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S04.E09: There's Something Else Going On

Tara Ariano

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Kudos to the actors who play the Ambassador and her husband. In that last scene together they conveyed his sudden realization that what he was doing directly enabled a fatal attack and her absolute horror and disgust at his stupidity. It appears that the consequences of his actions are finally becoming real to him instead of just some abstract concept.

Edited by bluphoenix451
  • Love 9

Does the show have a State Dept consultant at all?  If so surely they'd know that the Marine guards are there to protect documents/secrets, not personnel.  They would NEVER abandon the embassy on a mission to rescue anyone. 


Also the official policy of the US government--unlike the Israelis, e.g.-- is never to do prisoner exchanges.  How did there get to be an exception for Saul?  There was no discussion about it other than a line about the White House "signing off" on the deal. 

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I can't believe there isn't more buzz on this show.  I think it is really great and this season has thrown a lot of really good surprises without all the Brody-Carrie romance foolishness fouling things up.  True there are some annoying things but this episode was fantastic and had me truly wishing the episode would keep going!  I want to see what happens next.  It didn't look like Carrie and Saul's truck was hit with a missile--but in the final overhead shot, all of the vehicles looked bombed out.  What are the jihadists trying to accomplish by taking the embassy?

  • Love 5

What are the jihadists trying to accomplish by taking the embassy?


I think humiliation would be the main goal. It's not about how many personnel they can take hostage, although I'm sure that's icing on the cake. It's probably not even about whatever documents they might steal. It's about showing the world how impotent the United States is.

  • Love 2

Humiliation of the enemy, and the riveted attention of the media.  A U.S. embassy -- as Dennis pointed out, "technically, U.S. soil" -- taken from within, by the organization which also, within the hour, effected a prisoner exchange for the former director of the CIA.  A strike led by the man the U.S. claimed to have killed, weeks before.

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Does Redmond not remember going to the bar to pick up Dennis and seeing Tasneem walk in right when Dennis was about to tell him something?  This might be even worse than Farrah, the most inattentive human being to ever live.  Nothing can be worse than the tunnel everyone knows about but no one bothers to guard.  Also, it seems like terrorists entering via a tunnel should be easy to deal with considering they are bottlenecked in a small, confined space.  But these terrorists are working with the most incompetent CIA staff ever imagined.


Geez, this season is really painful to watch.  This must be what it feels like to hate watch something.  

  • Love 5

Well Max and Fara are at their super secret office so I see Carrie using them.


I actually want Lipless to live. He is a dick but he is funny.


And Quinn gets to be all Die Hard. The secret operative in the taken building.


I have mixed feelings about the tunnel NOT being guarded.  What good is a secret tunnel if a lot of personnel know about it?  And if guards are assigned, then that is a total tip off.  


  We know that the ambassador and her husband knew about it.  Sandy obviously.  Redmond.  And Carrie.  Quinn didn't or else he would have told Carrie, right?  The fact that Carrie didn't know immediately says the tunnel is a pretty top secret thing. 


I like the fact that the tunnel is actually playing a role this season.  I thought it was kind of a throwaway thing in the first ep and then just a minor irritation in later scenes when they couldn't figure out how Carrie was moving around.  So the fact that it was actually quite important is cool to me.

Edited by jeansheridan
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I know Carrie is the star of the show, so of course she isn't dead, but they showed all the vans in the caravan blown into smithereens. So how can Carrie be alive, let alone saving the day with her super-secret team of clueless Fara and blink-and-you'll-miss-him Max?! (Although I agree something like this is bound to happen!)

I think that the car in the front of the caravan was hit and then the car with Carrie and Saul rear ended the car that was on fire which would make it a lot more plausible that they are alive.


Even when the plots get totally cray cray, the acting is still so great. Although I don't know that they will ever top the combination of tension and acting from last week when Saul was going to kill himself, the interaction between Carrie and Saul this week was really great. Same with the acting of the ambassador and her dipshit husband. Loved that they were all playing him and he just kept denying and denying, even when she pulled clothes out of his work bag. Ha! Gotta hand it to him for sticking to his story. I just need to go to the office to grade some papers. Sure, I brought my passport and a week's worth of clothes. Doesn't everyone take that much stuff to go to work?

  • Love 4

I think that the car in the front of the caravan was hit and then the car with Carrie and Saul rear ended the car that was on fire which would make it a lot more plausible that they are alive.

Didn't they show all the cars getting hit after the initial car was hit and on fire? It just looked like total destruction. But of course you must be right, because, well...Carrie.

The last scene in the tunnel was chilling. It's frightening to think what they're going to do. You just know Quinn is going to be a hero warrior. They had him stay in the compound for a reason.

Didn't they show all the cars getting hit after the initial car was hit and on fire? It just looked like total destruction. But of course you must be right, because, well...Carrie.


Only the first and last cars were taken out with the rocket launcher. The middle car (where Carrie and Saul were) just rear ends the first car during the initial strike, but is still relatively intact (although the guys in the front are probably screwed).

  • Love 1

I loved how the Ambassador knew immediately that the accusations against Dennis were true. The relationship between those two is so, so believable to me. There's so many excellent supporting roles this season, and they all contribute so much to the show. Martha, Dennis, Lockhart, Khan, Redmond - all great characters who have their roles to play, played by excellent actors. 


Holy hell, those last few minutes were tense. I feel a sense of dread for what's going to happen in the next episode. I hope Lockhart makes it out alive. He's a total dick but I think he often has a good point, and he's hilarious. Quinn and Martha should make it alive - I love them both. Dennis can die, no worries there.


Homeland is like a great new show this season. So much better than the last 1 1/2 seasons. Can't wait for the next episode.

  • Love 7
I loved how the Ambassador knew immediately that the accusations against Dennis were true.

Ha, I loved that too. When she stormed into the interrogation room, I immediately thought ooh, she's in on it! I was really hoping that her husband would buy the act. I was cracking up the entire time that Carrie questioned that numbskull. I was kind of hoping she would tell him that next she was going to give him two of the pills he left in her bottle, drop him off in the middle of Islamabad, and see what happened.


I also loved that Carrie called Khan to see what the hell was going on. I don't think that she trusts him 100% (and she is right to still be wary) but they both knew something was up.


Quinnnnnnnnn! I just hope he survives Haqqani's attack. Surprisingly, I hope Lockhart survives too. I didn't like him initially but he is hilarious. I hope the ambassador survives too. She can read her husband like a book.

  • Love 8

I also loved that the ambassador was playing her husband rather than closing her eyes to deny he could have been the link.


The episode was mostly awesomely tense and well acted (Saul broke my heart when he sat down) but the ending with the terrorists sneaking into the embassy gave me flash backs of 24.  The only good thing about that is that we should see Quinn go all Jack Bauer on their asses.

Kudos to the actors who play the Ambassador and her husband. In that last scene together they conveyed his sudden realization that what he was doing directly enabled a fatal attack and her absolute horror and disgust at his stupidity. It appears that the consequences of his actions are finally becoming real to him instead of just some abstract concept.


I think the only consequence he cares about is that he and Martha are now in grave danger without the protection of the nation he just betrayed.


There are only 10 episodes, right?  

Edited by Haleth
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Does anyone remember the "Next week on Homeland" clip that was shown at the close of last week's episode? There was a brief scene of a bearded man in a white hat being dragged though a wet hallway, blood smear from the back of his head leaving a trail. I kept waiting for that moment in his episode. It seems as though the show runners are going to keep it for next week instead? My point being: I don't think that Haqqani's gonna make it, or that at least some of his men aren't.

Does Redmond not remember going to the bar to pick up Dennis and seeing Tasneem walk in right when Dennis was about to tell him something?  This might be even worse than Farrah, the most inattentive human being to ever live.

Is that really supposed to be a memorable moment in Redmond's day, though? The time he was going to pick up drunk Boyd (presumably a frequent occurrence) and Tasneem walked by?

  • Love 1

...Would the Taliban really walk into the embassy though?

I appreciate the parallel between the boy with the vest who is now "prepared" to go on suicide missions with Haqqani who knows he's a dead man without his hostage. The embassy is a now one big suicide bomb to Haqqani. Remember Tasneem asking Cary where Lockhart was? She wanted to be sure a senator was in the building when they took it out.

Again in the previouslies they showed Tasneem telling Khan that if he hadn't intervened, Carrie would be on her way back to the States by now. Then, when crying Carrie hugged Saul and convinced him to complete the exchange, I thought maybe Tasneem looked a tiny bit sorry for Carrie--or was she only worried about the exchange going south? I don't think so, because Carrie pointed out in this episode that capturing Saul and doing the exchange was just frosting on the cake; the intel Dennis provided had to be for another devious plot--hence the title of the episode, "There's Something Else Going On."

So I'm seeing Tasneem admiring, fearing, and maybe identifying with Carrie. Tasneem is probably motivated by the loss of a husband, brother, and/or father (I'm guessing a father figure like Saul, who maybe even died in a position like Saul was), and she probably knows all about Brody and Carrie too.

Edited by shapeshifter

Not terribly subtle of Tasneem to ask why Lockhart wasn't at the prisoner exchange.


And are we supposed to believe that Haqqani put some kind of tracking device in Saul's glasses?  Otherwise, I'm not sure why Carrie and Saul were fiddling around with them so much moments before the attack, or why we saw the glasses being taken off Saul earlier in the episode to receive minimal medical care.

  • Love 1

Ha, when the woman took Saul's glasses off, I said to Mr. EB that they were probably doing something to his glasses (I went a little overboard with the possibilities: tracking device, camera, microphone, remote detonated bomb) so when Carrie handed his glasses to him in the car, I thought nooooooo and then BAM!


There are only 10 episodes, right?

S1-3 each had 12 episodes so unless they reduced the number for S4, there should be three more episodes.

  • Love 1

I think humiliation would be the main goal. It's not about how many personnel they can take hostage, although I'm sure that's icing on the cake. It's probably not even about whatever documents they might steal. It's about showing the world how impotent the United States is.



They don't have to even go that far.  A series of explosions in the tunnel could make part of the building collapse.


The episode was mostly awesomely tense and well acted (Saul broke my heart when he sat down) but the ending with the terrorists sneaking into the embassy gave me flash backs of 24.  The only good thing about that is that we should see Quinn go all Jack Bauer on their asses.

I think the only consequence he cares about is that he and Martha are now in grave danger without the protection of the nation he just betrayed.



I'd prefer to see him go all Die Hard....working against the terrorist from the inside who have no idea he is in the building.  Yippee Kay Yay....

  • Love 2

Is that really supposed to be a memorable moment in Redmond's day, though? The time he was going to pick up drunk Boyd (presumably a frequent occurrence) and Tasneem walked by?

I can't imagine why it wouldn't be memorable considering Quinn was usually the one who dealt with Dennis' drunken shenanigans.  Redmond says, "I'm a spy, I know shit" in response to how he even knew that Dennis had this drinking problem.  Even if this was a frequent occurrence for Redmond, Dennis is now suspected of treason and any interaction with him should be purposely recalled and examined to see if they can figure anything out.  Having Tasneem walk up and talk to them the first time Redmond deals with drunken Dennis should have been pretty damn memorable.  There's no logical reason why the "spy who knows shit" shouldn't recall this very recent meet up with Dennis.  It's like the writers go out of their way to make these characters as incompetent as possible.  

  • Love 1

I can't imagine why it wouldn't be memorable considering Quinn was usually the one who dealt with Dennis' drunken shenanigans.  Redmond says, "I'm a spy, I know shit" in response to how he even knew that Dennis had this drinking problem.  Even if this was a frequent occurrence for Redmond, Dennis is now suspected of treason and any interaction with him should be purposely recalled and examined to see if they can figure anything out.  Having Tasneem walk up and talk to them the first time Redmond deals with drunken Dennis should have been pretty damn memorable.  There's no logical reason why the "spy who knows shit" shouldn't recall this very recent meet up with Dennis.  It's like the writers go out of their way to make these characters as incompetent as possible.  


Well, the reason why I asked is to ponder what difference it would make? How significant is it? They already know that Boyd is their leak because Khan told Carrie that Boyd is their leak. They're trying to get some hard evidence on the guy. What's the importance for Redmon to remember that one time he went to get Boyd and saw Tasneem in the bar, too? How is that supposed to add to what they already know?


I don't believe that it's incompetence in the slightest to not, what?, make Redmon mention to Carrie, "Hey, a couple weeks back, an ISI agent who I also know came up and spoke to me while Dennis was around."? Because remember, Tasneem didn't acknowledge Boyd at the time; she spoke to Redmond then went about her business in the bar. 

I like Mark Moses, but could he play Dennis any squirrelier? Dennis, man, if you want to be a spy, watch a James Bond movie or something. You could not be worse at this.


I didn't even think about the glasses being the source of the bomb. When Saul put them back on in the car, I thought of it as his way of saying, "Okay, my crisis is over; time to go back to work and be the strong Saul I usually am."


What scares me is that if the writers of Homeland are as clever as they are to plot out the terrorists' moves fives moves ahead, so might our real-life terrorists be.


I was trying not to think about that...

  • Love 3

This was one of the most intense episodes of TV I've seen in a long time. Bravo.


Dennis, man, if you want to be a spy, watch a James Bond movie or something. You could not be worse at this.

Doesn't matter. If he makes it out the current mess alive he'll still probably be convicted of treason and executed, right? And he'll have taken his wife's career down with him.

  • Love 1

Well, the reason why I asked is to ponder what difference it would make? How significant is it? They already know that Boyd is their leak because Khan told Carrie that Boyd is their leak. They're trying to get some hard evidence on the guy. What's the importance for Redmon to remember that one time he went to get Boyd and saw Tasneem in the bar, too? How is that supposed to add to what they already know?


I don't believe that it's incompetence in the slightest to not, what?, make Redmon mention to Carrie, "Hey, a couple weeks back, an ISI agent who I also know came up and spoke to me while Dennis was around."? Because remember, Tasneem didn't acknowledge Boyd at the time; she spoke to Redmond then went about her business in the bar. 

Tasneem did acknowledge Dennis.  Called him by name and title; "Professor Boyd".  Her knowing who he is and what he does isn't all that suspicious considering he's the ambassador's husband.  It would be common knowledge.  But she acknowledged him. (dialogue goes: "Professor Boyd, right?  I'm surprised the ambassador lets you roam free)  There's no reason for Redmond to think of this if Dennis' criminal activity never came to light.  But now that he is, everything he's done should be scrutinized, including the night he starts to tell Redmond how he's in 'big fucking trouble', trouble worse than marriage stuff, and changes his mind after an ISI agent comes to say hi to both of them.  


The point in Redmond recalling what he did a few days ago is because they are trying to get Dennis to talk and tell them who his contact is and what he told the contact.  The reason Dennis isn't talking is because they aren't able to provide any evidence that they actually know anything.  Mentioning Tasneem is a pretty legitimate way to get Boyd to talk considering she actually is his contact.  Redmond tells the group about picking up Dennis at the bar the other day and Tasneem coming to talk to them and the group decides they have nothing else so might as well lean on him about Tasneem.  Seems pretty simple.  This is the one connection between Dennis and an ISI agent they know about.  Makes it look like complete incompetence on the writers and characters parts that Redmond doesn't mention this when they are trying to get Dennis to talk.  

  • Love 3

WTF with 2 weeks till the next episode? Thanksgiving is on Thursday. I could see delaying the next episode if Homeland aired on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday night. Maybe even Tuesday night. By it airs on Sunday at 9 $%&* pm! If people aren't back from Thanksgiving holiday by then, why should I suffer?

"He won't harm his own men" (or words to that effect) - Tasneem talking about Haqqani.

Really? Haqqani shot his own nephew in the head at point blank range for the good of the mission, but harming his own men would be out of the question if Haqqani thought it was for the good of the mission?


I can't imagine why it wouldn't be memorable considering Quinn was usually the one who dealt with Dennis' drunken shenanigans.  Redmond says, "I'm a spy, I know shit" in response to how he even knew that Dennis had this drinking problem.  Even if this was a frequent occurrence for Redmond, Dennis is now suspected of treason and any interaction with him should be purposely recalled and examined to see if they can figure anything out.  Having Tasneem walk up and talk to them the first time Redmond deals with drunken Dennis should have been pretty damn memorable.  There's no logical reason why the "spy who knows shit" shouldn't recall this very recent meet up with Dennis.  It's like the writers go out of their way to make these characters as incompetent as possible.



Well, the reason why I asked is to ponder what difference it would make? How significant is it? They already know that Boyd is their leak because Khan told Carrie that Boyd is their leak. They're trying to get some hard evidence on the guy. What's the importance for Redmon to remember that one time he went to get Boyd and saw Tasneem in the bar, too? How is that supposed to add to what they already know?

Considering the prominent part that Tasneem has played in arranging the hostage exchange, I think the CIA would be pretty damned interested in knowing that Dennis was spying on behalf of Tasneem.

If they had connected Tasneem to Dennis earlier, the hostage exchange would have been called off.


I don't believe that it's incompetence in the slightest to not, what?, make Redmon mention to Carrie, "Hey, a couple weeks back, an ISI agent who I also know came up and spoke to me while Dennis was around."? Because remember, Tasneem didn't acknowledge Boyd at the time; she spoke to Redmond then went about her business in the bar.

As a spy, Redmond should be able to connect the dots, or at least wonder if there are dots to be connected. When they were at the bar, Redmond even told Dennis that Tasneem was probably there on ISI business.

In the first interrogation when Redmond was pretending to be friendly, Redmond asked Dennis if he's noticed anything unusual about Sandy. That's what everyone should be asking themselves about Dennis.

Presumably the ambassador has since she agreed to be part of Carrie's interrogation fake out. The ambassador knows that Dennis was gung-ho about getting the hell out of Pakistan, to the point of lying about having a job, then suddenly does a 180 and wants to stay. Not only that, but he encourages her not to resign after Lockhart blindsided her at the first meeting to discuss the release of Saul.

  • Love 5

I didn't even think about the glasses being the source of the bomb. When Saul put them back on in the car, I thought of it as his way of saying, "Okay, my crisis is over; time to go back to work and be the strong Saul I usually am."


I agree: I don't believe Saul's glasses had anything to do with the attack.  The point was to create a diversion close to the Embassy, close enough that the Marines would be summoned.  The attackers were already in position.  Saul's finally donning his glasses to put on a brave face for Mira was a character moment, not a tripwire.      

  • Love 4

Doesn't matter. If he makes it out the current mess alive he'll still probably be convicted of treason and executed, right? And he'll have taken his wife's career down with him.


Probably a long jail term rather than execution.   Robert Hansen spied for more than twenty years and was sentenced something like 15 consecutive life terms.   

Considering the prominent part that Tasneem has played in arranging the hostage exchange, I think the CIA would be pretty damned interested in knowing that Dennis was spying on behalf of Tasneem.


Except that all of this is supposed to happen because Redmond is supposed to recall that time a week or so ago where he found a drunk Boyd in the hotel bar where Tasneem entered as well. 


I just think that this is a case of the audience knowing a piece of trivia and expecting that somehow some way it's supposed to click for a character as well, which never seems believable to me. 

  • Love 2

No way would all the US marines guarding all the entrances to the embassy be pulled away to chase the car bombing.


And what's the deal with Saul's glasses? Why are we shown them being taken on and off so many times.  Andy why is Carrie holding them in the car and why does she hand them to Saul so he can talk on the phone?  

I'm really enjoying this season of Homeland. It started off a bit slow, what with them trying to establish a new area and place of conflict and Carrie's family drama, but when it finally picked up, man it really did!



What are the jihadists trying to accomplish by taking the embassy?


Maybe they're trying to get more hostages so they can do more prisoner exchanges or blackmails or force the US' hand into other things.


I'm a little bit surprised by now that Carrie still hasn't put two and two together and at least wonder and look into Tasneem. She was pretty fast in accusing Brody without any hard evidence, yet all these Haqqani shenanigans have been happening under their noses with Tasneem right in the middle of it and no one has even bothered to ask why she seems to be always there?

Well, the CIA Director position is certainly proving to be one of the most hazardous in the agency! David Estes gets blown up, Saul get kidnapped by the Taliban and now Lockhart is a hostage.


I know that a lot of this didn't make sense, but damn if I wasn't on the edge of my seat for an hour. This show is so much better without Carrie ugly crying or kissing anyone and instead just doing her job.

Edited by VioletMarx
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