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S01.E10: Lovecraft

Tara Ariano

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Falcone up to this point has been very professional, and has delegated the dirty work to others.  This was the first time that he really seemed like the sort of person who could rise to control the Gotham underworld.  He did apologize for shouting, though.  He is smart to be suspicious of Oswald, and to put him - more gently than he might have - in his place.  Ozzie has the ambition to rule but not the experience to hold the kingdom.  He's kind of the intern crime lord.  I was surprised that Oswald revealed the truth about Liza to one of his henchmen.  I suppose he means to take his driver to the top with him.


I think part of the problem with the actor playing Dent is that he is following Aaron Eckhart.  With the other characters, there are enough differences in age and approach to avoid being bogged down by comparison, or the comparisons that can be made are favorable.  Dent is near in age and character design to the recent film version, but lacks the competence and morality to be anything other than a future member of the rogue's gallery.


I was glad to see that Alfred isn't the only servant at Wayne Manor.  I would like to think the gardener survived, scarred.  Unless the assassins' original intention was to kill everyone they encountered, and they revised their thinking when the chase spread across the city and there were so many more witnesses.  I was also telling Lovecraft to get out of possible sniper range.  Did the assassin's take the briefcase of information that he was trying to show Gordon?



I want to see Bullock drawn, against his will, back to the Wayne murders on his own.


That would be interesting.  That could keep Gordon and Bullock in contact, because the only people they can trust with the investigation would be each other.  It might also keep their relationship with Alfred and Bruce going.  I can see Alfred and Bullock continuing to get along.  They're the pragmatists here, even if they periodically act on their heroic tendencies.

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I actually think it's the way the character is written or maybe the way the direction is being given. I agree the approach is over the top, but I'm not certain all of it can be laid at the actor's feet. I doubt the character could be this campy without the director's and writer's approval.



I have the same problem with Dent that I have with Barbara, and I blame it on the writers/showrunners: they aren't giving the actors enough beats to make their end actions/decisions in any way reasonable or consistent with what's going on around them. Dent already playing fast and loose with kids' lives and his little two headed fetish? His frantic desire to prove it's his pet suspect, Lovecraft? His sudden bite your Goddamn face off snarl at Lovecraft, who rightly looked completely WTF?


It's not like any of that stuff, or his leaks to flush out the money behind the triggerman and all that, couldn't make sense. It probably did, on the page. And plot wise it keeps things moving along nicely. But the actor doesn't get any setup, no in-between, no exposition as to why he's so particular and focused, not to mention so on the edge mentally. Hell, Nygma's got more backstory than Dent, who's supposed to be a guy that Jim Gordon, Professional Wary Guy, trusts after one meeting. Instead, Jim looks like the kind of moron we know he isn't for not picking up that Dent's a hollow coward who's going to fold, and nobody is going to be one smidgen surprised when Dent less snaps then finishes his last little bit of breakage and goes Two-Face. There's no sense of how or why any inner battle is being fought, why Dent is so driven, why he backs down, if he hates himself for his cowardice, why he's obsessed with Fate.  


I know this isn't some chamber drama where everybody tells their life story, but what's happening is that one or two characters--so far, Barbara and to a lesser extent, Dent--get turned into Stupid Sponges, there to apparently soak up all the wrong turns and idiotic decisions that the other characters apparently don't make. It's lazy writing, both for the two scapegoats and for the other characters, who never have a chance to learn from mistakes or deepen their characterizations through flaws or error. 

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Interesting that they seem to be taking the approach that Alfred needs to be hard core for Bruce to become Batman. It's never really been done in the films before and is a refreshing take, not to mention it makes perfect sense. And it possibly renders the hardened-in-the-wilderness scenario from Batman Begins unnecessary.


This show continues to bring the awesome 80s music, with Gang of Four belting out "To Hell With Poverty" in the Factory scene ("Like a mall, but with better music"), and some vintage Bauhaus in the scene with Clyde the Fence. Kudos to the soundtrack person.

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Alfred the Butler was the clear standout of this episode.  Watching him fight and then work with Bullock was a joy.  (I wish they had given Bullock a different first name - now we have two Harveys on the show.) 


This episode was mainly about young Bruce and Selina.  I liked their scenes together and watching Bruce's reactions to the seamy side of Gotham.  I did think that he'd be more upset with Selina for leaving him to the mercy of that assassin and leaving without even waiting to see if he was killed.


I'm looking forward to the adventures of Jim Gordon at the Arkham Asylum and the introduction of Morena Baccarin's character.

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Alfred the Butler was the clear standout of this episode.  Watching him fight and then work with Bullock was a joy.  (I wish they had given Bullock a different first name - now we have two Harveys on the show.) 


This episode was mainly about young Bruce and Selina.  I liked their scenes together and watching Bruce's reactions to the seamy side of Gotham.  I did think that he'd be more upset with Selina for leaving him to the mercy of that assassin and leaving without even waiting to see if he was killed.


I'm looking forward to the adventures of Jim Gordon at the Arkham Asylum and the introduction of Morena Baccarin's character.


I don't know, I can't be too upset with Selina for that.  For one, she knew the assassins were after her, not Bruce, the assassin seemed to know he was lying when he said that he "didn't know where she was." when Selina was at the window, which is why I think she put the gun to his head.  But when Selina slipped out, and he was able to say "she's gone" it probably came off as the truth, because it was the truth and the assassin really had no reason to kill him.


Second, the assassin squad seemed very focused on only killing who they were there to kill.  That lady could have easily killed Gordon, but she didn't, she could have even made it look like a murder/suicide of some sort.  I'm not sure they killed the gardener, it seems a little gratuitous, and I'm not sure why no one else could have cut their finger to give her a little blood to wipe on her face.  


Granted, Selina didn't know that, but to me, the alternative would be that she surrender herself, and its likely that the assassins kill them both.  Or, if they think Bruce knows where she is, he will at least live long enough for someone to find him.  And from Selina's standpoint, Bruce, with all of his money, is the sort of kid that the GCPD won't let slip through the cracks, the search for him will be high, low and thorough.  Like a colonoscopy for Gotham.  Add to that, anyone who gets their hands on Bruce Wayne is likely to realize that he can be ransomed for vast sums of money.  I don't know who actually hired the assassins, but all the crime in the city right now seems to go through Maroni and Falcone, I don't think either of them is stupid enough to allow anyone to kill Bruce Wayne because of the level of heat it would bring on them.

Sigh... Yet another episode where every supposedly competent person has to act like an idiot for the plot to work.


Bruce and Selina refuse to contact anyone for no reason, just so they aren't found and put out of danger 10 minutes into the episode.


Bruce and Selina want to vanish so they go to one of the most dangerous places in all of Gotham instead of finding somewhere with no people around to hide as I'm sure Selina knows about 50 places for.


Lovecraft is hiding in one of his condos, obviously one of the first places people would look for him.


Gordon naturally doesn't shoot the assassins when he has the chance giving them the opportunity to subdue him and kill Lovecraft.


The assassin doesn't kill Gordon when she has the chance, just so he can get in her way later. Both this and the next one up could have been avoided by the assassins shooting Lovecraft through the window or had snuck into the room while they were talking as I was expecting.


Dent gives away the location of the witness to a few contacts when it should have been kept between Gordon and himself only.


Selina heads to and blindly trusts her fence when she already knows half the underworld is looking for her and even that the guy would rat her out in a second.


And probably a couple more I'm forgetting. The entire series so far can't seem to go a single episode without somebody acting blatantly obviously stupid so the plot can work or to avoid killing people who aren't supposed to die, but this has been the worst about this so far.


It's almost like without Barbara around to be the stupid one herself most of the stupid was dispersed among everybody. I still love the episode, mainly due to badass Alfred and Bullock and Bruce and Selina's scenes despite the kids idiocy, but the writers really need to figure out how to make plots that work without somebody having to be an idiot.

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I'm enjoying this more and more. I miss Barbara though, love her passion for Gordon. Hope that doesn't change.


I'd like to see more of Riddler and the female co-worker he was flirting with three or four episodes ago. Probably won't happen.


Selina and Bruce are great. Love the puppy romance thing going on there. After so many episodes with hardly any Selina, they're making up for it.


Alfred getting the better of Butch was great. Butch needs to be humbled. Or tossed off a bridge, that would work too.


I loathed Falcone in the first few episodes but now I kind of like him. Hope he finds out who the mole is. Heh.


Love the Penguin. He steals every scene he's in.


Interesting that Gordon lost a fight in this episode. Kind of a character change in a way, from Gordon being in charge/able to defeat all threats in combat to being made helpless. Of course we saw a little of that when Zsasz was after him, but I think they're starting to show more of a vulnerability to him than him just being the badass all the time. After all this is a Batman story and not a Gordon story, even though it kind of is a Gordon story.

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Maybe I'm just a heartless old coot. But The Bruce and Selina scenes don't really do much for me.I think the Child actors just aren't strong enough to act off one another unfortunately. I do enjoy Bruce and Alfred and Jim. I enjoy Selina on her own and with Jim.


I don't mind the narrative so far of showing the early basis of their relationship, but I'm not going to buy that being a central plot of the show. Let those two wander and deal with the other forces of Gotham.


That said, there was still a lot to enjoy about the episode, and I'm eagerly turning in every week.

Totally bugging me too, wondering if it's accidental or on purpose. It's got to be on purpose, right?


Harvey Dent and Harvey Bullock are both characters from the comic books. Harvey Dent has been around since the 1940s. Harvey Bullock according to Wikipedia has been around since the 1980s. So the fact that they are both named Harvey is just coincidence. 

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Harvey Dent and Harvey Bullock are both characters from the comic books. Harvey Dent has been around since the 1940s. Harvey Bullock according to Wikipedia has been around since the 1980s. So the fact that they are both named Harvey is just coincidence.

Huh. And nobody working on this show thought they should rename Harvey Bullock "Henry Bullock?"

I don't know who actually hired the assassins, but all the crime in the city right now seems to go through Maroni and Falcone, I don't think either of them is stupid enough to allow anyone to kill Bruce Wayne because of the level of heat it would bring on them.


I think the third criminal element is going to turn out to be the Wayne Enterprises board.  Perhaps their specialty is white collar crime, like embezzlement and profiteeering, but to protect their interests they may be branching out.  They could have hired the assassins if they were complicit in the Wayne deaths.



Huh. And nobody working on this show thought they should rename Harvey Bullock "Henry Bullock?"


He'd probably go by Hank.  Gordon does call him Harv now and then.  If Dent is going to stay a minor character - and given the lack of support he showed at the end I suspect he will - then it probably won't come up much.  Maybe if Bullock and Dent ever happen to be in the same room they'll make it a joke.

Alfred was awesome as an action hero.  Too bad he can't join the force.  That no one waits for backup line from Bullock was hilarious.


I sort of agree with immortalfrieza that it was a little frustrating to watch.  Lovecraft hardly revealed a thing before he was killed.  I did like Bruce and Selina's excellent adventures, but it didn't make a whole lot of sense.  If the assassins were so nice to not kill anyone except the "targets", then why did they have to "cut open" the gardener?  Just to get a little bit of blood to smear on her forehead?  


It was interesting to see Bruce out and about, and to see the underbelly of Gotham.  It was good use of Poison Ivy.  I didn't think the kiss was necessary, though.  They could have waited until Season 2 when Bruce entered puberty or something.  Selina seemed way older and was rather pushy about it.  


Falcone seems to have difficulty believing that Fish would betray him.  Maybe he's not as smart as he seems.  


It was a good cliffhanger in that it sends the show in a new direction to have Gordon working at Arkham.  I'll miss Bullock and Gordon as partners, and they'll probably go back to that eventually, but this should keep things fresh.  Maybe Bullock will get cases that involve Arkham escapees or ex-Arkham inmates or something.


The Mayor is starting to show his nastiness.  He seemed totally cowardly before, but this was the first episode where he seemed sinister.  Harvey Dent is a total idiot.  

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Alfred is a MF'er G. Watching him kick ass, take names, finesse, and bribe his way to his BRUCEEEEEE, was a fun ride.


I don't think I have ever seen such chemistry between two tween actors ever. And it's the kind of chemistry that can go whatever way the writers decide as the actors age. I could see romantic, rivals, friends, even brother/sister. That's unusual and interesting to watch.


I actually tweeted there's 10min left and no Barbara. And when it was over tweeted no Barbara whoo-hoo!.


Arkham is gonna be balls to the walls crazy and I can't wait.


Best line goes to Alfred calling Gordon and platt. Followed by Bullock calling Gordon a putz.

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Huh. And nobody working on this show thought they should rename Harvey Bullock "Henry Bullock?"


They probably figured fans of the comics would be upset if they changed either Dent or Bullock, and non-fans would adjust. (I personally hope that the Harvey Dent we're seeing is the dad of the one Batman will come to know or something, because this Harvey Dent is too old to be a contemporary of Bats).


Falcone seems to have difficulty believing that Fish would betray him.  Maybe he's not as smart as he seems.  


The Mayor is starting to show his nastiness.  He seemed totally cowardly before, but this was the first episode where he seemed sinister.  Harvey Dent is a total idiot.  

On the contrary, it seems like Falcone suspects each and every person under him would betray him potentially. He's just not going to buy Oswald's pointing the finger at Fish automatically because he'd consider the source. Oswald has a grudge against Fish because she tried to have him killed.

I do like the mayor having a darker side rather than just being a puppet.

And I would say Harvey's at most a total idiot only half the time. :)

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Shouldn't the assassin still be looking for Selina?  Or is it going to be dropped now?

I'll fanwank that either the person who was pulling Lovecraft's strings decided to cut off the hit, or Selina is going to stay one step ahead of the assassin for now. We are obviously going to see the lead assassin back at some point.

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Best line goes to Alfred calling Gordon and platt. Followed by Bullock calling Gordon a putz.


  Both of which IMO were eclipsed by Gordon's telling the Mayor to "kiss [his] ass."  Speaking of asses, given that Jim saved the Mayor's sorry one when he didn't have to, one would think that that would have counted for something with the Mayor, but apparently not.  It seems like every time Gordon saves someone's life it backfires, whether it's Oswald, Barbara or the Mayor. I think that Jim's being stuck at Arkham is just a temporary setback and that Bullock's probably going to get him out of it by blackmailing the Mayor and given the Mayor's taste in friends, to call him dirty would be an understatement. 

Edited by DollEyes
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As more than one person has pointed out they REALLY need to step up the security at Stately Wayne Manor.


Or maybe security gates around the perimeter of the property, like you see most mansions have. Or an alarm system. Or grounds workers who are a bit more wary? But that's okay - I kinda like Cat sneaking in and out of Wayne Manor.


And I agree with how Alfred is more of a badass here, and is obviously going to influence Bruce in his path to Batman. I really like this twist, that he's a 'Butler" technically, but so much more, AND can deal with the corrupt people in the city.

And Richard Kind is the best evil Mayor ever. Who knew?


Sorry, maybe second best, although I'm holding off to see if he's actually behind some evil acts. Richards Wilkins, of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is still the best evil mayor of all time, IMHO. I'll be surprised if anyone can ever better that performance. Funny AND evil.

Edited by PreBabylonia
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Let's not forget the Governor in The Walking Dead (title aside, his territory was a town, so I consider him mayor-esque).


Jim did save the Mayor's life, but since then he's kidnapped him and bad mouthed his policies on a weekly basis.  The Mayor's probably irritated that Falcone didn't follow through and execute Gordon so that he wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.

Someone said (I can't remember where) that the kiss wasn't a reward.  I think it was, but not for hitting her with a croissant or anything else so silly.  Bruce, who had little to fear from the assassins if he stayed out of the way, and who had already been told that she wasn't really planning on testifying, risked his life by throwing an assortment of Pinch Bars And Other Handy Iron Things at a trained assassin to cover her escape.  It's not hard to believe that people don't do things remotely like that for Selina very often.  So I think it came from genuine affection, and gratitude, and maybe she just wanted to kiss a kid who would do something like that.


Am I the only one who noticed Bruce's street shirt?  They did a wonderful job of underselling it -- it was partially covered with the jacket much of the time -- but there it was:



Also, for those who couldn't see it, here's the promo from the end:

Edited by MarkHB
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For an episode entitled "Lovecraft" did anyone else feel he was almost incidental to the plot? I mean, the guy's never appeared before and we have absolutely no reason to believe that Dent is actually right that he's the one behind the Wayne killings. If they want me to believe Dent is a force for good (at this point, anyway) maybe they could make a better effort at presenting him as a heroic force swimming in a sea of corruption. Or we could have Lovecraft turn up to be sinister for a few scenes so we actually have a reason to believe he is some sort of Boogeyman, but so far...meh.


Is the assassin a legacy character? She at least seems to have some sort of code (no collateral damage, since she left Gordon alive). And maybe it's just me, but if I had assassins after me I'd stay away from those giant picture windows. And on the subject of laying low - did Selina not consider that perhaps keeping in the shadows (you know, finding a deep hole and only emerging to steal food) might be a better idea? Sure, in the long run you want to try some permanent solution, but in the short term, you could keep a much lower profile.


Danielg342 I did enjoy the dinner scene with Falcone and family


Yeah, dinner, some wine, a little casual murder... it's what keeps a family together! And I'm not entirely convinced that the dead guy wasn't betraying Falcone - as he said, they all want his job. So even if he wasn't the guy that hit the payroll, he was probably cheating him to some extent.

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I really didn't get how the assassins found Selina. I mean I get that Dent leaked that Gordon was the one that had the witness. And I get that some dirty cops might have leaked that Gordon has been really interested in Selina Kyle lately. But no one really knew that Selina was at Wayne manor did they? Or did Montoya and Allen? I mean Gordon didn't even tell Bullock.


Like others I am still not liking Dent. i have a hard time buying that this guy might get elected DA one day, or that anyone ever would say "I believe in Harvey Dent". Plus I have been watching to see if when they show half his face if it means anything (like if he is an asshole when they only show his left side) but right now it just seems a useless reference. 


Plus I kind of wished that Dent had also told the Mayor to kiss his ass. I mean the actual DA is an elected post, so an ADA reports to him. None of those people report to the Mayor.


I do find it hilarious that Falcone totally flaunts his wealth. I mean no trying to hide it like he is a legitimate business man who works in waste management or something. This guy has a giant mansion with a huge staff, and meets with his captains at his house.

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Someone said (I can't remember where) that the kiss wasn't a reward. I think it was, but not for hitting her with a croissant or anything else so silly. Bruce, who had little to fear from the assassins if he stayed out of the way, and who had already been told that she wasn't really planning on testifying, risked his life by throwing an assortment of Pinch Bars And Other Handy Iron Things at a trained assassin to cover her escape. It's not hard to believe that people don't do things remotely like that for Selina very often. So I think it came from genuine affection, and gratitude, and maybe she just wanted to kiss a kid who would do something like that.

I did, and that was essentially my point. The “reward” point comes from the fact that in many stories, especially with teens, a kiss like that tends to occur only after the (typically male) hero “proves” his worth to the (typically female) suitor, with this huge scene at the end where the hero, anticipating “the kiss” gets the reward.

Now, while it can be argued that Bruce proves his worth to Selina, it didn't come under the subtext of Bruce doing it thinking “Selina's going to kiss me if I help her out!” Bruce, instead, did it naturally, out of the goodness of his heart, because he knew Selina was a friend and it's the right thing to do to save your friends (I also think Bruce was also motivated by ensuring his own survival, but that's another point). The show also didn't make a big scene where “the kiss” happened- it just happened all of a sudden, and while it was a dramatic moment at the end, both actors sold it the right way- they looked at each other like their relationship was now “real”, and that the pair are obligated to each other.

They could have had Bruce been excited about being kissed, and they could have had Bruce jump up and down for joy after he “scored” but doing that would undermine the impact of what he did. If anything, the show at least teaches us that being truly selfless is the only way you really get rewarded- and that's a wonderful lesson to teach, especially for kids.

Yeah, dinner, some wine, a little casual murder... it's what keeps a family together! And I'm not entirely convinced that the dead guy wasn't betraying Falcone - as he said, they all want his job. So even if he wasn't the guy that hit the payroll, he was probably cheating him to some extent.

Yeah, there might be some backstory involving Banion (the dead guy) and Falcone that we won't know about...Falcone is right that it's a given everyone wants his job, and while he could have dispatched Banion discreetly, doing it at dinner where everyone's watching is a nice reminder to them that he's the boss and he'll spare no lengths to deal with any attempt to undermine it.

It's also a great WTF scene- imagine what the other people are thinking when they think they're just going to have a nice dinner and all of a sudden one of their guys drops dead in his pasta because Falcone is making a point. Great reminder to the family that no matter where they are, they should never feel “complacent”.

Thus, it's one of my favourite scenes because in being so subtle it says so much.

(As an aside, one of my reactions would be “free pasta!” before I remembered that there's a dead guy's blood and guts in there. Then I would feel bad for the dishwasher...I can picture many an argument with Falcone asking him to dispose of his “undesirables” in a better manner)

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I caught up to the show today. I've been watching it slowly the last few days to catch up. I'm really glad I did because this finale was the best episode largely in part to Alfred. I've always liked the character and I adore this version of him. He is perfect and yes, he has my heart! He takes names, he bribes, kicks ass, swags, schmoozes, and makes the best quips. He's a humble James Bond. I really liked him teaming up with Bullock and his conversation with Fish. Alfred needs to be in Gotham more.


Before this show aired, I was a bit worried about the kid Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle thing too, but the show has really done well with it. In fact, I adore kid Bruce. I find him endearing and just the right of awkward, young genius. I think the two kids have chemistry. I go back and forth on the acting of the Selina actress, but I know it could be a lot worse.


I still love Ben McKenzie, but I really zone out during the "procedural" aspects of the show.

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Plus I kind of wished that Dent had also told the Mayor to kiss his ass. I mean the actual DA is an elected post, so an ADA reports to him. None of those people report to the Mayor.

True, but I'm willing to believe that the ballot in Gotham looks a lot like a ballot in Soviet Russia: there's the Mayor's buddy, and everyone else suddenly withdrew due to a family matter, or died under mysterious circumstances, or was "revealed" to possibly be a pedophile on the Saturday before the election, or is a nut who thinks there's a giant bat haunting the skyscrapers.

  • Love 3

I watched last night.


The innocent  yet smarmy #NotMyFault reaction to Gordon going off on Dent was as wonderfully eye-rolling as it was originally. ( "What about whispered?")


The Alfred/Harvey Bullock team-up is still amazing and I still want them teamed up again! ( Please, Some Gotham Nutter, kidnap Jim and Bruce.  Maybe you'll get sent to Arkham, where it's totes sooper safe.)


I want to see Alfred have to pay back Fish's help. Hopefully, Fish hasn't forgotten this ace up her sleeve. Or turban.


I would like to see Clive usurped or hurt, due to how skeevetastic he was to Cat. On a related note, I'd like to see Bruce in more casual clothes once in a while.


I enjoyed myself, which was pleasant.

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