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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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22 hours ago, Rap541 said:

One could argue that Jill is the lucky one as she has her teen and adult children to help her with her grief. I find it hilarious that Jill's children are spoken of as tho they are wide eyed little toddlers looking up at Jill going "Mama, where dada? Why did dada go 'way?" I mean, the youngest is what, fifteen? And the oldest is mid twenties - I'm certainly not saying they aren't grieving, but they are certainly of an age to navigate the situation without Jill exhausting herself with their grief needs, and in fact are likely a source of support to Jill. While Bethenny is now alone except for her genuinely young child Bryn.

Smores, I thought Carole was the designated winner of the grief Olympics :)

I don't think anyone has spoken of Dennis's children as if they are little toddlers.  Yes, they are mostly young adults and are no doubt going through an extremely tough time to suddenly lose their father.  And there are four of them.  Each with their own set of needs and grief. 

Yes, they may be a source of support to Jill but then again, maybe not.  We don't know what they're going through.  As a mother I know I would feel that my first responsibility would be to be their support system and it could be very exhausting.  Add to that Jill is left with tying up Dennis's life.  Crap.  Tying up my parent's lives after they died was exhausting. 

  • Love 10

They've pretty consistently been referred to as "young children". Adults in their twenties don't lose parents ALL the time but it certainly does happen and in such cases its usually accepted that adult children are a comfort not a burden for the surviving parent to tend until exhausted. There have been no reports that anything other than typical grieving is occurring, Jill by all reports is not alone and tending four "young children" having full on nervous breakdowns

At last check, Jill also have her boyfriend to stand by her side as well. 

I'm not trying to make light but more to lend some perspective - yes Jill might weep bitter tears every night as she drinks, hugs her wedding alblum and cries "WHY GOD WHY DID YOU TAKE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE???" in between her on the hour check ups on each of her emotionally shattered adult children who all needed hospitalization after their nervous breakdowns... but I strongly suspect thats not the reality. 

Jill could just as easily be secretly relieved that the "will we won't we divorce" dance coupled with a drug addiction is over but putting on a public show because Dennis had a public life and its expected. 

Or she could be upset but had grieved her marriage 2+ years ago when they separated. 

But she's not tending young children thru the death of a parent, her children mostly adult and may even live in separate homes now. And since she and Dennis were separated, and maintaining separate lives and homes, there's likely a lot of support from his friends and colleagues in dealing with wrapping up Dennis's life. Jill isn't a suddenly single widow with four actually young children suddenly being forced to support herself and pay the bills with no one to turn to. She's a wealthy woman with adult children, a living significant other and lots of support. 

Like I said earlier, Bethenny gets more attention because Bethenny was the famous person in this triangle. Barring Jill doing something dramatic, Bethenny will continue to hold the spotlight. Thats just the reality of this situation.

Edited by Rap541
  • Love 12


As a mother I know I would feel that my first responsibility would be to be their support system 

But Breezy, you're clearly not at all like Jill, who (apparently) spends her days screwing her boyfriend while hiding her sociopathic contempt for her children - even as she dances on Dennis' grave, so filled with joy at his death is she (honestly, it's too bad Jill can't replace Bethenny as a housewife: better a lively tart than a furious fart).


@chick binewski

Bethenny has also tied Dennis to her own weight loss, charity and skinny girl jeans since his death.

Plus (according to the tabs) Dennis' death has inspired Frankel to consider writing a book about how hard her life has been --  Carpe per diem ; )

Edited by film noire
  • Love 12

According to Beth's Instagram, she and Tins have reunited. 

Blast from the past, Beth looks like a shmoron.


Fashionista Bethenny. LOL! ...and we thought Carole dressed funny.


And what happened here? All that hype and then, meh. No one is rockin' those SkinnyGirl Jeans because they haven't even shipped yet.


Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 5

Something is weird with the SG jeans.  All that hoopla and then what?  A mini launch at Macy’s, sold out (mostly ) on SG website, not being promoted on Bethenny’s  or SG’s IG.   Not on line at Macy’s and not expected to be, apparently.  Possibly spied at Costco.  Wha happened?  

Edited by weaver
  • Love 9
22 hours ago, Rap541 said:

They've pretty consistently been referred to as "young children". Adults in their twenties don't lose parents ALL the time but it certainly does happen and in such cases its usually accepted that adult children are a comfort not a burden for the surviving parent to tend until exhausted. There have been no reports that anything other than typical grieving is occurring, Jill by all reports is not alone and tending four "young children" having full on nervous breakdowns

At last check, Jill also have her boyfriend to stand by her side as well. 

I'm not trying to make light but more to lend some perspective - yes Jill might weep bitter tears every night as she drinks, hugs her wedding alblum and cries "WHY GOD WHY DID YOU TAKE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE???" in between her on the hour check ups on each of her emotionally shattered adult children who all needed hospitalization after their nervous breakdowns... but I strongly suspect thats not the reality. 

Jill could just as easily be secretly relieved that the "will we won't we divorce" dance coupled with a drug addiction is over but putting on a public show because Dennis had a public life and its expected. 

Or she could be upset but had grieved her marriage 2+ years ago when they separated. 

But she's not tending young children thru the death of a parent, her children mostly adult and may even live in separate homes now. And since she and Dennis were separated, and maintaining separate lives and homes, there's likely a lot of support from his friends and colleagues in dealing with wrapping up Dennis's life. Jill isn't a suddenly single widow with four actually young children suddenly being forced to support herself and pay the bills with no one to turn to. She's a wealthy woman with adult children, a living significant other and lots of support. 

Like I said earlier, Bethenny gets more attention because Bethenny was the famous person in this triangle. Barring Jill doing something dramatic, Bethenny will continue to hold the spotlight. Thats just the reality of this situation.

You know.  The same could be said of Beth clutching her instagram pictures of Dennis.  The fact is that not all of her children are adults.  Most of them are 'young' adults.  It's their father.  It seems that their 'grief' is being diminished because of their age.  Depending on their age, they had 25 or 15 years of this person in their lives.  In other words, all their lives. Beth had two on and off.

As for friends helping Jill to wrap up Dennis's life....we don't know.  It has nothing to do with Jill being in a situation where she is suddenly in a situation where she is required to support herself.  Wrapping up someone's life is way more than that.  And that is my point. 

Beth holds the spotlight because she chooses to do so.  That who Beth is.  That is the reality.

  • Love 10
45 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

The fact is that not all of her children are adults.  Most of them are 'young' adults.  It's their father.  It seems that their 'grief' is being diminished because of their age. 

No, whats being diminished is how much a mother needs to be on hand to assist adult children with grief versus young actual children. I think it's fair to say that most adults, even young adults, pass through grief without needing major assists from others. Acting as though Jill is tucking each child to bed each night, fielding their questions about whether daddy will ever come home again and is he in heaven etc etc and burdening her with their grief on top of her own is really an unfair way to represent Jill's children. As I said previously, adult children are usually considered a blessing when one of the parents has passed, not an added burden that the surviving parent has to deal with on top of their own grief. To use a real life example, when my father passed, I was far more worried about my mom's grief than my own.

I'll be honest, when we start with "he knew this one for 15 years and this one for 25 and this one for 2" - I do feel like we're playing grief Olympics because time in is being used as a judging factor.

1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

As for friends helping Jill to wrap up Dennis's life....we don't know.

Perhaps I am an eternal optimist in this respect but by all reports, Jill doesn't appear to be an awful person. I think it's unlikely that  Jill has no one assisting her or no one to turn to. 


1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

The same could be said of Beth clutching her instagram pictures of Dennis. 

What? That's she's grieving? Truth be told, I think she's been rather restrained about discussing Dennis. No excessive tweeting, the rather sweet photo of Dennis and Cookie. She hasn't been overplaying the relationship or lending any credence to the "Dennis gave her a ring/asked her to marry him" - an acknowledgement that even if it's true would be a big giant dagger stabbed in Jill's back. I get that there's people who think she needs to let Jill have the role of Dennis's beloved wife , but frankly all the obvious signs - like dating other people, being separated, and maintaining separate households and lives, indicate things weren't so rosey or perfect. Frankly things weren't so rosey or pperfect from Bethenny either, but the obvious pro Bethenny grief point that she must be devastated to know they were kinda having problems and he offed himself before that resolved and now she has to ask herself if her reactions caused his issue tends to get tossed aside under the "Bethenny is just one upping Jill", as though she can't possible be feeling any grief.

But then, while I often think Bethenny is a fairly terrible person, I'm not in the crowd that thinks she's a grinning sociopath and I do think she's grieving.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Bare knees - shall we flog her?


1 hour ago, breezy424 said:


Beth holds the spotlight because she chooses to do so.  That who Beth is.  That is the reality.

Yes, it is. And as is also the reality, Bethenny is wearing the hell out of that navy dress-pink pump (sorry LVP) combo.. She looks fantastic as she usually does in her SM. Any of you fashionistas recognize the designer for that dress?

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, SCS said:


Yes, it is. And as is also the reality, Bethenny is wearing the hell out of that navy dress-pink pump (sorry LVP) combo.. She looks fantastic as she usually does in her SM. Any of you fashionistas recognize the designer for that dress?

Not sure who the designer is yet, here is a different shot of her at the same place

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, weaver said:

Her dress is Alaia.

A-what-a??  (sorry, couldn't resist.  Y'all know what I'm talkin' about...)

you know, I think BF personifies that quote, erroneously attributed on many a meme to Miss Marilyn Monroe, "if you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best"

my response to types like that?  RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILLS!  So I'm supposed to take abuse most of the time in exchange for the nine minutes each week that you're actually a decent person?  no, thank you!!!

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, teapot said:

you know, I think BF personifies that quote, erroneously attributed on many a meme to Miss Marilyn Monroe, "if you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best"

my response to types like that?  RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILLS!  So I'm supposed to take abuse most of the time in exchange for the nine minutes each week that you're actually a decent person?  no, thank you!!!

The thing is (and, please know, I'm not saying that you are wrong in your own opinion, I'm simply saying this is my opinion), not everyone sees her as not a decent person.  (Indecent doesn't seem to be the right word there! LOL!)  I get that she is a person who can rub people the wrong way, because she has a pretty specific communication style.  I find Bethenny to be pretty direct, she can be biting and abrasive, but, I also find her to be as open to what she gives as she is to giving it.  She often has an initial defensive reaction, which I think is human nature, but, then I usually see her sit back and say, ok, yeah, that's fair and apologizing for her part in things.  

She says stuff that I can understand some people seeing as mean.  I think, to some extent, there is an "eye of the beholder" thing that goes on.  I'm not saying I'm a fan of every statement she makes, but, in a lot of ways, I can be sarcastic and I know that I can be taken wrong fairly easily.  By the same token, though, for the stuff I would easily say, there are things I'd never say that someone else would, without thinking, because I'd find it deeply hurtful. (I've shared that shut up is one of them)  So, I think everyone has their own standards of what they find appropriate (and, obviously, there are some things no one should be ok with), but, it can vary depending on what you grew up with, how you are with your friends, etc.  Swearing is something that is often like this.  I am from a family where words are just words, so an f bomb is nothing.  My MIL is a huge pearl clutcher over swear words and while I, of course, watch my language around her (I was raised that they are just words, but don't be stupid and swear around grandma or at school or you get in trouble), I don't get it.  When she says "What the frap were you thinking?" It's really not any better or different, we all know what she's thinking, it's the same intent.  But, for some reason, it's unacceptable and morally wrong to say fuck.  And I think sometimes some of what Bethenny says or how she comes across falls into this sort of situation. 

  • Love 13
On 9/26/2018 at 5:20 AM, Happy Camper said:

According to Beth's Instagram, she and Tins have reunited. 

Blast from the past, Beth looks like a shmoron.


Fashionista Bethenny. LOL! ...and we thought Carole dressed funny.


And what happened here? All that hype and then, meh. No one is rockin' those SkinnyGirl Jeans because they haven't even shipped yet.


I'm unsure how Bethenny's clothes in either of these pictures compare to Carole's wanna be high fashion but really 15 year old hot topic knock off choices. 

I personally often find Bethenny's looks too safe. I would like Carole's looks more if they weren't such an odd combination off "unique" try too hard yet, bought the whole look, thing. Like one or two things look good off the runway but let's mix and match and try to inject some actual personal style.

I like Bethenny's pants and heels here, but think the leather jacket and hat are too heavy.

  • Love 1
On 9/23/2018 at 9:28 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

I agree that everyone has their reasons why they do or do not divorce. And it is no one else's business. Heck, two of my siblings have not been with their exs for years, and have not divorced. My sister's husband left her in 1999 for another woman. He and the other woman are still together, and he and my sister have never divorced. They are legally separated, and neither plans to ever remarry so have not bothered to divorce.  Does she considered her ex her husband? Hardly. Lol. My bro and sis in law haven't been together since 1990. They are legally separated but never divorced. They are not together, but are great friends and are currently vacationing together to visit a daughter and her family. As friends only. Works for them. A friend hasn't been with her husband since he left her 3 years ago for another woman. He is still with that woman, and he and my friend still don't even have a separation agreement as they can't agree on the terms of it. Does she consider the guy her husband? Not on your life. Does she think the guy is cheating on her? Nope, not since he left her, and their marriage. 

We have no idea where Beth and Dennis were in their relationship when he died. He accompanied her to the taping of the reunion, which was in the middle of July. His wife had moved on, and had a boyfriend. Certainly Beth and Dennis had a long relationship, both as friends and significant others. The thought that Dennis was two timing either Beth or Jill because he was not divorced from Jill is laughable. 

There might have been love between Beth and Dennis, there might have been sex, but the one thing I’m sure he was to her is a sounding board.  Everyone needs someone to pour their heart to, a sister, friend, etc.  I think Dennis was everyone to her.  Someone who would listen, help, dry tears, hug and give advice.

  • Love 6
On 9/26/2018 at 6:20 AM, Happy Camper said:

According to Beth's Instagram, she and Tins have reunited. 

Blast from the past, Beth looks like a shmoron.


Fashionista Bethenny. LOL! ...and we thought Carole dressed funny.


And what happened here? All that hype and then, meh. No one is rockin' those SkinnyGirl Jeans because they haven't even shipped yet.


They look scary.

  • Love 4
On 9/26/2018 at 3:01 PM, weaver said:

Something is weird with the SG jeans.  All that hoopla and then what?  A mini launch at Macy’s, sold out (mostly ) on SG website, not being promoted on Bethenny’s  or SG’s IG.   Not on line at Macy’s and not expected to be, apparently.  Possibly spied at Costco.  Wha happened?  



5 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Mob wives comes to mind.

That’s the new housewife?  Where and how did she come from?  Think I’d rather have Jill, and I don’t even like Jill.   And, what happened to Beth’s Sparkling flavored water that was in all the stores?  Can’t find them anymore.  Everything disappeared.  What’s with that?

Edited by Gem 10
  • Love 4
11 hours ago, Gem 10 said:


That’s the new housewife?  Where and how did she come from?  Think I’d rather have Jill, and I don’t even like Jill.   And, what happened to Beth’s Sparkling flavored water that was in all the stores?  Can’t find them anymore.  Everything disappeared.  What’s with that?

The SkinnyGirl IG doesn't even mention the jeans.  It is the oddest thing, I'd think they'd be flogging them every day.  They mentioned the popcorn the other day. Then many people say they can't find products anywhere and site directs them to a locator on the SG website. Odd marketing.  

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, weaver said:

The SkinnyGirl IG doesn't even mention the jeans.  It is the oddest thing, I'd think they'd be flogging them every day.  They mentioned the popcorn the other day. Then many people say they can't find products anywhere and site directs them to a locator on the SG website. Odd marketing.  

Can a product tank that quickly? Ah, to be the authority on a success, like Bethenny Frankel. Wish I could wear those jeans while standing on the highway in the Hamptons.

That’s the strategy and manifesto of the Skinny Girl brand: promote popcorn that people can’t purchase. Not just low-cal - - no cal.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • Love 8

My issues with Frankel's decency go far beyond her foul mouth,  rage,  and slut-shaming/ageist/bigoted/etc insults.

I think it's indecent to undermine rape survivors by talking about the "many stories of women falsely accusing men of rape" that you've read.

I think it's indecent to work with a man like Michael Capponi, who put a young woman in a coma, and (unapologetically) harassed her via Facebook with intimate information and photos he used (without permission) captured as screenshots from Brooke Biederman's private instagram account (including photos of her in bed, and in a medical gown in a doctor's office). I think it's indecent to claim your ex stalked you, and then work with a man who harassed someone young enough to be your daughter.

I think it's indecent to post video of an animal in deep distress on social media.

I think it's indecent to bring a man like Michael Cerussi on multiple family outings with your young daughter, when she's far too young to consent to be around a credibly accused sexual predator. I think it's indecent to call up reporters doing stories on the rape allegations, and defend a man you met only a few weeks before in a bar.

I think it's indecent to do an instagram story about your daughter's deeply private, ongoing grief about losing her animal companion.

And if it's true Frankel forced her way into Shield's funeral, after being asked to stay away, that is beyond indecent.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, film noire said:

My issues with Frankel's decency go far beyond her foul mouth,  savage rage,  and slut-shaming/ageist/bigoted/etc insults.

I think it's indecent to undermine rape survivors by talking about the "many stories of false rape allegations" you've read.

I think it's indecent to work with a man like Michael Capponi, who put a young woman in a coma, and (unapologetically) harassed her via Facebook with intimate information and photos he stole from Brooke Biederman's private instagram account (including photos of her in bed, and in a medical gown in a doctor's office). I think it's indecent to claim your ex stalked you, and then work with a man who harassed someone young enough to be your daughter.

I think it's indecent to post video of an animal in deep distress on social media.

I think it's indecent to bring a man like Michael Cerussi on multiple family outings with your young daughter, when she's far too young to consent to be around a credibly accused sexual predator. I think it's indecent to call up reporters doing stories on the rape allegations, and defend a man you met only a few weeks before in a bar.

I think it's indecent to do an instagram story about your daughter's deeply private, ongoing grief about losing her animal companion.

And if it's true Frankel forced her way into Shield's funeral, after being asked to stay away, that is beyond indecent.


May I add to the list? 

I think it's just rude to throw a cocktail over an innocent woman just because you are annoyed.

I think it's unethical to promote your SkinnyGirl Marguerita as all natural when in fact it contains  the preservative sodium benzoate, which can become a carcinogenic.

I think it's ridiculous and thirsty to post every trivial moment of your day on Instagram.

I think it's hypocritical to advise someone to focus on one product and not take your own advice and end up with this Skinnygirl Jeans fail. (It's like the Emperor's New Clothes, what the heck is going on with those jeans? Check the skinnygirl jeans instagram for nonexistent updates/promotions)

I think it's pathetic to wear a "Chillin' with my Snomees" shirt and then desperately require constant reassurance that everyone else "gets it."

Anyhow, I think that there are enough adjectives to describe Frankelstein,  rude, unethical, ridiculous, thirsty (actually parched) hypocritical, pathetic, desperate.

Bethenny started as a nice enough, humble, hard working, hopeful entrepreneur. 

She had success. Her head grew HUGE.

Success has turned her into a monster, turned her into Frankelstein. 

In any case, whoever told her that the SkinnyGirlJeans idea was a good one, ought to be fired. But wait, it was probably Bethenny's big headed idea. 

 Bethenny Frankelstein's big head has gone to Frankelstein's big head.

Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 9

And all of that is fine, I was saying that this is what I see as an issue some people have, but that other people may not view it as the same issue.  I'm not saying that's the only thing people dislike about her, or the only problem people have with her.  Every housewife has a list of things they do that people dislike about them, some of them are things that are can be chalked up to a personality quirk or the way you view things or are comfortable and then there are other things that are more separate, if that makes sense.  Like with Luann, a person might find her breezy "darling" rise above it attitude to be pleasant and good to have in a social gathering, because that's what is familiar to them, they are a person who doesn't call out a problem there and then they just keep it moving.  I have relatives who are like that, but, for me, it can feel kind of phony, because, it means I never really know where people stand.  Sure, I don't want you to throw out "Listen, that's crap and you're pissing me off" just after grace on Thanksgiving with 40 people at the table, but, sometimes you can quickly and quietly be like, hey, not cool, and then move on.  So, ok, fine, there's a personality sort of thing with Luann, right?  But, aside from that, hey, she defrauded her kids, she threatened to kill a cop, etc, etc, so there's also other totally valid issues to have problems with her.  

I wasn't saying that was the only reason with Bethenny, simply saying this may be a thing where people come from their own background and view it differently based on what they are used to in that particular aspect.  Other reasons are, of course, also out there.

  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, smores said:

 there's a personality sort of thing with Luann, right?  But, aside from that, hey, she defrauded her kids, she threatened to kill a cop, etc, etc, so there's also other totally valid issues to have problems with her. 

Definitely problems with Lu. She can pretend all she likes to be cool, not like, uncool. 

Turns out she is definitely uncool. 

Makes me even more suspect about Beth's motives. She was so insulting about Luann who apparently is " a slut and a liar and a hypocrite and a snake”

 Now she has to eat humble pie, and make friends with her, because she needs allies.

Same deal with her being done with Sonja after TipsyGirlGate.

How does humble pie taste, Frankelstein?

Edited by Happy Camper
added comma.
  • Love 6

Bethenny's motives are easy to figure out.    She does whatever Bravo needs or wants her to do to keep the RHONY franchise interesting.  She'll talk crap about anyone.  She'll be your friend or your sworn enemy.  She'll curse you out or apologize if necessary.  Whatever.    It's her job and she does it well. 

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Bethenny's motives are easy to figure out.    She does whatever Bravo needs or wants her to do to keep the RHONY franchise interesting.  She'll talk crap about anyone.  She'll be your friend or your sworn enemy.  She'll curse you out or apologize if necessary.  Whatever.    It's her job and she does it well. 


And yet she rails to the heavens about anyone else playing that same game...

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, smores said:

And all of that is fine, I was saying that this is what I see as an issue some people have, but that other people may not view it as the same issue.  I'm not saying that's the only thing people dislike about her, or the only problem people have with her.  Every housewife has a list of things they do that people dislike about them, some of them are things that are can be chalked up to a personality quirk or the way you view things or are comfortable and then there are other things that are more separate, if that makes sense.  Like with Luann, a person might find her breezy "darling" rise above it attitude to be pleasant and good to have in a social gathering, because that's what is familiar to them, they are a person who doesn't call out a problem there and then they just keep it moving.  I have relatives who are like that, but, for me, it can feel kind of phony, because, it means I never really know where people stand.  Sure, I don't want you to throw out "Listen, that's crap and you're pissing me off" just after grace on Thanksgiving with 40 people at the table, but, sometimes you can quickly and quietly be like, hey, not cool, and then move on.  So, ok, fine, there's a personality sort of thing with Luann, right?  But, aside from that, hey, she defrauded her kids, she threatened to kill a cop, etc, etc, so there's also other totally valid issues to have problems with her.  

I wasn't saying that was the only reason with Bethenny, simply saying this may be a thing where people come from their own background and view it differently based on what they are used to in that particular aspect.  Other reasons are, of course, also out there.

I agree. Problem is Frankelstein continues to be who she is. My God, today she is supposed to be spending time with her daughter. Why is it too freaking important for her to be instagramming 10 times within one single hour? Does she think that she owes this to the public? Does she think that her life is that important to the outside world? What the fuck is wrong with this lady? Just enjoy your kid for crying out loud! Get off the SM and BE WITH YOUR KID! 

Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, film noire said:

My issues with Frankel's decency go far beyond her foul mouth,  rage,  and slut-shaming/ageist/bigoted/etc insults.

I think it's indecent to undermine rape survivors by talking about the "many stories of women falsely accusing men of rape" that you've read.

I think it's indecent to work with a man like Michael Capponi, who put a young woman in a coma, and (unapologetically) harassed her via Facebook with intimate information and photos he used (without permission) captured as screenshots from Brooke Biederman's private instagram account (including photos of her in bed, and in a medical gown in a doctor's office). I think it's indecent to claim your ex stalked you, and then work with a man who harassed someone young enough to be your daughter.

I think it's indecent to post video of an animal in deep distress on social media.

I think it's indecent to bring a man like Michael Cerussi on multiple family outings with your young daughter, when she's far too young to consent to be around a credibly accused sexual predator. I think it's indecent to call up reporters doing stories on the rape allegations, and defend a man you met only a few weeks before in a bar.

I think it's indecent to do an instagram story about your daughter's deeply private, ongoing grief about losing her animal companion.

And if it's true Frankel forced her way into Shield's funeral, after being asked to stay away, that is beyond indecent.

This. All of it. 

And thank you for reminding us how repugnant it is to team up with someone like Capponi after accusing Jason of stalking.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

This. All of it. 

And thank you for reminding us how repugnant it is to team up with someone like Capponi after accusing Jason of stalking.

Excellent point.

36 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I don't think so.

She knows what happens to HWs who go up against Andy


I respect someone who has the guts to go up against Andy especially if they don't care about the outcome. Doesn't matter if she quit or was fired. She refused to play the Andy game. Good for her. Let Frankelstein continue to play. See where that gets her in the end. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, AnnA said:

Bethenny's motives are easy to figure out.    She does whatever Bravo needs or wants her to do to keep the RHONY franchise interesting.  She'll talk crap about anyone.  She'll be your friend or your sworn enemy.  She'll curse you out or apologize if necessary.  Whatever.    It's her job and she does it well. 


She’s a jack of all trades.  Very versatile.  That’s why Andy loves her and she makes the most money.  That’s why some of the others can’t stand her.  Carole came on like the big cheese .. thought she was going to kill it with her background.  Went down in flames.

Edited by Gem 10
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52 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

She’s a jack of all trades.  Very versatile.  That’s why Andy loves her and she makes the most money.  That’s why some of the others can’t stand her.  Carole came on like the big cheese .. thought she was going to kill it with her background.  Went down in flames.


I think some of the others can't stand her because she's just a bitch.  Carole just gave up on Bethenny and didn't want to be her friend anymore. Too much Bethenny. Many people have friendships that they just give up on because the other person is just too much.

Carole did not go down in flames. She just stood up to Andy and went away on her terms. 

Good luck to the new housewife. Her entire life is going to be examined and criticized, her kids, her ex, her entire family raked over the coals. Hope the money is worth it. 

Kudos anyhow to anyone putting themselves out there like that.

How many of us would be willing to have every tweet, instagram, spoken word, action up there for public ridicule and subject to TMZ/ Radar headline? Having cameras in your face for months at a time?  It's a lifestyle choice and I suppose that Carole is happy to be out of that spotlight. She likely regrets stepping into it to begin with, but as she said she tried it, and found that it wasn't something that she wished to continue.

Frankelstein loves it. Loves living for the cameras. She will continue to love it until the cameras catch her in a moment that she will regret. Just a matter of time.

Edited by Happy Camper
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2 hours ago, AnnA said:

Bethenny's motives are easy to figure out.    She does whatever Bravo needs or wants her to do to keep the RHONY franchise interesting.  She'll talk crap about anyone.  She'll be your friend or your sworn enemy.  She'll curse you out or apologize if necessary.  Whatever.    It's her job and she does it well. 

Or maybe she really is the scumbag she seems to be.

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, nexxie said:

She does whatever Bravo needs or wants her to do to keep the RHONY franchise interesting.  She'll talk crap about anyone.  She'll be your friend or your sworn enemy.  She'll curse you out or apologize if necessary.  Whatever.    It's her job and she does it well. 

Bolded, this for money?  Who would want to be her friend after that? Carole learned from this. Wonder how long until Lu and Sonja will figure out the game plan?

Who would want to ever want to be "friends" with her knowing that it's not real and just for the show?

Such a sad, fake life. Living in your own Truman Show.

Edited by Happy Camper
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For those wondering, check Bethenny's twitter for an update (excuse) for the cancellation of Skinnygirl jeans HSN. 

I am. The reason that appearance was canceled was that we sold out & didn’t have enough product to support that show. I am going on in October! We overshot the mark. I tell my partners “if we build it they will come,” but they never understand how loyal you all are. Xo

Bethenny Frankel added,

Bonni @BnatzBonni

@Bethenny are you going to sell your skinny girl jeans on Hsn, it had it in it’s graphics the other day, I was so bummed something else was on??? Let me know , I shop there a lot , Love you girl

2:57 PM - 29 Sep 2018

Great business woman. I don't think that I will be taking your business advice anytime soon.

Edited by Happy Camper
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On 9/24/2018 at 1:11 PM, AnnA said:

I have to admit that there's often something I don't understand in many posts.   For example, I have no idea what Dennis  "shooting diamonds" means.   I also don't understand why Bethenny's boobs are "bolt-ons" but Ramona's giant flotation devices are not.   I think Bethenny looks really good.



Well this is the Bethenny thread,not the Ramona thread. So... there’s that. Trust that Ramona’s fake tits have received plenty of ridicule over the past years on the episode threads. 

9 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

She’s a jack of all trades.  Very versatile.  That’s why Andy loves her and she makes the most money.  That’s why some of the others can’t stand her.  Carole came on like the big cheese .. thought she was going to kill it with her background.  Went down in flames.


Carole did no such thing. She was actually pretty unassuming and very quiet her first  season. Nothing she actually said or did lends credibility to the idea that she “thought she was going to kill it.” 

Edited by Duke2801
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