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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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29 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Yes, I put their shoes on and they come off faster than I put them on if they are the wrong size. When the shies fit and I try to take them off they will tuck their feet under the chair so I cannot untie them.

Hahaha been there. 

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9 hours ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

Oh god yes. I am a mess. Between Covid, masks, the current political environment, lack of social gatherings... lost work... grrr. I am truly a mess. I got yelled at a few weeks ago at my local Discount Drug Mart by the customer in line in front of me. “Honey, you are a little too close to me. After 8 months you should know better by now.” Um... I was nowhere near you. There was a cart between us, and I even held back. All I said was, “Don’t call me honey.”  I could have said a lot more, but I was not in the mood to be arrested. The cashier and the lady behind me both gave me an elbow bump. Bottom line, yeah, I’m in a mood.

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2 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

Okay, so a happy story?
I pulled into the grocery store near my RunAwayFromHomeCabin as I always do and stocked up so that I only have to shop once for the three days. Everyone wearing masks! Cashier asks me for the chain discount card, which I do not have. Nice young woman behind me in line hollers, “Use mine! My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx!” and she saved me $20+ and she was happy and the cashier was happy and I was happy and it was just a lovely moment.

Now drinking champagne, about to build a fire in the woodstove, cook Dunginess crab and watch the sun set over the inlet. I just might de-clench a bit after all!

Sounds lovely enjoy yourself!

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I'm in a funk lately, too. Some days are better than others but my mood has been tense and gloomier than usual. I think it's a combination of the elections, Covid, family stuff, and just generally being in a rut. My doctor is also checking my vitamin d levels because I tend to be low even with supplements and because she's seen a lot of people with lower than normal levels because we aren't going outside as much during quarantine. Apparently low levels of d can cause all kinds of issues, mental and physical. 

Edited by emma675d
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26 minutes ago, emma675 said:

I'm in a funk lately, too. Some days are better than others but my mood has been tense and gloomier than usual. I think it's a combination of the elections, Covid, family stuff, and just generally being in a rut. My doctor is also checking my vitamin d levels because I tend to be low even with supplements and because she's seen a lot of people with lower than normal levels because we aren't going outside as much during quarantine. Apparently low levels of d can cause all kinds of issues, mental and physical. 

Good idea to check Vitamin D levels. I had a huge improvement in my physical health after doctor upped my dose. It was amazing. My almost daily leg, knee and hip pain vanished. I was shocked. I didn’t do anything else different. My endo said it’s almost like a hormone in the body. It’s that vital. 

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8 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:


It’s difficult to figure out why someone’s behavior goes that way....depression, menopause...cognitive decline....OCD....shopaholic...Is she buying large quantities of the same thing? 

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5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It’s difficult to figure out why someone’s behavior goes that way....depression, menopause...cognitive decline....OCD....shopaholic...Is she buying large quantities of the same thing? 

I know she’s depressed- that’s obvious. I can’t tell what the stuff actually is. It’s not trash, but it’s all wrapped up. Looks like stuff from HomeGoods. She says most of it came from her storage unit that she was sick of paying for. 

If you want to keep junk fine, but when it impedes your ability to get a broken appliance out of the house that’s when a normal person would say “damn it I have too much junk, let me get rid of some.”

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13 hours ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

Ugh. Me too. Super depressing day. Mean neighbors, difficult clients, complainy kids, no personal space, haven’t been able to sleep. 

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Add me to the list of tense, in-a-mood people. My husband and I are both retired. He is 80 years old. I am his only social outlet because he has no family or close friends, so he is completely dependent on me. He and never goes out alone because he can't drive any more due to poor eyesight. He spends all day in his recliner watching TV, napping or playing on his iPad. I am an introvert by nature and need my space, but now I have none at all.

Since COVID the situation has gotten worse than ever. Mr. Bay gets anxious if he doesn't know where I am every minute of the day. He's terrified of losing me and is always worrying that some terrible thing will happen to me and he'll be left alone. He even tracks me when I go out using the Find My iPhone app, and if he thinks I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be, he'll call me to find out where I am.

The constant togetherness is driving me nuts. I feel like I'm under surveillance. If I leave the room, within five minutes or Mr. Bay will follow me and say "Whatcha doin'?" Sometimes when he is in a chatty mood and starts talking about some topic that doesn't interest me, I get so frustrated I want to yell "Shut up! Just shut up!"

Luckily I live in a state where cannabis is legal. 😊

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My ups and downs tend to cycle in no identifiable pattern. Things seem to be going along at a relatively settled pace and then the anxiety starts to creep in. After years of teaching and using CBT I think I unconsciously set timeline goals and when I reach the end of that time, the anxiety comes back. Then I try and refocus on all the good things in life, regroup and start over. But as you all mentioned, the state of our country right now makes that hard and I start to get angry at covid (I know, silly) and start thinking too far into the future and engage in the what ifs. The truth is, life is harder right now and for the foreseeable future, and that just sucks.

There's that saying, going through tough times makes you stronger. I guess we'll all be super heroes when we come out on the other side of all this. I think I'll don a pair of sweatpant shorts and a patchwork cape.

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21 hours ago, rue721 said:

Is anybody else feeling very tense and in a "mood"? I had thought it was just me, and kept being like "jeez, get it together!" But apparently my boyfriend and friends are also feeling the same. I think it's the combination of the Covid spikes and the state of politics (including the election) and everything else going on in the world, ON TOP of all the stuff that make our individual lives stressful anyhow ... maybe things just aren't easy at the moment. Is anyone else feeling it?

Yes! As a matter of fact I've had terrible insomnia these last few days. Right now it's 6:10 am and I still haven't been able to fall asleep yet. 

 I know covid is still going to be around for awhile, but I just want the election done (and peacefully accepted by everyone.)

 And I'm sick to death of all the politician's ads.  I always think about how much money is being wasted on them too, because I doubt there's many people left that haven't made up their minds on who they want to vote for.

 Well..with all that said, I'm going to try to fall asleep again . 😕

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Oh gosh, I'm sorry so many of us are stressed and I hope we all manage to somehow get through the sh*tstorm aka 2020 and end up in a better place, whatever that means for each of us.

I've mentioned that a temporary job that started in February has lasted a lot longer and I'm still doing it, from home. Which is good since it keeps me from bouncing off the walls in here. Our state and city have announced a return to more stringent measures re group sizes, restaurant rules, etc., in response to a significant increase in COVID cases *and* hospitalizations. The hospitalization numbers IMO are important because you are either sick enough to be hospitalized or you aren't. This ain't over. Not even nearly over. Dammit.

Anyway, the company I'm working for has recently gone live with a new tech system to handle workflow of the stuff I work with, and although there's been plenty of prep and training, I'm definitely on a steep learning curve. I'm not technology-averse and HATE IT when I hear people my age or younger say dismissive things like "oh, I just can't be bothered with those computers." AARGH, people, and I bet you would have invested heavily in the buggy whip industry in 1915.

But, here I am on this learning curve with the new system and I've had my moments of frustration and anxiety, thinking I will never get it. Then I dig back in and manage, and so far on the technical help calls I've had? It turns out my problem wasn't due to any error on my part, but some systems issues they are still having to shake down.

Anyway, I just saw a comment on the innernetz that sums up how I feel some days when dealing with this big change. It was said about a guy but it works for both genders: "S/he would be out of his/her depth in a parking lot puddle."

Wish me well folks, I'm about to go sign on and start working. And I hope I won't have too many "out of my depth" moments. Have a good day.

Edited by Jeeves
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9 hours ago, Bayarea4 said:

Add me to the list of tense, in-a-mood people. My husband and I are both retired. He is 80 years old. I am his only social outlet because he has no family or close friends, so he is completely dependent on me. He and never goes out alone because he can't drive any more due to poor eyesight. He spends all day in his recliner watching TV, napping or playing on his iPad. I am an introvert by nature and need my space, but now I have none at all.

Since COVID the situation has gotten worse than ever. Mr. Bay gets anxious if he doesn't know where I am every minute of the day. He's terrified of losing me and is always worrying that some terrible thing will happen to me and he'll be left alone. He even tracks me when I go out using the Find My iPhone app, and if he thinks I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be, he'll call me to find out where I am.

The constant togetherness is driving me nuts. I feel like I'm under surveillance. If I leave the room, within five minutes or Mr. Bay will follow me and say "Whatcha doin'?" Sometimes when he is in a chatty mood and starts talking about some topic that doesn't interest me, I get so frustrated I want to yell "Shut up! Just shut up!"

Luckily I live in a state where cannabis is legal. 😊

Man, that sounds like it would be challenging long term.  Was it better before covid and you both could get out more?

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19 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Oh gosh, I'm sorry so many of us are stressed and I hope we all manage to somehow get through the sh*tstorm aka 2020 and end up in a better place, whatever that means for each of us.

I've mentioned that a temporary job that started in February has lasted a lot longer and I'm still doing it, from home. Which is good since it keeps me from bouncing off the walls in here. Our state and city have announced a return to more stringent measures re group sizes, restaurant rules, etc., in response to a significant increase in COVID cases *and* hospitalizations. The hospitalization numbers IMO are important because it's hard to dismiss increased reported case numbers as just the result of more testing. You are either sick enough to be hospitalized or you aren't, the hell with what you were or weren't tested for. This ain't over. Not even nearly over. Dammit.

Anyway, the company I'm working for has recently gone live with a new tech system to handle workflow of the stuff I work with, and although there's been plenty of prep and training, I'm definitely on a steep learning curve. I'm not technology-averse and HATE IT when I hear people my age or younger say dismissive things like "oh, I just can't be bothered with those computers." AARGH, people, and I bet you would have invested heavily in the buggy whip industry in 1915.

But, here I am on this learning curve with the new system and I've had my moments of frustration and anxiety, thinking I will never get it. Then I dig back in and manage, and so far on the technical help calls I've had? It turns out my problem wasn't due to any error on my part, but some systems issues they are still having to shake down.

Anyway, I just saw a comment on the innernetz that sums up how I feel some days when dealing with this big change. It was said about a guy but it works for both genders: "S/he would be out of his/her depth in a parking lot puddle."

Wish me well folks, I'm about to go sign on and start working. And I hope I won't have too many "out of my depth" moments. Have a good day.

I do wish you luck today and many others. It sounds like you are pretty well versed though.  I found that even though I'm not super young, I do pretty well simply from trying different things. I like the parking lot puddle analogy, but, that's not you at all.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I saw a meme on FB the other day that said “I’m seriously beginning to worry someone is really going to win this election” 

I’m at a really odd place in my own life.  We’ve owned a mechanic shop for some years now (15?).  It’s “airport based”; meaning our best customers are the airport shuttle buses.  Park n Ride kinda thing.  Our 2nd heaviest has been a tie between airport hotel shuttles and the companies who shuttle around Medicare/Medicaid patients.  The third is churches, and there are some monsters in metro Atlanta.  

Although flights have picked marginally, our biggest AP carrier is still only using 7 buses of 100.  Many churches are still online, and the mega ones are still shy of standard numbers.  

Cut to the chase: when things were seriously shut off, we thought we might close the shop end of December when our current lease is up.   
we started gearing toward that - put ourselves on a tight budget to get some things paid off, that sort of thing.  And the daily discussion is “and then what???”  I’d love to open a pub (just bc I think I’d be the worlds most killer pub owner) - hubs can take out the trash.  My mom would HAUNT ME!!!  Thought about a bakery.  Not a decent one within 60 miles.  My husband wants a T-shirt business.  I already have an embroidery business - I could be financing our whole family operation if I’d kick it up a notch.  I’ve NEVER looked for business because it has kept me as busy as I wanted to be.  But If we both worked at it, we’d be well set.  We’ve also talked of clearing some land and opening a campground.  We have land 1/4 mile from the GA state equestrian park with miles and miles and miles of trails.  This place... you drive 50 miles PAST nowhere, turn left and go another 40 miles... I love it down there.  

I’m  sorry, that was long and rambly and wordy and just about as settled as my mind is... we have some money “laid by” as we would say down here.  We have choices.  I personally think the campground would only be sustainable.  It’s not a loser, but it’s not going to fill our pockets either.  And there you have it:  we don’t wait for the world around us to be in turmoil and create unrest.  aaaaaawwwww hell no.  Let’s create something to give us stress!!!  The kicker is (no joke) the shop is picking up and the hubs believes by spring it’ll be back in the normal range.  But NOOOOOW, he’s been thinking about shutting it down and is a little mesmerized by that.  

hey, I can embroider all day long either way.  I’m in it for the support.  


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I am responding to the "jill thinking she is the cats meow" on the dugger..friends thread  since it is kind of personal...so here goes...Ya know...she does think she is the cats meow...and I just want to say...following this site and following her and the bates and others like her on IG/FB and here on other forums...has led me to believe..."I have not believed I am the cats meow."..and it is hard for me to see someone like Jill be so confident and do what she wants -- I am looking at her and the clothes and the make up and the legalism...my thoughts are ..she should not be out there in front influencing because according to me ..she is flawed/ her beliefs are not like mine/she has too many kids...etc etc...but ..according to her she is all that and yes...the cats meow ..but she is doing it anyway...whether I think she is wrong or not...so because of her ...I have decided to write a book, start an online teaching series with my husband...My husband and I help ALOT of people who are in dire circumstances...we have TRUTH..are compassionate, serving and really very simple people...but my belief in myself has held me back...seeing Jill out there doing what she wants with confidence whether I think she is off her rocker wrong or not...has motivated me to move from being a keyboard critic (of someone I do not even know)...to making some life changing decisions....

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Ok I would appreciate if y'all would keep me in your thoughts. I took my cat to the vet...nothing major toe nail trim, rabies shot, check up to see if she has arthritis..and I am anxious about the visit.  I had to leave her and they will call me when she is ready. I feel like I am on the verge of tears. She seems healthy but my fear is they will call me and say she has a problem that while not life threatening causes her to be in pain, such as a dental problem, they can fix it but I will not be able to afford the procedure so I will have to make a decision of having her be in pain or putting her down. Now all of this is in my head I have seen no problem except maybe arthritis because she can't jump up on the bed like she used to.

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Moderator Announcement- be mindful of veering into political discussion. Feelings/Opinions/Thoughts about the election, while understandable, can easily spiral into political discussion, which is not allowed on Primetimer. 

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20 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I recently watched the movie Julia/Julie and discovered that Julia Child says the way to brown mushrooms is not to crowd them.  I'm going to try that next time, as I love mushrooms.  That movie has sparked an interest in French cuisine in me.  

The way to brown anything is not to crowd the pan. Most food gives off moisture as it cooks and if the pan is too crowded your food will steam instead of brown. 

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Day 10 of 21 of my workout challenge. Given I was up crazy early last night for my Mom's surgery and did yesterdays workout at night, I let myself sleep in and did this one at lunch time. 6am workouts are so much better.

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Well I just brought my cat back from the vet. She is fine she , has a yeast infection in her ears ( which will be a joy to treat). They also recommend something for the arthritis.

The total bill was 250 + . She also needes her teeth cleaned but I can't afford that. They told me about something I can add to her water to reduce the tartar which I will try but she does not drink a lot of water. I have her home and that's the main thing.

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53 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Well I just brought my cat back from the vet. She is fine she , has a yeast infection in her ears ( which will be a joy to treat). They also recommend something for the arthritis.

The total bill was 250 + . She also needes her teeth cleaned but I can't afford that. They told me about something I can add to her water to reduce the tartar which I will try but she does not drink a lot of water. I have her home and that's the main thing.

Does your cat have a water fountain? I am glad she is fine!

Mr Norris lived to be TWENTY and never had his teeth cleaned....youre a great cat mom, I am sure she will be fine. they also have treats that can reduce tartar. 

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2 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

What is everyone buying on Black Friday? 
I see Walmart is doing theirs starting in early November online only.

I need a new phone and maybe a Bluetooth speaker. That’s it.

Not a darn thing. I’m really in need of a new iPad, but I don’t want to spend so much on myself when I would rather save to give the grandchildren $$ for Christmas. They are past the age of toys and their parents get them the big stuff. I’m also afraid to let go of too much money during these troubling times. No matter what happens taxes need to get paid. Personal tax, state tax, property tax, tax on the car, cat taxes (yes in my greedy state the tax you for having pets) and breathing tax. Just kidding on the last one. 

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8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Man, that sounds like it would be challenging long term.  Was it better before covid and you both could get out more?

Yes, it was a little better - but not much. Mr. Bay has never enjoyed going out, even before the pandemic. He is perfectly happy staying home all the time.  When we do go out, he's such a worrier that he takes all the enjoyment out of it. I should mention that he has urinary urgency due to prostate issues and needs to be near a bathroom all the time. It doesn't help that he also takes a diuretic due to his heart condition. I have had to do a lot of things on my own, but I'm used to it. It's more fun to go out without him!

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2 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

What is everyone buying on Black Friday? 
I see Walmart is doing theirs starting in early November online only.

I need a new phone and maybe a Bluetooth speaker. That’s it.

I wish my list was that short. This is part of my shopping list and I’m not kidding.  I have researched most of products to death. I’m making do with what I have but need NEW stuff.   I must make decisions by Thanksgiving. If not, I may as well get them for Christmas.  I’m getting something nice this year. I deserve it.lol I think we all do. 

I need, I mean want : new cell phone, laptop, printer, mattress, adjustable bed, sheets, pillows, boots, decorative shelves, wall art, tv, trestle desk, kitchen backsplash, clear face masks, Lysol, water flosser and desk chair.  I’m open to buying it all online. I love a good deal. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Does your cat have a water fountain? I am glad she is fine!

Mr Norris lived to be TWENTY and never had his teeth cleaned....youre a great cat mom, I am sure she will be fine. they also have treats that can reduce tartar. 

 Thank you.. No she does not have a water fountain . I have wanted to try that but they are expensive and if she does not use it I am out the money. I will try try treats but she honestly has never liked treats. She rarely wants what I am eating. The only time she sniffs my plate is when I have fresh roasted chicken. 

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11 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

 Thank you.. No she does not have a water fountain . I have wanted to try that but they are expensive and if she does not use it I am out the money. I will try try treats but she honestly has never liked treats. She rarely wants what I am eating. The only time she sniffs my plate is when I have fresh roasted chicken. 

If you wanted to try it, you could order a fountain from Amazon and if she doesn’t like it, you can return it free.

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6 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

If you wanted to try it, you could order a fountain from Amazon and if she doesn’t like it, you can return it free.

Thats true. I always feel odd about returning things because I know the company loses money on returns. I will have to check them out.

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I need to look at the Black Friday ads! Thanks for the reminder, Cookies! I've never been one to go stand in long lines, but we've gone in the past to get a few things at our small town Super Walmart. It is crowded but honestly not that bad. Obviously we won't be doing that this year!

We need to look for either a Roku TV or a new Roku stick for the current TV in my office. My daughter is begging for Minecraft and Pokemon, and a friend has told me video games are usually on sale for Black Friday so I've held off buying any yet. 

I really need to get organized and start shopping. 


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27 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

 Thank you.. No she does not have a water fountain . I have wanted to try that but they are expensive and if she does not use it I am out the money. I will try try treats but she honestly has never liked treats. She rarely wants what I am eating. The only time she sniffs my plate is when I have fresh roasted chicken. 


My kitties love this one from Amazon and it's not very expensive.




Edited by Suzn
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53 minutes ago, Jenniferbug said:

I need to look at the Black Friday ads! Thanks for the reminder, Cookies! I've never been one to go stand in long lines, but we've gone in the past to get a few things at our small town Super Walmart. It is crowded but honestly not that bad. Obviously we won't be doing that this year!

We need to look for either a Roku TV or a new Roku stick for the current TV in my office. My daughter is begging for Minecraft and Pokemon, and a friend has told me video games are usually on sale for Black Friday so I've held off buying any yet. 

I really need to get organized and start shopping. 


Walmart already posted 2. I think sales will be weekly or something. 
Target will post theirs weekly starting tomorrow.

Im hoping everything will be online period.

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Oh boy. I was thinking about this just now and thought I would mention it here. I've watched most episodes of a Netflix original mini-series documentary, Broken. The first episode is about the rampant industry of counterfeit cosmetics. Wowzer. After seeing that, I will NEVER order another cosmetic or toiletry item from Amazon, or on eBay, or probably from any online seller other than the manufacturer or a major reputable retailer. 

I used to order shampoo from Amazon and was suspicious that at least once I got some kind of bootleg (or at least spoiled) product. Now that I've watched that documentary, I'm just glad I never ended up with something that I bought online that was actually harmful. Of course, I have pretty much no interest in the hot cosmetic brands, where the counterfeiting is most rampant. But still, I'm not going to risk it even for the ordinary stuff I buy. 

As to Black Friday, I can't think of anything I want or need that I would buy then. So I'm leaving the aisles and online shopping carts free for all the others who will be shopping. :-) You're welcome, lol. (I think it's the settings on my browser which blocks ads and garbage, but I no longer have access to any of the emojis here to spice up my posts.)

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4 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

Walmart already posted 2. I think sales will be weekly or something. 
Target will post theirs weekly starting tomorrow.

Im hoping everything will be online period.

I'm hoping everything is online too. I am not setting foot in a store, and I don't think they could track inventory well enough for pick up orders. 

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19 minutes ago, Jenniferbug said:

I'm hoping everything is online too. I am not setting foot in a store, and I don't think they could track inventory well enough for pick up orders. 


19 minutes ago, Jenniferbug said:

I'm hoping everything is online too. I am not setting foot in a store, and I don't think they could track inventory well enough for pick up orders. 

Stores are already packed no way would I go in to try to get $5 toaster haha. 

There is no Walmart near me I have never been to one. But I prefer them to Amazon.



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1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Thats true. I always feel odd about returning things because I know the company loses money on returns. I will have to check them out.

It’s Amazon, they’ve made massive profits taking advantage of the pandemic this year. They write off their losses and pay ZERO in taxes. Don’t worry about returning!

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23 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Today was the BIG MOVE.  I was able to catch both cars before they knew what was coming.  Almost a 4 hour drive.  Toothless cat didn't think much of the move and cried a lot of the way.  She would fall asleep, and then cry when she was awake.  But she survived just fine.  The big girl slept the entire trip.  When I arrived at the house, I was not allowed in until some inspector signed a piece of paper.  He came within the hour, and I brought the carriers in and put them in my (huge) master closet.  They are still not eating much, but they are out this evening and exploring.  I am sitting in my one chair, and I hope the blow-up mattress will be ok.  Not sure where my clothes are, but I did find my toothbrush and clean underwear.  My furniture will be packed up Saturday and will arrive Sunday.  Then I won't have to worry about quarantine because I will be inside unpacking boxes until Spring.  But I am excited about the move.  I am now a homeowner in Nevada!!!

CONGRATULATIONS! So glad you and the cats are home, and with a toothbrush and clean undies, plus a chair and a mattress, you can face anything. I hope you have sweet dreams in your new home tonight!

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Congratulations @CalicoKitty on your new home. 
I moved my cats a few years ago. Once they get used to the layout, the noises, trusted that their food, water and litter box are in the same place (I did begin them in my master bathroom, but as they got used to the house I moved it into the laundry room) then they will begin to feel secure and start to relax. How exciting for you. Decorating is fun and things will always be where you left them. Well, unless your cats like to knock things off of shelves! I’m very happy for you. 

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On 10/27/2020 at 4:34 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I recently watched the movie Julia/Julie and discovered that Julia Child says the way to brown mushrooms is not to crowd them. 

I sort of am assuming you mean “crown”.  (Or seriously, dont crowd?)  So don’t pull the stem???  Really.  Huh.  Mushrooms have a texture that screams bloody murder at my texture rebel.  But I loooooove the taste of sautéed shrooms.  I throw them in and chew real fast.  Also, if I have a potato or chicken or something to slide in with it, it masks the slippery slope a little.  

@Scarlett45.... alllllllllllll this time when you talked about your cousin and your aunt, in my head your cousin had a mental challenge.  I am now reprocessing everything I remember you saying in the past.  I am team @Absolom on this one.  You were crazy about that aunt, yes?    

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I'm not usually picky about texture or taste, but mushrooms are one of my breaking points. Particularly if they look  . . . slimy. I blame my time at COFO's cafeteria in which I worked the salad bar. Every week I had to put out all the items on the salad bar, including the nastiest looking mushrooms on God's whole earth. They had some sort of gravy (?) that just looked like oozing slime. I liked mushrooms before that. My dad is good at finding morel mushrooms, and he's a good cook. But every time I see mushrooms now, I just think about those abominations on the salad bar that looked like the bowel movements of Satan. I can't even type this without gagging. 

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1 hour ago, CalicoKitty said:

Today was the BIG MOVE.  I was able to catch both cars before they knew what was coming.  Almost a 4 hour drive.  Toothless cat didn't think much of the move and cried a lot of the way.  She would fall asleep, and then cry when she was awake.  But she survived just fine.  The big girl slept the entire trip.  When I arrived at the house, I was not allowed in until some inspector signed a piece of paper.  He came within the hour, and I brought the carriers in and put them in my (huge) master closet.  They are still not eating much, but they are out this evening and exploring.  I am sitting in my one chair, and I hope the blow-up mattress will be ok.  Not sure where my clothes are, but I did find my toothbrush and clean underwear.  My furniture will be packed up Saturday and will arrive Sunday.  Then I won't have to worry about quarantine because I will be inside unpacking boxes until Spring.  But I am excited about the move.  I am now a homeowner in Nevada!!!

This is so exciting. It’s so nice to create a wonderful home environment at your own pace. I can make do with the internet and coffee maker. Lol

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