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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


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Man, I've been reading the small talk thread for...let me check my watch...forever, and I'm happily exhausted. Don't you hate stumbling across old posts and wishing you could respond to a conversation that blew past a really long time ago? BTW, Pisces, Humboldt County California, and TWoP refugee from a LONG time ago (who ran afoul of A Certain Moderator Who Shall Remain Nameless and rage-quit in seething silence), and now that I'm aged I can barely stand to watch any news at all, ever, due to being awake all night pondering the awfulness of it all.


My brushes with celebrity/famous folks range from former in-laws to political close-calls, to people I've met who are celebrities of sorts to ME, because I'm a terrible book/writing nerd. My first husband's cousin is Jimmy Guercio (James Guercio), who's a big-time music producer (Chad and Jeremy, Blood Sweat and Tears, Chicago) and owned the Caribou Ranch in Colorado. Several of the Guercio cousins have ties to musicians and Hollywood types due to living in the LA area. My own cousin is an actor and photographer and has been in a bunch of TV commercials--he always plays the same type: pleasant-looking young man with a slightly confused or comic air about him. My friend in Girl Scouts kissed Bobby Kennedy on the cheek at a campaign stop at our little airport shortly before he was assasinated, and she had a snapshot of the moment that she carried everywhere. I have a letter from Lyndon Johnson and one from Reagan when he was governor of California, each of them a response to my childish letters to them. My stepdaughter marched against the war in Iraq and ended up marching and chatting with Bill Clinton. My academic advisor at Stanford was Tobias Wolff; he has casual photos on his office walls of himself and Ray Carver hanging out, he now lets me call him Toby, and I am an utter fangirl. Also at Stanford, I became friends with Adam Johnson, and--most wonderfully--got to take a tiny seminar class with the great American poet Robert Bly. He and I became very close (he was 81, I was 51, and every other student in the room was approx. 19) and we had a most wonderful extended penpal relationship for years afterwards. In my MFA program, I had the great pleasure of getting to know and correspond with Jane Hamilton. And...I attended the program with James Franco. Oh friends. I have dirt. And pictures. (Neither the dirt or the pictures involve me very directly. I CAN tell you that he is a CHAIR KICKER--as in, you don't want to sit in front of him.)

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 5

She totally rocks. She is a great spokesperson for our genre, as well as being warm and friendly in person. Unless you're an author who wants to sit on her ass and bitch about "the muse". She has no patience with other authors who want to complain about the fact they're not producing. And she will tell you about it, too. One of her famous quotes: "I can fix a bad page. I can't fix an empty one."


My other Nora Roberts story. I was alone in an elevator at the first national conference I attended. It's terrifying. There's 2200+ people there. For those who work alone and are somewhat shy, all those people (and everyone knew everyone else) -- I wanted to hide. She stepped onto the elevator, glanced at my nametag, looked me in the eyes and said, "What are you working on?" If anyone had the right to act like a snob or ignore the newbie in the corner, it was her. In other words, she didn't know me, but she made the extra effort to talk with me a little.


More romance author scuttlebutt. EL James has shown up at a few of our conferences. She registers under an assumed name. She's not well-liked, and it has nothing to do with the sheer amount of money she's made. She's unfriendly and has been arrogant.


Note - bolding in above quote is mine.


No wonder she wrote about sex then. She probably couldn't write anything else interesting enough that would make others want to read it. But I'll bet she's convinced herself that everyone is absolutely green with jealousy.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 1

I met Mark Harmon once, long ago at a fund raiser. My husband, who can and will talk to anyone, knew I had had a huge crush on MH in his Flamingo Road days. So he strongly urged me (I.e., gently pulled me over) to talk to Mark. I felt way too shy, but Hub assured me I would kick myself later if I didn't do it. So I let him drag me. Mark Harmon is EXTREMELY NICE and friendly, and I have a very fond memory of him and my husband sharing a laugh, with their identical smiley blue eyes. Where was my damn camera when I needed it??


Love Mark Harmon. I had the same crush years back. PS - he is the complete package too. As fine a person as he is good-looking. How often does THAT happen? He's being rewarded for something. I bet that in his last life, he was a French farmer who hid Jews in his barn during WWII. 

  • Love 3

I met Mark Harmon once, long ago at a fund raiser. My husband, who can and will talk to anyone, knew I had had a huge crush on MH in his Flamingo Road days.


 I never missed an episode of Flamingo Road. Fielding Carlyle was my tv boyfriend.  That man was gorgeous!  I had a huge crush on Mark. I was thrilled when he was named "People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive" in 1986.  I just wish he hadn't allowed himself to "age so graciously."

  • Love 2

I've been around a few famous Hollywood people because my first two jobs out of college were at network and then picture studios. The only star that ever gave me chills was coming down a walkway between studios surrounded by an entourage. He was in the middle of the group and a very tiny guy but wow it gave me a rush. It was Fred Astaire. Another time in the same hallway with another entourage I was elbowed into the wall. He had bumped into me hard another time too. It was Bill Crosby. Never really thought about it one way or another until a few months ago. Hum...


Two funny Tonight Show stories with host Johnny Carson. He liked Angie Dickinson so she was on a few times. Her hair stylist would get caught behind the sofa and have to stay there but would pop up during breaks to fluff her hair. Orson Wells came on to do magic. There was a seat in the audience that was taped off and a young guy was placed there just before the show started. The trick if I remember correctly was one of those write something on paper, destroy it and it shows up later. Wells was finalizing the trick and not getting the expected response. Nothing happened and he was flustered. The young guy took off during the break. Guess the "plant" blew it.


At the picture studio I had my own bike because first thing in the morning I delivered the ratings to the executive offices. I was coming around a corner and ran smack into a group of Klingons. Scared the whatez out of me.


Lots more but those amuse me.

  • Love 9

Love Mark Harmon. I had the same crush years back. PS - he is the complete package too. As fine a person as he is good-looking. How often does THAT happen? He's being rewarded for something. I bet that in his last life, he was a French farmer who hid Jews in his barn during WWII.

Google "Mark Harmon burning car" for a great story. Personally, I love that he's a regular guy who owns, and can quickly lay hands on, a sledge hammer. Still swooning!

  • Love 3

Google "Mark Harmon burning car" for a great story. Personally, I love that he's a regular guy who owns, and can quickly lay hands on, a sledge hammer. Still swooning!


Oh, I saw that story about him saving someone's life in a burning car - it was on CBS Sunday Morning - the news program - a while back. Maybe a year or more? Plus Mark and Pam Dawber have been married forever too. Nice to see some Hollywood types who can actually hold it together. And she's a doll too.

  • Love 3

I've never met anyone famous but Prince Harry a few years ago walked on the boardwalk (Seaside Heights,NJ) that is within a mile of my home.  I've spent a lot of time there.  I'm at ground zero Superstorm Sandy and there is another hurricane making it's way up the coast.  After Sandy hit my town was devastated but luckily my home was OK.  We went the following week without power and no traffic lights were working so driving and avoiding floods while looking for an open store that sold newspapers (we had no phone, no electric, no TV, no internet) became our way of trying to find out when the situation might improve and how much damage had been done elsewhere. It was pretty wild.  I got one of the (or maybe THE last) picture of the roller coaster still standing as the storm was heading in the day before.  Thinking of it all now with the new hurricane due up the coast.  I have a ton of photographs of the pre/during/after storm.  I do think the seagulls knew how bad it was going to be just by their reaction in the days before.  The waves were amazing.  The beach roads are still being repaired.

  • Love 7

I've never met anyone famous but Prince Harry a few years ago walked on the boardwalk (Seaside Heights,NJ) that is within a mile of my home.  I've spent a lot of time there.  I'm at ground zero Superstorm Sandy and there is another hurricane making it's way up the coast.  After Sandy hit my town was devastated but luckily my home was OK.  We went the following week without power and no traffic lights were working so driving and avoiding floods while looking for an open store that sold newspapers (we had no phone, no electric, no TV, no internet) became our way of trying to find out when the situation might improve and how much damage had been done elsewhere. It was pretty wild.  I got one of the (or maybe THE last) picture of the roller coaster still standing as the storm was heading in the day before.  Thinking of it all now with the new hurricane due up the coast.  I have a ton of photographs of the pre/during/after storm.  I do think the seagulls knew how bad it was going to be just by their reaction in the days before.  The waves were amazing.  The beach roads are still being repaired.


Eek, good luck this weekend Defrauder! I am also in NJ but further inland (Somerset County) so we're not as concerned...hopeful for your sake that the flooding isn't too awful. 

  • Love 4

I've met famous people before but now I spend 90% of my time with the other romance authors. If you admit to reading romance, if I've met your favorite author, I'll tell you all about it. ;-)


Here's a story that may amuse her readers. Romance publishers throw huge parties for their authors at our annual conference, which changes locations each year. The last time the conference was in San Francisco, I was invited as someone else's guest to the Harlequin party. The party was held at the Ritz-Carlton. Picture 500 authors, a few husbands/boyfriends, and all the drinks and dim sum you could hold. The DJ had everyone up and dancing. I still remember his comment: "I didn't think all these women would dance together." Uh, when you've had a few martinis and you're with your best pals, it's time to get your dance on...


I was standing in the bar line waiting for another martini when Nora Roberts (leading the conga line) passed. She stopped to do The Bump with me. And I am still sorry I do not have a picture of this.

I've heard Harlequin throws the best parties -- and pays the lowest royalty rates. Seems like a bit of a trade-off. On the plus side, they do accept un-represented manuscripts.

Hi all! I'm meeting a college friend for dinner tonight that I haven't seen in 25 years and I am ridiculously nervous. He was my bff who I think I may have been in love with but the timing was all wrong. Anyhoo, I'm pretty certain our politics are radically different now so it should be interesting. Wish me luck.

  • Love 16

Eek, good luck this weekend Defrauder! I am also in NJ but further inland (Somerset County) so we're not as concerned...hopeful for your sake that the flooding isn't too awful. 

Thanks questionfear.  I'll be checking my flashlights today and making extra pots of coffee for if/when the electric goes out.  Gotta have my coffee no matter what. When Sandy hit I drank it cold but was glad I had the reserves.   The ocean was calm all summer, strangely calm.  It's getting rough already, I've lived here a long time and no matter how far down a hurricane is when there is one brewing the ocean all up the coast reacts.

I have been kicking myself since yesterday because I said to neighbors over the weekend that we'd need a hurricane to make up for the lack of rain over the summer here in MA. I hope to god I didn't screw something up. Or maybe it'll swerve and hit MA? Even so, NJ will get some impact from it. What's really scary is even if Joaquin doesn't make landfall, there's going to be some incredible amounts of rain on the East Coast (Carolinas etc) anyway. It's going to be an interesting next few days.


Ok, since personal labor delivery stories belong here I just have to share. With my second, I felt pretty prepared--my first went pretty well, I had done a refresher course in Lamaze and checked out the hospital. I started noticing contractions becoming regular, called hubby, we went out to eat (yes, yes we did), put our son to bed, called our cousin to watch him and went to the hospital. Upon arrival, had high blood pressure, which is not good. They let me get up and walk around, but they really wanted me to be lying down on my left side which ameliorated the BP. This made me UNHAPPY, but you do what you have to do. Labor is progressing and my water has not broken. Shrugs, oh well, no big deal. Gets to the point where I'm saying, "It's time to push." Doc; "Well, your water hasn't broken, so let's see if we can do that." Grabs a HUGE thing that looks like a crochet hook and starts poking. "There's something hard." Me: "Yeah, ok, but I really want to push." Doc: "Let me measure you.....Not yet, not yet fully dilated." Takes his hand out and the baby's head crowns.  Yeah. I told them it was time to push. They had to run around like maniacs and get the incubator set up, break down the bed and keep me from pushing all while the doc is there with his hand trying to keep the baby in. Finally she slips out and alls well that ends well. It was so unreal it felt like a sitcom. 


And lest it sound like I was mad at the nurses and doctors they were awesome, it's just that everyone's labor is different. And we got the healthy baby we wanted. They cleaned me up and hubby went home before our other kid was up. I'm very, very lucky with how well my labors and delivery happened and I'm so grateful. 

  • Love 10

Hi all! I'm meeting a college friend for dinner tonight that I haven't seen in 25 years and I am ridiculously nervous. He was my bff who I think I may have been in love with but the timing was all wrong. Anyhoo, I'm pretty certain our politics are radically different now so it should be interesting. Wish me luck.

Good luck!  If you get nervous try and think of a joke.  Laughing helps anxiety. 

  • Love 2

I've heard Harlequin throws the best parties -- and pays the lowest royalty rates. Seems like a bit of a trade-off. On the plus side, they do accept un-represented manuscripts.

As an aside about Harlequin: My first day working at Borders Books, I had a customer come up to me and ask for the HARLEY QUINS. I could not find a Harley Quin in our database, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize this woman was asking for the Harlequins...

  • Love 4

I've never met anyone famous but Prince Harry a few years ago walked on the boardwalk (Seaside Heights,NJ) that is within a mile of my home.  I've spent a lot of time there.  I'm at ground zero Superstorm Sandy and there is another hurricane making it's way up the coast.  After Sandy hit my town was devastated but luckily my home was OK.  We went the following week without power and no traffic lights were working so driving and avoiding floods while looking for an open store that sold newspapers (we had no phone, no electric, no TV, no internet) became our way of trying to find out when the situation might improve and how much damage had been done elsewhere. It was pretty wild.  I got one of the (or maybe THE last) picture of the roller coaster still standing as the storm was heading in the day before.  Thinking of it all now with the new hurricane due up the coast.  I have a ton of photographs of the pre/during/after storm.  I do think the seagulls knew how bad it was going to be just by their reaction in the days before.  The waves were amazing.  The beach roads are still being repaired.


I'm up in Neptune, we're practically neighbors.


I haven't done a thing to prepare for Joaquin, but I'm planning on closing my pool (finally) on Saturday, so that counts for something I guess.

  • Love 1

Well it's official I'm starting to panic.



Coffee - 2 pots already in reserve.

Water - Need to buy more.

Flashlights & batteries - 7 flashlights w/plenty of extra batteries.

Canned food - need to buy more

Medicine - all stocked up.

Gas in car - tomorrow.

Cash tomorrow.

Battery powered radio- useless. During Sandy the only station that came in kept telling us to 'log onto... for info'.

Outdoor furniture - tomorrow.

Important papers to seal in waterproof plastic at the ready.

Are they really? Shit.

I'm in NJ also. I need to tell DH to get gas for the generator. Good luck to all the coastal people!

I could use a generator.  I was on the beach this morning and it's raining & windy - unrelated to the hurricane, and the ocean is rough and no sign of seagulls until heading inland. The seagulls know I'm telling you.

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I just can't get worked up over this yet.  Also, my house sits on a hill and I get maybe a damp basement in one corner.  I'm more concerned with the power going out, as I don't want to get stuck listening to 101.5 for a whole week again, like I was during Sandy.  I live less than five miles from WRAT's broadcast tower, but yet could never get it in.  I can't figure that out.

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 1

I've been reading all these celebrity stories with interest (add me to the Mark Harmon fan club. Gah!), and, though I've posted a couple of rather non-events, it occurs to me that I have actually met and chatted with quite a number of dignitaries who may not be household names, but are, in reality, a lot more important than mere "celebrities". Given that my husband recently retired after 39 years in the Navy, working his way up in the ranks from enlisted through Commodore, we have known a number of the now three and four star admirals, including the Chief of Naval Operations for some years. I've just somehow never thought of them as anything other than regular people. Odd, isn't it, how the lowliest of people in the entertainment business can seem like such exotic creatures next to the people who work to keep our country safe? Then again, I've never been in the least bit politically inclined, so maybe it's just me. Heck, I can get more tongue-tied talking to a cute cashier in the checkout line who is probably 30 years my junior than I would talking to almost any politician you could name...

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 4

My Marine son and his family just got transferred to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina..should I worry? How close it that to the ocean?

I don't know about North Carolina but if he is anywhere near the coast I would suggest he keep an eye on this storm very carefully and take the proper precautions if necessary.

I'm watching old Sex and the City re-runs as I wait for this storm to approach and I have officially turned into Charlotte when she gets all stressed and nutty. I'm usually a mix of Carrie and Miranda. I'm Charlotte now in need sedation.

  • Love 3

I'm on the sixth floor on a ridge overlooking the Hudson River. I'm definitely not at risk for flooding, but I'm a little nervous about wind. We just moved in, and it's our first storm.


I'll post any good pictures we get.

Your windows are probably built to be strong, but if the wind is getting fierce you can tape them (from the inside) to keep them from shattering if they do break.  Use strong tape, like duct tape.  If the wind is going to break them they'll probably break anyway but hopefully not in as many pieces.  

  • Love 2

A storm story: For my 49th birthday I took my niece and two friends to New Orleans.  I was visiting my 50th state.  A storm hit, so we were watching the weather channel in the morning.  They were making it seem like Armageddon.  One of my friends decided to go to the bakery across the street for coffee and pastries.  She came back with the food and told us the café was full and people were on the street.  We got dressed and went out.  We didn’t exactly have storm gear with us.  We had two umbrellas between us and put on casual clothes and sandals.  When we walking by the river (by this point we were each either drinking coffee, beer or a cocktail – street drinking in NO!) we saw a reporter from the weather channel.  He was in full storm gear.  He was holding on to a post to a concrete gazebo, as if he needed this to keep him from blowing over in the wind.  We, of course, went out of our way to get in the background.  We ended up talking to the reporter who was very full of himself.  He really expected us to be wowed that we were meeting him.  One of my friends is an actress, so she chatted a bit with him about being on TV.  He put the moves on her, super pushy.  After she turned him down, she told me “I just can’t stand a man in teal eyeliner.”

  • Love 9

I don't read romance, but this sounds freaking amazing.


And isn't EL James the author of that 50 Shades of Grey crap? I couldn't even get through the first half of the first book in that trilogy, it was so awful.

I would be thrilled to recommend a few authors for those who don't typically read romance. You might be surprised at how it's changed in the past ten years.


EL James wrote Fifty Shades of Grey. I read the first book because people were asking me about it. I think the main relationship is abusive so I don't think I'm her target audience. More scuttlebutt: Another author wrote a parody of Fifty Shades of Grey. The guy is well-liked in the romance author community; he's married to another author and he's a delightful, funny, friendly person. He approached Ms. James at one of the conferences she attended and tried to introduce himself. She wouldn't shake his hand.


Obviously, people that don't do this for a living are not fascinated, ;-) but this is a small community and 99% female. Everyone either knows you or knows someone who does. It's best to remain pleasant and polite, even if you're not crazy about the person in question, even if there's a personality conflict. And this encounter spread on social media within minutes.

  • Love 6


No wonder she wrote about sex then. She probably couldn't write anything else interesting enough that would make others want to read it. But I'll bet she's convinced herself that everyone is absolutely green with jealousy.

It's actually really difficult to write a great sex scene. Those scenes might be less than 10% of the entire book, but they take longer to write than anything else in the book, and they get the most revisions and re-reads before publication. Purple prose ("manroot", anyone?) is out.


Authors who write great sex scenes (in my opinion): Jennifer Crusie, Megan Hart, Cara McKenna, Victoria Dahl, Loretta Chase.

  • Love 3

Thanks Tabbygirl. It's official Sandy territory is beginning to panic. The grocery stores are insane, the waves are getting rougher and the seagulls are flying inland.

Sending hopeful thoughts your way, Defrauder, and to everyone on the east coast. So scary. Will be watching the weather channel and wishing for your safety. Hugs.

ETA...will they tell you if you should evacuate in time for you to do so if needed? I live in California and WISH there was some kind of earthquake warning system. More hugs.

Edited by Love2dance
  • Love 2

I've never met anyone famous but Prince Harry a few years ago walked on the boardwalk (Seaside Heights,NJ) that is within a mile of my home.  I've spent a lot of time there.  I'm at ground zero Superstorm Sandy and there is another hurricane making it's way up the coast.  After Sandy hit my town was devastated but luckily my home was OK.  We went the following week without power and no traffic lights were working so driving and avoiding floods while looking for an open store that sold newspapers (we had no phone, no electric, no TV, no internet) became our way of trying to find out when the situation might improve and how much damage had been done elsewhere. It was pretty wild.  I got one of the (or maybe THE last) picture of the roller coaster still standing as the storm was heading in the day before.  Thinking of it all now with the new hurricane due up the coast.  I have a ton of photographs of the pre/during/after storm.  I do think the seagulls knew how bad it was going to be just by their reaction in the days before.  The waves were amazing.  The beach roads are still being repaired.

Yikes Defrauder, stay safe. We lost our home in a tornado, mother nature, as you know can be a bitch. Warm & fuzzies with you. Please check in so we know you're okay.

  • Love 4

Sending hopeful thoughts your way, Defrauder, and to everyone on the east coast. So scary. Will be watching the weather channel and wishing for your safety. Hugs.

ETA...will they tell you if you should evacuate in time for you to do so if needed? I live in California and WISH there was some kind of earthquake warning system. More hugs.

Ugh, same here re: earthquakes. I am near Seattle and have lived here all my life, but the earthquake threat scares me more and more all the time. Probably because when I was younger, I didn't comprehend how bad they could be. I am working with an engineer now to see about retrofitting the house to be more stable. Shudder.

  • Love 2

Your windows are probably built to be strong, but if the wind is getting fierce you can tape them (from the inside) to keep them from shattering if they do break.  Use strong tape, like duct tape.  If the wind is going to break them they'll probably break anyway but hopefully not in as many pieces.  

Defrauder, I am thinking of you and every other person in the path of this hurricane and hoping for the best -- maybe it will blow out to sea.


Hugs and more hugs.

  • Love 3

Having lived through hurricanes here in the Deep South not far from the gulf coast I know it isn't fun. Once the power goes out it gets bad. Here it is very hot and humid and mold grows fast. We have stocked up, gotten ice for ice chests, charged cell phones, batteries, gas, cash, sterno and a sterno stove and propane for the grill. It is never fun and never an adventure. Hoping it doesn't annoy anyone on the east coast.

  • Love 4

Bolding mine

I've never met anyone famous but Prince Harry a few years ago walked on the boardwalk (Seaside Heights,NJ) that is within a mile of my home. I've spent a lot of time there. I'm at ground zero Superstorm Sandy and there is another hurricane making it's way up the coast. After Sandy hit my town was devastated but luckily my home was OK. We went the following week without power and no traffic lights were working so driving and avoiding floods while looking for an open store that sold newspapers (we had no phone, no electric, no TV, no internet) became our way of trying to find out when the situation might improve and how much damage had been done elsewhere. It was pretty wild. I got one of the (or maybe THE last) picture of the roller coaster still standing as the storm was heading in the day before. Thinking of it all now with the new hurricane due up the coast. I have a ton of photographs of the pre/during/after storm. I do think the seagulls knew how bad it was going to be just by their reaction in the days before. The waves were amazing. The beach roads are still being repaired.

Wow. This all sounds so familiar. Except that I'm in Florida but have become complacent about storm planning over the years. Have had not much of anything since 2014 (Charlie and lots of others) and 2015, the year they ran out of letters for names and went Greek for the extras.

We gained a fur person the year of Charlie (2014) and I think because this kitty knew something was up. We later learned he had been abandoned many months previously over a half mile from us. As far as we can guess, he kept making ever enlarging tours of the 'hood looking for a place. Pretty interesting turning that into a housecat. But we love him completely and entirely.

Be safe, everyone!

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 6

In the course of 4 months we had a tornado, an very,very mild earthquake, a hurricane, and then a Nor'easter. Unfortunately for us the tornado was first, so we were staying with relatives for the middle 2 events and then in a trailer for the 3rd, and were without electricity for a week. Thank goodness this is not the norm for my area (except for Nor'easters), but I have become a nervous Nellie around even mild storms now.

  • Love 7

California dogs (mine) who live with me during periods of a lot of seismic activity typically don't know about the first quake but become warners of subsequent quakes.  It's up to me to notice the warnings.  I had a hamster during a year of seismic activity and when the largest hit, he had already moved all of his sawdust from the top parts of his habitrail to a secluded spot on the bottom that was free of anything to hit him, and burrowed deeply into his self-relocated sawdust.  The dog also knew and would stand still looking around and waiting, waiting until it hit.  I knew it would.  It was New Year's Day whatever year it was, during the RoseBowl.  They seem to need the experience of a least one before they become early warners.  Scientists are and have been correlating run away data of dogs and cats with quakes, but I don't know that their data is valid.

  • Love 5

There's a woman who just got bounced from this season of Project Runway who looks uncannily like Bailey Quarters. I was so hoping we were done with the seventies. Although given her age, she could be bringing back the nineties seventies revival, I guess.



I read somewhere that Jan Smithers, who played Bailey, was married James Brolin for about 10 years and has actually retired from the biz. She lived in Nova Scotia for a while and has now returned to California where she grew up.

I've been reading all these celebrity stories with interest (add me to the Mark Harmon fan club. Gah!), and, though I've posted a couple of rather non-events, it occurs to me that I have actually met and chatted with quite a number of dignitaries who may not be household names, but are, in reality, a lot more important than mere "celebrities". Given that my husband recently retired after 39 years in the Navy, working his way up in the ranks from enlisted through Commodore, we have known a number of the now three and four star admirals, including the Chief of Naval Operations for some years. I've just somehow never thought of them as anything other than regular people. Odd, isn't it, how the lowliest of people in the entertainment business can seem like such exotic creatures next to the people who work to keep our country safe? Then again, I've never been in the least bit politically inclined, so maybe it's just me. Heck, I can get more tongue-tied talking to a cute cashier in the checkout line who is probably 30 years my junior than I would talking to almost any politician you could name...


All I can say is I think I'm generally far more impressed with people in our military than I am with entertainment folk. I'd basically be, however, a blithering goof if I ever met, say, Meryl Streep, George Clooney, Steven Spielberg. Staggering talent knocks me flat... 

I have watched my cays sleep through an earthquake. I was dumbfounded.


Wow, that does sound amazing... 

My Marine son and his family just got transferred to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina..should I worry? How close it that to the ocean?


ChiCricket - hope this is helpful. Camp LeJeune's website has a blurb about hurricane preparations etc on its homepage, or what looks like the homepage to me.

See http://www.lejeune.marines.mil


Hope this is helpful. 

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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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