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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Deimos. I don't like the name, not that it matters, as I was predisposed to call him Lujak no matter what. And can you die of happiness? Because if  he and Adrienne have any scenes together, someone needs to know what to tell the ME who performs my autopsy. 

As a Nicole fan, I am actually pulling for him to be paired with her.

I could do without Philip in the Deimos story, but I am curious. Getting all back-stabby and bitchy with Brady is one thing, but going up against Victor (which, I assume is what Philip's doing) is stupid.

  • Love 6

Deimos. I don't like the name, not that it matters, as I was predisposed to call him Lujak no matter what. And can you die of happiness? Because if  he and Adrienne have any scenes together, someone needs to know what to tell the ME who performs my autopsy. 


I am right there with you. Come, let us go hold hands while we sing "Almost Paradise." 


If Deimos is paired with anyone, let it be Nicole. I like pairings of actors who can actually act.

  • Love 7

When AMC ended the actresses who played Kendall and Greenlee bought their clothes. They also sell all props and stuff. One bought a lamp or picture frames too.


There were things from OLTL I would've loved to have.  Props from Viki's kitchen, some painted wood panels from Todd & Blair's old sky pad, a pillow from Dorian's house, etc.  I had given up on OLTL years before it was cancelled (DH was the head writer) but I still miss it. 

  • Love 8

Philip isn't very attractive. At least not to me.  In fact, "Beauty and the Beast" popped into my mind when he came into Victor's study and Belle was already there and the sun/light was shining on her hair.  And as I typed that I realized Belle is from Beauty and the Beast.  Maybe that's the look they are going for in that couple! LOL.


Just looked up JPL on Google.  He's only 35 !!!!   He looks older than Vincent Irizarry who is 21 years older!

  • Love 7

Mannn, if Phillip got his brother killed...

Deimos wanted Victor's old lady?? How old was she if he was 20? Loving evil Vincent Irizarry.

Of course Ava would hide Kayla lolll.

See why I love dark Nicole. She's what I like the most. Not this crying and carrying on over tanman for 3 weeks. BURY HIM.

Rip the heart out Brady!!! Do us all a favor.

Victor is questioning Phillip why hes in town all of sudden.

  • Love 2

Ha, Ava texts she's just arrived in NY and Steve marches right over there and finds her! 


Belle gives absolutely no motivation for why she is with this younger man.  It's not like Shawn cheated on her. 


Is Scotty beaming these people across the country?


2 days of no Failure but Phelle isn't any better.  They bumped noses lol. 

  • Love 4

How did Victor come to Salem 30 years ago when Bo was in his 50s or early 60s?


Why hasn't Victor called Belle a whore for cheating on Shawn again and Phillip a whore for going after her again? He was a lot nicer to them than he is the rest of the people he deems beneath him.


Belle is trash.


There's too much supernatural shit going on at the same time on this show. Caroline's visions are enough.


John can't even stick around long enough for Brady and Eric to be released from the hospital? He's waited decades to meet one if his parents so what's the problem with waiting a few more days?


John's mother should be dead.

  • Love 11

If Victor likes someone who is a whore in his eyes they are not one. Found that out when he is not call the princess out./

Besides the obvious of him being an ass, I wonder why he treats women the way does is because his Deimos took his woman. He probably saw women from that moment on as being trash, whores and users. I wonder will writers play that beat.

  • Love 4

Shawn needs to get full custody of Claire. 


Claire doesn't want to live in Maine.


Is this just bad lighting in the park or were they playing with a fog machine?


A double dose of Nicole.  What can be better?


John can't be bothered to worry about his son and stepson, so he has to run out of town.


Did Victor kill Helena?

Is Victor's brother, Deimos the father of Xander? If not, is he a made up brother that wasn't mentioned before?

Victor's only brother was Justin's father who died in a car crash along with Justin's mother when just was 10-12 (don't remember his exact age). That is why he and Justin were so close, they were the only family they had. There is no brother who was Xander's father and their is no Deimos. Given the ridiculous age difference, VI should not be playing Victor's brother. The discrepancy took me out of the scene, as I kept thinking VI looks young enough to play Victor's grandson. The aging of Victor's late in life son, Philip doesn't help matters.

  • Love 4

I have to say that I did think BB looked good today in his return of Shawn.  I loved Jason Cook in the role, but Beemer is growing on me.  It's funny of JC looks like he favored his father Bo, but BB looks like he favors his mother Hope.  He does look like her.  I'm curious to see him in scenes with hope and nu-Ciara.  They would look like family.  I still think he looks too young to be nu-Claire's father.


Didn't Beemer and NB date IRL for quite a while?  Now she is married and expecting, hopefully they parted on good terms and don't mind working together again.


Oh, how I have always adored VI.  I agree that it is ridiculous to have him be Victor's brother.  Long lost son or nephew I'd buy a hell of a lot more.  I'm surprised Abby didn't choose to go after Kiriakis men over Dimera men.  There are more of them, and most of them are pretty damn good-looking.  Victor would be calling her a whore instead of Theresa, Eve, Chloe, Nicole, etc, etc.


They need to find Kayla and STAT.  Once she is found, I don't see how Ava can explain that one.  Unless Kayla loses her memory as to how she got wherever she is stashed.


Still grossed out with how easily Belle blew off her daughter and made plans with Philip.  What a gross mother she is.  Does she even care about what happens to Claire, where she is, if she is getting her needs met while she is away?  I know Claire is a teenager and not a baby, and is staying with John/Marlena...but she is still a minor and her mother should be looking out for her, not taking off with her skeevy ex.

  • Love 5

I have to say that I did think BB looked good today in his return of Shawn. I loved Jason Cook in the role, but Beemer is growing on me. It's funny of JC looks like he favored his father Bo, but BB looks like he favors his mother Hope. He does look like her. I'm curious to see him in scenes with hope and nu-Ciara. They would look like family. I still think he looks too young to be nu-Claire's father.

Didn't Beemer and NB date IRL for quite a while? Now she is married and expecting, hopefully they parted on good terms and don't mind working together again.

Agreed. BB and KA are twins that's for sure.


And yes honey Shawn and Chloe

Shawn can move back to Salem and get full custody. I doubt Belle would mind or even notice.

Belle has already tried to dump her on Shawn. Claire just refused to go to Maine. Belle just gives off the vibe of being one of those women who when she is out of earshot of her kids (and sometimes within) lets it slip that she wishes she didn't have kids, not that she had waited, but simp,y wishes she didn't have them. She makes Marlena look like a 50s stay-at-home, live for your kids Mom.

VI and JPL are the poster boys for HOT and NOT⛈. JPL when an actor old enough to to be your father looks younger than you, you have to wonder where you turned left when you should have turned right. Out-acting you is a given, the rest, sad. VI is already proven he is the only worthy successor to JA's Kiriakis thrown. Just wish we had the same with the DiMeras. I love TP, but his age doesn't truly addres the vacuum of JM's departure in the way that VI does.

I liked Marlena's scenes with Brady. I'm always thrilled when the show acknowledges that Marlena is the mother who raised him (still can't figure out the hate with KL's Brady from back in the day, made no sense then, and it never will make sense).

This might belong in the Unpopular Opinion thread, but I love John and Marlena. There is something about the two of the that just works. They are my second favorite show couple behind Steve and Kayla.

Why is SWMNBN still alive and on my screen. And what did that b***h do to my Kayla.

  • Love 8

And then there's Maude. She and John do look alike.



I can't understand why DAYS is still changing John's backstory. I lost count. When I last watched DAYS, he was a priest.  Then years later I read he was the product of Santo and Colleen.  So now he's not?


And I can't with the name Maude. I see Bea Arthur's face.  RIP.

  • Love 5

I don't mind John and Marlena, and it's nice that Days acknowledges the existence and importance of people over 40 without making them doddering old fools.  I do wish they'd let John have more of a personality, though.  DH can play snarky humor quite well.



There's too much supernatural shit going on at the same time on this show. Caroline's visions are enough.



  • Love 2

JPL dimples/smile lines were helpfu when he was younger. Now, that he is older they are sagging & aging his face. Also, Corday say how bad his hair looks on screen in January and told him to get a haircut and STAT. Unfortunately, we wouldn't see the change until late May. I thought BB look looked great and I'm sure he will do fine. I much preferred JC but if he didn't want to continue playing Shawn D then BB is perfect for the role. I'm sure he will be shirtless by tomorrow. LOL!!!

  • Love 1

Why hasn't Victor called Belle a whore for cheating on Shawn again and Phillip a whore for going after her again? He was a lot nicer to them than he is the rest of the people he deems beneath him.


Belle is trash.



I love seeing VI on my screen again and I actually remember him as Nick McHenry on GL--he and Kimberly Simms' Mindy just sparkled together.  I also remember that the poor man had to act like he was interested in Barbara Crampton's version of Mindy--who can forget the stupid braid she used to wear in her hair.  Good times :)


Now Deimos and Nicole would be interesting together and I'd also like to see him with JL's Theresa.  I'd love it if Deimos befriended all of the women dear old Vic calls whores :)


Belle really is the worst--the actress plays the character with zero charisma and we're supposed to believe that this dour matron has all of these men madly in love with her?  And why does the show choose such awful selfish women to attempt to be their heroines?

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 7

I can't understand why DAYS is still changing John's backstory. I lost count. When I last watched DAYS, he was a priest.  Then years later I read he was the product of Santo and Colleen.  So now he's not?


And I can't with the name Maude. I see Bea Arthur's face.  RIP.

The primary problem with casting relatives who resemble DH is it ignores the fact that John has had at least one extensive facial reconstruction (this remained true even when they deRomaned him, it was part of why tracing who he was proved problematic). This is why he is the one character Days never had to worry about hiring actors who looked like Jim to play his kids, no-one knows what Johnreally looks like. So now we are to believe that John's relatives look like his post facial reconstruction self? Hmm Okay.

  • Love 5

I just can't with John's mom.

I never thought of Belle as a skank but wow.

RE John's Mom, the actress was so perky I found their intro scene completely unbelievable. Wouldn't there be some awkward silences or tearful looks from her? She sounded like she was luring him into a trap...not sure I buy her as John's Real Deal Mother...

And yes, Belle is pretty massively disappointing.

As is the fact that Kristen's hotel room is now supposedly in Vegas. Magic!

Can't they at least lose the wall of booze? It's a giveaway that they're reusing sets.

I can't understand why DAYS is still changing John's backstory. I lost count. When I last watched DAYS, he was a priest.  Then years later I read he was the product of Santo and Colleen.  So now he's not?


And I can't with the name Maude. I see Bea Arthur's face.  RIP.


LOL right!  I hope this is the LAST backstory for John and there is actual follow through this time.  

So if Deimos "seduced" Victor's fiancee, Helena 30 years ago, when he was 20, and he's been in jail since then, that means he went to jail when shoulder pads and big hair were DA SEXAY.  So now that he's out after all those years, he comes to his brother, who is married to Maggie, who thinks big hair and shoulder pads are DA SEXAY.

So I guess that logically means he'll be going gaga over Maggie??    Ummm......does VI really realize what he's signed on for??


(The timeline on Deimos and Victor requires we just give in and accept a mass memory loss.   Especially since I guess we're supposed to believe that makes Brady 30 or less, instead of the mid-30's to 40 that he actually looks?  Not to mention Isabelle's history......oh hell, okay, I'll go along with it.

I did see a bit of the Victor I like today when he was mockiing Phillippa.  I think he'd look simply stunning if he put his hair up instead of wearing it down like that.  I just DETEST John Paul Lumpaleer in case I haven't made it clear.  

He and Belle, though, do make a perfect couple.


Brandon Beemer is back!  So how long do you think it'll be before he finds an excuse to stroll the Square in his speedo?  The guy is Days answer to Ronn Moss, an answer to a question that never should be asked.

  • Love 7

He and Belle, though, do make a perfect couple.



The actors seems to have chemistry.  I never watched Winterthrone but I can tell they do like working together.  But like you JPL makes my flesh crawl.


I would laugh if Deimos romance Maggie just to piss off Victor and get him to snap, lmao.  It could happen y'know.  It's been down soaps.  If written correctly it could be juicy and soapy.

I've switched back over to Days because GH is abysmal lately.  Had my reservations about JPL as Phillip, or even as an extra really because he can't seem to keep horrible acting tics at bay.  Love VI, and will stick around to see where this is going because he makes everything better.  Another backstory on John?? Really?? Do the writers just get bored and think this is even interesting? It'll just get retconned by the time the next vat of clam chowder is ready at the Brady Pub.  Not loving that Steve and Kayla already have an obstacle thrown at them.  Especially when that obstacle comes in the form of TB.  She tends to simper and smug, and I find that highly punchable.   Belle's mother-in-law is in crisis and she's just going to leave for Vegas with Phillip with this going on, two brothers in the hospital, and a daughter that clearly needs her mother at the moment? Guess she needed some MEEEEEEE!!!!! time.   Also having some sort of weird love triangle because of a transplanted organ is dumb and overplayed.  When my mom completely shattered her arm and had to get bones to rebuild her arm from the bone bank, we had great laughs once she was healed.  My brother and I would go up and ask if her arm had magical powers, and which one of us she liked the best, but had to let the haunted arm choose.  There's not haunted organs that tell you who to love and this is all ridiculous.  

  • Love 8

It doesn't help at all that he's [JPL] constantly making those stupid faces.  He was decent in his scene with Claire today since he wasn't mugging and pulling out all his tics, but then he was right back at it with VI and JA.  What is wrong with him?  


Making stupid faces is what JPL does!  He ruined many a dramatic moment on OLTL making some derpy smirk or grimace.

  • Love 9
Message added by scarynikki12

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