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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! My day was spent in quarantine due to Mr. Turquoise having surgery on his knee (that was bad enough to require surgery but not nearly as SEVERE as Jill's) on Thursday. He thought ahead and got the fixings for a steak dinner and a cake. It was a nice day, and everyone's well wishes just added to it!

The surgery went well-doctor told me when he got in there the tear was worse than the MRI had indicated, but he felt the surgery would make a big improvement. We are already seeing results.

Edited by Turquoise
Totally skipped over a needed word in one sentence :)
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6 hours ago, BetyBee said:

Happy Birthday @Turquoise!

Good choice on the movies, @iwantcookies! It's nice to go out and do normal things like pre-pandemic! I've always liked going to a movie in a nearly empty theater. It's almost like being at home!

I went to the movies on Christmas Day (new West Side Story) and it was a lot more crowded than I expected. But most kept their masks on, it seemed, so that was great. 

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we went to the movie on saturday morning. there were 7 people, mostly masked. it was a pick-your-own-seats-off-a-screen type. so we picked ours way over on the other side of the theater from the rest, right? wouldn't you know that #6 and #7 were two very nice guys with lots of snacks to eat.....and they sat DIRECTLY in front of us.  the other 3 people were in the furthest reaches of the theater, apart from each other.   oh, in case you wonder, we saw Redeeming Love, based off the book written by Francine Rivers.  it was really good, well done and definitely conveyed the message of the book.  there is violence and some minor suggestive nudity but saying that, there is no direct nudity. it is best not for younger kids due to subject matter, IMHO.

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Happy Belated Birthday, @Turquoise!!  I hope your husband's recovery goes well, and he's back on his feet soon!

Today was a rough day for Baltimore.  Three city firefighters were killed in the line of duty, and one additional is in critical, but stable, condition.  A vacant rowhome caught fire around 600am, and there was a partial collapse trapping all four.  It was just heartbreaking to read the updates that were being released throughout the day.  

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@Scarlett45 congratulations on your promotion at work! 

Now my whiny time. Sunday an electrical pole at the place we store our RV set off sparks and started a fire. Our RV was badly burned on the passenger side and looks beyond repair. So we now get to tangle with Florida Power and our insurance company. Our insurance agent was very unhelpful except to give me an 800 phone number. And so far we’ve had no response to calls to FPL. The kicker is we just spent over $1,000 getting RV fixed up and ready to go after 2 years of non use due to pandemic. Oh well, thankfully no one was hurt, but we were looking forward to being on the road again.

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1 minute ago, ozziemom said:

@Scarlett45 congratulations on your promotion at work! 

Now my whiny time. Sunday an electrical pole at the place we store our RV set off sparks and started a fire. Our RV was badly burned on the passenger side and looks beyond repair. So we now get to tangle with Florida Power and our insurance company. Our insurance agent was very unhelpful except to give me an 800 phone number. And so far we’ve had no response to calls to FPL. The kicker is we just spent over $1,000 getting RV fixed up and ready to go after 2 years of non use due to pandemic. Oh well, thankfully no one was hurt, but we were looking forward to being on the road again.

OMG I am so sorry! I too am glad no one was hurt, but that REALLY REALLY SUCKS! May you at least get the value back. There weren't irreplaceable items in there?

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@Scarlett45 - WOO HOO! Congratulations on your promotion and raise!! Well deserved, I'm sure. And that's great news about your sister's ID situation. BTW, how are the new cats doing?

@ozziemom - I am so sorry about the RV fire! I hope you encounter more helpful people in your claims process than you have so far. Fingers crossed!

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4 hours ago, ozziemom said:

@Scarlett45 congratulations on your promotion at work! 

Now my whiny time. Sunday an electrical pole at the place we store our RV set off sparks and started a fire. Our RV was badly burned on the passenger side and looks beyond repair. So we now get to tangle with Florida Power and our insurance company. Our insurance agent was very unhelpful except to give me an 800 phone number. And so far we’ve had no response to calls to FPL. The kicker is we just spent over $1,000 getting RV fixed up and ready to go after 2 years of non use due to pandemic. Oh well, thankfully no one was hurt, but we were looking forward to being on the road again.

That’s so awful I’m so sorry!

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12 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Congrats on the promotion, @Scarlett45

I got a suspicious mammogram result yesterday and have to go to the hospital next week for the super special exam. I had this before, and it was nothing. Hopefully, I just breathed before I should have and muddied up the ultrasound. 

🙏 for good results on your super special  exam.  I used to have to have follow up compression mammograms, ultra sounds, needle biopsies, surgical biopsies etc. quite frequently following mammograms.  Fortunately,  everything was always benign. One of the perks of getting older is that my breast tissue is less dense and it is easier to read the mammograms and additional tests aren't needed.  Sending positive thoughts your way!

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40 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Congrats on the promotion, @Scarlett45

I got a suspicious mammogram result yesterday and have to go to the hospital next week for the super special exam. I had this before, and it was nothing. Hopefully, I just breathed before I should have and muddied up the ultrasound. 

Sending you good vibes !

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3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Well Lady Reese is a classic tortie- so stealthy! I lose her about once very other day. Cavendish (the grey) is my big sweet boy, I think he is going to be my new FaceTime companion, as he loves it when I chat with people. They will both sit on my lap, but Cavendish will sit more often. Lady Reese likes Blake's old spot on the sofa quite a bit. It feels right that they are here. I took some of my bonus and bought them a cat tree-72 inches, should arrive next week. When I bought this place the first thought I had was "this living room is huge, perfect for a big Christmas tree", the second thought was "should I get a cat tree?"- I decided not to, because at the time all my cats were elderly (Mr. Norris was 16, Blake was 12 and Charlie was 11) and I didn't think they would use it much. These two NEED A TREE.

Here are some photos (I also talk about them a lot in the Pets thread).



Love your cats names! How is Cosmos doing with them? I may have to venture over to the Pets forum, sounds interesting.

4 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

That’s so awful I’m so sorry!

Thanks Cookies. It is just so strange that a few sparks fried an electrical pole and caused two boats and our RV to burn up. 

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48 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

Love your cats names! How is Cosmos doing with them? I may have to venture over to the Pets forum, sounds interesting.

Thank you! 

Lady Reese was "Reese" when she was adopted, but looking at her she needed a title. 

Cavendish was "Dave" but I have a human friend named Dave and that just wouldn't do, I had been saying for years I was naming my next cat after Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire- but he is a boy so "Cavendish"- he looked like a Cavendish.

Cosmo is good with them, he has lived with cats since puppyhood, Cavendish was a little scared of him at first but is now okay. Cosmo just doesn't like it if they get near his bed in my office, that's his "zone" but otherwise he lets them do whatever.

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2 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Congrats on the promotion, @Scarlett45

I got a suspicious mammogram result yesterday and have to go to the hospital next week for the super special exam. I had this before, and it was nothing. Hopefully, I just breathed before I should have and muddied up the ultrasound. 

Me too. Got the call the other day. Have to wait 2 weeks before I could make it in for the follow up testing. Let’s hope all is clear for both of us!  

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I got the paperwork processed to get my voucher for the funds put toward my cancelled Morocco trip. I am bummed, but it's for the best. The funds are good for two years, so lets see.

Still haven't decided if I want to visit friends in NOLA mid-March- it would be an inexpensive trip, I would just have to pay for dog sitting, (I have Southwest credits) but I am giving myself until a month out to decide if I should go.

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5 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

Haha I figured I’d keep for a few days for a laugh 


Cookie.... You're killing me here. 😂

Full disclosure, I have a picture of Lin-Manuel Miranda as my Screensaver.. because I'm obsessed with him.. and I think he's HAWT! 🤣

( my husband of almost 53 years is ok with this) 😁

 So... I know you're obsessed with GWE... but do you also think he's a HAWT hunk? 😂🤣


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2 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

Cookie.... You're killing me here. 😂

Full disclosure, I have a picture of Lin-Manuel Miranda as my Screensaver.. because I'm obsessed with him.. and I think he's HAWT! 🤣

( my husband of almost 53 years is ok with this) 😁

 So... I know you're obsessed with GWE... but do you also think he's a HAWT hunk? 😂🤣


No. Not even if he was the last man on earth. 

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So this happened today - I got a hand-addressed envelope in the mail from someone I did not recognize. I opened it up and it was all about the comfort of God during these trying times, I should read the Bible, etc. My first thought was “how does she know I spend so much time snarking on the Duggars?” Then I saw the Jehovah’s Witness pamphlet she included and realized I was just paranoid. 

(But it’s still creepy that someone I don’t know has sent me a letter about finding Jesus. Jesus and I have an understanding already, we’re cool!)

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3 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

So this happened today - I got a hand-addressed envelope in the mail from someone I did not recognize. I opened it up and it was all about the comfort of God during these trying times, I should read the Bible, etc. My first thought was “how does she know I spend so much time snarking on the Duggars?” Then I saw the Jehovah’s Witness pamphlet she included and realized I was just paranoid. 

(But it’s still creepy that someone I don’t know has sent me a letter about finding Jesus. Jesus and I have an understanding already, we’re cool!)

I get those, too! I think because of the pandemic and social distancing, the Jehovah Witnesses do the handwritten letter thing instead of going house to house.

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8 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Best wishes @Turquoise. I’m scheduled for March 3rd. We can be hyster sisters! (Hystersisters.com is actually an incredibly helpful website BTW).  

That site helped me so much when I had mine. 

1 hour ago, Westiepeach said:

I get those, too! I think because of the pandemic and social distancing, the Jehovah Witnesses do the handwritten letter thing instead of going house to house.

That’s one plus of the pandemic.

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I didn't read all of Jill's long holier than thou diatribe,  but at the end, she did again list her version of God's "rules". Included among them are men dressing as men and women dressing as women( or something to that effect) and women having long hair while men should have short hair. I think God has more important issues to focus on.

Oops! This should be in the Sweet Fellowship thread because it refers to Jill Rod, but I don't have a clue how to move it! 

Edited by Liddy52
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8 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

I get those, too! I think because of the pandemic and social distancing, the Jehovah Witnesses do the handwritten letter thing instead of going house to house.

I get the handwritten letter from time to time.  I find it interesting that they are usually signed "from a neighbor" instead of a name.  I don't think the pandemic has anything to do with it; I have received these letters occasionally for the past 30 years.

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6 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

My cats have no interest in it at all.  I do have extreme cat approval on Yeeoww cat toys.  They absolutely love the banana-shaped ones.

All I could think of was Meri from sister wives… thanks for a laugh. 

Give your kitties a cuddle from me.


Edited by iwantcookies
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Weight loss woes:

Right now I am on 1600 calories a day (approximately, of course some days I go over, and some days under). I am going to stick with these calories until May and see how I feel. I am tracking everything and weighing out all food items that aren't a green vegetable (and of course when I do that I lose weight). 

I'd like to drop another 20lbs, finally after over a year I can feel a "difference" although I am asking myself "why are my bras so big and my shirts so damn long??" My Mom told me yesterday that I wasn't allowed to wear a certain pair of pants to work any more (we are hybrid) because they were sagging too much and it looked like half of my behind was gone. (they were not falling off of my behind, but I have very wide hips, so the bottom half looked deflated). I listen to my Mom.

I am rarely hungry (I am sometimes at night, I prefer to eat more in the morning so around 6pm I get a little hungry) but am not "full". Staying in a caloric deficit is a PITA, but I like being lighter and I know its good for me. Wish me luck, I feel like Rolly from 101 Dalmations.Hungry 101 Dalmatians GIF

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