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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I did the 23 and me test for my daughter when we were looking for some bio family information. It's amazing and it allows you to contact relatives from around the world who have also taken the test. We got a lot of info on hereditary medical issues. It also revealed that she is 3percent Neanderthal . Ok ok I know that sounds made up but I swear it isn't !

Eta: it is now my hearts desire to be part of an online crime fighting team! Who knew that was even a thing?!?

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 12

I still don't understand how she has all that detail about a NICU experience. Our son's twins were preemies and while they had no real issues other than low birth weight, I swear I recognize a ton of authenticity in WW's posts. I suppose it came off a legit blog somewhere. I will say I missed a ton of posts over the late summer so I don't know how things morphed, but it seemed off that her perfect hubby suddenly went berserk. But I know people can get weird under stress so I still bought it.

Now I am busily reading all the posts I missed to see if anything might have tipped me off. I doubt it.

Thanks for the link upthread to scammmy stuff.

I was somewhat riveted too by those early NICU posts and remember looking up WW posts from other threads and since it appeared she was a long time poster with a past interest in the parent subject I went felt comfortable for the most part with her story. Around the time she reappeared I thought her storytelling had a similar quality to Razing Ruth. A tight dramatic story at the beginning that draws you in with its detail then after winning over the boards sympathy the story had a different quality to it as one disastrous shoe dropped after another. The RR similarity has been tickling at the back of my ear since she returned.

  • Love 5

Boy, WW had me hook, line & sinker. Just for her posts though. I didn't see anything about donating to her Gofundme account before those posts were removed so I didn't donate. I probably wouldn't have anyway just because I try to donate only to causes I really know. Looking back, WW did have the makings of a Lifetime movie, but as we have said, so do many of us. I'm still in disbelief & add my congrats to our internet police.

I'd also like to add a big "Welcome" to all of our new posters.

  • Love 8

Well, I've just about recovered from the drama so I thought I'd lighten the mood with a cute story.  For Christmas this year I decided to get my 2 sisters and brother a DNA profile of our family.  I am using 23 and Me, although Ancestry.com does something similar.  Since we all have the same parents, the results would be similar, if not identical, for all of us. The cost is just over $100 and I thought this would be a unique gift.  We all have all the 'stuff' we need.  So I get the kit and I have to fill a small test tube with saliva.  They said it would take 5-7 minutes of spitting to reach the required line. Well, I live in NY and apparently this service is considered laboratory testing or some such nonsense and 23 and Me is not a registered lab in this state. So I had to sign a statement that I had not spit the sample in NY or mailed it from NY!!!!  

Well, goody two-shoes that I am I waited until I reached my daughter's house in NJ to collect and mail the sample!   I mean, they could tell where it was mailed from, but collecting it?  

I have my results which are quite interesting and am going to ask my brother to do it (after Christmas...don't want to spoil the surprise) to get a complete picture of our family DNA.  There are some things that are only passed down from father to son, or something.  Someone much smarter in biology than I am can probably explain it.  Have a great weekend.



I've always wanted to try 23 and Me. I believe I'm French, English and possibly Native American/First Nations and I'd love to see if I'm correct. I just can't justify spending $100 on a DNA test for myself, at least not at the moment. I know you don't want to spoil the surprise so I'm going to ask without having you give it away : Did you get the expected results or did you find some hidden ancestry? Please keep us posted!

I love the new commercial for something?company where the guy says he thought he was German but after testing he will have to change his lederhosen to a kilt. I think I'm something because it matches with the families travel to and through the Midwest. That commercial makes me want to test it out. I guess the commercial did its job!

  • Love 3

Holy shit!!! Ablosom was right when she warned us several months ago. Wow...just wow. But like Mr. Rodgers said when something bad happens just look at how many people are willing to help, that's what I'm going to focus on. I'm not gonna lie I reverse image search that photo of "Maise" because it didn't look real. Again...wow!

I DID TOO!!! And then felt like an a- hole when i didn't get a result. Live and learn. Glad no-one got taken for money. Sad about

those who had trust betrayed and it makes them feel badly. I'm ok..nothing surprises me much anymore. Now what would have been priceless, would be if it was actually one of those fuggin Duggars grifting us for snarking on them! Ooooooooooo. That would have been the end, hey? :)

Smile everyone. There are way more good people than sketchy ones.

  • Love 3

I can't think of anything I want badly enough to tackle shopping on Black Friday, or that entire weekend either.  No amount of free donut holes or coffee or bargains are worth it.  In my opinion that is.  


THIS THIS THIS.  I'd rather spork out my eyes than go anywhere near a retail establishment that weekend.

Has anyone seen the recent infomercial for cosmetics where the makeup creator removes her makeup to uncover her rosecea?

Her whole face is beet red! - I think the makeup might be making her case worse!

As a person with rosecea- I want a product that works on the issue not just covers it up.

I won't be buying from her!


I have rosacea that's been mostly in remission for over 20 years.  The way I got it to remission was through very gentle face wash and moisturizer (took a few years to find the right ones) and NO MAKEUP.  I don't wear it to work, I don't wear it to weddings, not job interviews, nothing.  Handling my face as little as possible was the only thing that worked.  I wear clear, young for my age skin instead.

  • Love 3

WOW! Though the years I have been on a lot of boards and have encountered plenty of wacky people but WW takes the cake.

I lost interest in her "story" a long time ago. Call me a cynic but when someone shares WAY too much on the internet I start to get leary right away. I've encounted too many nutters not to know better. I just would read her post and move it along. IDK does that make me cold hearted or just suspicious? So sorry for everyone that got taken by her. PLEASE next time if you have a strange feeling that something ain't right go with your instinct. Your safety first above all others. #hardenedChicagoan

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 8

Wow. Yes to whoever said this brings on sympathy for Meri Brown. Wow. Feel so awful. Embarrassed. Just re-read a couple PMs I'd sent WW and feel extremely foolish.

But yes to all of you who say it's more important to focus on the wonderful community that is here. The support and knowledge on so many issues is incredible. And as I stupidly said to WW that sort of support can be the thing that gets you through really bad times.

Hats off to the super sleuths, the mod team, and those who felt something off.

And no, luckily I was away and did not see the GO-Fund post. Glad it was hidden quickly and hopefully limited financial loss.

  • Love 2
This all might call for a real beer.


I would have a Not Your Father's Root Beer, but I started the 21 Day Fix diet this week, so I'll wait till November 6th, when I'm done dieting.  (Well, maybe done.)


I told my husband we'll do that ancestry test for our anniversary this year.  I've grown up believing that I'm half Portuguese, a quarter Dutch, and a quarter Irish, but my aunt (my mother's sister) swears that my father is wrong when he says he's Dutch and Irish and that he's really German and English.  Also, my Portuguese great-grandfather had blond hair and blue eyes, and I think he came from Jews who were exiled from Spain, so it will be interesting to see what my background truly is.

  • Love 2

If I'm allowed to ask, why then did she say she wasn't accepting the GoFund me? Did she know someone was on to her?

The GoFundMe was reported as fraud. I'm not sure if she would have been notified that it had been reported. But I imagine if she found out it was reported as fraud along with the mods removing it gave her an idea.

That's my only guess.

  • Love 3

Lol! One summer I was down in San Antonio, and I found these Texas Ranger (law enforcement, not baseball) badges. I bought one with my mom's name on it and gave it to her as a souvenir.


But what I do is follow one scammer specifically, sometimes I branch out, and I find inconsistencies in their story. I put piece by piece together, with the help of my mom and expose the liar. It doesn't always work out as nicely as it did this time. Usually we run into some backlash or uncooperative mods. 


I'm just glad we were able to expose her. Hugs back to you! :)


Jenniferbug, I am so glad everything turned out okay for your baby! 


Tabbygirl, I do believe that WW put in a lot of research on this topic. And mommy blogs and boards have all kinds of information that she could take from. There is a theory called Munchausen by Internet. It is similar to Munchausen by Proxy. Only it is played over the internet, rather than IRL. For those of you unfamiliar with this, in summary a person feigns illness to gain attention and sympathy. They are driven by having people care for and about them. A lot of these cases on the internet are the same. They want the attention and praise and acknowledgement. Money and gifts are just a very nice bonus. 


ETA: The stinken link! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munchausen_by_Internet


Real live Trixie Belden!

  • Love 5
Take away my girl card, well I am also incapable of doing my hair so it doesn't look like a toddler did it, so maybe I didn't have a girl card to start with.


I have the same issue.  I always tell my hairdressers I need a self-maintaining haircut because I totally don't have the girlie gene and usually my hair ends up looking like hamsters have been frolicking on my head.

  • Love 6

I have the same issue.  I always tell my hairdressers I need a self-maintaining haircut because I totally don't have the girlie gene and usually my hair ends up looking like hamsters have been frolicking on my head.


I do have to get mine cut periodically but I have managed to find a hair goddess who gives me comb-and-go hair every 6 weeks.  It is glorious!  #soNOTagirlygirl

  • Love 2

Regarding the credit card donations I wanted to give some reassurance.  I work with credit card payments and refunds pretty much every day at work.


Credit card payments will post electronically at the end of every business day if the merchant hasn't closed their day of business manually.  These tend to hit your account very quickly - the banks want to keep close tabs on your credit limit and watch for potential fraud.


Refunds, however, take about a week to 10 days to hit your account after the merchant transmits them.  They are banks; they give back money most reluctantly.  :)


I just don't want any of you to worry if it takes more time than you would expect.

  • Love 8

checking in. Random thoughts - Just got home from a Girl Scout singalong. When I'm with the girls at one of their activities I try to give it my undivided attention but I couldn't do it tonight. I found myself checking this forum. I kind of wish we had a live chat so we could "go around the room" and support ourselves through this. - I need to start dinner, it's Chinese tonight. Anyone have any idea what kind of alcohol goes with that type of food? Thinking about it I've never had a drink with Chinese. But then again all I have is Mexican beer and vodka. So hopefully one of those will work. - I received a refund email yesterday around noon PDT. I haven't checked to see if it hit my bank yet. - A few of you asked for the link and I sent it to you via PM. I hope no one thinks I was apart of this awfulness. I was just happy we were able to help, that was my only intent. - and in other news, all the intestinal issues I got as one of the bad reactions from my MRI contrast is still with me! It's like my body has changed permanently and I don't like it. My dr wants a MRI every 6 months now. I hope my tummy issues doesnt get worse. I just read the MRI report and there are quite a few "we noticed something but it's probably nothing" statements. On both breasts (prev it's not been my right one that was in question). What does that mean?? I'm guessing that is why my dr ordered the regular MRI's now. I'm trying not to worry but I'm trying not to think that BC is around the corner either. Not fun. And in the same stack of mail was the referral for my old neurology group, which is outside of my network. Now I really need to prepare myself for answers the dr might give me. My menory issues are affecting my relationships and my business so I really need to find out what's going on. So there is that.

  • Love 1

I'm so glad this was discovered.  I never, ever post, but I was a voracious reader of Razing Ruth back in the day, and this pinged the same receptors.  I mostly lurk, but did comment awhile back (I think when "Maisie" was in the NICU), and mentioned the fact that I'm an occupational therapist (I was finishing my masters at the time).  Anyway, some of the things she said really didn't ring true to me at all.  Babies with documented disabilities are entitled to free in home therapy services, so she would not have had to hire an in home therapist to live with her.  But I knew she said she lived in the boonies, so I didn't want to call BS too loudly.  I even contemplated talking to my old pediatrics professor to make sure that children in rural areas would have the same access, but didn't want to have to explain why I was asking, lol. 


I figured nobody would listen to someone they don't "know" since I never actually post, but I followed her story with both interest in case it was true, and dread because I could just see where it was going.  I thought about pm'ing the mods so many times, but thought everyone loved her so much that I would just sound like a crack pot.  I am glad that she posted her lies though, because they kept me checking in, and it was a delight to see what a wonderful group of people you all are.  This poked me in the butt enough to say hello, which I'm glad about because I feel like I'm eavesdropping when I read and don't comment!  But I never want to come in "mid conversation" either.  So this gave me an excuse to enter the fray, as it were.


One additional thought, not really WW related... a couple days ago there was discussion about bussing a child with Down Syndrome to a far away school, and someone else mentioned that they thought schools would be more integrated today than they were back in their days in school (I'm sorry I can't remember who!  I actually meant to reply about this when I saw it, as it's in my wheelhouse, and now I don't know where to go back to find it).  Many of them are, and they all should be.  The current trend (and law) is to educate children in the least restrictive environment, with the supports brought to them rather than them being brought to the supports.  So aides are in class with the kids, OTs work in the classrooms with the kids, and only in cases of severe disruptions are children supposed to be pulled from classrooms.  That's not to say it doesn't happen, but it isn't the current model of practice.  Some schools are set in their ways, and pull children from class.  More progressive schools are fully integrated, and more and more are becoming so all the time, as administrators with more recent education and appreciation for the benefits to ALL children of integrated classrooms replace the "old guard."

  • Love 8

I have the same issue.  I always tell my hairdressers I need a self-maintaining haircut because I totally don't have the girlie gene and usually my hair ends up looking like hamsters have been frolicking on my head.

I'm with you lady's although I like Home Depot & Barnes & Noble. Not big on the whole, hair, mani, pedi stuff either.

  • Love 3

so, as always, i am late to the party. i am saddened to read about WW. i was going to donate and honestly, when the mods took it private (or whoever did) i still didnt suspect anything. i come from a generation that just takes people at there word, and yes, i get burned. i am naive like that. i was waiting for payday so now i am glad i waited.


i also agree with PP that i would rather lose a few bucks believeing i had helped someone that not have helped at all. what goes around comes around, i have always believed. 


also, my story could make fiction writes give up so again, i had no inkling there was fraudulent stuff going on. i am grateful for the smart cookies in our bunch that look out for the rest of us.

  • Love 7

I have never posted in this thread but I read it every day. I was very taken with WW's travails and wondered if there was a way to help her. Fortunately all the GoFunfMe messages were taken down before I had a chance to send money. I know I'm too trusting and have the wool pulled over my eyes too easily, but I really never suspected a con. So reading about the exposure of WW's scam has stunned me. Thanks to the internet sleuths and the forum mods for bringing the truth to light.

  • Love 6

You know all of us posters are talking about what we did wrong..."should have trusted my gut" "thought something wasn't right" "I feel stupid" . Screw that!!!! There is only one person who should feel bad and she is gone. We are for the most part a bunch of woman...most of us moms and we all know what an absolutely shitty and thankless job that can be sometimes. This person exploited our willingness to extend a hand to someone who we thought was in need. No matter how you slice it I would rather be us then her.

Now I feel like I should get a sign and March on somewhere.


I feel the same. Exactly. Except that my reaction was to roll-up my sleeves like President Bartlett/Martin Sheen always did after a crisis on The West Wing and ask "OK... what's next?" 

  • Love 8

It's kind of funny how pretty much all of us suspected something was "off" but nobody wanted to be the asshole who publicly accused an allegedly cancer stricken mother of a preemie of being a liar. I admit I believed WW's story even though I began to find the whole thing an annoying soap opera after a while. I think the crazy thing is, there are so many of us who have dysfunctional family members (including myself) that a tale of a man cheating on his sick wife and knocking up a floozy is entirely believable.

My fiance's father was recently approached by a woman claiming to be his long lost daughter who was the result of a one-night stand that occurred shortly before he married my MIL. There's some seriously crazy shit that goes on in this world. It's no wonder most of us could relate to WW's drama.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 21

It's kind of funny how pretty much all of us suspected something was "off" but nobody wanted to be the asshole who publicly accused an allegedly cancer stricken mother of a preemie of being a liar. I admit I believed WW's story even though I began to find the whole thing an annoying soap opera after a while. I think the crazy thing is, there are so many of us who have dysfunctional family members (including myself) that a tale of a man cheating on his sick wife and knocking up a floozy is entirely believable.

My fiance's father was recently approached by a woman claiming to be his long lost daughter who was the result of a one-night stand that occurred shortly before he married my MIL. There's some seriously crazy shit that goes on in this world. It's no wonder most of us could relate to WW's drama.

I lost interest a long time ago too. It was just too much,. Too much to share with complete strangers. The last straw of me even thinking any of it was real was the "affair." WTF?

  • Love 8

One additional thought, not really WW related... a couple days ago there was discussion about bussing a child with Down Syndrome to a far away school, and someone else mentioned that they thought schools would be more integrated today than they were back in their days in school (I'm sorry I can't remember who! I actually meant to reply about this when I saw it, as it's in my wheelhouse, and now I don't know where to go back to find it). Many of them are, and they all should be. The current trend (and law) is to educate children in the least restrictive environment, with the supports brought to them rather than them being brought to the supports. So aides are in class with the kids, OTs work in the classrooms with the kids, and only in cases of severe disruptions are children supposed to be pulled from classrooms. That's not to say it doesn't happen, but it isn't the current model of practice. Some schools are set in their ways, and pull children from class. More progressive schools are fully integrated, and more and more are becoming so all the time, as administrators with more recent education and appreciation for the benefits to ALL children of integrated classrooms replace the "old guard."

The one good thing I can say about Michigan State's education program is that they really prepared us for working with non-traditional students. We learned about all kinds of disabilities and impairments. Every semester you do an internship in schools. When you do the disability and impairments section, you're assigned to work with a specific student in your internship class who has an EDP. You learn about their educational needs, and you create a lesson that is inclusive for their style of learning.

The philosophy is even because most of your students won't have an EDP, some will and they are just as deserving of a full education. they want you ready to work with non-traditional students.

  • Love 3

I lost interest a long time ago too. It was just too much,. Too much to share with complete strangers. The last straw of me even thinking any of it was real was the "affair." WTF?

This is my first Forum experience. I remember asking if all forums were this nice. And I thought this was just kind of a sweet way to support people and receive support as well.

  • Love 9

This is my first Forum experience. I remember asking if all forums were this nice. And I thought this was just kind of a sweet way to support people and receive support as well.

That's the thing! This is the nicest forum ever. I'm 24, so I grew up on the web. I've been a member of all kinds of forums. They are never this great. My mom reads here more than I do, so I always thought she was exaggerating when she said how awesome people here are. Then I read through the posts and saw my mom was spot on.

  • Love 16

Regarding the credit card donations I wanted to give some reassurance.

Refunds, however, take about a week to 10 days to hit your account after the merchant transmits them. They are banks; they give back money most reluctantly. :)

I just don't want any of you to worry if it takes more time than you would expect.

Thank you, Latetotheparty. That is reassuring.

ETA:I just received the following from GoFundMe WePay

Thanks for reaching out to us! I do see a refund was issued to card ending in xxxx was issued yesterday. Please allow 2-5 business days to reach your account. I don't know if it was fraud but I do see that all the payments have been refunded.

Let us know if there is anything else we can help with!



WePay | Customer Support

support@wepay.com | wepay.com

Hope that reassures any other Small Talk donators.

Edited by Love2dance
  • Love 8

This is my first time posting on the Small Talk thread, though I have posted on a few other forums the past few weeks. I figured while a bunch of other newbies were introducing themselves, I might as well jump in. :)


Regarding the DNA tests, has anyone here taken the one available on ancestry.com? I was curious about it but also hesitant to shell out that much money. 


As someone who only lurked, I must confess I was completely taken by WW's story. I saw the GoFundMe link and had planned to donate but ended up not getting around to it. I only caught the updates on WW the past couple of weeks, so I only knew about Maisie's "health." I hadn't realized WW was also allegedly sick herself. 


It's kind of funny how pretty much all of us suspected something was "off" but nobody wanted to be the asshole who publicly accused an allegedly cancer stricken mother of a preemie of being a liar. 

This sort of happened a few months ago at the college I attended (after I had graduated). In the case of the school, it was a girl a couple of years behind me who claimed to have a rare form of cancer.  I had left by then and didn't really know her personally, but I knew who she was because she had been in all the school plays. There were all sorts of fundraisers for her, updates on her condition, and inspirational news stories about her. I remember thinking it was a little bit bullshitty because she was still carrying a full academic load, working part-time, performing in plays, and maintaining an active social life, in addition to undergoing treatments. But then I immediately felt like a terrible, lazy person for thinking that and just assumed it was true. When it came out that she had just been pretending to have cancer all along, everyone was initially so shocked, but I talked to a few other friends who admitted that they also thought something was odd, but again they didn't want to seem insensitive by calling foul. 

  • Love 7

This is my first Forum experience. I remember asking if all forums were this nice. And I thought this was just kind of a sweet way to support people and receive support as well.

This is a great forum. Everyone is warm and caring but when you have been o n lots of different forums you tend to start to get suspicious of the "over sharers." They always have a sad story to tell, etc. IDK how to explain it but at times WW just turned me off with her oversharing and when her "husband" wouldn't let her post a picture of the "baby" it gave me red flags. Something sounded strange in that whole mess.

  • Love 7

Zella, my SIL had breast cancer and had to undergo the whole chemo and radiation deal. She was sick as a dog and couldn't get out of bed for months. If someone had asked her to participate in a play or take college courses, she probably would have bitch-slapped them. I think most people are good-hearted and want to help when disaster hits. Even if the cause turns out to be false, it's nice to see people still care.

  • Love 4

I and my mother & brother did 23&me to find out genetic information for our doctor, which is correlating pretty well with various things she's observed...


Personally we thought the price was worth it, and the worst part was the saliva sample.  After I did mine I worked out a way to show my autistic brother how to do his, and did another saliva sample-taking in parallel with him (gathering samples for lab tests for an adult autistic man is Such A Trip).


Anyhoo, it's been really interesting, and neither my mother nor I are spending as much time on the site as we wish we could.  We are all ridiculously Northern European (in excess of 99% - who does that?), and while my brother and I both have small amounts of sub-saharan African, my mother's only non European ancestry is less than .1% Yakut, which my brother and I both share with her.


Seriously, our Neanderthal ancestry is larger than that.


Anyway, the results are fun to explore, and cheaper than a couple of nights at the movies.

  • Love 5

Zella, my SIL had breast cancer and had to undergo the whole chemo and radiation deal. She was sick as a dog and couldn't get out of bed for months. If someone had asked her to participate in a play or take college courses, she probably would have bitch-slapped them. I think most people are good-hearted and want to help when disaster hits. Even if the cause turns out to be false, it's nice to see people still care.


Agreed.  I'd rather be gullible than an asshole.

  • Love 18

Okay, in light of all this, it is going to be hard to believe anyone anymore. Witchwoman took the sweetness out of Small Talk.

She is a fellowship ruiner.

If anything, I think this could bring everyone closer. You all went on this ride together and a lot of people were very open and vulnerable. Everyone came together.

And it'll get better once the initial shock and anger subside. There will always be caution, but I think everyone will be back to normal soon.

I like witchwoman, good name for her!

  • Love 11

Zella, my SIL had breast cancer and had to undergo the whole chemo and radiation deal. She was sick as a dog and couldn't get out of bed for months. If someone had asked her to participate in a play or take college courses, she probably would have bitch-slapped them. I think most people are good-hearted and want to help when disaster hits. Even if the cause turns out to be false, it's nice to see people still care.

Is your sister-in-law doing better?


What's creepy about the cancer faker is that, as I said, she gave quite a few interviews to local media. On first glance, when everyone accepted her story, the accompanying pictures looked like photos of an inspiring young woman overcoming struggles. But then when the truth came it, I came across copies of the articles and everything about it just looked so fake. The look on her face was pretty much "I'm famous! Look at me!" I think the reporter even said something about "You'd never think she had cancer!" Indeed. 

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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