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S11.E06: Don't Let's Start


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I liked this episode tonight.  Everyone dialed down their obnoxiousness except for April and Maggie.  Way to act ridiculous when your mother goes into Grandma mode, Kepner.  That SL must have had some footage left on the cutting floor, because she seemed rather abrupt with her mother.  


I figured that something had to be wrong with Dr. Herman.  Arizona better get to cramming, since she only has 6 months to gain all of Dr. Herman's knowledge.


I just wish Maggie's SL had been written better. 

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April's mother said that the crib had been used for several generations.  I thought those old cribs with the side that slides up and down were considered dangerous now and are not supposed to be used.  It seems like at least April would know that, and would let her mother know why they couldn't use it.  I get that she wouldn't want to hurt her mother's feelings, but April surely wouldn't want an unsafe crib.

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Ironically, in a season seemingly defined (so far) by character-centric episodes, this installment suffered from a lack of focus. Too much going on, and not enough to wave the stories together cohesively. April and Jackson are good in small doses, so I was worried about getting a lot of them tonight. It wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated; instead, I thought the whole storyline was blah. Telegraphed from the start. That also goes for Arizona's story. The episode made it painfully clear early on that Davis' character was having a health issue. So the final scene lacked suspense. I'm going to reserve judgement on the story itself, because I think it has potential. But its introduction tonight was poorly handled. Meanwhile, I thought the Meredith-Derek-Maggie-Richard story was subpar. It wasn't as predictable as the others, so I was more invested. However, I'm still finding the whole Maggie beat to be half-baked and inferior. I hope it gets better soon. 

Edited by upperco
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I laughed at Derek's 'Zola needs more black people in the family.  I've run out of ways to braid her hair, and Bailey won't show me any more'.  I mainly laughed because I just saw the episode (yesterday morning, I think) where Bailey scolded Derek for not fixing Zola's hair properly.  It would have been better if we had actually gotten to see Zola, though. 

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Speaking of the children, I've seen Zola this season. So where is baby Bailey? I guess he is in the room where Sophia is...


I'm beginning to think that all of the kids are just left in the hospital's day care center 24/7.  It seems like when we do see any of the young'uns, it's somewhere in the hospital, no matter what time of day it is.

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Kepner can go anytime now. She's such a shrew. Remind me why Jackson chose her over Stephanie? Now Stephanie is just there randomly with no storyline of her own. She should have left with Shane and Christina.


I'm glad they didn't make Geena Davis' character a new love interest for Arizona. Although AZ covering for her boss is eerily reminiscent of Christina covering up Burke's hand injury in earlier seasons.


Jo's breathy declaration of emotional homelessness with Alex was so melodramatic. Save up an "F U" fund like everyone else, so when Alex gets pissy you can chuck the deuce and get your own place if you have to...like an adult.

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Is it just me or was that jogging scene done in green screen?  Are Shonda's shows not allowed to be filmed outdoors anymore?  Is she hiring actual vampires and must protect them from the sun?  Seriously though, I haven't been a regular viewer for a while and maybe the atrocious green screens in Scandal this season have me seeing things.  That was fake right?

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A few thoughts:


I am sick of Derek trying to force Meredith to bond with her family at a pace that seems unnatural to her! Finding out you have a sister you never knew about (again!) is a bombshell! Having her over for dinner is one thing, but then adding Richard into the mix without discussing it with Meredith or Maggie was unfair to all of them. Derek is not god and cannot make them a happy family by sheer will!


Loved Alex giving advise to Arizona! Sometimes he seems like the most sensible person on the show. 


And, April, trust me, your mom is not that bad! I get that pregnancy hormones might be making you a little nutty (I'm 34 weeks preggo and have had my share of meltdowns), but you have a kind while slightly over-the-top mother who is genuinely excited for you and gets along with your husband! Spend a day with my mother-in-law and you will be begging your mom to move in with you!! 

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Felt like there was a lot of Crazy Woman Freaks Out and Is Comforted/Reprimanded by Her Man tonight. April yelling at her mother and being chastised by Jackson; Bailey being lectured by Ben; Meredith being lectured by Derek; Arizona being told how to speak in the OR by Alex; Jo flipping out and picking a random fight and being calmed by Alex; the bruised patient being lectured by Owen; etc. etc. It was all so one-note. Bitches be crazy, amirite?!


The dialogue literally sounds like it was written by a computer. So much parallelism and repetition. The stupid speeches. Oy.


I love me some Geena Davis, so of course they plan to kill her off.

Edited by CleoCaesar
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I really would like to care for April but I don't.  Her reaction was a little much.  I did like the last scene between her and her mother.


Jo, go away.  I didn't care at all about her identifying with the patient.  Not one bit.  Unfortunately, the only time I really found Jo tolerable was when she was connecting professionally with Callie last season.


Please give Stephanie something to do or send her away.  I actually like Jerrika Hinton and think if given a storyline she would be fine, but they aren't utilizing her at all.  What's the point in keeping her around?  Did they just want to keep another resident from Jo's year around to give her someone to talk to sometimes?


Meredith and Derek...not interesting to me.


I really like Ben and wouldn't mind seeing more of him away from Bailey.


Maggie...Richard was wrong he admitted it.  Let it go.


So Dr. Herman is dying.  What a huge non-surprise.  So, if Arizona keeps this a secret can this come back to bite her in the behind?  I mean, I can't imagine people being thrilled to find out a doctor with a brain tumor was operating on their fetus.


Arizona is clearly pissed with Callie, which is understandable.  She wanted to stay together, Callie didn't.  Callie seemed a little detached in that scene.  Almost like she didn't realize how upset Arizona was until she walked out.  Those two need a little distance for a while before they can try to build some kind of rapport with each other.

Edited by North
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As a member of the board, if Arizona's situation happened in the real world, she'd have a duty to report Dr.Gina's status to the board. The "I'm going to be showing symptoms" equals liability for the hotel. 


In Shondaland, such concepts don't exist.


Loved Alex, in general. Tired of Meredith, although I did like Derek playing family matchmaker. Who's the man in the Richard-suit?

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So Dr. Herman is dying.  What a huge non-surprise.  So, if Arizona keeps this a secret can this come back to bite her in the behind?  I mean, I can't imagine people being thrilled to find out a doctor with a brain tumor was operating on their fetus.

I'm imagining the potential lawsuits from all the patients Herman has operated on since she found out about her brain tumor, plus all the ones she will operate on in the next six months. The plane crash lawsuit would look like chump change in comparison.

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I'm imagining the potential lawsuits from all the patients Herman has operated on since she found out about her brain tumor, plus all the ones she will operate on in the next six months. The plane crash lawsuit would look like chump change in comparison.


Ugh, this is so true!  And the really dumb thing is there aren't only two options here, lie or nothing.  Why can't Hernan tell the board, but also agree to teach Arizona while she still can, without performing the surgeries herself?  I'm sure April can make an appropriate fruit salad or turducken that Arizona can use to practice the techniques Hernan teaches her.

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I can see from the above posts that I'm in the minority but great episode - one of my favourites so far. I did not see that twist coming at the end with Dr. Hermann.

I feel like Arizona and Callie have completely switched places and the only point of their storyline this season was so that Callie could be the one to do the dumping this time around.

Didn't hate the verteran storyline as much as I thought I would although did Hunt get highlights?

April - overreaction to her mother much? I love April but she was so defensive toward her poor mother. Loved Jackson being the perfect husband though and glad she acknowledged her jerkiness towards the end.

Nice seeing Jo get a bit of screentime. Also, good playback to her homelessness without overdoing it the way they used to when she first arrived. I do love her with Alex and I think it's rare she's the one panicking about them as a couple so it was a nice change to see her freak out and Alex support her. I was hoping he would ask her to move in though..

Maggie please forgive Richard... he's breaking my heart.

Bailey went an entire episode without annoying me. Not only that but I thoroughly enjoyed her in this episode.

I can see from the above posts that I'm in the minority but great episode - one of my favourites so far. I did not see that twist coming at the end with Dr. Hermann.

I feel like Arizona and Callie have completely switched places and the only point of their storyline this season was so that Callie could be the one to do the dumping this time around.

Didn't hate the verteran storyline as much as I thought I would although did Hunt get highlights?

April - overreaction to her mother much? I love April but she was so defensive toward her poor mother. Loved Jackson being the perfect husband though and glad she acknowledged her jerkiness towards the end.

Nice seeing Jo get a bit of screentime. Also, good playback to her homelessness without overdoing it the way they used to when she first arrived. I do love her with Alex and I think it's rare she's the one panicking about them as a couple so it was a nice change to see her freak out and Alex support her. I was hoping he would ask her to move in though..

Maggie please forgive Richard... he's breaking my heart.

Bailey went an entire episode without annoying me. Not only that but I thoroughly enjoyed her in this episode.

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When I see or hear someone mention Stephanie I have to remind myself she's on the show and who she is. Jo is pointless, and is dragging Alex into her black hole of "who cares". I liked that April's mom called her out on her rudeness. And it was beyond sweet that Jackson and her mom have been com-fabing for months on "all things baby". Although that scene where April comes home to the entire BabieRUs stock in her living room, I did wonder if the mom realized that she and Jackson bought so much baby gear, that there was now no reason for a shower. lol.


I don't care about Owen. I don't care about Callie or Arizona, or Calzona as a whole.


Didn't realize that it was going to be that Geena Davis' character is dying. They got me. But I don't care. She's still a raging bitch. And Geena Davis needs to cut back on the botox. At this point she's had so much she is like a statue, and it seems to be impeding any chance of emoting, or even understanding her when she's speaking. Guess it would be hard to talk if you can't actually over your mouth.



Okay, the shower scene? Please show that in its entirety on the DVD, 'k Shonda? Good lord, they still have it

I tweeted that Patrick Dempsey, Ellen Pompeo, and Mary J Blige (it was new music from her playing in background) still got it goin' on. That scene was crazy hot. I too, was sorry there wasn't more. But I assume was a time issue, as well as Grey's now being at 7pm, which is the supposed fam hr.


I liked this ep as a whole, but at the same time, I can see why some viewers saw it as somewhat disjointed. Almost like separate vignettes filmed, and then strung together w/out any real cohesive plan.


I thought Bailey's storyline was interesting, and was glad it wasn't her "developing" some new disorder or prob.


I think it comes down to the cast is now too large, and it is becoming unwieldy. They are going to need to thin the herd to make the show more focused. Otherwise they have no choice but to do A Very Special...every week.



I laughed at Derek's 'Zola needs more black people in the family.  I've run out of ways to braid her hair, and Bailey won't show me any more'.  I mainly laughed because I just saw the episode (yesterday morning, I think) where Bailey scolded Derek for not fixing Zola's hair properly.  It would have been better if we had actually gotten to see Zola, though. 

Like you, recently saw the "kitchens" ep on Lifetime, so I thought it was a clever throwback/shouout to a past episode. I also thought it was cute that McDreamy was still getting his African American hairstyling lessons from Bailey. So cute, and so sweet. Also completely real comment to make if adopting outside ones' own race.

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I get that April's mom is excited about being a grandma but that doesn't mean she should get to steamroll her daughter during her first pregnancy. What if April wanted to pick out stuff for the nursery and put the crib together with Jackson? Even though her mom was just being enthusiastic and trying to be helpful, she still needs to remember that this is April's baby, not hers. Just because you are the grandmother doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want. She was reminding me of those psycho moms who want to plan their daughter's entire wedding. Nope, you had your turn so sit down.


That said, April needs to be a little nicer to her mom. She flew out to see her pregnant daughter who didn't bother taking a few hours off from work to spend time with her. She knew her mom was coming so she should have asked for the afternoon off so they could get lunch, go shopping, or just hang out for a few hours. I getthat April is a doctor and her job is to save lives yadda yadda yadda but dude, your mom is visiting. The least you can do is set aside a couple of hours to see her.


Jo can STFU. If you are THAT concerned with what's going to happen to you if you and your boyfriend break up, then HAVE A PLAN. You know, like save some money so that you can get your own place. What really annoyed me is that in one breath she was saying she will have nowhere to go if Alex dumps her, but she also said that he never asked her to move in with him which means she should still have her own place somewhere in Seattle where she is still paying rent ergo if Alex dumps her she can go back there, right?


But beyond all that, why is it Alex's fault that you don't have a backup plan? Do you want him to sign a legal document that says if he dumps you, he will pay for you to have a new place to live? Good lord, woman. Act like an adult! I would also like to point out that if Alex dumps her, she is still a doctor so she can still get a pretty high paying job to support herself and pay rent. She isn't going to be working part time at some crappy job like the patient who was living in her car.


While I am fine with Derek encouraging Meredith to get to know Maggie, he needs to realize that not everyone is on the same time table as the one in his head. If Meredith isn't ready, CALM DOWN. The world isn't going to end if it takes her a little while to accept this brand new sister. I guess he was going for the super efficient "kill two birds with one really awkward stone" strategy by also inviting Richard to the same dinner. Can't we handle one awkward social situation at a time?

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I tweeted that Patrick Dempsey, Ellen Pompeo, and Mary J Blige (it was new music from her playing in background) still got it goin' on. That scene was crazy hot. I too, was sorry there wasn't more. But I assume was a time issue, as well as Grey's now being at 7pm, which is the supposed fam hr.


Yeah, well Patrick Dempsey said on Kimmel that now that they were on at 8 p.m. (7 central!), there would be "no thrusting" in the sex scenes. Sorry, Patrick, I noticed a tiny little bit of thrusting :) Nice throwback to prom sex, where Meredith was similarly, um, situated.

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Derek & Meredith still got it. I thought their initial conversation in the bedroom was hilarious, especially about Zola needing more black people in the family. However, the most interesting reveal to me was finding out that Obama was president. I know that some of us who watch Scandal were hoping for a Shondaland crossover episode when Derek was initially interviewing for the job at the NIH. It's probably best that didn't happen, since Scandal is completely off the rails now. 


I understand WHY she's upset, but Maggie dropped into everyone's lives completely unnanounced, and forced unrealistic expectations on how they're all supposed to react to her existence. She's being completely irrational towards Richard. This whole storyline is fucking ridiculous and annoying. 


Alex really has come a long way now, hasn't he? It's sad we get him in such small doses, because he's really grown up and it's so refreshing to see that. The Alex of yore probably would have stormed off or said something mean to Jo when she freaked, but instead he just acted like a supportive boyfriend. Even though I thought the homeless veteran story was a little heavyhanded, it was nice to get a reminder of Jo's past and how it's shaped her. 


Bailey didn't annoy me for once. Still don't care about April/Avery/Arizona. Geena Davis rocks. There are way too many characters on this show. 

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Jo can STFU. If you are THAT concerned with what's going to happen to you if you and your boyfriend break up, then HAVE A PLAN. You know, like save some money so that you can get your own place. What really annoyed me is that in one breath she was saying she will have nowhere to go if Alex dumps her, but she also said that he never asked her to move in with him which means she should still have her own place somewhere in Seattle where she is still paying rent ergo if Alex dumps her she can go back there, right?


But beyond all that, why is it Alex's fault that you don't have a backup plan? Do you want him to sign a legal document that says if he dumps you, he will pay for you to have a new place to live? Good lord, woman. Act like an adult! I would also like to point out that if Alex dumps her, she is still a doctor so she can still get a pretty high paying job to support herself and pay rent. She isn't going to be working part time at some crappy job like the patient who was living in her car.


I don't think this was ever about Jo fearing that she'd be homeless again, if her relationship with Alex ended. I'm not even sure if her rambling meant that she really does live with Alex completely. Would seem weird to me that she moved all her stuff to his house without them ever properly talking about moving in together. Besides she's a doctor, of course she could afford a place of her own again, if her and Alex broke up. After all she lived has lived completely on her own before.


I think her emotional outburst was more a metaphor about her fear of losing Alex. I suppose she's never been in love with a man before, the way she's in love with Alex. She's all in and that scars her. She has built her life around him and that patient's story reminded her how quickly good things can be taken from you. She's probably not afraid to end up with no house and no bed. She's afraid to lose this particular house and this particular bed (and this particular man), because it represents the place where she felt completely safe and at home for the very first time in her life.


On a completely different note: April's mother really wasn't that bad. I also found it pretty mean how April reacted to her being enthusiastic about becoming a grandmother.

Edited by GSMHvisitor
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I understand WHY she's upset, but Maggie dropped into everyone's lives completely unnanounced, and forced unrealistic expectations on how they're all supposed to react to her existence. She's being completely irrational towards Richard.


Oh I know, I love her explanation to him: "You made me walk around here like an idiot when you knew te truth!" 


 What was he going to say: "Elis Grey is your mom?" "Since you are half-black you must be my daughter!" 


Maggie: "Father!"

Richard: "Daughter!"



 I mean come on, her character from the start is treated as someone who came in as a stalker, did enough research to know who Merideth was, where her mother lived and worked and is named after. Gets a job because you know, she is super doctor. Yet, can't put two and two together and realize that one man who was the chief for years and has had his life at the same hospital while others have died, retired or left and Maggie can't put that piece of the puzzle together. Now, she is mad because he didn't flat out tell her right away. 

  Another question Maggie doesn't ask: "Do I have any other half siblings because of you?"


Richard: "No, my now deceased wife knew the truth, I couldn't father children with her because I figured I would be a terrible father but a great teacher. So, I just decided to be everyone else's dad."


Maggie: "So, you both stayed together for a marriage that was over for 30 years?"


Richard: "Yeah, pretty much but hey I was mad at your mother because she was better than me." 

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I understand WHY she's upset, but Maggie dropped into everyone's lives completely unnanounced, and forced unrealistic expectations on how they're all supposed to react to her existence. She's being completely irrational towards Richard. This whole storyline is fucking ridiculous and annoying.

I really feel like Richard needs to explain how he had NO IDEA Ellis had a baby and that when he found out, he didn't tell Maggie right away because he just needed a little time to process it first. Although really, he doesn't even need to explain it because it's totally obvious that's why. So I don't get why Maggie keeps giving him the cold shoulder. And her whole point to this family roots project was to get to know who Ellis was, why not Richard? He's the bio parent who's actually alive and if she wants to know about Ellis, he's the person who knew her the best, so she should really talk to him.

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I don't think this was ever about Jo fearing that she'd be homeless again, if her relationship with Alex ended. I'm not even sure if her rambling meant that she really does live with Alex completely. Would seem weird to me that she moved all her stuff to his house without them ever properly talking about moving in together. Besides she's a doctor, of course she could afford a place of her own again, if her and Alex broke up. After all she lived has lived completely on her own before.


I think her emotional outburst was more a metaphor about her fear of losing Alex. I suppose she's never been in love with a man before, the way she's in love with Alex. She's all in and that scars her. She has built her life around him and that patient's story reminded her how quickly good things can be taken from you. She's probably not afraid to end up with no house and no bed. She's afraid to lose this particular house and this particular bed (and this particular man), because it represents the place where she felt completely safe and at home for the very first time in her life.


I agree! I don't think she is as concerned about being dependant on Alex for a place to live - after all, she could just move into the hospital like half of the other characters on the show! I think she is scared to be emotionally dependant on Alex, because for the first time ever she suddenly has someone to lose. 

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I thought the episode was pretty good. I liked that Ben/Bailey, April/Jackson and Alex/Jo had an actual two-way conversation instead of telling a third party what they were upset about then running away from their partner.  I agree, GSMHvisitor, I took it the same as you - Jo doesn't want to lose Alex and it wasn't about the actual house.


April's behavior towards her mother was a given because that's the formula on Grey's - family member drops by and the character or their SO spends the episode avoiding them. Meredith avoided every family member of hers and Derek's, Cristina with her mother and Burke's family, Alex with his brother, Jackson with his mother, Derek with his sisters, Bailey with her father, etc.  


Don't care about the Grey sister's drama. I find it repetitive and dull. Maybe Alex can bring Maggie home with tequila since Cristina isn't around. Derek's comments about Zola's hair were cute and a nice callback to a few seasons back. 


I'm beginning to think that all of the kids are just left in the hospital's day care center 24/7.  It seems like when we do see any of the young'uns, it's somewhere in the hospital, no matter what time of day it is.


In 10 years there can be a Grey's 2.0 with Sofia going around on wheelies while chewing on her own hair, Zola & Bailey dark and twisty with drinking problems and Tuck with Mommy issues since he spent his childhood barely seeing his mother.

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I wasn't as mad at April as she might have deserved - only because I think the idea of being super annoyed with your own mother, even though she's being super nice, is not that weird. Everyone finds their own mother annoying/frustrating even when she doesn't appear to be doing anything wrong.  I think April is used to her mom NOT getting her life choices, so she assumes that everything her mom does is a part of judging her. I think it played out exactly the way it was supposed to: April behaving like a judged child, her mom rightfully scolding her, then explaining, and finally Jackson being hot, I mean, understanding. And hot. He's super hot.


As a member of the board, if Arizona's situation happened in the real world, she'd have a duty to report Dr.Gina's status to the board.



Exactly. And she won't report it to them. Or to Owen.  Gina Davis gave her the choice of reporting it or studying with her for the next 6 months. I think Arizona will choose to keep it quiet (like Christina and Burke's hand), take the opportunity to learn, and then  have some dramatic surgical moment where Gina Davis will have brain problems and the baby almost dies, but Arizona is able to figure it all out right at the end. But because of that, everyone figures out the brain tumor cover up, and Arizona gets into major trouble.  I don't know if this will play out by the winter finale in 2 episodes, but I am almost positive it will play out this way at some point.


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Although AZ covering for her boss is eerily reminiscent of Christina covering up Burke's hand injury in earlier seasons.


I didn't get that vibe at all, since Arizona wasn't actually covering for her boss.  Geena Davis' character (sorry, can't remember the name) didn't ask Arizona to cover for her; she expects Arizona to learn and remember everything she knows about fetal surgery so that her knowledge doesn't die with her.  Still a pretty big burden, though.  Maybe GD's character should write it all down in a book as well.

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And Geena Davis needs to cut back on the botox. At this point she's had so much she is like a statue, and it seems to be impeding any chance of emoting, or even understanding her when she's speaking. Guess it would be hard to talk if you can't actually over your mouth.


Last night's episode made me start wondering if Geena Davis might've had Bell's Palsy at some point.  In the scene with Arizona where the brain tumor was revealed, it sort of looked like one side of her mouth drooped a bit in the corner; having had BP myself, I definitely have that problem often, and it just made me wonder.  But I couldn't find anything on the interwebz, so probably not.

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I don't understand the Geena situation. She's at the hospital with the most brilliant brain surgeon in history (LOL). Has Derek said her tumor is inoperable? Not that we've heard. Bad writing if this it where they leave it.

And I'm sorry, but April's mother is impossible. I wanted to go through the screen and rip her face off. Not that April is much better.

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In 10 years there can be a Grey's 2.0 with Sofia going around on wheelies while chewing on her own hair, Zola & Bailey dark and twisty with drinking problems and Tuck with Mommy issues since he spent his childhood barely seeing his mother.


Tuck...didn't Bailey have a baby that she named after George?  Is that Tuck?  Or is Bailey missing another child somewhere?  I've completely forgotten!

Love that Mer and Der "took a break" ....in the shower! Love them!

I don't get why Maggie is mad at Richard? She doesn't expect him to be a father, she doesn't expect him to apologize what exactly DOES she expect from him? She clearly carrying a grudge of some kind, but I for one, have no idea what this girl is so upset about. If nothing, then can she please just go away?

I am not a Jo fan, but I love the way Alex is with her freaking-out self.

April was a total bitch to her mother. I don't care how busy you are, you should at least show some respect. Jackson deserves better. 

So Arizona thinks she gave up her marriage because she wanted to do the fellowship? Was she even listening in the counselling sessions? She is so self-absorbed, I see why Callie could not be in a relationship with her.

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