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S11.E07: Could We Start Again, Please?


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So Amy falls to pieces after being "outed" by a fellow junkie and it's Derek's fault? In what universe doesn't she have a responsibility to answer Owen's (reasonable) questions about what the patient's daughter said? But no, she expects Derek to smooth it out for her. And Meredith does too. These are "empowered" women?


It seems like the only thing Derek did wrong - apparently - was hiding Amy's druggie background from everyone else. And where does she get off telling him to handle a "head lac?" She's been snotty to him since she arrived.


And there's Meredith ditching her kids again to drink with Alex. I'll say it again: he should take the kids and leave Meredith's ass.

Edited by Tuleh2
  • Love 4

So much to love and hate about this episode. My hate first:


Dammit, Meredith - you know your husband has had a horrendous day, so what do you do? Go drinking with your buddies while your husband, who is torn up inside, gets to go home with the kids! If only Cristina were there to lay in bed with. I've never said this, or felt it, but right now, you don't deserve Derek.


Amelia - or should I call you A-ME ME ME-lia - you've been treating your brother like crap, so get off your high horse. He made it right, you have your job, and you've probably put the nail in the coffin with your nasty attitude. I hated this character every time she was on the show, and the hate continues, for good reason.


Arizona, can you not grin and smile when giving news to patients' families? It was creepy.


Callie: Who the hell is watching Sofia? Mark is dead, he can't babysit anymore.


Jo - go away.


The love:


Alex Karev, you are such a good friend, and the only support Arizona has right now. Plus, you're a kick-ass surgeon. Carry on.


Patrick Dempsey - what a phenomenal performance. Derek is at rock bottom, and he is all alone with no one to support him, and Dempsey played it perfectly.



And the more I watch, the more I think PD is gone, soon.

  • Love 4

Meredith was enjoyable tonight, as was the final scene in Ellis' old house. Amelia didn't grate too much in her storyline (despite the contrivances), but Bailey was unbearable again. Flashbacks were annoyingly "artsy." Hit and miss episode. 


I agree. I liked seeing them in the old house, toasting O'Malley and reminiscing about the incestuous nature of the group of them was a nice throwback to the show's hayday!


Are doctors legally required to disclose past problems with addictions? Personally, I thought Owen was being a bit of hypocrite to call a board meeting to discuss firing Amelia. Doctors are this hospital have worked through a great many issues that have adversely affected their work (Bailey keeping a patient in surgery at their risk while coping with her OCD, Smash killing Alex's father after not sleeping for a ridiculous amount of time, Richard working while drunk, etc). I am not a fan of Amelia, but I think the same rules should apply, whether you are part of the hospital's inner circle or not!

  • Love 8

Where do I start?


I thought Derek was a jerk to Amelia initially but he did atone and he knew he was in the wrong.  Nice work by PD at the end.  I really liked seeing the reactions during the board meeting.  You could tell Callie was disappointed in Derek due to his reason for not standing up for Amelia.  Nice work by SaRa.


Why was Owen so gung ho about demoting Amelia?  Yikes.  Lovely shade on you Chief of Surgery.


Arizona/Dr. Herman.  Good grief do I hate this storyline.  I think we are supposed to get confident surgeon Arizona from this storyline but my goodness what a mess she is creating for the hospital and the board.  This can't end well in that regard.


Callie.  I'm trying to figure out where she was coming from with regards to Arizona and I can only go with what we have seen so far.  In 11x05, she ended it but she wasn't malicious.  She told Arizona she wanted her to feel free too.  In 11x06 she tried to be nice and talk to Arizona about her living at the hospital and Arizona shut her down.  Understandably Arizona is upset but Callie is too.  It killed her to end it but she knew it was best for them at this time.  I think once Arizona shut her down, Callie decided she was not going to be a target.  Also, it seems like Arizona has left Callie to deal with Sofia since their split, what with Arizona living at the hospital.  I think it's understandable that Callie might not be feeling warm fuzzies towards Arizona right now but I do think she should probably express herself a little better.  No need to throw anyone out a window.   Maybe now that Arizona is living at Alex's she'll be able to share responsibility for Sofia.


I loved that scene at Alex's house.  Well done.  Although, Jo...chill out.  So your boyfriend had people over to his house.  Join in or buzz off.  When Alex let Arizona stay I was about to side with Jo, but then I thought, suck it up.  Alex's friend needs a place to stay.  It's only normal to say yes.  Callie didn't tell Arizona to kick out April last season.  It's what you do for friends going through a tough time.  Jo, learn how to be a better friend from Alex.

  • Love 2

Yay Geena Davis! Loved that she got a big part in this episode. She seemed much more natural, less stilted, in this episode than any of the previous ones. (I kind of suspect her doctor ran out of Botox the week they shot this episode.) She made Herman seem much more human and alive (finally!), and I am looking forward to all her future scenes.


Patrick Dempsey was very good too, especially in the last scene. And the friends hanging out together scene was a breath of fresh air (notwithstanding Jo's annoying pouting and Maggie's attendance).


Maggie, you buy “sad single-serving food for people who live alone” because you are a bitter, angry, irrational, irritating whiner with a monumental (and inexplicable) chip on your shoulder. Shut UP.


So this episode had a scene of Arizona vowing to learn a complicated fetal surgery procedure and a scene of Jackson telling April that their baby would be fine. Are we all in agreement that April’s baby is toast? And that Arizona will miraculously save him or her?

  • Love 5


So this episode had a scene of Arizona vowing to learn a complicated fetal surgery procedure and a scene of Jackson telling April that their baby would be fine. Are we all in agreement that April’s baby is toast? And that Arizona will miraculously save him or her?

At this point it would be more shocking if April had a normal delivery.

  • Love 7

With all of the many tragedies that have happened at the hospital, I've always been surprised that they haven't had an addicted Dr story line. With pill stealing and the like.

They've had every other tragic thing happen.

I've never watched Private Practice so I don't know anything about Amelia and her addiction but I think her having a relapse would make an interesting story line.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 1
I've never watched Private Practice so I don't know anything about Amelia and her addiction but I think her having a relapse would make an interesting story line.


I like Amelia, but watching her relapse and recover on Private Practice made me really dislike her for awhile.   It's bad when you don't feel sympathy for a person giving birth to a baby with no brain (literally).  And I'm still annoyed Grey's undid the happy ending they gave her on Private Practice by moving her to Seattle.  I'd like to see some good things happen to her.


I feel like addiction storylines are completely overdone on shows like this though.  

  • Love 1
Are doctors legally required to disclose past problems with addictions? Personally, I thought Owen was being a bit of hypocrite to call a board meeting to discuss firing Amelia. Doctors are this hospital have worked through a great many issues that have adversely affected their work (Bailey keeping a patient in surgery at their risk while coping with her OCD, Smash killing Alex's father after not sleeping for a ridiculous amount of time, Richard working while drunk, etc). I am not a fan of Amelia, but I think the same rules should apply, whether you are part of the hospital's inner circle or not!

I'm not sure if they are legally obligated to disclose, but Derek hired Amelia and he knew.  Richard (not sure to what degree) and Meredith both knew as well and they are on the board. Agree about Owen. It seemed to be partially about him just wanting to give Derek back the job. 


I liked the scenes with Amelia/Richard, Amelia/Derek and (surprisingly!) Meredith/Maggie. I also liked how they reshowed the childhood flashbacks to their father being killed.


Jo is becoming Derek. She was sitting in Derek's home office while Alex drank in the other room with Meredith and now there's friends moving in. Hopefully Arizona won't be hopping in bed like Meredith did.


At this point it would be more shocking if April had a normal delivery.

Did you see the promo that aired immediately after the show?

And I'm still annoyed Grey's undid the happy ending they gave her on Private Practice by moving her to Seattle.  I'd like to see some good things happen to her.



Edited by windsprints


I've never watched Private Practice so I don't know anything about Amelia and her addiction but I think her having a relapse would make an interesting story line.


What happened to Amelia on Private Practice was a relapse. Not sure how many times she could relapse and keep her career. Plus, 

Richard already relapsed on this show. His relapse wasn't that interesting.

  • Love 6


Did you see the promo that aired immediately after the show?

Yes I was just saying that it shouldn't surprise anyone that Arizona might end up saving the baby, I don't think one person on this show has had a normal delivery.


I'm not sure if they are legally obligated to disclose, but Derek hired Amelia and he knew.  Richard (not sure to what degree) and Meredith both knew as well and they are on the board. Agree about Owen. It seemed to be partially about him just wanting to give Derek back the job.

I don't think Richard knew until he ran into Amelia at an AA meeting.

I don't think Jo has much to worry about with Arizona being a guest. I feel like she would pretty respectful considering how much she hated when Mark would intrude on her relationship with Callie. I'm sort of surprised she chose Alex over April. Granted I'm sure the last place she wants to be is a house guest of an expectant mother.

Maggie, you buy “sad single-serving food for people who live alone” because you are a bitter, angry, irrational, irritating whiner with a monumental (and inexplicable) chip on your shoulder. Shut UP.


That didn't really bother me, but I was irritated that she equated having a cat as being a loser.


It does my heart good to see Derick humbled.  I've always found him extremely arrogant and self-righteous.  I've never cared for him much, but I appreciated how he almost immediately tried to correct his mistake.  I'm appreciating that Meredith and Derick are doing better with their sisters-in-law than their own sisters.


I saw a little spark between Owen and Amelia.  Wonder if their planning on coupling them up.


I'm continuing to like Arizona more than normal.  It's a wonder how much losing the constant grin and showing a little vulnerability has improved my impression of her.

  • Love 2

I'm continuing to like Arizona more than normal.  It's a wonder how much losing the constant grin and showing a little vulnerability has improved my impression of her.

Although her smile when her and Alex were talking to the husband had me yelling "STOP" at the TV.  His wife is still in surgery, DO NOT smile at him when you are telling him there were complications.


The constant grin made it hard to really warm up to her character.  It was hard to get a read on her and made her seem aloof.


They really need to have her be more vulnerable and I think this split has allowed that.


To be honest and I know some won't agree, I do want to see more of Callie's perspective of the split.  She's the one who wanted it and I want to see what she plans on doing with her new found freedom.


The other thing is, I said it before and I'll say it now, I don't like the brain tumor storyline at all, although Geena Davis was really good tonight.

  • Love 2

I saw Geena Davis's eyebrows move!


I knew that Amelia was staying with Meredith and Derek when she initially came to Seattle but she has been living there this whole time? As in during all this fighting and sex and inviting people to dinner and not answering the door? I realize she is a doctor so she is probably at the hospital a lot, but I don't remember the last time I actually saw her in the house.




Maggie, you buy “sad single-serving food for people who live alone” because you are a bitter, angry, irrational, irritating whiner with a monumental (and inexplicable) chip on your shoulder. Shut UP.

What really annoyed me about Maggie's sad sack speech about her lonely life is that if she doesn't have any friends, then GO MAKE SOME FRIENDS. If she is too busy to do that outside of the hospital like a normal non-doctor type person (because you know that no one on this show is allowed to have friends who work outside of Seattle Grace Death Hospital), then how about just being nice to some of your coworkers and then inviting them out for drinks or dinner?


When she said that she was excited that someone had finally invited her to dinner, I just rolled my eyes. I knew a girl like her ages ago. She would never take the initiative to call anyone or suggest plans. Instead she would just sit around feeling sorry for herself because no one had invited her to anything and then she would whine about how she was so left out. Girl, get off your ass and make something happen! I had to explain to her that instead of waiting for someone to plan an event and then invite you, it's much easier if YOU do it yourself. Ask someone you know to go bowling, have coffee, take a knitting class, go rock climbing, ANYTHING besides sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself because you haven't been included in the imaginary social gatherings that you think are taking place. I wonder if Meredith realized that Maggie had very little interest in having a sisterly bonding/family dinner and just wanted to come over to escape her future as a cat lady.


I HATED the way the flashbacks were shot (no pun intended). The extreme closeups, the shaky camera, the faux aging, the film projector sound effects - ugh. I thought I was watching a pretentious student film.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 4

Also, it seems like Arizona has left Callie to deal with Sofia since their split, what with Arizona living at the hospital.

It seems to me that Sofia is making sneakers at the hospital's daycare/sweatshop, along with Zola, Bailey and Tuck. Maybe the extra money that will bring in can pay for Arizona's hotel room. Kids do not work on this show, and the more they add, the more obvious it becomes.

No need to throw anyone out a window.

Hey, its a step up from telling people that she died in a plane crash.

loved that scene at Alex's house. Well done. Although, Jo...chill out. So your boyfriend had people over to his house. Join in or buzz off. When Alex let Arizona stay I was about to side with Jo, but then I thought, suck it up. Alex's friend needs a place to stay. It's only normal to say yes. Callie didn't tell Arizona to kick out April last season. It's what you do for friends going through a tough time. Jo, learn how to be a better friend from Alex.

Why would Jo want to hang out with any of them? Besides the fact that they are all her bosses, Meredith has been nothing but a bitch to her in her own house. She also had a stressful day, not that her oblivious boyfriend seemed to notice or ask about her first solo surgery apparently. He must have been getting "how to be a significant other" lessons from Meredith. I don't blame Alex for letting AZ stay, since what was he supposed to do when she shows up with a suitcase, but its no wonder that Jo doesn't feel like she belongs in that house.

Speaking of lessons, I liked Bailey with Jo tonight, but Jo needs be careful. Bailey is the walking embodiment of when confidence turns that corner into entitled arrogance.

I agree that Geena Davis was much better tonight, she seemed so much more like herself without that lockjaw thing that she had going on before. I also liked Stephanie tonight, but I still have no use for Maggie.

I wasn't really moved by Derek's man-pain, at least when it came to Meredith. This is kind of what he always does. He makes a decision, then second-guesses it and doesn't know what to do, and wallows, etc. I don't know if this will make Derek go back to DC so that Patrick Dempsey can go back to racing or giving cryptic, passive-aggressive interviews or whatever it is that he does, but I wish they would just get on with it.

I want to see what she plans on doing with her new found freedom.

Go out drinking with Meredith, apparently.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 2


I wasn't really moved by Derek's man-pain, at least when it came to Meredith. This is kind of what he always does. He makes a decision, then second-guesses it and doesn't know what to do, and wallows, etc. I don't know if this will make Derek go back to DC so that Patrick Dempsey can go back to racing or giving cryptic, passive-aggressive interviews or whatever it is that he does, but I wish they would just get on with it.



Can you point me to one of these passive-aggressive interviews? All I've ever read that he's said is that Grey's changed his life for the better, and that he's grateful for work.


It'll be interesting to see what happens if/when he leaves. I'm more inclined to think he's outta there, or has a reduced schedule. I think his performance last night was one of the best on the show from anyone.


Shame on his cast mates for not having one kind word to say about it last night on twitter. Shame on Shonda especially. The very reason I'll not watch another Shondaland show is that I think she's a vindictive witch.

  • Love 3

I've seen those exact flashbacks before, at first I thought it was in an old episode of Grey's but now I'm thinking it must have been in Private Practice. 


I dislike Derek and Meredith's attitudes right now... Derek is bearable though because of how badly Meredith is treating him. If he packed up their stuff and moved to DC with the kids while Meredith was out drinking, would she even notice?! 

  • Love 5

The thing is, I don't mind if Callie goes out and has fun with Meredith sometimes. She did say the night before she didn't get any sleep due to Sofia acting out, etc. so clearly it's not an everyday thing.

Everything since the beginning of Season 9 has been awful for her so if she wants to go out drinking sometimes I'm not going to hold that against her.

Edited by North
  • Love 2


I've seen those exact flashbacks before, at first I thought it was in an old episode of Grey's but now I'm thinking it must have been in Private Practice.


Yes, I remembered seeing the flashbacks (or similar flashbacks) in Private Practice.  I can imagine the casting call for a man and a boy, each with thick, luxurious hair.


I actually liked this episode, and the last two, quite a bit.  The married couple patients-of-the-week actually brought me to tears, because for once it was something less fantastical, and could logically happen to anyone.  I thought Owen was a complete shitheel in his treatment of Amelia, although I agree it was to get Derek back as Chief of Neuro.


The last scenes at Alex's house were old school Grey's, and the toast to George was appreciated.  I also liked the mention of Callie and Alex's one-time sexscapade.  "we're all related through sex."

  • Love 3

Maggie, you buy “sad single-serving food for people who live alone” because you are a bitter, angry, irrational, irritating whiner with a monumental (and inexplicable) chip on your shoulder. Shut UP.


Indeed.  I live alone, but manage to buy/cook multiple serving food items and then, omg!, make multiple meals out of them!!!!  What a concept!  Now, maybe Maggie can't cook (although microwaves can do large items too) or doesn't have time because she's too busy being miracle-making, super cardio god, but whining about "sad single-serving food" is incredibly annoying.  Just like pretty much everything else about this character.

  • Love 3
Can you point me to one of these passive-aggressive interviews? All I've ever read that he's said is that Grey's changed his life for the better, and that he's grateful for work.


I certainly can't quote anything verbatim, but if the Twitterverse is any indication, he has recently given at least one interview where he apparently gave a lot of people the impression that he was leaving sooner rather than later, and that as grateful as he has been for the opportunity, he is pretty much over the show and would rather be doing almost anything else.  Which, is completely fair, 11 years is a long time, and its not as if he has always been given the best material and he has other stuff going on.  I don't care if he goes or stays, but if he isn't going to say anything concrete, I wish he just wouldn't say anything at all, lest the season get highjacked by yet another "will they stay/will they go" speculation.


Shame on his cast mates for not having one kind word to say about it last night on twitter.


I don't follow him on Twitter, but does he often give shout outs to his fellow actors on their performance?  I know that he has always been extremely complimentary toward Ellen, but don't follow his career enough to know what he says about others.  I vaguely remember him not being real happy about the musical (which, I mean, yeah), but his castmates and crew worked really hard on it, regardless of if it was well done or well received.  

  • Love 3
Ask someone you know to go bowling, have coffee, take a knitting class, go rock climbing, ANYTHING besides sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself because you haven't been included in the imaginary social gatherings that you think are taking place.


Exactly! She's becoming a recluse with no friends because she makes no attempt to get out of her house to do things and to make actual friends. Ugh.


Chief of Hypocrisy Hunt doesn't have a leg to stand on in terms of wanting to fire Amelia for being a recovering-as in 'not active'-  addict with a demonstrated ability to do her job (I'd try to predict how long she's been clean, but the timelines on Shonda's shows make my brain hurt), since his PTSD period made him as much of a potential danger to patients as Amelia's drug past make her. 

  • Love 3

I certainly can't quote anything verbatim, but if the Twitterverse is any indication, he has recently given at least one interview where he apparently gave a lot of people the impression that he was leaving sooner rather than later, and that as grateful as he has been for the opportunity, he is pretty much over the show and would rather be doing almost anything else.  Which, is completely fair, 11 years is a long time, and its not as if he has always been given the best material and he has other stuff going on.  I don't care if he goes or stays, but if he isn't going to say anything concrete, I wish he just wouldn't say anything at all, lest the season get highjacked by yet another "will they stay/will they go" speculation.



I don't follow him on Twitter, but does he often give shout outs to his fellow actors on their performance?  I know that he has always been extremely complimentary toward Ellen, but don't follow his career enough to know what he says about others.  I vaguely remember him not being real happy about the musical (which, I mean, yeah), but his castmates and crew worked really hard on it, regardless of if it was well done or well received.  


From his interview, talking about the Dempsey Center, which doesn't sound shitty or passive aggressive to me at least, he said:


"'Anytime I can bring attention to our great cause, I will,' he told the Press Herald. 'It is embarrassing, at times, to have your name up there, because no one individual is responsible for all this. But the reality is, I am visible. Acting [in Grey's Anatomy] has been a blessing for me and has allowed me to do all this. But it's transitional for me right now. I'm looking forward to the next thing, creatively.'


He goes on to say that he'll be leaving "very soon" but that he can't say exactly when yet."


Maybe if the season is "highjacked" by this news it's because he's a fairly important character to some viewers?  Maybe it says a little something about the importance or draw of the other actors/characters? I dunno. I can't imagine a big outcry if Chandra Wilson says she's leaving.


He hardly posts on Twitter, mostly I think because he's dyslexic so when he makes a mistake, he's harshly ridiculed for his spelling. He's consistently said wonderful things about Ellen, Sandra, and Chandra. My comment on the others is that their behavior IS to make comments about great performances. That's all :)


For someone like me, who at this point watches the show for him and for Ellen, it's a disappointment. For others, not so much. Since I can't stand at least three of the remaining characters, Patrick/Derek leaving is a big deal to me because I won't watch for Callie, Maggie, and Amelia, the three whiners.

  • Love 5

I liked the old couple too, but was anyone else startled that the wife was presumed dead and her pulse checked almost as an afterthought?  


Derek's deep pain is because of what?  Not going to DC?  Not being Department head?  His life is meaningless now and his children are worth nothing?  I'm not getting it. Is he going to become an addict now?


I'm guessing that religion is going to be the big thing with Jackson and April.  The baby is going have severe problems and April is going to want to keep him/her alive at all costs and Jackson's going to want to let it go.  Total conjecture here, I've only seen the promo.  

  • Love 3


I liked everyone giggling over their "Sex" Degrees of Separation relationship. Seriously, that's gross. Cut that out.

Derek continues to annoy me and the sad part is I can't even care enough to figure him out. It was very douchey of him not to speak up immediately for Amelia. If he legitimately thought her issues were a problem, that's one thing, but he subconsciously-but-not-really saw an opportunity to get his job back from her? Had a moment where a thought kind of races through your mind like "Everyone knows that Amelia's a drug addict this can't be good for her job the board will probably want to fire her now hey they might give the job back to me I really liked that job and I have nothing else to be excited about my hair is pretty" and then he just let his silence speak for itself. Not cool, McTurdy, not cool.

I had a hard time, though, taking Amelia's condemnation seriously. Are these people not adults, and better yet, doctors? I found it very hard to believe that she'd be walking down the hallways and everyone is pointing and whispering like a bunch of teenagers. Grow up! And maybe I just don't know about these things, but is this really such a big deal that they would call a board meeting to consider her fitness for the job? I mean, Rude Lady didn't say that she is STILL using, they were just shooting up together the night before, they do it all the time, etc. Amelia is in recovery. She had a substance abuse problem, and that is something that never goes away even if you never actually use again, but she's not using anymore. She's clean and she's treating her condition, because it's a medical issue. Seriously, are they really having all this brouhaha over the fact that one of their doctors used to do drugs? Whatever.

I like how the show doesn't even seem to care to pretend that Stephanie actually has a purpose anymore.

I wonder what Maggie is going to throw an irrational hissy fit over next week? Seriously, this woman bugs. Yes, Derek pushed you to give your sister a chance and invited you to dinner and they didn't even bother to answer the door. Did she have a right to find that rude and annoying? Yes, because it is. But did she have to go on a tirade about it? No. Shut up, lady, it's not Meredith and Derek's fault that you have a sad, lonely life eating single-serve meals while you talk back to the TV.

  • Love 3

 I love how people screw up or don't know if they screw up and the attending doctors and people who know better just sit there and look like a deer in the headlights. I also get a kick that Geena Davis's doctors said she needed aggressive radiation therapy but don't:


A) Tell her to stop doing surgery.

B) Keep saying she has 6 months to live but are doing the therapy to begin with when they know she is going to die soon.

C) Doesn't seek both Shepherds who are well known brain surgeons about her condition.

D) That now that a patient is dead and other fellowship intern is an idiot that Arizona of course isn't going to tell Owen or anyone else that she could collapse or have a seizure or screw up a patient case like this one at a moments notice. Because you know, she chose her to be special. 


 Its just bad! Its going to take her falling to the floor in the middle of a surgery and have both mother and baby die and then the truth come out because when they rush her out of the operating room. They are going to see the tumor and Derek and Amelia are going to go: "Why didn't we know about this?"

Edited by readster
  • Love 2

I liked the old couple too, but was anyone else startled that the wife was presumed dead and her pulse checked almost as an afterthought?  


Derek's deep pain is because of what?  Not going to DC?  Not being Department head?  His life is meaningless now and his children are worth nothing?  I'm not getting it. Is he going to become an addict now?

Was I the only one who thought the man was holding a mannequin and not his dead/not dead wife?  I seriously thought he had jumped out a window to save the life of "real doll" or equivalent that he was madly in love with.  Quite frankly, at Seattle Grace Death, I'm surprise anyone checked for a pulse.  So hey, go Meredith!


As for Derek's great pain, okay, he's not head of neuro anymore.  Doesn't mean he's not a surgeon.  They act like only one doctor in each specialty ever gets to do anything.  The waiting list for surgery in Seattle would be miles long.  If anything, not being a department head should free up his time more for surgery, research and whatever else he wants to do.  


And I call shenanigans on yet another emergency board meeting.  Was there anything emergent in the big Amelia reveal?  Again, it's not like she's the only neurosurgeon available.  

  • Love 2

I somehow liked the episode quite a bit while being annoyed by half of them. The Grey sisters just plain bore me. I don't care about their pot roast, Maggie's sad meals or if she gets a cat. I'm also sick of Derek being sad and mopey about his job. I get that Meredith refusing to move at the last minute left him with the choice of the great job or his wife and kids but dude, you're a world renowned neuro surgeon. If you don't like that your sister has the job you gave up (and YOU offered her & encouraged her to take) then go start a private practice. I was glad to see him step up for Amelia in the end. 


What happened to the research Meredith wanted to stay in Seattle to do?  This season she seems to have lots of drinking time and isn't spending much time with her kids so she should have plenty of time to continue along. Speaking of kids I hope Callie and Arizona hired a nanny/baby sitter. At least Callie made a mention of caring for Sofia.


I liked the scene of them in Alex's house and loved that they actually remembered George. I did feel bad for Jo though and would like to see Alex put her first sometimes. I don't have a problem with Arizona staying for short time until she finds a place. I don't see Arizona being intrusive or nasty to Jo like Meredith. I also liked the patient storylines in this episode and that is hit or miss for me these days.


I liked the balance in this episode. There were storylines that had the forefront but it was still mostly inclusive of all. I like that approach better than having episodes that focus only on a single character.

Was I the only one who thought the man was holding a mannequin and not his dead/not dead wife?  I seriously thought he had jumped out a window to save the life of "real doll" or equivalent that he was madly in love with.  Quite frankly, at Seattle Grace Death, I'm surprise anyone checked for a pulse.  So hey, go Meredith!


I totally thought if was a blow-up doll or something.  Actually said aloud "that doesn't even look like a real person".  To my cat.  Because I am apparently a sad, single, live by myself with cats, person.  I guess I need to go yell at Meredith or something.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 7

I totally thought if was a blow-up doll or something.  Actually said aloud "that doesn't even look like a real person".  To my cat.  Because I am apparently a sad, single, live by myself with cats, person.  I guess I need to go yell at Meredith or something.



If we ever meet in person, I'll buy you a dinner so you don't have to go it alone ;)

  • Love 5


Shame on his cast mates for not having one kind word to say about it last night on twitter. Shame on Shonda especially. The very reason I'll not watch another Shondaland show is that I think she's a vindictive witch.

Preach it! i've had the same impression re Shonda for a long time and have also sworn off any other Shondaland project. She can't say enough about those who are her favorites and can't be bothered to acknowledge those who aren't. Can't account for the cast mates, though. Seems like there used to be much more Twitter interaction among the cast; don't know why the dropoff.


This sure does feel like an exit arc of some kind for PD, and if that's the case I think it's a shame. He shines when given the material, but that so seldom happens. It's a characteristic of Shondaland: "empowering" their female characters in part by consistently underwriting their male characters. (Alex, anyone?) 




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What happened to the research Meredith wanted to stay in Seattle to do?  This season she seems to have lots of drinking time and isn't spending much time with her kids so she should have plenty of time to continue along.

THIS x 1000. Shonda touted this as the "year of Meredith." The year of Meredith doing what? Neglecting her kids to go drinking, interfering in Alex's relationship, antagonizing her newly-discovered sister (though I'll give her a pass on that - can't stand Maggie), and being utterly oblivious to her husband's pain -- this is our heroine? I've been a big MerDer supporter from the start, but can't stand Mer's behavior this season.


And that doesn't mean I'm excusing Derek. He's behaved very badly more than once. But he's trying, and it doesn't seem that Meredith is. His "I don't know who I am anymore" last night just broke my heart. (Great work from PD!) So much of his identity has been tied up in his professional role. Now that's changed dramatically. He's severely depressed and doesn't know how to deal. I get that, having been there myself. Wish I thought the writers would do a good job with this, but I'm not optimistic. 

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Has it changed dramatically?  It would have if they'd gone to DC.  But he seems upset that it hasn't changed, he's simply a regular surgeon instead of dept head and his little sister is taking the cool surgeries.  This to me is less cause for existential angst then it is to come up with a new plan - research, which he's shown great interest in - or private practice.  He can take only cool surgeries then.  He could have a billboard that says "Don't waste my time with little crap".  

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Why would Jo want to hang out with any of them? Besides the fact that they are all her bosses, Meredith has been nothing but a bitch to her in her own house. She also had a stressful day, not that her oblivious boyfriend seemed to notice or ask about her first solo surgery apparently. He must have been getting "how to be a significant other" lessons from Meredith. I don't blame Alex for letting AZ stay, since what was he supposed to do when she shows up with a suitcase, but its no wonder that Jo doesn't feel like she belongs in that house.



Exactly! It's not like she ever had the house alone for herself and Alex. First Cristina lived there with them. Then Meredith started intruding and now Arizona moved in. That in addition to the fact that Alex has been so oblivious practically the whole season makes it more than understandable that Jo is frustrated with the current situation. I wish Alex was more considerate of her. Sure he can hang out with his friends, but after the talk with Jo last week, where she voiced some of her insecurities, I can't believe that he's back to not noticing when his girlfriend is feeling leftout. From all we've see this season it must feel for Jo like Alex puts his friends before her. And for somebody who probably never had anybody who put her first, that must be especially crappy.


That being said, I like that Alex took Arizona in. It was the right thing to do and it somehow makes me happy that he went to him. But Jo has every right to be upset. I hope she gives him a piece of her mind in the next episode.

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Bailey being Old Awesome Ass-kicking Bailey was so refreshing. More please!  She can jog all she wants if we get to see this.  Also, more Ben please.  Having Bailey more regularly ride the interns would give Stephanie more to do, too.


I get Jo's insecurities, though I do find that actress a bit annoying.  I too enjoyed the scene with the drinking and the 'sexual relations' and it did make sense for Jo to feel a bit outside of that.  People mope in real life, it's ok.


Re: Graham, I didn't realize til I read the Rankle that he was the competitor of Arizona's, instead of just some random doctor.


Patrick Dempsey did a good job today.  He is all turned around.  But I don't get why he can't relax sometimes and just enjoy the medicine and his kids.

A) Bailey reading during surgeries is nothing new. She always does that when babysitting interns.

B) I would be surprised to see PD leave, at least not without having another sure thing lined up. Racing cars at his level costs millions of dollars. He made the podium at the 24 Hours of Daytona a couple of years ago after leading the race for several hours. Grey's works around his racing schedule, he is not leaving unless he can find another job that will give him that kind of freedom.

Anyway, I think the show is over if either PD or EP leave.

  • Love 2
That in addition to the fact that Alex has been so oblivious practically the whole season makes it more than understandable that Jo is frustrated with the current situation. I wish Alex was more considerate of her. Sure he can hang out with his friends, but after the talk with Jo last week, where she voiced some of her insecurities, I can't believe that he's back to not noticing when his girlfriend is feeling leftout. From all we've see this season it must feel for Jo like Alex puts his friends before her. And for somebody who probably never had anybody who put her first, that must be especially crappy.


Jo was pouting in a separate room like she was a 5-year-old. Join the effing party, then you won't feel so left out! Alex isn't her babysitter and I don't think it's his responsibility to monitor if she's feeling left out. She has to exercise some agency herself.


I don't think it's a case of Alex being oblivious so much as it is Jo stewing in silence and then being passive-aggressive then screaming at him (like last episode where she yelled about how she had nowhere to go if they broke up). I can't stand Alex and even I think he did nothing wrong in this episode w/r/t Jo and their relationship.

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