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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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12 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

P.S. No soap star runins during my travels this time, although I did have a lovely conversation with Bill Mumy (Will Robinson!) about our granddaughters 🙂


How utterly cool, Lastwaltz. Billy Mumy - my whole reason for watching Lost in Space as a kid was him, the robot and the evil doctor.  Danger, Will Robinson!  So your travels were good, I take it?  

No, we don't know where David is.  I wonder if the writers do?

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25 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

BUT -- were they trying to make Ben look like the Savior himself on a cross?

If they were, they're not the first. As I understand it, the tables used for lethal injections really do have that cruciform shape. The movie Dead Man Walking drew this parallel, too -- and much more explicitly (and clumsily), at least in my memory.

David's probably off getting SORASed as we speak.

Edited by Sandman
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2 hours ago, boes said:

How utterly cool, Lastwaltz. Billy Mumy - my whole reason for watching Lost in Space as a kid was him, the robot and the evil doctor.  Danger, Will Robinson!  So your travels were good, I take it?  

Glorious! I visit my sister and we spend the weekend immersed in music via a wonderful group of LA-area musicians called the Wild Honey Orchestra. Each year, they feature a different band or artist and create a tribute to them -- we go to rehearsals and then the performance, of course. This year, Bill Mumy played a song! Here's a picture -- I'm the oldest-looking woman with glasses -- the cute one next to Bill is my sister : )


Edited by Lastwaltz
Apologies to the mods for offtopic post
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2 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Glorious! I visit my sister and we spend the weekend immersed in music via a wonderful group of LA-area musicians called the Wild Honey Orchestra. Each year, they feature a different band or artist and create a tribute to them -- we go to rehearsals and then the performance, of course. This year, Bill Mumy played a song! Here's a picture -- I'm the oldest-looking woman with glasses -- the cute one next to Bill is my sister : )


Wow!  How fabulous!  And you don't look like the oldest woman, you look like a well-behaved groupie and I salute you for it!

It sounds like a terrific time.  How's your granddaughter?

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9 minutes ago, boes said:

Wow!  How fabulous!  And you don't look like the oldest woman, you look like a well-behaved groupie and I salute you for it!

It sounds like a terrific time.  How's your granddaughter?

I love "well-behaved groupie" -- I'll wear that mantle well! I've always been, actually, lol. 

Oh, my Mackenzie is just a treasure, @boes -- she's given life a whole new meaning for us. They were all sick while I was away, so while my daughter could have used my help (my husband ably stepped in!), I was glad to miss that 🙂

Sorry, mods -- last off-topic post! 

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20 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I do understand Marlena's tears a bit - this was a man who suffered great abuse as a child, was probably tortured by his father, had significant mental health problems, did kill three people mainly because of them, sought help for his mental health issues while serving his time in jail, takes medication daily, and has become a changed man for the most part. Maybe his little visit to the execution chamber may further change him, maybe leave him a bit more broken, maybe see how he screwed up. Or not.


This is why the Sami fans always hated Marlena back in the day, she shows affection to a man who killed her daughter's son, her grandson. This is when I enjoy Kate, she has no fucks to give and will forever hate and hurt those who come for her family. Marlena's tears for Ben just pissed me off. Marlena is disloyal. Even if she forgave Ben for what he did to Will and others that does not mean she has to form a relationship with Ben. A pastor once told me that forgiveness does not mean restoration. Just because you forgive somebody for hurting you does not mean you are obligated to have or continue to have a relationship with that person.. Forgiveness is about letting go of the pain and the anger for your own well-being.

Ben is a grown ass man, his mental illness and shitty childhood does not excuse the damage and the hurt he has done to other people who had nothing to do with his childhood trauma. What about Paige, Serena or the midwife? What about what Will went through and his daughter who had her life turned upside down because of Ben.  

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21 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

This is why the Sami fans always hated Marlena back in the day, she shows affection to a man who killed her daughter's son, her grandson. This is when I enjoy Kate, she has no fucks to give and will forever hate and hurt those who come for her family. Marlena's tears for Ben just pissed me off. Marlena is disloyal. Even if she forgave Ben for what he did to Will and others that does not mean she has to form a relationship with Ben. A pastor once told me that forgiveness does not mean restoration. Just because you forgive somebody for hurting you does not mean you are obligated to have or continue to have a relationship with that person.. Forgiveness is about letting go of the pain and the anger for your own well-being.

Ben is a grown ass man, his mental illness and shitty childhood does not excuse the damage and the hurt he has done to other people who had nothing to do with his childhood trauma. What about Paige, Serena or the midwife? What about what Will went through and his daughter who had her life turned upside down because of Ben.  

Pearson80, If I could like this post a thousand times, I would.

Edited by boes
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However unlike most of Salem he has shown remorse, received help

When has he shown remorse or taken responsibility? Blaming childhood abuse or his so called mental illness seems the opposite of those 2 things to me. Many people are abused and had terrible childhoods and never became killers. And what help has he received? A few therapy sessions with Marlena and falling in lurve with Ciara cured a serial killer? This show.


This is why the Sami fans always hated Marlena back in the day, she shows affection to a man who killed her daughter's son, her grandson. This is when I enjoy Kate, she has no fucks to give and will forever hate and hurt those who come for her family. Marlena's tears for Ben just pissed me off. Marlena is disloyal. Even if she forgave Ben for what he did to Will and others that does not mean she has to form a relationship with Ben. A pastor once told me that forgiveness does not mean restoration. Just because you forgive somebody for hurting you does not mean you are obligated to have or continue to have a relationship with that person.


I thought all of the execution stuff was beyond dumb and embarrassing for all involved. The dude who plays Ben is .... not good.

I'm so not looking forward to the baby switch stuff. Really not. It was bad enough that Kristen ... Kristen was having a go at Gabi but now she'll get a child? Just uggh.


Still pondering how it could be Gabi who is the only bone marrow match.

It seems a bit far fetched considering how intertwined everyone is in this town!

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The Salem PD has money to send someone (i.e. the Commissioner) for an MRI? Wonder if the chip will show up. A good doctor could probably find evidence of a scar on Hope's scalp or neck. I did laugh at Shawn's comment about Princess Gina ending up in a bucket.

Doc is all well again after a traumatizing dinner hour at the jail and now is gung-ho to go along with some stupid plan to rescue Kayla? Suuuuuure. And what is Plan B, C, D, E, etc.?

Is Stefano's ring brainwashing Chad? Jack said some nice things but Chad won't listen. And how convenient that Abs is staying behind for a few days to help JJ move in to an apartment.

Where is Kate going to live? Back in the luxury of the Salem Inn? She could probably rent her own house, really. Yeah, Roman, you have a thing for Hattie.

Enjoyed Jennifer and Gina going at each other's throats and Shawn breaking them apart.

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"A serial killer can NEVER make amends, because their victims can never be brought back(well, anywhere but Days) One can NEVER make amends for purposely murdering people. I also didn't see Ben so sick when he murdered them that he didn't know what he was doing. Yes, he had an abusive childhood, but he still knew what he was doing the whole time he calculated framing Chad and then murdering those poor victims. Did we see him find Wendy's family and apologize? Did we see him find Serena's family and apologize? Apologizing isn't amends either. He should still be in prison and they should have NEVER tried to rehab a serial killer character, especially to the point they have for this one. Making him romantic hero now, just because he happens to have chemistry with Ciara, NO! It's just wrong, and I'm sad to see a usual sensible character in Marlena being used to excuse Ben's actions. Also making Will and Ben besties now is sick!"



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Key plots points from Wednesday:
- Ciara needs a hairbrush or Edward Scissorhands.
- The actress who played Haley Chen gets a residual! (Because her photo was used)
- Administering a paralytic and letting the individual experience it for an extended period is cruel.
- I think the warden only gave Ben a chance because Marlena threatened to go to the press.
- Evan MUST have left David with whomever he called.  There's going to be a mystery reveal, I'm sure of it (no spoilers, just forecasting).

Today (Thurs):
- I've pegged my Marlena quotient for the week.  It occurred to me that the stick up Eric's ass was genetically passed on from Marlena.
- Gina/Bucket OTP!
- What was Jennifer thinking? 
- John really chewed out Kate.  And Kate is right John, you are falling for Hattie. 
- *headdesk* WHY does Chad give a shit about Stefano?  

Credit where credit is due: Charlotte drown Chad's phone.  I accept this as a realistic reason why Abi has not spoken to Chad about Stefano. 



Edited by SueB
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12 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

It seems a bit far fetched considering how intertwined everyone is in this town!

Ha! Can you imagine?

Doctor Unseen: "Well, Sarah, it turns out that the perfect donor match for Mickey is pretty much everyone." 

Sarah: "I don't understand."

DU: "Turns out that every single person in Salem is related in some degree to everyone else. Sort of like the crowned heads of Europe in 1917, but [checks notes] … closer, and without the hemophilia."

Sarah: "What -- we're what?"

DU: "Yeah. Horton Square? Not really that square."

Edited to add: Shawn D better hope there's no metal in that chip, or Gina won't wind up in a bucket so much as his mother's head might end up all over the walls.

Edited by Sandman
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Yesterday's show benefited from being Ciara free, and I think, though I'm no longer sure, we were also Kristen free, correct?  My attention drifted.....

Oh, I did enjoy Kate but then I always do.  I even enjoyed Hattie, though to a limited degree.  What I didn't enjoy was Stevano eating the scenery while - with that red tie and pocket square - looking like a member of the Christmas Chanticleers who'd been lost in a time warp.

Marlena's bugging me these days.  I'd be fine if Stevano took her off to parts unknown for a couple of weeks.  I can't get worked up with this Queen of the Night nonsense, since pretty much all of its participants should be in bed by 10.

One unexpected thing - I did like Princess Gina dialing up her ridiculousness level!  I'm not looking forward to Hope's reappearance.  Couldn't Show just let her walk around Salem demanding fealty like she's the Queen of Imperial Margarine?


Edited by boes
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How is Stefano talking through the ring?

Were they going for a porn vibe with that pillow fight?

Yeah, Lani, I'm sure Theo will be overjoyed to have the guy who shot him there.

If Marlena is the love of Stefano's life, what would he do if she refused to go with him?  Shoot her?

Oh, come on, Kate, you went to the DeMansion specifically to beg for a room.

Poor Harold.

How does Kate know Chad hears Stefano's voice in his head?


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1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:


Were they going for a porn vibe with that pillow fight?

Poor Harold.

How does Kate know Chad hears Stefano's voice in his head?


That pillow fight 🤣.  I know it's television, but who has sex and then puts their underwear back on to sleep?

Shouldn't Harold be about 87 by now?  Why the hell are they still making him haul luggage around?  Are they seriously telling us he is the ONLY staff they have?

Kate knows Chad is hearing Stefano because he told her he was.

Now that my eyes have sort of returned to their proper place after all that rolling I feel like I can make a few comments on this week.

Apparently ANYONE (cop, guard, random person off the street) can walk in to the prison with a loaded gun.  And after that COMPLETELY believable confession (I know I'd NEVER lie and admit to killing someone if I was being held at gunpoint - who would?) we had that beautiful scene of Ciara bringing Ben back to life with simply the power of her love🤮.  (Did ANY of us REALLY believe Ben was going to die?)

And let's not forget Stevano's wonderful line "Come to me, my queen."  Yup, completely normal people talk like that ALL the time.  And Jawn, how stupid are you the think that Sefano would EVER work alone and not have someone keeping watch.  Not to mention we then had to have the struggle for the gun scene.  Seriously, did the writers have some sort of a bet going on the see who could slip in the most hackneyed/cliché scene or line of dialog?  How did any of them manage to keep a straight face through any of that?

Finally, if they are starting some sort of apology tour with Gabi they need to stop that shit immediately.  I do not need to hear how Gabi genuinely started to care for the wonderful Hortons - especially Julie.  Unrepentant bitch works just fine for me.

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1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:


Yeah, Lani, I'm sure Theo will be overjoyed to have the guy who shot him there.



Theo is rather forgiving and its not as if JJ did it for kicks or anything.. although I agree him having hardly any resentment is rather unrealistic(yes I'm aware he's autistic so he processes things differently) I hated that story in general.. I was hoping it would be forgotten tbh like so many other stories this show conveniently ignores.

45 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

That pillow fight 🤣.  I know it's television, but who has sex and then puts their underwear back on to sleep?

Shouldn't Harold be about 87 by now?  Why the hell are they still making him haul luggage around?  Are they seriously telling us he is the ONLY staff they have?

Kate knows Chad is hearing Stefano because he told her he was.

Now that my eyes have sort of returned to their proper place after all that rolling I feel like I can make a few comments on this week.

Apparently ANYONE (cop, guard, random person off the street) can walk in to the prison with a loaded gun.  And after that COMPLETELY believable confession (I know I'd NEVER lie and admit to killing someone if I was being held at gunpoint - who would?) we had that beautiful scene of Ciara bringing Ben back to life with simply the power of her love🤮.  (Did ANY of us REALLY believe Ben was going to die?)

And let's not forget Stevano's wonderful line "Come to me, my queen."  Yup, completely normal people talk like that ALL the time.  And Jawn, how stupid are you the think that Sefano would EVER work alone and not have someone keeping watch.  Not to mention we then had to have the struggle for the gun scene.  Seriously, did the writers have some sort of a bet going on the see who could slip in the most hackneyed/cliché scene or line of dialog?  How did any of them manage to keep a straight face through any of that?

Finally, if they are starting some sort of apology tour with Gabi they need to stop that shit immediately.  I do not need to hear how Gabi genuinely started to care for the wonderful Hortons - especially Julie.  Unrepentant bitch works just fine for me.

Fab post, DaphneCat!  I agree, no apology tour for Gabi.  I'd be fine is she teepeed Julie's restaurant.  I'll buy her the toilet paper.  No apologies.

As for Harold, I bet that Rolf kidnapped Rory and implanted Harold's "essence" (which seems to mostly be carrying luggage and saying "Yes, Mr. Dimera) into his brain.  To be fair, Rory's brain did have a lot of empty space.

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3 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Finally, if they are starting some sort of apology tour with Gabi they need to stop that shit immediately.  I do not need to hear how Gabi genuinely started to care for the wonderful Hortons - especially Julie.  Unrepentant bitch works just fine for me.

Maybe AZ finally put her foot down and so the lazy writers have crossed out "Nicole" in the standard Apology Tour script and written in "Gabi."

I was tired of it with Nicole years and years ago and, I agree, they shouldn't start it with Gabi.

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Are we all on the edge of our seats??  Show ends with gas pouring in through a vent to kill John, Kayla and Justin, and just a few scenes earlier, Gabi was being subjected to the same as Julie attempted to gas her to death also.  Death by gasbag isn't a pretty fate, folks, not a pretty fate at all.

Cool it with the threats, Julie.  All Gabi would have to do to neutralize you would be to replace your Dentucreme with spackling paste and put some  jalapeño  powder in your Preparation H.  

This was such a Plan 9 From Outer Space episode, with Chad under Stevano's mind control -


and Kate didn't find that more than a little strange?  I'm not too worried about Gabi.  Chad's moving kinda slow and his crotch is at fist level for her so things should be fine.  Hey, maybe that's where Chad's chip was implanted!  It would explain so much, starting with his inexplicable Abigail fixation......

Sorry, I drifted off a bit!

So Our Hero John wakes up with a boo boo on his head and he stumbles into the room where Kayla was being held captive and he lets the door slam behind him??  Good work there, Sherlock.  

Awww, wasn't that sweet, watching Lani and Eli destroy JJ's place with their lurve making?  It's a good thing he's staying in South Africa, that place is ruined now.  


Edited by boes
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@boes, I too liked the gas theme today. Death by gasbag or gas.

Julie, you are fickle as can be. You adored Gabi five minutes ago and now you have been re-set to the Hapless Harpy. Eli too. Eli, you were going to marry Gabi and now you hate her with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. Which means you may have liked her but oops, my old piece has come back and she still wants a semi loser like me, so why not.

The pillow fight was.... bad. Who is going to suck up all those feathers? Julie will come around and do it?

Julie, you are flipping faster than a dried up pancake on the griddle. You can be angry at Gabi but she will do something and you will like her again. You are very much a fair weather friend and you don't like being reminded of yourself by looking at Gabi. Perhaps it is time for a cruise.

Kate, do keep an eye on Chad. He was acting kinda weird and slow mentally. Abs does that? And take that creepy painting down. At least you have a nice place to stay.

Both John and Justin have possible concussions. John, in his white knight syndrome, didn't bother to put a chair or something at the door to keep it *open*?

Stevano, do you really think that your Queen of the Night actually wants you?

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HEre's an interesting (or not) question.  Honestly, I hope this doesn't give the writers any ideas, but I have to ask now that it's popped into my head.  If they're just loading Stefano's memories and personality in other people, could they make the whole town into Stefano?  How would Stefano react to Stefano?  Would they all war with each other trying to become the alpha Stefano?

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

HEre's an interesting (or not) question.  Honestly, I hope this doesn't give the writers any ideas, but I have to ask now that it's popped into my head.  If they're just loading Stefano's memories and personality in other people, could they make the whole town into Stefano?  How would Stefano react to Stefano?  Would they all war with each other trying to become the alpha Stefano?

That's a fascinating concept!

So if they implanted "Essence O' Stefano" into Marlena, would she need to pursue herself?

Things could get very messy.....

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OOH Could they have a chip that randomly switches personalities (but they are all connected so if one switches they all do - sort of like a faulty radio?)  One day they're Stefano, next thing you know, they're all Gina looking for the servants.  If they were serial killers would they start killing each other off?  Or if they all thought they were Abby would they go around smugly slapping each other?  This could be fun!

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And the legal issues! 

Q: How many Stefano's to change a lightbulb?
A: None of them.  Harold will do it on his 97 year old spindly legs.

I have SUCH a weak spot for Kate.  I need her to save Chad this time.  Something to get his loyalty in full swing.  She's going to need it.  But she should wait until AFTER he bribes the DA (or whatever his plan is).


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I wish I could find the humour in this guys, but all I can think is "what the hell is Ron smoking?"

It was one thing when they had Stefano and Marlena and the high melodrama back in the Phantom of the Opera-influenced 90s....but this shit?

In one corner, we have Marlena who never seems to take off a blazer for long enough to actually have sex with her own husband, being threatened with rape by Steve, who looks in good shape but is being controlled by a brain chip that makes him think he's 90-something year old dead guy Stefano?

That's double rape, with the chip forcing Steve to have sex unknowingly, and Steve forcing Marlena to have sex. Unless of course she gets a chip implanted in her head too, at which point it becomes triple rape. Can we officially list this as a worse storyline than the mime submarine sex? I wasn't watching back when that happened, but this is starting to feel at least as stomach-churning and absurd as that...

It's pretty clear that this is just faulty microchip stuff, because before Stefano became restricted to a wheelchair, he had that Asian girlfriend to play around with and she was decades younger than he was. So I think if the real Stefano was walking around in a body as studly and functional as Steve's presumably is, he would be trying to hook up with Gabi or someone in that age range...

And I'm kind of completely confused as to why Kate, the ex-wife he treated pretty terribly in his last years, would go along with helping him control Steve's body. Do we ever get a clear explanation as to what that was about? Did he just offer her a job at DiMera and that was it? Can't remember. I would think all Kate would have to do is run over to Rafe, her other ex who is probably physically stronger than Steve, and have him come and find Steve, knock him out and arrest him and take him into surgery...why stand by for months if people are being controlled by stupid brain chips?


Seriously, a 10 year old can write better stories than this. It's just plotholes and embarrassing nonsense everywhere you look.

And now Eli is apparently in love with Lani again? Wow. I'm so convinced.

...I haven't been watching regularly for so long, and the 20 minutes I saw on Friday made it clear why.

And that horrendous voiceover...? WTH? Stephen N can hardly do a convincing Stefano accent. Why highlight that fact by having him tape voiceovers that are supposed to be playing in Chad's head?

This show's turning into something people probably want to scrub from their resume.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

t's pretty clear that this is just faulty microchip stuff, because before Stefano became restricted to a wheelchair, he had that Asian girlfriend to play around with and she was decades younger than he was.

I too am confused by his obsession with Marlena, but for a different reason.  It was the scene in Italy.  This may have been when Kristen was pregnant with Tate.  Stefano was going to throw Marlena out of the tower to her death.  She, or someone, called Chad, and he talked Stefano (this was the real Stefano) out of killing her.  Chad made sure that Marlena was not killed, but Stefano wanted her dead.

So Stefano went from, I want to throw her onto the rocks below the cliff and be really, really dead.  To: she is the Queen of the Night that I desire so much I will do anything to have her.

angry adam sandler GIF

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So I think if the real Stefano was walking around in a body as studly and functional as Steve's presumably is, he would be trying to hook up with Gabi or someone in that age range...

LOL OMG! So so true. This alleged obsession with Marlena is ridiculous.


Never saw this.  I could get "submarine sex', but how the hell is a mime involved? NO... don't tell me... just letting you know this sentence threw me for a loop.

Hope was again implanted with Princess Gina memories and managed to sex up both John and Stefano. Hope was pregnant and Days had a whole who's the daddy plotline going and then added the thrilling angle of the fans choosing the father. In the end, I believe the writers suddenly retconned it so Gina had sex with a random street mime who turned out to be Bo who was also brain controlled by Stefano.

And sorry but if some of us have to know this stuff - so do you!!!

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Hope was PG and had a WTD storyline with John/Stefano over Zach course due to fan reaction the retconned it to be Bo and thus they had a retconned flashback of Bo as a mime having sex with Hope as PG I believe.

Yeah this is worse than that as hard as it is to fathom at least back then Days had a better budget to get lost in the glossiness of it all.

You don't even have that now.

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3 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

In the end, I believe the writers suddenly retconned it so Gina had sex with a random street mime who turned out to be Bo who was also brain controlled by Stefano.

And sorry but if some of us have to know this stuff - so do you!!!

My eyes!  *screams in agony* 'random street mime' What The Actual F*ck.  

With this in mind, I'm feeling pretty good about today's bizarre plot lines. 

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13 hours ago, bannana said:

I too am confused by his obsession with Marlena, but for a different reason.  It was the scene in Italy.  This may have been when Kristen was pregnant with Tate.  Stefano was going to throw Marlena out of the tower to her death.  She, or someone, called Chad, and he talked Stefano (this was the real Stefano) out of killing her.  Chad made sure that Marlena was not killed, but Stefano wanted her dead.

So Stefano went from, I want to throw her onto the rocks below the cliff and be really, really dead.  To: she is the Queen of the Night that I desire so much I will do anything to have her.

Oh yes! I am right there with you. I think I even said it a few pages back. The real Stefano was long over his romantic obsession with Marlena. He was ready to kill her with absolutely no hesitation for causing Kristen's death in Italy.

Maybe this brain-chip is operating on Windows 96.

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Maybe this brain-chip is operating on Windows 96.

It's possible sure ... but I have another idea - just hear me out. Maybe the last time Rolf uploaded a copy of Stefano's essence or personality or thoughts or whatever the hell it's supposed to be was during those romantic obsession years. Rolf missed the whole Stefano is over Marlena time frame!

I'm not looking forward to this baby swap stuff. I'm just not. I cannot stand Kristen and I don't want to see her with a baby. As a viewer am I really supposed to be thinking 'oh thank goodness Kristen and Brady, those two wacky in love kids, have their baby back.' Well I suppose much like I was supposed to be outraged that the serial killer was being executed for a crime he didn't commit (in a state that doesn't have the death penalty).

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4 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

As a viewer am I really supposed to be thinking 'oh thank goodness Kristen and Brady, those two wacky in love kids, have their baby back?'

Maybe if Ron's writing hadn't burned through every last shred of possible goodwill we might have had towards Kristen as a character, and then additionally, if Eileen Davidson was still playing her because she and Eric Marstoff had terrific chemistry, and it was pretty touching how he was willing to adopt with her, back in 2013. Pre-Eric rape (Lord how I hate typing that).


But now? Yeah. Yikes. Nope. Hard pass.

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6 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

t's possible sure ... but I have another idea - just hear me out. Maybe the last time Rolf uploaded a copy of Stefano's essence or personality or thoughts or whatever the hell it's supposed to be was during those romantic obsession years. Rolf missed the whole Stefano is over Marlena time frame!

This would make some sense!

5 hours ago, lb60 said:

The whole submit/submission thing with Steveno and Marlena is gross. And offensive. And disgusting. And revolting.

You get the point.

Too bad Ron doesn't.

Can't wait to see what lows he takes us to this week. <eye roll>


Yes, it is rape by any definition.  

It was International Woman's Day, and this is what we get on DOOL.

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I'm actually okay with Steveano having an obsession with Marlena, they at least have a history together--the show easily could have had him inexplicably thinking Abs is hot and wanting to "possess" her.  I just get nightmares thinking about Mansi attempting to act against SN--the pain, the pain.

And I'm also okay with Gabi offering apologies because if she's apologizing, the less people can call Gabi names and act justified in doing it.  There is nothing worse then watching a character shout at a person who is remorseful for what they've done--remember when Nicole was screaming at Eric every time she saw him after it was revealed that he'd killed Daniel?  I just want Gabi to move into a new, Horton free, storyline.

On today's episode, we had "Chad" wanting to kill Gabi for all of the crimes against his family, and then the scene switched to Steveano plotting to take yet another person's free will from them, but he wants to make sure Gabi pays.  Does this show seriously want us to be rooting for this?

I did like Hattie's, "Oh no, they're all dead!" when she was trying to revive John and Justin--too funny.

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additionally, if Eileen Davidson was still playing her because she and Eric Marstoff had terrific chemistry

I much prefer Eileen Davidson's version of this character and I think I might have a different reaction to the current nonsense if she was still in the role. Though the whole rape of Eric doesn't go away no matter who is playing the part so it's a tough call.


'm actually okay with Steveano having an obsession with Marlena, they at least have a history together

On that level sure, they have a history. My issue is the show has seemingly forgotten recent history in which Stefano was no longer obsessed with Marlena.


On today's episode, we had "Chad" wanting to kill Gabi for all of the crimes against his family, and then the scene switched to Steveano plotting to take yet another person's free will from them, but he wants to make sure Gabi pays.  Does this show seriously want us to be rooting for this?

I suppose we are?!? A serial killer is a romantic lead and Kristen is now a good person who gets to lecture others, gets her baby back and gets her fella (even though she raped his family member) but hey whatevers I guess. This is what we have now. uggh ugggh ugggh.

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