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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Thanks somepity, I'm afraid I might go all Hollywood on you. Today I was educated on what a b roll is. I feel very fancy. We also discovered we have a sink hole in our yard......now before you roll your eyes ...I am able bodied as is my husband we have jobs and a bank account and can afford to pay for it ourselves. LOL.

  • Love 11

Thanks somepity, I'm afraid I might go all Hollywood on you. Today I was educated on what a b roll is. I feel very fancy. We also discovered we have a sink hole in our yard......now before you roll your eyes ...I am able bodied as is my husband we have jobs and a bank account and can afford to pay for it ourselves. LOL.

Sink hole?!! Scary!!!!!

  • Love 3

How about a wedding invitation that included - I'm not shitting you here - an actual bank deposit slip from the bride and groom's joint checking account ! Just in case you couldn't make the wedding or didn't have a stamp to send a card - you could just deposit your "gift check" directly to the bank - no muss, no fuss !


Nothing says wedded bliss like including your ABA and routing numbers ! I'm swooning over the romance !


Wow, in the Tacky competition, this one is the hands-down winner. OMG. I guess I can see some self-absorbed 20-something bride and groom coming up with the idea, but there wasn't ANYONE older who saw what an utterly tacky and classless thing this was? No parents, no maid of honor or someone? Anyone? Wow - just wow. The whole family - both sides of them - entirely clueless. FYI - there is absolutely no way I would have provided this couple with a check. If I gave a gift at all, it would have been a gift card - and NOT my private banking information.

  • Love 7

Filming? Like for a tv show?

I posted about it a few days ago before the big "reveal". I have a 14 year old daughter adopted from Central Asia . The country closed adoptions to Americans for mostly political reasons. A documentary team from the homeland in conjunction with the state dept is doing a documentary on successful American adoptions to be shown there, in the hope that the government will open adoptions to Americans again. They are coming in two weeks.....if my house isn't swallowed up by the earth before then.

  • Love 14

Good luck with everything.


I am now going to a physician assistant at the local hospital instead of the other doctor who was my primary doctor. The assistant is in the same building as the cardiology department, where the specialist for my hypothyroidism is at, and where I go in for blood tests.I called my primary doctor office on Tuesday because of the earaches and jaw pain and no one called me back. GRRR!!! I see the physician assistant next Monday morning.


And my husband will be seeing the same specialist I see for my hypothyroidism. He will be in good hands for his diabetes care. The thought of him going to the quack in Great Falls instead scares me. I would not trust the man to take care of my pet rock. And yes, the new specialist is cute ( hey,I am married, not dead.)

Thanks somepity, I'm afraid I might go all Hollywood on you. Today I was educated on what a b roll is. I feel very fancy. We also discovered we have a sink hole in our yard......now before you roll your eyes ...I am able bodied as is my husband we have jobs and a bank account and can afford to pay for it ourselves. LOL.

Are you sure it's a sinkhole, and not a Hellmouth spontaneously opening, because of your clearly evil, non Duggarish views on everything...

  • Love 14


Are you sure it's a sinkhole, and not a Hellmouth spontaneously opening, because of your clearly evil, non Duggarish views on everything...

Do you know Buffy?


And I used to be accused of reading the writing on cereal boxes and scorned (Why do you always have a book in your hands?). Dumb family. I did so read the encyclopedia. And I read "Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask" when I was 10, and I was like..eh I knew most of the details though the stuff about prostitutes wearing swimsuits didn't seem anything but kind of logical. Why I remember that is beyond me but hey I was 10.

And I still read voraciously and know tons of really ridiculous stuff not in my field.



Edited by Chicklet
  • Love 13

I've been reading the board most of the afternoon. Thank you to everyone who sent me a PM with a heads-up. To say that I am horrified and sad for those who feel like they should have known is an understatement. You were kind and tenderhearted and did the right thing for someone you felt needed your help. You are NOT in the wrong.


I wish I had something profound to say about all this, but mostly, here's a huge cyber-hug. And chocolate.

  • Love 15

My dad bought the kid a Twilight book, then my mom bought the kid a Twilight book to compete, then I had to read the Twilight books so I could explain what was wrong with them. And I knew my nightmare was over when she sent me a link to a t-shirt that said "and then Buffy spiked Edward. The end."

Heretical opinion: I enjoyed the Buffy movie more than the series.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 8

i am in SoCal myself and couldn't agree more!!!!  one problem, though. i have gained a crap-ton of weight this past 6 months and not a single pair of my pants fit me. so shorts weather is good for now, but i want winter!!!



I'm in SoCal too! My perfect fall/winter would be temps between 70 and 75 degrees.  For me, that's sweater weather. Anything under 65 is tundra! Last winter was awful though, I don't think it went below 80 where I live. A few hours ago it was perfect, low 70s and warm winds, felt like fall! Now I think it will hit 80.


The el nino year should be interesting - great for outdoor water savings. I'm worried about mudslides in some of the fire areas. There were wildfires a little east of me last year that stripped the hillsides of vegetation. We need the rain, but hope it isn't too much. 

I'm in SoCal too, in a beach city right a few blocks from the water in a building built in the early 1900s. If it's under 70 I'm freezing and over 84 and I'm bitching that it's too hot. Last week I was facetiming with a friend back east while wearing as few clothes as possible without being naked. I really really need to  buy a window AC unit.

We need snow in the snow pack. Anything we get locally will be great for lawns and washing our cars but if it doesn't snow we're really really screwed.

  • Love 3
I do remember walking up to the mom & pop pharmacy/convenience store to by the book The Exorcist, when I was around 10 years old.


This made me laugh, because I was allowed to read anything I wanted, and I do mean anything, but The Exorcist was the only book my parents asked me not to read until I was 18, and to this day, I've never actually read it.

  • Love 6

This made me laugh, because I was allowed to read anything I wanted, and I do mean anything, but The Exorcist was the only book my parents asked me not to read until I was 18, and to this day, I've never actually read it.

Laughing along with the rest of you who were also allowed to graze the All You Can Read Buffet !!!


I read Helter Skelter in the beginning of the 4th grade when I had the flu - I was out for 2+ weeks and read it cover to cover twice. So I guess I was nine or ten ? My mom didn't care, as per usual, and my dad never knew. It started a life-long love of anything law enforcement/serial killers/crime writers/criminal justice system. I've had the pleasure to meet Vincent Bugliosi, now sadly gone from this world, as well as Ann Rule, John Douglas, Cyril Wecht, and William Bass. 


I actually saw The Exorcist when I was in that timeframe - nine or ten - at a sleepover. Apparently some parents are even more fucked up than my mother was ! The girl's dad hooked up a movie projector and ran the REAL movie - no one there was older than eleven !!! 


Good times, good times...


Heretical opinion: I enjoyed the Buffy movie more than the series.

Well, Julia - the Power of Christ compels you ! You know, to change your mind. But only if you want to  ;)

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 10

Laughing along with the rest of you who were also allowed to graze the All You Can Read Buffet !!!


I read Helter Skelter in the beginning of the 4th grade when I had the flu - I was out for 2+ weeks and read it cover to cover twice. So I guess I was nine or ten ? My mom didn't care, as per usual, and my dad never knew. It started a life-long love of anything law enforcement/serial killers/crime writers/criminal justice system. I've had the pleasure to meet Vincent Bugliosi, now sadly gone from this world, as well as Ann Rule, John Douglas, Cyril Wecht, and William Bass. 


Oh. My. Gosh...This is SCARY. I was about to post that I read Helter Skelter (with Mom's permission, though it was on me if it gave me nightmares!) but I was about 13-14. I loved listening to her tell me about what she remembered about the Tate-LaBianca murders (I was less than a year old). I also fell into the true crime books hard. Love Ann Rule and her amazing proximity to Ted Bundy. But the one that truly got to me (read not long after H-S) was In Cold Blood (also a great conversation with my mom, because stuff like that just didn't happen in the 50's). Later on, I was fascinated by Capote and his obsession with the murderers, how Harper Lee was his Girl Friday when he was researching out in KS, and how he was SO PISSED that TKAM was a huge hit before HIS book. He was a very petty man and not a good friend.

I was an early reader, also read food packaging, and my folks let me read pretty much anything. I remember in 9th grade we had to have parents' permission to read The Catcher in the Rye (language and the hooker). My mom figured if it was being taught in an English class, it was okay. Frqnkly, I thought Lord of the Flies was more disturbing, I mean, a kid gets KILLED by other children, but that didn't require permission! Whatever, school system...

  • Love 6

Laughing along with the rest of you who were also allowed to graze the All You Can Read Buffet !!!


I read Helter Skelter in the beginning of the 4th grade when I had the flu - I was out for 2+ weeks and read it cover to cover twice. So I guess I was nine or ten ? My mom didn't care, as per usual, and my dad never knew. It started a life-long love of anything law enforcement/serial killers/crime writers/criminal justice system. I've had the pleasure to meet Vincent Bugliosi, now sadly gone from this world, as well as Ann Rule, John Douglas, Cyril Wecht, and William Bass. 

All I could read except Sweet Valley High! So bizarre. Read all of Stephen King's work (Gerald's Game was f'ed up) and my friend and I read all the Clan of the Cavebear series and were big in to true crime in junior high too. While I'm reading all that stuff (but not SVH) I wasn't allowed to watch Melrose Place because it was too risque.

To circle back to the sugar cereal - I couldn't put sugar on actual cereal, only on hot cereal. And my parents didn't restrict other snacks or sugar. Just sugar cereal. I loved fruit so much I had my own fruit drawer in the fridge. Anything not in there I had to ask for. That happened after I kept devouring all the fruit my mom wanted to bake and can.

  • Love 3

bigskygirl, I love Darren McGaven so I never missed The Night Stalker but it was really creepy!

I have a question.  For the first time in my memory, one of the local grocery stores had a sign posted about not selling eggs to minors from now until November 1.  It didn't mention Halloween by name.  It struck me as odd.  Has anyone else seen anything like this?

  • Love 2

Is the Night Stalker still available out there? I used to love that (and Darren  McGavin), but I think I was in high school by the time that was on. I used to watch it with my parents. I'd love to revisit it!


As for The Exorcist, I don't think I read that until I was about 14 or 15. It did rather give me the heebie-jeebies.

Oh, my BLERG ! A cornucopia of stuff to reply to ! I love you guys...

Love Ann Rule and her amazing proximity to Ted Bundy.

I know, Liz Tudor - how weird was that that she worked shoulder-to-shoulder with him and he ended up being...Ted Bundy ?! She was very polite in person, and very petite. Very soft-spoken for someone who deals in murder and death on a daily basis. 


Also, loved hearing about your Catcher in the Rye and LOTF stories - two of my favorites ! I often wonder if any of the Duggar kids have EVER read anything that we here at PTv love and hold so dear. Just so sad :(


My dad would not let me watch the television show The Night Stalker when I was growing up

Please, please, bigskygirl, revisit the show ! It's sooooo good - not nightmare scary, but lock your door scary. Darrin McGavin was like the older-yet-sexy guy who had my heart in the 1970s ! It's on either YouTube or Netflix I think...


wilsie - you're in my camp about Darrin McGavin so please let me know your favorite episode ! Also - the "no eggs" thing is definitely to deter kids from buying them to lob at targets during Hell's Night/Halloween. Eggs can do some serious damage to cars and houses if left to ruminate, especially if you live in a warm climate. Justin Beaver was sentenced to community service and XXX amount of fines for throwing eggs at his neighbors' house. Because he's an asshole, obviously. 


Omg I have finally found my serial killer literary soul mates! Now if you will kindly get into my tan vw bug we will be on our way.

Nope, nc socailworker. It's gonna be a windowless white van that I'll be driving. Since my arm is in a cast won't you please help me load this love seat into the back...


Aw, c'mon...

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 6
Is the Night Stalker still available out there?

Yep ! Just check YouTube, JynnanTonnix ! I think most or all of the episodes are available...


Also, the scariest freaking thing thing I have EVER seen in my entire life (and you KNOW that has to be scary because I'm old !) is the Cemetery episode of Night Gallery, the very first episode of the series' run. Aired originally in November of 1969, I saw it in reruns on our CBS affiliate sometime in the mid/late-70s. Probably after Columbo or McMillan and Wife !!!


Seriously, Rod Serling will make you wet your pants ! Forget about Michael Meyers and Jason and the guy from Saw. This is some serious shit...

  • Love 4

The Exorcist is terrifying no matter how many times I've seen it, and I cannot watch if I'm in the house alone. 

I was 3 years old when I was at the drive-in theater with my parents.  My parents were watching The Exorcist and I was supposed to be sleeping in the backseat.  I laid silently in the backseat taking peaks at the movie from under my blanket.  Did my parents really think I was going to sleep through all the shrieking and growling?

  • Love 4

Yep ! Just check YouTube, JynnanTonnix ! I think most or all of the episodes are available...


Also, the scariest freaking thing thing I have EVER seen in my entire life (and you KNOW that has to be scary because I'm old !) is the Cemetery episode of Night Gallery, the very first episode of the series' run. Aired originally in November of 1969, I saw it in reruns on our CBS affiliate sometime in the mid/late-70s. Probably after Columbo or McMillan and Wife !!!


Seriously, Rod Serling will make you wet your pants ! Forget about Michael Meyers and Jason and the guy from Saw. This is some serious shit...


100% agree - Rod Serling was a certifiable genius when it came to writing suspense, thrillers, terror. So creative. For many years, he & his family had a cottage on Cayuga Lake in upstate New York, just down the road from one of my college suitemates.

  • Love 3

Yep ! Just check YouTube, JynnanTonnix ! I think most or all of the episodes are available...


Also, the scariest freaking thing thing I have EVER seen in my entire life (and you KNOW that has to be scary because I'm old !) is the Cemetery episode of Night Gallery, the very first episode of the series' run. Aired originally in November of 1969, I saw it in reruns on our CBS affiliate sometime in the mid/late-70s. Probably after Columbo or McMillan and Wife !!!


Seriously, Rod Serling will make you wet your pants ! Forget about Michael Meyers and Jason and the guy from Saw. This is some serious shit...


Night Gallery was awesome - TRULY terrifying. I completely agree about Michael Meyers et al. They can't hold a candle to the terror created by Rod Serling's genius. Does anyone remember the Night Gallery episode - "Green Fingers" - with Elsa Lanchester?  And one of Steven Spielberg's first directing jobs was a Night Gallery episode with Joan Crawford as a blind woman getting new eyes.

  • Love 4

I'm in SoCal too, in a beach city right a few blocks from the water in a building built in the early 1900s. If it's under 70 I'm freezing and over 84 and I'm bitching that it's too hot. Last week I was facetiming with a friend back east while wearing as few clothes as possible without being naked. I really really need to  buy a window AC unit.

We need snow in the snow pack. Anything we get locally will be great for lawns and washing our cars but if it doesn't snow we're really really screwed.

I read that this is going to be a huge El Nino year and the west will get a lot of needed rain.  Too bad we can't engineer some kind of huge pipeline cross country to transport the flood waters sometimes seen in the east to where it is needed in the west.

  • Love 2
Darrin McGavin was like the older-yet-sexy guy who had my heart in the 1970s


Haha...I just checked IMdB to find that this "older-yet-sexy" guy was, in fact, five years younger than I am now when Kolchak first aired! I think I might be a little depressed about that!


And thanks to everyone who pointed me to YouTube :) Will be checking that out when I get a chance, but I have a bunch of stuff to do today, then tonight Mr Jynnan Tonnix & I are going out to see Bob Newhart. Talk about another blast from the past! I've always loved his standup.

  • Love 11

The similarities among many of us is freaking amazing. 1. I

I too had a crazy mother but it was acknowledged and treated. I have bivid memories of playing in the waiting room during her weekly psych appointments. Realized as an adult it's affected more than I ever realized. 2. Sugared cereal! Ha! In our house anything wS allowed but my mom drew the line at any chocolate cereal. It was before nutrition labels so it never occurred to her that Captain Crunch with crunchberries probably had 10x more sugar. 3. Books. I could read whatever I wanted. Read t

The Exorcist at 12 and spent the next week sleeping on the floor of my parent's bedroom. I too, love true crime novels but only if they're well written. Will really miss Ann Rule. Anyone read Echoes in the Darkness by Joseph Wambaugh? When I've had too much of death and gore I do a 180 and feast on anything Jane Austen or knockoffs.

  • Love 3

Me & my two friends went to see the Exorcist the same night of our Jr Prom. I don't remember it having any residual effects on us. Love Ann Rule &true crime mysteries. I remember discussing Helter Skelter in our 9th grade Science class. I'm sure it wasn't in the curriculum but we had the "cool" younger teacher so I'm guessing that was the reason.

I keep trying to picture the Duggars seeing or reading the Exorcist & true crime, mystery books. Lots different than "Waiting for Prince Charming."

  • Love 5

Me & my two friends went to see the Exorcist the same night of our Jr Prom. I don't remember it having any residual effects on us. Love Ann Rule &true crime mysteries. I remember discussing Helter Skelter in our 9th grade Science class. I'm sure it wasn't in the curriculum but we had the "cool" younger teacher so I'm guessing that was the reason.

I keep trying to picture the Duggars seeing or reading the Exorcist & true crime, mystery books. Lots different than "Waiting for Prince Charming."


I'd love to see the Duggars read the Exorcist.  They'd undoubtedly have some pointed comments about the Catholics, and then talk about how they know a guy who performs exocisms when he's not working on cars who'll do it for half the price, and that his boys should watch so they pick up the skill. 


I'm going to drastically change the topic here for a second, so feel free to ignore.  I and a bunch of my friends were supposed to be going to a theme park tonight for one friend's birthday.  Then one of said friends decided he was going to bring he and his girlfriend's kids.  No discussion, no asking around, just announced he was bringing the kids.  And now everyone's bailed and I seemingly took a half day off of work for nothing.  I hate when people do this.  This is like bringing a baby to a bar.

  • Love 13

I need yalls help, you guys are so smart that's why I came here to ask. I have found out someone was stealing my ideas from my shop and copying my item descriptions along with other things. I've reported this person. Is there a way to copyright my stuff or patient? Something anything?


Depends on what you're selling. You can try tracking down a patent and trademarks attorney, they should be able to help you. 

I'm going to drastically change the topic here for a second, so feel free to ignore.  I and a bunch of my friends were supposed to be going to a theme park tonight for one friend's birthday.  Then one of said friends decided he was going to bring he and his girlfriend's kids.  No discussion, no asking around, just announced he was bringing the kids.  And now everyone's bailed and I seemingly took a half day off of work for nothing.  I hate when people do this.  This is like bringing a baby to a bar.

Lemur - I feel your pain ! It really sucks that your grownups day, for which you took vacation time, got kidjacked like that. Now I'm not opposed to children, either in theory or reality, haha, but there's a time and a place for adults to have adult fun and today was supposed to be that day. I'm sorry you lost out on what could have been a really great time...


Attached below is a link to one of my favorite websites called STFU, Parents - it's now on hiatus, but there are hundreds of pages of posts about kidjackers, sanctimonious mommies, people who insist on taking their kids to adults-only wedding receptions, and yes, even BARS ! It won't make up for your lost day, but if you're anything like me you'll be reading for hours and hours ! I hope you enjoy  :)




Bonus attachment of a post from The Bitchy Waiter about a couple from Williamsburg, Brooklyn who took their baby to brunch. In a playpen. On the sidewalk...



  • Love 5

Attached below is a link to one of my favorite websites called STFU, Parents - it's now on hiatus, but there are hundreds of pages of posts about kidjackers, sanctimonious mommies, people who insist on taking their kids to adults-only wedding receptions, and yes, even BARS ! 


You'd be astonished at how many hipster parents there are with traumatized infants in strollers in the (incredibly noisy, smoking allowed) beer garden at the Bohemian Beer Hall in Queens. 

  • Love 3

I'd love to see the Duggars read the Exorcist.  They'd undoubtedly have some pointed comments about the Catholics, and then talk about how they know a guy who performs exocisms when he's not working on cars who'll do it for half the price, and that his boys should watch so they pick up the skill. 


I'm going to drastically change the topic here for a second, so feel free to ignore.  I and a bunch of my friends were supposed to be going to a theme park tonight for one friend's birthday.  Then one of said friends decided he was going to bring he and his girlfriend's kids.  No discussion, no asking around, just announced he was bringing the kids.  And now everyone's bailed and I seemingly took a half day off of work for nothing.  I hate when people do this.  This is like bringing a baby to a bar.

Call some of the bailers and do something else. I'm sure you aren't the only one disappointed.

  • Love 5
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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