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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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6 minutes ago, Zella said:

Yes I'm 4 years younger. Pretty much everyone my age whom I've talked to uses an app now, but I've read a fair amount of privacy concerns about the apps. I have seen quite a few discussion threads where women advocated the old purse calendars as a more secure alternative. 

That makes sense. Kitchen calendar y’all! I have a Disney Thomas Kinkade one (like Impressionism meets Disney) in my kitchen now. I also live alone in my unit so I could use any shape I wanted. 😅

Other random thought- I spend a lot of time choosing my calendar theme because it’s a year long commitment. 

Photo of Cavendish who’s watching my face (from Cosmo’s dog bed which he shouldn’t be on!) as I giggle at this discussion. Thanks for indulging me. 


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7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I’m 37 years old and my Mom still reminds me to wear enough clothes in the winter time. ME! 🤣

I’m 54 and so does mine!

4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Thinking of @jcbrown’s post from the Jinger thread-


Am I the ONLY person who didn’t think Michelle charting her period on the calendar in the kitchen was weird? Not like they had cell phones then.

(spoiler tagging because people might not be interested)

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I don’t think it’s weird because my Mom always did that, she was a / over the date her period started, I was an X and my sister was circle (those few years we were all menstruating) eventually my mom was menopausal, I went to college and cell phones/electronic calendars  came a thing so I tracked mine electronically, and then my mom just writes “menses” on the date my sister’s period starts and a circle on it’s expected arrival the next month so we and the caregivers can keep track. Now granted we were a women’s only home after my grandfather died, and before that he was blind and couldn’t see it. But my mom grew up doing this with HER mom on the calendar in the kitchen. Her mom was an x, she was a / until her mom was menopausal. Trust she never connected it to her parents sex life, EWWWW but my Mom was an only child and the black mothers of my grandmother’s generation kept a firm watch on the sanitary pad supply based on other black women from that time I talked to. So maybe this just a super odd thing and I’m just used to it???


JB and Michelle were weird and gross and hypersexual around their kids, but this particular instance didn’t seem odd to me, it just feels weird with everything else we know about them? Or my family was odd and that’s okay!🤣

That is odd to me, lol. I never even really tracked mine and if my mom did I didn’t know about it. Once I got into my 20s, I was very regular and got my periods every 28 days on the dot, so it was easy to remember. I never even thought of keeping track via a calendar or anything. 

Edited by AstridM
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Before my hysto, I was actually quite regular, but very forgetful. We have a wall calendar that I would circle my expected NMP. Hubby never even noticed. The calendar still exists because I can't successfully teach him how to use the calendar on his phone, and his mother has a lot of doctor's appointments. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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The convos you miss when not visiting ST on a regular (lol) basis. 

I never tracked my period because I never saw the need. My body always warned me a couple days in advance. And fortunately getting pregnant was not a problem for me. I would occasionally count ahead on the calendar to see if my period was going to possibly hit during a big event or not. 

If my mom or sister kept track, I never knew it. 

In these modern (??) times, in states where women's reproductive rights are less than ideal 🤬 its best not to use an electronic tracker with proof of the first day of your last period, because, well - for a plethora of reasons.

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I am one of 4 sisters and I have 3 daughters and I never tracked unless I was trying to conceive. I usually had to guesstimate when I went to the dr. and was asked the date of my last period. Two of my daughters had terrible cramps, so I was always aware (and sometimes picking them up from the nurse's office) when they were menstruating. My other daughter just sailed through her periods. I had bad cramps too and before I had kids, I bled a LOT. I suspect my Mom suffered greatly with her periods because she was a raving loon part of every month. She was a slave to her hormones and became a more consistently pleasant person after menopause! But she's never been a very happy person in general. 

I think tracking is wise as it's an important aspect of female health, but I would never use an app in this day and age. Not that I need to!

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I tracked my period in my checkbook calendar since probably the late 80's, mostly because I wasn't the most regular (it was 31 days, plus or minus three) and I could have a general idea when it would start (it got better once I hit 30 and started to recognize physical changes that would occur shortly before my period, like breast tenderness).  But even growing up with three sisters, I wouldn't want it to be public (and my father, who was Old School, would likely have died of mortification to have to see that calendar).  

I switched to phone app about the time I gave up checks, but since my last period was in June of 2021, it's not an issue anymore (hopefully).

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On 1/15/2023 at 2:07 PM, Notabug said:

I think those are the kinds of things that are always appreciated. ……

Part of grief is the thought that no one will remember our loved one or that their specialness was not appreciated by others.  I know I have found comfort in hearing about how my loved ones were loved by others and even found out a few things I didn’t know.

My mother passed away over 28 years ago, and most of her friends and our neighbors have either passed away also, or moved far away.  So, it is not too often that I meet someone who knew her.

One afternoon last summer, I was speaking to a woman that I often would see at the 1210pm mass at our church.  I knew my mother had known her from the neighborhood and the younger kids school.  Since it was summertime, she told me how she would enjoy seeing my mom at the community pool each summer.  I did not know that my mom would sometimes take her lunch break from the local hospital and go for a short swim at the pool.  After her swim, she would change her clothes and go back to work.

Even after so many years had passed, it is still nice that people from outside our family still thought about her.   

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I am 50 and have always kept track on the family calendar in the dining room. Not anything anyone else in the family would notice. I instructed my daughters to keep track in an app and have switched over myself the past few years. 

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On 1/27/2023 at 10:00 PM, Scarlett45 said:

We are about the same age I think (I’m born in 1985) so this tracks. The calendar wasn’t “advertised” it was just there like the toilet paper roll was in the bathroom. We checked it when we needed to and my sister’s caregivers referenced when needed. So when I heard Michelle Duggar did this I was NOT phased, i went “yeah that’s what we did.”

My typo! I will correct. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Reaction Lol GIF by MOODMAN

Yah! The heavy boulder headed baby is back!!!

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SGirl is finally ready to get out more. She is even up to resume flying. Like me she has lousy timing. Right now we do not trust air travel because the thought of being stuck in an airport due to canceled flights does not appeal to us at all.  

Yesterday we drove a little over an hour from home to celebrate Chinese New Year. This one is special to us, the year of the rabbit, because it’s SBaba’s year. The event took place in Riverside and it’s very small. The main attraction being the food.

When we arrived we walked around checking out the food options, there were so many Asian dishes to try. So what does our Chinese daughter do? She made a beeline for the lobster and bacon fries. SGirl loves seafood, any fish, but lobster and crab legs are at the top of her list.  It was a good way to dip our toes in the celebrations. Next week we are driving to San Francisco for the celebrations there.



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For those of us that live in cold climates or travel to cold climates regularly- Columbia is having their winter sale right now. They don’t have everything in every size (the style of coat I discovered in 2020 that I adore, especially for walking Cosmo is not available in my size), but I was able to snag this baby- Mountain II Insulated Jacket, with OMNI HEAT🥰🥰🥰. It’s shorter, so likely it will be my “above 25F” but I have been sharing with my Mom this winter, and that won’t do for another two months!

I did find a home for my old coat, my good friend’s mom can fit it and is excited because she was in the market for a long coat (and she wouldn’t be offended to take a used one), so it’s in the dry cleaners and I will bring it to her Saturday when we are all meeting for a Ladies Valentine’s Luncheon. My Mom is also going- it’s a multi generational event and she likes the Moms of my two friends quite a bit, and I’m super glad she’s getting a chance to socialize with someone that’s not ME. Especially with so many of her friends dying in 2021. 

My mom is getting stronger. Her personality is coming back and she has another follow up appointment this week. I do feel sometimes that my Grandfather has come back from the dead (she can be GRUMPY) but I would rather see her grumpy that incapable of participating in life. Her mood is good today, she made her own breakfast! I also got her two pairs of new pants that won’t fall down just to make it through winter (from target, jeans without distressing and wide leg draw string that will go over her swollen ankles). 

Any excuse to go shopping!

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8 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

For those of us that live in cold climates or travel to cold climates regularly- Columbia is having their winter sale right now. They don’t have everything in every size (the style of coat I discovered in 2020 that I adore, especially for walking Cosmo is not available in my size), but I was able to snag this baby- Mountain II Insulated Jacket, with OMNI HEAT🥰🥰🥰. It’s shorter, so likely it will be my “above 25F” but I have been sharing with my Mom this winter, and that won’t do for another two months!

I did find a home for my old coat, my good friend’s mom can fit it and is excited because she was in the market for a long coat (and she wouldn’t be offended to take a used one), so it’s in the dry cleaners and I will bring it to her Saturday when we are all meeting for a Ladies Valentine’s Luncheon. My Mom is also going- it’s a multi generational event and she likes the Moms of my two friends quite a bit, and I’m super glad she’s getting a chance to socialize with someone that’s not ME. Especially with so many of her friends dying in 2021. 

My mom is getting stronger. Her personality is coming back and she has another follow up appointment this week. I do feel sometimes that my Grandfather has come back from the dead (she can be GRUMPY) but I would rather see her grumpy that incapable of participating in life. Her mood is good today, she made her own breakfast! I also got her two pairs of new pants that won’t fall down just to make it through winter (from target, jeans without distressing and wide leg draw string that will go over her swollen ankles). 

Any excuse to go shopping!

I love the coat you selected @Scarlett45 ! Some winter coats don't define the mid-section, but rather go kind of straight down, if that makes sense. A coat like yours feels more flattering, so good choice! It's also great that your Mom is coming back into her own. 

Edited by BetyBee
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6 hours ago, SMama said:

SGirl is finally ready to get out more. She is even up to resume flying. Like me she has lousy timing. Right now we do not trust air travel because the thought of being stuck in an airport due to canceled flights does not appeal to us at all.  

Yesterday we drove a little over an hour from home to celebrate Chinese New Year. This one is special to us, the year of the rabbit, because it’s SBaba’s year. The event took place in Riverside and it’s very small. The main attraction being the food.

When we arrived we walked around checking out the food options, there were so many Asian dishes to try. So what does our Chinese daughter do? She made a beeline for the lobster and bacon fries. SGirl loves seafood, any fish, but lobster and crab legs are at the top of her list.  It was a good way to dip our toes in the celebrations. Next week we are driving to San Francisco for the celebrations there.



you were SO close by!!!  wher ewas this - by the mission Inn?

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5 minutes ago, zoomama said:

you were SO close by!!!  wher ewas this - by the mission Inn?

Yes!  We were parked by the Mission Inn. Rookie mistake because it reminded SGirl we have not spent a Christmas weekend there in a few years. 

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Kinda strange request, but does anyone have any recs for nice, extra soft, and won't-break-the-bank, lounge sets?  I'm only out of the house on Saturdays with Mr. Six, and I have to go out once every two weeks to pick up written prescriptions.  A lot of what I've been finding is separates as opposed to sets.  I must of found my matchy-matchy stage of life.

This past few weeks have been rough with one bright spot.  Mr. Six and I each had a family member pass away.  We weren't able to attend any services, but I did send the families cards.  One had been sick for many years, but other was just diagnosed with cancer in early December, had the first round of chemo December 17th, and passed away on January 16th.  

The bright spot is a car.  Mr. Six has been wanting a certain style of Ford Mustang.  He was driving a Mustang GT for the past 3 years.  He found a dealership in PA that is known for doing great deals.  He ordered this car in April 2022.  We just picked it up Friday afternoon.  It took until the beginning of January for it to show up at the dealership.  He seems happy, and I must admit, it's *really* fun to drive!  With all of the hard work he puts in at work, he deserves it.  He even thanked me for making it happen since I do all of our finances/banking.  He's such a good egg (and he might be cheaper since the cost of eggs skyrocketed!!)

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2 minutes ago, sixlets said:

Kinda strange request, but does anyone have any recs for nice, extra soft, and won't-break-the-bank, lounge sets?  I'm only out of the house on Saturdays with Mr. Six, and I have to go out once every two weeks to pick up written prescriptions.  A lot of what I've been finding is separates as opposed to sets.  I must of found my matchy-matchy stage of life.

This past few weeks have been rough with one bright spot.  Mr. Six and I each had a family member pass away.  We weren't able to attend any services, but I did send the families cards.  One had been sick for many years, but other was just diagnosed with cancer in early December, had the first round of chemo December 17th, and passed away on January 16th.  

The bright spot is a car.  Mr. Six has been wanting a certain style of Ford Mustang.  He was driving a Mustang GT for the past 3 years.  He found a dealership in PA that is known for doing great deals.  He ordered this car in April 2022.  We just picked it up Friday afternoon.  It took until the beginning of January for it to show up at the dealership.  He seems happy, and I must admit, it's *really* fun to drive!  With all of the hard work he puts in at work, he deserves it.  He even thanked me for making it happen since I do all of our finances/banking.  He's such a good egg (and he might be cheaper since the cost of eggs skyrocketed!!)

Costco or Costco.com

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18 hours ago, sixlets said:

Kinda strange request, but does anyone have any recs for nice, extra soft, and won't-break-the-bank, lounge sets?  I'm only out of the house on Saturdays with Mr. Six, and I have to go out once every two weeks to pick up written prescriptions.  A lot of what I've been finding is separates as opposed to sets.  I must of found my matchy-matchy stage of life.

This past few weeks have been rough with one bright spot.  Mr. Six and I each had a family member pass away.  We weren't able to attend any services, but I did send the families cards.  One had been sick for many years, but other was just diagnosed with cancer in early December, had the first round of chemo December 17th, and passed away on January 16th.  

The bright spot is a car.  Mr. Six has been wanting a certain style of Ford Mustang.  He was driving a Mustang GT for the past 3 years.  He found a dealership in PA that is known for doing great deals.  He ordered this car in April 2022.  We just picked it up Friday afternoon.  It took until the beginning of January for it to show up at the dealership.  He seems happy, and I must admit, it's *really* fun to drive!  With all of the hard work he puts in at work, he deserves it.  He even thanked me for making it happen since I do all of our finances/banking.  He's such a good egg (and he might be cheaper since the cost of eggs skyrocketed!!)

Ouuuu you know I love any excuse to go shopping!


Now these are summer-y, but I love them because they are light but you aren’t exposed. I would size DOWN one, unless the elastic hurts your tummy. I am still a pear shape with larger hips and thighs compared to my waist/shoulders and fit the biggest part of me. I’m 5’7 and they are a summer cropped length. Amazon


For cold climates, the soft fleece jogger from Target is great, pockets, warm, so soft and inexpensive Target. The target ones are purchased separately but it is a set if you’re different sizes top and bottom.


Also- if you have a Costco near you/a membership they have a lot of fleece sets (always at the holidays and year round). Now they are the polyester which hold odor, BUT those things are WARM! And so soft. I throw them on over my pjs to walk Cosmo in the winter and they have a marsupial pouch to hold your keys, phone, tissues.


I am very sorry to hear of your losses. It always sucks.








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Thanks, @Scarlett45!  I appreciate the recommendations.  We do have Costco, but we did a membership at BJs due to the proximity.  That might actually be a place to look too.  I seem to forget about them unless we need gas.  I think I'm just going to live in comfy clothes for the rest of my life.  I've been maintaining my weight loss that I'm solidly in a medium (and sometimes a small on top), but I always size up to a large for pajamas/loungewear.  I hate being choked by my shirt while I'm trying to sleep, and the large usually gives me the length I need.  I may have to do an Amazon order soon...

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Ugh! I feel lousy today. Last night I took Nyquil because I was coughing and I needed to sleep. That led to 3 bad dreams, but I did get a 79 sleep score. When I woke up, I learned that my granddaughter, who we drive to school was not feeling well and was staying home today. My head is stuffy and I'm still coughing and Mr. BB has a raspy throat. I decided to Covid test. The kit had 2 tests and that's a good thing, since the first tube had no solution in it! Anyway, it was negative, so we are probably all sharing an ordinary cold. We are all fully vaxed and boosted. I think I'll just curl up today and read my book club book and take it easy. 

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44 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

Ugh! I feel lousy today. Last night I took Nyquil because I was coughing and I needed to sleep. That led to 3 bad dreams, but I did get a 79 sleep score. When I woke up, I learned that my granddaughter, who we drive to school was not feeling well and was staying home today. My head is stuffy and I'm still coughing and Mr. BB has a raspy throat. I decided to Covid test. The kit had 2 tests and that's a good thing, since the first tube had no solution in it! Anyway, it was negative, so we are probably all sharing an ordinary cold. We are all fully vaxed and boosted. I think I'll just curl up today and read my book club book and take it easy. 

Sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you dont get worst and it's just a cold with a quick recovery. 


Good news from my Mom's follow-up appointment- her lung function is back to the results from September, the pulmonologist thinks she likely had a cold or an upper respiratory infection in Dec which knocked her flat given her other conditions, but this is very good news because it means she will continue to improve. Her appetite is even coming back. She is not eating as much as she used to, but she is eating regularly. For the first time in months she has NOT lost any more weight! She is looking forward to the luncheon on Saturday, BUT the pets are sick.

I am WFH today to keep an eye on them, Cosmo had a rough day Saturday, but I thought he got better, but yesterday evening he had the runs again and had me out 4x from when I got home from the dr and 1am, when I finally said "Cosmo its too cold and too dark for this(3F, -16C), we are inside until morning." and then he whined and I woke up to a mess. He is not getting any food until tomorrow (let's see how strong I am when it comes to that). The cats are a bit sleepy, alternating who wants to eat, but they were active last night. 



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39 minutes ago, Absolom said:

The recommendation is to test again two days later as many times the first one is negative.  I hope it is a common cold.  

I hope so, too!

But I second the recommendation to test again. Last month I took a home COVID test, with a negative result. The next day, feeling worse than the day before, I took a second test: positive result.

And I know what you mean about the test kit fluid. I opened a box of two kits, but one of the kits didn't have enough fluid (it's supposed to fill a tube up to a mark, which it didn't), so I used additional fluid from the other kit in order to get a valid test. Meaning, there was only one usable kit in the box instead of two. I reminded myself these were kits I got for free, so it's not like I lost any money on the deal. 

@Scarlett45 - that's great news about your mom. I hope Cosmo recovers from his upset gut under your vigilant care. I can relate; had a dog in this condo for 11 years including some dog illnesses in winter - when of course I couldn't just open a door to let him out into a fenced yard. 

Edited by Jeeves
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1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

Sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you dont get worst and it's just a cold with a quick recovery. 


Good news from my Mom's follow-up appointment- her lung function is back to the results from September, the pulmonologist thinks she likely had a cold or an upper respiratory infection in Dec which knocked her flat given her other conditions, but this is very good news because it means she will continue to improve. Her appetite is even coming back. She is not eating as much as she used to, but she is eating regularly. For the first time in months she has NOT lost any more weight! She is looking forward to the luncheon on Saturday, BUT the pets are sick.

I am WFH today to keep an eye on them, Cosmo had a rough day Saturday, but I thought he got better, but yesterday evening he had the runs again and had me out 4x from when I got home from the dr and 1am, when I finally said "Cosmo its too cold and too dark for this(3F, -16C), we are inside until morning." and then he whined and I woke up to a mess. He is not getting any food until tomorrow (let's see how strong I am when it comes to that). The cats are a bit sleepy, alternating who wants to eat, but they were active last night. 



We haven't had a dog since 2014, but I believe our vet recommended boiled hamburger and rice for when the dog has diarrhea. She also said that sometimes they react to the same food they've been doing fine on. This is because the ingredients can change from what is listed. For example, if pork is cheaper, legally the company can switch to that when beef is listed on the package. Anyway, for our dog, the boiled hamburger and rice helped greatly. My husband started making her food from scratch after that, but there are many good dog foods on the market today. I hope Comet is feeling better soon. And I'm especially glad to hear your Mom is doing so well!

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Thanks @Jeeves thankfully I do have my own yard, and its mostly fenced (there is a gap between my fence and the neighbors property to accommodate their drain pipe) so I dont let him out alone. I have stood on the back steps with my coat on and let him do his thing, but last night he wanted to lay in the snow! I get thats probably because his tummy was still upset, but dude it was 1am!

Thanks @BetyBee- I will get him back on boiled chicken breast, rice and pumpkin when the grocery order arrives. There is also a lot of litter in my neighborhood (I live near a lot of restaurants) and Cosmo EATS THINGS from the ground on the regular. Of course I watch him but its harder in the winter because the snow covers up things, and I cannot see, and I think he is sniffing and two seconds later he has consumed who knows what.

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14 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I will get him back on boiled chicken breast, rice and pumpkin when the grocery order arrives.

That was our vet's recommendation also along with non-fat plain yogurt.  I used to make pumpkin and yogurt parfaits for the dog.  The pumpkin fiber really helps firm things up.  I found with the dog's worst attacks I needed to cook the rice a bit longer with a bit more water than for humans.  The mushier the rice, the easier it was on his system.

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3 minutes ago, Absolom said:

That was our vet's recommendation also along with non-fat plain yogurt.  I used to make pumpkin and yogurt parfaits for the dog.  The pumpkin fiber really helps firm things up.  I found with the dog's worst attacks I needed to cook the rice a bit longer with a bit more water than for humans.  The mushier the rice, the easier it was on his system.

I have plain yogurt, I think my mom has non fat (I usually get the 2%). I will add that for him. Thank you!

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2 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I think I'll just curl up today and read my book club book and take it easy. 

I hope you're feeling better soon! I agree with the others on testing again in a bit. From what I've read, the tests are very reliable when they give positives, but false negatives are fairly common. Last summer when my dad and stepmom had COVID for the second time, they got a lot of false negatives at first, and that's not unusual, per other people I've talked to.

What's your book club book? :) 

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Cosmo EATS THINGS from the ground on the regular. Of course I watch him but its harder in the winter because the snow covers up things, and I cannot see, and I think he is sniffing and two seconds later he has consumed who knows what.

Greyhounds have a particular muzzle for that issue, but maybe there is something similar for other types of dogs? My greyhound have the basket muzzles without the stool guard. Basket muzzles allow dogs to receive treats and drink but they can't cause any damage when playing with other greyhounds. When the greyhounds are let out in a group to play be they racers or a group of retired racers, they are muzzled because even in gentle play their thin skin can easily tear. Some of the adopters I know use the stool guard when they let their dogs are out because they will eat the poop. The hounds are acclimated to it, it's not a punishment so it works out well. I believe in some countries dogs are muzzled while on leashed walks so they can't just graze on the sidewalk. A muzzle would allow Cosmo to sniff to his heart's content but prevent him from eating dangerous stuff. 

I know muzzles get a bad rap because most people associate them with aggressive dogs, but after being around greyhounds so much muzzles became a tool like a leash and harness. 

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1 hour ago, Zella said:

What's your book club book? :) 

Sooley by John Grisham. It's pretty good and was suggested by one of the 2 dudes in our club. I probably never would have read it otherwise. The book I would definitely recommend is The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes. I couldn't put that one down!

I will test again in a couple of days. I always mask up in stores etc., but you never know!

@Scarlett45 - we lived by a pond with a huge goose population when we had our last dog. It was like running an obstacle course trying to keep Daisy away from goose poop, which she considered a fine delicacy!

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1 hour ago, frenchtoast said:

Greyhounds have a particular muzzle for that issue, but maybe there is something similar for other types of dogs? My greyhound have the basket muzzles without the stool guard. Basket muzzles allow dogs to receive treats and drink but they can't cause any damage when playing with other greyhounds. When the greyhounds are let out in a group to play be they racers or a group of retired racers, they are muzzled because even in gentle play their thin skin can easily tear. Some of the adopters I know use the stool guard when they let their dogs are out because they will eat the poop. The hounds are acclimated to it, it's not a punishment so it works out well. I believe in some countries dogs are muzzled while on leashed walks so they can't just graze on the sidewalk. A muzzle would allow Cosmo to sniff to his heart's content but prevent him from eating dangerous stuff. 

I know muzzles get a bad rap because most people associate them with aggressive dogs, but after being around greyhounds so much muzzles became a tool like a leash and harness. 

I didn't know you had a greyhound @frenchtoastI have always loved Greyhounds, do you ever share photos in the Pets thread? They look so regal and they are so calm and quiet like cats! (which is why I like them). I have thought of a muzzle, I could get one and see how Cosmo reacts to it. He is 10, adjustments to new things are harder, but I dont want him sick.


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1 hour ago, BetyBee said:

I will test again in a couple of days. I always mask up in stores etc., but you never know!

After our discussion earlier, I started feeling sick in a digestive system way.  Since COVID can give those symptoms, I tested.  The only place I've been unmasked was getting my teeth cleaned yesterday.  I noticed the dental office had eased off on their COVID protections.  I'm not complaining about that, but that's the only place I've been lately unless I caught something in 5 minutes masked at the health food market on the way home.  

The COVID test was negative, but I definitely have a bug from somewhere and I hadn't been out of the house since last Thursday so I'm blaming being at the dental office.  

Edited by Absolom
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I'm sorry you are feeling sick too, @Absolom! I hope you feel better soon. I had 2 dental appointments recently and I noticed that they've eased up on Covid precautions as well. Of course the providers were masked, but not the front desk and we no longer have to call from the car before they ok us to come in. Life is so weird these days that having Covid is our first concern whenever we feel off! It will probably be that way for a long time to come. 

We're having comfort food tonight. Hubby got a roast chicken from Costco, along with mashed potatoes. I'm staying on the couch and letting him be my waiter! Can you tell I'm starting to feel better?

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Yes, the air purifiers that were running non-stop are gone in most of the rooms, they are no longer wearing the paper gowns or face shields over masks, and the pre-rinse has vanished.  Everyone including front office is still masked and we haven't had wait in the car for over two years, but they used to schedule so only one person was in the waiting room at time.  Now we have two or even three at times.  

@BetyBeeI'm glad you're feeling better.  I took a pile of my "tummy" pills and I'm doing much better if dizzy and ditzy.

Edited by Absolom
Meant shields over masks.
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It was -5 degrees when I went to a Dr. appointment this morning.  But the sun was shining in a beautiful sky, the mountains are covered in snow, and the roads are clear and dry.  It is up to 18 right now, and we are supposed to hit 40 this afternoon.  I would just like the snow to melt off the roof.  I'm resigned to the snow on my lawn.  It will be there for months, I think.  We are supposed to get rain later this week, but I'm hoping no more snow for a while.  The snow and moisture records have already been broken.  Stay safe and warm, everyone.


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10 hours ago, Absolom said:

The recommendation is to test again two days later as many times the first one is negative.  I hope it is a common cold.  

And make sure to swab the cheeks and the back of the throat. Many people don’t swab thoroughly enough in all areas.

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5 hours ago, Absolom said:

After our discussion earlier, I started feeling sick in a digestive system way.  Since COVID can give those symptoms, I tested.  The only place I've been unmasked was getting my teeth cleaned yesterday.  I noticed the dental office had eased off on their COVID protections.  I'm not complaining about that, but that's the only place I've been lately unless I caught something in 5 minutes masked at the health food market on the way home.  

The COVID test was negative, but I definitely have a bug from somewhere and I hadn't been out of the house since last Thursday so I'm blaming being at the dental office.  

I’ve been avoiding the dentist for this reason. Hope you feel better soon.

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5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

So an attorney might qualify for aid.  That is nuts.  I do know some staff where I work are homeless.  They just cannot afford to live here.  Many students are as well.  All this tells me is pay and living expenses are WAY out of line everywhere.


Bringing this over from the Dillard topic. Back in the early 80s I was a public defender. It's a statewide agency. Our salaries were far from good. And we were lawyers. One of my colleagues - yes, a lawyer - was the divorced mother of five. She actually qualified under the guidelines for Section 8 housing assistance. I'm not surprised by the amount of Derick's salary. 

ETA: for clarity, I wasn't a public defender in Oklahoma, where Derick works. I was in an adjacent state. TBH out here in the Midwest/West, state and local governments don't tend to pay high salaries. Just saying. Also, I don't think my colleague actually collected any government benefits; they were already in a house and the ex was paying child support. But she did run the numbers, and said she'd qualify for assistance based on her salary and dependents etc.

Edited by Jeeves
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There are plenty of people with “decent” jobs who qualify for assistance. It can range from free lunches in school for their children, to housing assistance. Teachers, Correction Officers, healthcare workers, and many more.

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Good morning, Small Talkers. It's February 2, aka Ground Hog Day. I hope this is a safe space to disclose this: I have never understood Groundhog Day. When they start talking about a critter who pops up out of the ground and either sees a shadow or doesn't, and which way that goes means we have X more days of winter, or maybe we don't? They might as well be speaking a foreign language for all that I comprehend what they're yakking about.

I mean, if you want to know how many more days of winter are left? Don't you just go look at a calendar? This year, winter lasts until March 20. That's 46 days from now. Whether a big rodent sees something or not.

And, anyway, how do we know whether the rodent sees anything or not? 

Does the rodent talk? 

Because, I don't know, a big talking rodent would seem to me to be a much bigger deal than how many days of winter are left. But they never say anything about that. Just saying.

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Groundhog day has a kind of interesting history (at least to me).  It takes place halfway between Winter and Spring on the calendar.

The Celtic pagans celebrated that day as Imbolc and considered it the first day of spring.  This made sense to me as I always thought the equinoxes should mark the middle of the season rather than the start.

Christianity, as it often does, decided to take over the day and declared it Candlemas to celebrate the feast of Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem.  The more superstitious of the lot also began to believe that if the day was sunny, it led to another 40 days of snow and ice.

Then some Germans, in an effort to more accurately define sunny, decided that the day was only sunny if a badger or other small rodent glimpsed it's own shadow.  Some of those Germans ended up in Pennsylvania where they decided the "other small rodent" in question would be a groundhog as it was a naturally hibernating animal in the area.

Enter an enterprising newspaper man who decided to turn this quaint local belief into a big thing in order to sell advertising and we have today's silly little ritual. 

Fun little bonus fact: the official groundhog in PA has about a 50% accuracy rate, essentially random chance.  But other towns' local rodents have much more impressive track records. 

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I am staying with the grands this week while their parents are away. The elementary age boys thought the whole thing of people standing out there from 4 am on, to have a place to see this silly groundhog thing was crazy.

Then the 7 yr old explained to all it is still winter either way until it's the vernal equinox, so it was "just weird" in his opinion.

I have learned to never say "first day of..." whatever season to them because one of them will tell me it is actually an equinox or solstice every time. 😂

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I’ve determined my brain is mush. I recently read something, and came away with a different interpretation from the actual words, which were in my native language, and easily read. 👀 Was I not paying attention, confused? This is yet to be determined.

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1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

I am staying with the grands this week while their parents are away. The elementary age boys thought the whole thing of people standing out there from 4 am on, to have a place to see this silly groundhog thing was crazy.

Then the 7 yr old explained to all it is still winter either way until it's the vernal equinox, so it was "just weird" in his opinion.

I have learned to never say "first day of..." whatever season to them because one of them will tell me it is actually an equinox or solstice every time. 😂

@crazy8s - your grands sound very bright and charming. Have a fun visit.

@ginger90 - we all have days like that!

I decided not to test for Covid again as I feel fine. I didn't go anywhere anyway. We're getting another deep freeze for the next two days, so I will just stay home and read my book....and let's be honest, I'll also surf the net!

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On 1/27/2023 at 10:18 PM, Scarlett45 said:

That makes sense. Kitchen calendar y’all! I have a Disney Thomas Kinkade one (like Impressionism meets Disney) in my kitchen now. I also live alone in my unit so I could use any shape I wanted. 😅

Other random thought- I spend a lot of time choosing my calendar theme because it’s a year long commitment. 

Photo of Cavendish who’s watching my face (from Cosmo’s dog bed which he shouldn’t be on!) as I giggle at this discussion. Thanks for indulging me. 


You need to post in stolen dog beds on Reddit!  

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On 2/2/2023 at 3:35 PM, crazy8s said:

I am staying with the grands this week while their parents are away. The elementary age boys thought the whole thing of people standing out there from 4 am on, to have a place to see this silly groundhog thing was crazy.

Then the 7 yr old explained to all it is still winter either way until it's the vernal equinox, so it was "just weird" in his opinion.

I have learned to never say "first day of..." whatever season to them because one of them will tell me it is actually an equinox or solstice every time. 😂

Not to brag or anything, but my mom was from coal mining country in PA and grew up just a few miles from Punxsatawney.  I actually visited P-town on more than one occasion as a kid, although never on Feb. 2.  I even remember my mom pointing out Gobbler's Knob, where Punxsatawney Phil's burrow is located.  I know you're all jealous.

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Update- looks like all the furry ones are a-ok with solid tummies. 

My mom had an AMAZING time at the luncheon today (it was far, so a long time driving but worth it), my sister got a Valentine’s gift from her weekend caregiver (OMG so sweet!🥰) and I am EXHAUSTED. I’m glad my Mommy, my sister and my furry ones are happy. Cavendish says hi to everyone. 


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