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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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This year, my roomie and I want to have a "Day of the Dead Celebration" at my daughter's grave. I am not hispanic but I love that part of their culture and so did my daughter when she was living. We're going to take a picnic basket of her favorite foods and have a party with music playing from my car. Hope it is not snowing!

And I still do not know what to cook for Thanksgiving. I am hoping to put the Christmas tree up for the first time this year since my daughter died. That seems to be the biggest hurdle for me.


Jelly, that sounds like a lovely thing to do. 

  • Love 9

This will be the first year since I moved into my house that I won't be giving out candy at Halloween this year. My dog adores Halloween--the doorbell rings constantly, which she loves, and everyone who's there is at her eye level (she's a bird dog, so she's fairly tall) and has a fun costume on. She camps out in the front hall and dances around when she hears kids coming. But last year, there weren't as many small kids and some of the kids were as big as I am and it made me a little nervous. There's been a slight increase in the crime around my neighborhood this year and I'm just not willing to take a chance this year.

  • Love 1

Remember how there was always that one neighbor who gave out boxes of raisins for Halloween? What the hell were they thinking?


When I was little - late 50s/early 60s - an old man a couple of doors away from us gave out pennies. I think you got one penny for each year of age. He was the only person on our street that gave out non-crap. We loved that guy! And this was smack in the middle of the Baby Boom. A big long street with a million kids. Gee, he might actually have spent more doing pennies that if he'd bought candy. A very nice old man...  

  • Love 12

Here's to the hella dedicated public school workers....sitting at their desks Sunday mornings....waiting for the phone to ring...

Okay, now I peed my socks.

When I was little - late 50s/early 60s - an old man a couple of doors away from us gave out pennies. I think you got one penny for each year of age. He was the only person on our street that gave out non-crap. We loved that guy! And this was smack in the middle of the Baby Boom. A big long street with a million kids. Gee, he might actually have spent more doing pennies that if he'd bought candy. A very nice old man...  

My mom, back in the day before razor blades, made candied apples, and the old woman who lived across the street gave out home made fudge, and the neighbor down the road was a dentist, and gave out, yup, toothbrushes.

  • Love 10

Okay, now I peed my socks.

My mom, back in the day before razor blades, made candied apples, and the old woman who lived across the street gave out home made fudge, and the neighbor down the road was a dentist, and gave out, yup, toothbrushes.

Here's an interesting read on razor blades in Halloween candy. I distinctly remember this time as the year(s) I had to go trick or treating at the mall and it sucked.




I loved the houses that gave out full size bars. And of course I had to "pay my dad" in Almond Joy and Mounds for taking me trick -or-treating. Good thing those were the two I hated and he loved.


I miss trading dumping out candy, sorting it into piles, counting the loot and trading with friends.

  • Love 6

I work in healthcare so we don't get holidays off. They're rotated so you don't work the same one every year and we do get paid well to work them. The only one I care about is Christmas. I'll work any of the others but I always hate when it's my turn to work Christmas.

My roomie has leukemia and I admire the medical profession but the hours certain groups keep baffle me.

We get so frustrated when her treatment is delayed because of the holidays or weekends. Nurses are still on duty but labs, Doctors, Chemo/bone marrow biopsies take vacation days. Grrr. Tomorrow I am sure we will hear she goes back in for inpatient chemo round 1b but she really wanted to start it Friday while the Oncology floor is quiet. Cancer doesn't take the weekend off but the people who supply the chemotherapy drugs do.

I am sure you know what I mean, the slowdown of services on weekends and holidays.

Edited by Jellybeans
  • Love 6

We don't do turkey for holidays any more. We had several incidents where people happened to come down with stomach bugs after eating turkey at the homes of various family members and it turned us all off turkey. It was probably unrelated, but you know how you start to associate the illness with last food you ate? Turkey no longer feels like a treat for us.


We brine, these days, for something like a day ahead of time in the fridge, and then I sew up the cavity with a bottle of wine, a few onions and a handful of dried mushrooms inside. It's totally worth it (to us) for the next day sandwiches, which are awesome. It also works on chicken or duck, though, if turkey's out :)

  • Love 2

I love turkey and the leftovers for sandwiches. Am I the only one who likes the green bean casserole with the cream of mushroom soup and crunchy onions? :-) It's soo unhealthy, but I still gobble it up at the holidays.

I don't dress up for Halloween anymore, but am excited to dress my little ones up and take them to a couple of events in our area.


  • Love 3

I'm not going to lie, the know it all-ness was insufferable. I couldn't read here. I feel bad admitting it, but I feel it needed to be said. :(

OMG, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight????? Drove me up a wall!!! At first, I admired the knowledge, but then, it kept growing and growing to cover all four corners of the globe and the apocalypse too!!! Holy cow!!! How many areas of expertise is one capable of having??? And I'm going to admit - after awhile, it was absolutely fingernails on a cheese grater for me. i know the mods wanted to tell me more than once to "play nice" because I started reverse IN-YOUR-FACE every time a post was WRONG - and many of them were!!! I'm also going to admit I took great pleasure in the smack down. [NOTE: all my smack downs are polite back-door smacks, coated with sugar - because that's how we DO it here...bless your heart]. Couple times, I posted correct info and watched to see if it was ever acknowledged. (Of course not). Once on a beautiful smack down day, there was no polite nod, but someone else said "but I thought YOU said..." And there was a grudging "well apparently...." - I could tell it was painful. Also, I could tell she was ON someone I consider a friend like a detective, and tore asunder everything my friend said. I also happen to think the friend is insightful, funny and generally brilliant - so know-it-all was chasing friend to chop her up and I was chasing know-it-all. Quite a rabbit hunt for a minute or two.
  • Love 16

Ok I'm going to take one for the team and be the first say what everyone who read the last 3 pages is thinking. What in the fresh hell?!? Odd timing to be popping back in.

Yeah, seems like a F-U.

I'm a fan of the show Leverage and that has caused me to wonder: if the Leverage team took our case, what would the tag line be - let's go steal a ??? And, what would be the name of the con that they would they use?

  • Love 4

[quote name="amitville" post="1615485" timestamp="1445188790"Not yet. Still hopeful. My bank does not show updates until Tuesday.

If you do not mind keep us posted

JELLYBEANS, AMITVILLE, and others, my refund just posted! Hurray. (B of A)

Collapse transaction WPY*Miss M and RSV Palo Alto CA

Transaction date: 10/17/2015

Card type: Visa

Transaction type: Purchases


Merchant information: Palo Alto , CA

Reference number: 0162

Type Purchases


  • Love 10

Ok I'm going to take one for the team and be the first say what everyone who read the last 3 pages is thinking. What in the fresh hell?!? Odd timing to be popping back in.

Jellybeans wins the internet today as she has now coined the acronym LMFAOPIMS.

I just set up the gofundme to cover our copywriting costs./s/

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 12

Ok I'm going to take one for the team and be the first say what everyone who read the last 3 pages is thinking. What in the fresh hell?!? Odd timing to be popping back in.

I have been shaking my head, but still am so confused.  I do not know how many pairs of socks she/he had. Was there a new sock or was socky playing games

  • Love 5


HFC, thank you! That really got to me as well. I knew (and attempted to correct) several of her mistakes. Thanks to those of you who realized that her word wasn't law. Not even close.

I still remember - "I excel at vaginal birth." during a discussion of c-sections made me want to punch my monitor.


Here's your trophy.

  • Love 14

OMG, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight????? Drove me up a wall!!! At first, I admired the knowledge, but then, it kept growing and growing to cover all four corners of the globe and the apocalypse too!!! Holy cow!!! How many areas of expertise is one capable of having??? And I'm going to admit - after awhile, it was absolutely fingernails on a cheese grater for me. i know the mods wanted to tell me more than once to "play nice" because I started reverse IN-YOUR-FACE every time a post was WRONG - and many of them were!!! I'm also going to admit I took great pleasure in the smack down. [NOTE: all my smack downs are polite back-door smacks, coated with sugar - because that's how we DO it here...bless your heart]. Couple times, I posted correct info and watched to see if it was ever acknowledged. (Of course not). Once on a beautiful smack down day, there was no polite nod, but someone else said "but I thought YOU said..." And there was a grudging "well apparently...." - I could tell it was painful. Also, I could tell she was ON someone I consider a friend like a detective, and tore asunder everything my friend said. I also happen to think the friend is insightful, funny and generally brilliant - so know-it-all was chasing friend to chop her up and I was chasing know-it-all. Quite a rabbit hunt for a minute or two.

I think maybe your mistake was to read (her?). I bozo filtered after a couple of weeks, because I think there are people who are never going to do well at the same cocktail party.

  • Love 5

The thing that bothers me the most about this is wondering what is real and what is made up by someone who has a very skewed mind.  Before finding out about the lies and puppets I took everyone at face value.  And now, when someone posts about defcon 5 gall level, I wonder what's going on.  I'll still take what everyone posts as truth until I found out something different but I won't be donating to anything.  And it hurts my heart what's happened to this forum. 

  • Love 13

I have been shaking my head, but still am so confused.  I do not know how many pairs of socks she/he had. Was there a new sock or was socky playing games

A suspect timing reappearance of a poster who's had a continuous sob story. Updated with a sob story.

I reported the post. I hope others did too.

Edited by theredhead77
  • Love 12

When I was little - late 50s/early 60s - an old man a couple of doors away from us gave out pennies. I think you got one penny for each year of age. He was the only person on our street that gave out non-crap. We loved that guy! And this was smack in the middle of the Baby Boom. A big long street with a million kids. Gee, he might actually have spent more doing pennies that if he'd bought candy. A very nice old man...

This is so sweet. It kind of made me tear up!

  • Love 4
Josh and the older children certainly have a basic high school education. To graduate in Virginia at the basic level isn't particularly rigorous, and I imagine they could meet those standards. And as I said, I'm not particularly upset that most of the Duggars don't read, as most people don't read. It's their antipathy for reading and books in general.

It was this little GEM (see what I did there ?!) that did me in !!!  The ensuing back-and-forth was as contentious as anything I've ever read here, and made me stabby to a degree unknown before in SomePity's heart ! I felt...helpless ? To counter that kind of sheer force of will and BLUSTER was almost impossible !!!


I think I tried, I dunno, to respond with a "But...but... Jane Eyre and Brave New World and To Kill a Mockingbird and, um...people, err, I like to read and books are good and that's all I'm done..." and crawled away with my tail between my legs, whimpering...


I CAN'T BELIEVE I BACKED DOWN ON THAT !!! What the FUCK was I thinking ?!?! I am a proud bookworm ! I like books more than just about anything in the WORLD ! And I let that person make me cower and simper like a child. Well, no more of THAT, I tell you !!! 


I am one bad mamma-jamma !!! I'm not the smartest person here, but I'm too damned smart to have YOU make me feel bad about myself ! Now get off my lawn !!!


Anyhoo - Halloween ! Can't wait - I'm the "full size" house on my block, and I've decorated like a lunatic. There are NEVER too many pumpkins !


I'm going as a Zombie Duggar. Long jean skirt, eleventy layered t-shirts, flip-flops even though it's 36 degrees outside, and I'll carry a Sharpie just in case anyone wants my autograph ! Oh, and full Zombie make-up, which, when I think about it, isn't too different from regular Duggar makeup  ;)

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 15

If we could get back to small talk that isn't about the troll, that would be great.


If you have thoughts you'd like to share with the mods, we'd be happy to take your PMs. We're very much on top of things, including secret identities, etc.


You can help us by staying in touch and keeping this thread from turning into something ugly, filled with accusations and witch-hunting.



  • Love 10

For those of you who may have missed it. It is generally thought the woman who used wanderwoman had another account as well. She posted with other account a few pages back with a " hi, I'm back here what mayhem is going on now" .

Eta I hope it was ok to post this, I really hate when people feel they are left out .Im a socialworker, I can't help myself.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 15

I still remember - "I excel at vaginal birth." during a discussion of c-sections made me want to punch my monitor.

Here's your trophy.

OMG. This is hilarious! Did she mean doing them or attending them? Never mind, I think I know. I lord. I can only imagine the full convo.

On a non-troll topic, my sister dressed up as pregnant Michelle Duggar two Halloweens ago. Actually it was for the same party where my son was a sugar daddy. Not sure why we were all about FECUNDITY that year.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 11

For those of you who may have missed it. It is generally thought the woman who used wanderwoman had another account as well. She posted with other account a few pages back with a " hi, I'm back here what mayhem is going on now" .

Eta I hope it was ok to post this, I really hate when people feel they are left out .Im a socialworker, I can't help myself.

Thank you

  • Love 4

I mentioned Flylady. I don't subscribe to her emails, but read her book several years ago, and like her overall approach. IIRC a long time ago I signed up for the emails but soon stopped, because they were making me feel overwhelmed.

this happens to ME too!!! I run across something and feel inspired and sign up for the newsletter - then spend valuable time every week deleting. Getting organized would DEFINITELY be overload for me. Those are the kinds of self-help things I need to go look for when needed. Otherwise, it's an annoyance. Inundating you with emails and newsletters doesn't even sound all that productive for a company promoting organization. I'm among the cheaters - I have a junk email just for those kinds of things.
  • Love 4

If we could get back to small talk that isn't about the troll, that would be great.

If you have thoughts you'd like to share with the mods, we'd be happy to take your PMs. We're very much on top of things, including secret identities, etc.

You can help us by staying in touch and keeping this thread from turning into something ugly, filled with accusations and witch-hunting.


Thanks Bella.

If i could just make one comment about this please. .i think the anger is rightly coming from those who had trust betrayed in a place they felt safe to share in. Some were even almost taken financially. I know you all have way more information than we do and a thousand thanks for working on this. I guess what I'm trying to say is none of us are "mean girls" at heart but i know speaking for myself i find it distasteful for those members not in the know to be responding to this dirty gym sock in naivety and i am feeling protective of those members right now.

I won't speak of this again in this thread but wanted to clarify that those who felt betrayed had no outlet in which to work through it so maybe that adds to it. .also the fact the sociopath is still"playing" in the place it tried to destroy.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 18

I suggest the use of the ignore button feature when reading a post which may upset or make you angry instead of making a comment. We do not want to turn this into a  major witch hunt and/or closing the thread for a while until things calm down more. The mods and at least one of the site administrators is taking a good long look at the situation. Thank you.

....and I am still waiting for my $50 refund, pissed WW used my cochlear implant info on a fake baby and I KNEW better.... premies do not get implants but nooooo, I let that gem slip by me. I wear one and WTF.

And just how long did we let Maisie be a premie? LOL.

I am no longer pissed but I hope we get an explanation after all this is finished.

  • Love 11
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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