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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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40 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

There aren't many but this is the only video that really matters when it comes to JJ/Eve

Oh my! I didn't see this back when it aired. Where's Gina to toss Jennifer out the window then? Leave them alone! They look hot. JJ was in shape and Eve's bust was rocking. But um...how was JJ able to hold his mother from behind there and not have it be very.... uncomfortable when 15 seconds prior he was getting busy? Weird blocking choice there, director....

  • LOL 3
18 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Oh my! I didn't see this back when it aired. Where's Gina to toss Jennifer out the window then? Leave them alone! They look hot. JJ was in shape and Eve's bust was rocking. But um...how was JJ able to hold his mother from behind there and not have it be very.... uncomfortable when 15 seconds prior he was getting busy? Weird blocking choice there, director....

Casey did mention that he was trying to avoid Missy's heel becuase it hit his crotch area during that scene... it was awkward to film. Kassie looked like she had kind of a nipslip there too..

Edited by CanaryFan98
On 11/5/2019 at 11:53 AM, Petunia13 said:

I totally agree. I love how no matter what they throw at her KdP completely commits to her material. She’s entertaining and interesting to watch. Her misery and humiliation made me uncomfortable, it’s hard seeing anyone hit rock bottom. 

UO but Marlena has had a bitchy tone or edge in her personality for a while now.  She doesn’t have the sympathy for the down trodden I’d expect for a while now. The way she described Lani leaving when gossiping to Roman was not very nice and how she talked about Eve, like if had been me I would have realized this was a very depressed and lonely person lashing out who is clearly on the edge. Her talking shit to Xander being justified I have use an Uno reverse card for since she’s bff and kissing the ass of the man who killed her grandson and murdered and tormented innocent women for a damn year I declare that out of pocket. 

I agree, Marlena has been low key annoying to me ever since that stupid dinner she and Jawn had with Ben and Ciara.  The way she was fawning over Ben had me expecting her to scoop him up in her lap and hand feed him.  I can't square her cheerleading the man who not only murdered three other people, but who also savagely beat and tried to do the same to her grandson.  

Also, like today when she said that Jack and Jennifer were going to be just peachy keen from here on out, her predictions have been pretty lousy.  She's only spot on when she's talking about her beloved Ben.  I wish she'd take a page out of Julie's book and take a long cruise somewhere for a while.

On 11/5/2019 at 3:27 PM, peachmangosteen said:

I loved today's ep. I just enjoyed the hell outta all of it.

KDP really is fantastic. She was making me so uncomfortable because it was just so visceral. And yea her and JJ had mad chemistry there. Like a million times as much as him and Haley have lol. I need to try to find JJ/Eve scenes on youtube because I wasn't watching at the time.

Gina cracks me up. UO but I love KA right now.

KdP always gives her scenes everything she's got and it shows.  She sure makes me miss OLTL even more.

I'm sure the actor who plays Haley is a nice person and all, and I bet she just rocked her high school drama presentations, but she's pretty terrible, and that's saying a lot on a show that isn't exactly rolling in really good actors.  She bends her head up towards JJ, bulges her eyes, gives us a vacant smile, tries to talk breathy sexy and does some sort of jerky movement with her arms or her legs or whatever appendage is available and I guess that's good enough...... except it's not.  I love JJ, but instead of feeling good that he's got a love interest, I feel like he's being punished by being stuck with her.   The woman who played her sister mother was bad enough, but "Haley" makes her look like Meryl Streep.

KA may not be the greatest actor but like Peachmangosteen, I'm enjoying her as Princess Gina a lot more than I have as Hope.  Her playing a deluded, stuck-up wannabe princess works when she's playing crazy, whereas she has the same schtick playing Hope and she just comes off as a pain the ass.  Must be the 7 mile long pearl necklace and cracker jack tiara. 

Does Dr. Rolf, or Princess Gina, realize that Salem is not a monarchy and she can't rule much of anything unless she ends up cornering the market on Imperial Margarine?


Edited by boes
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7 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Sadly, I feel she's either being set up as the person who pushed Jennifer out the window, or they're going to turn around tomorrow and reveal that she committed suicide in her hotel room.

Do you mean she's being set up as the fall guy for the fall?  Because we do know that she didn't push Jennifer.

Count me amongst those who enjoyed today.  Eve cracked me up with her attempt to convince people she was pregnant and everyone's "not having it reactions" were perfect, especially JJ's*.  They do have chemistry and yes he's so wasted with Hayley.  Kassie looked amazing too. 

*Although watch it come true because this show is just going "to hell with it" about real biology.

Does any Jack and Jennifer fan recall those Loretta cufflinks/rings being mentioned before?  Because I don't.  And while it's a very Jack thing to do to take something from the wreck, it's weird that almost 30 years would pass before they got brought out.

I also loved the music choice for Gina tossing Jennifer out the window.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Does any Jack and Jennifer fan recall those Loretta cufflinks/rings being mentioned before?  Because I don't.  And while it's a very Jack thing to do to take something from the wreck, it's weird that almost 30 years would pass before they got brought out.

I got the impression - probably wrong - that while Jack had the piece of the "Loretta" ship, he just had those rings made up very recently.  Otherwise, no, never heard them, or Jack beachcombing for relics back in the day, either.  

Which had me wondering, IF he just had them made up, WHERE exactly did he find that piece of the ship, since he's been "dead" for the past 6 years - this time - and I'd assume that by now all his belongings would have been long ago dispersed?  

But then Tony showed up alive after 20 years to a full wardrobe, scarves and all, and Kristen did the same.  

Do these people NEVER throw anything away??

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

KDP really is fantastic. She was making me so uncomfortable because it was just so visceral.

Yes. It was upsetting to watch her pain and degradation. It seemed like to me in her rants to Roman and at the wedding they were actually cries for help. I did like the humanity and sympathy Roman and Jennifer attempted to convey. Of course now I’m thinking she’ll be blamed for Jen’s push over the balcony or French door window of the Bistro. 

@boes I don’t get the ruling Salem comments by Gina either LOL. She really is out here acting like she’s going to establish a monarchy in this small Midwest town. What would be the appeal of that actually? Parades in your honor in Horton Square, demanding the city finances and builds a castle for you in this boo fuck burg, currency with her face on it that could only be used in Salem, I don’t know how this weirdo and her dork doctor will get everyone on board for electing a queen. 

Rolf’s accent is getting sloppier. He has used “unst” and “und” when saying and. Und is and & always has been, and he continues to roll various consonants arbitrarily and the only ones who really roll things are Bavarians I believe after umlaut vowels in a musical Oompa sounding way or older former DDR people on ettsetts. 

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How can Hope/Gina keep her head up with the weight of those pearls around her neck? And keep the white gloves pristine? What does she expect to do in small-town, boring, pedestrian Salem besides hunt John Black? She can call herself Princess or whatever she likes but she has no authority to rule anything except her rather bleak little apartment with the cheap throne and candelabras.

Felt sorry for Eve today. Why would she even think that she could sway Jack by announcing she was carrying his child? While being drunk out of her gourd?

Too bad Adrienne didn't change to the nice gold dress for the actual 'wedding'. Nice that Lani and Eli paid for the dinner and cake. Hope they like the choice. Too bad JJ is saddled with Haley - her dress looked more appropriate for an evening at the club.

Jen, you lock yourself in some room - alone - to look at the flash drive. Not some public place. I did watch her fall - twice - and laughed.

No idea about the Loretta and the wedding rings - new to me and maybe just forgotten by me.

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3 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Or at least delve into Gabi possibly resenting Eve for having a kid with her dad when he left the family all those years ago. What was the point in having Paige be related to that family after she was killed off if nothing was going to come from it. One would think Rafe, Gabi etc would have more of an issue with Ben but nope.  Outside of hating the Hortons they also have JJ in common....

Do JJ and Gabi even know each other.

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Best line: ‘Another Salem wedding!’

I just knew tragedy was in store when everything was going so well for Jennifer!  I really like she and Jack together.  

IA with others, KdP was great, Marlena was a bit snooty.  Weird ‘crowd’ scene.  There was about 8 people watching the wedding. You can tell they really have budget issues with scenes like that. To be honest, they need to send Kristen to Europe IMO because I think her salary sucks up cash for the rest of the cast. 

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

How can Hope/Gina keep her head up with the weight of those pearls around her neck? And keep the white gloves pristine? What does she expect to do in small-town, boring, pedestrian Salem besides hunt John Black? She can call herself Princess or whatever she likes but she has no authority to rule anything except her rather bleak little apartment with the cheap throne and candelabras.

I keep forgetting to bring up the windows of that apartment.  They are FILTHY!  You can't see a thing through them.  I get that it's a set, but couldn't they put a "tree" and some other apartment building "outside"?

  • Love 3
55 minutes ago, bobcat1946 said:

Do JJ and Gabi even know each other.

😂You got a point there I think they even shared the same space and didn't acknowledge each other.... 

Just proves this show picks and chooses which relationships they like to forget existed which is fine I just wish they picked the relationships I like to pretend never happened on this show...

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, boes said:

I can't square her cheerleading the man who not only murdered three other people, but who also savagely beat and tried to do the same to her grandson.  

Correct me if I'm wrong please, but didn't Ben also break into Marlena's office after a hypnosis sessions and knock her out/strangle her too? I remember that scene being shot in the dark because they were still trying to keep the identity of the necktie killer a secret....but doesn't that mean it was Ben?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, bobcat1946 said:

Do JJ and Gabi even know each other?

They dated. It was really nice but a back-burnered storyline. They got together after she was released from prison for killing Nick and JJ had lost Paige. Both were in a pretty bad place and trying to rebuild their lives. JJ decided to join the police force and Gabi managed to find a modelling job with Basic Black. They had one particularly hot love scene where they went down on each other on camera, and then a few months later, it was revealed that a drunk JJ slept with Lani while out searching for Abigail. Gabi became really frustrated with him and broke off the relationship. It was basically sabotage on the part of the writers. I'm still bitter about it.

  • Love 6
22 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

UO but Marlena has had a bitchy tone or edge in her personality for a while now.  She doesn’t have the sympathy for the down trodden I’d expect for a while now. The way she described Lani leaving when gossiping to Roman was not very nice and how she talked about Eve, like if had been me I would have realized this was a very depressed and lonely person lashing out who is clearly on the edge. Her talking shit to Xander being justified I have use an Uno reverse card for since she’s bff and kissing the ass of the man who killed her grandson and murdered and tormented innocent women for a damn year I declare that out of pocket. 

I'm with Marlena in not having much sympathy for Eve. KdP is a great actress, but it doesn't change the things Eve has done. Did Eve have any sympathy for Hailey when she was ruining her life all so she could be the wife of the mayor of a podunk town like Salem? Eve really doesn't have any self-awareness at all. She takes no responsibility for how she fucked up in her relationship with Brady and blames it all on Jennifer. She takes no responsibility for the fact that she only brought Jack back in her sick revenge against Jennifer and when that blew up in her face once again everyone is to blame except her. I can't feel sorry for someone like that. The only sympathy I have for her is over her daughter's death, but that doesn't excuse her behavior. I felt uncomfortable watching her drunken pathetic lies yesterday, but absolutely no sympathy.

I've actually been loving Marlena being somewhat spunky, especially in her scene with Xander. I've only been watching the show, at least regularly, for a couple of years so I don't know if it's out of character, but I've enjoyed it.  A lot of people complain about the good characters not having an edge and being spineless but when Marlena refuses to take shit from the man who almost killed her she's "sanctimonious." Or because she's friendly with Ben she must have sympathy for all the psychos in town. I don't agree. I loathe Ben and loathe that Marlena is friendly with him in any way, but at least they did give her the excuse that she is a psychiatrist and she treated Ben. She believes he has a real, albeit unnamed, mental illness and that he's genuinely recovered. It doesn't mean she should be hanging out with him, but at least it makes a small amount of sense.

  • Love 8

The laziness in refusing to name Ben's illness is pretty mind-blowing. It means they can write whatever they want and just shrug it off as being related to his diagnosis, without having to commit to anything we know about any specific diagnosis. It's the exact same thing they did with Abigail. She's hallucinating Ben because she has PTSD! No - she's a pyromaniac! No - she just needed milk and cookies with Grandma Laura to be all better! No - she has a multiple personality disorder!

I am all for Marlena hating Xander. I hope they keep that up and it would be even better if it extended to Ben but that's wishful thinking.

I find it nuts that Kristen is currently living with Brady at Victor's house and Marlena and John and Eric aren't there right now actively dragging him away from her or her away from him. All Brady has to do is write a check, give it to Kristen and keep his distance. I don't think his child would begrudge his father staying away from Mommy when Mommy try to murder Grandma and kidnapped Aunt Sami and raped Uncle Eric etc etc etc.

We watched everybody be freaked out and concerned about Brady and his obsession with helping Kristen since 2013...have they all just thrown in the towel?

  • Love 7

I just cant deal with this Princess Gina character anymore,  I mean there is Campy & then there is Ridiculous!  Gina arrives at the hospital in her "Breakfast at Tiffanys" costume & nobody thinks she is looking & acting weird?!  Rafe talks to her & doesn't get a clue that "Hope" is acting weird & that he should question her some more?!  How dumb are these people?!  I know, I know: its a Soap 🙂

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9 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

The laziness in refusing to name Ben's illness is pretty mind-blowing. It means they can write whatever they want and just shrug it off as being related to his diagnosis, without having to commit to anything we know about any specific diagnosis. It's the exact same thing they did with Abigail. She's hallucinating Ben because she has PTSD! No - she's a pyromaniac! No - she just needed milk and cookies with Grandma Laura to be all better! No - she has a multiple personality disorder!

Ben is mentally ill? Now I call bullshit on that. Ben killed people sO Chad  could take the hit for Ben's crimes. 

He also evaded and dodged everybody in tiwn  when he took Will's corpse  and carried it on his shoulder all the way to Will and Sonny's apartment. 

A mentally ill person cannot be this Proficient .

Ben also Tried to take advantage of Eduardo Hernandez when he issued a Financial reward For anybody who has information regarding Paige's Killer. 

Ben planned to claim the Reward . He was prepared to lie and claim that he saw Chad kill Paige.  

Does this sound like a  A serial killer with mental health issues ? I think not. 

Edited by Rafael
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On 10/29/2019 at 11:29 AM, Petunia13 said:

Gina wants to rule Salem? Well the mayoral seat is technically empty. Have at it Weirdo. 

This is why the genre is dying. No one has a job or ambitions, the only goals are romantic, and grown women (and men) act like teenagers in pursuit of their latest lifetime obsessions (which are bound to evaporate by the end of next month).

Is there anyone (in the audience, I mean) really clamouring for the return of Princess Gina, Anjelica, Vivian(ish) Alamein or the adopted daughter of Dimera, the bonkers self-declared ersatz-Phoenix? (I am so tempted to call her "Phony-X" I can't even tell you. But also, I can't be bothered.) PG in particular is really a bourgeoise bore, and the show's obsession with the past continues to perplex me.

  • Love 9
18 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Correct me if I'm wrong please, but didn't Ben also break into Marlena's office after a hypnosis sessions and knock her out/strangle her too? I remember that scene being shot in the dark because they were still trying to keep the identity of the necktie killer a secret....but doesn't that mean it was Ben?

Yes he did it was after Chad went to see her. 

9 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Good luck finding it!

It exists actually they showed a lot more skin, positions than love scenes do these days.

Course the 80s had way more risque stuff.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

The laziness in refusing to name Ben's illness is pretty mind-blowing. It means they can write whatever they want and just shrug it off as being related to his diagnosis, without having to commit to anything we know about any specific diagnosis. It's the exact same thing they did with Abigail. She's hallucinating Ben because she has PTSD! No - she's a pyromaniac! No - she just needed milk and cookies with Grandma Laura to be all better! No - she has a multiple personality disorder!

I am all for Marlena hating Xander. I hope they keep that up and it would be even better if it extended to Ben but that's wishful thinking.

I find it nuts that Kristen is currently living with Brady at Victor's house and Marlena and John and Eric aren't there right now actively dragging him away from her or her away from him. All Brady has to do is write a check, give it to Kristen and keep his distance. I don't think his child would begrudge his father staying away from Mommy when Mommy try to murder Grandma and kidnapped Aunt Sami and raped Uncle Eric etc etc etc.

We watched everybody be freaked out and concerned about Brady and his obsession with helping Kristen since 2013...have they all just thrown in the towel?

You know there are things Tomlin did that I didn't agree with but I felt he could write for this show knowing that it has a short supply of funds. I enjoyed Bristen a lot more then course ED was Kristen so that helped a lot. SH's Kristen is just a cartoon and has no real humanity to her at all. However yes everyone accepting Bristen has taken the air out of this storyline.. they have good ideas but have managed to neuter it: Ben/Ciara, Bristen, etc.

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JJ/Haley and Eli/Lani just about ruined this ep. They put me to sleep.   How is anyone supposed to care about these couples when the show puts zero efforts to build a relationship with depth.

JnJ were fine. I didn't really feel much because how many times have we seen this same story since Ron has been there.   He really does recycle his SLs 

  • Love 4

I think Jack was the best part of the episode however you're right about the rest at least JJ/Haley are in the backburner for the most part and supporting roles. 

The Eli/Lani breakup OTOH shouldn't be a frontburner storyline if you aren't going to write these characters or this relationship worthy of FB status. As I've said this storyline drove home what blank slates these characters were. I mean at least Chad/Abby were more developed and we saw Gabi in their orbit for years.

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1 hour ago, SnK said:

JJ/Haley and Eli/Lani just about ruined this ep. They put me to sleep.   How is anyone supposed to care about these couples when the show puts zero efforts to build a relationship with depth.

JnJ were fine. I didn't really feel much because how many times have we seen this same story since Ron has been there.   He really does recycle his SLs 

Ron is called Reron for a reason and I cannot wait to see him implode on tweeter when the fans come after him for his abysmal sweep stories that will soon be upon us. Ron is very thin-skinned and does not take criticisms well.

  • Love 4

I would expect that the cameras at Saxtons were not working or would not show Hope/Gina shoving Jennifer off the balcony. Rafe would certainly check out why a laptop would be on the balcony instead of the restaurant, and not hooked up to some projector or anything. A phone would have better sound for party music than a lot of laptops. And Rafe never noticed anything 'off' about his former wife. Granted he probably snoozed through the marriage.

Lani, nice slap for Gabi. You are a cop. You have studied profiles. Not hard for you to keep Gabi as your friend and then do the whammy on her. Or you can tell Eli what happened and the two off you can elope and keep your marriage a secret until the heart booby trap thing is settled - i.e. the app is disabled. Stupid.

Jack and Jenn were good but Jenn should have said Princess Gina did this to me. That would be useful.

JJ and Haley were pretty useless.

  • Love 4

Oh oh.  Jennifer's in a coma.  We better hope that no one needs a heart any time soon or she might not make it.

I'm not worried about Jennifer but I did like the Jack/JJ/Kayla and Jennifer scenes today.

Couldn't the writers think of a really compelling reason why Lani couldn't confess to Eli or her father what is happening?  It's not like Gabi is saying she's eavesdropping on Lani.  There's no threat of that.  And it's not like Abe and Eli, two cops, couldn't pretend like they didn't know while they try to find a way to thwart Gabi's plan.

At this point, by the time Lani confesses, I want Eli to not get back together with her because if she seriously can't tell him this under these circumstances, how the heck are they supposed to navigate difficult times in their marriage?

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2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Ron is called Reron for a reason and I cannot wait to see him implode on tweeter when the fans come after him for his abysmal sweep stories that will soon be upon us. Ron is very thin-skinned and does not take criticisms well.

I didn't bring it over last week, because there wasn't really a place for it here, but this legit just ran in the most recent S O D.



Now add Jennifer, plus I think Haley technically counts from when she attempted suicide late last year. Do you think Ron sees the problem here? It's like the boy who cried wolf when damn near everyone ends up on death's door. The crew are doing their best to redress the hospital set, but they can only do so much with a shoestring budget, plus it's the same story formula each and every time!

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, QueenSerena said:

I didn't bring it over last week, because there wasn't really a place for it here, but this legit just ran in the most recent S O D.



Now add Jennifer, plus I think Haley technically counts from when she attempted suicide late last year. Do you think Ron sees the problem here? It's like the boy who cried wolf when damn near everyone ends up on death's door. The crew are doing their best to redress the hospital set, but they can only do so much with a shoestring budget, plus it's the same story formula each and every time!

Good Lord, they have more characters going to the hospital than General Hospital. Guess RC really misses his job there.

  • LOL 9

Jennifer doesn't drink?  Then who was that person we saw meeting Hope at the bar and guzzling wine like a camel at an oasis?  First she's and addict who doesn't drink, then we see her drinking freely, now she's an addict who doesn't drink again?  The writer's can't even remember what they did a few months ago, no wonder they just keep doing the same thing over and over.

12 hours ago, QueenSerena said:

Now add Jennifer, plus I think Haley technically counts from when she attempted suicide late last year. Do you think Ron sees the problem here? It's like the boy who cried wolf when damn near everyone ends up on death's door. The crew are doing their best to redress the hospital set, but they can only do so much with a shoestring budget, plus it's the same story formula each and every time!

You're also forgetting Ciara (when Jordon tried to kill her) and Rafe after the poisoning.

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18 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

They should have kept that club/lounge set. We have plenty of boring restaurants but no places where characters can dance or let their hair down or have a sexy date over drinks. 

Yes I really liked the set Victor asked Sonny to run the place he hired Ben as a bartender there. A lot of dates etc happened there plus it looked modern and better than a lot of the other sets.

4 hours ago, howmanywords said:

I'm more than ok with Ron begging the higher ups at GH/ABC for his job back. 

I grew up watching GH but I gave up on that show ages ago besides he'll never be welcome back there because of Maurice Benard who didn't like him. 

I heard Patrick Mulcahey quit B&B if Y&R doesn't snag him I wonder if he would be interested in writing for Days?

On 11/5/2019 at 11:40 PM, CanaryFan98 said:

😂You got a point there I think they even shared the same space and didn't acknowledge each other.... 

Just proves this show picks and chooses which relationships they like to forget existed which is fine I just wish they picked the relationships I like to pretend never happened on this show...

Rafe where is your mannners.  You should have introduced your sister to JJ.

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So Jennifer has a broken leg but there is no evidence of a cast or air boot or anything - she likely wouldn't be so covered up with a blanket.

Hospitals here are crowded. Salem Hospital must have a lot of room in it - no, you can't bunk overnight unless maybe you have a sick child in the ICU area.

Good luck in finding the flash drive. Such a small item that could be anywhere. Nice that Eve is a convenient suspect. Wonder who will stop Hope/Gina from smothering her cousin with the pillow.

Sarah Horton- just go. Leave all the dysfunction behind. Xander's photo of himself was a bit much but since it fit the frame.....

Did like Nicole's fakeout about Eric finding out about Sarah. However, Nicole, he would probably yell at you for not telling him, but the fact is that it is not your place to do so. Sarah is a big girl and she should tell Eric herself. And see where the chips fall. You can love someone without being in a relationship with that person. Both are over 30 and can co-parent together. Ugh.

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5 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Kayla's going to get Jack a room at the hospital?  Is it a hotel now?

Hey, one more set they can save on.

It's silly how little it takes to make me happy.  A moment of non-lazy writing. A moment where character actually think and don't go completely stupid to make a plot work (see Lani).  So I legit clapped when Jack said "if Jennifer was pushed, where did the thumb drive go?"

It won't last but that whole, let's think it through and get to the truth and suspecting Rolf was fulfilling soap for me.


I heard Patrick Mulcahey quit B&B if Y&R doesn't snag him I wonder if he would be interested in writing for Days?

He says he's taking a break.  My guess is he can write his ticket but I wouldn't be surprised to see him go back to GH.

Edited by Irlandesa
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- I liked that Xander actually let Sarah go.  Very mature of him - even with the hopelessly hopeful picture of him in the frame.  Screw you Marlena, Xander is on a redemption path. *puts on tin hat*

- Do. Not. Like. Princess. Gina.  Make he go away.

- Brady is awfully sweet to Kristen.  He's seriously going to great extremes for her. This is not a good plan Brady.  She's flat out psycho. 

- Nicole, Nicole.  Secrets are a bad idea.  This is going to end poorly. 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, howmanywords said:

I'm more than ok with Ron begging the higher ups at GH/ABC for his job back. 

Don't want him back there. If he was going to write like he did when he first landed there, maybe but judging by his work here, I don't think his writing has improved. Maybe he can go to Y&R.

5 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Wanna bet murderous Hope doesn't get any consequences for her actions because she has mental issues, unlike Ben, who is equally as mentally ill and murderous?

Hope and Ben's situations aren't remotely the same. This was something done to Hope and she's almost literally not in her right mind. 

9 minutes ago, SueB said:

Screw you Marlena, Xander is on a redemption path. *puts on tin hat*

Marlena has every right to hate him given he SHOT her. And he's on a path to redemption? The guy who was going to sit back and watch Kristen take Sarah's fetus from her womb until Kristen discovered she was ridiculously pregnant?

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Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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