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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


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Do you mind us asking why an alias/aliases would be allowed to continue posting here?

As far as i understand it, the only thing they are looking for besides other people's hard earned cash, is the enjoyment and attention they get out of fooling good honest people.

So what's the plus side in letting them remain? If this is not something a mod wants to explain on the public board, feel free to PM me. I'm just curious.

In a word, logistics. And that word is from the site administrator.

I am actually doing really well physically. My milk is coming in, so my breasts are rock hard and HURT... but I'm handling that okay. I delivered on Thursday, and Friday and Saturday I felt like I had been run over by a truck, oddly the most pain was in my hamstrings, and then in my back, but Sunday felt a little better, and yesterday felt mostly normal. I went back to work yesterday, and having something to do really does seem to help.

I think I got off easy on the delivery side- the baby was 1 pound 10 ounces, so very small to deliver, the doctor did the work and didn't let me push; and the placenta delivered whole, so no need to scrape the uterus or anything like that. They used some sort of suction to clean the uterus, and then were adamant about uterine massage the first 24 hours, so I haven't been passing clots, just what seems like medium level period bleeding (though it doesn't look like a period, sorry TMI).

hopefully the bleeding will only last as long as a regular period. I'm glad you have work as a diversion. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but one of these days you will look at your husband and smile or laugh together and then you will both realize that you are going to be ok. I hope tomorrow is better than today and continues so.
  • Love 2

When Dr. Muffyn and I were first dating, we went to a karaoke bar with some of his friends. It was a 90s music theme night. When you got there, you were handed a list of all of the songs that could be performed that night and you were supposed to note if you could sing them. I didn’t know the crowd could then vote for who they wanted to have perform the songs. So, since I had listed a female name next to a lot of songs done by men with deep voices and that tended toward sexual or violent themes, I became very popular (I think the crowd expected it to be really funny watching a woman try to sing these kinds of songs, expecting I would have too high of a voice or be uncomfortable with the themes or language – little did they know! I used to be a professional singer. These songs are right in my comfort zone).

Near the end of the night, Dr. Muffyn asked me if I knew any songs that didn’t include fuck. Right then I got called up to sing the Violent Femmes “Blister in the Sun.” I told him it didn’t include fuck. However, it is a song about masturbation. I did try to salvage his impression by asking if as a last song I could perform “Baby I love Your Way” by Peter Frampton. I did it with a simple piano accompaniment, very sweet. However, after that night, we decided that our song is another Violent Femmes number, “Add It Up.” I drew him into my irreverence.

I love to sing but am horrible at it so I've never karioked publicly. Once our oldest turned a teen I felt weird singing "Blister In The Sun" around her! But I guess that could of opened up a conversation....do you still karioke together? I think that would be fun to do. My hubby doesn't like to sing or dance but loves going to concerts so that is our music "thing". Our youngest however LOVES to sing too so I'm thinking of getting a karioke machine for her for Christmas. Someone mentioned the ones you can hook an IPad too. We have an iPad and I saw one of those types, I think on the Target Black Friday Ad. Does anyone have a recommendation for this type of karioke machine? Doesn't need to be anything fancy but I would like it to sound decent. Thanks!

So my mom and I are going to make baked goods for a local humane society's bake sale. We can't decide what to make though. My mom thought gingerbread dogs would be cute. And I totally agree with her. But I want to pick out something to make too.

Ideally, it would be something that can be made a few days before and will keep. Any suggestions?

Those seven layer bars can be made ahead of time and keep pretty good and go fast at bake sales. You can add dried cherries or cranberries to make them look festive. The receipe is usually on the condensed milk can. Yum I think I need to make some now!

My kitty only comes close if food is involved, so I always try to give her something. I also like to see her reaction to different foods. She's gotten less polite with begging and has taken to taking food off of our plates. She tried to carry away a slice of my sister's pizza the other day!

So instead of pizza rat you have pizza cat?


I am currently fostering two senior cats whose person lost her housing.  She may also be experiencing mild dementia so she will have a very hard time finding a new place that will take her and the cats.  When I got the boys they were very underweight.  Between the two of them they now eat four cans of food a day plus treats.  I don't give them people food because Skinny Pete (I renamed him) has some health issues, but he always tries.  He'll jump in my lap and put his paw on my face or sometimes try to put it in my mouth.  He will also lick plastic bags if he's really hungry.  


Readalot, I've gone back to doing some singing on stage rather than karaoke.  It had been several years but I did a very successful set in LA a few weeks ago.  It was part of a fundraiser for an old friend.  I got a standing ovation and, at the after party, I did a two song encore performance.  It felt great.  Based on that success I am trying to get back into singing more regularly.  Dr. Muffyn does not sing at all; that is, unless he wants to imitate a dying moose.  It is quite painful.  At our karaoke night, he did not put his name on any possible songs.  When asked, he'll put it down to not being American.  

  • Love 4

Skittl...gentle hugs...my heart hurts for you.


Critter names...our first dog was named Yoda...because his ears stuck out sorta like the "real" Yoda's. He also had a funny little beard (he was half German Shepherd and half Schnauzer). Our second dog was named Anakin...the cats are Luke & Leia. Unfortunately, we had to give Yoda and Anakin up when we lost our home...they have a loving family and a new home now. We still have the cats though...they're twins so with the Star Wars theme we had going, it just seemed logical! Their code names are "death and destruction". Luke is about 15lbs and Leia is a tiny thing at barely 10lbs. 

My cat is a fiend for carbs. When we come home from the grocery store we have to put the bread up high immediately or else she's chewing a hole in the bag trying to eat it! She's stolen rolls and crackers from my daughter, and once took a hot dog bun off my plate so fast I didn't even see what happened till she was 3 feet away with it! But then on the rare occasions we offer her a tiny bite of meat, she wants nothing to do with it. Crazy cat.

She also begs for ice cubes. When she hears me open the cabinet with the glasses in it, she comes running and sits in front of the freezer. I usually drop one for her. She loves to bat it around the floor like she's playing hockey. Which maybe she thinks she is- when the last Olympics were on, she would sit on the TV stand and try to "catch" the hockey players with her paws. It was hilarious!

  • Love 7

My favorite food is anything I didn't prepare! But I love watching people, who are creative and passionate about cooking and baking, preparing food. It's like watching art in motion.


To me, great cooks are like any other artists, except because we get to eat the medium in which they work. Yes!! My mom LOVED to cook, and even more to bake. She was never happier than when she had a few bowls of cookie dough going at the same time. And it really did seem like I was watching an artist when her hands were molding and shaping those doughs and batters. I can still taste her buttery German kuchens. Yum.

  • Love 6

Apropos of totally nothing, an old friend announced the birth of his third grandkid today on FB. The poor little mite's name? Jennasis. 


Yes, really. 


It's funny how I would've really disliked that name a few weeks ago, but now?  Not so much.  Sounds great compared to <ahem> some other names I've heard recently. (and I'm not snarking on the kids - any of them - it's more on the parents than anything IMO)

I recently met a child named Anonymous. I'm still not sure if it's better or worse than Spurgeon.


IMO I think it's better. At least the kid can pretty much pick whatever he or she wants later.  "I'm Anonymous, but please call me Fred..."

  • Love 3

I had never given my cats people food, maybe a small piece of lunch meat (literally just a tiny scrap) but even that didn't happen often, and they never seemed interested in people food, but now that I live with my sister and her 2 dogs, one of the cats seems to think she is privy to whatever I'm eating. At first I suspected my sister gave her scraps, but she said she hasn't, and when she's home the dogs are by her side so I doubt the cat would go near. So now I think she just lurks in my room and stays hidden but watches everything and sees the dogs begging and figures it's worth a shot. For the record I generally don't give the dogs food either but thy are much less polite about me not offering it to them.

  • Love 2

I used to have a cat who would go crazy trying to get at donuts with pink icing. He wasn't interested in any other kind of donut, but pink icing ones - he'd be trying to jump up on counters, which he knew was forbidden, or climbing on you pulling at your arm while you were trying to eat. This was a cat who in most cases was so lazy he'd lie on the porch and watch birds eat his dry food without moving a muscle. I don't know what they put in that pink icing to make him behave like a crazy cat.

My current cat hates when I drink tea. She'll glare at me the whole time I'm holding the mug, and if I let her get close enough, tries to tip it out of my hands, which she doesn't do with any other beverege.

  • Love 7

Oh! I forgot to pay attention. Someone said they were doing their floors in bamboo. We're thinking of that exact same option because bamboo supposedly holds up better under dog scratches than other options. Please tell us how you like it and post pics if possible. My carpets are all disgusting.

Confession: I have just about completely abandoned my FB feed since becoming far more involved with the lives of my virtual beasties on this thread than my "real life" friends on FB.

I bought a pair of super soft jeans at WM (capris on clearance for $3) and cut them all to shreds making a blue jean jacket for my newest grand arriving soon. Cut the pattern down to NB, lined it with pink fleece. It is absolutely ADORABLE. Inspired, I then took a baby blanket and cut unit up for a hooded vest with a zipper up the front. Got my sites on baby leggings and 1st Christmas shirts. Wish I knew how to post pics in the thread. Boo!!!


Happy - my brother and SIL just installed very dark bamboo flooring throughout their whole first floor, it looks great and they love it. SIL's only complaint is that the dark color shows every little bit of fluff, cat hair etc. But she's OCD and just keeps a Swiffer and her Shark handy all the time. Looks really nice, the dark color adds a cool but formal feel. One kid is done with college and the second is ½ way through, so they're replacing a lot of beat-up kid-trampled furniture too and having fun doing that.  Bamboo is also good for the environment, very sustainable etc. You can even get it wet to a certain extent without worries. I have a bunch of nice bamboo cutting boards that clean up beautifully. Obviously don't leave them to soak in water, but you can use a hot soapy dishrag and get them very clean with no worries about warping etc. Hope this is helpful for you...

My cat is a fiend for carbs. When we come home from the grocery store we have to put the bread up high immediately or else she's chewing a hole in the bag trying to eat it! She's stolen rolls and crackers from my daughter, and once took a hot dog bun off my plate so fast I didn't even see what happened till she was 3 feet away with it! But then on the rare occasions we offer her a tiny bite of meat, she wants nothing to do with it. Crazy cat.

She also begs for ice cubes. When she hears me open the cabinet with the glasses in it, she comes running and sits in front of the freezer. I usually drop one for her. She loves to bat it around the floor like she's playing hockey. Which maybe she thinks she is- when the last Olympics were on, she would sit on the TV stand and try to "catch" the hockey players with her paws. It was hilarious!


My sister's Golden retriever LOVES ice cubes and races to the kitchen anytime someone goes near the ice dispenser in the fridge door - and he hears the sound of ice dropping into a glass. He also loves celery and Romaine lettuce - no kidding. We've decided he's the Jack LaLanne of the canine world - very health-conscious.

Apropos of totally nothing, an old friend announced the birth of his third grandkid today on FB. The poor little mite's name? Jennasis. 


Yes, really. 


Oy. A girl, I hope?

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 4

OK so I'm backtracking here because I'm usually posting anti-Duggar in the Duggar threads, but a go-fund-me account -huge red flag, combined with knowledge of premie issues, combined with few or none anti-Duggar posts on a Duggar snark board just has Duggar- like pro-Duggar army written all over it, in my opinion only of course.   It's nice to be emotionally supportive of people in difficult situations but financial support is best reserved for people you personally know in person.  Also, best  not to get too emotionally invested in someone's life's issues without personally knowing them.  A thumbs up like response or supportive post is healthy without getting emotionally or financially drained.  There are people who don't like Duggar-snark for a variety of reasons and wouldn't mind taking advantage of anti-Duggars. 

  • Love 4

Somepity, the house sounds great. I hope you get it. I can see, come Christmas, you in your hime and it filled with wonderfull smells of good cooking.

Thank you, crazycatlady !!! I'm very excited about the move - if the offer is accepted, of course, but I'm fairly confident it's going to go well. I've already picked out a new front door and am planning the flower beds for next spring ! Getting ahead of myself here, I am...


For Christmas I'm going to try to replicate my dear father's best friend's poppyseed loaf recipe, so maybe that will be the smell of good cooking filling the house for the holidays. I just can't seem to get the recipe right, and since both my dad and his best friend have passed I have no actual recipe ! I've come pretty close but I think I"m putting too many eggs in it because it seems more like cake. I'll bet I make at least 20 more before I come close.


I wonder if my poppyseed intake would make me test positive for heroin on a drug test ? I know that's probably an urban myth, but I'm eating, like, pounds of them...

  • Love 5

Wait- was Wanderwoman a scammer? Or am I misreading?



As for pets; my dog never gets fed from the table, but occasionally when she won't eat we put BBQ sauce on her food.  (after like 10 hours of not eating).  This usually is followed by a few days where she sits patiently by the bowl looking for sauce... but doesn't get it.   I also always throw her a piece of cereal when I open the bag, so she comes running when she hears it, and is sorely disappointed when DH is the one opening the bag.  He sometimes gives her a small piece of meat or cheese though, which I never do. We spoil the dog rotten.  She especially likes the king size bed we got her, and only begrudgingly lets us sleep in it.


I'm trying to find a Christmas ornament to commemorate my litle boy, but nothing looks the way I want it too.  I also am going to talk to a jeweler this weekend about removing a row of stones from my wedding rings and putting in birthstones for him in their place.  I can't decide if I should do November for his delivery or January for his due date. Either is sad, and neither is really "birth".  I just don't wear any other jewerly so I don't want a new piece.

  • Love 11

I'm not a great cook - net yet, at least - but I've become so much more comfortable in the kitchen in the last few years that I've started to experiment with old recipes that I'd clung to like a life preserver. Maybe my divorce had something to do with it, but all of a sudden I'm adding things to my traditional spaghetti sauce that my stepchildren and ex-husband would have HATED - diced zucchini, ground lamb and pork, finely grated carrots, and on and on. I know, very small steps, but I feel free now to try new and different things, make mistakes that I regard as learning experiences and not disasters, and break out of the culinary rut I'd been living in for over a decade. 


Maybe someday I'll be an "artist" as Wellfleet described ! I'm already working on cookie dough from scratch. I don't know what German kuchens are, but maybe I'll try those, too ! 


On another front, I'm moving ! Finally found a house that has motivated me to break free from renting and take the plunge. I swore I'd never own again, and it really has been nice to just pick up the phone and have the property management people take care of the plumbing, electric, etc, but I'm ready to once again put down roots. I'm making an offer tomorrow.


It's a beautiful Craftsman, circa 1930, with a wide, flat yard perfect for my goofball doggie to run in, crazy built-ins, a covered front porch, and - get this - a white picket fence ! Anyone want to help me paint ?  ;)

I feel your cooking pain! I just about quit cooking anything because no matter how I nuanced flavors and added new tastes the end result would be either drenched in a gravy type substance or salted to the extreme. Gah! And certain foods (zucchini, squash etc etc) were not to be tolerated. Now we eat so completely differently we are rather independent eaters. That's what needing to diet can do.

And I hope to share your homeownership joy! I love Craftsman homes. So much style. And I'd like to help you paint that fence but I have yet to find a paintbrush that fits my hand...

  • Love 4

We have two cats. The older one will be 18 in March...she has gotten skeletally thin a couple of times over the past few years, but always seems to rally a bit when the cooler weather sets in and she starts to eat more. She was down to just over 6 lb (and she is not a small cat) this summer, but is now on a special formula dry food for her kidneys and an osteo bi flex supplement for her arthritis, and has put on a bit of weight. You can pet her without feeling nothing but bones now. Trouble is that she is a "grazer", so we have to keep the food out all the time just to make sure she gets enough, and the other cat, who is a big boy already (over 17 lb) keeps stealing it. He could stand dropping at least 5 lb and that food is none too cheap, so we don't need it being eaten by someone who doesn't need it!


We also have a little Papillon which is smaller than either cat. None of the animals get people food except for a little bit of tuna around 4:00 I the afternoon, which they insist on. Also, the older cat likes a little bit of tea in the morning. She kept trying to steal my husband's, so he eventually broke down and started giving her her own.

  • Love 3


I recently met a child named Anonymous. I'm still not sure if it's better or worse than Spurgeon.

That kid is going to have a lifetime of Who's on First types of conversations.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Anonymous."

"Ok, well, we need an actual name to put down on this form."

"My name is Anonymous."

"Yes, I heard you, but the thing is, you can't get an anonymous drivers license."

"No, I need a drivers license for Anonymous."


  • Love 8


We have two cats. The older one will be 18 in March...she has gotten skeletally thin a couple of times over the past few years, but always seems to rally a bit when the cooler weather sets in and she starts to eat more. She was down to just over 6 lb (and she is not a small cat) this summer, but is now on a special formula dry food for her kidneys and an osteo bi flex supplement for her arthritis, and has put on a bit of weight. You can pet her without feeling nothing but bones now. Trouble is that she is a "grazer", so we have to keep the food out all the time just to make sure she gets enough, and the other cat, who is a big boy already (over 17 lb) keeps stealing it. He could stand dropping at least 5 lb and that food is none too cheap, so we don't need it being eaten by someone who doesn't need it!


We refer to cats who get old and skinny as "Mittensing Up", after one of my friend's cat who made it to 23.  His mother used to make us sit and pet her while waiting for our friends and it always skeeved my brother out.  When one of my now-deceased cats started doing that, he looked at her and said "How old is Pam?  She looks like she's turning into Mittens.  She's 'Mittensing Up'."  The term has stuck since then.


I have three cats, Alex who is a geriatric 14 year old Maine Coon.  He's also deaf (has been since he was a kitten) and demanding.  He eats just about anything - cat food, dog food, people food, bird food.  He also has a habit of sticking his head in glasses of water and getting them stuck, which is why we no longer use Mason jars with handles in the house.  Also, extracting a cat's head from a Mason jar makes for a great funny memory but sucks at the time.  Then we have Joan Jett, who is a massive, massive Bombay cat (shiny black with copper eyes).  She was abandoned for three weeks while her former owners were guests of the county.  Once they'd been off the junk for a while, they mentioned to their attorney that their cats were still in their apartment.  By the time the Animal Control officer got there, she and her sister had gone through the cupboards and has eaten every scrap of cat food, dried pasta, rice, anything that resembled food and had started on the dry wall.  Then the rescue split her and her sister up.  She packed on pounds after we got her, and now we have to do timed feedings because she will literally eat an entire week's worth of food in a day (and amazingly, not throw it up).  Lastly but not leastly, I have Pandora Ann, my little tuxy girl who does not condescend to eat people food, but loves the canned food the geriatric cat is on.  She's sweet and talkative and takes care of the other cats and dogs.


I also have Bailey Houndsworth, a lab-hound mix who's jet black, dumb as a rock, completely neurotic, sensitive to sound, and a total doofus.  He was also a rescue and moved in with my mother.  And I also have my little tiny Boston Terrier, Brianna Isabella.  All my dogs have had "B" names since I was a kid (Ben, Bear, Bea, Beauregard, Bella, now these two).  Bree is on the small side for a BT, just 14 pounds, but with a massive heart.  She's my baby.  I've become one of those crazy career women who substitutes her pets for children (just kidding, I'd treat the pets better than any kids I'd ever have).

I better get the Duggars out of my mind at work because we have a sign at work that says Get Your Holiday Gifting Done Early and I read it as get your holiday grifting done early.

Really, when you think about it, it's kinda the same thing. ;)

  • Love 5

Is there anything to stop you from providing slices of banana bread? I'm pretty sure I've seen that done at fairly casual events. Or there are mini-muffins.

I like the idea of sharing cheez-its with the cat but then again I usually deflect his begging by putting something down he doesn't like. He doesn't beg like he used to and no it's not cruel!

I like to do single-serve/packaged items: cupcakes, cookies, muffins, slices of cakes & even rice krispie treats are kid's favorites. It seems like moms would rather buy a few cupcakes for the kids than a whole cake or pie. Maybe you could put some animal stickers on the baggies - something to catch the kid's eye.

  • Love 2

Maybe someday I'll be an "artist" as Wellfleet described ! I'm already working on cookie dough from scratch. I don't know what German kuchens are, but maybe I'll try those, too ! 


On another front, I'm moving ! Finally found a house that has motivated me to break free from renting and take the plunge. I swore I'd never own again, and it really has been nice to just pick up the phone and have the property management people take care of the plumbing, electric, etc, but I'm ready to once again put down roots. I'm making an offer tomorrow.


It's a beautiful Craftsman, circa 1930, with a wide, flat yard perfect for my goofball doggie to run in, crazy built-ins, a covered front porch, and - get this - a white picket fence ! Anyone want to help me paint ?  ;)


Holy schnikies, are you my new neighbors?  Oh wait, you said white picket fence and not chainlink.


Congrats!  I have a 1928 Sears craftsman-style kit.  I adore my little bungalow.  Is it a stick-built craftsman or a kit?  Unfortunately, the former owners stripped most of the original woodwork out of it before we settled (and I didn't see a point in sueing them as they were declaring bankruptcy anyway).  I envy your built-ins.  I need to get motivated to find the corner "canoes" for my dining room.  

  • Love 6

Readalot, I've gone back to doing some singing on stage rather than karaoke. It had been several years but I did a very successful set in LA a few weeks ago. It was part of a fundraiser for an old friend. I got a standing ovation and, at the after party, I did a two song encore performance. It felt great. Based on that success I am trying to get back into singing more regularly. Dr. Muffyn does not sing at all; that is, unless he wants to imitate a dying moose. It is quite painful. At our karaoke night, he did not put his name on any possible songs. When asked, he'll put it down to not being American.

. How fun and exciting! The fundraiser sounds like a great start, wishing you continued success!

ok, never mind. Old dog, new trick and all that jazz.


There's the jacket...sorry, had to revert to chewing the carpet. It's the best I can do. This blows my mind. I have to figure out HARD artistic values every day of my life and duplicate them in embroidery. But can't make a pic happen on here for love nor money.

And here's a pic of the missionary in Nicaragua who may or may not be a relative and who may or may not (!!!) be causing her mother great concern.


Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 13


I got as far as imgur and copied the image, but it's still pasting the file. I'm leaving it to see what happens if I post it. This is the jacket I made my expected grand from a $3 clearance pair of soft capris. I hope you can see it! I know this isn't FB or Pinterest, but I just LOVE this jacket, and it took a big chunk of my time, and I'm really hoping the pic makes it here. Here goes...

please try again, we want to see it!

Holy schnikies, are you my new neighbors?  Oh wait, you said white picket fence and not chainlink.


Congrats!  I have a 1928 Sears craftsman-style kit.  I adore my little bungalow.  Is it a stick-built craftsman or a kit?  Unfortunately, the former owners stripped most of the original woodwork out of it before we settled (and I didn't see a point in sueing them as they were declaring bankruptcy anyway).  I envy your built-ins.  I need to get motivated to find the corner "canoes" for my dining room.  

Schnikies - ha ! Haven't heard that one in a while ! I thought I was the only schnikie-practitioner left here ;)


It's not a kit, as I remember my dad showing me the actual catalogs from the 30s with the Sears Craftsman houses in them, but it's very similar style-wise - just a bit thinner to have a smaller footprint as the lots on the block are long and thin. 


It has all of the original woodwork, but under umpty-whatever layers of paint, unfortunately. It still looks fantastic - the painters did a phenomenal job, and I really like the colors - terra-cotta, sage, and glossy white trim. I may attempt to get at least the staircase bannister and newel post paint stripped down and redone, but that's a project that will have to wait until I know if my offer has been accepted ! 


I'm putting the cart before the horse again, but I've already mapped out what's going where in the built-ins ! I've never had a china cabinet, so this will be my first chance to try to arrange my dishes and knickknacks in an artful way. Front and center will be my collection of antique opera glasses, Newcomb pottery, and Star Wars Pez dispensers...


I know I'm babbling here, for which I apologize, but I'm so excited I'm jumping out of my skin ! I've bought houses before, had a zillion apartments and roommates, but this will be the first place that is really, truly, mine and mine alone. Better late than never, right ?  

  • Love 16

Schnikies - ha ! Haven't heard that one in a while ! I thought I was the only schnikie-practitioner left here ;)


It's not a kit, as I remember my dad showing me the actual catalogs from the 30s with the Sears Craftsman houses in them, but it's very similar style-wise - just a bit thinner to have a smaller footprint as the lots on the block are long and thin. 


It has all of the original woodwork, but under umpty-whatever layers of paint, unfortunately. It still looks fantastic - the painters did a phenomenal job, and I really like the colors - terra-cotta, sage, and glossy white trim. I may attempt to get at least the staircase bannister and newel post paint stripped down and redone, but that's a project that will have to wait until I know if my offer has been accepted ! 


I'm putting the cart before the horse again, but I've already mapped out what's going where in the built-ins ! I've never had a china cabinet, so this will be my first chance to try to arrange my dishes and knickknacks in an artful way. Front and center will be my collection of antique opera glasses, Newcomb pottery, and Star Wars Pez dispensers...


I know I'm babbling here, for which I apologize, but I'm so excited I'm jumping out of my skin ! I've bought houses before, had a zillion apartments and roommates, but this will be the first place that is really, truly, mine and mine alone. Better late than never, right ?  


Babble away!  I love house talk.  Your Newcomb pottery will fit in so perfectly!  And I used to have a Pez collection too.


Here's the original plans for mine.  I've actually found the stamps on the attic floor boards to verify.  The front porch was closed up previously (awesome sunroom, we stuck a small heater out there and it's great in the winter) and the basement is finished.



  • Love 14
Babble away!  I love house talk.  Your Newcomb pottery will fit in so perfectly!  And I used to have a Pez collection too.

The only thing preventing me from babbling further is that I have to leave to take one last look at the house with the RE agent to start the official offer process, but I'll be back with news (and babbling !) one way or the other...


And THEN we can talk about Boston Terriers, please. Before my current Belgian Malinois lovable monster goofball I had two Bostons, and they were quite simply the loves of my life. So quiet, always sleepy, delicate, and polite - somehow, even when they were pooping, they were always polite. 


Hugs to all, and Happy National Occult Day !

  • Love 7

SomePity, I am excited for you! I have never owned a home, so I happily live vicariously through others. If all goes well, I would love to see pictures. I love old homes, and I especially love Craftsman homes. Since I've had some job interviews, I have been looking at real estate listings and dreaming. I found an adorable old home that I have fallen in love with, so I am fantasizing about how I would fix it up.

Old homes and pet stories! I have died and gone to Heaven.

  • Love 9

The only thing preventing me from babbling further is that I have to leave to take one last look at the house with the RE agent to start the official offer process, but I'll be back with news (and babbling !) one way or the other...


And THEN we can talk about Boston Terriers, please. Before my current Belgian Malinois lovable monster goofball I had two Bostons, and they were quite simply the loves of my life. So quiet, always sleepy, delicate, and polite - somehow, even when they were pooping, they were always polite. 


Hugs to all, and Happy National Occult Day !


I think we were secretly separated at birth.  I wanted two Malinois (named Clarkie and Schultzie after Bobby Clarke and Dave Schultz) before I got my BT.  I'm glad I got the BT instead.  She is simply the sweetest dog in the world (not that I'm biased or anything).  

  • Love 2

I'm not a great cook - net yet, at least - but I've become so much more comfortable in the kitchen in the last few years that I've started to experiment with old recipes that I'd clung to like a life preserver. Maybe my divorce had something to do with it, but all of a sudden I'm adding things to my traditional spaghetti sauce that my stepchildren and ex-husband would have HATED - diced zucchini, ground lamb and pork, finely grated carrots, and on and on. I know, very small steps, but I feel free now to try new and different things, make mistakes that I regard as learning experiences and not disasters, and break out of the culinary rut I'd been living in for over a decade. 


Maybe someday I'll be an "artist" as Wellfleet described ! I'm already working on cookie dough from scratch. I don't know what German kuchens are, but maybe I'll try those, too ! 


On another front, I'm moving ! Finally found a house that has motivated me to break free from renting and take the plunge. I swore I'd never own again, and it really has been nice to just pick up the phone and have the property management people take care of the plumbing, electric, etc, but I'm ready to once again put down roots. I'm making an offer tomorrow.


It's a beautiful Craftsman, circa 1930, with a wide, flat yard perfect for my goofball doggie to run in, crazy built-ins, a covered front porch, and - get this - a white picket fence ! Anyone want to help me paint ?  ;)

what a beautful home you are planning on buying.  i love old homes they are full of charcter and charm.  i hope everything workds out and you can tell us how you are appointing your rooms  

SomePity, I am excited for you! I have never owned a home, so I happily live vicariously through others. If all goes well, I would love to see pictures. I love old homes, and I especially love Craftsman homes. Since I've had some job interviews, I have been looking at real estate listings and dreaming. I found an adorable old home that I have fallen in love with, so I am fantasizing about how I would fix it up.

Old homes and pet stories! I have died and gone to Heaven.

co-signed old homes and pet stories what more can you ask for. 

Edited by amitville
  • Love 3

Somepity1066, congratulations! Sounds like an awesome house for you. I love Craftsman homes too. There's one a couple of blocks from me that I hope goes on the market someday soon.


Jynnan tonnix, I've got an elderly lady as well - 19 in August. She's at 6.4 lbs (last week at the vet). She eats like a horse though! She will eat almost anything. Among the oddest are tofu, blueberries, peaches and most recently tomato sauce. Also, when we refill her dry food she must be presented with a few pieces of kibble as a taste test, hand-delivered to wherever she is sitting at the moment. She knows its the same food as in the bowl, but she insists on quality control.

She is looking forward to the small plate she will get at Thanksgiving. She gets a tiny bit of all of the people food (including cranberry sauce) and some turkey.

  • Love 5

co-signed old homes and pet stories what more can you ask for. 


Here is "my" historic district:




I'm on the Historic Preservation Commission.  I am that jerk that insists you try to fix old windows and use wood siding.

  • Love 10

Here is "my" historic district:




I'm on the Historic Preservation Commission.  I am that jerk that insists you try to fix old windows and use wood siding.

  If you buy an old home, you should fix it with materials that keep it in period, so you would be me best friend.

Edited by amitville
  • Love 3

I'm not a great cook - net yet, at least - but I've become so much more comfortable in the kitchen in the last few years that I've started to experiment with old recipes that I'd clung to like a life preserver. Maybe my divorce had something to do with it, but all of a sudden I'm adding things to my traditional spaghetti sauce that my stepchildren and ex-husband would have HATED - diced zucchini, ground lamb and pork, finely grated carrots, and on and on. I know, very small steps, but I feel free now to try new and different things, make mistakes that I regard as learning experiences and not disasters, and break out of the culinary rut I'd been living in for over a decade. 


Maybe someday I'll be an "artist" as Wellfleet described ! I'm already working on cookie dough from scratch. I don't know what German kuchens are, but maybe I'll try those, too ! 


On another front, I'm moving ! Finally found a house that has motivated me to break free from renting and take the plunge. I swore I'd never own again, and it really has been nice to just pick up the phone and have the property management people take care of the plumbing, electric, etc, but I'm ready to once again put down roots. I'm making an offer tomorrow.


It's a beautiful Craftsman, circa 1930, with a wide, flat yard perfect for my goofball doggie to run in, crazy built-ins, a covered front porch, and - get this - a white picket fence ! Anyone want to help me paint ?  ;)


Your new house DOES sound great, some! I predict you'll have the BEST time fixing it up and making it all your own. PS - that picket fence would clinch the deal for me. Get yourself some Jackson & Perkins miniature climbing roses to plant alongside it and in a few years things will look like you've lived there for 30 years.

FYI - this climber below is named "America." Gorgeous.



  • Love 6

Your new house DOES sound great, some! I predict you'll have the BEST time fixing it up and making it all your own. PS - that picket fence would clinch the deal for me. Get yourself some Jackson & Perkins miniature climbing roses to plant alongside it and in a few years things will look like you've lived there for 30 years.

FYI - this climber below is named "America." Gorgeous.



I love these roses.  I want to find and plant Joseph Amazing coat climbing roses.  I think that is the name

Edited by amitville
  • Love 7

If you buy an old home, you should fix it with materials that keep it in period, so you would be me best friend.

One of my biggest gripes with House Hunters is how people say they want "character" then proceed to buy an old home, gut it and replace the features with the same generic crap you'd find in any newish mid-level housing development.

I remember one couple bought a Victorian with absolutely stunning original woodwork that was in fantastic shape. Naturally, they painted over it because the wife wanted the house to have a more modern feel. Sigh.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 12

One of my biggest gripes with House Hunters is how people say they want "character" then proceed to buy an old home, gut it and replace the features with the same generic crap you'd find in any newish mid-level housing development.

I remember one couple bought a Victorian with absolutely stunning original woodwork that was in fantastic shape. Naturally, they painted over it because the wife wanted the house to have a more modern feel. Sigh.

I am with you. These kinds of decisions make me sick to my stomach. Hard to watch.

  • Love 6
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