?

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Eileen's played on two soaps days of our lives and young and the restless... awesome actress that finally got Emmy gold at last. She's the only Emmy winner on one of these franchises....

One of her characters Susan bank used to say bad characters were mean, mean, mean. So the catch phrase for this intro line could be 'You are mean mean mean!'

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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I didn't realize she and Vince van Patten had a son until I perused her Wikipedia page last week. It seems like Brandi's vendetta against her will hinge on production exploiting Miss Glanville's stupidity/personality disorders since the central point of contention (that Eileen "steals men" and "sleeps around") revolves around stuff that literally happened 14 years ago. The nominal scandal is that Eileen and Vince were photographed together a month after Eileen's husband had filed for divorce and a month before Vince filed for divorce from his wife, who went on to star in most of the Saw horror films.


Eileen may not be the most technically brilliant/Streepian actress, but she's amazing neverethless. I'm unfamiliar with her work on The Young and the Restless, but her first run on Days of Our Lives coincided with elementary school for me. She played five characters in total, often three at a time relatively consistently, and, in one scene, performed four of the parts against each other - and Sarah Paulson, while awesome herself, supposedly has it hard playing twins on AHS. Eileen manages to invest her main character, a sociopath, with a lot of black comedy. Kristen DiMera is essentially a very anti-feminist character (she basically does all of her dastardly deeds in order to get or keep a man), and Eileen somehow ensures she's not irritating or pathetic. She also sold the shit out of ridiculously over the top storylines like Satanic possessions, etc.  


Okay, done fangirling now.


I don't think she and Lisa Rinna know each other all that well from their shared time on the show; each pretty much interacted with the same roster of actors, and their respective plots didn't overlap much.

Edited by lunastartron
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I know after reading this story my eyes will be glued to Eileen's feet:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/rhobh-think-new-housewife-eileen-davison-boring/


On a show with women who can barely walk, let alone gracefully in their towering shoes I will be curious to see just how bad Eileen's are.


If it turns out that Davidson wears flats, I'm a fan already.

  • Love 4

Was Eileen featured more in the second episode? I was very disappointed with the first one, since I'm only going to watch for her. I've read all her books too.

This weeks episode until the end she's supposed be featured quite a bit. I saw spoilers from the season preview and she does have a bit of a storyline.

I know after reading this story my eyes will be glued to Eileen's feet: http://www.allabouttrh.com/rhobh-think-new-housewife-eileen-davison-boring/

On a show with women who can barely walk, let alone gracefully in their towering shoes I will be curious to see just how bad Eileen's are.

Shut the fuck up Brandi. She may wear boring shoes and be boring but you Brandi look like an ad for bad plastic surgery and wear clothes that reveal your tampon. Eileen is ten times more attractive physically and mentally and has talent and a loving relationship and family it must drive Brandi mad with jealousy.

  • Love 3

I "watched", mostly fast forwarded, the second episode, and didn't see any Eileen at all, except in the preview at the end.  Am I going to get fooled into watching another one because they made it look like she's in the next installment?  Is she really going to be in it?   I like Lisa RInna, Harry Hamlin, and their family, but can't stand the rest of the Botox Brigade.  You could make a better show with just the children making fun of their parents.

Eileen makes her debut tonight.

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So when Eileen refers to playing a bitch on TV, she means whoever she played on Days, right?  Sorry, I don't watch Days, so I have no idea.  But I've watched Ashley forever & she was NEVER a bitch -- OK, maybe once in a great while to Nikki, Victor or Adam, but who wouldn't wanna kick any of those chucklefucks in the teeth?  Well, maybe I wouldn't wanna kick Nikki in the teeth, but damn that woman annoys the shit outta me.

  • Love 3

Kristen Blake, Eileen's principal Days role, started out as an Ashleyesque goody two shoes until it was revealed that she was dun dun dun secretly the adopted daughter of Stefano DiMera, the series' chief villain. She subsequently (d)evolved into a scheming antagonist who faked a pregnancy with a pillow, imprisoned her romantic rivals in secret dungeons under Paris and off of the wine cellar in her house, and teamed up with Stefano to break up John and Marlena (father and daughter were each in love with one of the parties in that couple).


Eileen should have won the Emmy in 1998, but she lost to Cynthia Watros, later of Lost, whose storyline one-upped Eileen's (instead of a pillow, CW carried a dead fetus around on her respective series in order to fake a pregnancy).


Eileen's 2014 Emmy reel:


Kristen meeting the lookalike who bailed her out when the pillow jig was up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttnjx3W_6ls

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Eileen should have won the Emmy in 1998, but she lost to Cynthia Watros, later of Lost, whose storyline one-upped Eileen's (instead of a pillow, CW carried a dead fetus around on her respective series in order to fake a pregnancy).


WTF?  I was watching the wrong soaps when I was younger.  That sounds insane!

  • Love 3

WTF?  I was watching the wrong soaps when I was younger.  That sounds insane!

Ha I never watched Guiding Light, but at the time I was curious about the performance that bested Eileen, so I read a synopsis. I think Cynthia Watros's character miscarried the pregnancy she intended to save her marriage, so she carried the dead baby around inside of her until she could make it look like her romantic rival pushed her down a flight of stairs and thus committed infanticide.


That actually doesn't begin to near the insanity on Days for most of the '90s - heroines got buried alive and literally possessed by the Devil. Great ludicrous fun. The writer, James Reilly, quit to create Passions, where it all became, uh, too much.

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So far, so good. But it's a pretty low bar. I really liked when the waiter offered real food and Eileen chose that! (How strange is Beverly Hills, that the servers discuss salmon like it's a HUGE meal?) I am a little nervous about next week, though. She says something about her and her husband "bickering" a lot and asks if that's normal. I hope it's normal bickering and not shades of Adrienne and Paul.

  • Love 1

Eileen should have won the Emmy in 1998, but she lost to Cynthia Watros, later of Lost, whose storyline one-upped Eileen's (instead of a pillow, CW carried a dead fetus around on her respective series in order to fake a pregnancy).



This may be the best story synopsis ever, lunastartron.  The antics of Crazy Annie Dutton, as Watros's character is known at my house, are legendary, but now I'm sad I missed all the DeMera nuttiness. 

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I LOVE Eileen with a fiery passion. On paper, her Kristen DiMeara is a loony evil person. In Eileen's hands, she's multi-dimensional and root-worthy in a weird way. Her face alone would show the gamut of emotions in some scenes and she has great comedic delivery. She's the reason I'm tuning in to RHOBH this season. 

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Eileen is gorgeous and looks young without looking plastic. I can't wait to see her interact with Yolanda (& David) and Lisa Vanderpump. Before this past episode I didn't know about her marriage to Vince Van Patten. I wasn't aware of VVP's heartthrob past, but being a poker player, his presence really pulled me out of the show. It's really strange seeing VVP in this environment & doesn't feel quite right. I've never seen DOOL, Escape to Witch Mountain, or anything else that these ladies have done, so this is the first time I've experienced this "worlds colliding" moment. After  Eileen's "bickering" comment they will likely highlight her marriage this season, so I'll just have to get used to this "seeing my teacher at McDonalds" feeling.

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As for Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills, Bravo was desperate to get some star power into the mix and also some money, so they agreed to pay veteran soap star Eileen Davidson $750,000 to appear in the 5th season. Eileen is rumored to be the highest earner according to In Touch Weekly. The other ladies only earn between $450,000 and $500,000 for the season.


  • Love 3

Old article-Eileen the author in Malibu Times.  http://www.malibutimes.com/life_and_arts/article_077f43a2-ed2d-55dd-a4db-a9aad7496022.html


On the cover of this month's Malibu Times magazine:  http://www.malibutimes.com/malibu_life/image_d796085c-6497-11e4-ae83-1fcb01727509.html


Sounds like she knows how to keep herself in the mix without resorting to drunken, tampon string dangling ways. 

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I remember when Eileen took over the role of Kelly Capwell on SB.  She made a highly criticized comment.  Something to the affect - Kelly's IQ jumped fifty points when Eileen walked on set.  An obvious insult to the previous actors in that role.  Considering Eileen wasn't even the best Kelly (that would be Robin Wright), it was a brazen comment, in my opinion.

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I just caught (this past weekend) a repeat episode of Cesar Milian: Family Episode - his new dog whispering show. I had not watched this episode before. In this episode two connections to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Kelsey Grammar along with his wife, Kayte, and Eileen Davidson with her husband, Vince. This episode originally aired in October. I am guessing filming took place in late 2013 or early 2014. One thing I noticed about Eileen was how much younger she looked to me. It was because of her hairstyle. Her hair was longer and had some layers to it. I thought she looked great.


Would anyone have any idea if her cutting her hair had to do with her role on the soap or if it was due to her new gig on this show?

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Something about her screams 'artificial' to me.  It could be that she's been a soap actress for so long that that's her schtick.  But her talking heads are so loud and sweeping. Remember when she did the first one about "Pay attention to me"  "No, don't pay attention to me"  "Pay attention to me"?  I've seen her do that in 3 separate THs - where she's made a statement, then contradicted it - all with the sweeping, dramatic voice.  It's like her thing.  And it annoys me. LOL


I dunno. Just can't put my finger on why she rubs me the wrong way.  That said, I respect her work and exercise ethic and I think her clothes are contemporary and age appropriate.

  • Love 5

Something about her screams 'artificial' to me.  It could be that she's been a soap actress for so long that that's her schtick.  But her talking heads are so loud and sweeping. Remember when she did the first one about "Pay attention to me"  "No, don't pay attention to me"  "Pay attention to me"?  I've seen her do that in 3 separate THs - where she's made a statement, then contradicted it - all with the sweeping, dramatic voice.  It's like her thing.  And it annoys me. LOL


I dunno. Just can't put my finger on why she rubs me the wrong way.  That said, I respect her work and exercise ethic and I think her clothes are contemporary and age appropriate.

That and, "All..couples...bicker..don't..they?"  Just ask Paul and Adrienne what Bravo will do with that.

  • Love 1

Something about her screams 'artificial' to me.  It could be that she's been a soap actress for so long that that's her schtick.  But her talking heads are so loud and sweeping. Remember when she did the first one about "Pay attention to me"  "No, don't pay attention to me"  "Pay attention to me"?  I've seen her do that in 3 separate THs - where she's made a statement, then contradicted it - all with the sweeping, dramatic voice.  It's like her thing.  And it annoys me. LOL


I dunno. Just can't put my finger on why she rubs me the wrong way.  That said, I respect her work and exercise ethic and I think her clothes are contemporary and age appropriate.


She's an actress and most actors and actresses I've been around (I've been around quite a few) are always "ON" if they sense they have an audience.


Forgot to add...whether there is a camera there or not.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 4

I could be wrong, but I just don't sense the desperation in Eileen that I often find in new housewives.  If she truly is receiving the highest salary, she probably reluctantly agreed for the paycheck.  I prefer Lisa R. at this point, but she often reeks of desperation and the need to please.  I don't think Eileen really cares at this point.

  • Love 7
I could be wrong, but I just don't sense the desperation in Eileen that I often find in new housewives. 


I sense it. She seems pretty tightly wound so I'm basically waiting for her ass to snap. To me she seems like she's trying very hard to get along, to be bright, bubbly, funny and agreeable. She seems like she wants to be liked. And right now it's working for me, I admit. I find her likable and even natural in that unnatural way if that makes any sense. 


At the same time I feel like there's a lot of stuff underneath the surface and I do wonder how well she and her husband get on. I felt like there was some barely disguised bitterness there and I wonder if there will be more references to anything regarding their finances. 


I am curious to know if any other daytime divas are hating on her for landing this gig and paycheck. There are certain women in daytime (and who were formerly in daytime) who I think would jump at the chance to be on one of these shows. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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In the Wining and Dining thread I mentioned Lisa R and Eileen bringing style back to RHONY.  Lisa Vanderpump needs to take a page from Eileen's book.  It was so evident at Yolanda's party.  Eileen, Lisa R, even Yo with their stylish hair cuts, Kyle with hers healthy and long.  Updated make-up.  Then you have Lisa VP.  Just stuck.

Here's Eileen in Vanderpump mode in Dec.2012.  And now.  See what she did there, Lisa?  Cut her hair in a cute style.  Invested in a great conditioner. Softened the brow color and arch. Lightened the lipstick and laid off the heavy eyeliner.  Put her blush a little higher up on her cheeks. Boom. It's not rocket science but it *is* like magic. This is how you age gracefully without having obvious work done.





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She should teach Brandi how to use fillers or maybe she had a facelift?  Whatever Eileen looks great.  And it is a more current/youthful look than Lisa V. ITA.


See I think this is the difference between facelifts and fillers.  I think Lisa V did a facelift or something in the off season - an eyelift/browlift?  She is showing a lot more forehead this year and her skin looks tighter.  Her lips look ridiculous, but her face looks tighter. But she may have fillers in the jaw/lower face mouth area too.


 I think Brandi does fillers.  I think she pumps fillers into her lower face and botox into her brow area and combine that with her cheeks and she looks like a total clown.


One nice facelift and you don't get the blowfish look.  But if you do more than one face lift you get the Adrienne/Jocelyn Wildenstein look.

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She should teach Brandi how to use fillers or maybe she had a facelift?  Whatever Eileen looks great.


I hope she hasn't had a facelift yet because I agree with you.  More than one is not good.  And she's too young at 55 to have used her golden ticket yet.  From the looks of her pics, though, I don't detect a face lift.  Her eyes look a tiny bit lifted but that could just be because more of her lid is showing due to backing off on the thick eyeliner.  But all her creases and wrinkles are in the same place.  She probably has skin peels.  And a great make up artist.

The softer, muted makeup colors are so much more gorgeous than the heavier lip and eye color in the first picture. 

Yes.  I had a makeover right before Christmas and one of the things the magician told me was to soften my brows and he literally removed about eight hairs from over each arch and it made an incredible difference.  Another, never wear heavy eyeliner.  Especially on the bottom. (I don't and never did) but he explained it covers up the upper lid.  And last, I learned not to put blush on the apples of my cheeks like I'd always been told.  When you're older, it has to go higher up.  That tip, next to my16 plucked eyebrow hairs made the biggest difference. LOL  Lisa VP, call me! 


Funny thing about LIsa, though. She's got all the money in the world to hire the best make up artist and buy the best products so it must be her sheer stubbornness to let go of her dated look.  That said, I think she looks beautiful in her THs when she's wearing the emerald green, off the shoulder dress.

  • Love 3

I hope she hasn't had a facelift yet because I agree with you.  More than one is not good.  And she's too young at 55 to have used her golden ticket yet.  From the looks of her pics, though, I don't detect a face lift.  Her eyes look a tiny bit lifted but that could just be because more of her lid is showing due to backing off on the thick eyeliner.  But all her creases and wrinkles are in the same place.  She probably has skin peels.  And a great make up artist.

Yes.  I had a makeover right before Christmas and one of the things the magician told me was to soften my brows and he literally removed about eight hairs from over each arch and it made an incredible difference.  Another, never wear heavy eyeliner.  Especially on the bottom. (I don't and never did) but he explained it covers up the upper lid.  And last, I learned not to put blush on the apples of my cheeks like I'd always been told.  When you're older, it has to go higher up.  That tip, next to my16 plucked eyebrow hairs made the biggest difference. LOL  Lisa VP, call me! 


Funny thing about LIsa, though. She's got all the money in the world to hire the best make up artist and buy the best products so it must be her sheer stubbornness to let go of her dated look.  That said, I think she looks beautiful in her THs when she's wearing the emerald green, off the shoulder dress.

The emerald dress is her best look!


I wish I still had eyebrows to soften!  Thanks Menopause!

  • Love 3

Omg just watching the apology and I didn't catch this the first time.

Brandi: I cried all night.

Elieen: good.

I want to be Elieen when I grow up.

I thought the exchange between David and Vince was pretty good as well:


David: "you still playing tennis?"

Vince: "yeah, I played McEnroe the other day." 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

I'm just here to brag. I met Eileen in 1985 or 1986. I was amazed by how tiny and delicate she seemed in real life. She was with her husband at the time and he was sort of a brute, so it made her seem even tinier. My drunk friend was a huge Y&R fan and implored me to go get her autograph. I mentioned that the autograph was for my friend and pointed her out to Eileen. At that point, my friend had passed out on the table and Eileen advised me to take her home. She was sweet and didn't seem to mind all the attention, although I got the vibe that she could do without it.

  • Love 10

Omg just watching the apology and I didn't catch this the first time.

Brandi: I cried all night.

Elieen: good.

I want to be Elieen when I grow up.

I haven't seen this yet (or the actual event) since we're a week behind in Canada (what the heck is up with that?). I can't wait to see it.

Eileen is the reason I started watching this show. I've quickly come to loathe Brandi but I really enjoy Lisa Rinna and Eileen.

  • Love 2

I haven't seen this yet (or the actual event) since we're a week behind in Canada (what the heck is up with that?). I can't wait to see it.

Eileen is the reason I started watching this show. I've quickly come to loathe Brandi but I really enjoy Lisa Rinna and Eileen.


catalogrrr - listen very carefully when Brandi and Elaine are walking back inside after their little talk by Yo's pool.  Eileen had more than one little zinger (but I can't quote from memory - menopause gives you Lyme's brain, eh).   :-)

  • Love 2

I haven't seen this yet (or the actual event) since we're a week behind in Canada (what the heck is up with that?). I can't wait to see it.

Canadians must be very patient people. And here I've been feeling bad for our west coasters who are 3 hours behind. 


I often miss episodes when they air and I actually prefer to read the postings here first.  Makes me look for the good stuff.

  • Love 6

I remember when Eileen and Vince got together, very messy.

He was previously married to Betsy Russell.

Think GH's Jon Linstrom was her second husband.

Seeing Vince now, it's ironic that his brother Tim ended being the one

that ended up more successful in the biz.

Having worked three of HBO's most critically acclaimed shows.

The Sopranos

Boardwalk Empire

Game of Thrones

  • Love 1

I remember when Eileen and Vince got together, very messy.

He was previously married to Betsy Russell.

Think GH's Jon Linstrom was her second husband.

Seeing Vince now, it's ironic that his brother Tim ended being the one

that ended up more successful in the biz.

Having worked three of HBO's most critically acclaimed shows.

The Sopranos

Boardwalk Empire

Game of Thrones

Tim is Vince's uncle.  He is Dick and Joyce's half brother.  He is very, very successful.  I think financially the brother that made it was the one Jimmy, that was in the dog food business with Dick.

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