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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I'm in the pack with others with all our collective warm good vibes going all toward JB today (as she gets ready) and tomorrow for the funeral.


No need to comment on this, just information I'm passing along if you're interested.  My big bro Dale has surgery next week on the shoulder he screwed up falling off the ladder last week.  He tore the cartilage, has a bad tear in his rotator cuff, and has some muscle damage they hope to repair with surgery.  Also has a bone chip floating around in his wrist area, but they aren't addressing that right now.  Surgery is arthroscopic (seems more extensive to me, but they are hopeful it will go that way).  He's ok.


And my daughter, husband and oldest grand left on a "mission trip" to Nicaragua with some people from their church today.  He believes he's found a house (when he went with his father a few weeks back).  It's a train wreck (the house) and looks haunted.  (I fervently hope so!).  I also hope that this oldest grandsugar takes a look at it and burst into tears.  (She won't, she's exclusively into the koolaid - ALL the kids are.  If my daughter tells them this is what we're doing, or this is why we believe that, they are ALL IN.) 


Anyway, not to move the subject from Jellybeans, as she needs our support.  Just information.  And to go completely BRUTAL with "just information"... I'm admitting I have a "girl crush" on Meghan Trainor.  I looooooooove this girl.  I want to BE this girl when I grow up!   (Some of you just said, "No wonder her daughter is in a hurry to leave the country!")


Love you guys!  (Except JenC, who reminded me yesterday that Jesus was, in fact, Jewish.  Bonk on the head, JC!  jk...). 

  • Love 7

Jellybeans, I'm in awe of your strength, and that of any other parent who's had to endure what you're going through.  I pray that I will never know...

I hope that your precious memories are a comfort to you, and my wish is that everyone on this board's good thoughts for you are lifting your spirits and lightening your heavy heart.   

  • Love 8

It's a new day! It's so stinking hot and humid in Georgia - it's the kind of hot that makes your mascara melt a little and stick together when you blink. Hot wet blanket hot. But I'll say this: I'm a hot weather gal, I HAAAAAAAAATE to be cold. I get so miserable, and I make it my job to make sure everybody around me understands exactly HOW MUCH I hate it!!!

A story: most will remember my brother Dale falling from a ladder after a jolt of electricity 2 weeks ago.b (he's ok). It happens that Dale also owns the community pool (because most of my family lives on one road). My granddaughter Paige (6) talking about the heat with her mom, Deena.

Paige: why don't we just go swimming at Uncle Dale's?

Deena: something's wrong with the pool

Paige: why don't they fix it?

Deena: I guess when Uncle Dale got hurt, they had other things on their mind.

Paige: Uncle Dale got hurt?

Deena: yes, he fell off a ladder

Paige (serious scrunched up face): because he's too fat?


  • Love 7

Happyfatchick, that is so funny and the honesty of a child is adorable and scary! I am the opposite of you. I HATE being hot and will do anything I can to avoid it. Ugh. Layers for cold..... but I cannot get comfortable in heat. Believe me, no one wants to be near me either when it is steamy hot.

Edited by Love2dance
  • Love 6

It's a new day! It's so stinking hot and humid in Georgia - it's the kind of hot that makes your mascara melt a little and stick together when you blink. Hot wet blanket hot. But I'll say this: I'm a hot weather gal, I HAAAAAAAAATE to be cold. I get so miserable, and I make it my job to make sure everybody around me understands exactly HOW MUCH I hate it!!!

A story: most will remember my brother Dale falling from a ladder after a jolt of electricity 2 weeks ago.b (he's ok). It happens that Dale also owns the community pool (because most of my family lives on one road). My granddaughter Paige (6) talking about the heat with her mom, Deena.

Paige: why don't we just go swimming at Uncle Dale's?

Deena: something's wrong with the pool

Paige: why don't they fix it?

Deena: I guess when Uncle Dale got hurt, they had other things on their mind.

Paige: Uncle Dale got hurt?

Deena: yes, he fell off a ladder

Paige (serious scrunched up face): because he's too fat?


Love to start the day with a smile.  

  • Love 1

Bah, now I want to go swimming. It's stinking hot here too. And lonely. DH and DD1 have been away for four days visiting DD2 (so at least someone gets to see my kid) and are coming home tonight. I'm not physically up for a fourteen hour drive, so -- I'm home with the dogs. And you know, they do their best, but there's just not that much conversation to be had there. It's not like I see all that much of DD1 when she is here, since she's always either at work or skyping with DD1 or The Boyfriend, but it just feels different in the house.

So, that's my whine for the day, I'll be cheerful for a while, maybe. Unless someone still has a plan to smack me upside the head, in which case -- eh, whatever, I'm safely out of reach. :-)

  • Love 4

I'm over it! You're safe. I think you need ice cream.

Also, I have a game I play with my dogs you might be interested in. We call it "toy removal". I gather up all the half-stuffed toys (all with squeakers removed: SQUEAKERS ARE BORN TO BE REMOVED!!!!), old tennis shoes, hard plastic bobbins for embroidery thread, etc). I put all the toys in the basket (lovingly placed for that very purpose) to see how long it takes for all of them to be all over the house. Basket emptied. The record EMPTY is less than 30 minutes. I've done this twice already today. Honestly it doesn't remove MY boredom, but it does entertain the little cocker for a few minutes. He loves plastic water bottles (yes, I know I'm destroying earth). I was in the floor for some reason awhile back and found EIGHT of those under my couch.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 6

Happyfatchick, that is so funny and the honesty of a child is adorable and scary! I am the opposite of you. I HATE being hot and will do anything I can to avoid it. Ugh. Layers for cold..... but I cannot get comfortable in heat. Believe me, no one wants to be near me either when it is steamy hot.

I cannot, CANNOT handle the heat. Cold? Not a problem--as you said, layers layers layers. Thank goodness I live in the Northeast so it's just a few months. I have a friend who loves the heat and humidity of July and August while I'm planted in front of the AC. I get very cranky and short tempered in the heat. It's not pretty.

  • Love 10

I cannot, CANNOT handle the heat. Cold? Not a problem--as you said, layers layers layers. Thank goodness I live in the Northeast so it's just a few months. I have a friend who loves the heat and humidity of July and August while I'm planted in front of the AC. I get very cranky and short tempered in the heat. It's not pretty.


This so much.  I live in Minnesota on purpose.

  • Love 3

When we left for Disney World on May 25th, we had had some warm days and needed the AC once, maybe twice. So we closed the windows and set the thermostat to 75 so the house would be bearable when we came home. When we walked in and looked at the thermostat on June 2 it was 63 in the house. And we put our sweatshirts back on and put the heat on. It was quite a weird homecoming going from the heat and humidity of Florida to that!

  • Love 2

Here's a news flash: we get snow (actual white stuff accumulated on the ground) once every 3-4 years. We don't get much practice, and we don't own snow plows, especially in the suburbs. I think there are a couple in Atlanta (that are coat racks in "off" years) and have to be located and "fired up" if there's a snowflake's chance in hell (that is a literal term here...) we might actually need them. We don't have the equipment to prepare ahead of time, and ice is a much more common threat than snow. We don't get enough practice to get "good" at it (driving in snow/ice) so we mostly stay away from it, huddling inside like there's a boogie man just outside the door. All the parodies and jokes you hear about Atlantans driving in snow... They're all true.

But WELCOME, lookey! been here most of my life, and I love it! The southeast: every intersection has a Baptist church, a Quik Trip and a Waffle House. Quik Trip for the beer, Waffle House for the after party, and the BC for cleansing the soul so you can do it all again next week!

  • Love 2

Living in what is deemed the city with the best climate in the country, I am totally spoiled. We only need a/c a few days each year (most homes and older office buildings don't have air). Windows are open year-round. Needless to say, I don't do well anywhere east of the Rockies past Father's Day. :D 


You guys can have your heat, humidity, and bitter cold. I'll sit here in my naturally-cooled abode, where the temperature is about the same inside as out. :D

  • Love 5

Oh FrenchT, I loooooove Disney, but I have a KNACK for being there at the WORST times. We went in Feb with 7 kids from 6-15 and there was this weird COLD snap - we're standing out there watching the electric parade and the fireworks in the rain and about .01 above freezing. The kids were troupers, but we'd gone back and put everything in our suitcases on! I had on 4 pair of pants, 3 shirts, 3 jackets and 4 pairs of socks. We were SOAKED THROUGH - and THEN had to ride a BOAT back to the campground. Went back in April (to beat the heat - HAHAHA!!!). Red faced, sweaty, as lightly clothed as possible... It was 95 in APRIL. Fluke hot streak. Let's just say this short round happy chick was N.O.T. up for any fashion awards either time!!! But hey. Disney is Disney. :) Hoping to go back when they're decorated for Christmas. (My son and fam always get annual passes - he's been BEGGING me to go for five years). I've been dodging what I thought was "the Disney bullet" forever, and now...I get it.

  • Love 1

Here's a news flash: we get snow (actual white stuff accumulated on the ground) once every 3-4 years. We don't get much practice, and we don't own snow plows, especially in the suburbs. I think there are a couple in Atlanta (that are coat racks in "off" years) and have to be located and "fired up" if there's a snowflake's chance in hell (that is a literal term here...) we might actually need them. We don't have the equipment to prepare ahead of time, and ice is a much more common threat than snow. We don't get enough practice to get "good" at it (driving in snow/ice) so we mostly stay away from it, huddling inside like there's a boogie man just outside the door. All the parodies and jokes you hear about Atlantans driving in snow... They're all true.

But WELCOME, lookey! been here most of my life, and I love it! The southeast: every intersection has a Baptist church, a Quik Trip and a Waffle House. Quik Trip for the beer, Waffle House for the after party, and the BC for cleansing the soul so you can do it all again next week!

Thanks HFC.  Son and son in law have lived there a long time.  they have been encouraging us to move once Mr. Lookeyloo retires.  We are closing on the house on the 19th.  But won't be moving yet.  I have visited, house sat, puppy sat, etc. for/with them for many years and while we won't be living near enough to them for us to get into each other's business, it will be close enough.  We were there at their house a few years ago when it snowed.  That house was at the bottom of a slope.  We had to wait for the snow to melt before we could get out.  No problem.  I am from New Jersey and know what snow and ice are like.  I am very much looking forward to the move.  Look for me.  I'll be the one who looks "agog" to be there.

  • Love 3

I went to Disneyworld in late June a few years ago and it was wonderful.  A little drizzly a couple of days, but nothing severe.  Not hot; I can't stand heat and you'd still be hearing about it if I got bug bit.   I really love the local Disneyland and have relatives who have season passes, but I don't.  My problem is now one of mobility---getting there and back and walking, although I do rides really well.  I'd love to do Disneyworld again.  I am going to be doing exercises trying to build up strength again.  

  • Love 2
Ice is way, way, way scarier than snow. Also, if we know it's going to snow, we tend to not want to go out either and wait for the plows to clear the roads.


Yup - seasoned Midwesterner here.  If you do have to drive in it you make damn sure you have 20 lb bags of kitty litter over your rear axel area.  Good for stability, and you can splice open the bag and use the litter for traction if need be.   

  • Love 3

Oakland. Warmer and less foggy than San Francisco, cooler than San Jose (it can get damn hot down there). It's perfect. :D


Headed out for a 3-4 mile hike now. Can't do that after 9am in most of the country this time of year. :p


I was going to guess either Oakland/Hayward area or San Diego! (well or Hawaii, possibly) I'm near Sacramento and have headed to Oakland or SF numerous times when it just gets too-damn-hot here. Those are usually the times I"m thankful it doesn't also get humid in Sac. I can deal with one or the other but not both.

  • Love 2

Sacto is just too.damn.hot. I can only stand it if I'm on a boat in the Delta or Lake Folsom. 


I'm perfectly happy existing on THIS side of the coastal range. :D


I know what you mean! Although sometimes it's too damn hot even for the boat or lake - that's when we drive to your area and contribute to the traffic (sorry 'bout that!).

I know this is the Small Talk area but just to keep this slightly on the Duggars - let's not forget, they'll be here in Sacramento in just two short weeks for the IBLP conference!  On video, anyway. http://familyconferences.org/events/sacramento/. So if anyone would like to roast in 100+ degrees, I think they still have tix available.

  • Love 1

Sorry. I've been MIA. I broke my wrist a few days ago. It was crazy bizarre. I picked Maisie up from her swing to take her in and our dog bounded out from under the porch, pushing Maisie and I in to the garden. This blows.


Oh no!! I was wondering where you were but figured you were just busy enjoying Maisie. I hope you're both okay and that your wrist isn't hurting too bad.

Jellybeans, hope you made it through the day ok. Wanderwoman, calcium supliments may be a good idea for you. Someone mentioned that to me a couple weeks after I broke my arm a few years ago. Take good care.

JCBrown I 'm just north of you in Mountain View. I used to hang out on another TWoP forum, and that gave me quite an approciation for our lovely mild weather. I've lived within 50 miles of here my whole life so I just take it for granted. You all remind us that we shouldn't. I did live nesr the ocean for a while and I especially miss it in the summer.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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