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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Yes, believe me, I'd run through a fire to save my daughter, but it's a bit over the top to offer my living heart to her. Reminds me of the novel (sorry, can't remember specifics) about the family that had a late-in-life child so she could be a donor to her ill sister. Something is wrong in both cases -- thank god they're both fictional, lol. 

  • Love 4

I can only say how impressed I am with the acting from the vets. Maggie usually bugs because she's too giggly for age (writing) but today she killed me when she slumped in the corner. As did Nicole when she took Dan's warm hand. Damn! Great scenes! Everyone associated with this tragic s/l is going to make me cry, not just tears but fugly crying.

Kayla and Steve are too cute for words. So are Gabi and JJ.

The thought of Ava and Joey makes me want to vomit. Stupid,horny teenage boy .

  • Love 7

I can only say how impressed I am with the acting from the vets. Maggie usually bugs because she's too giggly for age (writing) but today she killed me when she slumped in the corner. As did Nicole when she took Dan's warm hand. Damn! Great scenes! Everyone associated with this tragic s/l is going to make me cry, not just tears but fugly crying.

I will say with all the sadness between Will, Bo, and this death, no doubt the Days vets are showing they have serious actors and can pull off raw material.

Days is usually looked at for being the goofy, over the top soap to not be taken serious compared to the more critically acclaimed YR & GH. While the death needs to be toned down a great deal and the show needs at least a whole year of romance/humor/drama aka BALANCE, I can't help but be impressed with the cast for helding the material they've been given.

Edited by BlackMamba
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John's declaration was pure "Soapdish" and I loved it  I nearly fell off the couch laughing, but I loved it! 
Maggie pulling Nicole in for a hug was nice, even if it looked super awkward since AZ towers over SR. But, that awkwardness made it look real, and I enjoyed seeing both characters allowing the other to grieve. 

I know a lot of you guys don't like all the death, but if it's bringing out performances like these, I'm finding it hard to find fault.

  • Love 8

Lastwaltz the book was My Sister's Keeper not all of Jodi Picoult's book are that good or twisty - some are so trite and predictable- the priest one with the rape had the most surprises.

Off topic, so I'll keep it short, but I have enjoyed several of her books -- the one about the boarding school and then one that took place in Alaska, lol. That's my memory for you. 

Chabby scenes... eww... Chad crying like a little bitch "howww... can.. I treat you like that"

Hope's having a weird dream of Malcolm and Stefano. No one bothered to call her about Jennifer. I see.

Nicole, Roman and Theresa having simultaneous scenes with the Daniel, Eric and Brady.

Jawn still wants someone to kill him dead. Can I do it? Put me in coach!!!

Gabi knows Rafe is liking Hope if hes going to her house this late at night.

Uggh Crabs... his spell is broke.. I can now vomit.

Kayla said "Jawn youre insane" smartest person in the room and then Maggie.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

The Crabs scenes were DISGUSTING. Who the fuck is supposed to care about those idiots reuniting while the fallout from the crash is going on? Dan is dead, Maggie and Nicole are devastated, Brady is getting a heart transplant, and Eric is barely alive and someone thought it would be a good idea to treat the viewers to scenes of Chad and Abifail professing their nasty love for each other and  their Plot Point Baby. 


If the writers knew they were going to kill off Dan they should have reunited Nicole and Eric awhile ago and made someone other than Eric responsible for the crash, Having Nicole have two miscarriages and lose her fiance in such a relatively short amount of time is ridiculous. 


I'm very curious to see what kind of soap miracle they're going to pull out at the last minute so Eric survives. 

  • Love 7

OK I'm going to come right out and say it-im officially sick of Hope and she's annoying the crap out of me. I'm a long time fan but I'm burnt out on so much KA (yes I know she's an amazing actress) but yes too much especially this 100% revenge mode Hope.

AZ destroyed me today. As schlocky as the overdone "morgue" scenes can be she broke my heart today between that last scene and screaming to God asking why he hates her. I can only imagine how hard these scenes had to be for her since SC is her real life love. She seriously brought it.

  • Love 8

Nicole has a habit of hitting the sheets with father and son.  She boinked away with Eric 1.0 and had a Last Night In Salem One Night Stand with RoTox.  One good thing about Will Horton being dead is that future writers won't craft a Nicole-Will tryst, so unless Bill Horton returns from Africa soon, there won't be another father-son combo to conquer. (Though Brady-John is always a potential.....)


They could SORAS Johnny ...

  • Love 3

OK I'm going to come right out and say it-im officially sick of Hope and she's annoying the crap out of me. I'm a long time fan but I'm burnt out on so much KA (yes I know she's an amazing actress) but yes too much especially this 100% revenge mode Hope.


It really seems like the writers are stalling with the Hope's Revenge story for some reason. She's spent weeks talking about how she's going to get revenge but the only thing she's manage to accomplish is to get herself indicted on murder charges. This story needs to pick up the pace STAT.

  • Love 6

OK I'm going to come right out and say it-im officially sick of Hope and she's annoying the crap out of me. I'm a long time fan but I'm burnt out on so much KA (yes I know she's an amazing actress) but yes too much especially this 100% revenge mode Hope.

Hmm really... she wasn't on everyday last month and wasn't on alot in December compared to KM. Yet I do agree the writers need to stop with the red herrings and pussyfooting. Either let Hope get the job done or send her to therapy get her life together. I honestly don't want this story to go past February sweeps. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Finally catching up on the latest.


So Dr. Tan is going to the big tanning bed in the sky, huh?


I kinda sorta feel maybe a little bit bad about all the times I snarked on him, but he made it so incredibly easy.


Amazing performances by AZ, SR, MBE et al, though.


Abifail - she really is, isn't she? Can she please fall down an elevator shaft? Also, and I know this is petty, but she is just not attractive - all stringy hair, bug eyes, puffy lips and jutting chin. What Chad or anyone else ever saw in her, Plus, she looks nothing like her blond mother or sandy-haired father who both have BLUE eyes so while I know it's statistically possible, two blue eyed parents shouldn't have a brown eyed child (I watched my Lace II, ya'all!)


Oh, John, I will always have a soft spot for you, you clueless dolt. I will take the king of the smell the fart acting all day, any day over Pricktor Newman.

  • Love 8

Umm Phillip, Shaun Cassidy called and wants his 1973 hairdo back. That is some bad hair.


Don't drag Shaun Cassidy into this! That really is some bad hair though. I was unprepared for it. I actually gasped when I saw it.

The actor needs to make amends for whatever he did to piss off the hair dept. 

  • Love 5

Any info on why SC left Days? Another gig? Just time to kill him off? Just curious.

I am not watching the death orgy - I will wait until this death train finally comes to an end.

I'm with you on not watching all the crying and gnashing of teeth. I've been FFing a lot of the crying scenes and can't wait for some of the other storylines to get moving.

Don't drag Shaun Cassidy into this! That really is some bad hair though. I was unprepared for it. I actually gasped when I saw it.

The actor needs to make amends for whatever he did to piss off the hair dept.

I originally typed Leif Garrett. Is that less offensive? And can I borrow your Tiger Beat when you're finished with it? ;)

  • Love 4

Abby looked like a deformed malnourished inbred girl today. With that stick body, gangly limbs and lightbulb head it looked like Carrie from the VC Andrews book illustrations. Abs relationship with Chad is so shitfucked. "You'd be an amazing mother!" RME Maybe compared to Stefano or something.

Poor MR / Jenn giving her best in her hospital scene against all that bland blank acting by KM. Missy is just showing her devastation and it was like talking to a wall. 5 years fucking daily front burner acting and KM still can't cry in a scene? Not even one tear.

I feel so bad for Nicole and Maggie right now. The actresses really stepped up to the material. I was moved, especially when Nicole started her ugly cry then conversation with GOD demanding to know why he hated her. It is so messed up in all these years all Nicole has wanted was a man to love her and a baby and she got denied it repeatedly. Meanwhile Failure gets it on a silver platter without even trying.

John is just speaking from grief and denial right now. He seemed to pull himself together to help Marlena.

CB / Gabi and GG / Rafe actually look and talk like siblings. She has aged so beautifully.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 9

Yes, believe me, I'd run through a fire to save my daughter, but it's a bit over the top to offer my living heart to her. Reminds me of the novel (sorry, can't remember specifics) about the family that had a late-in-life child so she could be a donor to her ill sister. Something is wrong in both cases -- thank god they're both fictional, lol. 

Not sure if your aware but there is a real story regarding just that premise.  It was made into a Lifetime TV movie back in the 90's For the Love of My Child: The Anissa Ayala Story. 


I'm also a little confused about this tough decision.  It is coming off like a "Sophie's Choice" where I don't see it that way at all.  I mean is there really a choice to make here.  Daniel's heart goes to Brady automatically.  I mean Maggie may like Eric Brady and like his parents and family but why would she ever realistically pick Eric over Brady?  She has a long standing personal relationship with Brady as his sponsor for years and has subsequently married into his family and is his grandmother. 


Not that the circumstances aren't unique and heartfelt all around, but I would understand the "struggle" more if it were say Lucas and Brady fighting for the heart.  That to me would be a Sophie's Choice for Maggie.  Her two surrogate sons fighting over her biological son's heart. 

  • Love 6

I can't help but look at these Chabby scenes again... man they are weak... I can tell BF is doing the best he can to convey his emotions that the kid is his son but these scenes just didn't move me.  Seriously that was the conclusion of brainwashed Chad and Crabs are a couple now?   This was the reunion Crabs fans have been waiting for.  *looking around* Where is my V8!

  • Love 3

Man, AZ is effin' killing this shit. That scene when Maggie walks in and Nicole asks who is getting the heart....

I'm surprised at myself. I got all sad when Bo died, but that was mainly nostalgia induced. Daniel got on my nerves, but I'm actually moved by these scenes.

I think SC may have been, too. He had a little tear at the corner of his eye when Nicole was saying her last goodbye before they took Daniel away to harvest his heart.

Edited by Rowan
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They could SORAS Johnny ...


At this point, it wouldn't be a bad idea.  I wrestled with this for a minute but since the Dimeras are losing relatives left and right maybe SORASing Johnny wouldn't be bad along with Allie.  Maybe a teenage Johnny could be sending cousin Theo "bullying" texts.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

The baby(s?) playing Thomas is so cute. I hope they start calling this baby TJ instead of Thomas.


Damn, AZ killed me today.


Nicole tends to yell at God a lot.


Could a medical professional tell me if they really put the two people side by side in the operating room like that?  Of course, in most cases the heart is brought in by transport ...


Paul just showed up out of nowhere.


Hey, that English doctor just showed up for a one-word line.  Again, make her a regular, Show!


Why was Henderson up at 4:00 in the morning?

I think in all fairness that many parents say that exact thing John did. I was teasing yesterday mostly because I had a jacked up day. But thinking now, I realize the writers are probably taking stories of real parents in emergency rooms sacrificing their lives for their kids. John though is John. And I just adore him but he does come off a little soapdish-ish like someone said earlier and I can't help but appreciate that. Because frankly I hate reality t.v.


Kayla (Mary Beth) was absolute gold in this episode. I'm really proud of her. And though she is pimping Chabby on twitter taking her comments in the MF interview I honestly think she is looking out for Billy and that I can totally appreciate because I really like him. And after KM I think he will be a very good fun character to watch. Maybe (hard to believe) as good as James Scott even.

  • Love 3

AZ was awesome today.  I stopped working and stood up in front of the TV to watch her scenes.  Nicole really is a tragic character.  She's done some really shitty stuff (all before my Days watching time) but doesn't deserve losing what she so desperately wants over and over again.  I still remember the scenes where Nicole learned her baby died in utero.  They were so heart-wrenching and sad.  Days is lucky to have such a versatile and convincing actor.


JL, MBE and SR were also great.   Was today the first affectionate scene that Theresa and her Aunt Kayla have had? 



Abifail - she really is, isn't she? Can she please fall down an elevator shaft? Also, and I know this is petty, but she is just not attractive - all stringy hair, bug eyes, puffy lips and jutting chin.



Abby looked like a deformed malnourished inbred girl today. With that stick body, gangly limbs and lightbulb head it looked like Carrie from the VC Andrews book illustrations.


My sisters!  I also think she's unattractive and have never understood why she was cast as Jack and Jennifer's daughter.  They both have fine features and hers just aren't.  And apart from that, KM is a horrible actor.  Missy Reeves gave it her all today and got nothing but a blank face in return.

  • Love 3

So, when Chad thinks of Abigail and he's feeling good, the images he sees are are kittens, chocolate cake and.....BELLE??


I truly feel bad for Abigail.  Truly.  Heart bleeding and all that.  Chad came back to reality without her punching his lights out repeatedly.  All she was able to get in were a few smacks.  Poor thing was denied what she loves best.


I'm surprised she didn't dump baby Plot Point right back in Jenn's arms and pull Chad into the supply closet for a climb up Mt. Dimera.  

Baby Ollie Tom is cute, though, isn't he?  Who knew a human/kangaroo hybrid would look so good?   

Oh - how come Jenn, banged up, bruised and swollen from her accident STILL managed to look better than Salem's Princess?  I expected worms to start crawling out of her hair.


The rest of Show was excellent.  Arianne Zucker, wow.  Her grief over Daniel was overwhelming, and once again, Suzanne Rogers nailed it too.  And as one of you said, Maggie pulling Nicole in for a hug was awkward and VERY touching because of how utterly human  it was.  Dan has never been better than now, a mute meat bag ready for harvesting.  


Maybe we'll find out later that the leftovers were made into hot dogs for the next 4th of July picnic.  That would be so touching.  


MBE, Arianne Zucker, Jen Lilley and Suzanne Rogers are so damn good, aren't they?  

Edited by boes
  • Love 6

Thats what I can say about Days the last few weeks they have been making the show more woman-centric. And as much as I like the Dimeras, Brady and sometimes Rafe you have to get the women fans to start watching the women characters most of all. This is a soap opera and a genre built for women. Women needs to be central core especially if you trying to go after those key demos. So you see Days does some things right even if they can make some of us annoyed and angry with some directions.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

Echoing how great MBE, SR and AZ are.

I too wonder if this is the first scene MBE and JL have shared. I have never seen them together in the 6+ months I have been back.

Scenes this dramatic really do Drake no favors. His lack of skills stand out like a sore thumb and this comes from someone who generally views DH favorably and will forever argue that he was the best Roman in terms of cast chemistry.

There were three scenes where my initial response was, "Why is that character (Philip, Belle and Paul) there?" Then I realized their connections to the victims -- Uncle, Sister twice over and brother.

I get Marlena's angst, but even Kayla acknowledged that Brady should get the heart as he needs it the most. Plus, her knowing that her drunk son caused the accident that killed Dan, and nearly killed his brother, makes it hard for me to muster a ton of sympathy. I know that I should have viewed those scenes differently, but I can't. Maybe if I saw more of Marlena and Eric being mother and son, I would feel more.

Forgot to add that Aussie Doctor and never before heard of superfriend to Taniel, sucks. How was his hired, cause it wasn't for his skills as a thespian, and his looks are not doing anything for me.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 5


I too wonder if this is the first scene MBE and JL have shared. I have never seen them together in the 6+ months I have been back.


No, Kayla introduced Theresa to everybody when she first came to town, and there were several scenes when Theresa was working for Jennifer where Kayla as Chief of Staff of the hospital had to keep taking her to task for not doing her job.

  • Love 2

Hope is now Sami. The Brady vs the Dimeria. Not sure how I feel about this yet. I love Kristen Alfonso but I think recycling sami's motivation in her may be a misfire.

I'll say this... the writing is missing the mark. The story started hot, had possibilities but I feel this isn't a

Hope storyline as much as it's a Vincent Irizarry introduction/story. He starts the show Jan 18. So to me all this is plot point, stall, plot point, stall, plot point, Dimera red herring. If these writers knew they were going to do this type of story they should had brought him in way sooner than this, because it's dragging and I need Hope to get her emotional stability together. Plus I also think the writers are still interweaving VIs story with the impending romance between Rafe/Hope too, at least that part is typical Days. When a new threat comes to town, they find a way to build a romance in the middle of it.

Edited by BlackMamba
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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