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17 minutes ago, smittykins said:

Unfortunately, the fountain experiment didn’t work.  Within a week, Shadow figured out how to pull out the center section of the top(where the flower normally sits).  Water all.over.the.floor.  

Not sure if you want to continue the experiment, or want to spend more money but this is the one I would buy if they shipped to Canada. Ceramic is heavy in addition to the water weight and there is very little to pull on.


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1 hour ago, smittykins said:

Unfortunately, the fountain experiment didn’t work.  Within a week, Shadow figured out how to pull out the center section of the top(where the flower normally sits).  Water all.over.the.floor.  So now we’re back to a regular water bowl. *sigh*

I recently got a fountain for my cats and they were scared of it. Wouldn’t go near it. I think it was the sound, which wasn’t that loud, but these guys are very sensitive to loud or new sounds. They hate the ice cream truck that occasionally comes through my neighborhood.

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6 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

After my cats eat their morning food, they hop into the bath tub and drink out of the tub faucet.  They drink a lot of water from the faucet, very little from their water bowl.

My mother in law’s late cat drank out of the bathroom sink, and had a small glass of water on the kitchen counter. One of my late cats loved to drink the water droplets from the shower; you’d get out and she would jump right in and go to town. 

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Given all that has been going on, I decided to bring in the nyjer seed sock feeders as well as a couple of metal nyjer seed feeders.  The goldfinches and other finches are giving me crap, because the feeders have been put away.

I brought in the birdbath which upset the catbird, and now the catbird is giving me crap.

I hope things settle down so that I can put them all back out.  Especially the birdbath.  Given how dry it has been, I would like to keep fresh water out for the birds.

I know.  I miss my critters.

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7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

After my cats eat their morning food, they hop into the bath tub and drink out of the tub faucet.  They drink a lot of water from the faucet, very little from their water bowl.

Nothing like soaking in the tub after a long week. Just as you are dozing off, you hear the dulcet sounds of bat guano nuts cat drinking from the toilet…

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12 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Recent photos of my Giant Blond Baby Man who ate a banana peel yesterday. 🤨



He looks very proud of himself!

One of my house lions loves to drink out of the bathroom sink. I'm very careful about when I will turn the water on for him so he recognizes the patterns, otherwise the asshole would start demanding water in the middle of the night.

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On 7/16/2021 at 9:51 AM, supposebly said:

Not sure if you want to continue the experiment, or want to spend more money but this is the one I would buy if they shipped to Canada. Ceramic is heavy in addition to the water weight and there is very little to pull on.


I may try a different fountain later, but I’ve noticed that the more expensive ones tend to be more complicated to disassemble and clean. Plus, I can totally see Shadow doing more playing in the water than drinking it!

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Also, it's a long story, but there's someone in a nearby neighborhood who needs in-home pet boarding for her cat for much of the summer, and when her usual sitter flaked at the last minute, I agreed to let the cat stay in my bonus room (which is attached to my garage, separate from my house, so my cat doesn't even know there's an invader) for a long weekend.  The cat loved it here, and loved me (and, of course, I became immediately attached to the cat), so the owner asked if I could take over as the sitter.  She's already spent another week and a half with me, will be back tomorrow for another long stay, and then will be with me almost all of August. 

While Riley is napping, I get to go spend time with this cutie:


Melrose in the corner pocket.JPG

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To make a really long story not so short: We moved into our house 25 years ago (we are white moving into a very ethnically diverse neighborhood - which is awesome and continues to be so).

The one neighbor that has been an horrible nightmare from day one is a piece white trash. - that has been consistent.

(I am white, and she really is a trash human being who is white). 

She is a piece of s#$&= of a human being. One year after we moved in I had to drag her doberman off a kid who was roller skating with his dog on a leash. This was the beginning of her being a nightmare neighbor.

In 25 years, all her big dogs managed to “escape” her incredible fortress of a back yard to terrorize other animals and sometimes humans.

(Note, police are not unfamiliar with her nor is animal control). About 1.5 years ago her daughter’s Husky managed to escape and killed 3 of our lovely “feral” cats who were hanging out in our and our neighbor’s yard - nowhere near her house. 
We learned that several years before that, one of her lovely sweet huge Dobermans had to be put down because it killed another dog on a leash while the owners were walking the dog on a leash. She is beyond a trash human being.

Since that happened we thought that maybe this issue was no longer going to be a problem.

Today I heard loud barking in our front yard. This damn dog was back and had trapped our precious White Queen under the porch and would have killed her if I hadn’t come out the door. I pulled that dog off the cat thank goodness. Thankfully my neighbor (who is not white) came and helped me.

This piece of shit excuse for a human being denied that this dog actually killed cats - as Dale said, “I have it on video”, She said, well, were they your pets or were they feral? I said it doesn’t matter, the dog is deliberately killing cats and that’s not normal.

This piece of garbage actually had to come into my yard to get back her dog. Well, I let loose 25 years of history of what her dogs have done (note, the common denominator is her, not the dogs themselves).

The only thing that got thru to this incredible sociopath was when I told her, “I have a gun and the next time one of your dogs is in my yard, I will shoot it”. All of the sudden she was diagnosed with cancer and she said “that is very threatening” and I replied “Well, I don’t know how else  to make you take this seriously”.

Such a piece of human garbage (seriously a husky who goes out of it’s way to kill cats - that’s on the owner).

My husband was out picking up dinner when this happened. However, we agree that what happened needed to happen between two white women. Also, this woman also seems to be scared of me - as she should be. It was one white woman to another telling her to go @#$& herself. A few neighbors came out to watch me yelling at her 😀
So later she flipped off our Asian neighbor who stood up to her also.

Edited by Stats Queen
I have no idea how these emojis came to being or how to delete them
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20 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I feel terrible for her dogs, to be subject to such a trash person. Why hasn't animal control taken them? They are clearly a danger.

Thank you all for letting me rant.
Right, she is the problem, and I too feel sorry for the all the dogs she has had over all these years because they all deserved better.


Our lovely White Queen, the one who was attacked is in our backyard but high up in the wooded area, we were so relieved to see her. She is still scared and freaked out, but she is alive.

The neighbor’s adult daughter (who I met when she is 9) came by to talk to me because she was concerned that I said I would shoot the dog because there are kids in the neighborhood (including hers) and was worried I was just brandishing a gun. Nothing at all about me actually killing her dog…

She is as much of a sociopath as her mom. I’m sure she was recording our conversation trying to get me to actually say “I will shoot your dog”.

By the way, I would never ever shoot an animal but I will always protect and defend my babies. Seriously I have arthritis in my hands and this is a huge dog that I dragged out from under our porch (my arm is really scraped up). If I hadn’t this would have been the 3rd cat I know of that this dog has killed (and the 5th that I know of that the dog attacked). Actually, once the dog was being held (first by me and then our neighbor) he did not try to escape. This is all on the owner.

She and I reached an “agreement” where I said, if your dog doesn’t come in my yard, then we have no problem.

A few years ago, a cop told my husband that they had been to this woman’s house 47 times in three years. Animal control has been there or responded to complaints numerous times.

Do I regret that in the heat of the moment I said I have a gun and I will shoot your dog next time he is in my yard. Yes I do - as my husband said “I don’t condone that you said that, but I’m glad you did”. That was borne out of exasperation because nothing else worked. Actually I have no idea how to use a gun. Me acting more crazy than them - and that I have a gun, actually freaked them out. I am sure no one ever got the best of these sociopaths. 

All their dogs deserved better than the humans who owned them. The number of other animals and humans these dogs have terrorized and killed over the years deserved better.

We have neighbors with two lovely pit bulls who are sweet. Our next door neighbor has two gorgeous big dogs - so well behaved. 


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Did you call animal control after this incident? Call every time. It's awful that they've killed other animals (and you all know how I feel about sad animal stuff) but if they aren't taken they're going to kill a kid. 

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23 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Did you call animal control after this incident? Call every time. It's awful that they've killed other animals (and you all know how I feel about sad animal stuff) but if they aren't taken they're going to kill a kid. 

Every time, but it doesn’t seem to do any good.

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On 7/16/2021 at 11:15 AM, MargeGunderson said:

My mother in law’s late cat drank out of the bathroom sink, and had a small glass of water on the kitchen counter. One of my late cats loved to drink the water droplets from the shower; you’d get out and she would jump right in and go to town. 

My beloved cat always preferred drinking from my water glass (even when it was selzer!) than her own dish.  I still automatically put a coaster on my water glass even though it's been a few years since I lost my "insists on sitting on my lap even though it's 90 degrees in here" love.



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2 hours ago, Leeds said:

My beloved cat always preferred drinking from my water glass (even when it was selzer!) than her own dish.  I still automatically put a coaster on my water glass even though it's been a few years since I lost my "insists on sitting on my lap even though it's 90 degrees in here" love.



i just set an extra water glass next to mine.  Seems to do the trick most of the time.

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1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

@Katy M, your kitty is very well behaved! 

Believe me, she is not.  She just doesn't know the difference between her water glass and mine when they're right next to each other.

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Not only does Riley drink 99% of her water out of my glass and one percent out of any of her bowls, Melrose, my "guest" cat posted above, is the same!  It's the same water everywhere, but somehow it tastes better from my glass - and specifically my glass, because if I just put down a fresh one and say, "Here, you can have your own," Riley isn't anywhere near as interested and Melrose flat-out declines.  I guess it's the smell of their person making it inviting; Melrose does the same to her owner.

I certainly don't mind sharing, and I think it's sweet Melrose feels that way about me, so no harm done.

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Our late lamented cat Mora would only drink out of a water glass, too.

Our current princess has a fountain (CatMate for whoever above was interested in fountains). We got it for her because about a year after we adopted her she was diagnosed with feline stomatitis, which is a chronic gum inflammation. We brought her to the vet for what we thought was going to be the extraction of a single tooth, and she ended up having three teeth removed. Plus, the vet said there wasn't an effective treatment, so we could look forward to eventually having to have all her teeth pulled. We were horrified.

So we hit the Internet and came up with a very simple treatment that has actually been so successful that our vet now recommends it to her other clients who have cats with stomatitis.

And the fountain figures into that treatment. She seems to sense how important it is, and she's incredibly possessive of the fountain. Whenever my husband changes the filter, she jumps up onto the counter next to the sink and doesn't take her eyes off the whole process till it's done, and then she escorts him back to the spot where he replaces it. We call her Inspector 748. And her gums and teeth have remained fine. Knock wood.

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4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes that is Cosmo. Also nicknamed "the giant blond baby man", because he is giant, and blond AND a baby man.

my Cosmo is blonde but little and he's my old man 😊

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There's a big bird nest in the maple tree right outside my front door! I haven't been able to get a picture of it and don't know what birds built it--it's difficult to keep an eye on it. Since I had to take down all of the feeders, I'm especially happy not all the birds have deserted me.

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On 7/17/2021 at 5:50 PM, Bastet said:

He doesn't have a name yet (maybe Trouble, which is what my friend is calling him for now), but I have a new nephew.

Quoting myself to say, yeah, Trouble it is:

Trouble Being Trouble.jpeg

Edited by Bastet
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20 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

I like Lonnie Donegan but there is a bit of a shortage of cat content in this song.

There's a sad tiger reference towards the end.  😪

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Cosmo came to me 6 months ago today. So much has happened in the last six months, but he has brought me a lot of joy, and I have learned so much about being a dog Mom. Everyone told me they are not like cats, and boy were they right. 

The eating everything in sight is something I may never get used too, but I have finally learned to tie up the bag in the waste paper basket!

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29 minutes ago, ABay said:

My friend's lab ate the remote control. Twice.

Puppy Norman had a taste for remotes. He's 2 now, and I can leave a remote on the table while I'm around.

I'm not sure if I could leave it on the table all day while I'm not there. I should test it out with an old remote.

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8 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Happy anniversary, Cosmo and @Scarlett45!

Now I feel lucky that one of my cats just gnaws on it. I don’t think she really intends to eat it, but I’ve got my eye on her. (She will however try to eat a straw.)

I have a cat with a discerning taste for chewing.  Cellophane, plastic bags, cardboard boxes, packaging tape (from the cardboard boxes), and her most famous - fiberglass insulation.

Things she doesn't chew with regularity:  her cat food.

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Riley (my cat) eats plastic bags and styrofoam.  Thankfully, I already avoid it as much as I can on general principle, but I have to make sure she can't get to what I do have (and I mean absolutely sure; she once jumped up on the washing machine, dug the little plastic goodie bag my dentist had sent me home with out of my purse, and ate one of the handle sections).  I've had cats who like to lick it or even gnaw on it before, but she straight-up consumes it.

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We've been really lucky with our cats-they don't get into anything or chew on our stuff. The worst we've had to worry about is Lily occasionally wanting to nibble on those little black hair ties that we have to take away from her, but beyond that, they've been good about that sort of thing. They're more likely to bite each other when they wrestle and fight than they are anything else, and even then, they rarely ever do that. 

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I think Cosmo hurt himself. He’s been limping since we got home from morning walk. His mood his good and he’s eating, but he’s not moving very gracefully. I did touch it, to make sure there wasn’t glass or something in it. I couldn’t feel anything but I was a able to get a pretty good picture of it when he was laying down. I made a vet appointment for him, if he gets worse I will take him to the emergency vet. 

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We lost our cat, Malcolm this morning . He was in bad health and we had been expecting this for 16 months, it it is still hard. He was 13.

Good memories: he was an alpha cat in his prime, his will to live battled his body but the body eventually won. It it is a blessing but still… 

He put his “toys” in the food bowl: once it was a baby scorpion. His favorite toys were pipe cleaners, ear plugs, and binder clips. Every now and then he was interested in a actual cat toy. I made a cat toy with beads and a pipe cleaner since he inspired me. Given them to about 15 friends who are cat owners and only one reported that their cat wasn’t interested. Now this is the same cat who bites everyone.

My hubby named the toy “Malcolm’s Paw”

His brother/litter mate has had a rough day but might but is sound asleep on my lap, so that’s good.



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