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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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40 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Yes it's bad. Children used to die from it and one of the reasons bike helmet laws came about was dead kids... pretty sure the boating law came about for similar dead children reasons

Again, it's better for Bryn to live with an unfit mother than pursue custody? This just doesn't make sense to me - if Bethenny is like her mm or worse than her mom and isn't fit to raise a child, how is it better for Bryn to live with her? 

If Jason is "doing it for the long term" then he may want to remember that when Bethenny's dad did that to her, Bethenny eventually came to him with a whole lot of bitterness and resentment over her dad thinking that being raised by a crazy bitch was best. 

MANY kids live with unfit mothers. Jason is not absent and he monitors. Psychotherapy and coparenting has come a long way since Bethenny's parents' dysfunction, gotta hope Jason and Bethenny and Bryn all partake. 

11 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


So Jason ignoring life threatening safety hazards is ok because one day down the road in the big battle for Bryn's affection, it means he will come out ahead?  

Sorry, but that sounds selfish and irresponsible as hell to me.

The only one ignoring life threatening safety hazards is Bethenny breaking the law with no life vest on. The long game I referred to isn't for Bryn's affection it is for her overall well being. God help those people if this is a battle for that child's AFFECTION. The thought sickens me. 

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

The only one ignoring life threatening safety hazards is Bethenny breaking the law with no life vest on.

I think it's fair to say Jason is also ignoring life threatening safety hazards since he's not protesting this at all or noting this in the current custody battle. I mean, its not like there's no evidence, there's an actual photograph but no protests from him at all. I hope ignoring it and keeping silent doesn't result in a dead kid. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

New York State Navigation laws state that everyone under 12 years of age must wear a personal floatation device (PFD) while onboard a boat underway, and that a PFD be available for every individual onboard. 

At anchor or docked? Different for me. 

New York State Navigation laws state that everyone under 12 years of age must wear a personal floatation device (PFD) while onboard a boat underway, and that a PFD be available for every individual onboard

Was she wearing one while the boat was underway. I don't recall the pix entirely just that she didn't have one. It bugged. I can't with water! 

ETA link: Yah I think you need a PFD Here! Just sayin' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6095033/Bethenny-Frankel-enjoys-day-boating-daughter-Bryn-tragic-death-boyfriend.html


This is the first time I got to see the pictures.    Thanks for posting the link.   While I agree 100% that Bryn should always wear a life vest while on a boat, I read the article and apparently Bryn was drying off from a swim.    She had just gotten out of the water.   That could explain why she wasn't wearing a vest.

And there's no way they were in the "cold unforgiving waters of the Atlantic."   Based on the shoreline and waterfront homes I think they were in Peconic Bay.   That's typically where people use those small boats. 

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 11
54 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I think it's fair to say Jason is also ignoring life threatening safety hazards since he's not protesting this at all or noting this in the current custody battle. I mean, its not like there's no evidence, there's an actual photograph but no protests from him at all. I hope ignoring it and keeping silent doesn't result in a dead kid. 

Do we have any sort of confirmation that Jason hasn't brought up any of these issues with his attorney? They are already in the middle of a court case.

Perhaps he feels that dealing with issues through proper channels is better than making everything public. Especially since Bryn and her friends are at an age to see this stuff now.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Really? Because it's against the law for kids not to wear one and if you want to paint the picture of poor Brynn drowning in the cold Atlantic, ok, but I think Brynn's little head smacking into the pavement after being hit by a car while bike riding and cracking like an egg is equally upsetting and more likely. But mileage may vary.

If Bethenny is an unfit mother, how is Jason helping Bryn by not pursuing custody under the theory that even trying would harm Bryn more? Further, if Bethenny is visibly and demonstrably unfit, why would he lose?

You don’t need to be hit by a car while riding your bike for it to be dangerous. Two weeks ago I buried a 14 year old who was riding his bike (no helmet) popped a Willy, lost control of the bike and smacked the back of his head right in front of his mother and two older brothers. No one was able to do anything for him when the ambulance arrived he was pronounced dead.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Do we have any sort of confirmation that Jason hasn't brought up any of these issues with his attorney? They are already in the middle of a court case.

The last time, and really only time, Jason mentioned any concerns about Bethenny's parenting was when he raised the issue of Dennis Sheilds dying of a drug overdose and possibly having had Bryn left alone with him, and we certainly heard about it. They ARE already in a court case, a court case about custody and people are saying this incident means Bethenny's an unfit mother so why wouldn't he mention it?

3 minutes ago, bagger said:

You don’t need to be hit by a car while riding your bike for it to be dangerous. Two weeks ago I buried a 14 year old who was riding his bike (no helmet) popped a Willy, lost control of the bike and smacked the back of his head right in front of his mother and two older brothers. No one was able to do anything for him when the ambulance arrived he was pronounced dead.

How awful for the family!

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, nexxie said:

This is perhaps the creepiest video of B - the perfect example of her pathological competition with other women and soulless nastiness.

You nailed it. It is pathological.

And it reminds me how Beth had to ridicule Ramona’s Britney Spears costume with her T&A supposedly in everyone’s face, after she herself wore the demure Barbie costume. 

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • Love 10
31 minutes ago, LucindaWalsh said:

The mocking of Ramona by BF during that talking head is pretty ridiculous to me. First, I agree, she looks creepy; she also doesn't imitate what Ramona did or how she acted, at all. Second, seriously? the lack of self awareness by BF:  Ramona graciously delivers a drink to RSG after receiving one from him versus BF saying "what, you want a blowjob?" when RSG asks to sit on the seat beside her instead of being in the awkward for conversation several feet across from her. I wish when the video was shown during the reunion Ramona had had the thought to have said "Maybe I should have offered him a blowjob instead of just doing the buy each other a drink dating ritual."  

My critique, as well.

Ha! Love it.

  • Love 4
On 9/28/2018 at 2:38 PM, teapot said:

A-what-a??  (sorry, couldn't resist.  Y'all know what I'm talkin' about...)

you know, I think BF personifies that quote, erroneously attributed on many a meme to Miss Marilyn Monroe, "if you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best"

my response to types like that?  RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILLS!  So I'm supposed to take abuse most of the time in exchange for the nine minutes each week that you're actually a decent person?  no, thank you!!!

You rounded up, I see.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Do we have any sort of confirmation that Jason hasn't brought up any of these issues with his attorney? They are already in the middle of a court case.

Perhaps he feels that dealing with issues through proper channels is better than making everything public. Especially since Bryn and her friends are at an age to see this stuff now.

No, we don't have any confirmation of this. He could be bringing all sorts of issues up with his attorneys, and handling concerns privately. He may not be. It's all speculation, but we all do that on these boards, myself included.

In fact, I would speculate that if Jason was photographed on a boat with Bryn, and she wasn't wearing a PFD, it would not be okay.

The fact remains that Bethenny took a risk with her child, and broke the law. There are photos. She's in a boat, on the water. No PFD. It doesn't matter if she's drying off. Not Safe.4F5B168300000578-6095033-It_has_been_reported_that_Bethenny_is_absolutely_devastated_that-m-20_1535122982157.jpg.1088998c38d284955bfe2752f8c1c311.jpg

 I just hope she's more careful in future. That's all.

Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 5
On 9/29/2018 at 4:39 PM, Happy Camper said:

May I add to the list? 

I think it's just rude to throw a cocktail over an innocent woman just because you are annoyed.

I think it's unethical to promote your SkinnyGirl Marguerita as all natural when in fact it contains  the preservative sodium benzoate, which can become a carcinogenic.

I think it's ridiculous and thirsty to post every trivial moment of your day on Instagram.

I think it's hypocritical to advise someone to focus on one product and not take your own advice and end up with this Skinnygirl Jeans fail. (It's like the Emperor's New Clothes, what the heck is going on with those jeans? Check the skinnygirl jeans instagram for nonexistent updates/promotions)

I think it's pathetic to wear a "Chillin' with my Snomees" shirt and then desperately require constant reassurance that everyone else "gets it."

Anyhow, I think that there are enough adjectives to describe Frankelstein,  rude, unethical, ridiculous, thirsty (actually parched) hypocritical, pathetic, desperate.

Bethenny started as a nice enough, humble, hard working, hopeful entrepreneur. 

She had success. Her head grew HUGE.

Success has turned her into a monster, turned her into Frankelstein. 

In any case, whoever told her that the SkinnyGirlJeans idea was a good one, ought to be fired. But wait, it was probably Bethenny's big headed idea. 

 Bethenny Frankelstein's big head has gone to Frankelstein's big head.

But EVERYONE neglected her, when she was growing up. No one paid any attention to her. Not one person. She changed her own diapers. Jill Zarin’s mother had to adopt her, because she was essentially an orphan. Completely ignored. For dozens of years. So she is merely pleading for some of the attention she never, ever received.

  • Love 7
On 9/28/2018 at 4:22 PM, smores said:

The thing is (and, please know, I'm not saying that you are wrong in your own opinion, I'm simply saying this is my opinion), not everyone sees her as not a decent person.  (Indecent doesn't seem to be the right word there! LOL!)  I get that she is a person who can rub people the wrong way, because she has a pretty specific communication style.  I find Bethenny to be pretty direct, she can be biting and abrasive, but, I also find her to be as open to what she gives as she is to giving it.  She often has an initial defensive reaction, which I think is human nature, but, then I usually see her sit back and say, ok, yeah, that's fair and apologizing for her part in things.  

She says stuff that I can understand some people seeing as mean.  I think, to some extent, there is an "eye of the beholder" thing that goes on.  I'm not saying I'm a fan of every statement she makes, but, in a lot of ways, I can be sarcastic and I know that I can be taken wrong fairly easily.  By the same token, though, for the stuff I would easily say, there are things I'd never say that someone else would, without thinking, because I'd find it deeply hurtful. (I've shared that shut up is one of them)  So, I think everyone has their own standards of what they find appropriate (and, obviously, there are some things no one should be ok with), but, it can vary depending on what you grew up with, how you are with your friends, etc.  Swearing is something that is often like this.  I am from a family where words are just words, so an f bomb is nothing.  My MIL is a huge pearl clutcher over swear words and while I, of course, watch my language around her (I was raised that they are just words, but don't be stupid and swear around grandma or at school or you get in trouble), I don't get it.  When she says "What the frap were you thinking?" It's really not any better or different, we all know what she's thinking, it's the same intent.  But, for some reason, it's unacceptable and morally wrong to say fuck.  And I think sometimes some of what Bethenny says or how she comes across falls into this sort of situation. 

Thank you for taking the time to explain this point of view. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

No, we don't have any confirmation of this. He could be bringing all sorts of issues up with his attorneys, and handling concerns privately. He may not be. It's all speculation, but we all do that on these boards, myself included.

In fact, I would speculate that if Jason was photographed on a boat with Bryn, and she wasn't wearing a PFD, it would not be okay.

The fact remains that Bethenny took a risk with her child, and broke the law. There are photos. She's in a boat, on the water. No PFD. It doesn't matter if she's drying off. Not Safe.4F5B168300000578-6095033-It_has_been_reported_that_Bethenny_is_absolutely_devastated_that-m-20_1535122982157.jpg.1088998c38d284955bfe2752f8c1c311.jpg

 I just hope she's more careful in future. That's all.

Can I just say that I agree with you wholeheartedly?

My comment about Jason was more about him not dragging every single thing into public. I hope he has the sense to keep most of this stuff private.

God knows Bethenny doesn't.

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

She doesn't just look at Instagram. She posts instastories so frequently, sometimes 20 times a day. The most random videos, food, her just ramblin' on about nothing, she just overshares, Lol. Sometimes you can hear her daughter in the background trying to get her attention.

It will be a sad day when we no longer hear Bryn in the background, trying to get her attention, because that will allow us to deduce that Bryn finally realizes that attention from total strangers is a higher priority to Beth.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

It will be a sad day when we no longer hear Bryn in the background, trying to get her attention, because that will allow us to deduce that Bryn finally realizes that attention from total strangers is a higher priority to Beth.

I hear Bryn in the background all the time.  Sometimes she is pointing out what she wants in the shot, sometimes she wants to explain something that is being filmed, sometimes just talking while Bethenny is filming.  Once she said something that indicated she was looking for Bethenny’s attention.  So as the years go by you will probably hear Bryn more and more. But if we don’t I’m not sure that means she ‘finally realizes that attention from total strangers is a higher priority’.   I wish the best for both of them.

  • Love 7
On 10/1/2018 at 11:35 AM, Happy Camper said:

She doesn't just look at Instagram. She posts instastories so frequently, sometimes 20 times a day. The most random videos, food, her just ramblin' on about nothing, she just overshares, Lol. Sometimes you can hear her daughter in the background trying to get her attention.

Maybe she’s just lonely and wants to talk to an adult?  Or read or text adult stuff?

Edited by Gem 10
  • Love 2
On 10/1/2018 at 9:57 AM, Gem 10 said:

It’s funny, but every time I sit down in my chair, I automatically pick up my I pad and see what’s new.  I can’t help it as it’s just habit.  Maybe it’s the same with her .. habit.  Same with my two daughters.  I could be talking to them and they are on those damn I phones, lol.  They told me to “ get with the times”.  I don’t know from twitter or Sm, so ... I go on the housewives.  Habit.

My sister sent me an article about dogs being depressed because their humans are constantly on their phones, obviously accusing me of doing this! Yet, here I am! I don’t wear headphones on our long walks because I do notice he gets a little ornery if I am not watching him sniff all the grass (exciting).....I also try to stay off the phone while out and about with him. He’s so neglected!!! 

  • Love 7
On 10/1/2018 at 2:37 PM, Mrs peel said:

Well, that certainly makes it sound like she is NOT in charge of decisions about her own "brand."  And I at least assume that her "partners" based the volume to produce on the past success of her other items (particularly clothing).  Or it's also possible they deliberately produced a small amount, so they could then claim to have "sold out" from the "enormous" support.

That was my first thought.  Again, she is slapping her name on something that she probably had a hand in approving the designs and a cut of each sale, but not much else.  If she wanted more volume of product, she'd up the $$$$ herself.  Absolutely stupid not to be prepared for HSN.  That can be huge volume in one day, look at Diane Gilman.   I think the HSN cancellation has nothing to do with the jeans selling out on line.  I think its a problem with the manufacturing chain.   AKA bad business on Bethenny's part.  

Edited by weaver
  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, weaver said:

That was my first thought.  Again, she is slapping her name on something that she probably had a hand in approving the designs and a cut of each sale, but not much else.

Actually if you follow on SM it showed the complete development of the line. She was more involved than that. It was a development cycle of over a year before the showroom opened during buyers week.  That was 6 months ago  they have since shown a holiday and a spring line  

But she has said that they all grossly underestimated the demand. HSN requires a certain inventory before you air. So not at all surprised that they don’t have the inventory. 

  • Love 4
56 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Actually if you follow on SM it showed the complete development of the line. She was more involved than that. It was a development cycle of over a year before the showroom opened during buyers week.  That was 6 months ago  they have since shown a holiday and a spring line  

But she has said that they all grossly underestimated the demand. HSN requires a certain inventory before you air. So not at all surprised that they don’t have the inventory. 

Alex and Simon showed the development of their Egyptian towel line for about a year before it was shown in a Seventh Avenue showroom.  Proves nothing to me.  If HSN demanded a certain inventory (probably defining styles and sizes because they know their customer base), a certain inventory should have been produced for them, independent of what was selling on line.  

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Actually if you follow on SM it showed the complete development of the line. She was more involved than that. It was a development cycle of over a year before the showroom opened during buyers week.  That was 6 months ago  they have since shown a holiday and a spring line  

But she has said that they all grossly underestimated the demand. HSN requires a certain inventory before you air. So not at all surprised that they don’t have the inventory. 

Yeah - the HSN stuff is not that big of a deal. Inventory drives everything - B would be FAR from the first brand to move a premiere date because of inventory. And HSN getting a housewife with a reach beyond bravo is a plus for them. 

And I am out. I get it - people hate B. But is just a lot. 

  • Love 12
On 10/3/2018 at 7:58 AM, QuinnM said:

Actually if you follow on SM it showed the complete development of the line. She was more involved than that. It was a development cycle of over a year before the showroom opened during buyers week.  That was 6 months ago  they have since shown a holiday and a spring line  

But she has said that they all grossly underestimated the demand. HSN requires a certain inventory before you air. So not at all surprised that they don’t have the inventory. 

I believe this was a marketing ploy on their end. They likely only ordered a very (very) limited run so that they can say demand was so high they sold out. 

Bethenny has 1.8M IG followers and 1.6 Twitter followers (and there's probably some overlap). They hyped up this launch for months to millions of people, which means they should have anticipated a high demand, especially if they were partnering (if even for a short time) with a well known retailer that not only has brick & mortar stores, but an online presence as well. Instead, it seems to me that they cared more about the hype than the delivery.

It's a similar thing that Kim Kardashian West (KKW) did last summer with her makeup launch. Kim has 118M IG followers and exactly half the number of followers on Twitter (59M), which means she has a captive audience. And what did she and her company do? Have only 300,000 kits for sale, which sold out in hours. This way you get the press about how hot the product is, even if it means frustrating those of your fans who might have wanted to get their hands on the thing.

Contrast the games that both Bethenny and Kim played with Rihanna and her Fenty Beauty launch last fall (Rihanna has 64.9 million IG followers and 87.8 Twitter followers). As with Bethenny's product and KKW's product, the hype for Fenty Beauty was real. There was a lot of anticipation leading up to the September drop. Fenty Beauty partnered with Sephora, which, like Macy's, has brick & mortar stores as well as their online platform, and they made sure that they would have the supply to meet the demand. It seemed less important to them to boast "SOLD OUT PRODUCT!" and more important that people actually had the chance to buy the goods. 

Point: If someone really wants to have supply meet the demand, they can. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 10
19 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

“On my show, The Housewives....”


Plus, she needs to ridicule LuAnn during this interview which is just a KC tongue bath.


“Tell me about your childhood.”

“...Lots of stuff in my house that was negative, that I wouldn’t want for my daughter.” Hahahahaha!

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

I believe this was a marketing ploy on their end. They likely only ordered a very (very) limited run so that they can say demand was so high they sold out. 

Bethenny has 1.8M IG followers and 1.6 Twitter followers (and there's probably some overlap). They hyped up this launch for months to millions of people, which means they should have anticipated a high demand, especially if they were partnering (if even for a short time) with a well known retailer that not only has brick & mortar stores, but an online presence as well. Instead, it seems to me that they cared more about the hype than the delivery.

It's a similar thing that Kim Kardashian West (KKW) did last summer with her makeup launch. Kim has 118M IG followers and exactly half the number of followers on Twitter (59M), which means she has a captive audience. And what did she and her company do? Have only 300,000 kits for sale, which sold out in hours. This way you get the press about how hot the product is, even if it means frustrating those of your fans who might have wanted to get their hands on the thing.

Contrast the games that both Bethenny and Kim played with Rihanna and her Fenty Beauty launch last fall (Rihanna has 64.9 million IG followers and 87.8 Twitter followers). As with Bethenny's product and KKW's product, the hype for Fenty Beauty was real. There was a lot of anticipation leading up to the September drop. Fenty Beauty partnered with Sephora, which, like Macy's, has brick & mortar stores as well as their online platform, and they made sure that they would have the supply to meet the demand. It seemed less important to them to boast "SOLD OUT PRODUCT!" and more important that people actually had the chance to buy the goods. 

Point: If someone really wants to have supply meet the demand, they can. 


Out of curiousity, has anyone here seen anyone in real life wearing her jeans? 


I think the Sold Out marketing strategy could backfire (if that's what she's done). If it's unavailable for any length of time, people might lose interest. They're jeans not Tickle Me Elmo; It's too easy to find a competitor's product that will satisfy your needs/wants.

Edited by SweetieDarling
  • Love 3

Having a following isn't a guaranteed audience, I follow some people on social media that could put out a product that I'd have zero chance of ever buying.  This could be because I hate follow them, it could be that the product is something that I would never, ever use.  It could be that I simply don't want the product or that I don't find them to be credible in that realm or need that product.  Using Rihanna, say my husband follows her on instagram, he's not someone who wears makeup, so he has no for her makeup line.  I happen to like Bethenny, I follow her on insta, but, I don't wear jeans, I hate them (I know, I'm weird), so, I will never be a user of those products.  I don't follow Kim Kardashian, though I watch the show, but am not going to buy her makeup.  I might possibly buy a Kylie lip kit, though it's not as likely because I can't see the colors in person at a sephora, so, that makes me less likely to buy it.  I am not KKW's target audience, as I'm too lazy to contour and my skin tone is not one that lends itself to "oh, this color works on EVERYONE!" 

Obviously, Bethenny does have some boost from her followers, as they have watched the process unfold and if they are people (unlike me), who wear jeans, maybe they've seen something they like and want.  That's cool and it works well for her.  HSN would give her a whole new audience, though, because you'll have a lot of people like my MIL and some other relatives who watch HSN and QVC for sport.  I'm Bravo's bitch, if I have nothing else to watch, I default my tv to Bravo and watch reruns, but my MIL? She watchs QVC or HSN "to see what is new" She's the person who sees Bethenny's jeans and thinks, those are perfect for x for Christmas! Shannon's meals would be great for those days when I have a dr's appt and it runs late! That sweater of Lisa Rinna's would look great on Cousin Sue, her birthday is next month, let me pick that up!  I find the mindset a bit puzzling, because I hate shopping when I actually need clothing, and she does it for sport from her living room, but, not having enough supply could definitely be a legit thing.  

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, smores said:

Having a following isn't a guaranteed audience, I follow some people on social media that could put out a product that I'd have zero chance of ever buying.  This could be because I hate follow them, it could be that the product is something that I would never, ever use.  It could be that I simply don't want the product or that I don't find them to be credible in that realm or need that product.  Using Rihanna, say my husband follows her on instagram, he's not someone who wears makeup, so he has no for her makeup line.  I happen to like Bethenny, I follow her on insta, but, I don't wear jeans, I hate them (I know, I'm weird), so, I will never be a user of those products.  I don't follow Kim Kardashian, though I watch the show, but am not going to buy her makeup.  I might possibly buy a Kylie lip kit, though it's not as likely because I can't see the colors in person at a sephora, so, that makes me less likely to buy it.  I am not KKW's target audience, as I'm too lazy to contour and my skin tone is not one that lends itself to "oh, this color works on EVERYONE!" 

Obviously, Bethenny does have some boost from her followers, as they have watched the process unfold and if they are people (unlike me), who wear jeans, maybe they've seen something they like and want.  That's cool and it works well for her.  HSN would give her a whole new audience, though, because you'll have a lot of people like my MIL and some other relatives who watch HSN and QVC for sport.  I'm Bravo's bitch, if I have nothing else to watch, I default my tv to Bravo and watch reruns, but my MIL? She watchs QVC or HSN "to see what is new" She's the person who sees Bethenny's jeans and thinks, those are perfect for x for Christmas! Shannon's meals would be great for those days when I have a dr's appt and it runs late! That sweater of Lisa Rinna's would look great on Cousin Sue, her birthday is next month, let me pick that up!  I find the mindset a bit puzzling, because I hate shopping when I actually need clothing, and she does it for sport from her living room, but, not having enough supply could definitely be a legit thing.  

I’m not saying that there should have been an expectation of sales being 1-to-1 (for social media follower to customers). Because you’re right, not everyone who follows will want to buy whatever is being sold.

However, in the case of Kim Kardashian West, they created initial products for just under 0.26 percent of her 116 IG followers, some of whom her people had to think would be interested in what she was selling (based on the fact that she also has some dumb game app that has raked in a ton of money and has something like over a million downloads).

Bethenny is supposed to be a smart business woman. Am I to believe that she and her people didn’t think about trying to leverage something like 5 percent, turning them from followers into buyers? I honestly don’t know what the inventory numbers were, but for jeans to have sold out online on the Skinnygirl jeans website AND in Macy’s in several days, I’m betting they played the KKW game and only had a fraction of a percent (of follower numbers) of product available.

  • Love 4
On 9/26/2018 at 3:20 AM, Happy Camper said:

According to Beth's Instagram, she and Tins have reunited. 

Blast from the past, Beth looks like a shmoron.


Fashionista Bethenny. LOL! ...and we thought Carole dressed funny.


And what happened here? All that hype and then, meh. No one is rockin' those SkinnyGirl Jeans because they haven't even shipped yet.


I actually think she looks cute here.  I didn't like a lot of her clothes this last season but I do like this one.

The back and forth about who grieved more is just a lot of speculation.  I am sure they all are grieving and I have to wonder why it matters who is grieving more.  His family is grieving and Bethenney is grieving. I am sure they are each doing what they need to in order to heal.    

  • Love 8
On 9/30/2018 at 5:11 PM, chick binewski said:



I liked Carole during her first few seasons. She was a little different and even though some stuff like the bike riding made me cringe I thought she was a good, mellow match with Heather.


I do think the show changed both Carole & Dorinda and not for the better. Carole seemed to develop some sort of affect that wasn’t there before. Dorinda seems like she needs some time to figure out her unhappiness. Your 50’s must be a very hard time to become famous for basically playing yourself on TV. And to have to answer for your behavior to a bunch of harpies (like Andy) would drive me crazy.

Bethenny got everything she wanted from the show and quite frankly I find her unwatchable. Like LVP I feel like B is always positioning, but there’s no warmer moments with Bethenny to offset any of the crap. I always thought she befriended Carole because she was considered to be a writer and at that time Bethenny was still trying to convince everyone she was an author. Yet Carole never called her on it like she did with Aviva. And then she joined in with the Shaming of Jules and that's when it was kind of over for me with Carole.




I don't think many if any people are talking about the Shields family's burdens. If Dennis had any kind of relationship with his children his wife will have to watch them miss him. She will be the one who understands HOW they miss him when or if they're graduating, getting married and having families of their own. 

I think part of my attachment to this argument is because for some of us girls of a certain age our dads are (or were) a bit distant. I lost my dad when I was 20. There was a lot I couldn't discuss with him when I was younger but going out on my own, when life started kicking my ass six ways til Sunday (as is its wont) my mother's near-constant refrain was 'I wish your father was here. He could talk about this.' I don't think there's any infantilizing here - just acknowledging family and how the grief changes throughout your life.

My other issue is (as I may have posted here 456 times, sorry) I simply do not trust Bethenny's point of view. She has never remained consistently kind about anyone in her life that is present on a regular basis. She pretty much does everything competitively, hence declaring on TV that a married man loves her. And I know this is an incredibly shitty thing to post about someone I don't even know - but watching how she has to crush everyone on TV whilst talking herself up it makes it easy to believe she is trying to crush the widow of a man she was intermittently dating.  

I think writing 10 (?) books means you are an author.  She has had more books published that Carole who from what I could tell published 3.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I think writing 10 (?) books means you are an author.  She has had more books published that Carole who from what I could tell published 3.

Agree with a small caveat. Bethenny's books were likely heavily ghost written.


13 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Out of curiousity, has anyone here seen anyone in real life wearing her jeans? 

I am just going to be honest. I just don't care enough about Bethenny's jeans business to actually bother asking  people if they are wearing SkinnyGirl jeans. And even if I did track someone down who said yes, they did and wearing SkinnyGirl Jeans was as transcendent as one's first consensual sexual experience, it would be poo poo'd as a lie or whatever and everyone would continue to spin in circles demanding proof that Bethenny's jeans line is successful or not. It sounds to me like a reasonably successful roll out - not a smash hit but also not a "Omg what was she thinking???" moment.

What difference does it make if the jeans are or aren't successful? I mean, she's pretty rich at this point.

  • Love 4
On 10/1/2018 at 9:17 PM, Rap541 said:

The last time, and really only time, Jason mentioned any concerns about Bethenny's parenting was when he raised the issue of Dennis Sheilds dying of a drug overdose and possibly having had Bryn left alone with him, and we certainly heard about it. They ARE already in a court case, a court case about custody and people are saying this incident means Bethenny's an unfit mother so why wouldn't he mention it?

How awful for the family!

OMG, how awful.  I’m crying all week.  A 12 yr old Boyscout was killed by a drunk driver while hiking on the side of the road near where I live.  So sickening.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I actually think she looks cute here.  I didn't like a lot of her clothes this last season but I do like this one.

The back and forth about who grieved more is just a lot of speculation.  I am sure they all are grieving and I have to wonder why it matters who is grieving more.  His family is grieving and Bethenney is grieving. I am sure they are each doing what they need to in order to heal.    

Yes, she looks in style.  Years ago, hi heels were only worn with a dress or skirt.  Now, anything goes.  Amazing .. heels with cargo pants.

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I think writing 10 (?) books means you are an author.  She has had more books published that Carole who from what I could tell published 3.


12 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Agree with a small caveat. Bethenny's books were likely heavily ghost written.


Yeah, I have a problem in general with housewives being labeled as authors. I get they're easy for the publishing houses to release, but it's marketing - not writing.

  • Love 10
16 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Agree with a small caveat. Bethenny's books were likely heavily ghost written.


I am just going to be honest. I just don't care enough about Bethenny's jeans business to actually bother asking  people if they are wearing SkinnyGirl jeans. And even if I did track someone down who said yes, they did and wearing SkinnyGirl Jeans was as transcendent as one's first consensual sexual experience, it would be poo poo'd as a lie or whatever and everyone would continue to spin in circles demanding proof that Bethenny's jeans line is successful or not. It sounds to me like a reasonably successful roll out - not a smash hit but also not a "Omg what was she thinking???" moment.

What difference does it make if the jeans are or aren't successful? I mean, she's pretty rich at this point.

It clearly matters to Bethenny since she believes herself to be a woman with sharp business acumen who knows how to answer the needs of consumers. If all that mattered to Bethenny was being rich, she wouldn't have felt the need to be dismissive of Ramona's anti-skin care (lol) line since Ramona's pretty darn rich herself. She wouldn't have felt the need to counter Carole's resume with her own resume. 

If all that mattered to Bethenny was being rich, then she could have shut the whole thing down, Dave Chappelle Show style, with, "I'm rich, biatch!"

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Martinigirl said:

Seems Bethenney has been very busy kicking quite a few to the curb. 


She did kick her mom, dad, stepdad, ex-husband, business partners, Carole, Ramona, Jill etc. to the curb. All friends and family. Can you imagine if she had any siblings?

Good for her. 


Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

She did kick her mom, dad, stepdad, ex-husband, business partners, Carole, Ramona, Jill

I think its generally accepted that Bethenny's mom was abusive. 

The stepdad has admitted the abuse. 

The dad left her in custody of the mom who was abusive.

The ex-husband isn't a long suffering prince.

Jill spent an entire season of the show torturing Bethenny with utter glee. It only stopped because Jill realized, too late, that she was coming off badly.

Is anyone really arguing that Ramona has been a good and long suffering friend of Bethenny? I mean... my crazy lil trash panda is Beth's victim? Pretty sure Ramona is the one who drops hideous bombs on Bethenny with no regrets. I mean, Christ, people were accusing her of being a sociopath and cheerfully and knowingly fed Bethenny something dangerous... why wouldn't Beth kick that to the curb?

Carole? Seems to me, it was Carole who rather proudly kicked Bethenny to the curb. That said, Carole, much like Jill, was hardly an innocent.

Don't get me wrong - Bethenny is a bitch in heels but I don't know why  anyone is surprised considering her upbringing and the ladies of RHONY aren't exactly sweet lil innocents.

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I think its generally accepted that Bethenny's mom was abusive. 

The stepdad has admitted the abuse. 

The dad left her in custody of the mom who was abusive.

The ex-husband isn't a long suffering prince.

Jill spent an entire season of the show torturing Bethenny with utter glee. It only stopped because Jill realized, too late, that she was coming off badly.

Is anyone really arguing that Ramona has been a good and long suffering friend of Bethenny? I mean... my crazy lil trash panda is Beth's victim? Pretty sure Ramona is the one who drops hideous bombs on Bethenny with no regrets. I mean, Christ, people were accusing her of being a sociopath and cheerfully and knowingly fed Bethenny something dangerous... why wouldn't Beth kick that to the curb?

Carole? Seems to me, it was Carole who rather proudly kicked Bethenny to the curb. That said, Carole, much like Jill, was hardly an innocent.

Don't get me wrong - Bethenny is a bitch in heels but I don't know why  anyone is surprised considering her upbringing and the ladies of RHONY aren't exactly sweet lil innocents.


  • Love 4
On 10/1/2018 at 11:03 PM, Happy Camper said:

No, we don't have any confirmation of this. He could be bringing all sorts of issues up with his attorneys, and handling concerns privately. He may not be. It's all speculation, but we all do that on these boards, myself included.

In fact, I would speculate that if Jason was photographed on a boat with Bryn, and she wasn't wearing a PFD, it would not be okay.

The fact remains that Bethenny took a risk with her child, and broke the law. There are photos. She's in a boat, on the water. No PFD. It doesn't matter if she's drying off. Not Safe.4F5B168300000578-6095033-It_has_been_reported_that_Bethenny_is_absolutely_devastated_that-m-20_1535122982157.jpg.1088998c38d284955bfe2752f8c1c311.jpg

 I just hope she's more careful in future. That's all.

She’s a bazillionaire why are they in such a tiny boat???   That alone is sad to me.  ? 

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Happy Camper said:


Bethenny drives almost everyone away yet she's the common denominator - Bethenny is incapable at relationships. The saddest one will be when she drives away her daughter. My bet is that it happens at the same age and developmental stage Bethenny severed things with her mother. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Those who don't learn from their history are doomed to repeat it. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Bethenny drives almost everyone away yet she's the common denominator - Bethenny is incapable at relationships. The saddest one will be when she drives away her daughter. My bet is that it happens at the same age and developmental stage Bethenny severed things with her mother. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Those who don't learn from their history are doomed to repeat it. 


  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I think its generally accepted that Bethenny's mom was abusive. 

The stepdad has admitted the abuse. 

The dad left her in custody of the mom who was abusive.

The ex-husband isn't a long suffering prince.

Jill spent an entire season of the show torturing Bethenny with utter glee. It only stopped because Jill realized, too late, that she was coming off badly.

Is anyone really arguing that Ramona has been a good and long suffering friend of Bethenny? I mean... my crazy lil trash panda is Beth's victim? Pretty sure Ramona is the one who drops hideous bombs on Bethenny with no regrets. I mean, Christ, people were accusing her of being a sociopath and cheerfully and knowingly fed Bethenny something dangerous... why wouldn't Beth kick that to the curb?

Carole? Seems to me, it was Carole who rather proudly kicked Bethenny to the curb. That said, Carole, much like Jill, was hardly an innocent.

Don't get me wrong - Bethenny is a bitch in heels but I don't know why  anyone is surprised considering her upbringing and the ladies of RHONY aren't exactly sweet lil innocents.

You are correct on so many issues!!

I guess, for me, it does seem that Ramona must be doing at least something right. 

She is coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs, but every now and then, she does something that makes me think, “Awwww....”

I was very happy when she kept Beth company when Beth’s fibroids were causing her distress.

It is scary.  It is a LOT of blood. 

  • Love 5

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