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S04.E04: Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve

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Sanjay--Faux red lace over a cobalt blue two-piece? It was like wallpaper designed by Liberace.


LOL. I really didn't love the red lace. In fact, I felt it concealed all that gorgeous blue color and made the whole outfit look old lady instead of hip/cool/flirty/fun. I wanted her to get rid of the red lace and show off the blue outfit in a different way.

I could not get past the fuchsia to even look at Michelle's dress. How on earth does she think she is "with it" or whatever she thinks...she has a very high opinion of herself. Not shared by me. At all.

I never cared for Justin...he must be a real downer in the classroom with all the boo-hooing. Enough already. Maybe he should design Hallmark Cards...

  • Love 3

Even though I did not care for Helens dress and her win, I loved this episode because I got a Seth Aaron sighting. Sssqqqqquuuueeeeeeee! Ok got that out of system.

Really I'm not sure who'd id choose for the win because none of the dresses knocked my socks off. Dimytrys was nice but I think the fabric was just not good, unspectacular. Tailoring was amazing.

I failed to see how Sam dress missed the bottom. What an eyesore. I would have swapped Her and Benjamin's dresses. I also almost gagged at the sight of Fabios. Full disclosure, I hate light pink with the heat of 1,000 suns, but man, that dress was all kinds of ugly.

Justin's was fun so I would have liked to have seen his in the top.

  • Love 1

Dmitry's ready for love?! I'm HERE for you babe.  I liked his dress. I did agree with Isaac that the butt was wonky looking, but my crush for him means I'm pretty apt to overlook his faults. 


I thought the neckline on Helen's dress was terribly unflattering. Though I guess I can see a sad, relationship-in-shambles vibe from it.


What on earth was with that smock Zanna was wearing?


Yeah, I thought I remembered Justin doing a handmade ASL print during his previous season. 

I also remembered him doing something like that. I liked that version much better than this one. Like I think somebody above said, it did look like a cat with muddy paws stepped all over it. 


I thought Kate's dress was hideous, and am glad she's gone because I find her uninteresting and mildly irritating. But I didn't see why Isaac (mainly) was acting like he couldn't fathom where she got "beachy Florida vibe" from that color. It looked like sand. It was a bit drab, compared to everybody else's colors. And if I was going for "beachy" vibe, I wouldn't pick "sand" as my color. But it's not like she picked mustard yellow and said it reminded her of the ocean, which is the way Isaac was making it seem. 

Dmitry's ready for love?! I'm HERE for you babe.  I liked his dress. I did agree with Isaac that the butt was wonky looking, but my crush for him means I'm pretty apt to overlook his faults. 


I thought the neckline on Helen's dress was terribly unflattering. Though I guess I can see a sad, relationship-in-shambles vibe from it.


What on earth was with that smock Zanna was wearing?


I also remembered him doing something like that. I liked that version much better than this one. Like I think somebody above said, it did look like a cat with muddy paws stepped all over it. 


I thought Kate's dress was hideous, and am glad she's gone because I find her uninteresting and mildly irritating. But I didn't see why Isaac (mainly) was acting like he couldn't fathom where she got "beachy Florida vibe" from that color. It looked like sand. It was a bit drab, compared to everybody else's colors. And if I was going for "beachy" vibe, I wouldn't pick "sand" as my color. But it's not like she picked mustard yellow and said it reminded her of the ocean, which is the way Isaac was making it seem.

Kate's dress wasn't sand colored on my tv... It was a dirty gray, and she said it reminded her of the beach air..... I didn't mind Isaac's "what?" Look, since I agreed that nothing about that color looked beachy/ Florida to me.

  • Love 4

I couldn't find a picture why, but Helen's dress reminded me of Wallis Simpson, The Duchess of Windsor for some reason.


And I hate when they say, "Design a party dress". What kind of party? I know the interpretation of that gives the designers some freedom, but the judges always seem to "ding" them for not designing a dress the right way. They might say, "That's not sexy" (usually Heidi!) or  "That's not very luxurious" when the designer had a different kind of party in mind.

  • Love 1

I didn't like the premise of this challenge at all. It seemed they just wanted crying contestants that they could show in previews and use as a ratings grab. I would never want to discuss this on TV. It's too personal and private. Samantha definitely felt the same way. Plus, I had the same thought that as the recappers did about what this would be like for contestants who were asexual or who have never been in a relationship. The challenge is especially insensitive for designers in those situations.


Kate seemed to think that the judges were going to be completely enamored and ooooo and awwww with her story about how she met her fiance in pre-school. I loved when Isaac asked her how the colour of that fabric reminded her of Florida and she responded with "it reminds me of the smell of the air in Florida" and he was like "......okay".


Her comment about Dmitry's dress was hilarious. Although rather being into bondage, I get the impression that his love life has been pretty non-existent for a while. 


Michelle talks with the most affected, Valley-girl accent. It also doesn't help that the content of what she's saying is usually awful. I'm a horrible person, because when she mentioned that she was divorced and getting married again, I thought "how did she get one person to marry her, let alone two?"


I have liked some of Justin's work, but he's too emotional in general for me.


I really liked Jay's dress and thought it should have been in the top, although maybe it was a bit too simple for that. The colours of Samantha's dress were awful. Helen's was nothing special and that silhouette was nothing new, but I knew they weren't going to give Sonjia the win twice in a row. I liked the contrast of red and blue for Sonjia's dress, but that was about all I liked of it. Plus, the dress she won with last week was also a lace dress.

Edited by wudpixie
  • Love 5

Kate's dress wasn't sand colored on my tv... It was a dirty gray, and she said it reminded her of the beach air..... I didn't mind Isaac's "what?" Look, since I agreed that nothing about that color looked beachy/ Florida to me.


Isn't she from the Pacific Northwest? Even downhere in California we have rocky, rugged coasts - I think she got the Pacific Coast a bit confused with the Atlantic 'cause they're totally different things.

Edited by BathKol

I didn't like the premise of this challenge at all. It seemed they just wanted crying contestants that they could show in previews and use as a ratings grab. I would never want to discuss this on TV. It's too personal and private. Samantha definitely felt the same way. Plus, I had the same thought that as the recappers did about what this would be like for contestants who were asexual or who have never been in a relationship. The challenge is especially insensitive for designers in those situations.


Kate seemed to think that the judges were going to be completely enamored and ooooo and awwww with her story about how she met her fiance in pre-school.


I have liked some of Justin's work, but he's too emotional in general for me.


I hope to God they never ever ever ever ever ever do another one of these challenges again. I guess they can't pull this kind of shit on Project Runway so instead, they do it to the All Stars, 'cause you know - they CAN. For about twenty or thirty minutes we had to endure sobbing, crying, various forms of bitching, more tears, reverberations of emo...if I wanted to be depressed for the rest of the day I'd turn on the Hallmark Channel or National Geographic and listen to a bunch of noname scientists talk about global warming. I just knew from reading the episode summary this was going to be a horror show. I was not disappointed.


There was something really effed up about the whole "I met my husband in pre-school" bit. It was like a storyline out of a horror movie. In fact, Kate looked kind of possessed throughout this whole episode. She was really off in la la land. Sometimes I wonder if she has Multiple Personalities because there's several different Kates we have to endure. Nice, sweet Kate, Determined Kate, Creepy Kate...wtf?


I have to just be honest with myself and the world and agree with you on Justin. He appears on television to be a generally OK person but sometimes this emotional back-and-forth thing with him can be a bit tiring. I'm just going to leave it at that because I'll say something and people might take it the wrong way.

  • Love 6

The sleeves on Helen's dress had me flashing back to the monstrosity that Molly Ringwald wore to the prom in Pretty In Pink.


Molly Ringwalds dress in Pretty in Pink was probably the biggest fashion monstrosity that ever happened, or it was at least in the top 10 of all time.  To this day I remember how much I wanted her to look amazing in her dress, and she came out in....that?


I didn't like the premise of this challenge at all. It seemed they just wanted crying contestants that they could show in previews and use as a ratings grab. I would never want to discuss this on TV. It's too personal and private. Samantha definitely felt the same way. Plus, I had the same thought that as the recappers did about what this would be like for contestants who were asexual or who have never been in a relationship. The challenge is especially insensitive for designers in those situations.

The thing of it is, they could have gone off in so many directions as to what relationship and love they wanted to focus in on.  I don't remember them saying that "love story" had to be romantic in nature, its just what everyone's mind went to, and it seems like that motivated the run towards the red's.  But your love story can be something other than romantic love.  What about your love of fashion, what about loving your parents, what about your parents love for you, I don't think anyone has children, but why not love for your children, why not love of yourself (and not the asshole-y kind that Helen and Michelle have, but the confident kind that grows with time and accepting and learning to love who you are).  Oddly enough, this is the challenge that I wish Alexandria and Patricia were around for because I think both of them would have thought out of the box in terms of what love is.  I certainly think Alexandria would have used the love she has for the kids at camp couture.  Patricia maybe would have used the love of her Native American heritage as inspiration.  Its just so stale and so obvious to go with romantic love.  Most people should have experienced love, even if you're not in a romantic relationship.

  • Love 6

I, too, was slightly creeped out by Kate's "I met my husband in pre-school and we've been together ever since."

So he'll be wanting to sew his wild oats about 3 years into their marriage.

And her story keeps expanding. Next up: I met my husband while we were both in utero and our moms were at the OB/GYN's office.


So they will be developing a Project Runway Fourth Time's the Charm series so she can come back again and make more non-wedding dress wedding dresses. The only consolation would be that ULI and KORTO could be on the show with her and one of them might get the win they have deserved before but never got.


As Leighdear said, out of 10 contestants, Kate would come in 15th.


ETA: BathKol, please don't ever stop posting!

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 6

Say what you will, I think Alyssa dresses great for a fifty year old woman.  

Ok, here's what I will say: I am an almost SIXTY year old woman and I think she dresses horribly. I was hugely pregnant, twice, and without her resources and I will not-so-humbly say that I looked freaking awesome. In 1984 and 1994 respectively, that wasn't easy but I managed to do it. The choices are even greater now especially for someone with lots of money.


She looked a little better this week but last week??? I'm still washing my eyeballs.

  • Love 7

Either the judges were still passing around the bong from last week or it was some kind of weird backwards judging joke.

How in the name of all that is holy did Helens dress win, it was sad, droopy and dull. Oh and Helen, stop wearing Fergies dagger nails from a few years back!

Again WTH how is Sam not in the bottom, the color was awful, and that silver stretch fabric around the neck, uggh!

I actually liked Dimtry's bondage cheerleader dress. Mabye it's partly because I wanted to be a cheerleader in high school. Or maybe it's just my love of Dimitry and my speculation about his love life.

  • Love 5

Isn't the magazine pronounced "Mary" Claire, despite its name being "Marie Claire?" Alyssa kept saying "Marie."


Why couldn't the challenge have been more simple, like create a party dress that expresses love, instead of the convoluted past, present and future?


I cannot stand Justin's quivery, teary-eyed heart-tugging stories one more second. So of course he'll probably remain in this season until the bitter end.


Maybe Michelle's raspberry dress read better in person, but on my TV the color was horrific.


And on my TV, Kate's dress was a very pale green.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 4

I, too, was slightly creeped out by Kate's "I met my husband in pre-school and we've been together ever since."

So he'll be wanting to sew his wild oats about 3 years into their marriage.

And her story keeps expanding. Next up: I met my husband while we were both in utero and our moms were at the OB/GYN's office.

ETA: BathKol, please don't ever stop posting!

My suggestion would be birth control - not for her sake but his. We don't need any Katelets running around in the world, spreading the Word of the Kate. One is enough.

Aww, you betta stop!

  • Love 1

I cannot stand Justin's quivery, teary-eyed heart-tugging stories one more second. So of course he'll probably remain in this season until the bitter end.

Maybe Michelle's raspberry dress read better in person, but on my TV the color was horrific.

And on my TV, Kate's dress was a very pale green.

Sigh. Again, I have to open my trap and agree with you. I mean, in general this episode was worse than a medieval torture chamber, but he really took the cake with the tears. I think it was only when Justin and Zanna began to both sob and moan that I nearly jumped out my window in agony. I was waiting for them to embrace in the corner, sharing stories, eating chocolate cake.

Fuchsia is one of my favorite colors - but Michelle turned it into a pink fungus wrap bubble dress that baffles my mind. Her and Jay can get back on their spaceships and head home to their mother planets for all I care. They can even pack a free ride on a meteor if they like; we are right in the middle of a shower.

Her dress was a dull blue-gray on my screen. It's hilarious that everyone is seeing completely different shades and colors. She must have imbued her dress with the powers of the One Eye, and is carefully manipulating us with this act of subtle sorcery.

  • Love 1

Isn't the magazine pronounced "Mary" Claire, despite its name being "Marie Claire?" Alyssa kept saying "Marie.".


Heidi always pronounces it Mary Claire (or at least that's the closest I can get to what she's saying), but I've heard others on the show, possibly Nina, call it Marie Claire. I always thought it was Heidi's accent. I think it sounds better as Mary Claire, but that may just be from hearing Heidi saying it.

Random thoughts and musings:


- I agree with the poster upthread about Alyssa and her Studio 54-inspired look, except that I thought that she ate a disco ball. 


- I never, ever want to hear Zanna instructing anyone to "inject the sexy" into anything again. Ever.


Justin's dress was adorable, and his relationship story was a huge "Awwwwwww!" moment for me.


- Helen of Cry managed to create a literal expression of her perpetual sad face with her Frown Gown. Ugh.


- Kate? Between the babydoll dress and constantly declaring how much time was left, were you trying to tell us your biological clock is ticking? Hmmmm.


- Seth Aaron looked fabulous. I coveted his Union Jack socks.


On a side note, happy Thanksgiving to my fellow forum mates! Enjoy the time with your families, and be safe.


  • Love 4

Well, I'll chip in to say I adored Sanjia's dress.  The lace, the colors, the unexpected contrast of the shift shape with the tight underdress (or under-top-and-skirt).  I also liked it because a lot of different kinds of women could wear it and feel great in it.  I want it so bad.  Sanjia is now my favorite designer.  Could someone tell me what prior season she was on and how she did?


My second choice would have been Fabio's.  It wasn't really a party dress, but the design, the fabric, the cut, the meticulous tailoring all were excellent.  Dimitri's was cool, but I agree with Isaac that the rump view was not flattering.  Helen's dress was rather interesting and it was well done, but not my favorite.  I did like her cheeky little "bye, Nina!" as she left the runway.  


It was Kate's time to go, that's clear, though her dress was somewhat less horrid than Gunnar's awful mess.  Strangely, I get where Kate was going on her color choice.  She wasn't referencing the "now" Florida of South Beach, bright colors and revealing style.  In my view she was referencing the mid-century Florida where ladies wore floaty pastels and expensive jewelry to black tie parties at the country club.  I remember as a little girl how my mother would dress up to go out at night when we were vacationing in Florida.  I know Kate said something about the way the sea air smells but to me that was panicked runway babble.  I also know that "midcentury Florida" is probably not what the runway judges are looking for.  But just sayin', I kind of felt Kate's dress.  Not the execution though.  I wish they'd shown us what it looked like before she hacked it up.


Did it really happen that Zales saw the runway show and said "Give those crazy talented kids another $1000!"?  I mean, it would be nice if that were true, it just seems unlikely.

  • Love 3

Why did I think that when Nina was purring "Ferrari, Ferrari" she was talking about the designer and not the dress?

Haha! Because he is well put together and "anything but cheap"?


Well, I'll chip in to say I adored Sanjia's dress.  The lace, the colors, the unexpected contrast of the shift shape with the tight underdress (or under-top-and-skirt).  I also liked it because a lot of different kinds of women could wear it and feel great in it.  I want it so bad.  Sanjia is now my favorite designer.  Could someone tell me what prior season she was on and how she did?

She was on Season 10, along with Dmitry, Fabio, & Gunnar. I believe she was the last person aufed before Fashion Week. I like her, she's cool. I wish she'd give Michelle and Helen some makeup tips, because those 2 look especially busted standing next to her. 

  • Love 1


It's an interesting question, Dmitry's orientation, because as someone whose business is in Eastern Europe he has more reason than most of the contestants on this show not to be real explicit about any nonprocreative tendencies he might have.

As someone pointed out, he seems to like women and he doesn't ping my gaydar, but I thought that as well. He would have to be discreet about his orientation coming from anti-gay Russia. Or, being the no-b.s. kind of guy he is,  maybe he didn't want to play along with this bogus challenge and decided to keep his private life, private, which I respect him all the more for. How do you tell the "journey" of your love life in a frickin' piece of clothing? It just seems like a producer-driven challenge to get everyone to spill their guts and create drama for the cameras (I'm looking at you, Gunnar). I respect him all the more for not stooping to such theatrics. And really, it doesn't matter if he's gay or straight, other than I have a crush on him and was curious about his background. 

Edited by venezia54
  • Love 5

As someone pointed out, he seems to like women and he doesn't ping my gaydar, but I thought that as well. He would have to be discreet about his orientation coming from anti-gay Russia. Or, being the no-b.s. kind of guy he is,  maybe he didn't want to play along with this bogus challenge and decided to keep his private life, private, which I respect him all the more for. How do you tell the "journey" of your love life in a frickin' piece of clothing? It just seems like a producer-driven challenge to get everyone to spill their guts and create drama for the cameras (I'm looking at you, Gunnar). I respect him all the more for not stooping to such theatrics. And really, it doesn't matter if he's gay or straight, other than I have a crush on him and was curious about his background. 


He sort of strikes me as one of those guys that is just attracted to beautiful people, no matter what the gender.  I think a beautiful man might turn his head just as much as a beautiful woman.

I thought the connection was that the new diamond collection by Zales was called "Past, Present and Future".  That's why all the jewelry pieces had three diamonds each.

It is, but there was so little connection to the sponsor throughout the challenge (they didn't even have the models wear the jewelry!) that it seems like the entire thing could have been ignored.

  • Love 3

They clearly didn't get the sob stories they wanted out of this episode. Watching Zanna try to prod them was mildly amusing. But in general this week was incredibly boring. None of the fashion really interested me. Even looks that were fine like Dimitri's dress felt pedestrian. Mostly I was just bored. I don't think Kate was the worst but they were never going to let her win and I guess now is as good of a time as any to kick her out. The Sonjay love is crazy to me. I think the only thing that really entertained me was Michelle criticizing someone else's color choices. Did she not see her dress last week? And the first week? Justin's finger painting was just embarrassing though his red dress wasn't bad. I kind of liked Jay's dress even if it wasn't that exciting. Helen picked a great red. I liked the back of Benjamin's dress. These "All Stars" should really be better.

Peanut: STILL NOT RENEWING the subscription to Marie Claire since 2009, on principle!!! That made me laugh so hard I snorted a noodle up my nose. Fortunately, it was soft so it was easily removed.


I have been told I can hold a grudge, so...yeah.  I hadn't realized it's been five years.  Heh.

Did it really happen that Zales saw the runway show and said "Give those crazy talented kids another $1000!"?  I mean, it would be nice if that were true, it just seems unlikely.


 I think the producers misunderstood.  Zales wanted a $1000 given to them from every designer because that was such a terrible runway of suckage.

  • Love 5

They clearly didn't get the sob stories they wanted out of this episode. Watching Zanna try to prod them was mildly amusing.

I'm trying to think of what other horror stories they could wrench out of these people. They should have just said to design a dress based off of a traumatic event in your life - shit would be gettin real up in the sewing room if that was the challenge perimeter. Then we would hear about how somebody's uncle walked into the Light, or that their pet dog FooFoo was eaten by Kraken. Helen would probably say she was abducted by aliens and that they taught her how to do some technique, like that weird shredded layer thing she was constantly doing on her mother season. Kate's Illuminati so she'd just tell us that the Goddess like, wiped out all her bad memories.

  • Love 1

Are u kidding, Michelle is not about to take advice from anyone, on make-up or anything. She thinks she knows best and looks great. For me, she is very difficult to look at. Sorry...but honestly...even if she created fabulous clothes, which she does not, I still couldn't look at her. That hair just tops it off. And that mother of the bride dress was awful.

  • Love 2

I'm trying to think of what other horror stories they could wrench out of these people. They should have just said to design a dress based off of a traumatic event in your life - shit would be gettin real up in the sewing room if that was the challenge perimeter. Then we would hear about how somebody's uncle walked into the Light, or that their pet dog FooFoo was eaten by Kraken. Helen would probably say she was abducted by aliens and that they taught her how to do some technique, like that weird shredded layer thing she was constantly doing on her mother season. Kate's Illuminati so she'd just tell us that the Goddess like, wiped out all her bad memories.

I would hate for a race of aliens to think that Helen represented humanity.  Could we send up someone less embarrassing?  Maybe Gilbert Gottfried?  Fart Man?  Octomom?  The unattractive Kardashaian?  Snooki and/or JWow?  Right Said Fred?  The surviving member of Milli Vanilli?

  • Love 5

Is anyone else having an issue imagining Zale's very mainstream pendant lying across Helen's tattoo of scissors being stabbed through her neck? It just feels like two things that should never go together.


I have an aunt who wore almost an exact replica of Helen's dress to a wedding in the nineties. The only difference were the sleeves were more flattering, and the dress was in a hunter green color.  So in short, I had no idea what they were talking about Helen's dress being innovative.

  • Love 5

It's funny how everyone is seeing a different color for Kate's dress (bye, Kate!). On my t.v. it was verging - almost - on Alice blue, which I love, so I didn't see how the judges were saying it was a sad color or a neutral. And funnily enough I knew what she meant about it reminding her of Florida, even though smell might not have been the best choice of words... when Isaac wrinkled his nose I'm pretty sure he was imagining the briny, decaying scent of low tide on a hot day. The design was nothing special, though, and I'm fine with her leaving.


I completely agree with everyone's opinion about the sob stories. What is this, American Idol?


Justin's fabric design was a mess. It looked like a visit from Mr. Hanky The Christmas Poo.

  • Love 2

I had Michelle ( much to my chagrin) and Fabio at the top too. I thought they were robbed.


Yes, I hate even typing this, but Michelle, Helen and Fabio were my Top 3. Helen's doesn't seem to be a popular choice, and I agree that her execution on the sleeves was a little... droopy. But the overall sillouette was actually hauntingly romantic. I just hate that she was responsible for it.


Michelle and Fabio's didn't scream "party dress", which is why I do think Dmitry deserved to end up in the top - his was the most party appropriate - but I really loved their use of design and color.


Sometimes I wonder if she has Multiple Personalities because there's several different Kates we have to endure. Nice, sweet Kate, Determined Kate, Creepy Kate...wtf?


Most human beings exhibit a range of emotions and sides of their personality under different circumstances. I think Kate has been remarkably consistent in her "I am a fluffy pink Disney Princess who found my perfect DIsney Prince, but I will cut you if you cross me" approach to the world. I still really like her, but I have long since accepted that liking Kate is a party of one.


And for the first time in PR History, she actually deserved her elimination. Gunnar's dress was uglier and more poorly constructed, but Kate shirked the parameters of the challenge and deserved her punishment. Even if she can argue that she used a colour, she was specifically instructed to make something that was colourful, which she clearly didn't do. Based entirely on design concept in a vacuum, Kate's dress would have ended up somewhere in the middle. But when you factor in construction and challenge parameters... it was a huge miss.


I was disappointed with all of the designers, actually, for only using one colour. I was hoping when I heard the challenge - "to make a colourful party dress" - that we'd see a Mondo or Dom-esque attempt to blend colours and patterns in a unique way. Instead we got a parade of red dresses with one the colour of puke thrown in for effect.


I found Justin's dress remarkably hideous, which I feel bad about because his inspiration was quite lovely. But it looked like somebody had projectile diarrhea on the front and back of the dress.


Isn't the magazine pronounced "Mary" Claire, despite its name being "Marie Claire?" Alyssa kept saying "Marie."


This was discussed a few years ago on the TWoP, and the consensus seemed to be that you pronounce the beginning like "Mary", but then shift to "Marie" for the second syllable.


But Alyssa's pronunciation on everything is so tortured and bizarre that I will forgive her for missing this particular subtlty.

Edited by Oholibamah

I've always heard as shifting the itty bitty 'h'.  The French name has the slightest hint of an 'h' sound if you will, before the 'r'.  The magazine has it after.  Mehree.  Antoinette.   Meerhee Claire . .  Not quite but as close as I can explain without hurting my head and trying to bring back what I learned in linguistics: phonetics 101.

He sort of strikes me as one of those guys that is just attracted to beautiful people, no matter what the gender.  I think a beautiful man might turn his head just as much as a beautiful woman.


Agree. He doesn't ping my gaydar, but he does my bi-dar! He is really quite beautiful himself.

Wow, I guess I need to have my gaydar adjusted because mine was twirling off the charts with Dmitry.  But yeah I guess I can see bi as well perhaps.  I didn't know about the opinions of Eastern Europeans and homosexuality so it would make sense that he would be coy about that as a previous poster stated.  Enh, doesn't matter really he is my favorite so far and I would love to see a double win from him like Seth Aaron did!  And yeah a rather handsome man and I am loving his dry wit as well.


Justin's fabric design was a mess. It looked like a visit from Mr. Hanky The Christmas Poo.

Tee hee hee, that is funny!  The concept was a good idea, have the I love you hand sign on the fabric but IDK, if the ink just smeared or what because it just looked like black smudges all over his dress.  Would have been nicer if the visual was more clear. 


I watched this episode again and I gotta say I LOVE Michelle's dress!  The raspberry color & fabric, the fit, the black strips at the bottom, it was really beautiful.  I'm kinda surprised she wasn't in the top 3.  Ya know, I know it's only 3 episodes in but I kinda like this chick.  I didn't see her season so I don't know how she behaved there but she seems ok here.





Edited by Dirtybubble

[sonjia] was on Season 10, along with Dmitry, Fabio, & Gunnar. I believe she was the last person aufed before Fashion Week. I like her, she's cool. 


Thank you for the info!


I think the producers misunderstood.  Zales wanted a $1000 given to them from every designer because that was such a terrible runway of suckage.



Next challenge:  Make a funeral-appropriate dress reflecting the people in contestants' lives who have died, who are dying, and who are expected to die in the near future.  Explain each to Zanna in the workroom.

  • Love 2

Since Nina is not a regular judge on All Stars, and because Helen knew Nina from the previous time she was on Project Runway, maybe Helen was just saying good-bye to her as a friendly gesture.


And because, deep down, I'm sure Helen knows that her inexplicable success on Project Runway is because of Nina's misplaced support.

  • Love 1

And because, deep down, I'm sure Helen knows that her inexplicable success on Project Runway is because of Nina's misplaced support.

This is the one part of Nina that I despise, and I love Nina.  If she is partial to Helen its only because Nina believes that Helen with her pretentious hipster tattoos represents someone who is "young, hip and trendy" and so therefore the clothing she makes must also be young, hip, and trendy.  It reminds me of Nina trying so hard to pray at the alter of "young, hip and cool" to the point where she won't even take note that Helen is a dope.

  • Love 5

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