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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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I really enjoyed the scenes with Victor and Nicole. Nicole back to her old self and Victor giving it back. I think AZ and JA had fun with those scenes too.

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Trip is worthless to me. He can exit stage left.  Steve better not guilt trip Kayla into accepting Tripp back into the fold. I hope they bring back a recast Stefanie and Joey can stay gone for a few years. What a mess!

I loved the hug and moment between Steve and Jennifer.  It was too short and this is what the genre is all about.  Familial connections and friendships and how they change and grow over the years. Soaps have forgotten this and that is why there are only 4 left. As a kid in the 80's, you had so many options.  I credit soaps for teaching me English..lol

I loved the Victor/Nicole scene rich in history and their mutual hatred is still there, after all of these years. To be fair, Victor did treat her like his property  that bordered on abuse and she did try to kill him. So, it balances out in a weird way..lol

Edited by Apprentice79
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How did Brady leave Eric's after Nicole did but got back to the mansion before she did?

Why would Victor spring Xander from jail, fly him from Greece to Salem, have him kill Deimos, fly him back to Greece and put him in jail? Are there no local thugs that could have done it?

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1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

How did Brady leave Eric's after Nicole did but got back to the mansion before she did?

Why would Victor spring Xander from jail, fly him from Greece to Salem, have him kill Deimos, fly him back to Greece and put him in jail? Are there no local thugs that could have done it?

Especially since Xander would have no incentive to return back to prison unless Victor offered him one big, fat bribe.

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And why kill Deimos, who promised him a huge payoff? If anything, why not play both sides?

Agree to take the gig, accept payment from Victor, fly back to Salem, then fake Deimos' murder, collect his promised reward for Hollygate plus a bonus for sparing his life, help him flee Salem, then return to Greek prison to await Victor's get out of jail free card, with twice as much money to show for it?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Damn, poor Gabi. I mean that, too. Sure, there were flashing neon signs screaming It wasn't going to work out, but I still feel for her hopeful ass. 

Hopefully, one day, they'll give her a love story that isn't about a young man discovering he's not into women or one where she's not the object of obsession for a guy who's lost his humanity. One where she isn't the girl who lost faith because she finds herself in a relationship with a serial cheater, and last but not least, one where she isn't just an itch he needed to scratch. 

Not that all those angles were bad, the first two were actually interesting, the last two were just sloppy. I really just would like to see her in a true blue love story where she's the heroine and the hero loves her the way she loves him. It's time. 

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Hey, I'd rather look at her hair than Mansi's.

....speaking of which, not since Mansi has an actor been so utterly useless in a scene. I don't understand why they even involved Joey in today's confrontation. The guy couldn't summon up anything remotely close to a believable emotion, even when surrounded by three actors acting their faces off. It was so jarring. Reminded me immediately of Sami confronting Jennifer about Abigail's infidelities while she just stood there like a bump on a log, being useless.

How did nobody in the hospital hear all that screaming and yelling coming from that room?

I also wish they had blocked the scene a little differently if they wanted to make it look like Steve couldn't easily get to Kayla and pull her to safety. Maybe put a desk between them? Or a couch? It looked so ridiculous with them all standing two feet apart from each other acting like no one could easily pull Tripp away.

I'm not a Gabi and Chad fan but I do feel jipped after today's breakup. It was a nice scene but we barely got to see the two of them having fun together after a year-long storyline. Annoying.

"I love you Paul." "I love you too Sonny". Nothing has ever sounded so fake and robotic. Please stop! These two characters could turn around tomorrow and claim they are asexual and I would actually feel relieved. This is so. awkward.

Chad you did fight for Abigail. I kind of hate that Abigail is getting a Sainthood rewrite. The girl has severe mental health issues...

It sounds like I'm complaining about everything but I actually thought today's episode was pretty solid. We had a break up, a reunion, a long-overdue confrontation and a new wrinkle in the murder storyline. Everything moved forward and all the scenes felt necessary. Things are improving.

...but I am shaking my head at the handling of the Xander story.

1) Nobody knew Deimos was going to be at the party that night, least of all Victor or Xander.

2) if Xander had arrived at the party specifically to murder Deimos, how could he have casually walked out given how many people were in attendance and then made his way to the Kiriakis mansion? It was a fundraiser in addition to a public party for the survivors of the island crash.

3) How and why would Victor and his goons have dragged Xander back to the Martin house and then kept him there all night only to sneak him back on the plane to Greece? If he wasn't going to cooperate wouldn't it simply have been easier to just kill him and let it look like he had planned his own jailbreak? It wouldn't be the first time. I just don't see how bringing him back to the Martin house and keeping him there is even plausible or makes sense. So Xander was being held, bound and gagged, by several goons in his room while all of the drugged-up party guests ran around the house chasing Deimos? And then, the goons smuggled Xander out of the place before Deimos ended up dead? What?!

4) Nobody at the Greek prison noticed Xander was missing for at least 24 hours? I assume it would take 24 hours minimum to fly from Greece to the US, then spend a night in the US and then fly back to Greece...

5) Crazy buff Xander was actually contained by these goons and didn't find a way to break free? Really?


Nice to see Xander and all, and I agree he should be a suspect...but this writing was grade school levels of bad.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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38 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Nobody at the Greek prison noticed Xander was missing for at least 24 hours? I assume it would take 24 hours minimum to fly from Greece to the US, then spend a night in the US and then fly back to Greece...

All of the Kiriakii have police connections.  Don't forget when Nicole contacted the policeman and got him to accompany her to the island where Xander was, that it turned out that he was working for Xander

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Today during the confrontation at the hospital watching Joey standing there like a zombie made me think that maybe he is being directed to act like he is disconnected. Granted this isn't the best actor we are watching but it explains how bad he looks. It will all come out that he killed Ava and instead of going to jail he might end up going to a mental institution.

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I'm guessing they'll find some more cushy way to send him off...visiting with Shane and Kim and Caroline perhaps?

Don't forget - the ISA lied to cover for Steve. Should Joey confess it'll come back to bite the ISA.

Good point Raven...but still...Victor has no use for nor trust in Xander. I don't believe for a second he would go through the trouble he claims he did to get Deimos out of the way by hiring Xander.

And how did they know he was at the party?!? Ugh. *Tylonol break*

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Joey looks depressed and lost all the time.  He gives off a vibe that he isn't good enough.  It would not be a surprise if he tried suicide.  

   Gabby was so mature with Chad.  It was heartbreaking.  Girl still has the best hair.  

Victors plan made zero sense     

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Er, no Gabi, being awake doesn't mean Abigail is going to be okay. And okay, Chad has always been the love of your life.  That explains hiring that stalker back in the day.  Not a thing you should really be bringing up at this point.

Did nobody in the hospital hear all of the yelling and screaming?

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Thank goodness the secret of Ava's true killer is out.  Maybe now Tripp will leave Kayla alone.  I wonder what happens to Joey now, though?

So Gabi makes the hard choice to let Chad go.  Sucks for her, and I do feel sorry for her, but at least it looks like J.J. is waiting in the wings.  Though I hope they don't rush that reunion and take their time with it.

I wonder who's getting the murder pinned on him or her by Victor?

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If I'm Kayla, I'm having none if Tripp's BS from this moment forward. I'm sure Steve is going to want her to "sweetness" up about all this, but I'd tell him to go to Hades. And I love them and their push/pull stuff, but that shit was a deal breaker. Joey seems so off. Someone mentioned clinically depressed up thread, and if I thought the actor was playing it this way as a choice instead of just being flat out bad, I might feel something for the kid. 

During that hug, JJ's face is all, "so, you're saying there's a chance!"

I like Chad with Abby, so I was happy today. They work for me because of the actors. Chemistry is subjective, and although the sexual chemistry between the two isn't anything to write home about, there is something romantic and sweet about their willingness to lay it all on the line for one another.  

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I don't like this Abigail and didn't really like the old one. The chemistry in this love story is the expressive blue eyes that BF has. He has/had chemistry with both actresses. Like AZ he exudes chemistry with anyone he is paired with.

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1 hour ago, Rowan said:

If I'm Kayla, I'm having none if Tripp's BS from this moment forward. I'm sure Steve is going to want her to "sweetness" up about all this, but I'd tell him to go to Hades. And I love them and their push/pull stuff, but that shit was a deal breaker.

Meh.  Now that she knows that Jade encouraged Tripp to think that she was Ava's killer, she'll likely just write it off as Jade's fault.  Which she (and Steve and Joey) should.  Hell, I don't even see Tripp seeing Jade the same way anymore, either, after letting him think that.

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41 minutes ago, Star Aristille said:

Meh.  Now that she knows that Jade encouraged Tripp to think that she was Ava's killer, she'll likely just write it off as Jade's fault.  Which she (and Steve and Joey) should.  Hell, I don't even see Tripp seeing Jade the same way anymore, either, after letting him think that.

I know that people on soaps do heinous things they are seemingly completely forgiven for, but his motivation is so damn flimsy. It makes him seem psycho. 

Sure, she'll eventually forgive him, it is a soap after all, but I hope she'll always give him the side eye like she did Jack. I just don't know that I'll ever really warm up to the character. 

Edited by Rowan
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16 minutes ago, Rowan said:

Sure, she'll eventually forgive him, it is a soap after all, but I hope she'll always give him the side eye like she did Jack. I just don't know that I'll ever really warm up to the character. 

I'd be side-eyeing my husband too, for promising me as part of this family package to the guy who was just holding me at knifepoint.  I'll always love MBE and SN's chemistry but as a couple, I have no idea why Steve and Kayla are still together at this point.  She has no reason to trust him, because he's always pulling this shit.  The writers having them act sweet to each other just doesn't feel like enough, when we see these things that should be coming between them and are never dealt with.  And there's little feeling of intimacy because everything from their love life to their work lives is subject to their two little monsters' opinions.

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7 minutes ago, lska said:

I'd be side-eyeing my husband too, for promising me as part of this family package to the guy who was just holding me at knifepoint.  I'll always love MBE and SN's chemistry but as a couple, I have no idea why Steve and Kayla are still together at this point.  She has no reason to trust him, because he's always pulling this shit.  The writers having them act sweet to each other just doesn't feel like enough, when we see these things that should be coming between them and are never dealt with.  And there's little feeling of intimacy because everything from their love life to their work lives is subject to their two little monsters' opinions.

Amen! Kayla better be allowed to be pissed at Tripp. Enough is enough! I hated Steve comforting him and  telling him that they are all going to be a happy family together with Kayla; after he tried to ruin her career and  slash her throat.   

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9 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

How did nobody in the hospital hear all that screaming and yelling coming from that room?

...but I am shaking my head at the handling of the Xander story.

That was all I could think while the hospital scene was going on!

And, I agree about the Xander story. None of it made any sense.

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I tuned in and saw part of the hospital scene with Tripp and Steve and Kayla, watched about 5 minutes and turned it off in mid screech.

Steve didn't seem to really give a shit, Tripp even less so, and Kayla didn't seem scared as much as bored.

As was I.

Seriously bad.

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6 hours ago, boes said:

I tuned in and saw part of the hospital scene with Tripp and Steve and Kayla, watched about 5 minutes and turned it off in mid screech.

Steve didn't seem to really give a shit, Tripp even less so, and Kayla didn't seem scared as much as bored.

As was I.

Seriously bad.

Agree!   Everything about their scenes were off.   Terrible writing and bad acting by everyone involved.    To quote George Harrison, I "turned the sound down and said rude things."  (yikes, showing my age, here.)

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MV but I found Kayla very good as Joey confessed near the end. She was tearing up and you could see the nightmares going through her head about what would happen to her son - the one she raised on her own. Steve was also good, looking scared for his wife and trying to hold Joey back....as he stood there looking in no way riled up.

The blocking was the real issue, aside from Joey's crap acting. They were all standing too close together. Steve could have easily smacked Tripp and that flimsy scalpel wasn't much of a weapon.

Look, let's be glad this isn't dragging out any longer...the Jade stuff never ended. At least this has, and now we can move on.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Joey/Tripp/Kayla/Steve - It was so jarring seeing what was supposed to be a high emotion scene, with Kayla and Steve in a foamy screechy lather and Tripp on the edge and here we have the person at the center of it all Joey acting like he is at Outback Steakhouse trying to explain to the manager that he should get some money off his bill because his blooming onion was cold. Worst yet, he was doing a crappy job of even that.  It just boggles the mind that the same people that hired the actors that play Chad, nuAbby and Tripp also hired Tripp, Ciara and nuJade (who are both gone now thank goodness). 

I will always lament what could have been with Xander. The show made him just totally heinous. He has no redeeming qualities except for the actor's looks & acting ability. 

This makes me realize that with Stefano being gone and Victor aging, the show has not been able to fill the villain void and the times they seem to try they go too far and totally ruin the person like Deimos and Clyde.  

Sonny turn as Titan CEO served to make Brady more believable and capable as looking and acting more executive like due to the comparison that's for sure. 

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Well, that was ... remarkably efficient. Victor comes clean (mostly), Nicole gets back to being her old self (mostly), and Gabi does the adult thing and says goodbye to Chad. Chad realizes --- and what's more, admits -- that he's still in love with Abigail. And the Johnsons finally have a confrontation/conversation with Tripp. I felt like there was a general wrap-up ordered, starting Monday, on several stories that have been idling or stalled lately. (And did Sparkle and Sonny have an actual kiss? That surprised me.)

I agree that the scene in the on-call room was blocked stupidly, and it dragged on too long. (But how the hell is Kayla carrying around sharps loose in her doctor's bag -- and when's the last time a doctor kept a little black bag? That seemed ultra-contrived to me.) The staff of Salem University Hospital must be super-jaded. "Oh, it's a teaching hospital, so we hear people yelling and screaming at each other about ruining each other's lives, or extracting confessions of murder at scalpel-point every other week around here." I mean, WTF?


22 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

....speaking of which, not since Mansi has an actor been so utterly useless in a scene. I don't understand why they even involved Joey in today's confrontation. The guy couldn't summon up anything remotely close to a believable emotion, even when surrounded by three actors acting their faces off. It was so jarring.

I think Lastovic actually did a little better with these scenes than I was expecting; yes, everyone else was acting their faces off, but I think that forced Lastovic to do a little more work than usual. I'm more convinced than ever that Joey's guilt was making his affect seem dulled, almost not present. Maybe I'm making excuses, or maybe it was a work-around by the writers to compensate for an actor's lack of skills, but it almost kinda sorta made sense. (I had thought that Tripp was going to end up strangling Joey in a rage, so I called that wrong, but I guess the writers want to keep Tripp around. ) The scene could have avoided some of the excessive screaming, I think -- there are other ways to convey anguish, show -- but I believed Steve and Kayla -- and Tripp -- were genuinely in distress. Steve's guilt as a father, and horror at the prospect of his sons' destroying each other, felt real. I think things were wrapped up maybe a little too tidily, but I think I liked, at least in emotional terms, rather than logical ones, that the scene ended with Steve putting his arms around Tripp.

Oh, and Xander really is too dumb to live.

Edited by Sandman
Victor needs to invest in better criminal minions.
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1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

MV but I found Kayla very good as Joey confessed near the end. She was tearing up and you could see the nightmares going through her head about what would happen to her son - the one she raised on her own. Steve was also good, looking scared for his wife and trying to hold Joey back....as he stood there looking in no way riled up.

The blocking was the real issue, aside from Joey's crap acting. They were all standing too close together. Steve could have easily smacked Tripp and that flimsy scalpel wasn't much of a weapon.

I thought so too, although all of them were less strong toward the end and maybe should have made different choices toward the end.  The real problem for me was the writing... when you have a confrontation like that you're supposed to air all of the issues that haven't been spoken during the story, that's just Soap 101.  And there was none of it.  Compare to Chad and Abby's scenes, where the dialogue was about them and what they had been through.  How is this so difficult in this story and why is it still on Dena autopilot?

I don't think JLa is great at conveying emotion, but I didn't hate his choices to play against the high emotion of the scene... he feels relieved he's finally confessing and I can buy that he would feel calm about that.  The execution was not that great.  But in general I don't see as much light between him and Tripp's squinty jaw-acting as many.

Edited by lska
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I watched a little of today's episode and I liked Maggie's reaching out to Brady to try to stop him from being a moron but to no avail.  I guess Eric and Nicole can never actually talk to each other for the rest of their lives because Brady's to insecure to act like a grown up.  Nice.

I also liked Hattie giving John a hard time--he disappears for weeks/months and then shows up with flowers and a pleading "Doc" and Marlena's supposed to swoon?  DH is having a ball playing this double role, so good for her.

And where is my strong, kickass Hope?  Her teary-voiced "What if you don't come back?" to Rafe made me barf.  The Hope I know and love would have been packing to go to Mexico with Rafe to find Dario, NOT begging him to stay.

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When Steve and Kayla kept asking Joey not to tell Tripp he was the one that killed Ava, I had a momentary flashback to Steve asking Kayla not to tell Jo that Jack raped her while they were in the hospital after Jack fell from the roof.

Edited by Lisa418722
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1 hour ago, Sandman said:

Well, that was ... remarkably efficient. Victor comes clean (mostly), Nicole gets back to being her old self (mostly), and Gabi does the adult thing and says goodbye to Chad. Chad realizes --- and what's more, admits -- that he's still in love with Abigail. 

Well the Gabi/Chad/Abby triangle didn't light my world on fire but what I did like tremendously about it is that no one, especially the 2 women, got catty with each other or resorted to scheming/plotting.  Everyone was mature and adult about it. Not saying no one was stupid (hello Abby) but no one got petty or evil and they remained kind and wanting the best for each other. It also helped that all 3 are good actors. 

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Nicole deserves to lose Holly forever, the way she behaved today. She KNEW she shouldn't go over there and did anyway and then when Eric said she was jeopardizing her chances she was all "nooooo, I would never do that" when she had just done THAT EXACT THING.

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RC's writing is new to me but I like the little inside joke dialogue like Hattie "I should win an Emmy" and "she has too much hairspray." Things like that make me smile instead of sighing when the show makes me wonder why the hell I watch.

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Nicole falls in and out of love so easily.

Don't they all. 
Hope: Aiden, Bo and now Rafe
Brady: Kristen, Melanie, Teresa, Nicole
Rafe: Sami, Kate, Jordan, Hope

I can go on and on but you get the point.  That's one thing I don't like about soaps.  People fall so easily and out of love.  



There is also no believable reason for Brady to be jealous of Eric at this point in time.

I think that "kiss", the fact that they were each other's first love and the fact that they were together not too long ago says otherwise. 



How did nobody in the hospital hear all that screaming and yelling coming from that room?

So right.  I just knew someone was gonna run in there.  That was horrible writing. 

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Nicole, you really need to stay away from Holly for everybody's good.

It's funny how nobody ever notices anybody spiking drinks in public.

"A few of Justin's children"?  Adrienne has only had one of Justin's children

If I were undergoing chemo, I think I would be alarmed if I started feeling woozy.

Love that Hattie can't keep track of whether or not Marlena and John are married.

Ah, there you go, Hope, pull the Horton card.

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18 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Love that Hattie can't keep track of whether or not Marlena and John are married.

She's not alone. Weren't Jawn and Marlena planning another ceremony? Whatever happened to that?

2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

...but what I did like tremendously about it is that no one, especially the 2 women, got catty with each other or resorted to scheming/plotting.  Everyone was mature and adult about it.

As I say, I think it's better for the show when the actors are allowed to portray adults.

Edited by Sandman
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5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Joey/Tripp/Kayla/Steve - It was so jarring seeing what was supposed to be a high emotion scene, with Kayla and Steve in a foamy screechy lather and Tripp on the edge and here we have the person at the center of it all Joey acting like he is at Outback Steakhouse trying to explain to the manager that he should get some money off his bill because his blooming onion was cold. Worst yet, he was doing a crappy job of even that.  It just boggles the mind that the same people that hired the actors that play Chad, nuAbby and Tripp also hired Tripp, Ciara and nuJade (who are both gone now thank goodness).

You said Tripp's name twice.

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41 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Love that Hattie can't keep track of whether or not Marlena and John are married.

John's deadpan "We're not married" response to her request for a divorce was hilar.

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45 minutes ago, Sidney said:

This doppelgänger stuff is just awful. It can't wrap up fast enough for me.


I said it before, DH doesn't have the chops to pull this story off.  IMO and all that good stuff.  ;-)

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5 minutes ago, lb60 said:

I said it before, DH doesn't have the chops to pull this story off.  IMO and all that good stuff.  ;-)

She seems like she's just collecting a paycheck at this point.

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3 hours ago, lska said:

She seems like she's just collecting a paycheck at this point.

Totally. I've felt this way for a while with DH. I think she's best served by certain characters (Sami, Will, Kristen and Kate being four that immediately come to mind).

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It is almost like nothing happened in 3 episodes.

You can feel a bit woozy if it is hot outside. I just tend to keep an eye on my drink.

Nicole, how stupid can you be? Brady, back to the bottle. Grow up and stop throwing a tantrum/hissy fit because your girlfriend isn't telling you about something that really isn't your business at this time.

Hopefully the Dario crap can be resolved soon. Guess Abs will be getting an annulment.

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One doppelgänger is okay but two is pure torture. Then you add Morgan Fairchild to the mix and it's a nightmare. I hope this is a quick storyline but I think RC loves to drag these storylines on and on and on.

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